3 minute read

Test it Out - Bernard Jensen Dry Body Brush

By: Andrea Sipcic

Most people are familiar with the concept of exfoliating your skin. What may be more of a novice idea is dry skin brushing, although this has also gained quite a bit of popularity and recognition over the years. The concept behind this is to use a dry bristle brush on dry skin, applying light to medium pressure using straight, sweeping strokes against your skin, or circular motions on smaller areas like your chest and stomach area. You want to start from your feet and lower legs and work your way up, focusing on stroking in the direction of your heart. Not a lot of pressure is required, as you don’t want to break or damage the skin. It is also important to avoid the face, as the skin in this area is more thin and sensitive.


The brush I love and have been using for years is the Bernard Jensen Dry Body Brush. It is made of natural tampico fiber bristles from agave cactus with a long handle and brush head (measuring a total of 38 cm/15 inches)

made of solid lotus wood. It is super sturdy, durable, and looks and feels like a great quality product. The wood is not sealed, so it’s important to remember not to get it wet, except for every one to three months, wash the bristles with warm water and a gentle, natural soap such as castile. Rinse well and air dry. On a weekly basis, it’s also recommended to ruffle through the bristles to dislodge any dead skin cells, hair, dust or debris. For the retail value of $25.48 CDN, I found it to be quite reasonably priced.

Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing

- Exfoliates dead skin cells

- Helps to unclog pores

- Improves blood circulation

- Promotes lymph flow and drainage

- May help reduce the appearance of cellulite

When I first used the Jensen brush, it was also my very first time skin brushing, and I didn’t think I’d be able to handle it, as the bristles felt too harsh to me. It freaked me out, so I left it unused for months. I eventually came back to it and realized I was going too hard with something my skin needed some getting used to. So I started more gently and was eventually able to work my way up to medium firmness. It didn’t take long for my skin to be in love with it and found that I often surpassed the few recommended minutes of usage because it felt so good. That is really all you need- just a few minutes before showering. You can use it daily or less often if preferred. I love that the Jensen bristle head is so full; there are so many bristles and it’s not sparse at all. As soon as I got more used to brushing, I found my skin’s elasticity improved, it was more smooth, and just overall felt and looked better. I noticed my skin turning slightly red temporarily afterwards. This is a benefit for me as it indicated an improved blood flow. Furthermore, not only did my skin look and feel better, but I feel better overall and feel that it is a positive contribution to my health and well being.

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