February 2017 Newsletter (3-5) February is the month of love and friendship. We will be having a pizza party on Valentine’s Day (Feb14th)! The pizza will be provided by the centre so lunches are not needed that day. We will be handing out valentines and a class list will be provided. This year we are also planning to hand out valentines to the seniors that occupy the building across from daycare. We are asking parents who want to participate, to buy an extra box of valentines and fill out as follows: To: My friend From: Your child’s name We believe that it is important for the children to experience the art of giving and we know the seniors will truly appreciate our little visit. Valentines can be brought into class up to two days before Valentine’s Day but no sooner as we do not have a ton of room to store them. Back and forth books are intended to be a useful way of communication between parents and teachers. This is only possible if the books are returned to school. Books are to be handed to a 3-5 teacher or placed on our desk inside the classroom. If you do not return your child’s back and forth book, you and your child may miss out on field trips, book orders and other necessary notices. Please note: If you lose your child’s back and forth book, you are welcome to replace it with a similar folder or buy one from the centre for a $2.00 cost. We are currently experiencing a shortage of our colored plastic daycare forks. If you child happens to bring one or more home in their lunch kit, please return it to the centre. Thanks Label Label Label!! Please make sure your child’s name is on all their winter gear, stuffies, clothing and all other personal belongings. With such a large group of children, it is hard for us teachers to know what belongs to whom. On another note, please be aware that some activities we do are messy! We try our best to have children wear paint shirts and bibs during messy activities but from time to time, we get our clothing dirty. We ask that you please send your child to school in clothes that are not of great value and are ok to get dirty and/or stained. Please make sure your child has sufficient extra clothing in their bathroom cubby. We do a weekly inventory but feel free to check their bag inside the 3-5 bathroom. When dropping off clothing please bring it to a teacher and do not leave it in the lobby. During winter months we require 2 full sets of clothing. The dumpster located at the side of the building is for daycare use only. Please refrain from dumping your personal garbage in our dumpster. Every day at 4pm is our afternoon circle time. We ask that you enter our classroom as quietly as possible. If you need to speak with a teacher, please approach a teacher who is not facilitating circle time. It is important that circle flows seemingly and is interrupted as little as possible. If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to ask a teacher Jessica Giesbrecht 3-5 Supervisor