20 minute read

Water Management

Stephanie Allchurch is product development manager at Altecnic

Water system safety in healthcare


Stephanie Allchurch discusses the two main physical methods that can be used to disinfect a water system - chemical disinfection and thermal disinfection

Controlling the safety and hygiene of any water system is not as easy, with a number of factors for healthcare facilities managers (HFMs) and water safety groups (WSGs) needing to consider.

Water safe plans (WSPs) must be integrated to ensure the most effective means of continually providing safe, wholesome drinking water. Most importantly, a WSP should aim to control waterborne pathogens (including pseudomonas aeruginosa), which can pass from a water system and then from patient to patient.

Chemical disinfection, often called ‘biocidal treatment’, of a water system involves contractors introducing chemicals, often chlorine dioxide, into the water system and running the taps through all the pipework within the water system. The taps are then closed to allow the chemicals to kill live pseudomonas within the water system.

However, the selection of appropriate chemicals is extremely complex and is dependent on a number of factors, of which are much more prevalent in a healthcare setting. For example, often biocides introduced into hot water systems are ‘gassed off’, and when they are placed in cold water systems (more specifically drinking water systems) they must be monitored to ensure that they do not exceed prescribed concentrations for drinking water.

The Health Technical Memorandum 04-01 Part A- Design, Installation and Commissioning (HTM04-01-Part A) suggests: ‘Where biocides are used to control microbial growth in water systems…meticulous control and monitoring programmes should be in place if they are to be effective.’1

As well as impact on the water quality, the components within the water system can be badly impacted by poor choice of acidic chemicals, causing them to deteriorate. HTM0401 Part A states, ‘the detrimental effects of biocidal treatment, such as corrosion of metal components… should be taken into consideration as biocide use may shorten the lifespan of particular components.’ 1 Proving that, no matter the quality of the components within the system, chemicals can cause the water system to completely breakdown causing additional operational issues.

Fewer limiting factors

It is widely known that Legionella, and other pseudomonas, grow in water systems where water is stored at between 20 – 60°C. Thermal disinfection, however, allows water temperature to be increased to above 60°C, killing the pseudomonas. Although this has far fewer limiting factors to the chemical disinfection of a system, thermal disinfection poses a scalding risk to the end user. For example, Health Building Notes 00-10 Part C – Sanitary Assemblies2 advises

‘Chemicals can cause the system to break down’

that outlets above 46°C present a scalding risk and should be labelled as such. It also advises that thermostatic devices, such as thermostatic mixing valves (TMVs), should be used at each outlet remove scalding risk.

To safely use water at temperatures that will thermally disinfect the system, WSGs must specify a TMV that adheres to the testing regime of the TMV3/NHS D08 regulatory standard to ensure the safety of the end user.

The TMV3 approval scheme provides assurance that a TMV is tested and deemed safe to use in a NHS setting. These valves offer a high level of protection, reacting much more quickly in shutting off the flow of water if the cold water fails, or a safe temperature is exceeded.

As well as allowing for thermal disinfection, the fitting of a TMV that adheres to these standards prevents the end-user from scalding. ‘Risk of scalding’ is still on the NHS ‘Never Events’ list3, which was last updated in February this year.

Although most TMVs installed within a healthcare setting, as long as they adhere to the previously discussed standards, disinfect 95 per cent of the water system, there are still places where pseudomonas can potentially form and grow. A common area is a dead-leg where either pipework has been altered and no longer in use.

A full thermal flush of a water system, right up to the outlet is advised to remove the pseudomonas present in the terminal fitting. To do this, each valve will need to be bypassed in order to successfully complete the thermal disinfection. However, this task can be reliant on resource and time, meaning it is costly for trusts.

Instead, WSGs and HFMs should aim to source TMVs that allow a thermal flush to take place right to the outlet. The Mixcal Careflo Plus TMV has been designed to meet the requirements of BS 7942:2000 and the NHS model engineering specification D08 for use in healthcare settings, hospitals, care homes and schools. This model allows a facilities manager to use a special tool and the manual override function, which ensures thermal disinfection is performed through to the outlets, enabling a complete rather than a partial flush.

There are new components being developed, and some already available, which will help to limit the risk to the safety of an end-user while also allowing the best system hygiene to be maintained.

As we move forward, new methods of disinfection may be developed to ensure the safety of an end-user is ensured, while also keeping the water system hygienic. 

Further reading

1) HTM 04-01- Department of Health and Social Care,

April 2017- Safe water in healthcare premises (HTM 04-01) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 2) HBN 00-100- Department of Health, 2013- HBN_0010_Part_C_Final.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk) 3) NHS Never Events- NHS Improvement, Jan 2018 (UPDATED Feb, 2021)- 2018-Never-Events-Listupdated-February-2021.pdf (england.nhs.uk)

Water Management

Karma Loveday is water advisor, Major Energy Users’ Council

Water in the ‘new normal’

Karma Loveday reflects on how the water market has coped with Covid pressures to date, and what kind of deals business customers are getting now

Although hidden from public view, the impact of the pandemic on the water market was profound. All sorts of emergency provisions had to be rushed through last year, both to support business customers whose revenue had fallen off a cliff from water bills based on historic consumption patterns they could not pay, and to shore up water retailers whose financial vulnerabilities were exposed.

The efforts by and large paid off, and water wholesalers did a commendable job of keeping customers on supply throughout, despite the exceptional circumstances.

With life now returning to normal, or at least a new normal, the market is trying to get back onto something of an even keel and catch up on activities – especially meter reads – that were halted because of the restrictions. One silver lining has been an unexpected opportunity to identify and address leakage, where consumption has been recorded while businesses have been closed or operations reduced.

The main hangover issue now is dealing with customer bad debt that has accrued as a result of the pandemic. Water regulator Ofwat will allow retailers to increase maximum prices for businesses who have not contracted with a retailer (those on default tariffs – most of the market) for at least two years from April 2022 to socialise the burden.

Setting these exceptional Covid impacts aside, how is the water market performing for customers as it approaches its fifth birthday next year? Ofwat is due to publish a ‘State of the Market’ report this autumn which will set out the regulator’s view on this. We are safe to assume that many of the problems identified in the 2020 version – so called ‘market frictions’ – will remain evident and that the customer experience is unlikely to have turned around.

The statutory customer watchdog in water, CCW, gave us a glimpse of this in September with the publication of complaints data from business customers in 2020-21. Complaints had crept up on the previous year, and remained well above premarket opening levels – though it is worth noting that there was a wide gulf between the best and worst performing retailers, suggesting maturing differentiation.

Better deal from switching

This differentiation is evident too in the latest market performance data, which tracks the extent to which retailers and wholesalers are keeping up with the tasks expected of them. Market wide, large retailers scored 87.7 per cent in 2020-21 up from 80.9 per cent last year, with individual scores ranging from a high of 95.1 per cent to a low of 78 per cent.

It has also become increasingly evident that customers who have switched or negotiated a contract with an existing retailer are securing better levels of service overall than those

Table 1: Market performance of the UK’s larger water retailers

who haven’t, suggesting the principle of competition is working.

In more positive news, there is a suite of activity going on at

Table 2: Complaint performance of medium and large providers 2020-21 the moment which should lead to improvements in service for customers. This includes:

Revamped market governance: on 1 September, the panel that oversees the market was overhauled and weighted in favour of non-water industry members, and a primary principle of advancing customer interests was introduced to guide all activities.

Strategic Metering Review: getting good quality, timely and reliable consumption data is a priority for all customers, as the basis of accurate bills and any water management/reduction activity. For many of our MEUC members, the market is currently falling very short. A particularly stark statistic is that 23 per cent of all non-household meters have not been read in the last year. The operator of the water market, MOSL, is part way through a wide ranging review of metering in the market which will take both quick-fix and strategic actions to improve this situation.

Bilaterals hub: since market opening until now, there has been no standardised way of wholesalers and retailers interacting to process operational transactions on behalf of customers – say, to fix a broken meter. This has been a source of cost, complexity and delay. MOSL has corralled the market to invest in a centralised bilaterals hub through which such transactions will be mandated to pass through in future. The first process went live on 22 September, with more to follow in coming months.

Market Improvement Fund: MOSL put £1m on the table last month to fund ideas beyond work in train already to make the market work better for customers.

Self-supply: this market – where customers (large ones) have opted out of having a water retailer altogether in favour of securing a retail licence to supply themselves directly from the wholesaler – is thriving. Self-suppliers lead the market on performance – for instance, meters unread for a year in the community stand at around 2 per cent.

Alongside Ofwat’s State of the Market report, other things to look out for in the coming months include further pressure on wholesalers from Ofwat to support market improvement; more detail on Covid bad debt arrangements; and, in 2022, a Retail Exit Code review which will include a review of price caps. 

Water Management

Barry McGovaney is sustainability lead and innovation & technology manager for Water Plus

Where’s the carbon in water?

When it comes to net zero, you may be wondering what impact the water being used at your organisation has on emissions. Barry McGovaney explains

There are carbon emissions linked to each cubic metre (every 1,000 litres) of water you use at your organisation - and there’s a way to calculate what it is.

In fact, there are more carbon emissions linked to every 1,000 litres of wastewater that leaves your site, than every 1,000 litres of water you’re getting through your pipes.

As there is carbon associated with both – it shows why being wiser on water helps organisations deliver net zero and other targets under the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

According to the latest greenhouse gas reporting conversion factors, there is 0.149kg of CO2e in each 1,000 litres - which is measured as one cubic metre on bills and water meters.

When it comes to the wastewater at your site – from the water that goes down the drains in kitchens or sinks, to flushes from the toilets and urinals – it’s 0.272kg of CO2e in each cubic metre, according to the conversion factor covering emissions from treating it.

This shows that by just boiling the water you need in work kitchen kettles - to reducing water waste from any leaks, including dripping taps, running toilets from cisterns - and elsewhere at your site – it soon adds up to lowering running costs and creating less carbon overall.

It’s estimated the emissions from fuel combustion and product use in industrial and commercial sectors alone accounted for 17 per cent of the UK’s net greenhouse gas emissions in data published this year. In addition, the public sector contributes, along with some others like waste management and land use, 10 per cent, it’s worth exploring what to do, whichever sector you’re in.

Water may be in Scope 3 on the emissions list – but it shouldn’t be looked at last. Some simple steps can be taken straightaway to help reduce the impact your organisation is having on the environment – and save on running costs in the future.

Monthly water use

As your business – or public sector organisation - is billed for every 1,000 litres of water used (a cubic metre), measured through your water meter, it’s worth looking closer at what water you use each month, as a good first move, if you’re not already doing this.

Noting a meter read each month, if it’s safe to access, allows you to track your use and spot water issues early – and data loggers on your meter can also help identify opportunities, with information fed into an online portal for updates throughout 24 hours of operating.

Here’s some of the eye-watering opportunities and savings from looking at water more closely: • a large data logger project this year found a site owned by a major multisite distributor had seen a jump in usage. An extra 1,000 litres were being used over three days, in June 2021, due to several toilet leaks - allowing them to react in a 24-hour period, rather than a month later. The water issue was fixed within 24 hours; and • during this year’s lockdown (in January 2021) a gym chain had five sites losing more than 1,000 litres an hour – a total of 9,800 litres an hour across the sites. This would cost around £700 a day for the supply of that water – around £248,000 if they ran for a year.

Water-efficient taps

Cutting hot water use has a direct impact on energy costs too – and means less carbon being created too. Hot water can cost between 2 to 4 times more than cold water, once energy costs are considered, and water-efficient taps, showerheads and other measures can all help there.

There are big tax deductions available for organisations investing in equipment including fittings in their buildings so now is a good time to consider low-cost, water-saving technology.1

With environmental reporting requirements2 for organisations and interest in reducing impacts on natural resources increasing3, it’s a good time to get ahead of the curve.

Plus, with colder winter months ahead in 2022, it’s worth reviewing or introducing a water emergency plan for your site/s, so your employees know what to do if water was to stop suddenly at the workplace. Around one in five businesses have had a water issue on site with almost one having to shut their site for an hour or more after a water issue.4 Knowing what to do and where you’d get water if you need it is essential.  References

1) https://www.gov.uk/guidance/superdeduction 2) https://www.gov.uk/government/ publications/uk-joint-regulator-andgovernment-tcfd-taskforce-interim-reportand-roadmap 3) https://www.gov.uk/government/news/ chancellor-sets-out-how-uk-financialservices-can-create-prosperity-at-homeand-project-values-abroad-in-first-mansionhouse-speech 4) https://www.water-plus.co.uk/wateruse

Compressor range combines greater energy efficiency and small footprint

COMPAIR has launched its 160, 200 and 250kW FourCore compressor range, combining best-in-class compressed air efficiency with a small footprint and sustainable design for eco-conscious businesses.

The FourCore range offers all the capabilities of a two-stage compressor, but with only the footprint of a single-stage unit. When compared with previous single-stage compressors in this size range from CompAir, the new models are up to 8 per cent more efficient, offering a best-in-class oil-lubricated solution for decision makers.

At the heart of these latest models is CompAir’s new GD10-DS airend, which is where the range takes its FourCore name from. This compact, two-stage airend uses four gears rather than three, to deliver flexible rotor speed adjustment at both low and high pressures, as well as the best possible performance at different discharge pressures and shaft speeds.

When compared with a conventional two-stage compressor, the new 200 kW model uses 22 per cent less materials and can help cut waste by up to 19 per cent. Predicted payback periods are between one to two years. To help deliver further energy efficiencies, integrated heat recovery is offered as an option on the new range.

From analogue to smart meters

DEER TECHNOLOGY says its LimpetReader cost-effectively converts analogue electricity meters to smart meters simply and quickly.

The LimpetReader is attached to the faceplate using optical adhesive or tape. If desired, a meter can still be read manually without disturbing the LimpetReader.

Deer Technology has designed the unit to be compact so that it fits within a meter cabinet. A key element of the opto-electronic device’s design is multiple microcameras that capture date- and timestamped images of the meter’s register. These are sent automatically to Deer Technology’s secure servers using GSM technology over any of the UK’s mobile phone networks. Once on the server, the individual images are stitched together with image processing software to create a single, distortion-free register image. This is converted to a numerical value for the electricity consumption. Customer benefits include accurate billing based on realtime data not estimates, the ability to choose read frequencies, and better visibility of data that can help cut consumption, save costs and reduce carbon footprint. If different areas of a site have separate meters, energy usage can easily be allocated to relevant cost centres. Similarly, building owners can use LimpetReaders for sub-metering and billing tenants.


Laurent Bataille

Laurent Bataille is EVP of Digital Energy for Schneider Electric

From passive to energy generating assets

Laurent Bataille believes that all buildings must become value-added generation assets to play a greater role in fighting climate change

As restrictions begin to lift in some countries, businesses will re-open and welcome their employees back to the workplace. It’s possible to transform office spaces into buildings of the future that generate their own clean energy, and manage spaces in a healthy, safe and energy efficient and cost-effective way. This doesn’t mean throwing out the old and replacing it with the new. The interior of old buildings can be digitally retrofitted while preserving and improving its original design. New cuttingedge technology, digitisation and software will be at the heart of this transformation, making whole neighbourhoods and cities smarter and more sustainable. Buildings – and companies that own and manage them - have a huge role to play in fighting climate change and protecting not just the health of the people – but also that of our planet.

The concept of smart cities has become more widely known across the globe in the last fifteen years. As well as transforming existing buildings, brand new smart city ecosystems have been designed and built from scratch. One example of this is Masdar City in Abu Dhabi which is a hub for research and development and offers more green and sustainable urban living and is due to be completed in 2030. Cities have historically been more advanced than countries in moving towards autonomous and sustainable buildings in places such as Paris, Hong Kong, New York, London or Singapore. What’s good is that software and digital technologies create the ‘second mover advantage’. Any urban centre can benefit from such technologies – an emerging or centuries old one.

Rethink needed on decarbonisation

Why do we care if our cities are sustainable? It’s simple. Cities only cover around 3 per cent of the Earth’s land, but they produce around 72 per cent of its total greenhouse gas emissions. We have to rethink how we can decarbonise our built environments, particularly when cities continue to grow so rapidly.

My belief and hope is that with the help of modern technologies self-sufficient and self-healing buildings will soon emerge, especially in “sunshine” states and countries where the renewable energy generation aspect of urbanisation is more easily imagined. Scientists have been developing ways in which buildings could repair themselves to overcome the wear and tear over time caused by weather conditions and cracks from natural shifts in the earth. Innovative projects include Cardiff University investigating ways to use bacteria that can turn into hardened calcite to enable buildings to repair themselves. This could prove very useful for infrastructure and places that are hard to access such as tunnels and bridges.

However, before we are able to achieve this dream, all buildings must become value adding energy generation assets, which they can already do today through microgrids, which can also feature self-healing properties. Allowing for continuous self-assessments that inspect, analyse, react to, and automatically respond to problems, they would be able to minimise blackouts as well. This is possible through the widespread deployment of sensors and other intelligent devices and automated controls that check and evaluate

Bataille: 'technology can transform our cities, building by building, home by home'

‘With the help of new technologies self-sufficient and self-healing buildings will soon emerge’

the status and condition of the network to identify abnormalities and problems.

Using this information, the grid can agilely and accurately isolate network failure and react to protect the power infrastructure. This intelligent automation allows more effective monitoring and decision making without human intervention. The overall result is a more reliable grid that maximises uptime and increases the efficiency and security of your smart building systems.

Digital transformation

What does a self-sufficient building look like? In recent years, Swire Properties decided to leverage Schneider’s Ecostruxure system to transform certain buildings within its portfolio into smart buildings. The digital transformation of these buildings made them more energy efficient and sustainable. It also enabled the building managers to monitor the data of multiple properties across different locations. Using AI and analytics, Swire Properties can now identify actionable insights leading to further reductions in energy expenditure as well any improvements in operational performance.

Our own offices in Singapore which act as an office space and innovation hub were made into a carbon neutral building at the middle of 2020. It now runs on solar power during the day time and has been equipped with around 3000 sensors allowing us to collect useful data to optimise the way the space is used and to reduce its energy consumption as much as possible.

Recently, Schneider was selected as one of the four winning proposals for the Helsinki Energy Challenge. The ‘Hot Heart’ concept brings 10 giant sea water basins (each measuring 225m in diameter) off the shores of Helsinki that act as thermal batteries and create the same effect as a tropical island. Acting as a giant battery storage, the project promises to save residents 10 per cent on their heating bills while using the power of seawater heat pumps, solar and wind energy to decarbonise the city’s district heating by 2028 and balance the grid.

Four of the hot water reservoirs are enclosed with domes and used for recreational purposes with pools and tropical forests and plants the Finns can enjoy throughout their Northern winters.

This is just one example of technology and software transforming our cities, building by building, home by home without compromising on sustainability or comfort. 

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