How will energy shape in 2022? Key trends for next year’s economic panorama 2022 will bring new challenges and opportunities for companies of all industries; however, keeping a strong financial architecture and a sustainability approach will be vital.
By Aldo Santillan Managing Director and Editor in Chief, Energy Capital Magazine
021 was a pivotal year for the energy sector. Coming out of the demand destruction that 2020 represented, during 2021, companies from all industries faced severe headwinds and a deep need for transformation. The Covid-19 pandemic kept its grip over the markets, and the climate change agenda became more relevant than ever. Nevertheless, through the implementation of sustainability efforts, clean energy purchasing, and other trends that we've discussed previously (like carbon 10
capture), upstream, midstream, downstream, and power companies were able to adapt and ride the transformational wave. The outlook for 2022 will still have its challenges and opportunities, and only those able to add flexibility, resiliency, and sustainability will seize the most significant