Jesus: Our model
Jesus asks us to do this
Then Jesus came from 18 Then Jesus came to them Galilee to the Jordan to be and said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptized by John. Matthew 3.13
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28.18-19
A Powerful Symbol
An Invitation
“That’s what baptism into the
like the resurrection of Jesus.”
“And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.”
Romans 6.3-4 (MSG)
Acts 22.16
life of Jesus means. We are lowered into the water, it is like the burial of Jesus; when we are raised up out of the water it is
GOING PUBLIC WITH YOUR COMMITMENT TO JESUS. Following Jesus in Baptism Maybe your parents had you baptized as an infant. Maybe you’ve never been baptized at all. . . Whatever your experience or background, Engage invites you to go public with your faith. Baptism is one of the most special mile-markers in the Christian journey--marking the public declaration of your faith in Jesus. Baptism is not magic. It doesn’t give you special favor with God. You are already favored, there is nothing we can do to make God love us more or less. However, baptism is like a ring on the finger or a wedding ceremony. Most people don’t remember exactly when they gave their heart to another, but we never forget the day we get married. The cross is when God gave his heart to us. Baptism is a ceremony that celebrates our life-time commitment to trust and follow Jesus in response. Jesus calls us into radical new kind of life with God. The symbol of baptism expresses our desire to receive the new life Jesus gives us as we trust his acceptance, forgiveness, and grace he gave when he sacrificed his life for us. Jesus doesn’t ask us to do anything that he hasn’t already done for us. Jesus death on the cross was symbolic of his trust in our heavenly Father. His resurrection means that new life with God always awaits us on the other side of death. Baptism is a powerful symbol of death to our self-sufficient lives and the new kind of life God gives to those who trust in Christ. Maybe you’ve come to the moment in your spiritual journey where you’re ready to take this step of dedication to Christ.
Christ’s death on the cross was symbolic of his trust in our heavenly Father. His resurrection means that new life with God always awaits us on the other side of death. Now he is inviting us to share in the life he gives by going public with our commitment to trust and follow Jesus.
Engage Church • 320 E. Louther Street • Carlisle, pA 17013 • 717-701-9557
E N G AG E BAP TI S M Who will baptize me? Pastor Jon, plus, we invite you to chose a friend who has helped you on your journey of faith, to play a part in your baptism.
What should I wear? Wear dark clothing you don’t mind getting soaked.
How will you baptize me? If we had a pool we would immerse you in water but we don’t have a pool. Instead we will pour warm water over you, enough to get you soaking wet. Bring a towel, hair dryer, and dry clothing to change into.
What do I need to do next? 1. Email Pastor Jon, 2. We want you to tell your story by writing a brief written copy of your spiritual journey--your story of how to came to faith in Jesus. We will invite you to read your story at the celebration. Or you can have someone else read it if choose. Or we can video you in advance and show your video at the baptism celebration. Your story should include three key elements: 1) how you came to be a follower of Jesus, and 2) something about the key people God used to help you on your journey, and 3) one difference Jesus is
What does Baptism really mean?
3-5 That's what baptism into the life of Jesus means. When we are lowered into the water, it is like the burial of Jesus; when we are raised up out of the water, it is like the resurrection of Jesus. Each of us is raised into a light-filled world by our Father so that we can see where we're going in our new grace-sovereign country. Romans 6.3-5 (The Message)
making in your life today. 3. Meet with Jon the week before for a pre-baptism orientation. (Note: Although the amazing story of your encounter with God’s love, grace, and forgiveness could fill a best-selling novel, we’ll ask you to plan on giving us the condensed 5 minute version.)
So. . .are you in? If you’re ready to go public, email Jon Hand to express your interest. In your note please confirm the following information. Step 1. Listen to the Baptism Podcast or get a copy of the Baptism message CD at Engage. Step 2. Set up a time with Pastor Jon to ask questions and talk through the significance of this exciting milestone.
We look forward to celebrating this special milestone in your faith journey with you! We know this will be a powerful event --as they provide opportunity for people to see and hear how God transforms messy people into Jesus-shaped reflections of himself. Be sure to invite family and friends to come and celebrate with you. After the celebration, we will host a brief reception with refreshments so our whole family can celebrate this important step of faith with you!!
Engage Church • 320 E. Louther Street • Carlisle, pA 17013 • 717-701-9557