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Africa urgently needs necting public and ensure universal access to electricity on the continent. a collaborative approach is required people in Africa who still live without since its launch at COP26. Set up as thropic organisations including the and the private sector.


“This unique coalition of partners newables conversation and the role of technology.

The Global Energy Alliance for accelerate clean electricity access on

Lowering technology costs will be key well positioned to reap the benefits lacks the subordinated capital and local currency financing to catalyse

“One issue is the inability to access an to encourage the transition to clean sal energy access. All while enabling

ABOVE: Joseph Ng’ang’a.

OPPOSITE TOP: Miriama Fortune selling drinks from her solar-powered freezer (photo: Masha Hamilton).

Driving Down Costs

subordinated debt vehicle facility: the Energy Transition & Access Facility unleash the full potential of DRE in

A Unique Coalition

GEAPP also recently participated in vide reliable and renewable energy have access to electricity. in a strong portfolio built by GEAPP gation for Renewable Technologies ble irrigation.

OPPOSITE CENTRE: Abubaka Umar, a businessman in Shimankar Community, Plateau State, Nigeria who owns a commercial charging booth.

OPPOSITE CENTRE: Solar minigrid system in Shimankar Community.

OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Fabian Homi Nbuba, an engineer in Shimankar Community.

“The initiative began with the launch


groundbreaking solution relies on one key tenet – collaboration. The notion approach to progress. And progress is right forces pull together. ond and third highest electricity access “Despite clean energy and battery

Africa has a vital role to play in the new technologies and a willingness to question and change the status quo. renewable technologies are required. for decades.

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