Ec 13

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Desk-mess september21st. and so much is thought reaching into a day the welcome oof life by living.. a moment of trying answered by a day or earning.. living , being respoected, when. it means so little . the lungs filled with paint fumes, the heart speeding through the first hhit.. Marijuana through my brins.. brian.. Questionning and welcomeing the quesitons. for th espiral seem to be mounting. from long ago and a place far within.. these years Me-- represents. for to love and have to cle of timme is to love maabye onl to fuel the passion where the rest seems so linear. and here is something someone,, in another to live ,, in nother, and there fwith acceptnce comes the ghost of representation. and endless daze repeat themselves. the palovian... the unuestionable. the deligated of society and that is fme. for one to have voice is for all. to hear,, for the way is clear without us,, anure is corse and law to emotion. so me must answer if there is such that would join andn indivieual to Energy ,, as a natural conclusion of phtyscality.. we have callled Faith ,, that faith is a common human sence.. it is the DEsk mess i haave been working on the magazine . for twwo week,, stolen bits from paskt journal,, endless as they are i am still onlly into th eearly twowthousands, , nad all referances are to be ,, untainted by libary adn congress, shorter and shforter jour expand f to thouirght and reactions actt. injour cores,, to see addictiolns ,and the add ons we can take off... andn what is health glaobela,, and for the cosmos of eneregy being, that 1,8 trillion Ideentifiablel. atom ,, or some suuch thing. nothing to do and what we lay to print is for time magaizne , 1865 or some such. the impresson of our heart to greed and kmaterialism ,, ,, yet to breath . enow shalll not be wated.. or waited. the hope our hearts embrace us,, but to self s be tru all in energy ,, all in montrkas , th emess is a desk . the day is of you. where boats rise ,and sorrows gone, where all is a future looses the day,, we miss the tide, if we can not feel. trauma coases, and maybe that is ofnl time one is allowed to speak ,, when the being is granted its own freedoms agasint and with .. ah whateber, drunken toad stools enhancding piktucrre of monoliphic discovvers, toad stool. shit form the end of tales united,, the eloqjuesnt noted, and gone. thank you for reading. kada

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