09 29 2017 chair statement confidentiality of deloitte report 1

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David Morton Chair and CEO David.Morton@bcuc.com bcuc.com

Suite 410, 900 Howe Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z 2N3 P: 604.660.4700 TF: 1.800.663.1385 F: 604.660.1102

STATEMENT: Concerning the Release and Distribution of Confidential Information in the Inquiry into Site C September 29, 2017 As Chair and CEO of the BCUC, I am deeply concerned about the unintended release of information in the Deloitte LLP Site C Report that was considered commercially sensitive. We originally posted a version of the report redacted by Deloitte. However, it was then brought to our attention that the redaction was incomplete, so we replaced it with a corrected version shortly thereafter. The unintended posting of the unredacted report and its subsequent removal was not due to an error on the part of the Commission, nor was it an attempt to suppress information. In our proceedings, we sometimes obtain and consider commercially sensitive information from regulated entities in order to make our findings. In the Site C Inquiry, the Panel saw the confidential numbers submitted by BC Hydro for the Deloitte report and we used them to make our interim findings. We will also consider them in our final report. Redacted information is considered by the Panel and reflected in the Panel's findings. Our concern is that the publication of the redacted material could result in significant harm or prejudice to BC Hydro's current and future negotiating position with its contractors, which would ultimately increase costs to ratepayers and therefore not be in the public interest. Sincerely, Original signed by: David Morton Chair and Chief Executive Officer /pw

File 55604 | BCUC Inquiry Respecting Site C – Confidentiality of Deloitte Report

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