About Engine 29

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Engine 29 advertising + content + branding

Š 2015 Engine 29, Inc.

About us We know you need more foot traffic and web traffic. We know how to get it. We can show you how to use social media, SEO and advertising to gain more customers, grow your business. We specialize in visual content for Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Vine, and YouTube. As screens get smaller, your mix of visual content must get bigger to stay relevant with consumers. We learned a long time ago that all the fancy ad strategies in the world always boiled down to one thing. Sell More Stuff. That’s our job... to sell more stuff. No matter what the market situation, we are asked to find ways to motivate consumers to buy the products and services they need. Content created by Engine 29 does more than call attention to your product. It reaches people where they are and connects with them as they are because the medium and message are intertwined more than ever. We achieve top-of-mind awareness and bottom-line results. We do it by creating value for the audience and that creates value for the advertiser. In this age of social networking it is vitally important to target your message. It’s no longer about breaking through, it’s about fitting in. And you have to be authentic to do it. You have to genuinely care about your audience. It takes more ads, more time, and more thought to reach this new audience. Your brand needs to be in more places so it’s available anytime, anywhere. That means we do whatever it takes to make that connection, print, radio, video, cool promotions, viral events, banner ads, online experiences, social networking savvy, tweets, blogs, and mobile. At a price you can afford. Engine 29 delivers creative thinking that spans the worlds of advertising, branded content, live entertainment, interactive, social media & retail. You should also know that we are leaner the Paris Hilton on a grapefruit diet. Still, we’re capable of plastering your walls with original ideas that deliver results.

Social Media It ain’t cheap to be free. Sure it’s free to set up a Twitter account or post your content on Facebook. But is that content good

Seven Bees of Social Media

enough to be liked, remembered, followed, retweeted, or shared? If it isn’t great no one is gonna share it. For your content to get remarked on it must be remarkable! Effective Social Media is more than a bunch of posts, tweets, and grams thrown to the wind in the

Be authentic

hopes that somebody will share, like, or heart your content.

Be relevant

Engine 29 specializes in creating a Social Media Eco-System that forms a digital bread crumb trail that not only builds your brand, it builds trust and authenticity. Thereby creating a real relationship with your followers.

Be a necessity So the next time you post something, remember... If it’s not good enought to share, it’s not good enough.

Be a value No pic. No click. Visual Content is single best way to amp up your social media efforts. Statistics reveal the world is

Be socially responsible

becoming more visual everyday. We have a lot more to say about visual content later in this document.

Be sharable

89 million people in the United States are going to watch 1.2 billion online videos today. 8.796 photos are uploaded to SnapChat every second.

Facebook serves 8 billion video views per day. Instagram videos create 2X engagement than Instagram photos.

We average 1.8 billion photos per day or 657 billion photos a year. 350 million photos are uploaded to Facebook everyday.

Online video users are expected to double to 1.5 billion in 2016. Globally, online video traffic will be 55% of all consumer Internet traffic in 2016.

Be an experience

“If it’s not good enough to share, it’s not good enough.”

Of course a river of traffic is worth nothing without a plan for conversion. We focus on insights as well as analytics to determine which messages are most likely to convert a like into a fan and a fan into customer. Insights = revenue.

SEO Search Engine Optimization Forget all the mumbo jumob floating around. Whay it all boils down to is for most small-businesses, 70-80% of their web traffic comes from search engines. And 90% of that search traffic comes from one place – Google. So just as the Yellow Pages brought in 8 out of 10 people in the day of the telephone; Google brings in 8 out 10 new visitors to your website. How well your website is understood by Googleis the heart of what SEO or Search Engine Optimization is all about. People think SEO is some kind of a trick, it’s not. Customers who are searching have a need they need satisfied. Now. In that respect its even better than advertising. You KNOW the customer needs what you offer. That need is spelled out right there in the Google Search window. The better your page matches what people are searching for, the more times Google will put you in front of that potential new customer. It’s really that simple. If your page is the best fit for what that person is seeking, Google “wants” to put your name at the top of the list. What that means for you as a business is understanding how your customer would want to “find” you online? What would they think? What would they type? What would they say? What would be the core of their need? You position your website as a tightly-connected solution to that need. Over time, Google recognizes how well you fit and puts your name farther up the page. Even if you’re using paid search (such as AdWords) this strategy improves the amount of traffic you receive. And even better, it improves the number of times a visitor turns into a customer. Search Engine Optimization is not magic, it’s understanding the needs of your customer and demonstrating you’re the best guy to satisfy them.

The consumer’s imagination doesn’t have a budget or a timeline. So if you can get inside her head, your ad runs for free 24/7/365.

Advertising TV, print, outdoor, newspapers, magazine, direct mail, email, social media, online, native, guerilla, promotions, shopper marketing, signage, event marketing, trade shows, Yellow Pages, visitor guides. It’s ALL advertising. The question is which one works? They all do. The reason there are so many ways to reach consumers is because they are hard to reach. You just have to pick the right medium for your brand. Secret Ingredient As products approach parity in a number of categories, advertising can be the secret ingredient a competitor can’t duplicate because it provides emotional benefits rather than rational ones. Features Tell Benefits Sell Advertising must focus on consumer benefits. Features talk about the product. Benefits talk about the consumer. You can’t bore someone into buying your product Advertising’s job is to bring the facts to life. Don’t just show the product, sell the product. If your ad goes unnoticed the rest is academic Having the right message is only the first part of the process. Making sure the right audience sees it, is just as important.

Advertising’s seven deadly sins 1. Fuzzy objectives. 2. Content overload. 3. Emphasis on product attributes rather than consumer benefits. 4. Lack of true insight into human nature. 5. Disregard for brand personality. 6. Stiff and unemotional language. 7. Misleading information.

Branding What is branding? Branding is what turns distilled wheat into Absolut Vodka. Branding is what turns cheap underwear made in sweatshops into Victoria Secret. Branding is what turns a $30,000 Toyota into an $80,000 Lexus.

Do people wait outside in the rain to buy your product? It’s important to ask the question, is your product a brand or just a well-known name? Apple is a brand, Dell is just a well-known name. Nobody waits in line for days for a new Dell. But time after time, Apple customers line up and wait for the next big thing from their beloved brand. Good branding allows the product to transcend the material reality of the product. It allows consumers to imbue the product with their own identity and feelings. How they feel about a product has a profound affect what they buy. Beyond it’s functional use - the building of a sense of familiarity and association - a brand provides an emotional bond. Without this bond, a brand’s relevance and connectedness is not sustainable. Resulting in lost meaning, lost loyalty and lost sales.

Brand Gravity. Here’s an idea about branding we developed that is completely new and relevant to your business. What is your brand’s gravity? Does your brand draw customers to you like a tractor beam? Does your brand make them stick to you even while other brands try to take them away? Brand Gravity is the extent to which you can exert yourself in the marketplace and dispropotionately pull people towards you without having to spend advertising and marketing dollars. Brand Gravity is about understanding how hard your “pull” is with customers and whether or not they can “break free” easily. Some brands advertise very little and some advertise a lot. The ones that keep their customers even when they stop advertising have tremendous gravity. A brand can be very large and have gravity or it can very small and very dense and have just as much gravity. So you can decide to be large like Coca Cola or small and dense like a great restaurant that’s packed every night. Keep your customers close. The closer they are the more gravitational pull you will exert over them. Which redices the chance of a competitor pulling them away.

Visual Content No pic. No click. You are what you click. Every time you click on something

As screens get smaller, the need for visual content gets larger. Consumers read less and less.

you are “approving” what you see. No click, no approval. It’s that simple.

Photo sharing sites like Instagram are the fastest growing segment of social media. Mobile devices are controlling more of our attention every day. The internet has essentially become a distribution channel for photos. From vacation snapshots to selfies, the internet is awash in photos. Tiny screens suck for reading but are awesome for looking at pix.

We believe the biggest question you need to answer is this:

“How does your business need to change knowing that every visitor has a high definition camera and high speed internet connection in their pocket?” It’s a small world after all, and it’s getting smaller. Consumers have a variety of platforms to share their experiences. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Twitter, SnapChat all give them a chance to be a part of the conversation about you. That conversation gets more and more visual everyday. Check your own Facebook feed. Chances are 90% of the posts in your feed have a picture or video attached. Even Twitter is being dominated by visual content. All these changes can be a blessing or a curse depending on how well you handle your part in it. It means you have to have your “A” game everyday.

We love to talk about advertising, marketing and content creation. No strings attached. Contact Troy Hayes at troy@engine29.com or give him a call at 812.584.3217

Š 2015 Engine 29, Inc. Unless otherwise noted, product names, designs, logos, titles, text, images, audio and video within this document are the trademarks, service marks, trade names, copyrights or other property of Engine 29. All other unregistered and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Nothing contained in the document should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any of Engine 29’s Intellectual Property displayed in the document without the written permission of Engine 29.

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