2 minute read
January 2022 Reading with Intuitive Goddess Priya
The energies that accompany us into the New Year are very supportive of manifestation. The Guides wish to remind you that manifestation is related to Universal Law, among which the most well known is the Law of Attraction. The Guides wish to remind you that when energies support manifestation, the support follows the Law of Attraction and will manifest whatever you are giving the most thought, attention and focus to, whether desired or undesired.
They encourage you to be aware of your thoughts, attention and focus to ensure that you are directing it towards manifesting what you desire. You can do this by removing your focus and thoughts that are based upon fear and doubt.
For some of you the message is to spend more time outdoors to raise your vibration. Many of you have been cooped up indoors or behind masks and not receiving enough fresh air and lacking a connection to nature. The powers of natural energies allow us to raise our own energies and vibrations, leading us to manifest with great power.
For some of you, the message is to move away from thinking about and viewing the world from a place of limitation. The sooner you realize that we are infinite beings, that supply is infinite, abundance is infinite and possibility is infinite, you will experience the same.
For some of you the message is to begin or continue to increase your faith in the Universal energies and move into an energy of knowing that everything is working out for you.
This year begins with a powerful energy. Depending on you, that power will be constructive or destructive. The Guides encourage you to keep your selfawareness heightened in order to construct rather than be self-destructive.
In love and appreciation, Intuitive Goddess Priya
Author: Doreen Virtue Artist: Lisa Iris Publisher: Hay House Inc