Enfants Terribles - the Fastelavn issue

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enfants terribles

the Fastelavn issue

enfants terribles - the Fastelavn issue enfants terribles editor in chief art direction styling søs uldall-ekman words cÊline hallas copy editor models Sienna Samuel Ella Elvis

contact mail: enfantsterriblesmag@gmail.com blog: www.enfantsterriblesmag.com facebook: www.facebook.com/enfantsterriblesmag instagram: @enfantsterriblesmag copyright

None of the content in the Enfants Terribles issues may be used without written permis- sion from Enfants Terribles Publications. This also goes for any content posted via social medias. We claim all rights to the name Enfants Terribles Magazine and all written words and photos surrounding the magazine. All questions regarding the content of the issues should be directed towards the editorial office of Enfants Terribles. In case you were wondering, that doesn’t mean we don’t want you to pin our content and share our pics for personal use on your blog for inspiration. On the contrary we would be very honoured if you found our content worthy of sharing. If you do use our pictures on your personal blog or social media, please remember to credit us @enfantsterriblesmag #enfantsterriblesmag

contents editors letter 7 creative crushes 8 fastewhat? 12 food cruch: the food club 14 city animals - the owl 18 art cruch: kollijox 26 win a banditgirl 30 city animals - the swan 32 craft cruch: barbara gay 42 city animals - the deer 46 insta cruch: kirsten rickert 56 city animals - the fox 62 fastelavn traditions 70 Courtyard Carnival 74 home cruch: stine 94 blog cruch: blaamajse 124 make your own magic cape 130 link list 132

editor’s letter

Playing dress-up was my favorite game growing up. When I was three, my mother gave me a big laundrybag full of her old dresses and accessories and I could literally spend days pretending that I was a circusprincess, a mystical magician or a cute, little curious cat. This passion for dress-up lasted all through my childhood and the laundrybag got more and more full, as my mom would make me costumes for the traditional celebration of Fastelavn. Dressing up and pretending was my happyplace and lucky for me, Céline shares this passion and so we had to jump at the opportunity of making an issue dedicated to Fastelavn and dress-up. In this third issue of Enfants Terribles Magazine we will introduce you to some of the traditions surrounding this nordic version of a carnival. The most important part of this celebration is the dressing up in costumes and as you can guess, this is why Fastelavn was my favorite time of year, as that would be when I got to leave the house wearing my costumes! We're hoping that this issue will inspire you and awaken an irresistable urge to play dress-up with or without your kids. Furthermore we have found some very inspiring and admirable people for you to meet in this magazine and we hope you will like. To be quite honest I will still use any excuse to put on a costume, and I think most people might even say that my everyday looks are always quite playful... Anyhow it is now time for you to enjoy. Get yourself comfortable, make some hot chocolate and spend a moment with us. Søs

Cover shoot: Photographer: Søs Uldall-Ekman Model: Ella Dress: H&M Collar: Pierrot la Lune Hat: Muggie Moscow

creative crushes

ditte Ditte is our Food Crush feature. She is an incredibly talented foodblogger and foodstylist. Not only does her food look delicious, it also tastes good. For this issue we challenged her to take on the Swedish traditional Semla, which is sort of the Swedish take on a sweet and fluffy Fastelavn, or Shrovetide bun. We can hardly wait to try the recipe for ourselves! Growing up, Ditte's mom would make her costumes for Fastelavn, and the Clown Costumes were always her favorite.

jennie We have a huge crush on this lady's wonderful illustrations. She calls them her Banditgirls and we think you are going to dig them BIG time. Jennie lives with her family of four in Varberg on the Westcoast of Sweden. She has filled a cupboard with little things that inspire her, and whenever she needs inspiration, all she has to do is open it and behold her treasures.

barbara Copenhagen based, mother of Vilma and Carl and she is our crafty creative for this issue. She is inspired by the sustainable approach to crafts and her DIY's are thus often based on repurposed materials and things we all have in our kitchen drawers. It's amazing what this lady can do with stuff you would chuck in a blink. Her best costume ever for Fastelavn was Cleopatra.

kirsten This immensely inspiring woman was our first choice for an Instagram Crush feature and we are so happy to be able to share with you some of her own favorite s elections form her Instagram feed in this issue. Kirsten is originally from Australia, but now lives in New Jersey, within commuting distance to Manhattan, as she puts it. She has the woods and the world at her feet and Kirsten's view of the world is concentrated into her pictures in the most wonderful way you could imagine. Prepare youself to be smitten.

stine Stine was so kind as to let us share her wonderful home for our very first Home Crush feature. This new addition to our magazine will be as much about the people, as about their individual way of making a home. It will not focus much on design and things you can buy, but more on the personal approach to homemaking. We want you to be left with the feeling of having visited Stine's appartment and having felt welcome and well entertained. That is how we felt when entering this lovely home and this is the feeling we are aiming to share. We hope you'll enjoy!

mejse Mejse lives in Viborg, Denmark. Jesper, Arthur and Oswald are her three mainsqueezes. She blogs about everyday life from a cosy and creative perspective. Like us, she is also crazy bananas about Fastelavn, and in this issue you'll see some of her own creations for you to be inspired by. Mejses best costume for Fastelavn as a kid, was when she went as a Snowman.

creative crushes

céline Célines first memory of Fastelavn is one that involves a fail on her mothers attempt to make a ballerina costume. "I remember how she just kept slicing the tulle frantically in order to make it more poofy, which was obviously never going to work and I didn't go as a Ballerina that year. Maybe that's why Céline later on took revenge and started her own clothesline? Anyway for this issue Céline shot the animals in City series and she did it all over town, in order show you a little bit around in the City of Copenhagen. It's still pretty cold here so the shoots were somewhat challenging, but we are very happy with the results!

søs When we decided to do a Fastelavn themed issue, Céline and I wanted to challenge ourselves by putting together costumes from regular clothing. Fortunately a lot of the Childrens brands we dug out have a very playful style at the moment, and so we have had a brilliant time putting things together for the shoots. When we first decided to launch our own little magazine part of it was also to be able to share the playful approch to childrens fashion. We hope you will find inspiration not only for Fastelavn but also for dressing your little ones in style.

fastewhat? By Søs Uldall-Ekman

Shrovetide is my name, buns I want. If I get no buns, I will make trouble. Buns up, buns down buns in my tummy. If I get no buns, I will make trouble. It sounds so silly when you read it out loud in English - I literally giggled when I found the translation of this song, that is traditionally sung by children for Fastelavn, as a sort of Trick or Treating, when the season of Shrovetide, or fastelavn as we call it is here. fastewhat?

Fastelavn today is mainly about three things: dressing up in costumes, beating a barrel with a stick and eating naughty, fluffy & dreamy pastery. Sounds good to you? Well let's have a party! but what does it mean?

Fastelavn means fast-evening, the day before lent and it is by far my favorite celebration of the year. As I allready told you, it probably has a lot to do with the fact that we get to wear costumes, and that is probably one of my favorite things to do, even now.

Why celebrate it?

I simply love fastelavn. It's sort of the Nordic version of Carnival. The celebrations vary somewhat within the Scandinavian countries and there are different ways of going about this old traditional rite of passage between winter and spring. In the United States, its best known as Mardi Gras. Nowadays Fastelavn it's mostly a celebration for the kids, almost like Halloween, but with a different theme. We celebrate Fastelavn in schools and daycares and some families, ours included, have their own fastelavn party. Some museums host their own parties and every kid dresses up as something wether it be a Ninja turtle or a tube of tooth paste. In the old days it was actually more a celebration for the grown-ups and in rality had the purpose of giving people an oppurtuniy of letting of some steam and turning things upside down, to get the feeling it was always a possibility that your luck might change. The noblemen would pretend to be commoners and the other way around. Proper behaviour was left at the door and fun was had. The celebration falls on the Sunday or Monday before Lent, which relates back to it's roots withing the Catholic traditon. When Denmark became a Protestant nation, the celebrations quickly became less about the religious act of holding back on the good stuff and more about having eating a little more and having some fun times together.

food crush www.thefoodclub.dk @ditsen I never tasted a Semla, but I’ve seen these delicous things pop up every year around Fastelavn on both Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. They look so sft and irresistable and so we needed no excuse to feature them in this issue. Semla is the Swedish/Finnish traditonal Fastlagnbulle, Shrovetidebuns, a sweet roll cardamom-spiced wheat bun which has its top cut off, and is then filled with a mix of milk and almond paste, topped with whipped cream. The cut-off top serves as a lid and is dusted with powdered sugar. Today it is often eaten on its own, with coffee or tea. Some people still eat it in a bowl of hot milk. In Finland, the bun is sometimes filled with raspberry jam instead of almond paste, and bakeries in Finland usually offer both versions. For this issue we have the honour of a collab with the very talented Ditte Ingemann. She is the entreprenant woman behind the mouthwateringly delicious and beautiful blog The Food Club. Her style is impeccable and the recipees are always a hit, also with the kids. If you haven’t visited her blog yet, then hurry up, and remember: If it’s your first night at Food Club, you have to cook!

about: the food club

When did you first start blogging? I started my blog 4 years ago and it started out as a simple archive of images, but I soon found out that I wanted to expand and share my recipes, more pictures and have a dialogue with my readers. What’s your favorite thing about it? The feedback and dialogue with my readers. If I didn’t have the contact with the readers, I don’t think I would bother blogging.

Photographer: Ditte Ingemann

semlor by Ditte Ingemann

This recipe will make for 8 semlors


12 g fresh yeast (divide by three if using dry) 40 g of butter (salted) 1,2 dl milk 1 teaspoon of powdered cardamom a nip of salt 2 tablespoons of cane sugar Approximately 180-200 g regular flour


200 g of marzipan 1-2 tablespoons of milk 2 dl of cream 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla powder

Decoration: beaten egg for coating Icing sugar

Crumble the yeast into a bowl. Melt the butter and add the milk to it, so it becomes luke. Pour the butter/milk mix over the yest and add the cardamom, salt and sugar. Then add the flour and workthe dough until it becomes smooth but still a little sticky. Leave it to raise for 45 minutes. When the dough has risen, shape it into 8 little buns, place them on a baking plate with a baking sheet on it - leave the buns to rise for another 30 minutes. Coat the buns with a beaten egg and bake them for about 7-8 minutes at 225 degrees celsius or until they are golden. Let them cool off on a cooking tray. When the buns are cooles of, cut a small lid of each bun, dig out a hole for the filling with a fork or use your fingers Mix the marzipan with milk until it ibecomes smooth and creamy, then add a spoon of marzipanfilling in each bun. Whip the cream until its pretty stiff and add the vanilla. Put the vanillacream into an icingbag with a starshaped stip and make a nice wreath of cream on each bun. You can use a spoon if you prefer. Add the lid that you cut off to the top of the buns and sprinkle with ising sugar. Now go bake and enjoy!

Photographer: Céline Hallas Location: Tårnlegepladse, Frederik V’s Vej 4, 2100 København, Denmark Mask: SundriesAndPlunder - Shirt: Jeff, Monday - Butterfly: PRAG - Cape: Marapytta Leggings: Bang Bang Cph - Boots: Burburry

city animals the owl

art crush www.kollijox.blogspot.com www.kollijox.tictail.com @kollijox

About Kollijox

We asked our current art crush a few questions to get a sneak peak inside her beautiful mind. Here’s what she had to say.

on the topic of you tell us about yourself?

I´m a survivor, living on the west coast of Sweden in a small town called Varberg. My name is Jennie but i am also known as kollijox...the name of my blog, ig account and pinterest username. I´m in the middle of life, living family life, have three kiddos but no animals, just fake ones, cause we have allergi in the house. I´m an educated produktdesigner and also work as one, making shoes for kids. In my spare time, I´m drawing and painting as much as i can, and that is what really makes me happy. My fantasy and my hands are my strongest and sharpest tools. what three words would you pick to describe your artwork/illustrations?

Colorful, imaginative, happy-pills. how do you work?

I often work intuitive and I go with the flow as much as I possibly can. I also use coincidences, random splashes and collage pieces. what inspires you?

I have an old cupboard with lots of toys and ceramic animals to keep me company in my studio. I get inspired of life in general, but often it comes from colourful plastic toys, dolls and dinosaurs.

what would you like people to remember you for?

I would really like to be remembered by my happy face and good sense of humor and of course by my art.

on the topic of inspiration what inspires you? What do you do to find inspiration?

To find inspiration, I just open my cupboard :) who’s your favorite artist?

My favorit artist is a swed, Ragnar Persson. Love his way of making ”teen age” art. I think it´s dark, beauty-powerful all at the same time. favorite/movie/music/city/place for inspiration?

I love to watch movies, especially films made by Tim Burton. Just adore his way of using colours, scenery and costumes. Have you seen Willy Wonka? My favorit city of all time is HongKong. I go there now and than to get and collect inspiration to my everyday work as a shoe designer. The city makes me feel like being in the middle of a computer game. All the lights and tall buildings, it´s all surreal. I had a fantastic music experience in HongKong, when me and my friend were going in a taxi through a tunnel with Dawid Bowie on the radio, playing Little China Girl , and us singing along really loud. I get goosebumps when I think of it.

On the topic of DREAMS & AMBITION what’s your dream?

Imagine myself I sit there with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and talking to my plants, or a good friend. Would not that be something! how do you think you will make it come true?

Planning to make that dream come true this summer, by buying one :)

win a banditgirl #fastelavnsmoments

Did you also fall head over heels in love with Kollijox' Banditgirls? Well now you can win one of her fantastic posters. It is digitally printed on A3 240 g paper and handsigned. All you have to do to win is share your fastelavns inspired moments with us. You can enter via email (enfantsterriblesmag@gmail.com) Instgram #fastelavnsmoments @enfantsterriblesmag or Facebook by @ us on facebook.com/enfantsterriblesmag. Make sure you like and follow for further updates. We will be sharing your images on our social media platforms, in order to share the inspiration that flows from this little competition. Winners will be announced 23rd of March 2014.

want this spot?? From issue 4 we will be introducing adds to our magazine. If you’d like to be in our next issue please feel free to email us: enfantsterribles@gmail.com

Photographer: CĂŠline Hallas Location: Christianshavn, Denmark Mask: Sundries and Plunder - Playsuit and Feather Cape: Tutu Du Monde Tights, hoodie, gloves and turtleneck: H&M - Feather boa: Stof 2000 - Shoes: Uggs

city animals the swan

craft crush

Barbara Gay

www.barbaragay.dk @rhubarbbarbara

about barbara gay

35 years old, working with concept development, branding and interior styling, married to Jacob, 2 children Vilma 4 years & Carl 1 year.

what is most important to you?

favorite thing about Fastelavn?

what would you like to contribute with in this world?


Love, Happiness & Design

Love and great ideas

best Costume ever for Fastelavn? Cleopatra best memory of fastelavn?

Making costumes with my friends.

Dressing up in costumes & eating fastelavnsboller.

what/who makes you smile?

People who are passionate about what they do. what/who takes your breath away?

Life & Talent

where is your happy place?

My studio

running a craft blog

what three words would you use to where do you look for inspiration describe your Bloguniverse?

Art, Streets, Web & and my daughter

Creative, Crafty, Aestetics & Free Insparation

what is your dream?

why do you blog?

To do what I love

who do you admire and why?

It inspires me, makes me more creative and I have fun doing the projects.

when did you first start blogMy grandmother she is the most creative person I ever met.... still going strong and 85 ging? In december 2013 years old.

what's your favorite thing about it?

My tag line: It´s only ideas just give them away.... least favorite thing about it?

I am not active enough...but this has to change...

3 blogs that inspire you at the moment?

www.thecoolhunter.net wwwtheselby.com www.thisiscolossal.com

Photographer: Céline Hallas Location: Søndermarken, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark Anorak:Exclusive Child - Sweater: Faroese Sweater - Leggings: Scotc R’belle - Boots: Mina

city animals the deer

Kirsten Rickert

insta crush www.kirstenrickert.com @kirstenrickert Our first Insta crush falls on the breathtakingly beautiful Instagram profile of Kirsten Rickert. We are over the moon that she agreed to let us share a piece of her fairytale world and let us bring a small selection of her stupendous collection of Instagram photos with you. Get ready to fall head over heels in love with this beautiful and imaginative woman.


Kirsten Rickert, On-line editor at Papier MachĂŠ Magazine, Stay at home Mother, homeschooling my children, Maya (7yrs) and Elle (5 yrs). When did you take your first photograph?

I was given a red point and shoot film camera when I was 12, but I found it very disappointing. One of my Uncles had a beautiful camera and I was captivated and intimidated by his photos. They seemed so out of reach to me and my camera. Do you have a favorite photograph from your childhood?

Not that I can think of. I am sure I would, although I do not have great photos from my childhood. Parts of my childhood were pretty intense, so if I sit and look through the photos I do have, I end up melancholy.

what's your favorite childhood memory?

Walking barefoot along winding cow trails on my Grandparents farm, and climbing the amazing fig trees that grow there. The trees are enchanted and are like something out of a fairytale. The trodden paths are rich red volcanic soil and a great contrast to the tropical green of the grass. I loved the feeling of walking in through morning dew and the all encompassing smell of green. what is important to you?

A balanced Earth...clean water, soil, air and flora and fauna that thrive in a healthy ecosystem...and of course my babies! What would you like to contribute with in this world?

My imagination and creativity.


What/who makes you smile?

My husband makes me laugh, he makes us all laugh. He is so silly and funny, which is good, because I can be way to serious.

what/who takes your breath away?

My children could give you a long list of the things I ohhh and ahhh over, I am often caught up admiring things! Flowers, autumn leaves, a sunset, snow falling, the clouds, goodness...I can exclaim over just about any natural beauty, and become transfixed. where is your happy place?

With my children. When I am making. On my family's farms in Australia. At the beach. In the woods. where do you look for inspiration?

The garden and my daughters.

who do you admire and why?

That is a hard one...I do not really have an idol. I admire people that follow their heart and who have passion and drive to make change for the better good, but I also am apt to admire a stranger I saw at the supermarket because she has long grey hair. I love women that can sit with who they are on a fundamental level. I admire children for their innocents and purity. Young children follow their hearts in play and are naturally beautiful, and need so little to feel happy, and this is so powerful.

instagram what three words would you use to describe your Instagram visual universe?

Creative, colourful and curated.

why are you on Instagram?

To share ideas and connect with the world. when did you first start using Instagram?

First instagram photos...hmmm...we were just moving out of our place in Brooklyn, so that was August 2011. what’s your favorite thing about Instagram?

The visual stream that is a constant inspiration. People sharing lives.

Least favorite thing about Instagram?

When I stare at Instagram on my phone for too long my eyes hurt. I have very light sensitive eyes. Also I think it is sad that some of the people I really enjoy virtually are on the other side of the world and I will likely never meet them in person. The positive side though, is that some people I will meet! 3 Instagram profiles that inspire you at the moment?

I have a lot of favourite accounts, that are generally creative Mothers, who cook great food and do arts and craft. Women that make everyday life of being a Mother beautiful on an earthy level. @kawaspics @nickybergin @megangale @pheonixjamie

Photographer: Céline Hallas Location: Superkilen, Nørrebrogade, 2200 København, Denmark Jeans: Name it - Jacket: Little Goodall - Beanie: United Colours of Benetton -Shoes: Angulus

city animals the fox

fastelavn traditions hitting the cat out of the barrel/ slü katten af tønden This particular tradition dates back to the medieval times. It's somewhat similar to the piùata traditon, except we make it really hard for ourselves by using a real wooden barrel, which is traditionally full of oranges, candy and confetti or serpentines. The barrel usually has a black cat on it which represents the evil spirits that we wish to chase away by beating it till the barrel breaks. In the very olden days there was a real cat (representing the devil) in the barrel, but fortunately that is not acceptable behaviour towards cats nowadays. After the candy pours out, the game continues until the entire barrel is broken. The one who knocks down the bottom of the barrel (making all the candy spill out) becomes kattedronning ("queen of cats"); the one who knocks down the last piece of the barrel becomes kattekonge ("king of cats"). shrovetidebuns/ fastelavnsboller Before the fasting began it was tradition to have a lot of the good stuff, such as white bread. That evolved into the round sweet roll known as the Fastelavnsbolle. The recipee varies somewhat within the Scandinavian countries but all the takes on it work for me! The bun is usually covered with icing and sometimes filled with whipped cream. In Denmark the bun is made out of puffpastry and in Sweden it's called a Semla, and is a traditional sweet roll with vanilla cream filling and sometimes a touch of marzipan. The important thing is to try a lot of different takes on this, because they are sooooo good!

flogging the parents to wake them up/ fastelavnsris Yes that is what I wrote. Another tradition of fastelavn is to make a nice little bouquet (read whip) from a bunch of twigs, decorate it nicely with feathers, masks, candy and paperflowers and then use it to wake up the parents by flogging them with the creatin, while singing the song I initially quoted in this article. It's important to make sure that you beat real hard on the duvet (especially the father) and make sure that all the nice decorations fly around the bedroom... This is only acceptable behaviour on the Sunday before Lent. And the parents sometimes award the children with more candy or a small gift. The custom is known already in the 18th century in Denmark and it has several roots. There is probably no doubt the custom originates from an old fertility ritual, which has been absorbed into Christianity. Earlier, it was mainly the young women and the infertile who were flogged. It was also common that a young man would carry his "fastelavnsris" and (of course gently) strike at young women he met on the street. Later it became the children's special right to flog their parents on this day. In any case, the reward given for the flogging would be a fastelavnsbolle. knocking on doors and singing to stranger rasle One final tradition I will mention is the walking about town with your friends, dressed in your costume, knocking on doors to sing the Fastelavns song and demand a reward for not being bad. Again it's quite similar to the trick or treat tradition that comes with Halloween, except the kids ask for coins.

Historically it was about them lovely fastelavns buns, but sometime along the 20th century it changed and became about asking for coins, which is the same as begging I guess. It is done on the Monday before Fat Tuesday and the kids walk around their neighbourhood ringing doorbells and singing the best the know how. The word Rasle means to rattle - and what you rattle is the tin that you use to collect the coins you get from the neighbours or strangers on your way. The more coins the more noise you can make and the more candy you can buy afterwards. Kids in the larger cities don't really do the rattling anymore, but I grew up loving this weird begging game. It did feel a little scary knocking on all those doors and singing to strangers, but what it taught me is that strangers are just people that you haven't allready met. Some of them will be kind, some of them won't even open the door. Also the feeling of being on an adventure with your friends is very strong and I can still feel the excitement I felt as child. To me that is an important lesson to teach our kids. To not be afraid of knocking down doors to meet a stranger and sing them a song... Also I remember the thrill of counting the coins afterwards and getting all stingy with my new earned treasure and saving it for hard times, whatever that meant for a kid growing up in the 80s. I actually wish I could let my own kids experience what it feels like to ring the doorbells of strangers to sing them a song, but in Copenhagen there seems to be no tradition for it anymore. Maybe I should do something about that?

This was our little introduction to the traditions on Fastelavn. In this issue we've added a little of this and a little of that from all the traditions and we hope you will find inspiration and enjoy what we've done.



Photographer: Søs Uldall-Ekman

Ella: Boots: Angulus - Leggings: Mads & Mette Tutu &Leotard: Stræk & Bøj - Jacket: Minirodini - Umbrella: Fætter BR

Sammie: Jeans and Jacket: Scotch R'belle - Shirt: Soft Gallery - Shoes: La Kai- Cape: By Blaamejse

Sienna: Leggings: H&M - Sweat: All for Children H&M - Tutu: Billieblush - Boots: Angulus

Elvis: Collar: Pierrot la Lune Sweater: Pierrot la Lune, Knitdesign by Susie Haumann - Jeans: H&M - Shoes: Angulus

Cupcakes: Serenity cupcakes Tableware: By Mimis circus

home crush The home of Stine, Jan, Ella and Villum

Our first home crush is the appartment of Stine Lemming Oldenborg and her family. They live in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen. Their home is a wonderful mix of classic design, fleamarket finds and family heirlooms. We asked Stine to put into words what makes their home, their home and here's what she has to say. who

Villum 4, fierce and fearless on his bike. Ella 7, creative-monster and ballerina. Jan, 43, entrepreneur and Stine, 34, works with process optimization and change management. where

The 135 m2 ppartment is situated in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen. what makes a great home according to you?

A great mix of love, history and passion. what's your favorite room?

In the summer it must be our large balcony, because the balcony is like a living room, only outside. We sit out there as much as we can, listening to the birds that fly by or watching the bats play in the dark in the evening. We use it a lot, especially after I built a sofa out there last summer. In the winter I am very fond of our dining room, because it has huge windows that work like light theraphy, and believe me that is very much needed during the dark months in Denmark. what is your least favorite room?

The kitchen, although we rebuilt it when we moved in 5 years ago. Actually it is just as we wanted it, but we recently decided to move the kitchen, to make a kids room in the current kitchen. Now we just need to find the money for it. I am the very impatient type, so when the decicion is made, I would like to go do it now!

Photographer: CĂŠline Hallas

what's the oldest piece of furniture in your home?

I have loads of old furniture. I think the piece I have had for the longest time is an old Coca cola mirror. My uncle used to sell Coca Cola when I was a kid, so we had lots of different merchandise. I remember how this mirror used to stand in my room on two old painted wooden beercases. The beercases full of all the leftover Chanel makeup my grandmother took used to take home from her job at the departmentstore Magasin. I spend hours putting on makeup there, on me on my dolls or on anybody who would let me. what's the newest addition?

I got a new Arne Jacobsen lamp for Christmas from my husband, in my signature colour, grey. I think it is one of the most beautiful lamps ever. do you have a favorite piece of furniture in your home?

I really love my Verner Panton lamp, I think it is a perfect modern twist to the classisistic house we live in, where you would expect a glass chandelliere. Or my custom build bookcase. I don't think a house is a home without a bookcase. What do you see from your windows?

A lot because our windows are huge in every room. I see lots of sky, big trees, gardens and beautiful old houses. We live in a quiet neighbourhood, which means there is hardly any traffic, blooming cherrytrees and children playing in the streets, and yet we are in the heart of the city. it's almost too good to be true, really, and of course we love living here. What's your favorite things to do here?

We like going to the nearby public playgrounds, and visiting the fleamarkets! What do you do for fun?

Play with my kids

what do you do for love?

Play with my kids and my hubbie. what makes you really happy?

My family, our good health, and also worldly pleasures such as good food or the beautiful flowers in my garden what upsets you?

People who don't take responsibility or engage themselves. do you a have a passion for something?

I have a passion for the environment! I think we really need to take care of it and put much more thought into how we use the resources of the world. what's the best thing that ever happened to you in your home?

I have so many happy memories from this home. It is hard to chose one... but I do cherish the memory of that magic time, when we came home from the hospital with our firstborn, Villum, and everything was still one big building project, we actually had no kitchen. what will you always remember this home for?

That it is where my kids grew up.

what are your plans for the future?

Replacing the kitchen to go across the appartment. We will be tearing down the walls to the dining room, making it an open kitchen. Where the kitchen is now, we will build an additional room for the children. I think it will also give a better flow to the apartment, as it will not be split with 3 living rooms en suite, a hallway and then all the functional rooms on the other side (bedroom, bathroom, kithchen) do you any particular dreams for the future?

Always. many. They will never stop coming!

blog crush www.blaamejsen.blogspot.com @blaamejsen Our blog crush is on Mejse and her inspiring online universe. After reading her blog for some time now, we decided to give her the oppurtunity to inspire you guys, by inviting her to write a few words on her family and her blog. Mejses blog is always full of everyday inspiration also for Fastelavn, as you will see. Mejse also did the magicians cape, inspired by the Danish 80’s movie Busters World, that we used in the Fastelavn shoot and she even did a DIY, so you can make your own cape. (By the way if you haven’t seen the movie Busters World, we highly recommend it as a childrens classic, even though it’s in Danish.)

Photographer: Mejse Damsø Jeppesen

about mejse

My name is Mejse Damsø Jeppesen, I am 25 years old. I live in Viborg with my boyfriend Jesper and our two boys Arthur and Oswald. At the moment I’m a full time mother trying to figure out what the future holds for me after my maternity leave. We are a young and very creative little family. Trying to add a little urban feeling to our life in the province. I have also wanted to be a young mommy but that I would have two kids at the age of 25, is still a little crazy to believe. We lived in Aarhus before we had kids but wished to be closer to our childrens grandparents so we moved away from pretty much all our friends and our jobs. It was hard at first, but Viborg turned out to be a really nice city with an incipient cultural life. I very much treasure the little things in life which is something I have had to learn. I have been struggling with depression and anxiety for many years until I found out that I ’m highly sensitive and learned what i means and how I should live my life. In many ways beeing highly sensitive is a blessing, but sadly in many ways our society isn’t build to appreciate it. I hope the future will bring a much larger acknowledgement of the diversity of people. And also a much larger understanding for psychologically illnesses and differences. Maybe even a celebration of a multifarious nation!


We more or less take advantage of even the smallest reason to celebrate and dress up, so we love this time of the year. It’s a nice and welcome splash of color to get us through the last bite of winter. Actually fastelavn has always been one of my favorite celebrations. In my childhood it was always held the day we went on winter-holidays, which nearly always was on my birthday! And I love and always have loved to dress up. Also I really like traditions which is not so traditonel, as especially christmas. I sure do love christmas but I cherish these more fun and silly celebrations like fastelavn, valentines day and halloween which is not so much about expectations but more about just celebrating :) I think the best costume I wore for Fastelavn when I was child, was a snowman-costume. The best I made for Arthur, so far, is a �wild thing-suit� like the one Max weares in Where the wild things are. He looks absolutely adorable and wild in it :)


I don’t like it when things get to streamlined. I like a little bit of everyhting! I get a lot of crazy ideas which I have to get out of my system. If people tell me something is impossible I definetly want to give it try. I’m often told that I’m very patient. I’m not! I’m just extremely stubborn. I find inspiration nearly everywhere. Blogs, magazines, pinterest, the library, in movies, but especially from my kids and their world. I love the power of imagination! And I get really inspired by toys, games and childrens literature. I love passionate people. It doesn’t really matter what they are passionate about. I just really like it when people really care about something and know a lot about something and wan’t to show or tell about it. Luckely I know a lot of passionate people, that really makes me thankful. I had very high hopes for 2014, but it had only just started when I lost my aunt, which was also one of the most important persons in my life. Her biggest dream was to publish a childrens book, unfortunatly she never did! I hope some day I will!


I blog at www.blaamejsen.blogspot.com, about pretty much anything and sometimes nothing. It started as a simple pastime, when i was expecting Arthur (almost four years ago!!!). Now I can’t really do without it! I actually don’t know why. There is times where I barely post anything. My blog is a little bite of my world. I mostly blog about everydaylife or things that inspires me. I don’t really have a style I just sort of like to show people what our life is all about. Just like, I like to see how other people live theirs. I don’t like it when blogs gets too professional and impersonal. The best thing about blogging is all the amazing people you get to know. I had no idea about that benefit when I started, but today many of my closes friends are people I have somehow met because of my blog. I love words and when I started blogging I wrote a lot. I don’t write that much anymore, now I mostly post pictures. I guess I feel kind of naked when I write to much about myself! I hope someday that will change again, at least a little! 3 of my very favorite blogs, where I always get lots of inspiration is: www.blog.brinja.dk www.ungtblod.com www.heltogaldeles.dk They all have a very confident personal style. They are all mothers and they are all very talented in many ways.

how to make your own magic cape By Mejse Damsø Jeppesen

It’s actually easy peasy, but it does take some time sewing on all the applications. It’s absolutly worth the trouble though :)

you will need

Two pieces of fabric in whatever color you like (one for the top of the cape and one for the lining. How much fabric you need depends on the size of the cape you want to make), a scissor, scraps for applications (yellow, white, orange, gold..), pins, pencil and paper, thread to match your scraps and fabric, vliesofix, iron, 1 yard of ribbon and a sewing machine.. 1. First you need to find the width and decide the lenght of the cape. Measure from hand to hand with the arms stretch to find the width. 2. Cut a square that fits your measures. Fold the fabric and cut the cape in shape. 3. Now fetch your paper and pencil and draw some stars and moons to use as templates for your applications. Or you can also find some on google and print out. Use the fabricscraps and cut out as many stars and moons as you want your cape to have. You can iron on vliesofix to the scraps before cutting the fabric in shape and iron them onto the cape. Otherwise attach the stars with needles.

4. AppliquĂŠ the stars on the cape! 5. Cut a piece of lining. Use the upper part of the cape as pattern. Place the two pieces of fabric front to front and attach with needles. Cut a small round surface at the top for the neck. Sew together form p. a to p. b. .If you like you can add two straps for the arms on the lining before sewing it on to the cape. 6. Turn the cape inside out. Press the edges of unsewn seam, making sure the edges are tucked under an sew together. Pin the ribbon on top of this seam and sew it on. Or you can make a drawstring opening for the ribbon instead of just sewing it on. Now go make some magic.. :)

link list angulus: http://www.angulus.dk/ bangbang cph: http://www.bangbangcph.dk/ br: http://www.br.dk/ beau loves: http://www.beauloves.co.uk/SS14/SS14collection.php billieblush: http://www.groupecwf.fr h&m: https://www.hm.com/ jeff, monday http://www.laniel.dk/jeff mimis circus: http://www.mimiscircus.com/ kollijox shop: http://kollijox.tictail.com/ little goodall: http://www.littlegoodall.com/ mini rodini: http://www.minirodini.com/ muggie moscow: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Muggie-Moscow/162680292892

mina: http://minashoes.se/ mads & mette: http://www.bilka.dk/mode-og-skoenhed/toej/boernetoej/pigetoej-kids/pl/pigetoej-kids name it: http://nameit.dk/ prag: http://pragcopenhagen.com/ pierrot la lune: http://pierrotlalune.dk/ panduro: http://www.pandurohobby.dk/ soft gallery: http://www.softgallery.dk/ scotch r’belle: http://webstore-all.scotch-soda.com/ sundries and plunder: https://www.etsy.com/shop/SundriesAndPlunder serenity cupcakes: http://www.serenitycupcakes.dk/ stræk og bøj: http://www.straekogboej.com/ uggs: http://www.uggaustralia.eu/ vans: http://www.vans.com/

thanks for reading, now go play...

enfants terribles on-FONT terr-EE-bluh


Terrible children. One who acts unconventionally. French expression traditionally referring to a child who is terrifyingly candid by saying embarrassing things to adults, especially parents. However, the expression has drawn multiple usage in careers of art, fashion, music, and other creative arts. In these careers, it implies a successful "genius" who is very unorthodox, striking, and in some cases, offensive or rebellious. Classically, one who "thumbs their nose" at the establishment, or challenges it.

february 2014 issue #3

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