Engin was born in 1985 in Adana. After finishing school he studied diverse arts at several Universities. Amongst others he studied Photograph ASD at the art faculty of Kocaeli University, Izmit. His interest in photographing begun in his early high school years, thus he started working as photographer assistant in the first semesters of university. During this period he became acquainted with conceptual and nude art. In 2006 he published his first nude photograph series. He took part in several trainings in conceptual arts and related arts. Various magazines, in particular e-magazines published his photograph art related articles. Between 2007 – 2010 he worked for various magazines and newspapers as a professional photographer. Simultaneously he build the Aykırı Sanat Harabesi Community and worked as an editor for Tripod magazine and FotoArt magazine. Meantime he completed photograf projects like: Gölgeler (shades) Tren İstasyonları (Train stations) Nü Peride Pişmaniyeciler (Pismanye makers) Hegemonya Renkler ve Psikoloji (Colors and Psychology) Batıdan Uzakta (Far from west) Alamutun Arka bahçesi (the back garden of alamut) Pandora Sesimi Duyan Van Mı? (Does someone hear my voice?) Eşcinseller (Queers) Göçmen Oteli (Immigrant Hotel) Ayakkabı Bakıcısı (Schoe cleaner) Sisler ve Kar (Fog & Snow) Tamirciler (The Repairers) Barika (Barricades). Using works of the mentioned projects he staged ambitious personal and shared art exhibitions. From motionless Images to animated displays – Moving from photograph to cinema It was in 2010 when Engin Altundag started to work with multimedia, video art and short movies. He was director of various short movies and documentations, like Hegemonya, Devinim, Uzak, Zerdüşt and Göç. Among others he directed the mediumlength film conceptual documentary “Selection”. Currently he is working at the movie film project of “Rüzgarin Sarkisi”. Furthermore he finalized his famous “Iran - before and after revolution” book project. We worked together with several foundations and opened ateliers concerning conceptual photograph. Meanwhile Altundag is a well known name in the international art environment, he won photograph awards in several countries. Besides his passion of photographing he is also active in fashion and jewelry design. As well as in computer animations, caricatures, sculpture and glass art. Currently he is busy working out new promising projects. So please stay ready to look over the rim of
Kurdische Hochzeiten auf 550m bedrängt. Es werden kurdische hochzeiten behandelt die aus verschiedenen Gründen auf kleine hochzeitssalone eingegrentzt werden. Diese Entwicklung beeinträchtigt sie in der Ausübung ihrer Kultur und Bräuche. Die Feierlichkeiten die sonst tage und Nächte lang andauern werden somit auf wenige Stunden begrenzt. Im laufe der zeit wird so die farbenfrohe Kultur immer mehr an Mainstream Großstadt Gepflogenheiten angepasst und die Hochzeiten verlieren ihren einzigartigen charme.
500 m2 ye sığdırılmış kürt düğünleri. Belirli ve belirsiz nedenlerle doğudan göç etmiş kürtlerin düğün salonlarina sıkıştırılmış düğünleri ele alınmaktadır. Bu durum, kendilerini kültürel açıdan şiddetli bir şekilde yontmakta ve sömürmektedir. Günler ve gecelerce süren çeşitli şenlikleri; bu şekilde üç beş saate indirgenmektedir. Geçen zamanla birlikte renkliliklerini yok edip, genel şehir düğünü haline getirecektir.
1999 yılında Kocaeli'de yaşanan depremin izleri silinemedi. Depremde insanların sığındığı prefabrik evlerden geriye terk edilmiş bir mezarlığı andıran bu görüntüler kaldı. Doğanın betonlaşmaya ''dur'' dediği depreme karşı insanlar daha fazla bina dikerek karşı duruyor. Tesîra erdheja ku di sala 1999an de li Kocaeliyê çêbû hê jî ji holê ranebû. Xaniyên prefabrîk ên ku di demên erdhejê de mirov tê de diman hatin terkkirin. Piştî mirovan, xaniyên prefabrîk wek dîmenên merzelên xirabe xuya dikin. Her cih bibû bêton û sirûşt bi erdhejê ve li dijî derket. Lê belê mirovan guh nedanê û hê jî zêde avahî çê kirin. The signs which the earthquake of 99 in kocaeli left havent been removed ever since. during the quake the people searched for shelter in the pref houses, which are still a cemetery and rembering. Against the betonizing of the environment the nature reacts with earthquakes to say stop, but the human kind is still building and building more. Pref friedhof, die narben die das Erdbeben im jahre 99 in kocaeli hinterlies konnten nicht ausgelöscht werden. Während des erbebens retteten sich die menschen in die pref Häuser und bis heute blieb ein Friedhof als mahnmal erhalten. Gegen die betonisierung der Umwelt reagiert die natur mit einem "stop" in form eines erdbebens, die Menschen jedoch antworten darauf mit weiteren Bauten.