Feb 04, 2014 End Of Year Magazone - STRYKER Estimate # 306 Félix Luis Agosto jr Calle Los Robles #433 Urb. La Cumbre San Juan, PR 00926 Billed To STRYKER Las Guásimas Ind. Park Hwy #3 Km 131.2 Arroyo PR 00714 PR
Rate / Price
Revista de fin de año STRYKER 2013
DESIGN MAGAZINE PUBLICATION 24 pages aprox, typesetting, page layout, photo / electronic images editing / graphic elements proofs, changes PDF output High Res For offset printing. $2495.00 PRINTING 800 units 100lb cvr + 80lb 24 pages stitched-fold 4/4 8.5"x 11" full color printing $2,375.00 Delivered to STRYKER Las Guásimas Ind. Park Hwy #3 Km 131.2 Arroyo PR 00714, PR Client must submit electronic images (photos) Editable text (word format) We will not be responsible for low res submitted files for reproduction.