Does Bridal Shopping Feel Bananas
If you’re newly engaged, here’s a big
back. Hell, if your wedding is next Saturday,
masked and muffled congratulations on
do not despair! I’m here to help.
planning your wedding during one of the most bizarre events in world history! As
First and foremost, stop putting off making
much as I’d love to celebrate by giving you
your appointment! Bridal stores are limiting
a bear hug, that seems borderline illegal
guests, sanitizing, and requiring masks- but
right now. Nothing feels normal, and it can
we are doing consultations. Feel free to ask
really break your spirit planning your big
when booking your appointment how
day in the face of so much uncertainty and
many groups they will have in the store
in less than ideal circumstances.
during your slot and how many guests you can bring with you. Make sure you feel safe
Since we all know that love prevails, despite
and comfortable with the response. Leave
chaos and anxiety- carry on, girlfriend!
anyone who is immuno-compromised at
Don’t let Rona dampen your wedding
home, and definitely plan to have childcare
planning, like a bridesmaid with a bad
if you would normally have a little one with
attitude who won’t let you shine. If you wait
you. Ask the boutique if they will allow you
too long to start shopping for your gown
to FaceTime or Zoom your posse if some
and bridal party attire as you anticipate the
can’t be present.
clearing of corona clouds, you risk being limited on options that will arrive in time.
Some boutiques do a pre-screening prior
You may also face hefty rush fees on top of
to your appointment so they are ready to
inevitably sleepless nights due to cutting it
show you options that will match your vibe
close on your timeline. If you feel like I'm
and budget. At this time (or at the very
talking to you, or you straight up KNOW the
beginning of your shopping adventure)
time-warp of 2020 has got ya- I’ve got your
make it clear to your stylist that you are only ENGAGED! RIVER VALLEY