2 minute read
The importance of gold
SERGI ALBET Consultor digital Col·legiat 14.416
Inside chips there are tiny cables made of gold or other conductive metals that carry the electricity used to process data. Engineers worry that the pressure due to thermal expansion caused by electricity flowing through these cables
© Universitat de Standford may affect the reliability of nanoelectronics. A study by the University of Stanford looked at the behaviour of gold particles measuring only 4 nanometres in length and concluded that this element does not collapse under pressure. In this sense, it confirms that gold is and will continue to be the first-choice material for manufacturing chips.
The new tools developed by engineers at Cambridge University will help scientists to design safer and more efficient network-scaled storage systems for energy from renewable sources. The researchers tested their technique on organic © Universitat de Cambridge
Un estudi de la Universitat de Stanford confirma que l’or seguirà sent el principal material en la fabricació de xips, ja que després d’experimentar amb aquest element en longituds molt petites, quatre nanòmetres, i a pressió, es va veure que el seu comportament era òptim per a l’ús en la nanoelectrònica. Source: Stanford University
3-ENERGY ENGINEERING New tools to regulate energy storage
https://stanford.io/2xwSkzK redox flow batteries, considered sufficient to store enough renewable energy for cities, but saw that they deteriorated very quickly if used for commercial purposes. They then discovered that by charging the batteries at low voltage, they could significantly slow the rate of deterioration and extend their working life.
Source: University of Cambridge https://bit.ly/3byQJIq
Un grup d’enginyers de l’Institut Tecnològic de Massachusetts ha creat un simulador fotorealista per entrenar els cotxes autònoms en les infinites situacions de conducció humana. El simulador capta un munt de dades i pren la decisió més segura a una velocitat molt superior a la capacitat humana.
Training autonomous vehicles A simulator for training driverless vehicles has been invented by a group of engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It uses a photorealistic simulation engine to enable vehicles to learn from the real world, with infinite steering possibilities to cope with possible accident scenarios. The vehicle control system is based on accumulated real data from the trajectories taken by human drivers. The vehicles learn from this data how to copy safe driving responses in a range of situations.
Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Enginyers de la Universitat de Cambrigde ajudaran els científics a dissenyar un nou sistema de bateries que permetran emmagatzemar l’energia de xarxa provinent d’energies renovables, pensades per abastir ciutats, i que es degradaran menys i tindran una vida útil més llarga.