February Newsletter February… the month of love We will be doing a week of love, friendship and valentines. This includes crafts of course. The IT side is asking parents to please bring in a photo of the family as well as an individual baby photo (see Jaclyn for further details). We will be having a potluck party on the 13th and the sign-up sheet will be posted closer to date. We will be releasing a name list (first name only) to parents for the use of valentines cards. This will be for both programs. If you wish for your child’s name to NOT be on the list please inform their teacher. We would like to welcome Sophia to the center as of February 10 th. Sophia will be a full time teacher on the infant/toddler side. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with her and feel free to ask her questions and get to know her. As most have you have noticed, cold and flu season is upon us. Sick children are not permitted to be at school. We will not refrain from sending children home if they are ill. Symptoms Requiring Removal of Child from Childcare : (Taken from parent hand book)
Fever - temperature over 100 degrees taken orally. A child needs to be fever free for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to childcare; that means; fever free without the aid of Tylenol or any other fever reducer. Diarrhea – No diarrhea for 24 hours or doctor’s note stating that treatment is being given or is not required. Nausea Vomiting – No vomiting for 24 hours or doctor’s note stating that treatment is being given or is not required. Common Cold if the discharge has any color other than clear and/or needs constant attention Excessive coughing which causes gagging or vomiting. Contagious Conditions (measles, lice, chicken pox, etc.) Pink-Eye – Crusty eyes with yellow/green drainage – must be seen by doctor and return with a doctor’s note stating that treatment is being given and no longer contagious. Unexplained Rash - Must have doctor’s note stating that treatment is being given or is not required and is not contagious. Excessive Crankiness - Child is irritable, excessive whining or crying, wants constantly to be held, or requires more attention than we can provide without jeopardizing the health, safety, or well-being of the other children in my care.
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Lunches must be in proper lunch bags. Leaving individual un-labeled items in the fridge and using unmarked grocery bags is not acceptable. If your sending an item that does not fit into your child’s lunch kit/bag please make sure it is labeled. Water bottles also must have names. This is to avoid confusion. Personal item are not to brought to daycare. Items get broken, fought over and/or lost. Show and tell items must stay in their cubby until the appropriate time. Stuffed animals for nap time are permitted as long as they do not light up, make noise or become a distraction. Winter gear is still mandatory.
Shoes/boots need to be removed in the foyer before coming into the cubby area. This applies to both parents and children. Boots/shoes need to be placed under child’s cubby in the shoe slot provided. If you have any questions/concerns feel free to come into the office or call the center 250-793-5437 Ronda Reid Manager