February 2019

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In this issue Lighting Technology CHP & District Heating CPD Module: Solar Thermal Smart Building Technology Demand Side Response

More than illumination Lighting helps wellbeing

Global urbanisation Smart buildings key to smart cities

Finding a niche Will DSR realise its potential?

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In this issue Lighting Technology CHP & District Heating CPD Module: Solar Thermal Smart Building Technology Demand Side Response

More than illumination Lighting helps wellbeing

Global urbanisation Smart buildings key to smart cities




Finding a niche Will DSR realise its potential?




13 Lighting Technology

Lighting can provide a number of benefits – all integrated in a manner that’s pleasing to the eye, says Joao Pola

39 Smart Buildings

With 2.5bn people expected to migrate to cities by 2050 new ways have to be found to operate buildings more efficiently, says Graeme Rees

Richard Merchant takes a look at how manufacturers of LEDs are becoming increasingly innovative (14)

Ian Ellis discusses digitisation in the healthcare industry and examines some of the building technologies enabling more efficient patient care (40)

Reduced energy costs has long been a driver of lighting upgrades but now their contribution to employee wellbeing is a factor, says Debbie-Sue Farrell (16)


The IoT is now starting to have a transformative effect on smart building automation and control. Karl Walker discusses the Internet of Things (42) Creating smart buildings can open up a wealth of opportunities, including enhancing wellbeing. James Spires explains (44)

CHP & District Heating Ian Hopkins explains how to get CHP planning and specification right to optimise efficiency CHP in communal heat networks can reduce energy costs and emissions and add grid resilience, believes Mike Hefford (32)

46 Demand Side Response

The GLA has recently updated its planning guidance for residential developments with a section on carbon emission factors. Chris Davis ponders the impact (34) Alex Marshall examines where CHP technology is best suited (36)

Take up of DSR remains low. Jason Stocks looks at the potential and how energy managers can maximise their use of this resource Energy storage combined with demand-side response and on-site generation can help businesses take control of when they consume electricity, says David Hill (47)

REGULARS 06 News Update

Nottingham and Manchester make strides to carbon neutrality while EV vehicles continue to grow

10 The Warren Report

The collapse of the UK’s Capacity Market scheme has been dismissed as “purely procedural.” But it exposes the divide that exists between generation and demand side

20 Energy Procurement

Purchasing your biomass supplies for the winter demands as much attention as buying gas or electricity, believes Roger Pearson

22 ESTA Viewpoint

Energy performance contracts are growing in popularity and have yet

to meet their full potential, believes Nick Keegan

to a low carbon energy system, says Hanaé Chauvaud de Rochefort

48 Products in Action

24 New Products

An earth clamp and a current meter for energy use in every room of multi-occupancy buildings are new this month

25 The Fundamental Series: CPD Learning

Solar thermal system have a role to play in the move to zero-carbon buildings, says Mark Hobbins

Fan coil units and convectors are heating the new V&A Museum in Dundee

50 Talking Heads

The Ecodesign Directive for HVAC equipment is set to have an enormous effect on the energy saving sector, explains Christian Rudio

29 View from the Top

We need a fairer reflection of efficient gas combined with flexibility incentives in SAP for transitioning

Follow us, ‘like us’ or visit us online to keep up to date with all the latest energy news and events www.eibi.co.uk FEBRUARY 2019 | ENERGY IN BUILDINGS & INDUSTRY | 03

editor’s opinion

Follow us on @ twitter.com/energyzine and twitter.com/markthrower1

DSR’s uphill struggle


t a recent exhibition an energy manager

end of last year. DSR has been eligible to compete in

confessed to me that he found the

the Capacity Market auctions since 2015. However,

DSR market too baffling. He had been

the General Court of the European Union ruled that

sourcing information and was leaving

the European Commission failed to carry out a full


the EiBI team editorial Managing Editor Mark Thrower tel: 01483 452854 Email: editor@eibi.co.uk Address: P. O. Box 825, Guildford GU4 8WQ

investigation of the UK Capacity Market, and failed

Social Media Assistant Sam Jackson tel: 01889 577222 Email: info@energyzine.co.uk

to properly assess the role of DSR. Payments and


of this market. The concept of using energy more

auctions have been suspended while the government

intelligently to lower bills, carbon and generate some

tries to obtain re-approval for the scheme. This is not a

revenue should be a key weapon for an energy

process that will be completed overnight.

Sales Managers Chris Evans tel: 01889 577222 fax: 01889 579177 Email: chris@eibi.co.uk Address: 16-18 Hawkesyard Hall, Armitage Park, Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1PU

the show more confused than when he arrived. I’m sure he’s not alone in having this opinion

manager. But overcomplexity is continuing to hamper its growth. The potential is there. The Association of

The European Union ruling was came about as a result of a claim by Tempus Energy that the Capacity Market discriminated against companies that offered

Decentralised Energy (ADE) calculates that 16 per

DSR. Indeed, it provides subsidies that may no

cent of the UK’s peak electricity requirement – or

longer be needed to energy incumbents, principally

9.8GW – could be provided by businesses being

existing gas, coal and nuclear power plants. It also

flexible in their energy demand, which could save

demonstrates that Government’s attitude to the

UK energy consumers £600m by 2020 and £2.3bn

demand side of the energy market is unimportant. It

by 2035.

has dismissed the ruling as “purely procedural.”

Russ Jackson tel: 01704 501090 fax: 01704 531090 Email: russ@eibi.co.uk Address: Argyle Business Centre, 8 Leicester Street, Southport, Lancashire PR9 0EZ

services for it to balance the grid related to the speed

“Government should stop pretending that this

at which it requires a response and the duration of

legal ruling does not impact upon policy design. It

Nathan Wood tel 01525 716 143 fax 01525 715 316 Email nathan@eibi.co.uk Address: 1b, Station Square Flitwick, Bedfordshire MK45 1DP

the response. However, these have been complex and

transparently does. It reveals clearly a bias in favour

classified sales

take up has been poor. National Grid has promised

of existing (mostly fossil fuel) generation. And against

to simplify the DSR products it procures with details

better energy management.”

Sharon Nutter Tel: 01889 577222 Email: classified@eibi.co.uk

The National Grid has provided a range of DSR

But as Andrew Warren states (see page 10)


published this summer. And DSR received a further blow when the Capacity Market came to a juddering halt at the


Mark Thrower

Sue Bethell Tel: 01889 577222 Email: circulation@eibi.co.uk

administration/ production

THIS MONTH’S COVER STORY Dundee’s newly opened Victoria & Albert Museum hosts a selection of permanent Scottish design exhibitions and a temporary international programme of events dedicated to emerging design talents. The design essence intrinsic to the Scottish Design Galleries is based on the reconstruction of Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s Ingram Street Tearoom. The Scottish Design Galleries exhibit 300 items from the V&A collections as well as from private collections. To illuminate these areas, Arup, the M&E consultant, developed a solution that combines more than 600 of iGuzzini’s Palco projectors with iN30 luminaires and Underscore linear lighting. All of the luminaires are DALI-controlled and the system allows management through Bluetooth, implicitly through smartphones. See page 19 for more details Cover photo courtesy of iGuzzini illuminazione UK Ltd


Fran Critchlow Tel: 01889 577222 Email: info@eibi.co.uk

publishing Directors Chris Evans Russ Jackson Magazine Designer Tim Plummer For overseas readers or UK readers not qualifying for a free copy, annual subscription rates are £85 UK; £105 Europe airmail; £120 RoW. Single copies £10 each. Published by: Pinede Publishing Ltd 16-18 Hawkesyard Hall, Armitage Park, Nr. Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1PU ISSN 0969 885X This issue includes photographs provided and paid for by suppliers

Printed by Precision Colour Printing Origination by Design and Media Solutions ABC Audited Circulation Jan-Dec 2017 12,071

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Smart meter roll out slows to a crawl More corporates to release data Two-thirds (67 per cent) of UK corporates will be disclosing climaterelated risks and opportunities in their 2019 annual reporting, according to new figures released by the Carbon Trust. However, fewer than a quarter (23 per cent) of companies are expecting to fully report in line with the recommendations of the G20 Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), released in June 2017. The survey was conducted by Ipsos MORI as part of its annual Captains of Industry research study, based on interviews with 100 board members from the UK’s top 500 companies. Over next three years, the most commonly expected advantage from climate change disclosure in line with the TCFD recommendations is reputational, with seven in ten (72 per cent) believing that this reporting would increase brand value. At an aggregate level, one third (31 per cent) of respondents see financial benefits, which is composed of improved access to capital (12 per cent), lower cost of capital (10 per cent), and strengthened credit rating (9 per cent). Other perceived benefits include reduced shareholder pressure or activism (37 per cent), as well as attracting an increased diversity of investors (29 per cent). And one-fifth (21 per cent) of business leaders think that improved climate change reporting will directly result in an increased company valuation. Conversely, very few respondents foresee negative impacts from revealing their climate change opportunities and risks, with only a handful predicting this would have any effect on investment or borrowing. Three fifths (59 per cent) do not identify a single disadvantage that would occur for their company in the short-to-medium term by providing disclosures in line with the TCFD recommendations.

Less than one-quarter of the 63m smart meters due to be put into British buildings by 2020 have yet been installed, according to Daron Walker. He has been in charge of the £14bn programme since it started in 2009. He has acknowledged that, compared with 2017, the pace of installation actually slowed last year. Giving evidence to the House of Commons Business & Energy committee, Walker acknowledged that of the 12.8m installed, only 260,000 of these were of the newer SMETS 2 technology standard. Several MPs complained at the lack of sophistication of the original SMETS 1 specification, which had led to many problems for customers who switched supplier, and for the use of differential time tariffs. The original SMETS 1 technology had been due to be phased out entirely by 2016. Conservative MP Antoinette Sandbach asked what had been the impact upon the programme’s financial viability of such serious delay. The most recent study from the National Audit Office had again raised serious questions regarding overall cost-effectiveness.

To the obvious irritation of several members, Walker admitted that there had been “no specific analysis” since 2016 of the impact that installing such elderly technology might have upon the programme’s cost-effectiveness. He promised that no further SMETS 1 meters would be installed after April. MPs were told that there were “no serious obstacles to incorporate to functionality” all SMETS 1 meters by the end of 2020, although just £230m had been set aside to do so. All were “enrolled”, but just 2 per cent “might need replacing”.

Former Labour Minister, Caroline Flint, queried why installation costs were now 50 per cent higher than had been forecast as recently as 2017. “Is due to poor project management?” she queried. Committee chair Rachel Reeves was scathing about the continuing failure of around 30 per cent of those who had installed smart meters to receive any guidance or advice about energy efficiency opportunities. She criticised the regulator OFGEM for never imposing “meaningful penalties” upon transgressing installers.

Hybrid heating system uses off-peak electricity A University of Chester professor has created a new concept of a hybrid heating system which uses off-peak electricity (and therefore takes pressure off the National Grid). Professor John Counsell, head of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering together with colleague Dr Yousaf Khalid, has computer-modelled the ‘Renewable Integrated and Sustainable Electric’ (RISE) hybrid heating system, which consists of an Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP), a thermal storage tank (hot water), and an off-peak powered thermal storage boiler. ‘RISE’ stores up energy during periods of low electricity demand from the National Grid, turning it into a dynamic supply of low cost heat which is utilised only when required, making it not only cost effective, but more environmentally friendly. Its research and development


Professor John Counsell (left) and Dr Yousaf Khalid have developed the RISE system at the University of Chester

(R&D) has been part of a collaborative project funded by Innovate UK, in partnership with EDF Energy, for tariff design; BRE, for regulatory compliance and standards; Glen Dimplex, for innovation of the system implementation and the thermal storage boiler; and Eastbourne Homes, for consumer requirements. A prototype of ‘RISE’ was developed and tested for a year in the Watford BRE Innovation Park in the BRE’s Prince’s Trust house.

In a similar way to hybrid cars using two sources of energy to provide power to the car, a hybrid heating system uses two sources for heating a house. One source is an ‘off-peak’ thermal storage boiler, based on Glen Dimplex’s Quantum Storage heater technology, that uses cheaper night time electricity to heat the bricks inside it. The hot water pipes in the house are passed through the offpeak boiler to warm the water for the house radiators providing heat during peak heating hours from 7am to 9am and 4pm to 8pm. During off-peak hours, the off-peak boiler charges itself and the heating is provided by the second heat source – the air source heat pump. When the next peak heating time arrives, the hot water from the storage tank is circulated to the radiators and topped up with heat from the offpeak boiler. Hence this configuration avoids placing heat demand on the National Grid during peak times.

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UK electricity demand in decline

Pipe maker opts for wind power

New analysis by the website Carbon Brief reveals that UK power generators supplied less electricity last year than at any time since 1994, as overall demand for electricity continues to fall. Last year the UK generated just 335TWh last year, a drop of almost 16 per cent (63TWh) from the peak in 2005. That year the Government launched its programme for a “family” of new nuclear power stations, while forecasting that electricity consumption would have grown by a further 30 per cent by 2020. The differential between that prediction and reality is now almost 46 per cent. Last year’s 24-year generation low was achieved “despite rising population numbers and decades

Leading manufacturer of plastic and clay pipes, Wavin UK, has bolstered its commitment to achieving more sustainable operations by awarding its energy contract to Ørsted, a global leader in offshore wind. The manufacturer, which produces essential plumbing and drainage systems has appointed renewable energy specialists Ørsted, to supply natural gas and 100 per cent renewable electricity energy from April 2019. The new energy supply will see Wavin reduce its CO2 emissions by 13.7 tonnes a year and will cover Wavin’s four sites at Hazelhead, Chippenham, Forest Works and Doncaster for three years.

of economic growth since the early nineties”. The UK’s population has grown 10 per cent to 66m since 2005. Interviewed in the Guardian, Carbon Brief’s Simon Evans, who carried out the analysis, said the fall in electricity demand could be due to “a combination of more efficient appliances, energy-saving lightbulbs and, more recently, LEDs”. “And

supermarkets are installing better fridges, industry using more efficient pumps. Across all of those businesses, efficiency will have been going up. And of course there’s the changing nature of industry in the UK,” he adds. The findings show the impact that energy efficiency gains can have, noted BBC News, which argues this “Cinderella” topic is “often ignored or derided” in favour of “glamorous renewables” that “grab the headlines”. Economic orthodoxy has long been that energy consumption mirrors economic growth. These latest figures, combined with 28 per cent drops in natural gas and a 13 per cent drop in petrol sales, confirm how much that orthodoxy needs to change.

Lighting upgrade for university

Nottingham aims for carbon neutrality by 2028 Nottingham could become the first carbon neutral city in the UK after the City Council set itself an ambitious target to achieve this by 2028. The city has already met its Energy Strategy target early – a 26 per cent reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 2020 – and reduced emissions by 39 per cent since 2005. Nottingham is also on track to meet its 2020 target of 20 per cent of energy generation from low carbon sources, due to a combination of a reduction in the City’s energy demand and renewable energy project. The council is ambitious to do more within the next 12 years, in light of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2018 Special Report on Global Warming, which warned of the dire consequences of a 1.5oC rise in global temperatures. Portfolio holder for energy & environment, Cllr Sally Longford, said:

Newcastle University is delivering a three-year, £2.4m, estate-wide LED lighting upgrade as part of their carbon reduction programme. The first phase of the project, which began in 2018, is predicted to save the university £120,000 and 432tCO2e annually. The university’s carbon reduction activities and the use of their revolving fund will ensure that they are on track to achieve an ambitious 30 per cent carbon reduction target by 2021.

“We have been making good progress for a long time, but it is incumbent on us to do more. We are already seeing the effects of climate change with 650 extra deaths nationally last year. “We need a shift in the way we produce and use energy, more sustainable management of waste

and ways to travel and to look at things like shortening supply chains by buying goods and services locally. We are looking at technology such as batteries to store solar energy – initially at council premises - but also exploring this for domestic properties too.”

Net zero carbon pledge for Manchester’s new buildings The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has pledged to ensure that all new buildings erected in the city region will be ‘netzero’ carbon by 2028, building on Manchester’s vision of becoming a carbon-neutral city by 2038. The local authority has published its draft Greater Manchester Plan for Homes, Jobs and the Environment, outlining plans to decouple emissions from economic growth as the region’s

economy and population expand over the coming 20 years. “The need to decarbonise our economy means we need to look at low carbon energy generation and storage, retrofitting of buildings, and lowcarbon transport,” Greater Manchester mayor, Andy Burnham, said. “Future climate change pressures will also require the city-region to adapt to bigger shocks and stresses.” The UK Green Building Council

(UKGBC) has welcomed Manchester’s move and is encouraging other local authorities to follow the GMCA’s lead. “Today’s announcement shows Greater Manchester to be a national - if not international - leader in netzero carbon policy and is a typically forthright challenge to central Government, which has dragged its heels on zero-carbon buildings for most of the last decade,” UKGBC’s director of policy and places, John Alker said.

Scottish company looks to California Glasgow-based proptech company arbnco has secured its first international contract after signing a partnership agreement with the University of California, Davis (UC Davis). UC Davis is trialling arbnco technology to identify energy saving opportunities and improve indoor air quality for staff and students. In the first of several projects involving arbnco, the company’s software will be utilised by the university’s Energy Efficiency Institute as part of a pilot programme funded by the US Office of Naval Research. The software will first analyse the data gathered from UC Davis campus building energy audits, and generate automatic reports that identify opportunities for energy and cost savings, as well as recommend retrofit solutions.


news update For all the latest news stories visit www.eibi.co.uk Advertisement Feature EUROPEAN REGULATIONS


Local authorities fail to publish plans

ErP – We are ready Warm Air, Radiant and Heating Products are now affected by European Regulations. Warm air heaters are subject to Lot 21 of the directive and radiant heaters Lot 20. Minimum efficiency for warm air is now 72 per cent and radiant heaters is now 74 per cent. Crucially, these minimum criteria are applicable for both new installations and when replacing existing products. As a result, customers can be assured that the heating equipment they are purchasing is highly energy efficient and emissions of harmful environmental pollutants are constrained. Our ErP compliant range includes the highly efficient NorRay-Vac a gas fired continuous radiant tube heating system designed specifically for the building it is required to heat. The Nor-Ray-Vac system is designed to provide uniform heat coverage over the entire floor area. The system can also cater for distinct zones providing a varied degree of comfort level within the overall layout of the building. With increased comfort, along with a reduction in operating costs of up to 60 per cent over conventional systems, Reznor will help keep end users operating costs down. • For more information please visit www.nortek-erp. com or email erp@nortek.com

More than half of all English local authorities are now breaking a law described as “potentially the single most important driver of residential energy efficiency.” These councils do not have a current Home Energy Conservation Plan, even though such plans have been obligatory since 1995. The Home Energy Conservation Act 1995 requires all 326 English local authorities with housing responsibilities to publish a bi-annual report, outlining their plans to promote energy efficiency in their area. The next set of such plans are due by the end of May. The Business Department, BEIS, has recently circulated new guidance to each of these HECAuthorities, setting out how best councils can comply with their statutory obligations. Tucked away in this guidance is a remarkably frank admission. It is that “in previous years, reporting rates

have been disappointing, with 282 reports submitted in March 2015 out of 326 LAs, and only 151 in March 2017.” The latter statistic reveals that only 46 per cent of housing authorities bothered to comply with requests made by Government last time round. This is in comparison with the 99 per cent of councils that complied without reminders during the 1990s and early 2000s, when practically every such local authority was employing dedicated at least one, frequently

several, HECA officers. According to the Government, “data submitted through these reports is important for tracking energy efficiency-related activity at a local level, and informing policy thinking on energy efficiency and fuel poverty alleviation at both a local and national level. “For 2019 we are piloting the submission of reports through a digital platform with a streamlined set of questions. A PDF version of the reporting questions is available for reference, but the department asks local authorities to submit their reports via the digital platform wherever possible.” • https://www.gov.uk/government/ publications/guidance-to-englishenergy-conservation-authoritiesthe-home-energy-conservationact-1995

Renewable energy continues to grow in 2018 2018 saw continued growth in levels of renewable generation, with overall levels in Britain now closing in upon levels of fossil-fuelled generation, according to a study from consultancy EnAppSys. Levels of generation from coal and gas-fired power stations produced a combined 130.9TWh against a total of 95.9TWh from renewable sources. Whilst this meant that fossil power plants produced 35.0TWh more than renewable sources, renewable projects also saw levels of generation increase by 12.7TWh, with this impacting levels of conventional power generation. With any further increases in renewable generation set to reduce levels of fossil fuel generation, this trajectory should see levels of renewable generation reach 121.3TWh by 2020, with the impact of this likely to be that fossil fuel generation falls to 105.6TWh by the same year. This would see more power come from renewable projects than from any other aggregated power source (renewables, fossil

fuels, nuclear or interconnectors). The increase in levels of renewable generation was primarily driven by a large rise in levels of wind-powered generation as a number of large offshore wind farms commissioned or entered full operation during the year. With offshore wind farms now providing a relatively low cost source of power (against historic levels) these projects set to continue to come on-stream driving higher levels of renewable output in future years.

Global aerogel market set for expansion in next decade The global aerogel market will exceed $530m by 2029, according to the recent IDTechEx Research report “Aerogels 2019-2029: Technologies, Markets and Players.” The report values the market at present at just over $220m and anticipates it to marginally exceed $530m by 2029 for the aerogel manufacturers. There has been seemingly no limit to the hype and over-inflated proposed market infiltration surrounding the


properties and proposed applications for this class of material, adds the report. To date, the high price-tag has meant that the unique properties aerogels possess have been valued only by a few industries. The market leaders, Aspen Aerogel, have lost over $300m across the past decade, which alongside others, has in part enabled this market to finally come of age and allow for a more diverse profitable market to be on the cusp of emerging. The report details the current

status of all the different types and forms of pure and composite aerogel products. The most prevalent of which is silica aerogel with the key property being very high thermal insulation (λ = 15-25 mW/m.K). The commercial applications to date centre almost exclusively around silica composite panels and blankets for their use in thermal management. IDTechEx identifies organic aerogels, notably polymer panels, as an emerging area of activity.

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California runs independent energy-saving schemes Forty years ago, the state of California pioneered the concept of obliging electricity and gas companies to run programmes designed to help their customers to use less energy, funding and installing energy saving measures. This set a trend copied all over the US and much of the developed world, including Britain, thus enabling governments to avoid spending public money to achieve the same objective. Officials throughout the world have long acknowledged that California has been the trendsetter. But now that state is about to reverse its policy, and run energy-saving programmes independently of the energy companies, paid for from taxation via ring-fenced funds. In Britain a series of such

programmes has been in operation since the mid 1990s. These have operated under a series of different names and acronyms, (Standards of Performance, the Energy Efficiency Commitment, CERT and CESP amongst others). In 2009/10 the Big Six were spending around £1.2bn annually funding such programmes, which included the installation of new boiler and thermostats, insulation and energy-saving lightbulbs. Expenditure on such programmes has been reduced substantially since the Conservatives regained power in 2015, and now covers only assistance to those in fuel poverty. Ever since these utility-funded programmes had been introduced, no public funding to help all consumers save energy

has been available in California, nor during this century in the UK. Even so, consumption in California keeps dropping year on year. However, changes have been prompted by the decision of the main northern Californian supplier, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), to file for

bankruptcy. This follows its liabilities for a series of wildfires that has left it vulnerable to litigation seeking billions of dollars in damages. So its regulator, the California Public Utilities Commission is developing two new replacement programmes, set to launch this July. Entitled “Building Initiative for Low Emissions Development (BUILD) and Technology and Equipment for Clean Heating (TECH), these will carry out the same function as the longestablished PG& E programmes. While theoretically funded from revenue drawn from the sale of carbon trading allowances, in practice these massive new energy efficiency programmes will effectively be funded from general taxation.

UK’s electric vehicle market continues record-breaking growth The UK’s electric vehicle (EV) market grew by a record-breaking 19 per cent in 2018, with one EV being registered every nine minutes. That is a key finding of a new research paper from pro-EV campaign group Go Ultra Low, which found that almost 60,000 fully electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles were registered in the UK last year. The research draws on the latest official Government figures, revealing that the uptake of EVs grew at a similar rate between the UK’s business and domestic car users throughout 2018. In total, 59,911 EVs were registered in the UK last

year, of which 74 per cent were plug-in hybrids, the paper claims. While only 26 per cent of EV registrations were for fully electric models, this was still an increase on 2017’s 14 per cent proportion.

Around three-quarters of EVs registered in the UK last year were hybrid models, the research adds. The registrations mean that the nation’s total EV stock now stands at more than 196,300 vehicles. Go Ultra Low believes that the EV revolution will continue in 2019, as carmakers launch new models and the Government begins distributing the first string of funding set out in its Road to Zero strategy. “In the context of the new car market, it is fantastic to see plug-in car registrations continue to go from strength-to-strength,” Go Ultra Low’s head, Poppy Welch, said.

People On The Move l The Association for Decentralised Energy has appointed William Wright and James Griffiths as it concludes its merger with the Association for the Conservation of Energy. Wright joins the ACE Research team as a researcher having previously been employed in a sustainability role within a housing organisation. He holds a MSc in Renewable Energy in the Built Environment and BSc (Hons) in Environmental Science. Griffiths joins as a policy officer focused on energy efficiency. Before joining the ADE, he worked on campaigning for environmental charities and at a sustainability consultancy. He completed an MSc from the University of Edinburgh

which focused on energy policy, and also holds a BA from the University of Exeter.

have many new developments in the pipeline, which are sure to make a big impression over the coming years.”

l Stuart Turner has been appointed as national sales manager for ELCO Heating Solutions. Having worked in the commercial heating industry for over 35 years, he has a wealth of experience and knowledge in all aspects of the sector. Turner, who took up his role at the start of 2019,has joined the company from commercial boiler manufacturer Hamworthy Heating, where he held the role of national sales manager since 2008. In his new role, Stuart will be responsible for growing market share and developing new business for ELCO

l Ventilation specialist Vortice Ltd has welcomed three new recruits to the sales team: Colin McNally, formerly involved in passive fire protection and underfloor heating, Darren Clare who has a background in ventilation, and Gary Williams who previously worked in the wholesale sector. Sales manager Paul Gunner said: “The appointments reinforce the complete UK coverage of the ‘air experts’ sales team. The team provides technical support from our intermittent range of fans to our larger commercial units.”

Stuart Turner

with consultants, contractors and installers throughout the UK. With a focus on training and customer care, he is confident of making major inroads with the ELCO brand, as he explained: “Our portfolio of products is already really strong, but we also




Andrew Warren is chairman of the British Energy Efficiency Federation

Government can’t afford to ignore this ruling The collapse of the UK’s Capacity Market scheme has been dismissed as “purely procedural." But it exposes the divide that still exists between energy generation and energy demand


hortly before last Christmas, a decision from the European Court of Justice (ECJ) brought to a crashing halt the UK Government’s flagship capacity market scheme. This caused howls of anguish from those in business to sell electricity, who have been the almost exclusive beneficiaries of the £5.6bn paid out by the UK Government over the past four years. The decision followed a case brought to the European Court back in 2015 by a small company, Tempus Energy. It revolved around a claim that the way the capacity market was being operated discriminated against companies that offered demand side response (DSR). The formal response to this binding legal decision from the UK Government has been completely absurd. The capacity market is the government’s primary policy for ensuring security of electricity supply. The market takes the form of an annual auction for capacity to be delivered four years hence. Theoretically, firms bid into the auction at the price they need either to keep existing plants open to generate electricity, or to create new capacity from scratch. The amount of capacity that is deemed to be needed is decided by the relevant Secretary of State - currently Business Secretary, Greg Clark. The quantities involved appear not to reflect the continuing annual decline in electricity consumption. As it happens, on the same day that the ECJ judgement was published, Greg Clark was giving a ‘state of the nation’s energy’type formal speech. He immediately

announced that the ECJ judgement was entirely “on a procedural matter, concerning the European Commission’s process for granting State Aid approval - rather than on the policy of Capacity Markets per se.” Nonetheless, an impending capacity market auction was placed on hold -prompting howls of anguish from electricity generators that had anticipated yet further billion-pound handouts. It is this “purely procedural” dismissal that has been regularly reiterated by his colleague, the energy minister Clare Perry. She told Parliament that the nature of the legal challenge “was not a challenge to the nature of the UK Capacity Market mechanism itself.”

Very selective reading Last month she wrote formally to Rachel Reeves, chair of the Commons Business Select Committee, stating unequivocally that “the Court did not rule that aspects of the scheme design were incompatible with State aid rules, or question the necessity of having a Capacity Market. The judgement related to the process followed by European Commission in approving the scheme in 2014.” To put it kindly, this is a very selective reading. It is impossible to study that final judgement from the ECJ in full, and then accept that the issues concluded upon are purely procedural. In particular paras 203 to 207 of the Judgement, and paras 27(e) and 69 of the official guidance. Tempus’ challenge was upheld precisely because various substantive features of the policy design did give rise to “serious doubts” about compatibility

‘Government should stop pretending that this legal ruling does not impact upon policy design. It transparently does’ 10 | ENERGY IN BUILDINGS & INDUSTRY | FEBRUARY 2019

with State Aid rules, and that these really should have led the European Commission to launch a formal investigation when the capacity market was started back in 2014. Before any payments can be restarted, the Commission is required to run a formal investigation, invite and consider formal evidence upon the legality of the design of the UK scheme. Despite wishful thinking in Whitehall, it has no scope to provide any reliable assurance as to the outcome of that investigation, particularly in any preliminary statement. This investigation will not be completed in a few months. The root of the initial complaint by Tempus Energy is that the methodology for charging electricity customers artificially inflates the cost of the scheme. For years those anxious to help companies reduce energy wastage have fought a hitherto largely losing battle with UK energy policy makers, who seem perpetually to favour those in business to encourage energy consumption. Remember how on the walls of the old Department of Energy there was that poster proclaiming that “Real Men Build Power Stations”? As it stands, the Capacity Market scheme is a very unlevel playing field, where maximum 12-month arrangements on the demand side have been “competing” with up to 15-year contracts on the fossil fuel supply side. Government should stop pretending that this legal ruling does not impact upon policy design. It transparently does. It reveals clearly a bias in favour of existing (mostly fossil fuel) generation. And against better energy management. We could do with greater honesty towards consumers, towards investors, and most of all with Parliament. 

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Energy & the Circular Economy For further information on EDF Energy visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 126

The UK’s economy goes circular Start the year with one change for flexible, sustainable and profitable business energy. It’s the best first step on the road to contributing to a new economy


id you know that one fifth of the UK’s economy has already gone circular? By putting circular thinking into action, a growing movement of businesses are switching from a take-make-waste model to a repair-reuse-recover one. Starting with the energy that powers their businesses, they’re re reshaping the way they drive growth. In our latest white paper, Get the Circular Edge through Energy Solutions, we reveal how you, too, can profit from the circular economy by making just one change to your energy today. The circular economy has been described by the World Economic Forum as a one trillion dollar opportunity. It offers companies of all sizes a chance to differentiate, to fill emerging market gaps, to rethink the way they create value, and to identify new sources of it. “The circular economy is … an innovation engine that puts the ‘re’ into resources,” according to William McDonough, Consulting Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University. “This is the largest business opportunity ever seen. Why would we want to miss that?”

It’s an exciting vision. But as our white paper acknowledges, and you know only too well, you have business-as-usual to get on with. You have operational problems to resolve. You have new plans to execute. And you have quarterly targets to chase, every day.

Circular business model So, while you and your leadership team may commit strategically to adopting a circular business model, you’ll also know only too well how tough it can be to manage growth and change at the same time.


That’s why our white paper explains it’s best to think of ‘going circular’ less like a one-off action, and more like a series of changes on a journey. And that’s also why it’s best to start that journey with the resource that powers your whole business: energy. Every change you make in your energy will flow through your entire value chain, creating multiple opportunities to bring greater resource, cost and carbon efficiency to every stage of the product’s multiple lifecycles. “Uncertain times call for new ways

The circular economy has been described as a one trillion dollar opportunity

of thinking about, and doing, business,”states Vincent de Rul, Director of Energy Solutions, EDF Energy. “And energy’s a good place to start. We know because we’re already benefitting from applying our own energy solutions to our own business. So join us. Together, let’s make progress on the journey towards sustainable profit and profitable sustainability.” It is easier to make the business case for making just one change to your energy. One change makes it easier to get stakeholders to listen. One change offers more certainty in making a decision. One change means less hassle and more speed in implementation. One change is easier to measure and prove its success. And one change makes the next change that much simpler on your journey towards powering a circular value chain. Because each business is different, and each business is at a different point in their energy journey, our white paper maps out a suite of ten changes your business could make next. Here are just three examples: • you could get more insight into how your business is using energy and how you can boost its efficiency (read about PowerReport and PowerNow); • you could flex how you use assets, like machinery and computers, to save on energy consumption and earn a little extra revenue (read about Demand Side Response and PowerShift); or • you could generate your business’ own renewable energy, store it to use later or sell it back to the grid (read about how we’re trialling blockchain, vehicle-to-grid technology and battery storage in our Blue Lab innovation hub). What our customers find even more reassuring is that EDF Energy has end-to-end energy solutions capabilities, technology and expertise, which means we’re your end-to-end energy partner. So, we do more than help you make your decision, we can make it happen and we make it work for your business over the long term. • Download our white paper at edfenergy.com/circular and talk to us today about how we can help unlock circular potential for your business through energy solutions. Call us on 0800 068 7171 or email energysolutionssales@edfenergy. com. 

Joao Pola is CEO, Signify UK & Ireland

Lighting Technology For further information on Signify visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 127

Going beyond illumination Lighting can provide a huge number of benefits – all integrated within the built environment in a manner that’s pleasing to the eye. Look at lighting in a different way, says Joao Pola


eople are becoming ‘greener’ and being sustainable is now very much seen as the modern status quo. There’s no debate about this – from the man and woman on the street, to building managers, to C-level executives of FTSE 100 companies… all are finding themselves involved with sustainability day-to-day. Lighting consumes 15 per cent of the global electricity supply, and public and commercial buildings consume 60 per cent of global lighting-based electricity. With electricity generation a primary cause of greenhouse gas emissions, there’s real energy savings – and subsequently, emissions savings – to be gained through more efficient lighting. To take this even further - if LED lighting is integrated with connected lighting control systems, which can monitor and (for example) turn down or switch off lights in areas not being used, offices and commercial buildings can reduce their energy consumption by up to 70 per cent - ultimately contributing to less electricity required across the board, and a reduction in emissions created. Being seen as ‘green’ and improving the sustainability of your business through the built environment is increasingly becoming par for the course these days. Many are, by now, familiar with the benefits of switching to LED from an energy and cost-saving angle…where we’re seeing real advancements, and the potential for real innovation, is the increasing trend of buildings no longer simply used as blocks of concrete and steel in which to work, live and shop, but increasingly moving towards becoming ‘smart buildings’. As people are becoming more and more accustomed to being ‘connected’ – online 24 hours a day, seven days a week – and the efficiencies that technology can provide, they are now coming to expect the same in the workplace.

Light is scientifically proven to impact our alertness patterns and circadian rhythms

Again, this is where lighting can play an essential role – for both those expecting connectivity and the efficiencies it provides, as well as the business decision makers who provide it. Like so much of the world, the lighting industry has undergone vast technological advancements in the past few years - improving convenience, experience and analytical insights for people and businesses alike. Through connected lighting systems – or lighting that is powered by, and connected to, the computer cabling of a building (known as Power over Ethernet) – building managers can have unparalleled control and insight into the use of lighting, and subsequently the energy used, in their building portfolio.

Connected lighting systems These connected lighting systems can also host sensors, able to continually collect granular data from the surrounding environment. That data is then processed to present valuable insights to the building and facilities manager. These insights can be anything from the temperature variance in different areas of the office, to room occupancy – showing which areas of the building are the most in use and allowing for more efficient use

“There is evidence that lighting can provide more than illumination ” of office space. The Deloitte office in Amsterdam – known as the Edge Building – is a prime example of this in action, where sensors embedded in the office luminaires allowed building managers to recognise hugely underutilised office space. The end result? Deloitte was able to relocate 1,000 extra staff into the building, and ultimately create a saving of €3.6m through more effective use of space. For employees themselves, they can be given the option to control their office lighting directly, using smartphones or tablets, allowing them to personalise the lighting and temperature in their specific area, or immediately give them a

view as to which meeting rooms are currently in use. Ultimately, this makes the workplace a more comfortable environment for employees – contributing towards productivity and indirectly improving business performance through attraction and retention of talent. In addition to the connected aspect, there is growing scientific evidence that lighting can do much more than simply provide illumination. For example, light is scientifically proven to impact our alertness patterns and circadian rhythms – or the part of our bodies that keeps us awake, or advises us to sleep. Through developing certain light recipes in office lighting, businesses can provide employees with a boost throughout the day. In fact, at Signify we did exactly that for a Czech energy company called Innogy – by installing an LED lighting system tuned to support the circadian rhythms of office staff, including stimulating their energy levels at set times in the day. A comfortable bright light – designed to be similar to natural daylight – is used during the morning and after lunch, helping to increase energy levels and support a sense of wellbeing and performance. There are a number of initiatives – both in the UK and globally – increasingly focused on well being in the workplace and improving the sustainability of how and where we work. One such project is the WELL building standard certification, aimed at advancing health and well being in buildings globally. For businesses wishing to register their properties for WELL certification, lighting plays an important part – with the WELL project guidelines stating that lighting should minimise disruption to the body’s circadian system, enhance productivity, support good sleep quality and provide appropriate visual acuity…all achievable with the right lighting. 


Lighting Technology For further information on TheisCraft Ltd visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 128

Lighting control should be the rule rather than the exception for indoor workplaces

LEDs’ shining future Richard Merchant takes a look at how manufacturers of LEDs are becoming increasingly innovative and why lighting control can maximise their effectiveness


EDs have created a step-change in the way that individuals and organisations approach lighting by providing an energy efficient technology that has long life, low carbon emissions and high quality illumination. Not surprisingly, a combination of increasingly innovative solutions and fast return on investment has meant that more and more people are making the switch. According to the latest report by IMARC Group, the global LED lighting market reached a value of more than $62bn in 2017. Furthermore, LEDinside claims that it accounts for 23 per cent of all lighting in Europe, which is the highest across the world – the second and third highest regions are North America and China. The positive impact of the move towards LED lighting is already being felt and earlier this year it was cited by Carbon Brief as a key reason why UK electricity generation in 2018 fell to its lowest level since 1994. It stated that the use of LED lights, not just in households but also in commercial and industrial sectors, has created a significant shift in energy consumption. However, as it has grown in

popularity, the global LED lighting market has become highly competitive. It’s why forwardthinking manufacturers have focused their attention on creating ever-more innovative niche products that offer genuine benefits. For example, lighting pucks are now available that blend seamlessly into handrails, offering unrivalled uniformity and photometric performance. With an IEC 62262 IK10 impact rating and IP65 rated, they complement existing emergency lighting systems and are easy to install and are completely tamperproof. Other innovations include LED lighting fixtures that double as a building material, while distributing the required light in commercial spaces. These devices actually take the place of cross members in ceiling suspension systems and, due to the lights only occupying the grid, ceiling panels remain undisturbed. This creates a uniform ceiling design and optimises sound absorption and light reflection, while at the same time greatly reducing building materials, labour and waste on-site. On a wider level, lighting technology is already becoming a key element of smart homes


and intelligent buildings, and the development of what is being termed Li-Fi is particularly exciting.

Visible light communication Allowing data to be sent at high speeds using visible light communication (VLC) rather than radio waves, a 2015 pilot study found that it can deliver internet access 100 times faster than traditional Wi-Fi – offering speeds of up to 1Gb/s. All it requires is a light source such as a standard LED luminaire, an internet connection and a photo detector. Li-Fi allows for security on local networks as light cannot pass through walls, which also means there is less interference between devices. Lighting control allows LED luminaires to be integrated with sensors to determine when and where lighting is used within a space. A lighting control system allows light usage to be accurately monitored and managed, and can make use of daylight harvesting, for example. Furthermore, controllable, adaptable lighting systems create more comfortable environments for people. Lighting control is easier to configure than ever before and most systems utilise the digital addressable lighting interface

Richard Merchant is commercial director at TheisCraft Ltd

(DALI) protocol, as set out set out in IEC 62386. A DALI lighting control system assigns an address to each luminaire, allowing management of each individual device, and can be as simple as a single luminaire containing a driver and a sensor. Switching lighting off automatically when not required – particularly when there is no one present in an area or the ambient light level is sufficient to not require additional artificial lighting – can save large amounts of energy. Lighting control should be the rule rather than the exception and BS EN 12464-1: 2011, the European standard for lighting indoor workplaces, is having a significant impact. The standard addresses the design and development of lighting schemes around a specific task or activity. BS EN 12464-1: 2011 encourages designers to consider all available forms of lighting and also look at how wall and ceiling colours can be used to increase brightness. It also provides guidelines about the use of lighting controls and recommends ways to illuminate rooms only when they are in use. The use of lighting control also ensures compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations, which requires lighting to be controlled or locally switched. It also enables a building to demonstrate higher ratings in Energy Performance Certificates and Display Energy Certificates it is obliged to display, while making a significant contribution to the achievement of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) building certification. Having become a mainstream technology, LED lighting is now being used in new and innovative ways and while the technological developments associated with it are impressive, the pitfalls of selecting a poor quality product can be significant. Premature product failure and the associated costs, poor lumen output, low lm/W and inefficient design can compromise a lighting scheme and prohibit a solid return on investment. Therefore, it is essential to buy from a reputable manufacturer that can back-up any claims regarding product quality, testing, lifetime expectation and standards compliance. 

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Lighting Technology

Debbie-Sue Farrell is head of wellbeing at Tamlite Lighting

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Implementing more efficient and sympathetic lighting systems provides a fast route to achieving benefits for employees

Lighting for wellbeing Reduced energy costs has been a driver of lighting upgrades in the workplace, but now their contribution to employee wellbeing is a factor, says Debbie-Sue Farrell


multitude of factors can inform the investment in a substantial technical system for a building – be it entirely new or in the form of a retrofit – within the commercial space. In the past these have typically included the desire to achieve lower energy bills and maintenance costs, as well as to fulfil internal corporate objectives and external environmental regulations. But another factor has been making its way to the top of the priority list – wellness. There is no denying the logic that happier, healthier and more comfortable employees are going to be more productive, and the notion of fashioning workplaces that are conducive to good health is certainly not new. However, what is new is the sheer weight of research underlining the importance of workplace wellbeing including the recent World Green Building Council (WGBC) World Green Building Trends 2018 report1, prepared by Dodge Data and Analytics. Drawing upon responses from more than 2,000 people in 87 countries, the report reveals that the top two social reasons for building green – the promotion of occupational health and

wellbeing and the encouragement of sustainable building practices – were selected by 75 per cent of respondents. In addition, improved occupant health and wellbeing was the second most significant expected business benefit of operating a green building, with this factor being chosen by 58 per cent of participants. Given the fact that engineers, specialists and consultants accounted for nearly half of responses, there is good reason to think that those involved in researching, specifying and installing building systems have an awareness of wellness issues. But where exactly should those building facilities managers and consultants preparing to commit new systems invest their precious funds? Produced by UKGBC and issued by the WGBC in 2017, the landmark ‘Health, Wellbeing and Productivity in Offices: The next chapter for green building’ report2 identifies good lighting conditions as being a key element of healthy and productive workplaces alongside indoor air quality, thermal comfort and the minimisation of unwanted noise. With the market providing an array of price-efficient systems, and


the advantages for operational costs as well as employee productivity well established, it’s no surprise that lighting is frequently a core part of new wellness-related investments.

Consistency of illumination Overwhelmingly, corporate customers are now going ‘fully LED’, any earlier reservations about moving away from traditional technologies long silenced by testimony about the latest generation of systems’ quality and consistency of illumination, relatively short return on investment periods, and potential for energy bill reduction – often in the region of 60 per cent. But what has further strengthened the case for switching to LED lighting more recently is the growth in tunable systems that make it possible to closely match human circadian rhythms – in other words, the 24-hour cycle that synchronises bodily functions in humans and animals. The WELL Building Institute – whose WELL v2 standard is now widely regarded as the international benchmark for green construction – is among the organisations to highlight the importance of circadian lighting, and on its own website observes that “the explosion of tunable LED

lighting systems on the market in the last five years has made it easier than ever” to achieve these requirements3. With the latest generation of systems, these requirements can also be achieved for much longer and with less hassle. Many LEDs now have a rated life of up to 50,000 hours – as much as 25 times longer than a typical halogen. So it is possible that a light purchased today may last more than 11 years on the basis of 12 hour per day operation. Given that lower operating costs remains the primary expected benefit of green buildings, according to the World Green Building Council trends report, the case for making lighting a fundamental part of any wellness agenda is highly compelling. What is also beyond much doubt is that there remains a great deal of work to be done in this area. The 2018 British Council for Offices (BCO) report, ‘Wellness Matters: Health and wellbeing in offices and what to do about it’4, revealed that less than half of respondents felt their workplace was having a positive impact on their health, while 17 per cent indicated that their working environment could actually be diminishing their personal wellbeing. In addition, multiple headline-generating studies over the 12 months have prompted concern about the high number of days lost each year to work-related ill-health. Although improving elements such as air quality and exposure to noise undoubtedly needs to be part of the mix, it is arguable that implementing more efficient and sympathetic lighting systems provides the fastest route to achieving substantial benefits for employees. 

References 1. https://www.worldgbc.org/sites/ default/files/World%20Green%20 Building%20Trends%202018%20SMR%20 FINAL%2010-11.pdf 2. https://www.ukgbc.org/ukgbc-work/ health-wellbeing-productivity-officesnext-chapter-green-building/ 3. https://www.wellcertified.com/en/ articles/lighting’s-new-standard 4. http://www.bco.org.uk/ HealthWellbeing/WellnessMatters.aspx

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LEDVANCE LUMINAIRES Check out our extensive range of LED Professional Luminaires for multiple applications.

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Lighting Technology For further information on products and services visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter the appropriate online enquiry number

Luminaire for warehouses, factories

LED drivers now going wireless

The LED Polaris is a new generation of low bay luminaire from Fitzgerald Lighting. Ideal for warehouses, factories, workshops and retail ‘back of house’, the LED Polaris is easy to install with a plug and play system to minimise installation costs and future maintenance requirements. Designed and manufactured in the UK, the LED Polaris is a robust luminaire finished in a resilient white paint finish and is rated IP20. It can be surface or suspension mounted depending on the application and it is fitted with a clear polycarbonate screen for even light distribution with an open area or rack reflector. With dimensions of 357mm wide and just 57mm deep, the LED Polaris comes in two length options. There are 105W and 140W options available in the smaller 790mm long version, and 210W and 280W options of the longer 1,450mm version. Lumen outputs range from 12,075 to 37,400 lumens according to the model specified. A variety of options are available for the LED Polaris including three-hour maintained emergency, DALI dimming or 1-10v dimming. Daylight and presence detection sensors ensure outstanding energy savings and a fast return on investment given their potential 90% energy ONLINE ENQUIRY 130 savings.

Tridonic has now equipped its new LED drivers in the premium (PRE) series with the basicDIM Wireless module to allow for quick, convenient, spacesaving wireless lighting control without the need for any additional cabling. Available in four models from 35W to 150W, the drivers use Bluetooth technology to achieve wireless communication with up to 127 devices in a network thereby omitting the requirement for a separate wireless module to control luminaires wirelessly. All that is required for each luminaire is a driver in which the basicDIM Wireless module is already integrated. Luminaires equipped in this way can be controlled, assigned to luminaire groups and faded up and down between 1 and 100 percent via Bluetooth. Three versions of this Casambi-ready driver are available, covering a wide range of luminaire types: the SC PRE (CC) basicDIM Wireless constant current driver comes in four models ranging from 10 W to 45 W (150 mA – 1,400 mA). Suitable for luminaire installation or for installation as separate drivers with optional strain relief, for example together with the SLE, CLE or DLE LED modules. Depending of the model, the ONLINE ENQUIRY 131 output power is 10 W, 17 W, 25 W or 45 W.

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Lighting Technology For further information on products and services visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter the appropriate online enquiry number

Lighting controls specialist B.E.G. has enabled a new London free school to achieve its energy efficiency ambitions and provide an enhanced learning environment for its pupils. B.E.G. was selected to supply the presence and motion sensors for John Keats Primary Free School as the products offer the dual benefits of complete lighting flexibility to ensure that the building is fully energy efficient, while helping to create an excellent learning environment. The lighting needed to be automated and adjustable, with different areas requiring different lighting levels and timings, and the additional need that areas were only lit when occupied, to save energy and reduce costs. To meet all these requirements, B.E.G. supplied two different types of presence and motion sensors from their range of KNX products. The sensors selected from B.E.G.’s KNX product range were the PD11-KNX FLAT FC and the PD4 KNX C FC. The super-flat PD11 sensor was selected for the classrooms and other rooms, including the headmaster’s office, as it is less than 1mm thick. The classrooms have been set up to operate in semi-automatic mode (sometimes referred to as absence detection). This means the lights and the detector must be turned on with a wall switch. The lights then set their brightness levels automatically and will continue to operate until there is enough natural daylight or no occupancy present in the room. Reading the level of daylight in the room, the PD11 automatically adjusts the luminaires to the required level to make sure the lighting level is always enough and make maximum use of natural light. For the corridor areas of the school, which run nearly the entire length of the two floors, the PD4 KNX C FC was selected. The product is specifically designed to cover long corridors and so fewer devices were required to get full coverage, resulting in a reduction in time and further cost savings for the school. School staff can manually override the controls and dim the lights down or off for presentations or showing films, while reducing lighting levels in areas when there is no occupancy at all. Automated controlled systems can reduce energy costs by up to 30 per cent compared to manual control. ONLINE ENQUIRY 132

Lighting up new Scottish museum

Dundee’s newly opened Victoria & Albert Museum hosts a selection of permanent Scottish design exhibitions and a temporary international programme of events dedicated to emerging design talents. The design essence intrinsic to the Scottish Design Galleries, which are accessible to the public free of charge, is based on the reconstruction of Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s Ingram Street Tearoom. The Scottish Design Galleries exhibit 300 items from the V&A collections as well as from private collections. To illuminate these areas, Arup, the M&E consultant, developed a solution that combines more than 600 of iGuzzini’s Palco projectors with iN30 luminaires and Underscore linear lighting. All of the luminaires are DALI-controlled and the system allows management through Bluetooth, implicitly through smartphones, following the example of the installation developed by Arup for the Royal Academy of Arts in London, which promotes the use of technology to achieve extreme simplicity and flexibility. Thus, the type of equipment and the straightforward management allow for different levels of integration between general lighting and accent lighting, according to the different exposure requirements. iGuzzini’s contribution also included the manufacturing of a series of double-dimming Palco projectors. The client’s brief requested a device that was both directly dimmable during the commissioning phase, as well as subsequently manageable remotely, preferably via mobile devices. Designed by famous Japanese architect Kengo Kuma and set on the banks of River Tay, this extraordinary building looks like a ship about to sail into the Firth of Tay. However, from different perspectives, it brings to mind alternative imagery: sails, a shell, or the typical Scottish rock formations, which were the original source of inspiration for ONLINE ENQUIRY 133 Kuma’s design.

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Controls provide enhanced learning


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What’s your winter strategy? Don’t be exposed this winter! Purchasing your biomass supplies for the winter demands as much attention as buying gas or electricity, believes Roger Pearson


growing number of commercial and industrial energy users are switching to biomass as a low-cost, low-carbon energy source to support sustainability goals, take advantage of Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) subsidies and reduce their exposure to volatile wholesale gas prices. However, like all energy sources, wood prices fluctuate and it pays to put in place a strategy to protect prices and ensure availability, particularly during winter months. As with most commodity procurement, biomass suppliers hedge their purchasing to smooth out the price of pellets and wood chips and ensure sufficient supply to meet demand. While many organisations enter into fuel supply agreements to fix their fuel price and guarantee supply, others choose to buy as and when they need to top up stores. This strategy can be risky, leaving organisations exposed to spot prices and availability. Last winter, flooding in Europe combined with the prolonged period of cold weather to create a perfect storm, pushing up spot prices and impacting wood fuel supplies in the UK. Some organisations without supply contracts may have experienced first-hand the difficulties obtaining good quality wood pellets or chips at short notice. Few organisations would leave themselves entirely exposed to spot prices on the wholesale energy markets during winter periods when demand is at its highest and spikes likely. The same applies to biomass: while wood pellets and chips are more economical than wholesale gas prices, exposure to spot prices during cold snaps can be costly. This year, spot prices for wood chips and pellets have risen by an average of 10 per cent, driven by growing demand and currency factors driven by a weaker pound. Biomass is increasingly popular across Europe; it now accounts for around 80 per cent of renewable heat across the continent and large energy users are switching to biomass heat, increasing demand and causing some supply constraints. To avoid costly exposure to market fluctuations, organisations can opt to fix 20 | ENERGY IN BUILDINGS & INDUSTRY | FEBRUARY 2019

biomass supply costs through the winter. Suppliers like Forest Fuels smooth out market fluctuations and often secure preferential prices: for example, those organisations who placed contracts earlier this year will benefit from attractive prices for the duration of the contract, including Winter 18/19.

Unprecedented demand At the start of 2018, the ‘Beast from the East’ saw unprecedented demand outstrip constrained supply across the market. Organisations without fuel supply agreements found themselves exposed to high spot prices but also experienced issues securing deliveries to top up stores or purchasing the right quality fuel for their biomass boilers or CHP plants. Ensuring security of supply is a vital part of any organisation’s winter fuel strategy, particularly those providing residents or tenants with heat where supply issues could have serious consequences as well as commercial implications. Fuel supply agreement guarantees availability of fuel throughout the winter, ensuring reliable deliveries of high-quality biomass when needed. Regular servicing also maximises efficiency and minimises downtime, meaning a boiler provides reliable renewable energy and a steady stream of Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) income –

Roger Pearson is managing director of Forest Fuels

and unlike other renewable technologies which reduce in efficiency when temperatures plummet, well maintained boilers using good quality fuel run at the same efficiency throughout the winter months. Low or no supply can also result in some organisations switching back to natural gas heating. Not only does this mean moving away from renewable heat to fossil fuel sources, it also results in organisations losing money: wholesale gas prices have almost doubled compared to winter 17/18 making fuel costlier, but reverting to gas heating would mean no RHI payments – a costly decision, when subsidies are currently around 2.9p/therm. Securing supplies and locking in prices is one half of the equation but forecasting the volume of fuel is equally important. Portfolio changes between one winter and the next means those responsible for fuel stores must regularly evaluate an organisation’s fuel requirements. Before or during the contract stage, it pays to check for changes to operational patterns, employee or resident numbers – a good biomass supplier can help to calculate accurate estimates to avoid having to purchase additional fuel out-ofcontract. Delivery and haulage costs are important too: increasing the size of a fuel store means fewer deliveries may be needed, which reduces costs: haulage charges can be reduced by up to 15 per cent by installing larger stores. While putting in place a winter fuel strategy is essential to ensure organisations get best value from their boilers and installations, biomass remains a reliable fuel that provides instant, renewable heat when needed. What’s more, the guaranteed additional revenue from the RHI means biomass remains a commercially sound decision: for example, a 300kW boiler running for 3,500 hours annually could earn up to £30,000 each year, for 20 years, in RHI payments. Funding is also available for organisations lacking the capital expenditure to invest in installations, and a good supplier should also be able to advise on technology, suitability and guidance throughout the RHI application process. 

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Are Your Organisation’s Profits Simply Going Up In Smoke?

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For further information on ESTA visit www.estaenergy.org.uk

Unlocking energy efficiency You either love energy performance contracts or hate them. But they are growing in popularity and have yet to meet their full potential, believes Nick Keegan


he Government’s Clean Growth Strategy highlights the importance of ‘building confidence’ in energy services to ‘unlocking business energy efficiency’ and driving vital third-party finance into projects. But what are the barriers and how, as a sector can we foster the right approach and solutions? Energy efficiency has been around as long as energy itself, yet the sector’s general malaise to implement anything other than lighting retrofits with short payback periods1 continues to create the need for a trusted Energy Performance Contracting sector, able to draw together project teams and assist in up-selling more holistic solutions to an organisation’s board through enthusiastic energy managers. Over the years Energy Performance Contracting has seen continued interest from investors, service providers and policymakers, though it has developed somewhat of a ‘Marmite’ reputation: Those that love it highlight the model’s attractiveness to organisations looking to focus on their core business, as it outsources the identification, implementation, financing and operation of energy saving measures, while offering the opportunity to incentivise performance and transfer risk through guarantees and gain shares. On the other hand, those that hate EPC say it is too complicated and too expensive as a result of considerable project development and financing costs. Complicated and expensive are perhaps terms considered by the love side that equate to being comprehensive in scope. Undeniably, it allows clients to bring in deeper energy saving measures that do not generate a sufficiently attractive return on investment on their own. This, in turn, builds deal sizes large enough to interest third-party financiers, thereby offering to reduce the scenarios of crucial energy saving opportunities being quashed by a lack of capital availability. Wherever you stand on the debate however, Energy Performance Contracting has enjoyed strong growth in the UK public sector recently. It is, though, far from meeting its full potential or establishing a 22 | ENERGY IN BUILDINGS & INDUSTRY | FEBRUARY 2019

foothold in the industrial and commercial sector, held back by a lack of trust, complexity and high transaction costs due to considerable market diversity.

Third-party financing options It also appears that while a wide range of third-party financing options are in play, most projects use client capital or debt and there are indications that the nirvana of widespread ‘pay-as-you-save’ EPC is being hampered by poor affordability of thirdparty finance and confusion about whether investments can be taken off the client’s balance sheet. This is further complicated by silos where financiers and investors are having trouble identifying projects for investment, but at the same time technology providers are having difficulty finding finance for projects. So what is the answer? More joined-up policy and regulation could be the key to influencing and encouraging more to be done. Fundamentally perhaps, education, collaboration and an assurance programme for investment is required to break down initial barriers to greater success. But it’s not just the UK working on this issue. Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, the QualitEE2 project aims to investigate and develop the opportunity for specific quality assurance of energy efficiency services to break down the barriers. As

well as increasing trust, it is thought a quality assurance scheme could drive standardisation, reducing complexity and transaction costs, while also improving finance affordability and perhaps alleviating some of the concerns cited by the ‘hate’ side of the debate! The project has published a draft set of quality criteria, against which energy efficiency services such as energy performance contracts can be evaluated. The next challenge is to implement these within functioning national assurance schemes. Bringing stakeholders together to discuss and develop such a framework is an important next step to consolidate what has been a fragmented approach. In ESTA’s Energy Performance Contracting group (EPCg) we have been doing just that over the past four years. We have held annual seminars and quarterly group forums, and we now have members from all stakeholder backgrounds including finance, local Government, global solutions providers, SME technology providers, energy management and professional services consultants taking part. The QualitEE project is a key initiative for the group and we are currently running Nick Keegan is a series of market consultation events to chair, ESTA’s Energy gather feedback on a proposed quality Performance assurance scheme for energy performance Contracting group contracting in the UK. We are also looking and senior consultant, at how this potential scheme could work in EEVS Insight conjunction with the Investor Confidence Project’s (ICP) established Investor Ready Energy Efficiency TM certification. ICP was developed in response to the same barriers as mentioned above but focusses on certifying the quality of a particular project rather than an EPC contractor’s service. ICP is designed to meet the needs of the whole energy efficiency market regardless of which contract structure has been used so the two schemes are considered complimentary. The aim in looking at a possible combination of ICP and QualitEE is to maximise the quality of service delivery and project outcomes whilst keeping transaction costs and certification fees to an absolute minimum. 


1) Energy Efficiency Trends. Vol. 22 2) QualitEE - https://qualitee.eu/

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Expanded air-cooled chiller range

Chillers offered with infinite control Hitachi’s new Samurai M range of modular air-cooled, cooling only and heat pump chillers offer high efficiency and seasonal cooling performance. This is achieved through DC inverter scroll technology delivering infinite capacity control across all cooling loads and ambient temperatures. EC fans with more efficient motors and better aerodynamics improve system efficiency, while the high efficiency brazed plate heat exchanger uses less refrigerant and transfers heat from the liquid to the refrigerant more efficiently, providing excellent heat transfer performance in a very compact size. This also results in a lower water side pressure drop, allowing the use of smaller pumps and reducing power consumption. The unique modular design means capacity can be increased incrementally – group up to 32 modules to meet different project demands - as buildings are constructed or more spaces become occupied


Mitsubishi Electric has expanded its chiller offering with two new additions to its Climaveneta portfolio. The new i-NX air-cooled chiller range is offered in both standard and low noise options, while the smaller i-BX air-cooled chiller range is available in both single and three phase variants, making both ranges ideal for a wide variety of comfort and process cooling applications. The new models improve on Climaveneta’s traditional chiller design by employing inverter driven compressors which ensures maximum efficiency at partial loads. Very few chillers are likely to operate at maximum capacity for more than a few hours a year, so efficiency at partial loads is a major factor in overall efficiency levels. The i-BX range offers capacities from 4kW to 35kW to deliver flexible and reliable units that adapt to the most diverse load conditions, whilst offering accurate temperature control and high levels of energy efficiency both at full and partial loads. All of the hydraulic components for installation are also already included within the outdoor unit reducing added cost. For larger applications, the new i-NX delivers capacities from 43kW to 129kW to offer exceptionally high levels of energy efficiency whether at partial or full load. These models incorporate a fixed speed scroll compressor and a scroll inverter compressor working together in the same circuit, to offer much greater levels of efficiency than traditional fixed speed compressors systems. The i-NX low noise version delivers a reduction of up to 7dBA over the standard models, increasing the flexibility of where systems can be installed, which is becoming a major factor in today’s congested urban environments. Both the i-NX and i-BX range are ERP compliant up to 2021, helping businesses to not only reduce their emissions but also energy consumption. The new ranges come complete with a number of customisable options, including coil coatings, built-in pumps, heat ONLINE ENQUIRY 102 recovery modules and BEMS connectivity.

Current meter for instant fault notification Prefect Controls has introduced a new feature for their PrefectIrus product – the integration of an accurate current meter that monitors energy use in each room throughout multi-occupancy buildings such as student accommodation. Until now, managers have calculated energy use based on power rating multiplied by length of time a device is estimated to be active. However, fluctuating voltage and imprecise predictions of ‘on-times’ can make these estimates wildly inaccurate. The new PU3 from Prefect comes with iACM (Integrated Accurate Current Metering) as standard, logging the current only when a heater is operational. This data is then transmitted via the buildings wiring system to the central controller where it is recalled for estimation of seasonal energy usage. As well as monitoring heaters in bedrooms, the feature also notifies managers if there is a problem with hot water tanks. Usually a problem is only evident when both elements fail and water isn’t being heated. With accurate metering, if one element fails, the drop in current immediately identifies the problem - meaning efficiency can be restored. Glen Golding, managing director, Prefect Controls, said: “This development means accurate usage can be calculated so that better purchasing of energy will lead to greater savings for organisations providing multi-occupancy accommodation.”


Earth clamp for rapid earth resistance testing The new CA6418 earth clamp from Chauvin Arnoux, delivered in a carrying case, can be used for quick testing of earth resistance. With a clamping capacity that allows measurements on 30 x 40mm or 20 x 55mm rectangular bars and cables 32mm in diameter. The CA6418 clamp simultaneously displays the earth resistance and leakage current. Ergonomically designed, with features such as an OLED display, ensures 180-degree visibility in all lighting conditions. An automatic “pre-Hold” mode when the clamp is opened and automatic compensation of the jaw gap when powering up ensure optimised processing of the measurements provided by the CA6418 clamp. With a large internal memorymeasurements can be stored with a time and date stamp, thanks to the real time clock.


“ Energy in Buildings and Industry and the Energy Institute are delighted to have teamed up to bring you this Continuing Professional Development initiative ” MARK THROWER MANAGING EDITOR


Solar thermal aids move to zero carbon by Mark Hobbins, energy project manager, Robertson Facilities Management


olar thermal systems in the UK are predominately used for the provision of hot water in a domestic or commercial environment. This article provides an overview of the main items required for the successful application of utilising solar to heat hot water; and then the items to consider when thinking about a solar thermal installation. There are other applications of solar thermal like with solar air heating, Trombe walls, solar air conditioning or solar chimneys. So why do we look to solar thermal in the first place? The main reason in recent times has been to aid meeting new building requirements for offsetting carbon emissions, as we move towards buildings with minimum or no carbon emissions. Many of you will be familiar with the aspect of Building Energy Rating and Target Energy Ratings in this area. Similarly, the costs/benefits for retrofitting solar thermal have allowed organisations and homeowners to offset carbon while meeting acceptable financial criteria, for example a simple payback period. This has been aided in recent times with the Renewable Heat Incentive, although the value and availability of this is subject to change and uncertainty. Of course, another reason to retrofit solar thermal is that homeowners and organisations want to be seen to be trying to reduce their carbon footprint. As awareness to renewable

Figure 1: A typical schematic of a solar water heating system

(Courtesy of Solar Trade Association)

technologies has increased in recent years the desire to utilise these technologies has also increased.

Components of a solar system So, what are the main components of a solar water heating system? Figure 1 (above) shows a typical schematic of a solar water heating system. The obvious place to start is with the solar collector. The collectors generally come in square metre panels that can be connected in series to provide a larger capacity. As a typical rule of thumb, 1m2 will provide 35-40 litres of hot water at around 40°C. We shall come back to the temperature of the hot water produced later. The solar collectors generally come in two forms: flat bed or

evacuated tubes. So, what is the difference? Evacuated glass tubes are considered a better insulator than the insulating material used to cover a flat bed collector. Consequently, evacuated tube collectors are more efficient in colder periods. However, the flat bed collectors have greater efficiencies in warmer weather. The higher efficiency of evacuated tube collectors means they extract more of the solar energy under lower light conditions so they are more likely to maintain their efficiency where there is considerable variation in the available solar energy. It is never that simple though. Evacuated tube collectors have a lower absorption rate (by area) than flat bed collectors. So, it is Produced in Association with



generally thought that in the UK both collectors have a similar performance over a year, but you would notice a difference in any one condition. So, if you are looking at a solar collector it is recommended that you consider both as well as the cost and available space for mounting. The space element is due to the surface area of flat beds being greater, which may make them more suitable in smaller available spaces. Most providers of solar thermal favour one over the other. Figure 2 (right) shows a flat bed (left image) and evacuated tube collector (right image). The tank in Figure 1 is called a double loop storage tank (or calorifier to give its proper name). The double loop reference is to the two different circuits: one between the collector and the tank; and, the second between the tank and the water outlets. The illustration has a third with a secondary source which will be explained when discussing temperatures. The collector loop is a brine solution (for example glycol and water) to prevent freezing. This circuit is exposed to outside temperatures less than 4°C so would be susceptible to freezing if we just used water. This loop is also a closed loop to prevent any contamination to the hot water that is to be utilised. Even in warmer climates to our own we generally use a double loop/ circuit as it also aids balancing of the system and the tank acts as a break between them. It should be noted that this loop is positioned at the bottom of the tank, as the solar water heating has to transfer as much of its energy to the water to be heated. This takes place at the beginning of heating of the water and the cold water is fed at the bottom (to state the obvious hot water drawn from the top where it will be at its hottest).

thinner than a standard hot water tank to encourage more of a stratification effect which aids the transfer from the collector. There is the option of utilising two separate tanks rather than the double loop tank, but this is often overlooked due to space requirements and costs. One tank feeds the other. The collector pump moves

Figure 2: Flat Bed and Evacuated Tube Collector Panel

Encourage stratification In general, storage tanks used in solar systems are taller and

the brine solution between the collector and the tank. This should be set up with the correct flow rate. It needs to overcome the head between the tank and the collector (head being the height that the brine solution needs to overcome) as well as not being too fast to prevent good heat transfer in both the collector and the tank. The controller also monitors the

(Courtesy of Apricus)

system, providing the information on the various aspects of the system; for example, temperature and pump setting. The control of the system is needed to ensure the correct settings are maintained and to conserve heat in the system. Most also have an element of safety incorporated too. It is there to ensure the system operates correctly. The main source of conserving heat is when the tank is up to temperature but not being used, the heat would transfer back to the collector loop and rise to the collector, thus cooling it. Then in turn the pump would start to then heat the tank which would then cause the system to be fighting itself. It can also prevent the secondary source from short cycling too. Figure 1 shows a boiler attached to the system. A secondary source of heating is generally required to overcome the shortfall in temperature of the solar water heating generates at from both a

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practical use and safety. As previously stated the rule of thumb with the temperature is around 40°C. However, it is capable of higher at times and in certain configurations. This would be a common temperature if we were to only have heat from the collector alone. However, for most domestic hot water applications we would be looking at 43°C. For a bath, shower or hand washing you would want it higher. The safety aspect is that you cannot store water at those temperatures in an open loop system like we have in a domestic hot water circuit. You would leave yourself open to legionella in the system, and even more so with dead legs (dead legs being the pipe work that leads to an outlet, the obvious one being a shower head or a row of sinks in a toilet). Guidance points to having water stored in such a system at 60°C (although it needs to be above 55°C to be above the pasteurisation temperature) and with the temperature of water coming out of an outlet at 53°C in one minute (although we have to caveat that with if you have thermostatic valves at the outlet these shall likely be set to 43°C). The key message is that water needs to be stored at a temperature of around 60°C to prevent risk of legionella and that there might be some susceptibility in the temperature range of 20°C to 50°C.

Secondary treatment In some circumstances when using solar water systems, to overcome this risk, for example in hospitals, it is not uncommon for legionella to receive secondary treatment with a UV filter system (or as an alternative to using heat to reduce the risk). Having examined the make up of most solar thermal systems for domestic hot water, we can now look to the main items to consider when thinking about installing a system.

Figure 3 UK Solar Irradiation Annually kWh/m2

(Courtesy of Solar Trade Association)

The most obvious would be the availability of the solar energy. In the UK this varies with location as seen in Figure 3. Obviously, the further south and west you go the more solar energy you would likely have available. This is not the same as saying it is not worth it in the north, as you are still likely to be able to have effective systems in those regions. Orientation and tilt should also be considered. There are two main aspects here: angle of the collector to the sun (the tilt) and the orientation to the suns

path. Figure 4 illustrates how these effect the ability of the solar collector to absorb the solar energy. As we can see from Figure 4, the optimum in most situations would be south facing and with an angle of 20-30°. Therefore, if you have a flat roof you would often see the frame they are built on at the closest angle to this. If you have a pitched roof like in many domestic houses, you would find the pitch of 25° or 40° being in the region you would wish. Consequently, the bigger of the two factors is the orientation of the panels.

Figure 4 Orientation and Tilt effect on solar collectors

(Courtesy of Which?)

In some systems, mainly small sized ones, the collectors are on tracking systems with a photometry sensor. These would move to track the suns orientation. It is important to check that the roof can take the weight loadings of the collectors, frames and any other external items. It maybe that the roof structure can limit the amount you can place on a roof rather than area being the limiting factor. This should not be overlooked, especially in commercial systems. In addition to weight, you also need to ensure that any roof penetrations will not cause long term damage or leave the roof open to water ingress although this would purely be down to poor workmanship. The size of the system describes the balance between the demand or requirement for hot water with the size of the collector that you can have. In an ideal system, it should be easy to achieve 40-60 per cent of the hot water demand if space allows. Once the demand is known, and the space for the collectors is known it is possible to then match up the size of the collectors to strike that balance. Then the size of the tank(s) can be calculated. This also takes into consideration the usage periods against the generation periods. The head from the location of the tank and the collector shall then determine the size of the pump. Then it is a case of a few auxiliary items like an expansion vessel to aid in maintaining the pressure in the system; sensors to aid the control system and locating them in the correct place; and then pipework and valves. In the UK, there is a registered installer scheme called the MicroGeneration Certification Scheme. This is a mark of quality and demonstrates an installer’s ability to work to industry standards. This would be a good indication when looking to engage with a credible installer and a prerequisite to taking advantage of the Renewable Heat Incentive.

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ENTRY FORM SOLAR THERMAL Please mark your answers on the sheet below by placing a cross in the box next to the correct answer. Only mark one box for each question. You may find it helpful to mark the answers in pencil first before filling in the final answers in ink. Once you have completed the answer sheet in ink, return it to the address below. Photocopies are acceptable.

QUESTIONS 1. Approximately how much water at 40°C would a 2m2 solar system produce? n 35-40 litres n 25-30 litres n 40-60 litres n 70-80 litres 2. What temperature does water start to freeze at? n 0°C n -4°C n 4°C n 8°C 3. Typically how many tanks would you have in a solar thermal system? n 1 to 3 n 1 to 2 n 2 to 3 n 5 4. To prevent risk of legionella, hot water in the system should be stored at which of the following temperatures? n 52°C n 25°C n 60°C n 43°C 5. In the UK what angle and orientation would see the best results for a solar collector? n North facing and with an angle of 20-30°. n South facing and with an angle of 10-20°. n South facing and with an angle of 20-30°. n East facing and with an angle of 20-30°. 6. Generally, a solar thermal hot water system should be able to achieve what percentage of hot water demand? n 10-20 per cent n 40-60 per cent

n 30-40 per cent n 90-100 per cent 7. It is a prerequisite that solar thermal installers are certified by the MicroGeneration Certification Scheme in order to take advantage of which scheme? n Renewable Heat Incentive n Enhanced Capital Allowances n Feed in Tariff n Renewable and Household Grants 8. The collector pump carries out which of the following processes? n Monitors the system, providing information on the various aspects of the system such as temperature. n Moves the brine solution between the collector and the tank. n Absorbs solar energy from the sun. n Provides a secondary source of heating to overcome a short fall in temperature of the solar water. 9. Solar thermal water tanks are generally taller and thinner tanks to promote which effect? n Convection n Radiation n Stratification n Conduction 10. A photometry sensor can be used by a solar thermal collector to carry out which of the following processes? n Measure the temperature of water provided to the heating system. n Track the orientation of the sun. n Time when the solar collector is on/ off. n Maintain the pressure in the system.

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How to obtain a CPD accreditation from the Energy Institute Energy in Buildings and Industry and the Energy Institute are delighted to have teamed up to bring you this Continuing Professional Development initiative. This is the eighth module in the sixteenth series and focuses on Solar Thermal technology. It is accompanied by a set of multiple-choice questions. To qualify for a CPD certificate readers must submit at least eight of the ten sets of questions from this series of modules to EiBI for the Energy Institute to mark. Anyone achieving at least eight out of ten correct answers on eight separate articles qualifies for an Energy Institute CPD certificate. This can be obtained, on successful completion of the course and notification by the Energy Institute, free of charge for both Energy Institute members and non-members. The articles, written by a qualified member of the Energy Institute, will appeal to those new to energy management and those with more experience of the subject. Modules from the past 15 series can be obtained free of charge. Send your request to editor@eibi.co.uk. Alternatively, they can be downloaded from the EiBI website: www.eibi.co.uk



MAY 2017 - APR 2018

MAY 2018 - APR 2019

1 Lighting Technology 2 Boilers & Burners 3 Compressed Air 4 Water Management 5 Combined Heat and Power 6 Drives & Motors 7 Underfloor Heating 8 Energy Purchasing 9 Photovoltaics 10 Heat Pumps

1 BEMS 2 Refrigeration 3 LED Technology 4 District Heating 5 Air Conditioning 6 Behaviour Change 7 Thermal Imaging 8 Solar Thermal 9 Smart Buildings* 10 Biomass Boilers*

* ONLY available to download from the website after publication date

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Hanaé Chauvaud de Rochefort is senior policy research manager at 
the Association for Decentralised Energy

Gas must face the same signal To transition to a low carbon energy system in the coming years we need a fairer reflection of efficient gas combined with flexibility incentives in SAP, says Hanaé Chauvaud de Rochefort


he current SAP methodology is changing to SAP 10 in preparation of Government’s review to Part L of the Building Regulations, which is expected in 2019. SAP 10 brings forward, among other changes, new carbon emissions factors to take stock of the changing generation mix on the electricity grid. However, it risks undermining investment in dispatchable generation that is needed to support further renewable uptake (research by BEAMA suggests that 70GW of dispatchable resources are needed in 2040 to meet peak demand during periods of low wind and solar generation). SAP stands for Standard Assessment Procedure, which is the Government approved methodology used for assessing compliance of new dwellings with Part L of the Building Regulations on the Conservation of fuel and power. The draft SAP 10 methodology updates the electricity carbon factor from 519 gCO2/kWh in the current SAP 2012 to 233gCO2/kWh in SAP 10, which is going to be used over the period 2020-2025. This new carbon factor impacts the energy services market perhaps more than it has done in the past. Feedback from SAP assessors that have compared SAP 2012 with SAP 10 suggests that the lowest cost option to achieving compliance with the Building Regulations is to use electric panel heaters along with an electric immersion water heater. Government is considering ways to support the electrification of heat, including with heat pumps. The decarbonisation of heating involves the electrification of heat in some places, although not at any cost. Feedback from SAP assessors suggests the SAP 10 methodology risks creating a strong incentive for house builders to consider low-cost electric appliances in new build. As running costs are not a compliance consideration, home owners would potentially face a much higher heating and hot water bill than that of a gas boiler with flue heat recovery or a heat pump. A mock version of SAP 10 is available on the Building Research Establishment (BRE) website for market participants to trial

Chauvaud de Rochefort: ‘rather than SAP10 driving lower carbon buildings it is likely to increase demand on the power system when it is at its most carbon intensive'

‘As we decarbonise, it is important that gas use is at its most efficient’ the software and allow them to compare it with the current one ahead of future official use.

Phase out of coal by 2025 The new factors will be implemented alongside the updated Part L of the Building Regulations in 2020. A consultation on the review of Part L the Building Regulations is due in Spring 2019, subject to finding Parliamentary time in what is, for obvious reasons, a packed legislative schedule. As coal is phased out by 2025, gas is likely to play a role in the UK’s energy system for some time. To ensure the most efficient energy system, it’s important to ensure that new gas installations face the same carbon signal – regardless of where it connects to the system. SAP is the key carbon signal at the residential scale. It should be consistent with the broader energy system. Therefore, we support a marginal emission factor for carbon to ensure that where gas assets continue to be needed, they face the same signal regardless of where they connect to the network. This would ensure that, where

appropriate, new installations can make use of efficient CHP. To clarify the term “marginal”, a marginal emission factor reflects emissions from the subset of generations used to meet the demand topping up the year-long baseload. Demand for electricity peaks when people and businesses most need their heating and lighting on, and therefore are the least flexible with their demand. A marginal emission factor would help further decarbonise the grid by creating an efficiency incentive for those generation sources higher up in the merit order, the most expensive ones, which currently face none. In other words, the grid average emission factor for heating services is most likely higher than the SAP annual average of 233gCO2/kWh as this includes the non-heating season. A single annual carbon emission factor does not reflect the swings in electricity generation that come from the changes in outputs from generation units, such as renewables, producing electricity distributed through the grid. These swings correspond to a large spread, with grid carbon intensity reaching a bottom value of 259gCO2/kWh in the summer 2017, and a ceiling of around 500-600gCO2/kWh in the winter 2017. This is critical as the peak power emissions coincide with peak domestic heat demand. If policy drives developers to install electric panel heaters which operate at those times of peak heat demand then the additional power they require will predominantly come from fossil power plant. Rather than SAP 10 driving lower carbon buildings it is likely to increase demand on the power system when it is at its most carbon intensive, pushing up building emissions. As we decarbonise, it is important that the use of gas is at its most efficient to help drive down emissions. This drive for efficiency should be the case at all points in the energy system. Innovative energy companies are already investing in highly efficient systems, combining electric heat pumps with gas CHP to deliver reliable, low-carbon energy services. Across the system, and particularly for homes, we need to support such innovations to drive a low carbon, cost effective and flexible energy system. SAP should not become a barrier to doing so.  FEBRUARY 2019 | ENERGY IN BUILDINGS & INDUSTRY | 29

CHP & District Heating For further information on Centrica Business Solutions visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 134

Ian Hopkins is a director, Centrica Business Solutions

Generating results from CHP Ian Hopkins explains how to get CHP planning and specification right to optimise efficiency and ensure your system delivers on its full potential


hen CHP systems are properly planned and specified, they will often outshine other energy saving technologies to deliver outstanding efficiency. The reward is a rapid return on investment of under three years and improved energy resilience. There are five key steps in planning and specifying the perfect CHP: Meticulous planning will lead to a rapid return on investment on CHP installations

1) Assess the feasibility CHP delivers best returns for sites with a large heating or cooling demand over an extended time period. A minimum heat load of 4,500 hours per year is usually recommended. First priority is to calculate the site’s energy load profile using load duration curves to highlight consumption for times of the day/week/month/year. This will reveal the site’s heat-to-power ratio, which should be around 1.5:1, although modern CHP systems are moving closer to 1:1 as electrical efficiency improves. Data accuracy is essential to informing the specification process. Use half-hourly data or building energy management system (BEMS) recorded data. For new build sites, building information modelling (BIM) data can inform the process. Ideally, energy efficiency measures should be introduced before CHP installation. If not, their impact on future energy demand should be estimated to specify a CHP system that is future proofed. You should also factor in any site expansion plans to ensure that you understand your long-term energy profile. Initial suitability checks are also important, such as assessing whether the input fuel (i.e. natural gas/biogas, etc) is available for the site, and whether the local power network can support a CHP installation.

2. Get the sizing right Sizing is the most important factor in determining your CHP’s efficiency

and ROI. If the plant is too small it will operate at full load, but won’t provide the full potential cost savings. If it’s too large it will operate uneconomically and inefficiently at part-load and struggle to yield the desired return on investment. Once you have a detailed model of heat and electrical demand patterns, you are in a position to size the system based on the following options: • Baseline operation optimises CHP efficiency by ensuring the system meets baseline electrical or heat output. Any shortfall is then met by importing grid power or heat from boilers. Systems are often sized to operate at minimum heat demand (baseload) and to operate as the site’s ‘lead boiler’. It sometimes offers best financial returns to size slightly over the thermal baseline to provide a greater power output. In these instances, heat must be rejected via a dry air cooler or cooling tower. • Load following CHP units can change output to track fluctuations in either electrical or thermal demand, dependent on the site’s heat-to-power ratio and associated energy costs. In scenarios where electricity demand is followed, the cost/sustainability options for heat dumping should be fully analysed. An alternative strategy is to capture spare thermal capacity via thermal stores. • Electricity export may be a


suitable method for dealing with excess electricity, but the financial implications must be calculated since electricity consumed on site will generally have a higher value. However, options to earn a higher income via demand response should be explored. • Variable demand. In some instances, where energy demand fluctuates and the profile is peaky, it may be better to employ a number of smaller units with one unit used to meet the baseline capacity, while smaller plants would provide excess needs.

3) Consider the constraints Consider the physical requirements of your CHP system and any possible environmental impacts. Have you got sufficient space to install, operate

and maintain your unit? If your plant room isn’t big enough, could you use roof space or house the unit in an external container? How will you integrate the system with your BEMS and power, cooling and heating systems, particularly secondary heat sources? You must also consider any additional infrastructure you may require, particularly if the electrical and heating connections or fuel supply are insufficient or not in close proximity to your CHP.

4) Ensure compliance and approvals Check what the regulatory needs are, e.g. planning permission and building regulations, and your requirements under BREEAM. It’s essential that you are meeting environmental standards, especially operating within NOx guidelines, although modern cogeneration systems should reduce your overall NOx emissions.

5) Work out the finances To maximise the financial returns there are a number of important considerations in planning your project. An important step is calculating the likely ‘spark spread’ price advantage of gas fired CHP, by shifting your energy demand from electricity to cheaper gas. Over recent years, the spark spread has been widening – making CHP an attractive financial option. It’s also important to calculate lifetime servicing and maintenance costs. You should understand the benefits available to CHP, such as partial exemption from Climate Change Levy via the Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance (CHPQA) scheme. To gain CHPQA approval, your system must achieve ‘Good Quality’ certification, which requires meeting strict efficiency standards and quality thresholds. The final decision is to assess whether to invest your own capital in the project or use third party finance. 

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CHP & District Heating For further information on Remeha visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 135

Put the heat into heat networks

CHP in communal heat networks can reduce energy costs and emissions and add grid resilience. Mike Hefford discusses the benefits of this efficient technology


nder the UK’s existing Climate Change Act, the government has a binding commitment to reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80 per cent by 2050. As heating accounts for over a third of the UK’s emissions, it has identified the need to decarbonise nearly all heat in buildings and industrial processes in order to achieve this target. Adopting heat networks is widely recognised as one of the most cost-effective means of using energy more efficiently in multioccupancy buildings, particularly in denser urban areas. Heating from a central source is delivered to multiple customers such as public sector buildings, shops and offices, sport facilities, universities and residential developments. To grow the UK heat networks market, the government has allocated £320m of funding out to 2021 through the Heat Network Investment Project (HNIP) with the successful applicants from the first funding round due to be announced this spring. It also provides advisory support through the Heat Networks Delivery Unit (HNDU). This service has provided expertise and over £17m in grants to local authorities in England and Wales since 2013. There are two types of heat networks: district heating and smaller-scale communal heating. While district heating distributes heat from a central source through a network to multiple buildings, communal heat networks typically supply space and water heating from an energy centre within a single building to multiple occupants. And given that over 80 per cent of the UK’s heat networks are communal1, these smaller

Heat networks are widely recognised as a cost-effective means of using energy more efficiently

heating schemes are an important part of the drive to reduce emissions cost-effectively. A combination of different heat sources can be used in communal energy centres. But one low carbon technology that can offer real, tangible benefits is combined heat and power (CHP). Like a micro power station, only twice as efficient, CHP generates lower-carbon, lower-cost electricity on-site to supplement or replace the grid supply. While traditional power stations lose up to two thirds of the fuel they consume as heat, CHP captures and re-uses the ‘waste’ heat to provide useful space heating or hot water in buildings. Through this highly efficient process, CHP can not only reduce carbon emissions from heating, but also simultaneously lower costs for consumers. A Remeha low NOx condensing CHP unit, for example, can reduce valuable primary energy usage by up to 40 per cent and carbon emissions by up to 60 per cent, compared with conventional methods of


generating electricity and heat. As CHP produces site electricity at gas prices, the potential financial benefits are impressive. Indeed, the greater the ‘spark spread’ – or difference between gas and electricity costs – the greater the savings from a heat network centred around a CHP system. And with electricity prices currently nearly four times the cost of gas and costs predicted to rise faster, there’s a compelling economic as well as environment argument for displacing carbonintensive grid electricity with CHP electricity. Let’s consider an R-Gen 150/229 CHP unit with a projected life expectancy of 60,000 operating hours. Assuming that gas costs are 4p per kWh compared with electricity costs at 14p per kWh, over its expected 12-year operating life, the CHP unit has the potential to deliver financial savings in the region of £200,000. The on-site generation process means that smaller-scale CHP communal heating schemes can

Mike Hefford is CHP general manager at Remeha

help balance the peaks and troughs in electricity supply, providing added resilience in the event of an energy outage. Buildings with high, constant demands for heat and electricity will reap maximum financial and environmental benefits from CHP. The first step is therefore to undertake a feasibility survey, profiling the electricity and heat demand and calculating how much energy is used and at what time. Avoid oversizing the CHP. Matching the thermal and electrical base loads so that the CHP can run constantly is recommended, and the building can use all the heat and electricity generated. Additional demand for heat can be met by condensing boilers. A G99 (formally G59) grid connection application process will also need to be made – again, good suppliers will be able to assist. As the energy centres supplying communal heat networks will combine a mix of heat sources, it’s essential to ensure that the design optimises overall system performance. Good suppliers will have in-depth product knowledge, and, when involved at the early stages, can offer valuable technical support for maximum efficiency and savings. This might include advice on integrating condensing boilers within the energy centre to ensure that the boilers operate without influence from the CHP unit for optimum performance. Where space heating and domestic hot water are controlled by heat interface units (HIUs), suppliers like Remeha can also advise on the appropriate HIUs for use on lower temperature circuits to ensure the required delivery of heating and hot water. Communal heat networks have been identified as central to achieving our 2030 and 2050 carbon targets. CHP has a key role to play within these energy centres, achieving a more efficient system that will reduce energy costs while contributing to grid stability and the integration of renewable energy.  1. Heat networks market study update paper May 2018 – Government Department Competition & Markets Authority

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CHP & District Heating For further information on Evinox Energy Ltd visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 136

Heat pumps or CHP? The GLA has recently updated its planning guidance for residential developments with a section on carbon emission factors. Chris Davis wonders what impact this will have for the specification of heat networks


hrough London’s Environmental Strategy, the Mayor of London has set an ambitious target for London to become a zero-carbon city by 2050. The strategy stresses that over the next two decades, dependence on natural gas must be reduced and in order to achieve these targets, increases in energy efficiency and the use of much more low carbon electricity and low carbon heat will be vital. The Greater London Authority guidance on preparing energy assessments for new planning applications already includes the requirement for all new residential developments to meet a zero carbon target (including at least 35 per cent improvement in on site carbon emissions above and beyond building regulations); and a commitment to provide a connection to either an existing or planned heat network; or be serviced by a site wide “communal” heating system. Now, with the latest update to its planning guidance, the GLA has introduced a new section on carbon emission factors and sets out its requirement for SAP10 carbon emission factors to be adopted for energy assessments accompanying all new planning applications from January 1st this year. This is set to have a fundamental impact on the design of heat networks (including evolving requirements for HIUs) as the need to ensure compliance with SAP carbon targets will encourage the use of electrically powered heat generation technologies – specifically heat pumps – which typically operate at lower temperatures than boilers or CHP. At the same time, the benefits of CHP become marginalised, as the carbon saving value of the “free” electricity produced is less significant than in the past.

Source: GLA “Low Carbon Heat: Heat Pumps in London”, September 2018

The changes in our electricity generation mix are reflected in the proposed electricity carbon factors under SAP10, which show a 55 per cent decrease in carbon content over those currently used in SAP2012. A recent report entitled “Low Carbon Heat: Heat Pumps in London” correctly identifies that when applying more up to date carbon factors for electricity – such as those proposed in SAP10 - heat pumps offer a substantially lower carbon system than gas boilers or gas-fired CHP. Coupled with the fact that the carbon factor of electricity is expected to fall further in the future, it is an obvious conclusion to draw. The graph illustrates.

Mechanical system design A key consideration however for the wider uptake of heat pumps in heat networks is the mechanical system design – particularly relating to supply temperatures and domestic hot water provision. There is a myriad of ways in which heat pumps might be deployed within the scope of


“There is a myriad of ways in which heat pumps might be deployed within district heating systems”

communal and district heating systems, including as the sole heat source, or in combination with other (higher temperature) heat generation equipment. However, an inherent feature of the way heat pumps work is that their efficiency reduces as the temperature they are required to supply increases. Gas-fired CHP heat networks are typically designed around primary water temperatures of 70-80ºC. However, temperatures above 6065ºC are typically too high for heat pumps to achieve efficiently, so any district heat solution employing heat pumps alone would need to run at lower temperatures within

Chris Davis is head of sales & marketing, Evinox Energy Ltd

the primary pipework. Unlike the provision of space heating which can be supplied at lower temperatures, the generation of domestic hot water within the dwelling is generally required at a temperature of 50-55ºC due to health and safety considerations. This therefore requires a heat pump to run at a primary temperature which will, by definition, reduce a heat pump system’s efficiency. Of course, running communal or district heating systems at lower primary temperatures does bring obvious benefits – lower system heat losses for one. But the careful consideration for all aspects of system design for consulting engineers and specifiers will be crucial in ensuring systems are able to offer the correct balance of low carbon heat and system performance within the apartment – particularly with regards to the supply of domestic hot water. Within each dwelling, heat interface units are typically installed to provide a hydraulic break between primary and secondary systems. Twin plate HIUs are by far the most commonplace. These decouple the space heating system from the primary network by means of a plate heat exchanger; similarly, domestic hot water is produced instantaneously by heating incoming mains water from the heat in the primary network via a second heat exchanger. With internal space at a premium, the ability to provide domestic hot water without the need for a storage cylinder is a popular choice among consultants and developers. The ability of an HIU to deliver the required domestic hot water peak capacity however is fundamentally a function of the unit’s plate heat exchanger efficiency and effectiveness. A high-quality unit will deliver a wide dT across the primary flow and return, allowing good thermal peak capacity to be delivered at low primary system flow rates – thus enabling pipe diameters, subsequent system heat losses and pumping loads to be reduced. 

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Secure your business’ low carbon energy supply

A reliable power supply is now essential to ensure profitable business. Clarke Energy is a world leader in installing, engineering and maintaining high efficiency and innovative combined heat and power plants (CHP). CHP reduces fuel consumption, increases fuel efficiency and ensures operational cost savings. Clarke Energy’s long relationship with engine manufacturer GE ensures we distribute only the best-in-class products, in addition to offering the expertise and resources to deliver unbeatable endto-end product support through a reliable accountable localised service. Our network of local service engineers, carrying parts and consumables, enable a rapid response to any maintenance needs. For more information on the benefits of gas-fuelled combined heat and power plants visit us at clarke-energy.com + 9 –18 months repayment of capital switching from diesel to natural gas + For electricity, heating and cooling loads + Engineer, procure and construct services available + Supported by a local network of service engineers + Local product support and parts stockholding

Clarke Energy, Power House, Senator Point, South Boundary Road, Knowsley Business Park, Liverpool, L33 7RR. Tel: 0151 546 4446. eibi.co.uk/enquiries Enter 14

CHP & District Heating For further information on Clarke Energy visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 137

Alex Marshall is group marketing and compliance manager, Clarke Energy

profile buildings now utilise gas engines for cogeneration including the National Gallery, the Shard, and the Natural History Museum. Deploying the technology supports the cost and carbon reduction drive and is also looked on favourably by planning departments from a sustainability perspective.

District energy in London

Recent years have seen a much wider deployment of CHP technology

CHP spreads its net Industrial high energy consumers are opting for the deployment of CHP technology in the UK. Alex Marshall examines where the technology is best suited


ith increasing energy prices resulting from hikes in electricity generation and transmission costs, the United Kingdom is seeing growing numbers of manufacturing and production facilities opting for self-generation of power with the deployment of CHP technology. Key industrial sectors with high power consumption include food and drink processing, the automotive sector, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals processing. CHP plants are captive power plants that generate electricity, typically from gas, and in-turn recover heat from the generators, either as hot water or steam for local use. Generating power close to the site of use not only reduces losses associated with the transmission of electricity, but also improves total fuel efficiency to around 90 per cent. In the public sector, universities and hospitals have utilised gas engine CHP technology for decades. Early installations include Dundee University and the Freeman

Hospital in Newcastle. Both of these institutions deployed Jenbacher gas engines over 15 years ago to reduce their fuel consumption. Both have now refurbished the facilities using the latest engine models with even higher efficiency levels. Early district energy schemes were also deployed in cities such as Aberdeen, the colder climate making them prime locations for efficient use of electricity and heat.

Matching electricity and heat The key to the success of CHP installations is firstly matching the site’s electricity and heating needs to an appropriate generator and heat recovery system. This is done through a detailed technical evaluation of the half hourly energy consumption data, if available. A decision can then be made upon whether hot water or steam would best meet the site’s heating requirements. If the site has a cooling requirement it is also possible to fit an absorption chiller to support refrigeration or air conditioning systems.


The next consideration is the machinery and systems that support the performance of the core generator. If either the generator or ‘balance of plant’ are inappropriate for the application then operational problems may occur in the future. The final consideration for the success of a CHP installation is the after-sales support. Much like a car engine, CHP engines have scheduled maintenance. For a machine that runs for almost the entire year, it is important to conduct these as per manufacturer’s guidelines and be supported by highly trained and equipped service engineers, such as those provided by gas engine specialist Clarke Energy. Recent years have seen a much wider deployment of CHP technology for a range of new applications. Rising fuel costs and a starker ‘sparkspread’ – the difference in the price of electricity and gas – along with a focus on reducing carbon emissions are all important drivers. London in particular has seen massive growth in CHP technology over recent years. A range of high

District energy in the capital now forms the back-bone of many large new commercial developments. The King’s Cross scheme has two bright pink Jenbacher engines supporting a large district heating scheme supplying commercial and residential properties alike. The engines being painted pink to raise awareness of breast cancer research. The redevelopment of the area around Victoria railway station, ‘Nova Victoria,’ also is using CHP to reduce fuel costs and carbon emissions. Hospitals in London continue to adopt CHP technology with Guy’s, St Thomas, Great Ormond Street and St Bartholomew’s all utilising the technology as a core to their approach to energy usage. The operational cost focus therefore can be on saving on energy and deploying more resources for patient treatment. Data centres are an emerging market for CHP technology. The focus here is on combined cooling and power rather than combined heat and power. Citibank’s data centre in London is one of the first in the UK to use the technology and can generate 71 per cent of the data centre’s electricity. Finally, with the reduction in price of renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar energy along with storage technologies such as batteries, it is possible to integrate these different elements into a microgrid and make an industrial user self sufficient and minimise carbon emissions. High energy users can move to an off-grid power generation solution using CHP, possibly integrated with other forms of low carbon power. This provides not only reduced operational costs, but also security of power supply, resilience and significant reductions in carbon emissions. 

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CHP & District Heating For further information on products and services visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter the appropriate online enquiry number

New energy centre brings Battersea back to life Almost 40 years after it was taken out of service in 1983, Battersea Power Station will once again be a source of energy supply for Londoners following the creation of a new energy centre, which is set to become one of the largest of its kind ever to be created in the UK. Situated 10m below ground and directly in front of the iconic power station building, the main energy centre will supply heating, cooling and electricity to the 42-acre regeneration site, with the potential to supply energy to residents and businesses across the wider Nine Elms regeneration area. The structural build is now complete and has been handed over to Vital Energi which is now fitting it out according to their own design, ahead

of completion in 2020. The energy centre will be split over two levels, totalling 6,800m, and when fully built, the current design allows for three combined heat

and power gas fired (CHP) engines (two 2MWe and one 3.3MWe), three 10MWth gas fired boilers, seven 60m³ thermal stores and six 4MWe chillers. The CHP engines produce

electricity via the combustion of gas which in turn generates heat as a by-product. This heat will be harnessed and transferred into usable energy for hot water. Similarly, the chillers use electricity to drive a compressor in a refrigerant cycle which transfers cool energy to a water circuit to produce chilled water. Placing this new energy centre underground not only provides natural sound proofing to neutralise the sound of the engines, but also maximises the site area by situating it beneath a new six-acre park on the riverside, with vapour plume being expelled through the newly rebuilt north-east chimney. 


Zonal control provides future-proof solution for district heating

Heat pumps slash heating costs for north Wales householder

Zonal control of a district heating scheme in Leeds is providing a futureproof mechanism for the maintenance or expansion of the hot water and heating infrastructure at a sheltered housing development. The heating system at Halliday Court, which comprises 90 flats with 55 in a main block and 35 spread across five satellite blocks, incorporates a unique valve system that enables areas of the network to be isolated for remedial or regular service work or for future growth should further homes be needed. The V-Flex system, designed by district heating scheme pipework specialists Flexenergy, is the only valve system in the UK specially developed for pre-insulated polybutene pipe networks. At Halliday Court, the preinsulated technology was installed as part of a heating and hot water system upgrade, with pairs of V-Flex valves installed at building entry points to allow areas of the network to be isolated. The V-Flex system also makes it possible to create an all-plastic fusion weld to the main network, thereby avoiding a secondary joint with its inherent weakness. Flexenergy also supplied around 520m of its pre-insulated Flexalen polybutene (Pb) pipe sized to meet the diverse requirements of the heating and hot water network at Halliday Court and the individual apartments. 

A ground source heat pump has dramatically cut the heating costs for one householder in Cynwyd, Denbighshire. Dragon Drilling was approached as the home owner was interested in an alternative to the oil that was providing the current heating solution. Due to the age and size of the property the annual heating bill was over £3,000. Following an on-site assessment with heat engineers to calculate the kW needed to heat the property, Dragon Drilling put together a costing for drilling multiple boreholes to provide an environmentally friendly solution for the customer’s heating needs. Dragon then spent ten days on site to complete the drilling. When the work was complete the heat engineers were left with over 200m of boreholes for their system. A section of the garage was allocated to house the interior equipment needed. Following the completion of the works in the house by the heat engineer the property was supplied by radiators, under floor heating and a new innovative method of using an entire wall in a room to provide heat. The house was warm throughout for the first time in the entire time the owners had lived there. The customer instantly saved the £3,000 a year they were paying for oil and because they qualified for the government’s Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), they are paid on a quarterly basis for having the system running over the course of ONLINE ENQUIRY 140 seven years. 


Graeme Rees is UK & Ireland EcoBuilding marketing manager at Schneider Electric

Smart Building Technology For further information on Schneider Electric visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 141

The megatrends now driving evolution With 2.5bn people expected to migrate to cities by 2050 new ways have to be found to operate buildings more efficiently. Graeme Rees examines how


hange is happening fast as smart buildings become the centre of modern smart cities. Over recent years, technology has greatly evolved bringing with it a new digital economy. This has created a new breed of smart buildings. As well as this, certain mega trends are having a marked effect on the way we experience buildings and cities for the foreseeable future. Particularly, these include migration, digitalisation and energy consumption, which are having a huge impact on the daily lives of individuals. The opportunities that have been created by mobile, cloudbased and IoT technology advances have impacted information gathering, sharing, and analytics. This is having a big effect on the ways we manage our homes and workplaces. Ever-growing reservoirs of operational data are revealing more about our buildings than we ever thought possible. Greater insight into energy usage and employee behaviour is helping us build more efficient, productive and valuable buildings. Our planet is facing an historic transition as the greatest urban migration of all time continues to impact the world. Staggeringly, it is expected that 2.5bn people will migrate to cities by 2050. At a global level, it is the equivalent of building 30 cities the size of Paris every year for the next 30 years. This is set to bring about mass change to the way we live our lives. The intensity of this migration creates tension for buildings developers and owners, as well as for city planners. They have the added pressure of trying to accommodate the influx of people that their cities will face. Specifically, it drives the need for more energy efficiency and

By 2020, the installed base of IoT devices is forecast to grow to almost 31bn across the world

the integration of renewable energy sources. Fortunately, more people means more data. Today’s mass migrations precipitate a data deluge, and it would be a grave error not to mine it for more accurate insights. Harnessing and acting on this data through greater digitalisation will help us plan for and accommodate these new arrivals. However, we must ensure our buildings are equipped with the right technology to make the most of the data.

Digitalisation to boost demand The growth of data, information and connected devices is exponential and is unlikely to stop. For example, in 2014, there were an estimated 1.7bn connected devices in buildings worldwide, these have grown at an alarming rate since then. By 2020, the installed base of IoT devices is forecast to grow to

“The growth of data and connected devices is unlikely to stop” almost 31bn across the world. Digitalisation will boost market demand for data-gathering devices including sensors and beacons, technology that efficiently gives access to data such as highspeed network infrastructure (IP), operational technology (OT) systems that expose their data naturally, and data repositories in the cloud. As well as this, artificial intelligence and analytics will be also in demand in order to sort through the intense amount of data, while simultaneously driving insight and outcomes from this data. And there will be a multiplication of apps for everyone

to solve actual pain points for building occupants, owners and facility managers. Finally, it is expected that the world’s electricity consumption will increase by 60 per cent in the next 20 years. Most shocking is the notion that close to 60 per cent of that electricity will ultimately be used in buildings. At this present time, the extreme effects of climate change are high on the global agenda. Both governments and businesses are paying close attention to the actions needed to combat these effects. In the long run this will drive increasing need for selfgeneration and microgrids based on solar power with local storage, source management to be able to manage various energy sources at a building or campus level, more local power management systems to ensure electrical power reliability and a renewed push towards more energy efficiency. One of the main answers to ensure the consequences of these megatrends are dealt with efficiently is to design buildings in a new way so that they use fewer resources (both in terms of space and energy) and ensure they run at maximum efficiency. Buildings must also meet the growing demand for meaningful connectivity that responds to the individual needs of occupants. Buildings must be built from the ground up to make the most of the data available to them. From lighting levels to room occupancy, building data can be used to drive improvements and efficiency. A building or facility manager, equipped with the right tools and access to data can make a real difference. For example, consider a smart office building where the employees have all gone out to lunch. Smart sensors, embedded in the walls, would detect a reduction in carbon dioxide levels in the now empty office. A building manager, or automated building system, would be able to quickly put the building into lower power state, with less energy wasted on lighting or air conditioning. In this way, relatively minor actions could achieve major improvements in energy efficiency and costs. 


Smart Building Technology For further information on Siemens Building Technologies visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 142

Ian Ellis is head of product management and marketing at Siemens Building Technologies

A suitable case for treatment Ian Ellis discusses digitalisation in the healthcare industry and examines some of the building technologies enabling more efficient and effective patient care


onstruction of buildings and the management of property are becoming more and more complex as unfamiliar elements such as energy efficiency targets and well being initiatives are thrown into the mix. The importance of understanding these factors is heightened in the healthcare industry, where smart hospitals are now part of the healing process. Patients today are more informed and involved in their healthcare and, as a result, are now more likely to avoid a poorly run hospital. Equally, an unsatisfactory working environment is likely to make it more challenging to retain qualified medical staff who also need to be happy and comfortable. The technology we have available to us now can give us the tools to produce highly efficient medical facilities that can help in easing the pressure on hospital staff and create the ideal environment for patients. Research suggests that patient attitudes toward and perceptions of the built environment of hospital facilities are based on whether the hospital provides a welcoming space that promotes health and wellbeing for them and their visitors. Patients want to be able to operate the light in their room as quickly and easily as the air conditioning, the shading or the multimedia entertainment systems, which allow video on demand, watching television or surfing the internet. The hospital building is also becoming an increasingly important part of the care delivery process by contributing to the hospital workflows. Technology helps support the nurses so they can focus on taking care of patients. Advanced building management systems (BMS) and building information modelling (BIM) are two critical elements that are helping hospitals in their digital transformation journey. BIM process helps monitor and analyse all the aspects of the physical

The data that is made available from a hospital’s BMS has tremendous potential value in enabling optimisation

building in a digital environment. BIM also offers significant value in the operating and maintenance of a hospital and continues to contribute to efficiency, effectiveness, and economy throughout the life of the hospital building.

Energy intensive theatres Operating rooms have one of the highest concentrations of devices in the hospital. This means that they’re also energy intensive. They require constant heat, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting to provide surgeons with optimal work conditions. When not in use, they offer significant savings potential. Unoccupied operating rooms are often provided with full ventilation even though it isn’t necessary. Although constant ventilation is mandatory, it doesn’t have to be at the same rate as during an operation.


The operating room needs to remain under positive air pressure to prevent germs from penetrating from the outside, minimising the risk of infection. During an operation, laminar airflow around the table protects sterile zones from contamination. With an operating room management system, surgeons have the ideal tool for creating an optimal work environment. They can store their individual settings for a variety of operations, and these predefined scenarios increase patient safety and create perfect operating conditions for the surgeon. The HVAC, lighting, humidity, sanitation and power supply can all be customised, while the access control system prevents unauthorised access, which ensures that patients aren’t exposed to increased risk of infection. As well as staff and patients, hospitals also have to consider

visitors and outpatients who may be unfamiliar with the building. Healthcare facilities are often large and complex buildings that are challenging to navigate. Digitalisation allows facilities to provide user-friendly ways of navigating a facility via smart devices – from the parking garage directly to the bedside or treatment area. This ensures that patients and visitors know the best way to get to their destination, even when they do not speak the local language or have a medical impairment. Like all large digitalised facilities, the data that is made available from a hospital’s BMS has tremendous potential value in enabling optimisation. This applies not only to the direct interaction of building users within the building, but also to a longer-term analysis of the performance of the building. In the previous decade, the performance of buildings was mostly viewed from an energy consumption perspective. Digitalisation will expand that into other areas such as room utilisation and even square meter/feet utilisation. These analytics will enable managers to identify in which areas the flow of people can be optimised. Areas where utilisation is very low can be repurposed to create more value for every square metre in the building. This means that healthcare facilities will be able to provide more on a smaller footprint and at the same time create a better user experience. In order to leverage available data and technologies, it is essential to have a core building infrastructure that integrates the different systems into one platform and aggregates the data to enable analytics that provide the right insights and actions at the right time. This integrated infrastructure is more cost-efficient and provides the flexibility to accommodate the changing needs of the facility, ultimately resulting in the creation of smart hospitals and smarter healthcare. 

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Smart Building Technology

Karl Walker is marketing development manager for Beckhoff Automation Ltd

For further information on Beckoff Automation visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 143

Set free smart technology The IoT is now starting to have a transformative effect on smart building automation and control. Karl Walker discusses the Internet of Things and how to use it in buildings


he Internet of Things is built on the idea that any object can connect to the internet. It is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data. IoT devices that we are more familiar with in the home, such as the Google Nest, Philips Hue, WeMo smartplug and Amazon Echo can be classified as IoT devices. They generally have inbuilt Wi-Fi connectivity, use a cloud-based service and have a control app for phone and tablet. Home automation is the ‘visible’ side of IoT and is what most people would associate with the term. In buildings, however, the implementation of IoT is (usually) less visible to the user. With so much smart technology about now it is all too easy to assume that it is all part of the IoT. However, devices with built-in wireless connectivity that don’t connect to a cloud-based service should not be classified as IoT devices. An example of this might be a wireless sensor that connects to a remote display device or data logger. If its information is not made available to other devices, it is not IoT! Industry 4.0 is often mistaken for IoT. Industry 4.0 was a phrase coined in 2011 to encompass the revolution of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies via physical or cyber-physical systems which aggregate raw data to higher-value contextural information to ensure interoperability of equipment, transparency of data across the plant and decentralised decision making. This does not necessarily involve IoT technologies and more commonly relies on industrial networks or ‘fieldbuses’. However, more increasingly, the same

The IoT is disrupting long-established business models and offering significant new opportunities

outcomes are achieved via the implementation of IoT devices within the sub-systems. There is no defined standard as to how IoT devices should communicate. IoT is not a ‘fieldbus’ like BACnet, DALI or Modbus. A smart lightbulb controlled by a wireless remote control is not IoT in itself. However, add a ‘hub’ (gateway), connected to the internet via a broadband router and now you have a potential IoT system. This relies on the manufacturer exposing their API to allow other applications and devices to control it. On the face of it, IoT doesn’t appear to really offer us anything new. It has always been possible to connect devices in some way or other. However, this has usually relied on industry-specific protocols for ‘families’ of products (e.g. BACnet for BMS controllers, DALI for lighting systems, Modbus for energy/consumption meters), with connection and data exchange between them only being possible


“Always look at building automation systems holistically” (if at all) via hardware ‘gateways’ or PC ‘middleware’. This then impacts on scalability and/or the ability to connect equipment across multiple sites. For instance, would it have been possible in the past to look at incoming flight data and link this to an airport’s BMS to prepare the arrivals terminal environment for the passengers? In the industrial world, machine-to-machine (M2M) communications have existed for over 20 years, but setup was complex, relying on (often) unsecured modem-to-modem ‘dial-up’ connections, with limited (if any) information from certain devices, all hindered by the need to ‘pull’ data from the system rather than events being triggered upon

occurrence (i.e. non-real-time). Where home automation presents the glamorous side of IoT technology, in commercial applications the outcomes of its implementation are the key driver. The IoT is now starting to have a transformative effect on smart building automation and control. It is disrupting long-established business models and offering significant new opportunities to improve the efficiency of buildings, raise employee productivity as well as stimulating the development of innovative services. Buildings optimised for occupants command 3 per cent more rent and gain a 10 per cent increase in equity value, according to a report from Morgan Stanley, ‘Unlocking Real-Estate Value by Going Green’ (2016). In tenanted buildings (domestic or commercial) there is a question about who takes ownership of IoT connections. If a smart building or home has been designed around a network structure then the landlord needs to own that structure in order to ensure smooth operation. However, like energy suppliers, the tenant has the right to choose their provider. Changing a router to a new one provided by a new ISP could cause the smart devices to stop working (pending re-configuration). This raises the question about ownership; the most robust method would be for the landlord to own and maintain the system and provide a paid-for service to the tenant. However, IoT is not the panacea to all control problems and there is no A to Z guide for its implementation. The reality is that it may not even be possible with some legacy equipment. As with all problems, always have an outcome objective in mind, always look at building automation systems holistically, and – most importantly – ensure that the equipment you use is open, scalable, secure, and plays nicely with the IT world. 

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Smart Building Technology

James Spires is smart buildings managing director with ENGIE

For further information on ENGIE visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 144

Smart is good for business Creating smart buildings can open up a wealth of opportunities, from optimising energy use and reducing costs to improving productivity, and even enhancing wellbeing. James Spires explains


smart building is one in which energy and operational systems are automatically regulated and controlled, where space utilisation is managed flexibly, and where technology is used to create a comfortable, healthy and productive working environment. The key ingredient in achieving a smart building is data. More specifically, connected data. All buildings contain systems, technology and sensors that generate data. This can include data on utility consumption, building management systems (BMS), space utilisation, weather conditions, access control, room bookings, production output, air quality and much more. The meters or sensors that collect this data are usually discrete from each other. They produce data in isolation on a specific element of building performance or operation. To create a smart building, all of this data needs to be brought together on a single platform where it can be analysed objectively. Here, machine-learning algorithms can be applied to the data to effectively model patterns of usage and behaviour, so that opportunities for improvements can be identified. This analysis enables you to gain a detailed understanding of the relationships between different activities, systems and external factors affecting your building. You will be able to see how data in one area is influenced by activities in another area, enabling you to better plan and implement effective building controls, settings and technology. The benefits of smart buildings impact all areas of your business, in particular: • energy efficiency. Smart building solutions allow you to optimise the performance of building systems and eliminate wasted energy. By gathering and analysing data from plant and equipment you can see

By monitoring key data from HVAC plant maintenance and servicing interventions can be timed efficiently

“The key to a smart building is the data” whether building assets are working in harmony or in conflict. You can easily identify anomalies or wastage and take appropriate action. By enabling you to take targeted actions, such as improving controls, modifying equipment set-points and adjusting timings, smart buildings help to significantly improve efficiency, reduce consumption and lower energy costs. If you combine this with the use of digital control solutions, you can further optimise the performance of systems and improve building operations and efficiency. For example, by linking lighting to daylight sensors, lights can be dimmed automatically when there is sufficient natural light. Similarly, movement sensors can be used to ensure lights are not left on in unoccupied areas. • facilities management. By monitoring data from key assets such as air-handling units, pumps, chillers and other mechanical and electrical equipment, facilities management teams can ensure maintenance and servicing interventions are timed appropriately and efficiently. So, for example, rather than simply


changing air filters every month, they can be changed when the data indicates it’s necessary. If any fault is identified, engineers can be directed straight to the problem with an indication of the type of fault, so that interventions can be targeted more accurately. These insights into the condition and efficiency of your assets help to optimise engineering and maintenance resources, and ensure servicing decisions are based on facts about the condition of your equipment. Data monitoring can also minimise the impact of inefficient equipment operation, by quickly identifying when faults occur and enabling rapid rectification.

Achieve specific objectives Of course, the purpose of creating smarter buildings is to help your organisation achieve its specific objectives. These will vary for different types of organisation, and you will need to consider what data you need to achieve your objectives. For example, if you run a hospital building you will need to comply with reporting requirements on air quality. To gather the data required,

sensors will need to be fitted in the right places to measure air exchange rates and air quality. If you’re a manufacturing business, your focus is on production efficiency. Using smart technologies and digitalising your systems can transform the way products are manufactured, optimising processes to help you meet efficiency targets and achieve cost savings. Industry 4.0 (the fourth industrial revolution) has transformed the way products are produced, enabling manufacturers to measure products produced per kilowatt (Overall Equipment Effectiveness or OEE) and calculate expected energy use. The ability to monitor and extract this kind of data allows platforms to activate early alerts, indicate any problems and react swiftly. New process machinery now comes with a considerable amount of sensory data, which is almost impossible for a human to decipher in real-time. Instead, artificial intelligence (AI) or machinelearning capabilities are used to provide rapid automation, along with the information required to take necessary actions. Connected data is the critical enabler for effective smart building operations. By connecting data via a single platform, buildings can be managed more efficiently and effectively to achieve cost, resource and time savings, and to extend asset life. However, reaping the full rewards of smart building technology also requires human collaboration. Energy managers need to work with the wider organisation to ensure everyone is working towards the same objectives. In addition, the intelligent technology used to analyse data needs to be combined with the expertise of energy and facilities specialists who know your organisation and its working practices and priorities, so they can recommend actions and solutions that work for your business. 

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Advertisement Feature

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Street lighting upgrade slashes energy consumption One council is on track to significantly reduce its carbon footprint after investing in a major street lighting replacement project


ent County Council is set to save millions each year on its energy bills, following the ambitious lighting upgrade programme. The county will see all street lighting units replaced with more modern alternatives, in addition to the installation of a Central Management System (CMS). Over 120,000 outdated lanterns will be replaced with highly efficient LED luminaires and will significantly lower the council’s energy consumption. The new LED fittings will reduce the amount of energy used without compromising on the quality of lighting output provided. Upgrades to the CMS will also enable the council to control lighting output, enabling the lights to be optimised in various conditions, as well as dimmed if needed, resulting in further energy savings. Thanks to the upgrades, the council expect to save 67 per cent on their annual energy bills. The switch will also reduce the council’s greenhouse gas emissions, predicted to make annual carbon savings of over 17,000 tonnes of CO2e, in line with carbon reduction targets. As well as the financial savings made from lower energy bills, the upgrades will have the added benefit of reducing maintenance costs for the council, due to the longer lifetime of the LED lanterns. The CMS is also able to report faults in real time, improving the customer experience for residents. Kent County Council is striving to inspire other local authorities to follow suit and move towards the provision of LED street lighting. The council has been able to make the improvements thanks to a £27m interestfree loan from Salix Finance, an independent, government-funded organisation that provides interest-free funding to public sector organisations to help them reduce their carbon emissions whilst reducing their energy spend. The loan was used to part-fund the £40m project, which is one of the largest UK street light replacement schemes that Salix has worked on to date. The final phase of this on-going programme is due to complete in the first half of this year. Once the interest-free Salix loan has been repaid from energy savings, the council will reinvest further savings in other key services. • For more information on the Kent street lighting upgrade, visit www. salixfinance.co.uk/loans/street-lighting

In support of cost-optimising energy management solutions, PC-based control from Beckhoff offers the ability to monitor, measure and analyse energy data via a monitoring system that is completely integrated into the standard control system. Feature-fi lled I/O components enable highly precise and transparent acquisition of all energy data for a company – from the administration through to every single actuator in every production facility. The data are processed and analysed using TwinCAT automation software, so savings potential can be fully exploited, creating the basis for DIN EN ISO 50001 compliance.

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Demand Side Response For further information on Limejump Ltd visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 145

Jason Stocks is head of demand & flexible generation at Limejump Ltd

setback, there are reasons to be hopeful for the future of DSR. National Grid is due to simplify the DSR products it procures, with details to be published in the summer.

Common standards set

It has been calculated that 16 per cent of the UK’s peak electricity could be provided by businesses being flexible in their energy demand

Can DSR find a niche? Demand side response has been a feature of the UK electricity system for many years, yet take up remains low. Jason Stocks looks at the potential and how energy managers can maximise their use of this resource


sing energy more intelligently to lower bills or even generate revenue should top the list of all energy managers’ priorities. But a mechanism to do this has not yet become mainstream in the UK, due to the overcomplexity of these schemes and lack of awareness among businesses. A volatile market is now adding to complication. Demand side response is focused on how energy is used, rather than how it is generated. It involves changing electricity demand by using it at different times, for example, shifting from peak to offpeak periods, rather than reducing overall demand. The government and National Grid have encouraged DSR as it is more efficient to use electricity more intelligently rather than building expensive new power plants. A reduction by large energy users such as factories, who can delay an energy-intensive process to another time, or switch to onsite generation, can earn revenue from National Grid through DSR schemes (pending the recently announced charging review). This also supports the UK to meet pollution and carbon emission reduction targets, by limiting the

use of older, less-efficient fossil fuel generators that are typically called into play during occasional periods of high demand. The Association of Decentralised Energy (ADE) calculates that 16 per cent of the UK’s peak electricity requirement – or 9.8GW – could be provided by businesses being flexible in their energy demand, which could save UK energy consumers £600m by 2020 and £2.3bn by 2035.

Grid balancing services National Grid provides a range of DSR services for balancing the grid, related to the speed at which it requires a response and the duration of the response. The faster a business can turn down its energy use, the higher the rates it earns. Until now, for those who already have embedded generation, this can be an easy way to take advantage of underused assets. Participants in DSR also benefit from reducing demand at peaks times, avoiding being charged for using energy when rates are at their peak. Again, this solution does have elements still pending in the charging review. Depending on changes recommended, this may prove to be as lucrative as historical opportunities and so the market continues to develop. However, while there has been a


“DSR has been affected by the sudden halt to the Capacity Market” steady increase in take-up of DSR, it has not achieved mainstream participation in the UK. General awareness has been low, not helped by the fact that the market is complex, with many variations in the services procured by National Grid. Also, many smaller companies have been excluded due to not having sufficiently large power loads to justify the investment in time and resource by provided by energy experts. In addition, DSR has been affected by uncertainty caused by the sudden halt to the Capacity Market. DSR has been eligible to compete in the Capacity Market auctions since 2015. However, in November last year, the General Court of the European Union ruled that the European Commission failed to carry out a full investigation of the UK Capacity Market, and failed to properly assess the role of DSR. Payments and auctions have been suspended while the government tries to obtain re-approval for the scheme. But while the Capacity Market suspension is undoubtedly a

Meanwhile, in November, the ADE published a code of conduct to set common standards for aggregators to provide confidence to energy managers of businesses, commercial and industrial sites. This should help reduce overselling and manage expectations on revenues that can be gained from participating in DSR. An additional area of open to generation flexibility is trading in the Balancing Mechanism (BM) wholesale market offered by National Grid. Within this market, National Grid procures energy supply to manage demand peaks and fluctuations that can create infrastructure damage or potentially lead to blackout scenarios. The BM is the next step in demand response offered by National Grid. As demand for flexibility rises in line with the amount of renewable electricity assets, intensive energy users such as manufacturing firms, or those with generating assets, can join Limejump’s VPP and take advantage of this market. In August last year, it became the first aggregator to be allowed to compete directly against large power plants in National Grid’s Balancing Mechanism. This was a historic move, opening up a new source of revenue to renewable energy generation and storage assets whose energy can be used together as ‘virtual power plants’. The BM is the next step in demand response offered by National Grid. Though taking in part in DSR can reduce the likely risk of major price hikes, to cushion themselves further energy managers should look to participate in as many markets as possible. Companies need to work harder or have a partner that can work on their behalf, to diversify across multiple markets to make savings or generate income. 

David Hill is commercial director, Open Energi

Demand Side Response For further information on Open Energi visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 146

Let storage take control Energy storage helps to reduce energy costs. Combined with demand-side response and on-site generation it can help businesses take control of when they consume electricity, says David Hill


ost businesses are familiar with the idea of demand-side response (DSR). As our energy system becomes more decentralised and decarbonised, the ability to increase, decrease or shift electricity demand in response to different signals can be extremely valuable. This trend is expected to continue as renewable generation grows and electric vehicle uptake accelerates. But the priority for businesses is to ensure continuity of operations and service. Reducing electricity costs must not compromise customer experience, product quality or business performance and not all businesses have flexibility in their operations. This is where energy storage can make a huge difference. Energy storage gives businesses control of their electricity use and enables processes with zero flexibility to be taken ‘off grid’ at certain times of day. Take a supermarket. It has flexibility in some of its equipment and processes, such as refrigeration, air conditioning and cold storage, which it can use to help lower overall electricity costs. For example, air conditioning units could be turned down temporarily to help balance electricity supply and demand or avoid a peak price period. The thermal inertia associated with cooling a store means electricity demand can be shifted while the temperature is maintained within acceptable parameters. But this still leaves a significant portion of its electricity use “untouchable.” Turning lighting, tills or baking ovens off to avoid a peak price period wouldn’t go down well with customers. Energy storage changes the game completely; with a battery on-site, a supermarket can take these inflexible processes ‘off-grid’ when prices are high, without disrupting operations. The rest of the time

Energy storage allows equipment with zero flexibility, such as lighting, to be taken off grid at times

Storage bolsters Arsenal’s defence Open Energi is working with UK battery storage developer Pivot Power to automate trading and optimisation of a battery storage system installed at Arsenal Football Club’s Emirates Stadium. The 2MW/2.5MWh battery, one of the largest at any sports ground in the world and the first at a UK football club, can store enough energy - provided by the club’s Official Renewable Energy Partner Octopus Energy - to run Emirates Stadium from kick-off to full time. The project has been funded with investment from Downing LLP. Open Energi’s Dynamic Demand 2.0 platform will operate the battery to allow Arsenal to avoid peak power prices, buying electricity when it is cheap and storing it for use when prices are high. It will also enable Arsenal to make money by using the battery to provide a range of services that will support the UK’s transition to a low-carbon economy, providing flexible capacity that will help the electricity network accommodate more renewable generation and support the growth of clean technologies like electric vehicles and heat pumps. A further 1MW/1.2MWh of storage will be added in summer 2019.

the battery can trade its capacity in wholesale electricity markets or earn revenues by providing services to National Grid. For businesses with on-site generation energy storage can also help to ensure they make the most of the clean, cheap power sources they have available. For example, a site with solar PV could store excess solar generated during the day for use at other times and use energy storage to better optimise its demand against electricity prices. In this way businesses can cut energy bills, create revenue and make the most of renewable power generated on-site. By integrating demand, on-site generation and energy storage, businesses can develop futureproof solutions for managing energy more flexibly and efficiently, whilst increasing resilience. It’s an approach which creates optionality for businesses, enabling them to use their flexibility to adapt to changing market and policy frameworks, and build the infrastructure they need to run their businesses more affordably, securely and sustainably. Underpinning this flexibility is technology. Decrypting patterns of demand and supply and making real-time decisions about how best to optimise assets to maximise total flexibility, reduce costs and carbon requires automated, intelligent controls. Open Energi’s Dynamic Demand 2.0 platform uses machine learning to automate and optimise assets and manage electricity demand, generation and storage in real-time. Over the last seven years Open Energi have connected over 3,500 assets at over 400 sites and performed over 60m switches, working with businesses to help them reduce costs, earn revenue, improve asset performance and become more sustainable. 


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Products in Action

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Air Conditioning

Fan coil units add comfort to new V&A museum Dunham-Bush has supplied its Leopard fan coil units and BM fan convectors to the new V&A Dundee (see also page 19), an £80m international centre of design, which presents the brilliance of Scottish creativity alongside some of the best design from around the world. Dunham-Bush fan coil units were selected not simply to meet thermal and airflow rate requirements, but also to satisfy noise levels constraints, while fitting comfortably within the limited space available in the ceiling voids. Series BM fan convectors provide a highly efficient and reliable heating source where safety and ease of maintenance are key features. The Dunham-Bush units provide heating to the building’s vital security, workshop and communications nerve centre. Reaching out over the River Tay, the building, which opened its doors to the public for the first time in September 2018, consists of a main hall, a learning centre, auditorium, temporary exhibition galleries and the permanent Scottish Design Galleries. On the upper floor there is a restaurant and a terrace overlooking the river. Funding for this prestigious project came from the Scottish Government, the Heritage Lottery, Creative Scotland, the Dundee Waterfront Project, Dundee Council and the UK Government. A further £15m was raised from private funds. Main contractor for the building work was BAM Construction. All M&E design was undertaken by Arup and the M&E service installation by FES Ltd, Stirling.

Air Movement Solutions


Steam generators aid upgrade of LNG terminal Process heating systems specialist Babcock Wanson has completed a project for National Grid featuring two bespoke rapid steam generators at its Grain LNG importation terminal in Rochester, Kent. Following a major project to substantially increase the LNG handling capacity at Grain LNG, which has seen new storage tanks installed with four times the capacity of each of the originals, it was decided to upgrade the process heating system that converts the LNG to a gaseous state. Working closely with National Grid, Babcock Wanson has designed a steam generation system based on two of its 7,000kg/h VPX Rapid Steam Generator to replace the existing two 3.5 tonne boilers on site. The new vertical coil Steam Generators feature three full gas passes, plus an in-built combustion air pre-heater to give high operating efficiency. The pressure containing coil design of the steam generators form the main combustion chamber with the second and third passes for the gasses going between the coil windings to ensure high gas velocity with good heat transfer and self cleaning of the flue gas passes. A purpose-built and matched Babcock Wanson burner ensures long life and simple operation. The new Steam Generators at Grain LNG are fully automated with automatic unattended start and stop capability. Highly bespoke, they have been designed with specialist PLC interfaces and controls, which also enable automatic changeover between the two generators on demand. They have also been adapted to operate at a lower steam pressure than is standard to work ONLINE ENQUIRY 107 with the existing steam system on site. 48 | ENERGY IN BUILDINGS & INDUSTRY | FEBRUARY 2019


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TALKING HEADS Christian Rudio

Christian Rudio is HVAC portfolio director at York Europe

Why Ecodesign will still matter The Ecodesign Directive for HVAC equipment is set to have an enormous effect on the energy saving sector. Despite Brexit energy managers should beware of its impact, explains Christian Rudio


n the light of world-wide demand for more efficient products to reduce energy and resource consumption, the European Union (EU) has implemented the Ecodesign Directive, aiming to improve the energy efficiency of products and to eliminate the least performing products form the market. Brexit is unlikely to substantially alter the status quo quickly as product manufacturers exporting their appliances to the UK market are likely to use EU requirements as a benchmark rather than producing a dedicated (low-efficiency) tranche of products for the UK market. Equally, UK manufacturers are likely to design their products according to EU norms so that they can export easily. However, Brexit could have much more profound implications in another area—buildings. The Ecodesign Directive is a framework directive. This means that it does not directly set minimum ecological requirements. These are adopted through specific implementing measures for each group of products in the scope of the Directive. Implementing measures are based on EU internal market rules governing which products may be placed on the market. Manufacturers who start marketing an energy using product covered by an implementing measure in the EU area have to ensure that it conforms to the energy and environmental standards set out by the measure. Introduced last year, the Ecodesign Directive applies to heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) products in the European market. The EU has set five targets it wants to achieve by 2020. The first is that 75 per cent of 20-64 year-olds are employed. Second, that 3 per cent of the EU’s GDP should be invested in research and development. The third is to bring the rate of early school leavers below 10 per cent, with at least 40 per cent of 30-34 year-olds completing further education. While under the fourth the EU wants at least 20m fewer people in, or at risk of, poverty and social exclusion. These are all important ambitions. However, arguably the most critical of the 50 | ENERGY IN BUILDINGS & INDUSTRY | FEBRUARY 2019

Rudio: 'the Ecodesign Directive is intended to address the environmental impact of energy-related products at the earliest stages of design'

‘ The Directive applies to HVAC products in the European market’ EU’s five concerns is climate change and energy sustainability. The EU wants greenhouse gas emissions at least 20 per cent lower than 1990 levels, 20 per cent of energy to be generated from renewables, and a 20 per cent increase in energy efficiency. These targets are also known as 20-20-20. As well as their environmental benefits, achieving them should also help increase the EU’s energy security (reducing dependence on imported energy and contributing to achieving a European Energy Union), create jobs, advance green growth and make Europe more competitive.

Minimum mandatory requirements To achieve the 20-20-20 targets, the EU has developed the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC (also sometimes called the Energy related Products or ErP Directive). A directive is a legal act of the EU which requires member states to achieve a particular result without dictating the means of achieving that result. The Ecodesign Directive is designed to address the environmental impact of energy-related products beginning at the earliest stages of design. It regulates the environmental impact of products that use energy (except for products in the transport sector). The Directive sets out minimum mandatory requirements for the energy efficiency of products such as TVs, washing machines, lights but also HVAC products and components.

The application of the Ecodesign Directive for chillers and heat pumps is enforced through regulations specific to various products and operating ranges. Once a regulation is published and active, products affected must comply with the minimum efficiency performance, sound emissions, etc., to receive CE marking. CE marking shows that the manufacturer has checked its products meet EU safety, health or – in the case of the Ecodesign Directive – environmental requirements. The letters ‘CE’ are the abbreviation of French phrase ‘Conformité Européenne’ which literally means ‘European conformity’. CE is a certification mark that indicates conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA). The CE mark is also found on products sold outside the EEA that are manufactured in – or designed to be sold in – the EEA. Under the Ecodesign Directive, energyrelated products are grouped into ‘lots’ applicable to HVAC products: • ENER Lot 1 – Space heaters (heat pumps) – Regulation 813/2013 relates to all air and water-cooled heat pumps with a rated heating output below 400kW (measured at -10°C ambient). The heat pumps impacted by this regulation are classified as ‘low temperature’ if heating outlet fluid temperature cannot be supplied at 52°C (measured at -7°C ambient); • ENTR Lot 1 – Professional refrigeration (process chillers brine) – Regulation 1095/2015 relates to all process chillers operating at design capacity that can generate outlet fluid temperature of -25°C (low temperature) or -8°C (medium temperature); and • ENER Lot 21 – Central heating and cooling products (comfort chillers, high temperature process chillers) – Regulation 2016/2281 relates to high temperature process chillers and comfort cooling chillers with rated cooling capacity below 2,000kW. For comfort cooling chillers, compliance is based on either fan coil application or cooling floor application. 

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