Oct 2016 newsletter

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October 2016 Newsletter Fall has arrived! Unfortunately, that means cold and sometimes wet/snowy weather. Please remember to send proper outdoor clothing for your children, such as mitts, toques and boots! PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS On that note, please remember to check your child’s spare clothes in the bathroom as they may need to be switched out. Please take home your child’s sunscreen as well :) I/T parents: PLEASE send a picture(s) for our family tree on the wall. It is looking very bare and outdated. The children love pointing out their family pics, so help us fill the tree again! We are asking that parents please be mindful when dropping their children off in the mornings. If your child comes before 7:45 am, please check to be sure that you are dropping your child off in the proper area. It is not safe if your child enters a non-supervised area alone. We are working hard to keep your child safe during the day with consistent centre rules and if your child is allowed to play unsupervised at drop off it makes it more difficult for us to do this. The eating area is NOT a play area, nor is any area where there are no staff working in. We really appreciate your help in this.

We will be celebrating Halloween at the centre on Monday, October 31 st. The 3-5 side and Alesja’s Academy will be participating in a potluck and Halloween party. Please watch for a sign up and sheet and more details closer to this date. As far as costumes go, please do not send any weapons. On the I/T side, please do not send any extra accessories, and keep in mind that the children still need to be diapered so easy access is preferred.

Reminders:  Early closure is Tuesday, October 25th. Pick up by 4pm sharp! Late fees will apply.  Please remember that you MUST call the centre by 9:30am if your child is coming late. Don’t forget to call if your child is not coming as well! You may have noticed that Scholastic Book Orders have started up again. Not only are books extremely important in all childrens’ development, but by ordering the daycare receives credits and bonus books that we truly appreciate!!

“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents” -Emily Buchwald If you have any questions/concerns, please come into the office or call the centre @ 250-793-5437 Janice Gibos - Manager

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