Zambia was at 8.1% Rural Electrification as at 2018
“Never waste the opportunity that a good crisis brings”
National Status and Targets
❖ Rural Access currently stands around 33.8%
❖ Zambia is currently implementing an Energy Policy that is aligned to SD7 which seeks Universal Access by 2030
❖ REA to focus on attaining 51% by 2026
❖ Zambia to continue with on-grid electrification and off-grid projects to attain this target off-grid and on-grid
❖ Zambia Least Cost Electrification Geospatial Planning
Strategy and Policies
❖ Strategic Plan 2022-2025
❖ REA to implement the updated REMP
❖ REA to fully actualize the operationalization of REF 2024
❖ REA to fully establish itself as rural electrification Coordinator in line with Act No.5 of 2023
❖ REA to continue implementing SI 41 and SI 52
Partnerships and Business Models
❖ REA to expand its partnership portfolio (EU,WB,UNDP,USAID,NRECA)
❖ Main technologies remain hydro, SMGs and SHSs
❖ To explore Wind, hydro kinetic, biogas and biomass
❖ REA to explore Electric Cooperative Model
❖ REA to continue Private Sector Project Facilitation
❖ REA to explore PPP Models
❖ REA to continue with Public Models
❖ To accelerate demand stimulation and PUEs
❖ Support private participation Health, Household, Chiefs, Agricultures and Schools
❖ Credit Facility Growth
Draft REMP Insights
In its updated REMP, REA has the following 2023 electrification at a total cost of US$1,519,960,050:
❖ 739,500 households for grid connection,
❖ 88,679 MV Solar Mini Grids,
❖ 239,625 LV Solar Mini Grids and
❖ 1,440,007 Solar Home Systems
Existing Project Portforlio
❖ Public Funded Projects (Increased funding $20m46m)
❖ IAEREP EU Project – 196 sites
❖ OGRESS –WB Project
Upcoming Projects
❖ 1000 Presidential Mini Grid Project (REA, Rockefeller)
❖ World Bank - National Energy Acceleration Transformation (NEAT) Project -2024
❖ World Bank ASCENT Project – 2025
❖ Second Call IAEREP –EU Project
Electricity Access Acceleration brings several opportunities for Zambia and Zimbabwe
❖ Solar Pannel Manufacturing
❖ Inverter Assembly
❖ Battery Manufacturing
❖ Smart Meter Assembly
❖ Conductor and Cable Manufacturing
❖ Solar Home System Kits
❖ Energy Efficient Appliance
❖ Wooden and Concrete Poles
❖ Hydro – Kinetic Systems
❖ Energy Management Systems
❖ Smart Grid Systems
❖ Mini Grid Systems
❖ EV Systems
“Never waste the opportunity that a good crisis brings” Winston Churchill