Engage Kids Newsletter Spring 2014 A season of growth, new life, and celebration.
What’s New? *Engage Kids is excited to now have 3 Team Leaders (Terri Martin for check in, Jan Travis for Nursery and Preschool, and Charity Wirl for k-‐5th grade) and a Team Coordinator, Kim Sokolofsky! Please see any of these leaders for questions, ideas, or if you’d like to be part of a team! *HOORAY!!! Two Youth Groups have been started! 2nd through 4th and 5th through 12th grade! See Youth Group Calendars for dates, times, and locations. *April 13 will be our first KID’S CHURCH! The kids will be downstairs, with a special service of their own once a month. They will be included in the singing, announcements, spotlights, etc! We are looking for a variety of adult helpers to sing, give a mini sermon, share a talent, etc. Please contact Kim if you’d like to help in this.
For your calendars… April 13: Easter Egg Hunt at Fort Letort Park immediately following church: ALL INVITED!! (Candy Donations gratefully accepted-‐ put in basket on Connection Table) April 17: Good Friday Service; (yes, on Thursday!) Kids Invited to Attend. 6pm at the Ribbon Mill. May 4: Engage Kids Potluck Luncheon: For Everyone! Come check out what is happening in Engage Kids, meet the team leaders and teachers, and eat lunch! Immediately following service. CommuniAes Growing
Hearts Singing
Faith Blooming