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ESTA Viewpoint

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For further information on ESTA visit www.estaenergy.org.uk

COVID-19 can offer hope for change


Never flinch, never weary, never despair.* Jes Rutter looks forward to what the UK must prioritise on the road to meeting its net-zero ambitions, including one overlooked sector

My time as chair of ESTA’s Independent Energy Consultants group (IECg) has been far from dull. At times rewarding, demanding, frustrating and exciting – and sometimes all at once. My four-year term comes to an end shortly in challenging circumstances that are very much in mind as I consider a future in which I know that organisations such as ESTA will continue to play a crucial role.

I would first like to thank everyone who has supported me in my role for the last four years! Particular thanks go to Andrew Park who has been vice chair during this time. Though four years is the maximum time to serve as chair, I have been asked ‘The Covid-19 lockdown has given to remain in post until the ESTA AGM that us an immensely powerful real-life has been delayed to 3rd September due to COVID-19. case study of the positive changes

The good news is that during this time that can result when people’s IECg has seen an increase in membership by 35 per cent. This was one of 15 behaviour changes’ objectives set in June 2016 of which almost 90 per cent have been achieved, from people/behaviour change/EnCO, a with two on-going. fact that is largely being ignored, certainly

The bad news is that this period has by Government where the strategy coincided with the four hottest years of pumping money into technology on record (not my fault). I do worry for solutions alone is flawed. While the future of our planet, more so about technology solutions get 99.9 per cent resource depletion and clean air (and of Government funding, we have been waters) than the often cited ‘climate struggling for the last two years to get any change.’ The world will survive climate funding to support end user organisations change, it’s just that we might not! If we do, the world for our future generations will be very different as they will have to adapt. to implement EnCO behaviour change projects. There is also the need to train energy Jes Rutter is outgoing chair of ESTA’s Independent

Though not quite yet accomplished, specialists in how to deliver EnCO projects Energy one of the IECg’s significant achievements and to build the skill sets required Consultants has been around behaviour change, with to deliver projects where skills and group (IECg) and the creation of the Energy Conscious techniques other than energy expertise Managing Director Organisation initiative, EnCO. Not least are vital. ESTA member courses start on of JRP Solutions has been the significant work showing 2nd July with the first of four modules, that as a contribution to fighting climate but the intention is to then roll this out change, technology alone can only achieve beyond ESTA to interested parties. 50 per cent of the savings potential The mantra also used by EnCO, ‘Leanrequired. A massive world-changing 50 Clean-Green’ as the hierarchy to prioritise per cent that needs to be addressed is the tackling of climate change has never been truer than now and energy efficiency (i.e. non-consumption) of which behaviour is a major part, must be prioritised by Government.

The COVID-19 lockdown has given us an immensely powerful real-life case study of the positive changes that can result when people’s behaviour changes. I believe that the post COVID-19 opportunity to put energy efficiency first is, literally, a oncein-a-lifetime opportunity.

The Government has declared its intentions by becoming the first major economy in the world to pass laws to end its contribution to global warming by 2050, but this is only the beginning and so much more needs to be done by Government if we are to achieve our net zero GHG emissions targets. It is critical to get the initial planning right, so while starting now is important, rushing in with ill-conceived targets is counterproductive.

Looking forward to the next four years, to get the groundwork right to achieve Net Zero GHG by 2050, there are some significant changes that I would like to see: • ESOS (UK) having teeth with legislation driving implementation of all energy reduction projects with simple paybacks of less than two years; • eligibility for the new UK ETS organisations to require ISO 50001 certification; • all organisations to be obliged to have a net-zero strategy with an implementation plan; • all net-zero strategies and implementation plans to include behaviour change (EnCO); and • an expansion of the Paris Agreement to include more countries, including the superpowers, and the re-commitment to an environmental agenda by the USA.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as IECg Chair, and I wish my successor good fortune. Fortitude will certainly be a key skill required. I intend to continue as EnCO lead and continue the battle to get behaviour accepted as a major contributor to achieving net zero until good sense is confirmed and progress made.  * “The day may dawn when fair play, love for one’s fellow-men, respect for justice and freedom, will enable tormented generations to march forth serene and triumphant from the hideous epoch in which we have to dwell. Meanwhile, never flinch, never weary, never despair.” Sir Winston Churchill’s last great speech to the House of Commons.

CHP & District Heating

For further information on Baxi Heating visitwww.eibi.co.uk/enquiriesand enter ENQUIRY No. 128

Mark Gibbons is national sales manager at Baxi Heating

Why CHP still adds up

Efficiency savings, lower-cost electricity and improved energy security are just some of the benefits delivered by combined heat and power, says Mark Gibbons

As businesses and organisations start planning for the new normal maximising building efficiency will be high on the agenda to meet environmental commitments.

Yet one of the fastest approaches to unlock savings is often overlooked: retrofit. Retrofit holds the key to significantly reduced emissions in buildings and, as such, plays a vital part in supporting the drive to net zero. When it comes to heat, the challenge is to identify the most appropriate heating solution that will meet each project’s unique requirements and budget.

Where CHP replaces old or inefficient plant in existing buildings, it can typically reduce a building’s energy bills by 30 per cent and carbon emissions by up to 20 per cent compared with conventional heating plant and electricity supplied solely from the grid.

Classified as a low-carbon technology, most natural gas CHP engines nowadays will emit almost zero CO ² due to the set-up of the engine and lambda sensors.

Advanced CHP units are also low NOx. Operating in conjunction with a boiler or water heater in a well-designed system, a CHP could reduce NOx by up to 75 per cent compared with a boiler or water heater alone.

But while CHP can deliver considerable environmental benefits, the main driver for this technology is commercial.

As we slowly emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, energy managers must balance environmental and financial concerns.

Aside from improving efficiency, CHP is able to generate lower carbon on-site electricity at lower gas prices, increasing the savings still further.

The operating cost benefit of CHP will depend on the difference in gas and electricity prices. This is often referred to as the ‘spark gap’ or ‘spark spread’ – the wider the spark

Combined heat and power can typically reduce a building’s energy bills by 30 per cent

spread, the greater the return.

Currently, gas prices are at around a quarter the price of electricity, a trend that is predicted to continue (Source: BEIS). As such, CHP offers an attractive economic option, one that is capable of delivering payback within three years in a well-designed, wellmaintained system.

‘Lower-cost CHP electricity could be used to power air source heat pumps’

Offset price fluctuations Onsite generation also offers energy managers the opportunity to offset fluctuations of wholesale energy prices, ensuring greater resilience and control over energy costs.

But with the electricity grid decarbonising rapidly, will this impact on the role of CHP? Not necessarily. In a hybrid system, lower-cost CHP electricity could be used to power air source heat pumps, multiplying the efficiency of the system while neutralising the carbon emissions and reducing electricity costs.

There’s also the future opportunity to switch to a greener fuel. The feasibility of repurposing the existing gas grid to transport green gas is being explored to offer a low-disruption solution towards decarbonising our older building stock. Moving forward, CHP plants could also be adapted or produced to operate on alternatives to natural gas, such as hydrogen and bio-methane, reducing or eliminating carbon emissions at the point of use.

Additionally, CHP can also be seen as a useful tool in encouraging the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, a move considered by many as key to achieving net-zero carbon emissions. Organisations have the option to use this lower-cost electricity to provide electric charging points for their customers. Providing access to electric charging points in councilowned leisure centre car parks, for example, would support the national drive to carbon neutrality while helping bolster the local authority’s coffers.

Then there’s the Climate Change Levy (CCL). This government tax on electricity, gas, LPG and solid fuels supplied to businesses and organisations is intended as a stick to encourage greater energy efficiency.

CHP schemes that are registered and meet ‘Good Quality CHP’ status are exempt from CCL payments on the gas they use to generate electricity, helping reduce environmental tax bills and mitigate energy costs. The exemption applies when the CHP is registered with the Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance (CHPQA) standard.

As an estimated 85 per cent of reported CHP faults can be corrected and reset remotely, remote monitoring largely removes the need for a site visit. Heat and engine temperatures, for example, can be adjusted or fine-tuned remotely for maximum CHP efficiency.

If a technician should need to visit site, the ability to pre-diagnose and trouble shoot will enable any maintenance or repair work to be carried out swiftly and efficiently. This will minimise both the number of visits to site and the time spent on site, making it easier to adhere to safety requirements.

As lockdown eases and energy managers strive to make their buildings safer and more sustainable, energy efficiency is more important than ever.

Driving down energy consumption and waste in buildings is fundamental to achieving this. Retrofitting CHP offers a real, achievable opportunity to do just that in the immediate term, with the opportunity for additional future proofing. Of course, accurate sizing and a well-considered design are key to achieving the full benefits along with good maintenance and routine servicing. But with early engagement between design engineers, specifiers and contractors, and the support of experienced suppliers who can provide technical input and insight, the financial case for CHP is still compelling. 

CHP & District Heating

For further information on Kensa Group visitwww.eibi.co.uk/enquiriesand enter ENQUIRY No. 130

Simon Lomax is CEO at Kensa Group

Moving to a new generation

Simon Lomax examines how new technology can overcome the often poor level of control and comfort provided by many domestic district heating systems

Government promotes district heating relentlessly. Why? Officials seem to think district heating systems are more efficient and automatically deliver lower cost and lower carbon heat. The simple reality is there is no guarantee that the traditional central plant system architecture, featuring appliances of any flavour, will deliver any of these outcomes particularly with many of the current funding models.

Indeed, there are plenty of examples where the level of comfort and control provided by such systems has left householders thoroughly underwhelmed. Often the heat is delivered at high cost too with householders trapped into long-term contracts with monopoly suppliers who are frequently managing unreliable plant which can create poor service levels. Without doubt, it is rarely a solution that considers the needs of the householder sympathetically.

Almost certainly, developers would benefit from a different approach for many projects.

With this in mind, some pioneers in the ground source heat pump (GSHP) sector have focussed on an alternative system architecture that mimics long-established arrangements in the gas sector. A small heat pump (and hot water cylinder or heat battery) is installed in each dwelling and linked to a fifth generation ambient loop (shared ground loop array) that can take heat from the ground and/or any other local source, including waste heat.

Eliminating costs Raising the temperature at the heat pump (close to the point of use) is technically elegant and eliminates all the costs and issues associated with the distribution of heat (in heavily insulated pipes) away from a central plant. And the miniaturisation of the heat pump and the increasing use of space-saving heat batteries means this solution requires minimal space

A shared ground loop array is connected to a small heat pump in each dwelling

- a 600 x 600mm airing cupboard is ideal. It also frees up the central plant room for more lucrative uses. These smaller heat pumps are slightly less efficient than the larger models characteristic of central plant set-ups but, crucially, there is no loss of heat between the plant and the dwellings. For this reason, the overall system efficiency is higher which results in lower emissions.

Typically, entities fund these loops via any available subsidy and/or an annual connection fee which means the cost is divorced from the housebuilder. In most cases, householders own the heat pump, and the associated hot water cylinder, and are free to purchase electricity from their own preferred supplier. Time-of-use tariffs ensure running costs are around 30-40 per cent lower than a conventional flat-rate tariff. This saving typically covers the annual connection fee.

Funders want to own ambient loop assets. They are great assets. They are hidden from view so are entirely acceptable to the local community. They are durable and long lasting and have a modest and predictable maintenance cost. In most cases, funders delegate the maintenance to the installation contractor so they are exposed to minimal on-going risk. They simply have to collect the annual connection fee and pay the maintenance charge. Funding ground arrays is seen as an excellent opportunity to establish a relationship with the householder so is especially attractive to electricity suppliers. Water utilities are also spotting the opportunity.

Householder responsibility Responsibility for maintaining the heat pump rests with the householder. This is usually regarded as an advantage by any funder as this cost is less predictable.

Helpfully, most householders also prefer to have control over the appliance delivering heat into their home. This set-up means householders are usually just replacing a gas boiler connected to underground infrastructure with a heat pump connected to underground infrastructure. It is simple to understand, it is simple to operate and it gives them freedom and control.

The specification of GSHPs will simplify compliance strategies and help reduce other build costs. And, remarkably, what was once regarded as the most expensive choice – thanks to the cost of the ground array - will soon become the lowest-cost option once that cost has been removed.

In most cases away from urban centres, shared ground loops will provide the heat, typically via drilled borehole arrays. With this arrangement, it is straightforward to provide passive cooling simply by moving the coolth in the ground to the dwelling and distributing via fan coils in the major living spaces. This cooling will take several degrees off the room temperature and is an appealing feature, which can be delivered at minimal additional capital and operational cost. In fact, rejecting the heat back into the ground will enhance system efficiencies during the subsequent heating season.

This system architecture suits all types of development provided there is sufficient heat to serve the ambient loop. For suburban developments, drilled arrays are nearly always possible. For city centre high-rise developments, with limited footprints, there is a greater likelihood that waste heat can be utilised. In its absence, there would be a need to drill to greater depths and components and techniques are being introduced to permit deeper boreholes. Obviously, surface and underground water can be used, where available, in order to reduce costs. 

Transformer Technology

For further information on Wilson Power Solutions visitwww.eibi.co.uk/enquiriesand enter ENQUIRY No. 129

Don’t depend on 1950s technology

The average age of a transformer in the UK is 63 years. Perhaps it’s time for energy managers to look at how energy-efficient replacements can begin to make savings in costs and energy

According to a freedom of information request we made to OFGEM, the average ground-mounted distribution transformer in the UK was installed in the 1950s. That was when cars like Chevrolet Corvette, BMC Mini and Chevrolet Bel Air first hit the roads. But would people consider a 1950s car as their main means of transport these days?

It was staggering to learn that distribution transformers live over double their design life in the UK. Does this mean that they are not functional? No, transformers, just like most electrical equipment survive way longer than anticipated. But they do not do that efficiently. Energy efficiency in electrical equipment and appliances has been heavily regulated in the past two decades to avoid wasting energy.

The first regulation for transformer losses came out in 2015. Since then, all new transformers being placed in the market in the UK has had to strictly comply with the EU Eco Design Tier 1 lowered losses to minimise energy waste. Tier 2 is an even tougher regulation coming into force on the 1st of July 2021. However, these two regulations do not tackle replacing old energyguzzling transformers.

Wilson Power Solutions introduced e3 Ultra Low Loss Amorphous metal transformers

that far exceed Tier 2 requirements and set the bar for Tier 3. Many multinational organisations have invested in upgrading to Wilson e3 for the massive carbon, energy and financial savings they achieve.

Replacing a 1950s 1000kVA transformer with a Wilson e3 helps save 15 tonnes of CO 2 and 60MWh of electricity annually. At the end of a 30-year lifetime of a transformer, one simple infrastructure decision accumulatively saves 455 tCO 2 , 1.8GWh and £350,000. This is equivalent to installing a 57kWp of solar photovoltaics for only 20 per cent of the cost. • www.wilsonpowersolutions. co.uk

CHP & District Heating

For further information on Danfoss Drives visitwww.eibi.co.uk/enquiriesand enter ENQUIRY No. 132

Flexible savings ahead

A district heating scheme in Copenhagen is providing a prime example of creating flexibility in power consumption through sector coupling

District heating plays an important role in Copenhagen’s ambitious goal of becoming a CO 2 -neutral city by 2025.

The FlexHeat demonstration plant, at the city’s Nordhavn harbour, shows just how far you can get with electrification and sector coupling.

Danfoss Drives has joined the Greater

Copenhagen Utility’s (HOFOR) green journey regulating the facility’s heating capacity according to flexible demand, with their VLT AQUA Drives ensuring optimal use of energy.

To reach global targets for CO 2 emission reductions, most of the future electricity supply will come from renewable sources such as sun and wind. Denmark already has a head start on the production of environmentally friendly electricity, and the challenge is more a matter of using the green energy when it is available. One way of creating flexibility in power consumption is through sector coupling, where excess electricity is stored in other energy systems. One example of this is the district heating supply, where heat pumps with thermal storage use the power when it is plentiful and therefore inexpensive; and avoid using it in periods with peak loads in the system, for example, late afternoon. HOFOR’s FlexHeat project in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn is a prime example of this type of sector coupling. The thermal energy storage corresponds to a virtual battery of 4MWh.

HOFOR’s district heating plant was established in 2018 as a demonstration project to supply three cruise ship terminals and the nearby UNICEF warehouse. These buildings are too far from the city centre to warrant connecting to Copenhagen’s district heating grid. Until recently they received their heat from two oil-powered heating plants, which the FlexHeat plant has now replaced.

Temperature raised in two steps The FlexHeat plant is a heat pump based on ground water that is retrieved from a 150m deep well. The saline 10.5°C water is pumped through a heat exchanger with ammonia as a refrigerant. The temperature is raised in two steps via two compressors, and in a heat exchanger, the heat from the condensed ammonia is transferred to the district heating water; which then leads into a storage tank and is pumped out to consumers at the three cruise ship terminals and the UNICEF building. The FlexHeat plant also has two electric heaters, which are used in special circumstances to increase the temperature of the outgoing supply to the consumers.

The FlexHeat plant is part of Copenhagen’s drive to be CO2 neutral by 2025

The heat pump has a heat output of 800kW, and the two electric boilers have a total output of 200kW. Altogether, the FlexHeat facility has a heating capacity of 1MW.

According to the supply agreement, the water must, as a minimum, have a temperature of 65°C when it reaches the last customer or building. As the heat loss in the system can be significant depending on the outdoor temperature, the plant sends approximately 70°C water out into the system. Approximately 40°C water is returned to the plant, where it is then heated again.

The FlexHeat plant can operate in six different modes (where the sixth is not used in daily operation).


The FlexHeat plant is a heat pump based on ground water that is pumped from a 150m well

Intelligent switching between these modes ensures that the plant runs as effectively and economically as possible in relation to electricity prices. Modes one and three are the same, just with slightly different settings. The principle in these two modes is that the heat pump delivers heating to customers while storing excess heat in the tank. That is the mode of operation when electricity prices are low.

Mode two offers the possibility of boosting the heating water that is pumped out to customers up to a higher temperature, using an electric heater. This can be useful when the weather is particularly cold, and the output temperature therefore needs to be higher.

In the fourth mode, the storage tank supplies the heat to customers. However, if the water at the top of the tank is a little too cold, the system can switch to mode five, which allows the water to be heated by means of the electric boiler instead of starting the groundwater heating pump inopportunely. This is important for the system’s flexibility, as the heat pump does not respond well to being turned on and off at short intervals - and therefore needs to operate for longer stretches of time. The electric boiler, regulated by Danfoss VLT AQUA Drives, allows for a small boost in temperature, so the plant can quickly provide heat to customers from the storage tank in periods when electricity prices are highest.

The heating facility operating mode is determined partly by the weather forecast, and additionally by electricity prices, which also reflect the local power supply situation. When wind turbines are harvesting at full power, prices are low and the FlexHeat facility can contribute to a higher coefficient of exploitation of green energy. The challenge is that the purchase of electricity has to be determined a day in advance, before the market closes.

It is difficult to say exactly just how big the savings are on the electricity bill, for operation of the district heating system in Nordhavn. HOFOR’s simulations show that, with smart operation, FlexHeat will save 8.9 per cent on the electricity bill in 2022, because the highest electricity prices can be avoided due to flexible power consumption. 

Hugh Richmond is CEO of Edina

CHP & District Heating

For further information on Edina visitwww.eibi.co.uk/enquiriesand enter ENQUIRY No. 136

CHP drives UK energy savings

Government statistics on UK energy production reveal that CHP continues to make an important contribution to the UK energy mix. Hugh Richmond explains

For suitable sites, particularly those with an extended heat demand, high efficiency combined heat and power can generate energy cost savings of 30-40 per cent compared to grid supplied power and heat from boilers. This can often deliver a payback on investment within two to three years.

In addition, CHP provides sustainability benefits and can also bolster energy resilience by creating an off-grid power supply.

The Digest of UK Energy Statistics (DUKES) for 2018 provides a detailed breakdown of the contribution of

CHP. The figures reveal that CHP accounted for 6.9 per cent of all electricity supplied in the UK in 2018 – across 2,473 schemes. CHP capacity increased by 66MWe and the proportion of ‘good quality’ electricity produced increased by 5 per cent in 2018.

Cost saving is the fundamental driver of CHP uptake, with businesses of all types and sizes investing in cogeneration to reduce

As gas prices have continued to fall, cogeneration has become a more attractive proposition

heat and electricity bills.

New generation CHP engines can achieve extremely high efficiencies of 85 per cent – 90 per cent, almost twice as efficient as taking electrical energy from the grid and thermal energy from onsite boilers. This yields significant savings on utilities costs.

The positive ‘spark spread’ also determines the economic success

of CHP, which is a calculation that compares the price of energy with the cost of fuel used to generate that energy.

Given that most CHP units are fuelled by natural gas, which over recent years has been significantly cheaper than grid electricity, there is a spark spread price advantage. In the last decade the spark spread value for natural gas has been consistently

CHP plays its part in the UK’s circular dairy economy

Edina supplied innovative natural gas and biogas CHP technology as part of Arla Foods’ long-term growth and environmental strategy to develop the world’s first zerocarbon milk processing facility at Aylesbury.

The ambitious £150m project uses cutting edge renewable energy and CHP technology to create a zero carbon vision. The biogas is created on site using anaerobic digestion, which utilises production waste from the dairy.

Arla has established a three-company circular economy model involving McDonald’s, and neighbouring cooking oil recycling company Olleco. Food waste from McDonald’s is converted to energy by Olleco and used to power Arla’s site, which in turn produces organic milk for McDonald’s.

CHP presented an ideal solution for the dairy as the excess heat created as part of the power generation process is captured and re-used in processes like pasteurisation, homogenisation and cleaning circuits.

Engineering, IT and facilities services company, NG Bailey, awarded Edina the contract to supply, install and maintain two MWM TCG 2020 V20 gas engines capable of generating an electrical output of 2MW each and 1.9MW thermal output.

The MWM engines are fuelled by natural gas together with biogas, produced from anaerobic digestion. Edina supplied

and designed the natural gas and biogas mixing chamber and integration system.

The CHP system is designed to work in island mode operation, In the event of a power outage on-site, the CHP is configured to hold all essential loads until power is re-established.

Commissioned in September 2013, the dairy is the most technological advanced and efficient of its kind and achieves zero waste to landfill. This ‘mega dairy’ sets a new benchmark in environmental standards on a global scale. positive. It reached a peak of 5.2 in the third quarter of 2016 and has since fluctuated just below this mark.

As gas prices have continued to fall, cogeneration has become a more attractive proposition. According to Ofgem, the spark spread peaked in January 2019 at 8.75 and was 5.41 in June.

A range of government initiatives further enhances the cost returns of CHP and policies designed to incentivise the uptake of Good Quality CHP in the UK.

These include: • partial exemption from the Climate Change Levy (CCL) for Good Quality CHP for onsite consumption; • eligibility for Enhanced Capital Allowances for Good Quality CHP plant and machinery; and • business rates reduction for CHP power generation plant and machinery.

Natural gas remains the fuel of choice for most CHP generators, driving 69 per cent of the total CHP production in 2018 and accounting for 7.3 per cent of the UK’s total gas demand. The proportion of electricity and heat generated through CHP using renewable fuels did increase slightly between 2017 and 2018 to 17.4 per cent.

Cogeneration provides a more efficient and cleaner solution to conventional gas power stations, which continue to make an important contribution to the UK power mix. ‘Good quality’ CHP schemes make at least a 10 per cent primary energy saving compared to the separate production of heat and electricity. By generating heat and power onsite, organisations prevent the substantial transmission losses that occur from transporting electricity from remote power stations.

Government figures on the absolute carbon savings of installed CHP relative to fossil-fuel power stations in the UK show that there was a slight increase in the carbon savings, from 10.28MtCO 2 in 2017 to 10.33MtCO 2 in 2018. 

Energy Efficiency & Well-being

For further information on Weiss Technik UK Ltd visitwww.eibi.co.uk/enquiriesand enter ENQUIRY No. 133

Malcolm Youll is managing director, Weiss Technik UK Ltd

Well-being in a time of pandemic

Malcolm Youll examines the role of air conditioning in the prevention of viruses and bacteria. Optimal air hygiene can lead to better air quality and well-being for building occupants

Alot has changed since the UK’s first two patients tested positive for COVID-19 at the end of January. Six weeks later, the prime minister announced a nationwide lockdown.

As transmission rates decline, Britain will begin to emerge from its lockdown. Shops, markets and schools will open up again. But, understandably, many employees are reluctant to go back to work, and to use public transport to get there. Retail workers, teachers and office workers will want to know that they and their families are as safe as possible from infection. Employers have a key role to play in this process, ensuring that their organisation is well run and everything is done to prevent transmission.

Viruses are of course nothing new. But COVID-19 presents a new challenge. It has already changed the way we work and forced us to focus more on health, hygiene, and general wellbeing. It also means we won’t go back to how things were before the pandemic. The “new normal” will involve behavioural changes, physical distancing (e.g. placing workstations further apart), more frequent sanitising of surfaces, and installing screens in front of service counters.

As COVID-19 may not be the last time we face a pandemic, we should perhaps consider it as an opportunity to make lasting changes to improve general health and wellbeing at work. Hygienic room climate issues, ventilation and air-conditioning systems are an important aspect of that. If planned poorly or not serviced properly, air conditioning units can quickly turn into transmitters of disease-causing germs.

Ventilation doesn’t just provide thermal comfort, it also aides the dilution and control of airborne pathogenic material. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the core legislation that applies to ventilation installations. As these installations are intended to prevent contamination, closely

HEPA filters, UV lamps and antimicrobial interior coatings can be used with Weiss’ Vindur Top system to prevent the spread of bacteria in hospitals

control the environment, dilute contaminants or contain hazards, their very presence indicates that potential risks to health have been identified. The dilution of internal air is aimed at reducing the risk of airborne viral transmission by reducing the time during which people are exposed to any airborne viral aerosols, and at reducing the chance for these aerosols to settle on surfaces. Evidence shows that virus (including COVID-19) can survive on some surfaces for at least 72 hours, so any action to limit surface contamination is beneficial.

While airborne transmission is not assumed to be the primary route of infection for Coronavirus, there is a growing body of evidence that it can also be spread through the air, particularly in poorly ventilated indoor spaces. The airborne route of COVID-19 transmission – infection through exposure to droplet nuclei particles – has been acknowledged by the WHO for hospital procedures, and indirectly through the guidance to increase ventilation. Following the precautionary principle, it would be prudent to ensure ventilation is operating appropriately. Engineering controls targeting airborne transmission may be warranted as part of an overall strategy to limit the risk of infection indoors. In combination with other measures, such as physical distancing, effective ventilation, further improved by particle filtration and air disinfection, this could at least contribute to infection control goals, helping to protect staff and the general public from infection.

Prevent spread of bacteria As a technology provider, Weiss is developing ways to prevent the growth and spread of bacteria, mould and viruses in air-conditioning systems. The company’s new Vindur Top system was developed for use in hospitals, on wards and in examination rooms, but also for public and industrial buildings, be it universities, schools, nurseries, hotels or office buildings, as well as trains and planes. The system is often used as a supplementary or retrofit solution if the existing primary building climate equipment is no longer sufficient and additional cooling is required.

Hygienic air-cooling units are recirculating air systems which are often used as supplementary or retrofit solutions if the primary building climate equipment is not dimensioned sufficiently for all rooms, or if additional cooling is required. As air cools, condensate can form, providing a breeding ground for bacteria and mould. These develop in particular while the unit is not running, and can be spread to all rooms when the equipment is put back into operation. To prevent this, Vindur Top is equipped with a two-level filter. Air quantity and temperature can be controlled easily and comfortably via a control with web visualisation, using a room control panel or touch display.

In addition to HEPA filters, UV lamps and antimicrobial interior coating, Vindur Top can be equipped with optional thermal disinfection. This newly developed method effectively prevents the growth of micro-organisms such as bacteria and mould in the air-conditioning unit.

Clean air is a corner stone of good hygiene and health. Viruses, germs and bacteria are almost everywhere. They spread particularly easy in rooms with many people, especially sick ones. Therefore it is very important to ensure optimal air hygiene and to ensure this even in times of large waves of infection. This won’t just help to stop the Coronavirus, but will lead to better air quality, improved well being, reduced infection rates among staff, and ultimately higher productivity. 

Energy Efficiency & Well-being

For further information on Elta Group visitwww.eibi.co.uk/enquiriesand enter ENQUIRY No. 134

Alan Macklin is group technical director at Elta Group

Why air quality should be a top priority

Alan Macklin explores the issues associated with poorly ventilated working environments, and outlines the required approach to dealing with this problem

We spend 90 per cent of our lives indoors 1 . It’s a fact that is often brought up in conversations surrounding indoor air quality (IAQ) and correctly highlights the importance of focusing efforts on improving the air inside our homes. However, it is critical that this level of scrutiny is extended to places of work, especially considering the large proportion of the day we dedicate to our professional life.

One of the key challenges in addressing air quality in workplaces is the variety of locations this encompasses. Even discounting occupations that are primarily outdoors, there is a range of buildings that can be considered ‘places of work’, and it is impossible to address all of these specifically. Broadly speaking, we can look at three types of workplaces – offices, industrial locations, and education buildings – but above all it is important to note that the most effective way to manage IAQ is to take it on a case-bycase basis.

Offices have traditionally been associated with drab and sterile conditions, to the point where in 1990s the negative impact this had on employee health was given a name. Sick building syndrome describes a condition that afflicts building occupants with headaches and respiratory problems, and while this was largely thought to be a thing of the past, a recent survey highlighted that it is making a comeback 2 .

Well-being and quality of air There is strong evidence that employee well-being is closely linked with the quality of air inside a building, and as our structures have become increasingly well insulated, the lack of natural air circulation is having a damaging effect. Poor

Industrial buildings vary in layout and design thus posing a problem for design of ventilation

air quality can also be linked with drowsiness and lethargy, which has consequences for productivity levels.

The health and productivity of a workforce should be the top priority for business owners and facilities managers, and providing an effective ventilation system is critical to this. It should be seen as an investment that will enhance an employee’s ability to undertake their work efficiently and healthily, preventing the concerning re-emergence of sick building syndrome.

Providing effective ventilation in industrial buildings presents a unique challenge, since it must create an environment that is healthy for both staff and machinery. This often means removing airborne contaminants, toxins, flammable vapours, and large amounts of heat, which industrial processes and machines invariably produce.

Alongside the direct health implications of working in bad atmospheric conditions, there is also evidence to suggest a link between air quality and concentration. When you consider the dangerous machinery that employees are often operating in industrial premises, it is critical that they are as alert as possible.

A major issue is that industrial buildings vary significantly in layout and design, which means the type of ventilation required is dependent on the specific application 3 . For example, in factories where contaminant sources are weak or of low toxicity, satisfactory ambient conditions can be achieved by dilution. Distribution depots present a different challenge, as vast storage areas and high ceilings dictate a solution that is equipped to deal with these factors.

There is no one-size-fits all solution to IAQ in industrial settings, with the vast majority of buildings in this environment requiring a specialist solution. To ensure optimum health of employees and maximise productivity, it is important that businesses open a dialogue with air movement specialists. Elta Fans, for example, has a range of products specially designed to meet industrial requirements, and in cases where something more advanced is required, its Applied Technology division is able to provide bespoke solutions.

We’ve alluded to the impact of poor IAQ on concentration levels, and education buildings are particularly vulnerable to this. Schools, universities, and any building focused on education have to ensure the internal atmosphere is conducive to learning. When CO2 levels are high, there is a noticeable drop in concentration, which makes it crucial to take steps that address this issue 4 .

Empty educational buildings The other major challenge associated with education buildings is the length of time they can often sit empty for, particularly during the summer months. Those tasked with delivering a cost-effective air management solution must negotiate the extended periods of unoccupied time in a building, as well as ensuring ambient temperature is maintained.

Mechanical ventilation which incorporates easy-to-use controls is the most effective way to maximise IAQ in education buildings. CO 2 sensors detect changes in pollution levels, automatically adjusting fan speed to ensure that air quality is reliably controlled, and drowsiness doesn’t set in. Plus, the rate of ventilation can be reduced when the number of occupants is lower, such as at weekends or during summer holidays.

Although we’ve outlined the importance of good IAQ in some of the main places of work, there are countless other locations that require a considered approach to ventilation. Any building that requires occupants to spend extended periods of time inside, including home offices, needs to make adequate air circulation provision.

Taking a case-by-case approach will ensure that our workplaces are healthy environments, ultimately improving the wellbeing and productivity of our workforce. 

References 1) https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng149 2) https://www.remark-group.co.uk/videosand-literature/literature/air-quality-andwellbeing-at-work-results-2019 3) https://www.eltafans.com/applications/ industrial-buildings/ 4) https://www.eltafans.com/5-reasons-whymechanical-ventilation-is-ideal-for- schools/

Chris Wallis is business development manager, Kingspan Insulated Panels

Energy Efficiency & Well-being

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Energy saving and well-being in harmony

Chris Wallis takes a look at how a holistic approach to building design and construction can pay dividends when it comes to occupier comfort

The concept of healthy buildings is one that has received considerable focus over the last decade. Numerous studies have demonstrated that optimising the conditions in our internal environments can have a significant positive impact on our physical and mental well-being in all kinds of settings. This can lead to higher levels of productivity and cognitive performance in workspaces 1, better student attainment in schools, 2 and even improve customer experience and sales in retail places. 3 But it can often be a balancing act to create these beneficial spaces whilst also ensuring efficient and cost-effective energy management. One of the clearest examples of this is maintaining thermal comfort.

Research has shown that room temperature can have a notable effect on our mood and function. A study by the Institute of Education, University College London found that student’s cognitive performance improved by 6 per cent to 8 per cent where thermal comfort was enhanced in their learning environments. 4 In addition, the World Green Building Council reports that office staff performance can fall by 6 per cent if offices are too hot and 4 per cent if they are too cold. 5 While our perception of temperature can be affected by a wide range of personal and environmental factors, from our health and clothing to our position in the room, maintaining a constant comfortable air temperature is key.

However, space heating and cooling account for the largest proportion of in-operation energy consumption in non-residential buildings in the UK, amounting to around half of the total use. 6 Heating is the dominant consumer in almost all sectors, including retail, offices, education, industrial and health. In addition to increasing energy costs, heavy reliance on these systems contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Operational energy in buildings is responsible for 28 per cent of the world’s energy-related carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions. One third of this is used for space heating 7 while energy demand from space cooling systems has risen by more than a third in the last eight years.

To allow for better temperature control and optimised conditions for occupants without compromising on energy efficiency, it is therefore vital to take both into account as part of a holistic approach to building design, starting with the building envelope.

By ensuring a building is well insulated, it is possible to limit the leakage of heated or cooled air in or out of a building. This can boost the effectiveness of temperature control systems, reducing in-use energy demand and costs while helping to provide a comfortable environment.

Simple and effective solution Panelised roof and wall systems offer a simple and effective way to achieve high levels of thermal performance and airtightness on both new and refurbishment projects. The panels comprise a metal façade, insulation and waterproofing in a single

Insulated panel systems can incorporate roof lights lowering energy consumption from both heat and light

‘Progress will need to be made on the energy performance of all buildings’

component. Their highly insulated core and engineered jointing can greatly reduce heat demand and, when combined with an effective ventilation scheme, allow greater control of thermal conditions. The three-in-one panel construction also allows fast track installations and simplifies detailing around junctions, reducing the risk of heat loss or gain through poor installation.

Additionally, systems that use modern closed-cell insulation core technology can achieve thermal conductivities as low as 0.018 W/ mK. This enables a highly efficient building envelope to be created using slimmer panels, increasing internal space. It also means that the depth of window reveals can be reduced, potentially allowing for more natural light to enter the building through windows. What’s more, this thermal performance can be guaranteed for up to 40 years, ensuring a continually comfortable internal environment throughout the lifetime of the building.

Insulated panel systems can also be specified to include integrated ancillary products, such as roof and wall lights. In addition to lowering energy consumption from artificial lighting, introducing daylight into internal spaces is proven to have a positive impact on occupant’s health and well-being in a number of ways. Not only does natural light provide better visual acuity, but it also plays an important role in supporting our circadian rhythms which regulate our sleep and wake cycle. For example, one study found that workers who receive no natural daylight sleep on average 46 minutes less than their light-receiving counterparts, 8 which can increase the likelihood of illness or errors.

Through the use of Building Energy Modelling (BEM), designers can fine-tune the specification of these passive measures and their interaction with a range of active solutions, including building services and energy generation solutions. This approach should help to ensure these technologies are appropriate for the project, avoiding wasted energy from overpowered systems, maintaining thermal comfort while also minimising operational costs and carbon footprint.

With the various legislative changes set to happen over the next decade, significant progress will need to be made on the energy performance of all buildings. By thinking holistically and capitalising on the multiple benefits offered by modern building systems, it is possible to create buildings that achieve high levels of energy efficiency without compromising on the health and wellbeing of the people that use them.  References 1) https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2017/05/ cognitive-benefits-of-healthy-buildings 2) https://www.worldgbc.org/better-placespeople/green-healthy-schools 3) https://www.worldgbc.org/news-media/ health-wellbeing-and-productivity-retail-impactgreen-buildings-people-and-profit 4) https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/environmentaldesign/sites/bartlett/files/migrated-files/ cognitiveperformance-1_1.pdf 5) https://www.worldgbc.org/better-placespeople/green-healthy-work-spaces 6) https://www.theccc.org.uk/publication/nextsteps-for-uk-heat-policy/ 7) https://www.worldgbc.org/news-media/2019- global-status-report-buildings-and-construction 8) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC4031400/

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