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Bazaar Will Give Back
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$4.99 Lb. Sliced .......................................................$5.29 Lb. Pellman Cheesecake (37 Oz.) .......................... $8.99 Ea. Sadie’s Potato Salad ........................................... $2.29 Lb. Kreider Farms Ice Cream (1.5 Qt.) ....................$3.29 Ea. Kretschmar Honey Ham off the Bone ....................... $4.69 Lb. Jennie-O or Michigan Smoked Turkey Breast ............................................. $4.69 Lb. Bomberger’s Sweet Bologna .................................... $6.19 Lb. Jumping Jack Cheese .............................................. $2.89 Lb. Sliced .......................................................... $3.19 Lb. Feta Cheese ............................................................... $4.89 Lb. Lucinda’s Bakery Breakfast Cakes (7”) ................... $2.99 Ea. Butter Quarters ......................................................... $2.19 Lb. Egg & Potato Salad.................................... $3.19 Lb. Deli Style Chicken Salad .......................................... $4.79 Lb. Sadie’s Macaroni Salad ............................................ $1.99 Lb. Check Store for Other Local Produce. Jersey Blueberries are Here. 820 Ivy Drive, near West Hempfi eld Fire & Police, Lancaster, PA - 717-285-5050 NEW Hours: Mon., Tues. & Fri. 10-6, Thurs. 10-7, Wed. & Sat. 7-2
Hundreds of baskets will be up for grabs at Mary Mother of the Church’s bazaar.
Mary Mother of the Church will host a bazaar on Saturday, July 17, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the church, 625 Union School Road, Mount Joy. The event will also feature two community service components - stuff the bus and a food bank collection.
This is the first time the church is holding the stuff the bus collection, said bazaar committee co-chair Claudia. “It was brought to our attention at one of our ministry meetings that there are a number of displaced or homeless students in our area, so this is a way to alleviate some of the burden and help our community,” she stated. School supplies for children and youths in grades kindergarten through 12 will be collected, along with sweatshirts, sweatpants and children’s socks. The items will then be dispersed to the Donegal, Elizabethtown, Hempfield and Columbia Borough school districts.
The food bank collection is an extension of the church’s ongoing service project within its congregation. Food collected will benefit the Mount Joy Food Bank and the East Donegal Conoy Christian Food Bank. Everyone who donates three items either to stuff the bus or to the food bank collection will receive three tickets for a basket giveaway drawing at the bazaar.
The bazaar will include 30 vendors, offering everything from crafts to art. A Chinese auction will be held, and hundreds of baskets will be featured in a giveaway drawing. Items include restaurant gift cards, trips to local attractions and more. “This is truly a ‘love thy neighbor’ event,” said Claudia, who noted that the church typically holds its bazaar over three days in the fall but had to change plans this year due to the pandemic. “People have given so much to help us. It’s unbelievable how the community has come together.”
A continental breakfast will be available on site, with items individually wrapped for grab and go, and lunch will be offered by church members. Lunch items include chicken corn chowder, meatball subs and walking tacos. A Miller’s Barbecue meal consisting of a half-chicken, a baked potato, applesauce and a roll will also be available. Proceeds from the bazaar will fund church ministry projects.
“It’s going to be a fun, joyful event,” Claudia said. “Everyone is welcome.”
YCAS Schedules Public Events
The York County Astronomical Society (YCAS) will offer public events at its observatory at John C. Rudy County Park, 400 Mundis Race Road, York, on Saturday, July 10. Solar and Radio Astronomy will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and a Telescope Clinic will be offered from 1 to 2 p.m. A public Starwatch will be held from 8 to 10 p.m.
The events are free and open to the public. Donations will be accepted. If the sky is clear, all activities will occur as scheduled. If it is completely cloudy or raining, the indoor activity of a screen astronomical presentation will occur as scheduled. In the event of extreme weather, call 717-759-9227 or visit Facebook for notice of cancellation. To learn more, visit www.astroyork.com.
Full frompg 1
Although Wisler is only at the program on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, he’s making an impact, said Ball, adding, “After his first day here, the kids came in the next day asking for Stephen. He’s really reaching every kid on their level.”
Wisler might spend time playing foosball with the children, building with Legos or even just doodling. “I love to draw pictures with the kids, and they love it,” he said. “I can cater to their interests. … I try to do things that engage their fine motor skills. I also try to offer activities that are diversified to keep their attention and get their brains going.”
North said the food program offers a way for the church to connect with its community. “We think the kingdom of God is about serving other people,” he remarked. “The church ought to be a place that, if it closed today, people would realize something is missing. We should be an integral part of the community. This program is a way we can meet a need.”
The program will run through August, until school starts again, and it’s open to any school-age children in the community.
“To a kid who is unsure about coming through the doors, I would say that this is a great place for anyone looking to have fun in an uplifting, positive environment,” Wisler stated. “We guarantee you’ll be walking away with a full belly and a smile.”
The entrance to the Summer Food Service Program is located at the rear of the church, off of Centre Alley. The church holds a Sunday worship service at 10 a.m. For more information on Wrightsville Presbyterian Church, visit www.wpcpa.org.
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