ENGEL. lookbook 2016

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lookbook 2016


Cover: stylecookie.nl

ENGEL. was born from the Dutch tradition of hanging up bunting on birthdays. ENGEL. has since grown into a company that sells its beautiful, festive products all over the world. With these functional and sustainable products ENGEL. wants to contribute towards the enjoyment of traditions and the finer things in life. It does so with its colourful style, but also by using a production process that is as sustainable as possible. ENGEL. works in collaboration with a social enterprise, and some ENGEL. products are made in its home country of the Netherlands. Although ENGEL. is now a fully fledged company, it still takes inspiration from children and colour. You really would have to get out of bed on the wrong side to not have your spirits lifted by ENGEL.’s bunting, bags or Poms.

ENGEL. is ontstaan vanuit de Nederlandse traditie om met een verjaardag slingers op te hangen. Inmiddels is ENGEL. uitgegroeid tot een bedrijf dat wereldwijd haar mooie en feestelijke producten verkoopt. Met functionele en duurzame producten wil ENGEL. een bijdrage leveren aan de rituelen en mooie dingen van het leven. Dat doet ze met haar kleurrijke stijl, maar ook door te zorgen voor een zo duurzaam mogelijk productieproces. Zo werkt ENGEL. samen met een sociale werkplaats en worden sommige ENGEL. producten gewoon in Nederland gemaakt. Ondanks dat ENGEL. inmiddels een volwassen bedrijf is, laat ze zich nog altijd inspireren door kinderen en kleur. Je moet daarom wel met vijf verkeerde benen tegelijk uit bed stappen om niet vrolijk te worden van ENGEL.’s slingers, tassen of Poms.



Bamboo Tray heart, nr. 17.08



Bamboo Children’s tableware ‘Ice cream’, nr. 17.01



Bamboo plate ‘checked’, nr. 17.05


Bamboo Children’s tableware ‘Tent’, nr. 17.02 foto



Plate Flower Art nr. 17.03 Bamboo Ø 20cm

Plate Triangle Art nr. 17.04 Bamboo Ø 20cm

Plate Checked Art nr. 17.05 Bamboo Ø 20cm

Tray heart Art nr. 17.08 Bamboo 24 x 34 cm

Plate dots Art nr. 17.06 Bamboo Ø 20cm

Tray stripes Art nr. 17.07 Bamboo 24 x 34 cm

Th i s plate will be... y ou r favo urite mate!

Bowl large Art nr. 17.10 Bamboo Ø 14 cm

Bowl small Art nr. 17.11 Bamboo Ø 9 cm

Cake stand Art nr. 01.09 Bamboo Ø 34cm



Bamboo Plate ‘triangle’, nr. 17.04


Bamboo Children’s tableware ‘Tent’, nr. 17.02


Bamboo Children’s Tableware

Set ‘Tent’ Art nr. 17.02 Bamboo plate Ø 20cm bowl Ø 14cm cup 9 cm


Set ‘Ice cream’ Art nr. 17.01 Bamboo plate Ø 20cm bowl Ø 14cm cup 9 cm




Th i s ch il d ren’ s tableware is the per fect gif t fo r a ne w b ab y . Great to g ive, bu t also to receiv e. It’s alm o st a pity th at m o th er ’s mil k or a bottle is all they n eed in the b e ginning! Bu t w h e n i t ’s tim e to wea n yo ur baby, this cheer ful b e ake r , b o w l and pl ate w i l l be w a iting to greet yo u with a smile. A t l a s t! Th e tabl ew a re is made fro m fully bio degr a d ab l e ba m boo, is d is h w a sher safe an d suitable fo r h o t food a nd d rinks.




Backpack small ‘Apple’ Art nr. 11.07 28 x 21 x 8 cm

Backpack small ‘Windmill’ Art nr. 11.25 28 x 21 x 8 cm

Backpack small ‘Ice cream’ Art nr. 11.17 28 x 21 x 8 cm

Backpack large ‘Apple’ Art nr. 11.31 36 x 24 x 11 cm

Backpack large ‘Windmill’ Art nr. 11.24 36 x 24 x 11 cm

Backpack large ‘Ice cream’ Art nr. 11.16 36 x 24 x 11 cm


Backpack small ‘Elephant neon’ Art nr. 11.08 28 x 21 x 8 cm

Backpack small ‘Wigwam’ Art nr. 11.09 28 x 21 x 8 cm


‘ ‘ E v e ry o ne w ant s to go o n a tr ip so m e w h e re w h e n th e y se e th e l ate st E N GE L b ackpack. Th e b ag is sl igh tl y l arge r th an it s l it tl e b ro th e r . A n A 4 fit s e asil y into th e b ag. ’’

Back to school


I pad sleeve ‘Windmill’ Art nr. 11.27 25 x 19 x 1,5 cm

Laptop sleeve 13” ‘Windmill’ Art nr. 11.28 35 x 25 x 2 cm

Laptop sleeve 15” ‘Windmill’ Art nr. 11.29 37 x 27 x 2 cm

Pencil case ‘Windmill’ Art nr. 11.26 22 x 10 x 4,5 cm

I pad sleeve ‘Ice cream’ Art nr. 11.19 25 x 19 x 1,5 cm

Laptop sleeve 13” ‘Ice cream’ Art nr. 11.20 35 x 25 x 2 cm

Laptop sleeve 15” ‘Ice cream’ Art nr. 11.21 37 x 27 x 2 cm

Pencil case ‘Ice cream’ Art nr. 11.18 22 x 10 x 4,5 cm

I pad sleeve ‘Apple’ Art nr. 11.32 25 x 19 x 1,5 cm

Laptop sleeve 13” ‘Apple’ Art nr. 11.33 35 x 25 x 2 cm

Laptop sleeve 15” ‘Apple’ Art nr. 11.34 37 x 27 x 2 cm

Pencil case ‘Apple’ Art nr. 11.10 22 x 10 x 4,5 cm

Pencil case ‘Elephant neon’ Art nr. 11.11 22 x 10 x 4,5 cm

Pencil case ‘Wigwam’ Art nr. 11.12 22 x 10 x 4,5 cm


Backpack small ‘Apple’ , nr. 11.07



Shopper large ‘Apple’, nr. 11.13 Shopper large ‘Elephant neon’, nr. 11.14

Shoppers & Weekend bags

Shopper ‘Elephant’ Large: Art nr. 11.01 34 x 28 x 13 cm Small: Art nr. 11.02 26 x 20 x 9 cm

Shopper ‘Yellow Apple’ Large: Art nr. 11.05 34 x 28 x 13 cm Small: Art nr. 11.06 26 x 20 x 9 cm

Shopper ‘Elegant Bunny’ Large: Art nr. 11.03 34 x 28 x 13 cm Small: Art nr. 11.04 26 x 20 x 9 cm

Shopper ‘Elephant neon’ Large: Art nr. 11.14 34 x 28 x 13 cm

Shopper large ‘Apple’ Large: Art nr. 11.13 34 x 28 x 13 cm

Shopper ‘Ice cream’ Large: Art nr. 11.15 34 x 28 x 13 cm

Weekend bag ‘Windmill’ Art nr. 11.30 50 x 25 x 26 cm


Weekend bag ‘Ice cream’ Art nr. 11.22 50 x 25 x 26 cm




Ms. Fox, nr. 01.12



Th e g a r la n d s a re 1 1 me tre s lo ng, 22 do u bl e stitch ed fl ag s. It co m es i n a tr a n s p are nt b ag w ith c o lo r ful h and l es so that it ca n b e s to re d a f te r e ve ry p ar ty.

Mr. Fox Art nr. 01.13 100% cotton 11 m

Ms. Fox Art nr. 01.12 100% cotton 11 m

Fresh Apple Art nr. 01.05 100% cotton 11 m

Cool Boy’s Art nr. 01.04 100% cotton 11 m

Dé oplossing om slingers op te hangen!

Knijp en klem tussen plafond en muur

Original Art nr. 01.01 100% cotton 11 m

Klem de ‘slingerklem’ in een hoek van de kamer of tussen muur en plafond. Handig voor stoffen slingers, vlaggetjes, ballonnen, lint met kaarten etc. maximaal gewicht: 2 kilo waarschuwing: buiten bereik van kinderen houden hang-it: made in Israël.



Bunting clips Art nr. 07.05


B i b i & C hi e f Th e m ini Ch ief a nd Bibi bun tin g are a lo v ely pie ce o f b u nting w ith 18 fl a g s in s ix d if feren t patter n s. The co t to n fl ags are at t ach e d to a 3 .5 m eter c ord an d packed away in a hand y l it tl e b ag. A p ar ty at your fin ger tips, ev erywhere you go .

‘Chief’ mini bunting Art nr. 01.10 100% cotton 3,5 m

‘Bibi’ mini bunting Art nr. 01.11 100% cotton 3,5 m

Rise a n d S h i n e

Rise and Shine Art nr. 09.01 100% cotton 2,5 m

This swe e t , so f t b u nting is han dmade and 2 ,5 m e tre s l o ng. It co n si st s o f 1 4 circl e s in v ar io us c o l o u r s. Hanging u p th is bun tin g b r ings a l it tl e su nsh ine in to an y ro o m .


Bibi bunting, nr. 01.11

‘Everything you can imagine is real.’ Pablo Picasso


‘If you take a good look around, you’ll see there is colour everywhere’ (translated from a poem by K. Schippers)

POM Sunshine, nr. 06.15


POM large

Rouge Art nr. 06.01 Paper ø 44, 47 & 49 cm

Bleu Art nr. 06.02 Paper ø 44, 47 & 49 cm

Blanc Art nr. 06.03 Paper ø 44, 47 & 49 cm

Summer Art nr. 06.07 Paper ø 44, 47 & 49 cm

Aubergine Art nr. 06.05 Paper ø 44, 47 & 49 cm

Sunshine Art nr. 06.15 Paper ø 44, 47 & 49 cm

White Art nr. 06.08 Paper ø 44, 47 & 49 cm

Neon orange Art nr. 06.10 Paper ø 44, 47 & 49 cm

Pastel Art nr. 06.09 Paper ø 44, 47 & 49 cm


‘Never do what your mother tells you to’ Annie M.G. Schmidt, Dutch author

POM Pastel, nr. 06.09


POM small

Bleu Art nr. 06.14 Paper ø 25, 30 & 35 cm

Rouge Art nr. 06.13 Paper ø 25, 30 & 35 cm

Neon orange Art nr. 06.12 Paper ø 25, 30 & 35 cm

Pastel Art nr. 06.11 Paper ø 25, 30 & 35 cm

Sunshine Art nr. 06.16 Paper ø 25, 30 & 35 cm

Sticky button (3x) Art nr. 07.01 Sticky button (100x) Art nr. 07.02

Th ere is no pa rty witho ut o ur Po m Po ms. Th e se b e au tifu l b o l l s, m a d e of s ol id tis sue paper , are o n e big party th e m se lv e s! W h e ther you h a ng them up in a n ur sery o r o n a w e d d ing, every one is g oing to be happy. Because we l o v e th e Po m Po m s s o m u ch E NGE L. has chan ged their mo tto into : “ L ife is a par ty , bu t you ha ve to han g up yo ur o wn Po ms!” . A l l y o u h av e to d o is c h oos e between the differen t co lo r sets. Or j u st h ang th e m al l to geth er! 29



Petrol Ø 25 cm Art nr. 06.18 Ø 30 cm Art nr. 06.25 paper

Pastel purple Ø 25 cm Art nr. 06.39 Ø 30 cm Art nr. 06.37 paper

Ocean Ø 25 cm Art nr. 06.19 Ø 30 cm Art nr. 06.26 paper

Pastel grey/lilac Ø 25 cm Art nr. 06.38 Ø 30 cm Art nr. 06.36 paper

Pastel grey/blue Ø 25 cm Art nr. 06.17 Ø 30 cm Art nr. 06.24 paper

Pastel pink Ø 25 cm Art nr. 06.34 Ø 30 cm Art nr. 06.35 paper

Pastel green Ø 25 cm Art nr. 06.20 Ø 30 cm Art nr. 06.27 paper

Pink Ø 25 cm Art nr. 06.22 Ø 30 cm Art nr. 06.29 paper

White Ø 25 cm Art nr. 06.23 Ø 30 cm Art nr. 06.30 paper

Neon orange Ø 25 cm Art nr. 06.21 Ø 30 cm Art nr. 06.28 paper




‘Pastel’ honeycombset, nr. 10.17


Honeycomb sets

Sweet Art nr. 10.01 Paper 1 set: Ø 10, 15 & 20 cm Made in Austria

Retro Art nr. 10.02 Paper 1 set: Ø 10, 15 & 20 cm Made in Austria

Ocean Art nr. 10.03 Paper 1 set: Ø 10, 15 & 20 cm Made in Austria

Spring Art nr. 10.04 Paper 1 set: Ø 10, 15 & 20 cm Made in Austria

Black Art nr. 10.18 Paper 1 set: Ø 10, 15 & 20 cm Made in Austria

Pastel Art nr. 10.17 Paper 1 set: Ø 15, 10, 2 x 6, 5 cm Made in Austria


Honeycombset ‘Ocean’, nr. 10.03



Mint Art nr. 10.06 Ø 30cm

Soft pink Art nr. 10.16 Ø 30cm

Turquoise Art nr. 10.14 Ø 30cm

Petrol Art nr. 10.09 Ø 30cm

Framboise Art nr. 10.08 Ø 30cm

Fuchsia Art nr. 10.07 Ø 30cm

Lime Art nr. 10.10 Ø 30cm

Ocean Art nr. 10.15 Ø 30cm

White Art nr. 10.11 Ø 30cm Art nr. 10.12 Ø 40cm




Hand painted paper flowers made in Austria.

Flower white/pink Ø 60 cm Art nr. 12.01 Ø 45 cm Art nr. 12.02 Ø 32 cm Art nr. 12.03

Flower white/ocean Ø 60 cm Art nr. 12.07 Ø 45 cm Art nr. 12.08 Ø 32 cm Art nr. 12.09

Flower pink/white Ø 60 cm Art nr. 12.04 Ø 45 cm Art nr. 12.05 Ø 32 cm Art nr. 12.06

Flower ocean/white Ø 60 cm Art nr. 12.10 Ø 45 cm Art nr. 12.11 Ø 32 cm Art nr. 12.12


Flower white/yellow Ø 60 cm Art nr. 12.13 Ø 45 cm Art nr. 12.14 Ø 32 cm Art nr. 12.15

Flower white/fuchia Ø 60 cm Art nr. 12.16 Ø 45 cm Art nr. 12.17 Ø 32 cm Art nr. 12.18


Paper Party

Postcards Party Hat (12 pcs) Art nr. 16.05 4 x 3 Postcards Party Hat with envelope Made in The Netherlands

Great hat, great party. That’s never a problem with these cheerful paper party hats. Make them in a jiffy, add a pom-pom, elastic under the chin and you’re laughing. The hats come flat as a card in a large envelope with instructions, elastic and a pom-pom. You can also write a greeting or wish on the inside of the hat. A great idea if you are sending the hat to make someone else smile. The hat is made of sturdy, coated paper. Glue is not needed to make the hat.

Paper straws 24 paper straws in one pack Pastel blue Grey Pastel pink Mint Green Red Pink Yellow

Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art

nr. nr. nr. nr. nr. nr. nr. nr.

15.04 15.12 15.14 15.11 15.05 15.02 15.01 15.13


Paper confetti white, nr.14.03


Felt confetti garlands


Felt confetti garland color Art nr. 01.14 length 6 metres confetti 6, 5 and 4 cm

Felt confetti garland pastel Art nr. 01.16 length 6 metres confetti 6, 5 and 4 cm

Felt confetti garland white Art nr. 01.15 length 6 metres confetti 6, 5 and 4 cm


Made in the Netherlands

“I turn and turn, all the while As long as the wind blows You’ll see me smile.”


Screenprint ‘Windmill’ Art nr. 07.09 50 x 70cm handprinted Made in the Netherlands

Screenprint ‘Ice cream’ Art nr. 07.07 50 x 70cm handprinted Made in the Netherlands

Postcard ‘Ice cream’ Art nr. 07.08 3 x postcard & envelope screenprint Made in the Netherlands

“I love Seeking Walking With an

Screenprint ‘Apple’ Art nr. 07.04 50 x 70cm handprinted Made in the Netherlands



those lazy summer days shells upon the sand barefoot by the sea ice-cream in my hand.”


Screenprint ‘Ice cream’, nr. 07.07


Stars glow in the dark, nr. 05.05

Pin the full moon to the sky, and I will hang up the stars.


Made in the Netherlands

Stars blue Art nr. 05.09 Paper garland DIY ±5m Made in the Netherlands

Stars pink Art nr. 05.06 Paper garland DIY ±5m Made in the Netherlands

Stars glow in the dark Art nr. 05.05 Paper garland DIY ±5m Made in the Netherlands

Sta rs Lie beneath an everlasting starry sky, night or day, anywhere you like. It’s possible with this String of Stars.

Confetti old fabrics Art nr. 05.01 Old fabrics ±5m Made in the Netherlands

Paper confetti NEON Art nr. 05.04 Paper ±5m Made in the Netherlands


Postcard with little garland Art nr. 05.02 Old fabrics, printed postcard & envelope Made in the Netherlands

Made in the Netherlands

Tape eco paper Apple Art nr. 07.03 50 m x 5 cm Made in the Netherlands

Tape eco paper Ice cream & trees Art nr. 07.06 2 pcs: 50 m x 2,5 cm Made in the Netherlands

Apple card Art nr. 08.03 paper Made in the Netherlands

Set 3x apple Art nr. 08.06 paper Made in the Netherlands


Mobile ‘classic’ Art nr. 08.01 Bamboo and paper Made in the Netherlands

Mobile ‘bright’ Art nr. 08.02 Bamboo and paper Made in the Netherlands


‘If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want your children to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.’ Albert Einstein

Tape apple, nr. 07.03


Party Hat Dots, nr. 16.05


‘Sweet’ honeycombset, nr. 10.01


Advent calendar , nr. 08.11



Advent Puzzle ‘X-mas’ Art nr. 08.15 24 pieces Made in the Netherlands

Advent Puzzle ‘Winter’ Art nr. 08.16 24 pieces Made in the Netherlands


Advent calendar DIY Art nr. 08.11 ±4m Made in the Netherlands

Felt confetti garland white Art nr. 01.15 length 6 metres confetti 6, 5 and 4 cm






Card tree green Art nr. 08.05 Paper Made in the Netherlands

Card tree white Art nr. 08.04 Paper Made in the Netherlands

Card snowstar small Art nr. 08.09 Paper Made in the Netherlands

Set 3x tree green Art nr. 08.07 Paper Made in the Netherlands

Set 3x tree white Art nr. 08.08 Paper Made in the Netherlands

Set 3x snowstar small Art nr. 08.10 Paper Made in the Netherlands

NEW Set 3x snowstar large Art nr. 10.13 ø 60, 45 & 30 cm Made in Austria

Tape paper eco winter Art nr. 07.10 2 pcs: 50 m x 2,5 cm Made in the Netherlands


Bamboo Children’s tableware ‘Ice cream’, nr. 17.01


Photography and styling: stylecookie.nl and donydesign.com


HEADOFFICE ENGEL. IJburglaan 628C 1087 CE Amsterdam The Netherlands +31(0)20-4165762 info@engelpunt.nl www.engelpunt.com AGENT Germany: Dutchdeutsch info@dutchdeutsch.de www.dutchdeutsch.de phone: + 49 (0)221 46780939 showroom Weurden 78 7101 NL Winterswijk The Netherlands

DISTRIBUTORS Japan: Unicom hide.unicom@gmail.com www.0568361188.com Norway: Blomme anca.vislie@gmail.com www.blomme.no phone: +47 (0) 92688851 Scandinavia: OMM design info@ommdesign.se www.ommdesign.se phone: +46 (0) 709619099 Italy: Gigo info@gigoitaly.com www.gigoitaly.com phone: +39 (0)157429939

www.engelpunt.com 56

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