Sources Info
"his worksheet accompanies the 'oynter/NewsU Webinar "Ten Things You Can Do For Free on Your Web Site"
blog.swivel.com/weblog/ www.vimeo.com/222020
Publish2 » beatblogging.org/2009/02/04/screencast-how-to-use-publish2-for-beginners/ » pubHshing2.com/2009/01/09/networked-link-journalism-arevolution-quietly-begins-in-washington-state/
ManyEyes manyeyes.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/page/ TutoriaLhtml
"To get the most out of Publish2, it's impor tant to agree on how you'll use it. This applies whether you're working within your own newsroom or with others. Simple things like formatting titles, comments and tags can trip you up if you don't think about them ahead of time. A few minutes hashing out style decisions would be a good idea. Those decisions get more difficult the more people you involve." Elaine Helm, new media editor, Heraldnet.com
graphicdesignr.net/blog/2009/04/21/create-interactive-graphlcs-with-many-eyes/ econtent.typepad.eom/econtent/2008/06/datavisualization-tutorial-tbm^raany-eyes.html
3. MAP YOUR NEWS Google Maps » code.google.com/support/bin/answer py?answer=74725&topic=n364 » code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/ »lifehacker.com/161280/google-maps-api-tutorial
"We created a Google Map to show where nearly $2 billion in stimulus money was coming into our community. Mapping the specific addresses and adding the dollars was simple. It gave our readers a great visual repre sentation of where the dollars were flowing."
Digg.com blog.guykawasaki.eom/2006/09/how_to_use_ digg.html www.pronetadvertising.com/articles/ beglnners-gulde-to-dlgg.html
Andy Perdue, interactive media director Tricityheratd.com
Google Reader www.and|wibbels.com/flash/google_ readerhtm
Damon Kiesow: Managing editor online at The Telegraph in Nashua, N.H.
"I think the best thing is to start basic. Devel op a map with the basic functionality that you want. Don't try to do too many things on the same map, particularly as you're just learning." Zack Kucharski, Information Center Manager, The (.Cedar Rapids Iowa'), Gazette
Google Docs » www.collegeathome.eom/biog/2008/06/05/50-cool-thingsyou-can-do-with-google-charts-apl/
» www.commoncraft.com/video-googledocs
www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2U0 Dnf lqQ4
» flowingdata.com/2009/05/06/37-data-ish-blogs-youshould-know-about/
"We use this more for internal purposes: it makes it easier to share information among editors and reporters. Also, a good tool to use for document conversion on the fly. Have also used it to load large budget files so more readers have access to them than just those with Excel."
www.newsu.org/courses/course_detail. aspx?id=tt_zeemaps09
FmAtlas.com • www.10000words.net/2007/07/simple-googtemaps-with-fm-atlas.html www.scribd.com/doc/13689524/FMAttas-forutter-morons-early-draft
Jennifer Ward, AME interactive media. The Fresno Bee The Poynter Institute | News University 801 Third Street South | St. Petersburg, FL 33701 www.poynter.org | www.newsu.org © 2009, The Poynter Institue for Media Studies
Poynter. News University
4. PROGRAM WITHOUT PROGRAMMERS Yahoo Pipes » www.webmonkey.com/tutorial/Start_Data_Plumbing_With_ Yahoo_Pipes » blogs.zdnet.com/SAAS/?p=280 » www.slaw.ca/2008/06/22/yahoo-pipes-tutorial-for-feedmlxing/ » pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/docs?doc=tutorials
"Anyone with the willingness to trudge over the learning curve can use Yahoo Pipes. Getting into things like Regex expressions can be daunting, but they are not needed in all cases." Jim Smith, director of online media, WATE-TV/WATE.com
"I'd suggest going through the examples provided on the Yahoo Pipes site and cloning those Pipes that sound interesting to look at and explore at a later time." Andy Perdue, interactive media director, Tricityherald.com
Dapper.net www.dapper.net/dapperDemo/ blog.bittercoder.com/ Category View.category.dapper.net.aspx todaysbesttools.com/create-rss-feeds-wilh-dapper/82/ webserviceable.com/2009/02/ll/data-extractlonclipping-api-screen-scraping-explained-with-tutorials-and-tinks/
Tumblr.com www.webmonkey.com/tutorial/Get_Started_ With_Tumb)r speckyboy.com/2008/01/30/a-rough-guide-tothe-excellent-tumblt/ lifehackercom/software/web-publishing/geekto-live--instant-no+overhead-blog-with-tumblr-244915.phpwww.creativeapplications.net/2008/10/19/ aggregate-your-online-activity-using-tumblrtutorial/
Posterous.com esdev.net/post-images-videos-and-more-to-wordpress-by-email/
Blogger.com www,bloggercom/tour_start.g www,youtube.com/watch?v=ryb4VPSmKuo
Twitter.com www.slideshare.net/Griner/the-twitter-tutorial
6. CHAT ABOUT IT CoveritLive.com » www.coveritlive.com/index.php?option=com_ content&task=view&id=155 » www.masternewmedia.org/independent_pubiishing/blogging/real-time-reporting-live-blogging-CoverltLive-reviewed-20071213.htm » blip.tv/file/1427103/
"Think of it as a tool to both disseminate and collect information." Jamie Kelly, social media guide. The (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Gazette
5. BLOG IT Wordpress.com » www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWYi4_COZMU » www.garryconn.com/the-complete-wordpresscom-videoguide-and-tutorial.php
"It's what our staff and readers use to blog on our site, both driving a fair amount of traffic as well as opening up the conversation with our readers. With the open source aspect of Wordpress (we use WordpressMU). we're able to add functionality to our blogs quickly and easily. Since it's open source, far more devel opers than we could ever hire are creating new plugins for it all the time." Angela Dice, Web editor, Kitsapsun.com
Tlie Poynter Institute I News University 801 Third Street South I St. Petersburg, FL 33701 www.poynter.org | www.newsu.org © 2009, The Poynter Institue for Media Studies
7. COMMENT ON IT Disqus.com » disqus.com/welcome/ » www.insidethehall,com/2008/07/26/tutorial-l;iQW-to-register-and-comment-with-disqus/ » blogkori.com/how-to-install-disqus-comments-system-onyour-blog » wiki.disqus.net/ » groups.google.com/group/disqus-dev?hl=en
"Reader interaction often provides story expansion or leads to new stories. Reporters register to comment as well, and engage readers via the comment string.
Poynter. News University
1. Full disclosure for all staff when registering and using Disqus.
2. Don't edit any comments. Leave them intact.
3. Let users have their say. Moderate with a very light hand, removing only those comments that are clearly libelous or incendiary. 4. Let the social network police the rogues. [People can then flag] the goofball comments." Rob DeMone, online editor. Black Press Group (Canada)
"No skills are required if implementing into Wordpress or other blog software. However, there is some basic knowledge of Javascript and your templating system that is needed to integrate into a newspaper site. But their API is pretty flexible and they will offer help with integration if needed." Matt Ouellette, director of research & development, The (Law rence, mass.) Eagle-Tribune
lntensedebate.com www.webmonkey.com/blog/lntense_Debate_<.. Return_Brings_Better_Comments_to_V\/ordProbS
Bit.Iy FeedBurner.com labnol.blogspot.eom/2006/05/feedburner-tutorial-replace-your-blog.html
Sitemeter.com promo.sitemeter.com/flash/instaliation_tutorial. html ":;i;^: www.associatedcontentcom/video/n563/sitemetercom_viewing_website_statlstics.html
Quantcast.com www.micropersuasion,com/2006/10/quantcast_ is;ja_.fitnii • ^ promo.sitemeter.com/flash/installation__tutorial. I htmt
9. BREAK THE NEWS. WITH VIDEO. Livestream.com » www.mogulus.com/userguide/index.php/Main_Page
"Use a high-end laptop hardwired to a fast network and do all of the video compression in hardware if possible." Randy Greenwell, director of photography. The (Norfoll(, Va.) Virginia Pilot
JS-Kit.com js-kit.com/comments/
8. MEASURE SUCCESS Google Analytics »www.mahalo.com/How_to_Use_Google_Analytics_for_Beginners » www.blogstorm.co.uk/advanced-google-analytics/ » www.conversatjonmarketing.eom/2007/02/google_analytics_video_tutorla_1.htm
"I would recommend knowing exactly what you're looking for Study and understand analytics before you start using them (i.e.. use them for good, not evil). And keep them in context. Don't be a prisoner to the numbers, which is an easy thing to get caught up in." Meg Martin, online editor. The Roanolce (Va.) Times
"We use this tool to stream video in a variety of circumstances. We have used it to track road and weather conditions in real time, as well as to stream press conferences from the state capitol and FBI updates on important criminal cases. We have also used this prod uct to stream the Norman Music Festival, a one-day. multi-stage event in central/southern Oklahoma." Nick Tankersley, Web editor. The (Oiflahoma City) Okiahoman
Ustream.com www.metacafe.com/watch/2375753/u_stream_ustream_tutorials_how_to_us e_^u.^stream_f o r_ broadcasting/ www.conversationmarketing.com/2007/09/ streaming_video_creating_a_pro.htm
Justin.tv blog.justin.tv/2007/n/going-mobiie-tutorlal.html
"Have reports e-mailed weekly, study them, watch where people are coming from and with which keywords." Aubrey K. Jenlcins, multimedia journalist. The (Coiumbia, S.C.) State
The Poynter Institute
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801 Third Street South | St. Petersburg, FL 33701 www.poynter.org | www.newsu.org ® 2009, The Poynter Institue for Media Studies
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MORE TOOLS » Twitter.com "It allows us to divide and conquer the spreading of our content and the engagement of audiences, it also empowers reporters to report faster, more thoroughly and more often than ever before."
Qik.com » qik.com/blog/306/reporting-snow-depth-on-necn-live-using-qik-and-mogulus » www.readwriteweb.com/archives/video_record_with_your_ iphone_using_qik.php
Will Sullivan, interactive director, St. Louis (Mo.) Post-Dispatch
» wiki.itap.purdue.edu/pages/viewpage. action?pageld=6950352
"Twitter gives us the best opportunity to con nect and converse with our readers, as well as get them news and information quickly. I find that service to be invaluable."
» mojoevolution.eom/2009/03/pushing-viral-video/#more-166
1. Remember, the mic is on the wrong side. Jury-rig a good off-camera mic
Steplianie Romanski, Web editor, The Grand island Independent
2. This is a cell phone. It's not a $40k camera. Don't plan on getting a great shot from 50 yards away.
"When used well, it creates a valuable connection to users and increases our reach. I think users also see is as a value-add."
3. Train everyone! This is a simple tool; everyone is capable of using it. Make sure they know how to. 4. When you're back at home base, make sure you plug the phone in to charge. 5. Shoot in shorter segments when possible. We like to do about three minutes. After that there are often buffering issues. Much of that depends on your local wireless coverage.
Jon Denunzio, sports editor. The Washington Post
» ManyEyes.com "It's beautiful and totally customizable. Every time we use it, people are in awe." Kim Bui, Web editor, Tiieloop21.com
» Delicious.com "I really don't use this particular tool to grow audi ence or page views, but I do use it as an internal message board of sorts. I read several different blogs and Web sites on a daily basis and find much that is useful to members of my staff. With Delicious, I can tag and aggregate them on one searchable page that I can send reporters and edi tors to. They can then narrow all my links down to ones that apply to their needs, like everything I've linked that's on Twitter"
Jennifer Ward, AME interactive media. The Fresno (Calif.) Bee
"Use an external microphone. It makes such a huge difference...Holding steady, setting up a mini gorilla tripod or some sort of stable surface for the camera helps a lot also to increase the quality." Will Sullivan, interactive director, St. Louis (Mo.) Post-Dispatch
Sticlccam.com www.associatedeontent.com/video/11884/how_ to_create_a_stickam_account.html?cat=59
f[ixwagon.com/help/index?symfony=le255f1285G9 3dl4ee478f7cdfal7588
Kyte.tv www.kyte.com/blog www.guardian.co.uk/media/pda/2008/jul/18/ theriseofkytetv
Brlanne Pruitt, The Wenatchee (Wash.) Worid
•12seconds.tv • AudioBoo.fnn • Clevercommute.com • Facebook.com o Flickr.com • Friendfeed.com • Haloscan.com o MySpace.com • Ning.com • Picnik.com • PollDaddy.com
• Seeclickfix.com • StumbleUpon.com • Sumopaint.net • Tinychat.com o TinyURL.com • Utterli.com • Vizu.com • VoiceThread.com • Vuvox.com • YouTube.com
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