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Focus – How to and Why /2014/03/05/f ocus-how-to-and-why/

It is really important to learn how to f ocus on every matter in any situation! T here are dif f erences between f ocus and concentration! Concentration means the ability and act to gather all your attention and awareness on a matter or issue alone! When you concentrate you will put all your awareness and consciousness on a single subject! And when you concentrate you think of nothing but that object or subject! T he reason to concentrate is to be put all your energy and maximum potential all at once on one single point to get it to work and manif est what you desire! When you aim to concentrate, you should think of nothing but your goal to hopef ully manif est that, and you must think and will it to happen! Concentration works based on thinking and willing on a single point in your mind to consciously put all your energy on it, and as the f amous Law of Attraction, you will hopef ully achieve what you have put your mind into, if you truly believe! However, f ocus is something dif f erent, and that is not what we have been taught since we were in school unf ortunately! We have been always taught to concentrate on something, whether it was f or study or exercise or any other matter, but that is not what you should have learned f irst! T he f irst thing we have to learn is to basically how to do not think! T he ability of non-thinking and emptying your mind is called focus! Focus is to put your mind at a relax state and try to be calm, and do not think about anything! When you want to or you have to empty your mind f or a matter or in some situations like in some type of meditations or hypnosis techniques, all you have to do is to let go of any thought, and just empty your mind f rom thoughts! T his ability that you try to let the thoughts pass you by, and do not resist on any thought or matter, is actually the f ocus state of mind! For many reasons, and in many situations, all you have to do sometimes is to trust the things you have done bef ore, and know and f eel the emotions that you really desire, and then just then let go and let your super-consciousness and higher-self connect to where it should, and just let it happen by your belief s! So when you f ocus, just do not think of anything or any subject, and just f eel the emotions you really desire, and subconsciously that would happen by another part of your brain and another layer of your mind! Focus is on subconscious state of your mind, while concentration is on your conscious state of your mind!

Fo c us – Why and Ho w to

It is strongly recommended to have f ocus in your lif e and in what you do and practice! When you try to do something that is even involved in conscious thinking, like studying or eating a f ood, you have to still have f ocus af ter a conscious concentration! If you want to eat a f ood, f irst just consciously think about what want to do and eat, but then let go and empty your mind, and just do not think about anything anymore! Do not over-think stuf f and do not perf orm any unnecessary thinking on dif f erent tasks, and specially on other irrelevant tasks while you are doing something particular! So when you eat, just eat and do not think about anything else! T here is nothing much to think about, and should not also think about other stuf f , because that will both decrease your f ocus and concentration ability! When you study, just study and do not think about anything else! Just think on what you have to do, and then even let go of that thought, and just f eel it with your emotions… you do not need to think about that any more!

When you try to study, just read and write what you have to, and then let go of the thought that you are playing with and trying to learn and memorize it, and just visualize it then… just imagine it and visualize it, and even try to f eel it with some animations in your mind… but know that it should not be a thought anymore… or if there is any thought there, try to solve it f irst, and once that thought is solved in your mind, it is no longer a thought, and should be only f elt and visualized in your mind! T hat is the best method to concentrate and then f ocus in your studies and even in many other tasks! You should not be hearing your inner voice in your head over and over again, repeating your thoughts over and over again in your mind, and saying it louder and louder again, that would be all wrong and would just decrease your f ocus! As a matter of fact, you should not be hearing your inner voice and thoughts in your mind when you are at a good focus state!

If you learn how to really f ocus and concentrate in your lif e on dif f erent tasks and in dif f erent

situations and circumstances, you will be amazed what great potentials you could unleash f rom your body, mind and spirit! When you f ocus on a matter or issue, you just empty your mind of all the dif f iculties and trouble regarding that matter, and just f eel the emotions you have got in your mind and soul, and just put that burning desire and passion to work, which is much greater and powerf ul than your conscious powers that you are aware of !

- Persian Wizard

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