Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:00am-12:00noon at Project S.H.A.R.E 5 North Orange Street, Carlisle
FREE 12-point check-up Refreshments while you wait Kids’ Activities & Crafts
Make a Difference! Each year together with over 40 volunteers and the support of numerous Carlisle community partners, we provide a FREE basic 12-point inspection and service to dozens of cars for families and individuals who rely desperately on their vehicles. Each year there is even greater need. Our desire is to ensure reliable transportation for our community’s families. We invite you to partner with us so that even more local families will be helped this year. Items needed for cars: Windshield washer fluid. 10w30 oil. Opportunities to serve: Indoor Hospitality Team. Outdoor Pit Crew. Kid Zone. Sponsorship: Sponsor one or more cars at $20 each to allow us to replace blown bulbs, faulty wipers, failing brakes, and more... For more information or to get involved: Call 717.240.0060 Email Visit