Brochure ambiente English version

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Rehabilitation of sites / emergency measures

Design of new synergies EDF Fenice Ecology is the EDF Fenice unit in charge of the environmental activities in industrial and public contexts.

Waste management / Waste water

More than 260 engineers, technicians and experts implement waste management and environmental protection departments necessary to carry out objectives of public interest or of industrial competitiveness.

EDF Fenice Ecology commits itself into:

They are your partners. The ideal partners to daily and urgently face the necessities and opportunities of the industrial, public and contemporary ecology.

Valorise the industrial waste • carrying out the service while strictly respecting its contractual obligations: audit of the waste production process, characterisation and classification of the waste, turnkey management of the equipment (waste water and industrial waste treatment), brokering and institutional reporting.

Invest on the territory EDF Fenice Ecology proposes innovating and made-to-measure solutions for the rehabilitation of contaminated sites so as to preserve the public health, the image and the credibility of its customers. Ideal partners of the public communities, it underlines the fact to give back its value to the territory, to invest tomorrow, to invest on tomorrow.

Rehabilitation of sites

• making customer waste activities profitable:

• Characterisation plan • Confining of soil / subsoil and aquifers • Cleaning and rehabilitation operations • Asbestosde-pollution

Engineering of the waste cycle

Laboratory and environmental monitoring

Assess and analyse to protect EDF Fenice Ecology assesses the environmental performance of the customer process. Because the preservation of the ecologic integrity of a site has a value.

Studies and Advices Primary Treatments

• Monitoring plan • Due diligence (environmental assets)

Waste full-costs analysis

• Technical-environmental advice • Advice in ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certification • Impact studies

Sampling and Analyses Chemical; Physical; Microbiologic and Toxicological

Environmental monitoring Control plan of air quality, of the emissions in the atmosphere, of the hydric environments, of noise, of vibrations, of electromagnetic radiations and bio monitoring.

Waste brokering

• Risk studies (chemical, physical and biologic)

Waste efficiency


37 operational sites


Parameters analyzed per year

in Europe

Air Sparging - Soil Vapor Extraction


250.000 t

Samples treated per year

of waste treated each year


PRB Reactive permeable barrier


Profile European leader in the utilities and ecologic sector, the EDF Fenice Group implemented at the Fiat request, more than 20 years ago, an Environment division expert in waste management and environmental monitoring. Today, EDF Fenice Ecology diversified its activities and is present in Italy, Spain, Poland and in Russia.

Elects Promotes

for you, the best solutions

Valorises the assets and the image of its customers

a substainable growth

Mission Through the outsourcing of environmental services, EDF Fenice Ecology aims mainly at decreasing the management costs and the environmental impact on its public and industrial customers. As a matter of fact, the environment is in the centre of a new value chain: the waste production is optimised through the waste efficiency projects, while the advice, the environmental monitoring and the rehabilitation operations of sites allow to valorise assets, brands and good practices.

As a warranty for an intact world for our children, the preservation of the environment is nowaday a development opportunity for our own business.


Believes in integrity, transparency and in the vocational ethics

competence, research and innovation

ECO EDF Fenice Ecologia via Acqui 86 10098 Rivoli (Torino), Italia Ph.. +39 0119513912 Fax +39 011951380

A World Ahead Economic profitability and environmental compatibility

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