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Put Local Produce On Your Plate
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There is a simple way to support local agriculture in York County, and it starts at the Horn Farm Center for Agricultural Education. The Horn Farm, 4945 Horn Road, York, will offer its community-supported agriculture (CSA) program for the fifth year this summer, inviting members to purchase weekly boxes of locally grown, farm-fresh produce.
“As a CSA member, or ‘shareholder,’ customers can expect to enjoy a wide variety of seasonal, organically grown produce such as greens - lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard and kale (and) tomatoes, sweet peppers, garlic, beets, summer and winter squash and potatoes,” said Alexis Campbell, executive director of the Horn Farm. Shares may also include fruits such as strawberries, watermelon and cantaloupe.
Campbell said the Horn Farm began offering the CSA to meet community requests. “There’s definitely an interest within the community for the CSA,” she stated. “The CSA model is a great way for the local community to support local farmers. This year in particular, there’s a lot of uncertainty on a global scale in the food industry, and the CSA gives people a lot of solace in knowing who their farmer is and where their food is coming from. It gives them a way to become better connected to their local food system.”
The CSA program also helps the Horn Farm further its mission. “Our goal is to restore soil health, protect our waterways and increase ecological biodiversity while growing healthy food and teaching others to do the same,” Campbell noted.
The farm is partnering with farmer Jeremy Kilgore to provide even more options for more people through the CSA. “With two farmers (Kilgore and the Horn Farm) producing fruits and vegetables for the CSA, we hope to be able to increase the number of shares available,” Campbell explained.
CSA members have the option of purchasing whole shares for weekly pickup or one-half shares for biweekly pickup. The contents of each share will vary.
The Horn Farm’s CSA program will feature a variety of seasonal produce.
See Produce pg 6
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