2 minute read
Card: Our Lady of Love
As this year comes to a close, The Council of Light and Energy (The COLE) offers the lyric of Annie Lennox, “put a little love in your heart”. They are observing that many of you are operating from a place of fear and lack.
For some of you, the message is surrounding heart break. They see you experiencing heartbreak or fear of love after heartbreak. They wish to remind you that heartbreak is simply your heart breaking open rather than in half as we are so often taught. Each time you experience heartbreak, your heart breaks open a little or a lot more, allowing love in. You are encouraged to let go of the fear of vulnerability taking up space in your heart and allow yourself to allow love back in.
For some of you, the message is to see the situation with love in heart The COLE is observing some of you perceiving and receiving a situation from a place of negative emotion. This is creating a space where the energies or parties involved must reflect that same energy back to you. You can still come from a place of love without having to love the situation or a person’s behaviour.
For some of you, The COLE has observed that you are in the energy of war. This can come from observing situations outside of yourself, or from being at war within yourself. Regardless of where it is originating from, it is impacting the other. If it’s coming from outside of you, it’s impacting you within. If it’s coming from within you, it impacts the world outside of you. You are encouraged to invoke peace within you and are reminded that one of the easiest ways to find peace is through love.
As many of you begin your yearly reviews, you are encouraged to put a little love in your heart before doing so Look at this past year with kindness and love and allow those energies to ring on into the New Year.
With my pure love and appreciation, Energi Empress Priya
Card Deck: Mother Mary Oracle
Author: Alana Fairchild
Artwork: Shilo Sophia McCloud
Publisher: Blue Angel Publishing
By Andrea Sipcic
I never understood this “being satisfied and content” idea and what it really meant. I thought it was about settling. I thought it meant, forget about your desires and accept what you have as all you can have and don’t be greedy or selfish.
I started to really question things when I would observe others that had less (materialistically speaking) and/or were from third world countries and were clearly way happier than me. I asked myself for the longest time, “how could these people, who ‘pretty much have nothing’, not even what I would consider basic, be so content and happy?” They didn’t have the money, the stuff, the house, career, sometimes even the partner They didn’t even seem to be bothered or jealous of others around them that had so much more. I realized it wasn’t about the stuff. They weren’t making it about what they didn’t have. They weren’t making it about all the lack of externals. They had what they had and it seemed at some point along the way, that they had made the decision to be content with their life and who they were This would go hand in hand with acceptance Not a reluctant, grudgy kind, but true acceptance from a place of satisfaction
When you appreciate and are content with what you do have, you open the doors for more to appreciate and be content with. I learned this through my innate desire to give (and give more) to people who truly appreciated and were content with whatever I did give them, however “big or small ”
I am still learning this art; this “practice” that I amazingly see others have through choice and counting their blessings Most importantly, I have learned that it is an inside job When you are content and satisfied with who and what you are and you have that confidence within yourself, those externals really don’t matter as much; you can have less or more stuff…it’s all good.