April 2016 newsletter

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April Newsletter It looks like spring has finally arrived! With that, however, comes the mud and water! We will be going outside a lot more often now, so please remember that your child needs proper outdoor gear. This means splash pants, waterproof jackets and rubber boots. Please make sure your child has plenty of spare clothes at the centre as well. If your child is not prepared we will call you to bring what is missing. We are still involved in the Scholastic Book Order club! With every order placed by parents, our centre receives funds to get new books and art supplies. It’s a great way to help us teach your child! You can pay by credit card online, by cash or cheque. If paying by cheque, please make sure to write them out to Jessica Giesbrecht. This is a FANTASTIC fundraiser for us, and you can never have too many books!

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." -Dr. Seuss You may have noticed that the lost and found items have been spread out in the hallway. Please check for your child’s items as we will be donating what is remaining to the women’s resource centre next week. This bin is always located at the front door, so check it regularly! Just a couple notes about pickups and drop-offs. The side of the building is for staff parking, so please use the front spots to the left or right of the building. We also ask that you please NOT idle your vehicles. The exhaust blows right into the playground and into the building, making it unsafe for the children and staff in the area. We have been having issues with food not being prepared properly in the children’s lunches. Please remember that with so many children we do not have the time to cut or fully cook and prepare food., nor do we want any children to choke. We need to follow food safety rules, whether your children eat those foods that way at home or not. Some examples are:  carrots on the infant side must be fully cooked or shredded  grapes, cherry tomatoes, large blueberries & hot dogs must be cut in half  cherries must be pitted Reminders: • Early closure is April 26thth. Pick up by 4pm sharp! Late fees will apply.


Late pick up fees are to be paid in cash and must be paid before your child can return to the center.

If you have any questions/concerns, please come into the office or call the center 250-793-5437 Janice Gibos Manager

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