Fort St. John will be a flourishing community, where nature lives, businesses prosper, families are active and diversity is celebrated.
To facilitate a community that embraces opportunity, diversity and sustainability. We do this through the development of innovative municipal services.
KEY VALUES Transparency Responsiveness Innovation Integrity
We are committed to share information with citizens We are committed to listen to our citizens and work together We are committed to lead We are committed to high ethical and professional standards
Enhance community economic development to provide opportunities and sustainability for Fort St. John.
Goal No. 2
Demonstrate leadership in environmental responsibility through sustainable and effective practices for municipal operations.
Goal No. 3
Build and manage public assets and human resources that support the current and future needs of the community.
Goal No. 4
Initiate and foster partnerships that will benefit Fort St. John. Advocate to decision makers on issues that impact the community.
Goal No. 5
Actualize downtown Fort St. John as a social, vibrant, liveable hub as articulated in the Fort St. John Downtown Action Plan. 3
Strategic Goal No. 1 Enhance community economic development to provide opportunities and sustainability for Fort St. John
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
Develop and implement a 5-year economic development strategy Develop a social policy framework Ongoing review of regulatory bylaws
Why it matters. Community Economic Development (CED) is action by people locally to create economic opportunities that improve social conditions. The goal is to generate growth, employment and investment opportunities through economic development strategies that reflect the unique character and resources of our community and region. We will engage with the community to assess the benefits needed to make our community a more liveable city. We believe it is important to ensure our community is a well-planned and regulated community that provides for managed growth and development.
Develop a tourism plan Promote special events that celebrate Fort St. John’s uniqueness Work with federal and provincial governments to provide financial sustainability for resource communities
Develop arts, heritage, and culture plan
Related UN Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): SDG No. 08 – Promote Sustained, Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth, Full and Productive Employment and Decent Work for all SDG No. 09 – Build Resilient Infrastructure, Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization and Foster Innovation
Enhance community economic development to provide opportunities and sustainability for Fort St. John
Strategic Goal No. 1 STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 1.1 5 Year Economic Development Strategy 1.1.1 Develop an Industrial Land Strategy
Director of Strategic Services
2018 – 2019
1.1.2 Develop a Strategic Land Assembly Policy
Director of Strategic Services
1.1.3 A nalysis of global economic trends on industries and impacts on resource based communities and the identification of any relating risks to community.
Director of Strategic Services
Development in 2018 – annual update
1.1.4 Develop an Economic Development Plan
Director of Strategic Services
1.1.5 D evelop a community recruitment strategy and Director of Strategic Services materials that can be shared across sectors 1.2 Social Policy Framework 1.2.1 Develop Social Policy Framework City Manager
Adoption of an Industrial Land Strategy Adoption of a Strategic Land Assembly Policy Presentation and report to Council summarizing global economic trends relating to resource development with recommendations on actions to take to support community resiliency and economic diversity Adoption of an Economic Development Plan Development of strategy and all materials developed
1.2.2 A lign Community Development Institutes activities with City operations
City Manager
Adoption a framework for a Social Policy Incorporate the CDI Strategic Plan into the City’s Strategic Plan
STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 1.2.3 I ncorporate the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals into the City’s Strategic Plan
1.3 Review Regulatory Bylaws 1.3.1 Develop a Bylaw Enforcement Policy 1.3.2 D evelop an inventory, a review timeline and a prioritization matrix for all of City regulatory bylaws 1.3.3 D evelop a plain language policy for bylaws, policies, reports, documents and digital media 1.4 Tourism Plan 1.4.1 Develop a Tourism Master Plan (tied to 1.1.4) 1.5 Celebrate Fort St. John 1.5.1 Develop a Events Partnership Policy 1.5.2 I nvestigate the feasibility of refurbishing Fire Engine No. 1 into a community BBQ
1.5.3 I mplement the goals, strategies and actions of the City Marketing Plan 1.6 Supporting Sustainable Resource Communities 1.6.1 D evelop a Policy Framework endorsed by the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) for the development of land in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) in the city 1.6.2 T hrough the efforts of the Coalition, lobby the Province to develop an Energy Transition Plan
EVALUATION Council workshop on SDG’s and adoption of the appropriate SDG’s principles and goals
Director of Protective Services
Director of Legislative Services
Director of Strategic Services
Adoption of Bylaw Enforcement Policy Ratification by the Senior Management Team of bylaws to be reviewed and timelines Adopt a Plan Language Policy for bylaws and organizational communications.
GM of Community Services
Adoption of a Tourism Master Plan
Director of Recreation and Leisure Services Fire Chief
Director of Strategic Services
Adoption of an Events Partnership Policy Present a cost/benefit analysis with recommendations to Council on the merits of an Events BBQ Fire Truck Annual progress report to Council
Director of Development Services
City Manager
Ratification by Agricultural Land Commission of City policy on development of ALR lands Presentation of an Energy Plan to the Provincial Government
STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 1.6.3 Provide input in to the Environmental Permitting processes at the Federal and Provincial levels 1.6.4 Monitor and enforce the BC Hydro Community Measures Agreement
TIMELINE As required
EVALUATION Submissions to relevant Environmental Review Panels
City Manager
1.6.5 Monitor the Peace River Agreement 1.7 Arts, Heritage and Culture 1.7.1 Develop a Heritage Designation Plan
City Manager
Quarterly All measures in Agreement meetings are met by BC Hydro throughout 2018 Ongoing Annual report to Council
Director of Development Services
1.7.2 Develop a Public Arts Policy
GM of Community Services
Adoption of a Heritage Designation Plan Phase 1 - Adoption of an Art in Public Spaces Policy
Strategic Goal No. 2 Demonstrate leadership in environmental responsibility through sustainable and effective practices for municipal operations
Why it matters. We believe our community should take a leadership role to raise awareness of energy options, invest in energy efficient buildings and demonstrate green energy sources in our operations. As local leaders we will to integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in order to protect our community. In addition, we continue to recognize the critical importance of providing access to clean water and sanitation, solid waste management and recycling.
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
Promote and demonstrate Energy Literacy and Fort St. John Energy Capital Branding Pursue initiatives and policies that support BC’s Climate Action Charter Develop and promote policies focused on food security Develop and implement plans focused on providing access to sanitary sewer and clean water
Develop and implement plans focused on solid waste management and recycling
Urban planning plays a major role in waste reduction and food security through both private and public initiatives.
Related UN Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): SDG No. 06 – Ensure Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation SDG No. 07 – Ensure Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and Modern Energy SDG No. 13 – Take Urgent Action to Combat Climate Change and its Impacts
Strategic Goal No. 2
Demonstrate leadership in environmental responsibility through sustainable and effective practices for municipal operations
STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 2.1 Energy Literacy and Branding 2.1.1 D evelop an annual Energy Literacy communications plan 2.1.2 B rand reputation “Energy Capital” through all strategic goals 2.2 Support BC’s Climate Action Charter 2.2.1 D evelop a strategic plan to achieve our CARIP target of 33% by 2020 2.2.2 I mplement a yard waste/compost collection program
Director of Strategic Services
Adoption Energy Literacy Plan
Director of Strategic Services
Adoption of a “Energy Capital” Brand Recognition policy
GM of Integrated Services
GM of Integrated Services
Adoption a framework for a Social Policy A City-wide waste/compost program
2.2.3 I mplement the recommendation from the IRC Facilities report to ensure energy efficient retrofit of our existing facilities 2.2.4 I nstall a second micro-hydro power generation turbine at the south lagoons 2.3 Promote Food Security 2.3.1 I mplement and monitor policies in the Official Community Plan related to food security and land use 2.3.2 Develop a Food Security Plan
Director of Facilities and Grounds
Requires action from PRRD prior to implementing 2018 – 2023 Five Successful completion of year Capital Plan projects identified in 2018
GM of Integrated Services
Feasibility study in 2018
A second micro-hydro power generation turbine
Director of Development Services
GM of Community Services
Phase 1 - Develop a Food Security Plan outlining Party responsible and priority Adoption of a Food Security Plan
STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 2.3.3 P romote local food procurement and local markets 2.3.4 I nvestigate the feasibility of a community orchard
GM of Community Services
2.3.5 M aintain membership with Net Zero Waste Council Ongoing Council 2.4 Develop and implement plans focused on providing access to sanitary sewer and clean water 2.4.1 D evelop a Sustainable Long Term Water Supply GM of Integrated Services 2018 Plan 2.4.2 I mplement the commitments found in the GM of Integrated Services 2018 Liquid Waste Management Plan 2.5 Develop and implement plans focused on solid waste management and recycling 2.5.1 I mplement yard waste recycling curbside GM of Integrated Services 2018 collection program
EVALUATION 2 community focused events or initiatives Phase 1 - Presentation to Council of a business case outlining the benefits and costs of operating a community orchard with recommendations to proceed or otherwise Annual membership
Adoption of plan Successful completion of projects identified in 2018 A city-wide waste/compost collection program
Strategic Goal No. 3 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Build and manage public assets and human resources that support the current and future needs of the community
Why it matters. Ensuring access to clean water, sanitation, safe streets and care of public facilities and assets is a Council key responsibility. Master Plans, quality control and continuous improvements are all aspects of good governance, principled based urban planning and fiscal sustainability. Rapid growth has led to a need to plan for these services into the future. We are responsible for improving road safety and to provide our citizens with safe, green public spaces as well as facilities that support an active and inclusive lifestyle. Our plans are built through public participation. It is our citizens’ expectation that these plans which they built will be implemented in a fiscally prudent and efficient manner. A healthy workplace ensures we have the human resources needed to grow and manage our physical assets and our community.
Related UN Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): SDG No. 06 - Ensure Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation SDG No. 11 – Make Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable
3.1 3.2 3.3
Implement and monitor the recommendations from existing Master Plans Identify, prioritize and establish timelines to develop required master plans
Undertake an Internal Audit Program focused on continuous improvements within the organization
3.4 3.5 3.6
Undertake the construction of new facilities as required Develop a policy and process for naming of roads, trails and park Develop and promote the City of Fort St. John as an inclusive Employer of Choice to potential employees
Develop a Financial Plan to ensure the physical and human assets are in place to support the needs of the growing community in an affordable and sustainable manner
Develop a Financial Plan to ensure the physical and human assets are in place to support the needs of the growing community in an affordable and sustainable manner
Build and manage public assets and human resources that support the current and future needs of the community
Strategic Goal No. 3
STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT HEAD 3.1 Implement Master Plan 3.1.1 D evelop a comprehensive five year capital plan City Manager for master plans currently adopted by Council
3.1.2 D evelop a mechanism to monitor and provide status reports on actions and activities associated with the master plans identified in 3.1.1 3.1.3 Park development and re-development plans
GM of Corporate Services
2017 - 2018
An inventory of recommendations from all master plans and alignment with annual capital plans Implementation of a monitoring program
GM of Community Services
2018 - 2021
One new Parks Master Plan per year followed by implementation
City Manager
Phase 1 - Present an report to Council outlining the which Master Plans need to be undertaken or reviewed with a recommendation on priorities and associated timelines
City Manager
Submit an internal audit focused on Continuous Improvements and efficiencies to Council
3.2 Initiate and prioritize new Master Plans 3.2.1 Develop an inventory of required master plans
3.3 Continuous Improvement 3.3.1 U ndertake an annual internal audit by department and cross sectoral focused on continuous improvement
STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 3.4 New Public Facilities 3.4.1 Develop a concept plan and a class D estimate for a Visitor Information Center
GM of Community Services
3.4.2 Proceed with the construction of a new RCMP detachment 3.4.3 Work with the North Peace Pool Commission to investigate the feasibility of a new pool 3.4.4 Implement a multi-year public washroom program 3.4.5 Initiate a feasibility study into a multi-purpose facility
GM of Community Services
GM of Community Services
GM of Community Services GM of Community Services
2018 capital budget 2018
3.4.6 Construct a permanent festival plaza in Centennial Park 3.5 Naming of Public spaces 3.5.1 Develop a policy and process for naming of roads, trails and parks 3.6 Human Capital Management 3.6.1 Develop a learning and development program for city employees
Director of Strategic Services
Concept plan completed by 2020 and presented to Council for direction Construction completed by 2021 Partnership discussions completed by 2018 One new washroom per year for five years Phase 1 – Establish agreement on partnership and scope of facility Completion of a festival plaza
General Manager of Integrated Services
Policy adopted by Council by 2018
Director of Human Resources
2018 - 2020
3.6.2 Business continuity including succession planning and leadership development
Director of Human Resources
3.6.3 Develop and implement an inclusivity policy to improve the recruitment of applicants from equity groups
Director of Human Resources
Phase 1 - Report to Council with recommendation whether to maintain the program in house and if so, measures required to sustain the program. Succession plan presented to City Manager for 12 key positions Policy adopted by Council by 2018
STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 3.6.4 Develop and implement a program to hire persons with developmental disabilities
3.7 Financial Planning 3.7.1 Review Tax Rates and Ratio Policy 3.7.2 Develop a new Peace River Agreement allocation policy to align with Tangible Capital Asset program
TIMELINE 2017-2018
EVALUATION Phase 1 – Formalize an MOU with the BCGEU for the hiring of persons with disabilities. Phase 2 – Funds allocated in the 2018 Budget
GM of Corporate Services
GM of Corporate Services
Adoption of Policy by end of 2018 Budget process Present report with recommendations on future allocation of the funds from the Peace River Agreement Present report with recommendation on changes to reserve policy
3.7.3 Develop a new review reserves and surplus GM of Corporate Services policy to align with tangible capital asset program 3.8 Safe and Healthy Workplace 3.8.1 Develop Health and Safety Master Plan to guide Health & Safety Coordinator health and safety culture of the organization
Phase 1 – Develop a project charter Phase 2 – Tender services for master plan creation Phase 3 - Council adoption of Health & Safety Master Plan
Strategic Goal No. 4 Initiate and foster partnerships that will benefit Fort St. John. Advocate to decision makers on issues that impact the community to ensure our northern voice is heard
Why it matters. Council believes coherent policies should be developed to address the challenges faced by communities. Council is in the leadership position to facilitate partnerships between other public agencies and organizations. Council has been a strong advocate of partnerships and working in collaboration with others to ensure the needs of the community are met in a sustainable and cohesive manner. Council believes no community is an island onto itself and recognizes the need to work collaboratively with other international communities and to be part of the international municipal movement. We are ready and willing to take a seat at the global table.
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
Support partnerships with international communities around sustainable development Develop a framework for the consideration of Urban Reserves
Maintain a strong leadership role in the Northeast BC Resource Municipalities Coalition Collaborate on a Comprehensive Development Plan with Area C Director Maintain partnership in the North Peace Airport to ensure viability and appropriate oversight through the North Peace Airport Society
4.6 4.7
Identify advocacy areas and related strategies Continue to develop partnerships with agencies that provide education and health services (safety?)
Continue to work with Community Development Institute to support the community social and economic development
Related UN Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): SDG No. 17 – Strengthen the means of Implementation and Revitalize the Global Partnerships for Sustainable Development
Actively participate in local government and professional associations at national, provincial and regional levels
Initiate and foster partnerships that will benefit Fort St. John. Advocate to decision makers on issues that impact the community to ensure our northern voice is heard
Strategic Goal No. 4 STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 4.1 International Partnerships 4.1.1 I ntegrate the CISAL program with the CDI and other City initiatives
City Manager
Report to Council on integrated program deliverables Host delegates from Peru in May 2018
4.1.2 H ost a delegation from Peru in 2018 focused on City Manager women’s leadership 4.2 First Nations Relationship 4.2.1 D evelop a policy for municipal service City Manager agreements for Additions to Reserve lands 4.2.2 O rganize a Community to Community (C2C) Director of Strategic Services workshop with respective First Nations communities
4.2.3 I nvite female councillors from the First Nations communities to participate in women’s leadership workshop with women from Peru
City Manager
City Manager
Adoption of a the Coalition’s Strategic Plan
City Manager
Funds in the 2019-20-21 budgets
4.3 NEBC Resources Municipalities Coalition 4.3.1 A dopt the strategic plan and participate in initiatives as proposed by the NEBC Resource Municipalities Coalition 4.3.2 C ommit to multi-year funding support for the Coalition
2018 2018
Adoption of Additions to Reserve Lands Policy Completion of at least one engagement activity with Blueberry River FN, Doig River FN and Halfway River FN Minimum of two FN female leaders to attend FSJ’s International Women’s leadership workshop
STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 4.4 PRRD 4.4.1 R eopen Sub-regional Comprehensive Development Plan with Peace River Regional District 4.4.2 A ctively participate in the PRRD’s North Peace Fringe Area OCP 4.5 NP Airport 4.5.1 D evelop an agreement for airside fire services at the airport 4.6 Advocacy 4.6.1 D evelop strategies to address Council’s advocacy initiatives relating to community issues outside of the City’s jurisdiction 4.6.2 D evelop strategy to leverage Fort St. John’s reputation as a leader in community economic development and environmental responsibility 4.7 Education and Health 4.7.1 E nter into partnerships with UNBC, Northern Lights College and School District No. 60 to provide advanced education opportunities for our community 4.7.2 W ork with School District No. 60 to develop a joint use agreement 4.7.3 D evelop a Letter of Understanding with the school district regarding community use of facilities 4.8 Community Development Institute (CDI) 4.8.1 M onitor the deliverables of the agreement between the City and CDI for a Social Policy Framework 4.8.2 E stablish the “The Forge” as a center of excellence in leadership
City Manager
Director of Development Services
Written commitment from the Peace River Regional District to reopen CDP discussions Final adoption of the NP Fringe OCP
Director of Protective Services
A finalized agreement with the NP Airport for airside fire services
City Manager
Director of Strategic Services
2018 - 2019
Adoption of a policy of areas of advocacy and role of Council Adoption of a strategy leveraging FSJ’s reputation
City Manager
Partnership agreement for one advanced education program
Director of Recreation and Leisure Services GM of Community Services
Adoption of a Joint Use Agreement Letter of understanding adopted
Director of Strategic Services
Director of Strategic Services
Report to Council on deliverables as per annual work plans A minimum of four annual speaker series and leader lab initiatives
STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 4.8.3 Establish a leaders lab at The Forge
RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT HEAD Director of Strategic Services
TIMELINE 2017-2018
4.9 Active Participation in Professional Associations 4.9.1 Council members to actively participate at the Director of Legislative and Administrative 2018 committee level in political associations Services
4.9.2 Staff to actively participate in local government Senior Management Team and professional associations
4.9.3 Where possible and appropriate seize opportunities to host local government or professional association conferences
Senior Management Team
EVALUATION Present an annual work plan to Council for the Leaders Lab Adoption of a Council policy providing a framework for Council members sitting on professional association and boards Staff reports to City Manager, documented annually for Council Staff reports to City Manager, documented annually for Council
Strategic Goal No. 5 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Actualize downtown Fort St. John as a social, vibrant, liveable hub as articulated in the Fort St. John Downtown Action Plan
Why it matters. A successful and vibrant downtown with a mix of opportunities to live, work, learn and play is a community’s most important amenity and essential to attracting and maintaining residents. The downtown is also key to sustaining a long term, vibrant and diverse economy.. The citizens want a socially and economically vibrant downtown. It is critical to move from goals to action in order to realize this vision. This goal supports the community’s passion and commitment to improving its downtown.
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9
Enhance and maintain civic uses and public events in downtown Prioritize the City’s downtown investments in buildings and infrastructure Create streets and gathering places with a people focus Encourage and foster downtown living Support redevelopment of vacant property Enhance parking availability Make arts and cultural central to the community Encourage multi-use and variety of functions for buildings downtown: educational, civic, retail etc Implement bylaws, policies and processes that support the Downtown Action Plan
Related UN Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): SDG No. 11 – Make Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable
Strategic Goal No. 5 STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 5.1 Downtown Event Focus 5.1.1 D evelop a plan to promote civic, cultural and recreation events in the downtown area.
Actualize downtown Fort St. John as a social, vibrant, liveable hub as articulated in the Fort St. John Downtown Action Plan. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT HEAD
Director of Recreation and Leisure
5.1.2 E ncourage active pedestrian uses and activities Director of Development Services on sidewalks. (Downtown action plan and OCP)
5.1.3 P articipate in downtown community events that enhance the sense of community such as Block Party 5.1.4 F easibility report on a Business Improvement Association (BIA)
Director of Recreation and Leisure
A minimum of four City supported events to be hosted in the downtown Summary report on engagement initiatives with DT business owners City booth or hosted activity per event
Director of Strategic Services
Phase 1 - Report with a recommendation to Council on a BIA
Director of Strategic Services
Adoption of a plan
Director of Development
2017- to completion 2018
GM of Integrated Services
Complete lane improvements
5.2 Downtown Investments 5.2.1 D evelop a marketing plan for City owned land in the downtown core 5.2.2 R eview bylaws, policies and procedures to ensure downtown investments are a priority in City processes
5.3 Streets for People 5.3.1 I mplement network reconfigurations in Traffic Master Plan
Review complete and plan in place for updates or replacement of current bylaws, policies and procedures
STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 5.3.2 Reconfigure 100 Steet and 100 Avenue lanes
EVALUATION Line painting completed that reconfigures the streets Improvements to 102 street Minimum of two blocks completed Adoption of Bylaw restricting access from driveways to main streets Guidelines implemented
5.3.3 Create alternate routes for thru traffic 5.3.4 Create streetscapes within the street r/w
Director of Public Works GM of Integrated Services
2019 2020
5.3.5 Reduce driveway access and utilize lane access
Director of Development Services
5.3.6 I mplement the Downtown Permit Area Guidelines 5.3.7 Develop a public square concept downtown
Director of Development Services
Director of Strategic Services
5.3.8 D evelop 101 Street into Village Avenue and as a hosting location for festivals and community events 5.3.9 Implement 100 Street greenway initiative 5.3.10 P rioritize pedestrian oriented mixed use development on 101 Avenue between 102 and 98 Street 5.4 Downtown Living 5.4.1 D evelop a housing strategy for the downtown area focused on in-fill development 5.5 Vacant No More 5.5.1 W ork in partnership with landowners to redevelop contaminated sites 5.6 Parking 5.6.1 D evelop a plan to maximize street parking focusing on shared parking, centralized parking meters, review of pricing to ensure 80% occupancy, and long term off-street parking 5.6.2 I nvestigate the feasibility of a public parking facility
Director of Strategic Services (with Integrated Services)
Director of Development Services Director of Development Services
2020 2019
Two blocks completed Adoption of appropriate zoning bylaw
Director of Development Services
Adoption of a downtown housing strategy
Director of Strategic Services
2017 – onward
Adopt the “Vacant No More” strategy
Director of Development Services
Adoption of a downtown parking plan
Director of Development Services
Report to Council on the business case for public parking facility
Downtown public market completed Re-branding of 101 Street to Village Avenue
STRATEGIC PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT HEAD 5.6.3 Develop a plan for locations, style and Director of Public Works maintenance for downtown bike racks. 5.7 Arts and Culture 5.7.1 Coordinate special events with the North Peace Director of Recreation and Leisure Cultural Centre
EVALUATION Installation plan complete
5.7.2 Develop a five year capital improvement plan for the North Peace Cultural Centre based on the Facility Audit and Downtown Action Plan recommendations. 5.7.3 Monitor the North Peace Cultural Centre Operating Agreement 5.8 Multi-use and variety of use 5.8.1 Seek partnerships for development of an Energy Innovation Center (including public space and housing choices) on a strategic site in the downtown. 5.9 Bylaws and Policies 5.9.1 Review Development Bylaws and Policies to reduce barriers to development and streamline processes
GM of Community Services
Minimum of two special events held in conjunction with the NP Cultural Center Successful completion of projects identified in annual Capital Plan
Director of Recreation and Leisure Services
Annual report to Council for ratification
Director of Strategic Services
Build partnership agreements
Director of Development
Phase 1 - Bylaw and Policy review complete and suggested changes documented
** For all projects, refer to Downtown Action Plan for detailed information**
City of Fort St. John 10631 100 Street, Fort St. John, BC V1J 3B2