Point Of Hope - Issue #26 - February 2016

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THINKING LIKE JESUS Do you think Jesus ever questioned His pur pose?

STAFF Founder/ President Rev. Melissa D. Pearce

Copy Editor Barbara Watts

Contributing Writers Carole Shirley

Pastor Chuck Hamby

Deb Sompel

Rev. Melissa Pearce

Jamie Clawson

Ron Pearce

Mary Beth Pecora

Shelly Hess

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Point of Hope is published by Enduring Hope Ministries, a non-profit organization, Murrysville, PA Š USA 2014 Enduring Hope Ministries, all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited by federal law. Point of Hope has no subscription price and is supported through the contributions of our supporters. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies) For more information: please www.enduringhopeministries.com






MELISSA'S HEART I have been on a sabbatical? a season God designed to draw me closer to Him.

10 MY WHOLE WORLD It begins and ends with God. All my needs; hopes and desires.. I come to the Lord.

14 THINKING LIKE JESUS In His inner m ost dialogue, do you think Jesus ever questions His purpose?

20 A YEAR OF CALLING - II Our First Love : First and foremost, we are called to love God. It is our First Love.




Jesus wanted the people of Israel to have a responsive heart towards Him.

Point of Hope is a publication dedicated to encouraging and equipping people of all ages with the Word of God. Our Goal is to provide readers with life applicable articles that will edify and strengthen their personal walks.

3 His Word, Your Hope EnduringHopeMinistries.com






WHAT CAUSED SUCH UTTER PEACE WITHIN MY BEING? For the last couple of months, I have been on a sabbatical? a season God designed especially to draw me closer to Him. I relinquished my responsibilities and set aside this time to be with God. It was critical for my well-being; I also understood it to be mandatory for the welfare of the ministry. To be honest, what surprised me most was my initial response. I was not fearful of losing the momentum we had within the ministry. Nor was I insecure about relinquishing my responsibilities. I had such utter peace over my whole being. Why? What caused such utter peace within my being? I believe it was because I was rooted and grounded in LOVE.

become all I designed you to be. A season of relinquishing your greatest fears and truly becoming dependent upon Me.?

Wit hhol ding In Fear?

What does every heart l ong f or?

How many times has God asked something of you, but you withheld because of fear? How many times has God asked you to go in a different direction, but you ceased to move in that direction because of your insecurities? As I pen these words, I hear the LORD say, ?Stop relying on your own understanding. Stop striving. Stop trying to maintain. This is a new season I have designed specifically for you ? a season that requires you to abide in Me and to completely understand the love I have toward you. A season where you blossom and

LOVE! A heart longs to experience love and know it is for who she (or he) is ? without any pretensions or conditions. Yet, so many of us guard our hearts for fear of rejection and abandonment. Yet, when we position our hearts bare before God, we expose ourselves completely to Him. Webster?s Dictionary defines 'bare' as "lacking a natural, usual, or appropriate covering or open to view:exposed."

4 February 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

I want to encourage you! Be bold! Ask God these questions: ?Will You, Father God, show me the length, width, height and depth of Your love?? ?God, will You remove every barrier keeping me from experiencing Your love in the way You intend for me?? These are not casual questions but promote the heart to open itself up in the very Presence of God. It will cause the heart to become completely bare. The irony of this situation is the very thing you desire will be the very thing you will try to shield and protect.

What is hidden deeply within your heart that God is

"A heart longs to experience love and know it is for who she (or he) is ? without any pretensions or conditions."

trying to expose? God does not expose to exploit but to bring forth healing and reconciliation: ?Jesus said to him, ?I am the way, the truth, and the life? ??(John 14:6, NKJV). God?s deepest desire is to lead you toward Him. In Him, there is truth that leads to life. This is the heart of God. He longs for each of us to abide in His LOVE and have the fullness of His life dwell within us. Ephesians 3:17-19 says, ?? that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height ? to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.? The very heart of God is that you be rooted and grounded in Him. He desires you understand His LOVE that passes knowledge and be filled with the fullness of Him. 5 His Word, Your Hope EnduringHopeMinistries.com

Int o Ful l ness

OVERFLOW: "To fill or cover (something) completely. To be completely filled with something: to be so filled that there is not enough room for anything or anyone more." Merriam-Webster: Dictionary

God desires to take us beyond receiving information about Him and into ever-greater depths of His heart ? to experience the fullness of Him. Fullness stems from a Greek word, pl?r?ma, and means that which is (has been) filled. [i] To be filled with the fullness of God is to be filled with His attributes ? one of which is His LOVE. It is to overflow with Him in every way. Webster?s Dictionary defines 'overflow' as "to fill or cover (something) completely. Or to be completely filled with something: to be so filled that there is not enough room for anything or anyone more." I like the thought of being so filled with God?s love that I have no room for anything else. This means to have no fear ? no shame ? no doubt ? no bitterness ? and no resentment; we just completely overflow in Him. To overflow in God is to LOVE Him with all of our heart. It is to love others (and ourselves) with HIS amazing love.

Numbers Numbers are very important to God. Otherwise, He wouldn?t have a book in the Bible called Numbers. In researching the number 16, I found it is symbolic for love and loving. I believe as we enter into this New Year of 2016, God desires each heart receive a greater revelation and realization of His LOVE.

"Revelation is the key that unlocks our captive heart. Realization is the manifestation of His truth working within our life." 6 February 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

Revelation exposes His Truth. Realization accepts His Truth. Revelation is the key that unlocks our captive heart. Realization is the manifestation of His truth working within our life. When we realize we are truly loved for who we are ? we are able to fulfill His greatest commandment: ?And you shall love the LORD your God with all of your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ?You shall love your neighbor as yourself.? There is no other commandment greater than these? (Mark 12:30-31, NKJV). God desires we love Him without inhibitions or restrictions. He desires our heart to be completely surrendered and captivated by Him and for Him. When our heart is captivated by Him and for Him, we are an expression of Him to those around us. This is what it means to love your neighbor as yourself.

Can I Encourage You? Perhaps God is drawing you into a new season with Him. Just as God had me relinquish my responsibilities so I could be still before Him ? perhaps He is asking the same of you. You may not go on a sabbatical. It could be Him asking you to be very intentional about investing in your relationship with Him. Can I encourage you? Do not hold back! How I pray you do not succumb to fear or insecurities any longer but be bold ? asking Him to show you the length, depth, height and width of His LOVE! Remember, when Jesus shows the way, it always points back to Him! And in Him, there is no darkness ? only Light and Love! In Him, Rev. Melissa Pearce ______________________________ [i] https:/ / www.blueletterbible.org/ lang/ lexicon/ lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G4138&t=NKJV

7 His Word, Your Hope EnduringHopeMinistries.com

My whole w orl d Lord, ?my whole world ? it begins and ends with YOU? (from Highway 20 Ride, Zac Brown Band). All my needs; all my hopes; all my desires, concerns, fears, confusion and disappointments? I come to YOU. For all the near misses YOU saved me from ? thank YOU! When circumstances didn?t turn out the way I thought they should, and I felt like YOU abandoned me, YOU touched the place in my heart where, a long time ago, YOU wrote, ?I will never leave you nor forsake you? (see Deuteronomy 31:6).

YOU............ remind me that the love You have for me still ?bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things? (1 Corinthians 13:7, NASB). Even as inner storms raged against YOU because I felt betrayed. When disappointment threatened to DIS-appoint me from my destiny, YOU were there to refocus and remind me of the following: ?When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they 10 February 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you. "For I am the LORD your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior? ? (Isaiah 43:2-3, NASB)

R EST OR AT I ON When I was laughing, telling jokes and putting on a smile ? sobbing on the inside because I allowed pride to prevent my showing others I was struggling

? YOU brought me restoration and comfort. When worry over the future clouded my vision, YOU reminded me that my house is built on the rock of YOUR Word? not on sand that washes away. And when the winds of life blow and slam against my house built on The Rock, it will not fall (see Matthew 7:24-25).

FEELI N G WA R Y When I wonder why life with

..It BeingsandAndEndsWithYou! YOU seems confusing and, as a result, I feel wary, YOU bring up what is truly in my heart yet covered with confusion: ?? If I never knew YOU? I?d have lived my whole life through? empty as the sky? never knowing why? lost forever if I never knew YOU? (from If I Never Knew You, Shanice Wilson). And YOU said, ?? please don?t mistake ME for a man that didn?t care at all? ? (from Highway 20 Ride, Zach Brown Band).

D I ST A N CE When I have distanced myself from YOU because I hurt, I missed YOU. And even though I held out for a little longer, ?? I count the days and the miles back home to YOU? ? (from Highway 20 Ride, Zac Brown Band).

EN T RU ST ED See, Lord, YOU are everything in this whole world to me ? and it?s everything I?ve entrusted to YOU and believed YOU for. My whole world ? it begins and ends with YOU. I don?t have to wonder if YOU are committed ? YOU took the betrayal, the scourging, the crown of thorns, the cross, my sin, my disease and separation from the Father for me! You already laid down YOUR life for me. So, I know that YOU are ?all in.? ?This is amazing grace! This is unfailing love! That YOU would take my place! That YOU would bear my cross! YOU laid down YOUR life that I would be set free! Oh, Jesus, I sing for all that YOU?VE done for me? (from This is Amazing Grace, Phil Wickham)!

I SI N G Lord Jesus, I DO sing for all that YOU?VE done for me? ?For all those times YOU (stand) 11 His Word, Your Hope EnduringHopeMinistries.com

by me? For all the truth that YOU (make) me see? For all the joy YOU (bring) to my life? For all the wrong that YOU (make) right? For every dream YOU (make) come true? For all the love I (find) in YOU? I?ll be forever thankful? YOU?RE the One Who (holds) me up, never (lets) me fall? YOU?RE the One Who sees me through, through it all? YOU (are) always there for me, the Tender Wind that (carries) me? (The) Light in the Dark shining YOUR love into my life? (YOU?RE My) Inspiration? Through the lies YOU (are) The Truth? My world is a better place because of YOU? YOU (are) My Strength when I (am) weak? YOU (are) my Voice when I (can?t) speak? YOU (are) my eyes when I (can?t) see? YOU (see) the best there (is) in me? (Lift) me up when I (can?t) reach? YOU (give) me faith cause YOU (believe)...I?m everything I am because YOU (love) me? (Because You loved Me, by Celine Dion).

I L OV E YOU My whole world ? it begins and ends with YOU. ?I love YOU, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortressand my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies? (Psalm 18:1-3, NIV). Since I know this, and I know WHO holds my future, I can move forward in my adventure through 2016 ? with great expectation! ?God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, 12 February 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?? (Numbers 23:19, NASB) My whol e worl d ? it begins and ends wit h YOU. Recently, I spoke with a friend. Her husband left, and her little boy is having a hard time with it. As I listened, I couldn?t help but feel afraid ? thinking what it would have been like if my dad had left us. Just imagining it caused me to feel afraid and insecure because (to me) a dad is the one who

guards everything. He is the one who sits at the perimeter gate of your life. If your dad left your household, you may find it difficult to say to the Lord, ?? my whole world ? it begins and ends with YOU.? It may be difficult to count on Him that much, since we tend to relate our experience with our earthly father to our Heavenly Father. If this describes you, for any reason, ask the Lord to heal your heart and reveal Himself to you as your Father. Ask Him to teach you how to be His daughter, so you can move forward into your 2016 adventure ? knowing that He never leaves you; you are covered, and He will come through for you! Hear Him say to you, ?? You?ll be in My heart. Yes, you?ll be in My heart. From this day on, now and forever more? ? (from You?ll Be In My Heart, Phil Collins). Thank you, Lord! ~Shelly Hess 13 His Word, Your Hope EnduringHopeMinistries.com


e know Jesus is sinless, so He surely doesn?t have plaguing thoughts ? He feels no guilt or condemnation! He is a ?Man with a mission!?He knows why He was on earth; He knows Who gives Him His authority! He is intimately linked to the Father! He knows God's plans (and character) and has no doubt God will come through ? so He never has to ask the ?What if?? question!


Conversely, we tend to have questions, plaguing thoughts and doubts? until we know the Truth. And, if we really grasp this Truth, it can launch us to new heights and root us to new depths so we function as we were created to function. Here's the Truth: Christian, you (we) have the mind of Christ! 14 February 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

Let's dive right into 1 Corinthians, chapter 2, and come out the other side empowered by the Truth. ?We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing? (1 Corinthians 2:6, NIV). Paul is writing to the church at Corinth (and the Holy Spirit is speaking it to us) that only those in a mature, intimate relationship with Jesus will understand his message. The world won't agree with it. Those around us in authority over us ? and those who think they're better than us ? won?t understand. But Truth is truth! And, as we walk in Truth, being misunderstood by the world won't matter! ?No, we declare God's wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began? (1 Corinthians 2:7, NIV). What is this mysterious wisdom? Why didn?t all of God's people, through the previous ages, know about it?

Why is it ?destined for our glory?? Because we reach out for (or come after) Christ! The secret wisdom is in Him! The entire world, prior to Christ's arrival and redemption, strove to be free but always came up short. However, we can be free ? even in our minds ? often that which holds us back the most. "None of the rulers of this age understood it (Editor: speaking of the time of Christ), for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. However, as it is written: 'What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived ? the things God has prepared for those who love him...?? (1 Corinthians 2:8-9, NIV) Salvation, in its completeness, touches every aspect of our being, making it whole. Our spirit, of course, is reconciled to God. Our body and our time are redeemed for His service. We walk in His plans and purpose for our lives. And, our minds should be free from everything that plagued us before our redemption. The ?rulers of [that] age?

?What w e have received is not the spirit of the w orld, but the Spirit w ho is from God, so that w e may understand w hat God has freely given us? 1 Corinthians 2:12, NIV

didn't get it...but ?these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit? ? (1 Corinthians 2:10, NIV) ?What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us? (1 Corinthians 2:12, NIV) ?? we have the mind of Christ.? (1 Corinthians 2:16, NIV)

What is Jesus' mind l ike? Let?s take a look at these thoughts and situations to try to find out:

When our ident it y is in quest ion; and / or we f ace t he t empt at ion t o sin: ?Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.? (Matthew 4:1, NIV) Satan attacks Jesus' identity and tries to tempt Him to forsake God. ?? If you are the Son of God...? (Verses 3, 6) ?? if you will bow down and worship me? (Verse 9). We see the mind of Christ by the way He responds ? with God's Word: ?? It is written...? (Verse 4), ?? It is also written...? (Verse 7) AND ?? Away from me, Satan! For it is written...? (Verse 10) In t he midst of any ?st orms?in our l if e: ?Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping? (Matthew 8:24, NIV). Jesus never fears! He knows Who is in control ? always! No matter the storms of life? we, too, can know Who is in control. When we rest in that assurance, there is no place for fear!

16 February 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

When t hose cl osest t o you don't underst and God?s cal l on your l if e: ?Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. 'Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?' they asked. 'Isn't this the carpenter's son? Isn't his mother's name Mary, and aren't his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren't all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?' And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, ?A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home'? (Matthew 13:54-57, NIV).

if it were not given to you from above...'? (John 19:10-11, NIV) This world is not our home; bad things will happen. Even during the bad things, you can be free (in your mind) by thinking like Christ. Jesus also says, ?When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.? (Luke 12:11-12, NIV)

Speak it! Think it! Rest in it!

People see our humanity (as they saw Jesus' humanity) and wonder why we think we're so special! The mind of Christ does not doubt God's calling ? even when those we love the most doubt us! God's opinion of us is worth more than anyone's!

When we f ace bet rayal : Judas came to betray Jesus. And yet Jesus does not hate Judas. ?? Do what you came for, friend? ? (Matthew 26:50, NIV) Hatred or unforgiveness block the mind of Christ. When bad t hings occur: ?Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged.? (John 19:1, NIV) ?? Pilate said, 'Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?' Jesus answered, 'You would have no power over me

Don't succumb to any tainted, worldly thoughts. Renew your mind with God's Word. Rise up in your authority over your own mind. Don't hide behind the ?human?excuse: ?Well? I'm only human.?

NO! We are redeemed and renewed! We've been given the mind of Christ! Satan's lie says (to us) that it is difficult to declare God's Word. God doesn't need some grandiose display to prove that we believe His Word! Speak it! Think it! Rest in it! Be free through ?the mind of Christ.? Living in freedom with you, ~Jamie Clawson

17 His Word, Your Hope EnduringHopeMinistries.com

A Y ear of Calling! - Part II Devotional Series MaryStudy Beth Pecora

You Are Cal l ed Last month, we began the New Year declaring this our ?year of calling!? Some have been reading the devotional by Sarah Young, Jesus Calling. On bookstore shelves for several years, obviously there are many people who wonder about their ?calling.? The Holy Spirit is stressing to us that many are reading about God?s calling. He is urging us on: ?It?s fine to define, but know that now is the time to implement and walk in the understanding of our calling.? As we begin this month of February, note it is the month we celebrate Valentine?s Day? the month of love! Spiritually, we are called FIRST to God?s love. God?s love is what we are called to embrace. As we embrace our ?FIRST Love,? we are called to love others. This powerful concept came from 1 John 4:19 (NIV): ?We love because he first loved us.? First and foremost, we are called to love God (our FIRST Love). As we do that, we can then love others with this love. His love? His pure (agape [from the Greek]) and unconditional love that sets people free. This pure love penetrates the lives of hurting people ? anywhere and everywhere!


21 His Word, Your Hope EnduringHopeMinistries.com


God does NOT change H is mind with reference to H is call. 22 February 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

When we FIRST love God, we spend time with Him and let His Presence saturate our innermost being ? this is LOVE, for GOD IS LOVE. As we start our New Year, I recommend spending time with God. Sitting in His Presence, thanking Him for all He has done for us! Thank Him for Who He is! Then? sit without speaking ? just listen? let His Word speak to you. He will speak to us in that still (sweet), small voice bringing Truth from His Word. When we discipline ourselves to do this, we become an extension of His love to others! We literally begin to see the ?potential?in others, not their ?faults.?We see them as ?loved by God.? Perhaps this is what Jesus meant in John 13:34 (NIV): ?? Love one another. As I have loved you...? He calls it a ?new? command. He knows the Old Testament Ten Commandments cannot be obeyed until we love God FIRST and are empowered by His Spirit to carry out those commands! Rules and regulations cannot set anyone free! LOVE can! God?s unconditional, pure LOVE has the power to break down the barriers of prejudice and hate. We are exhorted to keep ourselves ?? in God?s love? ? (Jude 21, NIV) This is our ?call to persevere!? To remain in love takes great perseverance! The power of God?s love can hold us, keeping us in Him, when we love Him first. We cannot achieve this any other way. OUR TEST Here?s our test: How are we showing God?s love to others? Are we allowing judgments to stop God?s pure love from flowing through us? To help answer these questions, we must ask: ?To what (or Whom) am I called?? We are called to God ? to love God FIRST above all else. YES! We are to love Him more than our spouses and even our children. We are called to love God above any position we yearn after? to love God above any

recognition or validation we feel we need! I believe (with all my heart) if we make this our Number 1 priority, our lives will fall into place! When God is the Center of all our decisions and all our plans, and our FIRST Love, we CAN love others with His ?pure (agape), unconditional love.? This kind of love remains! When called, we are called FIRST to this ?kind of love.? Let?s look at another guideline from God?s Word concerning ?being called.? ?? God?s gifts and his call are irrevocable.? (Romans 11:29, NIV) We touched on this a bit last month. Let me expound: God does NOT change His mind with reference to His call. This Scripture is written for Israel, whose people do not even recognize Jesus as their Messiah! Even though still in a ?state of unbelief,? God?s purpose will be fulfilled in her. 23 His Word, Your Hope EnduringHopeMinistries.com

STATE OF UNBELIEF Don?t let your misunderstanding of God?s direction for your life keep you in a ?state of unbelief.? This same Scripture (in another version) reads this way: ?For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.? (Romans 11:29, KJV) In other words, even those who are not yet saved (or have no knowledge of Who Jesus is [as in Israel]) are still being called into God?s repentance to fulfill their destiny. That?s quite simply amazing. On a side note: "Because God?s call is irrevocable, our children (all our unsaved loved ones) are still being called into their destiny.? Continue to call them, LORD.

Lord, many are turning in another direction. Many have chosen their own way (their own journey) thinking they are called to certain employment (or a certain career) before they are called to YOU and YOUR calling in their lives. THANK YOU, JESUS! We declare YOUR Word as Truth and YOUR promise of our being called ?chosen or released for YOUR Kingdom purpose(s). We are called to serve YOU ? to love YOU FIRST and then love others. This month, as we celebrate those we love, remember our ?FIRST Love? and His irrevocable call on our life.

Irrevocable means incapable of being changed, impossible to revoke, take away or undo, unalterable.

We?ll unfold more next month! In the meantime, be assured that His call on your life is impossible to revoke, take away or undo IF you love Him FIRST! Love Him and make Him FIRST! I pray He will reveal His love to you ever more fully as we continue, A Year of Calling.

Even if we can?t see it (or do not believe it), it shall be done! God?s will and His call are incapable of being changed.

In His Precious & Unconditional Love, Mary Beth Pecora

24 February 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

Jesus Responds t o t he Messengers Matthew 11:11-19 ?Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. 12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. 13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. 14 And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who is to come. 15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear! 16 ?But to what shall I liken this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their companions, 17 and saying: ?We played the flute for you, And you did not dance; We mourned to you, And you did not lament.? 18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ?He has a demon.?19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ?Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!?But wisdom is justified by her children.? Jesus wanted the people of Israel to have a responsive heart towards Him. The Prophets had spoken of His coming and all He would bring. However, the people of Israel resisted Jesus. Jesus brought forth change and some were not willing to follow Him. ?To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others: We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.? Jesus had condemned the attitude of His generation. No matter what He did, they were skeptical and cynical. Isn?t this the same attitude in our generation today? We see the works of God being performed in lives, and yet many question His ability, compassion and authority. Just as Jesus challenged the people about 26 February 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

their comfortable, secure and self-centered lives, He does the same with us. We can no longer make justifications for our behavior. Nor can we validate our inconsistent living. When our attitude and actions reflect these things, we are resisting God and the change He desires to bring about within our lives. Jesus stated ?He who has ears, let him hear.? The word ?hear? does not mean to hear as with our ears but to comprehend or understand. In other words, it isn?t enough to just listen to Jesus, but He wants us to understand His teachings and apply them to our lives. Are you resisting God? Are there behaviors you are justifying because you don?t want to change? If so, ask God for His grace to help you get into alignment with His will.


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