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Garden Spot

Animals, exhibits, a parade, and

Paulene Redding, president of the New Holland Farmers Day Association, is happy to see different parts of the community working together to get ready for this year’s New Holland Fair. “So many aspects come together to make the fair possible,” said Redding, who recently met with representatives of the borough, fire company, fire police, and ambulance company in preparation for the event. “The IU13 students from ELANCO cleaned up (the parade route) following the parade (in 2023), and the New Holland Kiwanis always cleans up (the streets) following the fair,” she said.

The 2024 New Holland Fair will be held from Wednesday, Oct. 2, through Saturday, Oct. 5, on Main Street, Roberts Avenue, Franklin Street, as well as on Fulton Street, where the animal exhibits are located. The fair will kick off on Oct. 2 with the parade,

which will begin at 7 p.m. As in the past, the fair will feature a midway, exhibits in a range of categories, a Long John eating contest, pet and baby parades, games, a variety of food vendors, and entertainment Thursday through Saturday evenings.

Area residents wishing to enter an item to exhibit in the fair for the first time will need to register for an entry number. Past exhibitors who did not receive a number in the mail must register as well. Registration for entry numbers will be held at the CrossNet Youth Center, 110 W. Franklin St., New Holland, on Tuesday, Oct. 1, from 2 to 8 p.m. Redding asked area residents to take a “fresh look” at this year’s exhibit categories. “There are some new opportunities,” she said.

Redding, who organizes the parade, said that all premium spots are full this year, and that the $12,000 raised by that effort will aid in funding the elevator that will be installed

When eight 3- and 4-year-olds from New Holland Early Learning Center (NHELC) arrived at the Fallcrest Household skilled nursing care section of Garden Spot Village (GSV) on the morning of Aug. 1, the sounds of their laughter broke the relative quiet.

GSV resident Jackie Thompson was prepared to read the children a story as they gathered on the floor before his chair and within a circle of seated residents who had anxiously awaited the children’s arrival. “Oh, it’s a good one,” declared Thompson of “Feathers

On Aug. 19, Freedom Thrift in New Holland, a store that supports the work of Revelations of Freedom Ministries (ROFM), held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the enterprise.

Thomas Carr, director of ROFM, spoke at the event, which was attended by about 40 interested parties. Carr thanked the community, volunteers, and staff members, and saying, “Our

anniversary was a wonderful occasion to connect with the community, raise awareness of Freedom Thrift and ROFM, and celebrate the contributions of everyone involved, from program students to our dedicated longterm supporters.”

Carr mentioned that not only does the thrift store raise funds for ROFM, it also benefits those enrolled in the program. ROFM serves men struggling with addictions, called students, in a 10-month residential program.

The annual New Holland Fair will feature animal exhibits, rides, games,
Garden Spot Village resident Patricia Simmeth reads to visiting children from New Holland Early Learning Center and other residents during an Aug. 1 visit.

You don’t need to travel far

Check out

Blood drive planned at Fairmount

The Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank (CPBB) will hold a community blood drive at Fairmount in Ephrata on Thursday, Oct. 3, from 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. The blood drive will be held in the Farm Crest Community Room at 1100 Farm Crest Drive on the east side of the Fairmount campus.

Those who wish to donate may schedule an appointment by calling 800-771-0059. Walk-ins are also welcome until 6 p.m., but those with

scheduled appointments will be given priority. Donors should bring a photo ID.

All donors will receive a Penn Cinema movie pass, a certificate for a free dozen mini doughnuts from Weaver’s Store Inc., a Papa John’s certificate for a free pizza with the purchase of one large pizza, and two free admission vouchers to a show at Harrisburg Comedy Zone.

Directions may be found at www.fairmount

Webinar to examine workplace conflict

Penn State Extension will hold a live webinar on managing workplace conflict on Wednesday, Oct. 2, from 1 to 2 p.m. Attendees will learn about the sources of conflict in the workplace, the psychological and physiological effects of conflict, and strategies for managing conflict and fostering better relationships and a more productive work environment.

The workshop is part of the Essential Skills Series: Harness the Power of Inter- and Intra-Personal Skills to Elevate Your

Career. Some materials in the series were funded by the Department of Labor as part of the Animal Science Apprenticeship program. More details about the apprenticeship program are available at https://extension -apprenticeship-program. The webinar is free of charge.

Registration is required at WorkplaceConflictWebi nar. A link to the recorded webinar will be emailed to registrants after the live event.

Accordionists plan meeting

The First Lancaster Accordion Group (FLAG) will meet on Sunday, Sept. 29, at Zion Church of Millersville, 317 N. George St.,

Millersville. The meeting will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. For additional details, contact Miranda Hoffman at 717-940-4762.

BASIS (Brothers And Sisters In Support), a ministry of Handi-Vangelism, is a grief support program for parents who have experienced the death of a child; other family members are welcome to attend as well. BASIS meets at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month year-round in the prayer and meditation room at Garden Spot Village, 433 S. Kinzer Ave., New Holland. The next gathering will be on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 7 p.m.

For more information, contact group leader Dan Steinman at 717-859-4777.

Donations sought for book sale

Fairmount in Ephrata is accepting book donations for its seventh book sale on Friday, Oct. 4, from 5 to 8 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 5, from 7 to 10 a.m. Book donations may be brought to the front desk at Wheat Ridge, 333 Wheat Ridge Drive, Ephrata, on the west side of the Fairmount campus.

Fairmount requests books in good condition from the following categories: children’s books, Christian fiction and nonfiction, theology and devotional, biographies, history, song books, and books of local, Anabaptist, Amish, and Mennonite interest. Encyclopedias, romance novels, and books with offensive language cannot be accepted.

The book sale will be held in the Farm Crest Community Room, 1100 Farm Crest Drive, on the east side of campus. The public is invited to attend. All proceeds from the book sale are designated for Fairmount’s Sharing Fund for the benefit of residents who have outlived their resources.

Directions may be found at

Freedom Thrift from

“The students work in the thrift store as part of our Life Skills Program (LSP),” explained Abbey Ginder, development coordinator with ROFM. “The goal is to teach them to be productive in the workplace and to use their earnings to bless others.” According to Ginder, job skills students gain during LSP are added to the students’ job applications and resumes when they complete the program. Pay that students earn while working at the store is invested in a checking or savings account with the goal of increasing self-sufficiency. “According to our staff, working (at the store) gives (students) a sense of value in a time when they come to us after hitting rock bottom,” stated Ginder. “They learn they can achieve something and provide for themselves, (so) it allows them to actively take part in their recovery process.”

Ginder added that the work teaches responsibility, punctuality, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. “But most importantly, it gives them self-respect,” she said.

Freedom Thrift has loca-

A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on Aug. 19 to celebrate the five-year anniversary of Freedom Thrift, a support arm of Revelations of Freedom Ministries.

tions at 114 Ranck Church Road, New Holland, and 2853 Lincoln Highway East, Ronks. Both stores provide funds to the ministry’s overall budget, but it does not stop there. “(Funds raised by the stores) allow us to provide the program and counseling for the students,” stated Carr. “(Students) receive additional services because of Freedom Thrift,” he added, noting that life coaches for the students and an expanded ROFM staff have been made possible by store funds.

According to Ginder, the ministry currently serves nine students. “Our small size allows us to give individual attention to our

students,” explained Ginder, who noted that in 2023, 40 students participated, with nine graduating from the program. Another two students graduated in 2024, and a third was due to complete the program in September.

Freedom Thrift stores are open Mondays through Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Donations are welcome during those hours, and volunteers are needed. Information about both the stores and the ministry may be found at

Readers who would like to know more about student enrollment may call 717-722-4673.

Contestants sought for chili cook-off

Discover Denver’s fourth annual chili cookoff will take place on Saturday, Oct. 12. The cookoff will be held inside the Lighthouse Community Center, 239 Main St., Denver, with public sampling available starting at 11 a.m. while supplies last.

Community members are invited to take part in the cook-off. Contestants should prepare a minimum of eight quarts of chili. Any type of chili is welcome, and there will be divisions for individuals and organizations, with a champion awarded in each.

All sampling supplies will be provided by Discover Denver. There will be space for one slow cooker or serving dish as well as electrical hookup at each station, and there will also be space to keep additional supplies warm. Chili must be brought ready to eat to the Lighthouse Community Center and must be set up by 10:30 a.m. in preparation for the event.

Participation is limited, and registration will close on Sunday, Sept. 29. To register or for more information, email or call 717-271-2435.

Discover Denver will take place along the 300 block of Main Street from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will feature business and nonprofit organization booths, food vendors, Kel Lee Entertainment, door prizes and special drawings, and more.

Registration for the Daisy Dash will open at 8 a.m. at Cocalico Stadium, with the event launching at 9 a.m. to benefit Jan’s Circle of Friends. Scarecrow voting will begin at 9 a.m., and pumpkin painting will start at 9:30 a.m., with judging at 10:30 a.m.

Rooftop music by DJ Willz will be presented at 10 a.m. At 12:30 p.m. will be a pet parade; all pets must be leashed. A rubber duck race, with cash prizes, will start at 1 p.m. Contest winners will be announced at 1:30 p.m.

ELANCO Library sets programs

The Eastern Lancaster County (ELANCO) Library, 11 Chestnut Drive, New Holland, will offer a variety of events and programs to the community. Registration is not required unless noted. For details, visit www.elan or contact 717354-0525 or adagostino@

The library offers various activities regularly. In October, these will include Music and Movement, for children from birth to age 6 with a parent or caregiver, on Saturday, Oct. 5, at 10:30 a.m.; Baby Story Time, for youngsters from birth to 17 months with a parent or caregiver, on Monday, Oct. 7, at 10 a.m., with siblings welcome; Readers’ Roundtable Book Discussion on Oct. 7 at 2 p.m.; Hooks and Needles Yarn Craft Club, for people of all ages who knit or crochet, on Monday, Oct. 14, at 6:30 p.m.; Lego Creation Club, recommended for kids age 8 and up as well as siblings, on Thursday, Oct. 24, at 6 p.m.; Preschool Story Time, for children ages 3 to 6, every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m.; and Toddler Thursdays, for

children from birth to age 3, every Thursday at 10:30 a.m.

Siblings are welcome to join in at Preschool Story Time and Toddler Thursdays.

Teen Tuesdays will offer an hour of crafts, games, snacks, and more for tweens and teens on Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. during the school year. No registration is required. In October, the program will feature Arts and Crafts Day on Oct. 1, STEM Egg Drop on Oct. 8, Forensic Science on Oct. 15, Build a Zombie Base on Oct. 22, and Spooky STEM on Oct. 29.

Children of all ages accompanied by a parent or other caregiver may read aloud to Pepper the Labrador retriever during Read Aloud with Pepper the Dog! on Oct. 5 at 2 p.m.

Pumpkin painting will be offered on Oct. 14 at 6 p.m.

Supplies will be provided, and participants may take their pumpkin home. Registration is required.

Shoes & Boots For The Whole Family

“Reading Workshop: Improving Your Child’s Reading Fluency” will be presented by Dr. Steven Duvall both in person and via Zoom on Monday, Oct. 21, at 6:30 p.m. The hands-on session will show parents how to use research-proven methods for increasing reading fluency and comprehension in children, especially those who are slow readers or who have learning disabilities and/ or dyslexia. Registration is required to attend via Zoom; registration is appreciated to attend in person, but walkins will also be welcome.

“Media Literacy’s Time Has Come,” with Dr. Stacey O. Irwin, will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 24 during Media

“Homeschooling with Confidence: Understanding Pennsylvania’s Homeschool Laws” will be presented by William A. Estrada on Thursday, Oct. 10, at 6:30 p.m. There will be a question-and-answer period at the end of the program. Estrada is a homeschool graduate from Pennsylvania, a homeschool dad, and senior counsel at the Home School Legal Defense Association. He is a member of the California bar, the D.C. bar, the U.S. Supreme Court bar, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals bar, and the First Circuit Court of Appeals bar.


Literacy Week, which will be from Monday through Friday, Oct. 21 to 25. The program will discuss how to increase media literacy by analyzing, evaluating, and interacting differently with media. The event will take place in the library’s downstairs community room.

Spartans get the win over MC at home

Mya Paparo looks to pass the ball during the Section Two match against Manheim Central at home on September 12th winning 3-1.
Spartans’ Kayla Kauffman sets the ball to a teammate during a 3-1 win over Manheim Central on September 9th.
Garden Spot’s Blaze Yearsley looks through his range finder to get a distance to the pin at Foxchase on September 9th. The Spartans defeated Elizabethtown.
Garden Spot’s Summer Stern gets some air on her serve in a 3-1 win over the Barons in New Holland on September 9th.
In Section Two play September 9th at Foxchase, Spot’s Carson Plank chips onto the green, helping the Spartans defeat Elizabethtown.
volleyball photos by Mya Graybill golf photos by Bob Diller

Partnership offers free classes

Pennsylvania College of Art & Design’s Center for Creative Exploration will offer several classes this fall in partnership with Tec Centro, a division of SACA, which is a primary provider of bilingual education and skills training in the Lancaster region. These classes, offered at Tec Centro East, 102 Chester St., Lancaster, are free and open to all members of the community. Registration is required and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Miniature Collages:

Honoring Our Ancestors will be offered on Tuesday, Oct. 8, from 6 to 9 p.m. led by instructor Jose Guillermo Rodriguez Plaza. The one-session workshop is designed for adults interested in learning techniques to connect with and nurture their ancestral roots. In addition to creation, students will discuss the significance of creatively archiving their ancestral stories and will explore collective archiving practices that foster community-building. Attendees should bring a copy of one or two photographs that represent their ancestral stories; they will leave with one or two small art pieces featuring techniques covered


Kennel Club

sets Agility Trials

Lancaster Kennel Club will present its annual Agility Trials on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 28 and 29, held under the roof at In the Net, 798 Airport Road, Palmyra.

Trials will start at 8 a.m. each day and continue until mid-afternoon. More than 500 dogs are scheduled each day to compete in two rings. Vendors and concessions will be available.

Admission is free. Only dogs entered in the competition may be on-site.

For updates, visit www or search for “Lancaster Kennel Club” on Facebook. This event is partially funded by the County Commissioners of Lebanon County’s Hotel Tax Grant Fund Program.

To find out more about agility, visit events/agility/.

during the demonstrations as well as a deeper appreciation of the importance of personal ancestral archives and remembrance rituals.

Materials will be provided.

To register, visit https://bit .ly/MiniatureCollages.

Vejigante Mask Making Workshop, for people age 12 and up, will be offered on Tuesdays, Nov. 5, 12, and 19, from 6 to 9 p.m.

The three-day workshop, with instructor Kathy Rodriguez, will address the history of the Puerto Rican Vejigante and share techniques on how attendees can make their own interpretation out of plaster gauze. Students will leave the final session with a completed plaster mask. Materials will be provided.

To register, visit https://

Rock, mineral and fossil auction posted

CASA posts movie showing

Boltz Auction Company, 3601 Columbia Ave., Lancaster, has announced the upcoming auction of the rock, mineral and fossil collection of Jim and Mimi Stauffer. An in-person and online auction will take place on Saturday, Oct. 12, at 10 a.m.

In addition to the live auction, Boltz Auction Company will facilitate two online auctions,

offering additional opportunities to view and bid on select items from the collection. The first online auction will close on Thursday, Oct. 10, at 7 p.m. The second online auction will close on Friday, Oct. 11, at 7 p.m.

Previews are scheduled by appointment. For more information and to schedule an appointment, call 717-392-4257.

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Lancaster and Lebanon Counties will host a family movie day at Penn Cinema, 541 Airport Road, Lititz, on Saturday, Oct. 12. The event will feature the newly released family adventure film “The Wild Robot,” which has a PG rating. Doors will open at 12:15 p.m., and the movie will begin at 12:30 p.m. and run for an hour and 42 minutes.

Produced by DreamWorks Animation, “The Wild Robot” is an animated science fiction survival film based on the book series of the same name by Peter Brown. The epic adventure follows the journey of a robot, Rozzum Unit 7134, that is shipwrecked on an uninhabited island and must learn to adapt to the harsh surroundings, gradually building relationships with the animals on the island and becoming the adoptive parent of an orphaned gosling.

The movie showing is free and open to the community, but space is limited and online registration is required at www.casalanc

CASA’s mission is to provide a qualified and compassionate court-appointed volunteer advocate to every child who is abused and neglected to ensure he or she has a safe, nurturing, and permanent home. To learn more, visit the aforementioned website.

for Lunch” by Lois Ehlert. The book is about a house cat who escapes his home and meets a variety of birds. The subject of wild birds coincided with the theme of the preschoolers’ visit to GSV.

Thompson punctuated his storytelling with comments about the various birds the cat meets, giving away his own interest in baseball by pointing out a number of teams that utilize bird names, including the Toronto Blue Jays and the Baltimore Orioles.


Sunday, September 29 2024 7:00 p.m.

Song Leaders: Bob Meck, Don Sensenig, Guest Song Leader: Mike Clemmer



Saturday, Sept. 28th 11am-3pm or until Sold Out Pot Pie by the Quart: $800 Questions/More

When Thompson finished, the children turned around to face Patricia Simmeth, who read a story based on the biblical parable of the lost coin. “My story is from the Bible, so it’s really God’s story,” Simmeth told the children. When the story ended, Simmeth read from the Book of Luke, saying, “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

When Simmeth finished, Marcia Parsons, resident life experience director with GSV, who oversees the program, divided the children into two groups. While one group moved throughout Fallcrest on a scavenger hunt looking for photos of different types of birds, the other group stayed with the resident circle and tossed rings onto plastic ducks set up on the floor. The children took turns with the residents by picking up the rings and bringing them to residents to toss again. When the groups switched, children sat with residents at tables and used watercolor paints to color in line drawings of birds.

The regular visits by children who attend NHELC began some time after COVID-19 restrictions were lifted and it was deemed safe for the generations to connect. Prior to that, going back about eight years, according to Jen

Morales, assistant director with NHELC, a few seniors from GSV were visiting NHELC. “It seemed there could be more involvement if we took the kids to GSV,” recalled Morales, who said an NHELC kindergarten class had traveled to GSV monthly at one point.

“Transportation became a problem,” Morales stated, adding “GSV was kind enough to purchase car seats and provide transportation to help make the visits a reality. Morales credits Parsons for facilitating the connection between the generations when Parsons moved into her position.

Parsons explained that biweekly visits by NHELC students began in January of 2023 and became weekly in September of that year.

She noted that GSV residents who participated in the Aug. 1 visit included independent living and Day Break adult day services participants. “We alternate meeting locations to connect as many persons as possible (with the children),” she pointed out. About 100 area children receive services from NHELC, a ministry of New Holland Mennonite Church. More information about the organization may be found at www.newho

GSV is a continuing care retirement facility, located on 220 acres in New Holland. More information about the many services the organization offers to those age 55 and over may be found at


A Creative Collection Christmas Expressions


The winners, along with other selections, will be published in a commemorative special section appearing in the Conestoga and Garden Spot Pennysavers, as well as the Morgantown/Honey Brook and Octorara Community Couriers in early December. All entries will be featured on our website at

Entries are due by Monday, October 28th. Entries can be e-mailed to:, with Christmas Expressions in the subject line OR Mailed to:

New Holland Early Learning Center participants play a ring toss game with residents at Garden Spot Village.

ANGLICAN ALL SAINTS CHURCH: Meeting at Church of the Apostles, 1850 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603. 9:30 AM Sunday Service. Father James Johnson. For more info: 717-381-9573.

BANGOR EPISCOPAL-FOUNDED 1722. 4 mi. W of Morgantown on Rt. 23 in Churchtown. Sunday Holy Eucharist at 10am. All are welcome. Handicap accessible. Parking lot adjacent to the church off Water Street. For additional info.,

BETHANY GRACE FELLOWSHIP: 400 Reading Road, East Earl (at the corner of Rt. 625 & Union Grove Rd.) Join us for worship, Sundays at 9 & 10:35AM. Adult, Youth, 56 Club classes at 10:35. Options for nursery-grade 4 during both time slots. Check us out at or call 717-4456644 with questions. To Thrive | To Impact | To Unify.

CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland 717-354-8428. “Building Community with Christ, to Impact a World without Christ” Pastor: Dr. Doug Bozung. Please go to for information concerning worship services, adult ministries, youth & children’s ministries.

CHURCHTOWN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 2170 Main Street, Narvon (Churchtown). Phone: 717-445-5585, Pastor Dave Kling, 5 mi East of New Holland on PA 23. Sunday worship at 9 am. Handicapped Access.

LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH (AG): Located at 105 Earland Dr., New Holland, invites you to join us for a time of contemporary worship and biblical preaching at our 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 services on Sunday morning and 7:00 service on Wednesday evening. Childcare for birth through 5th grade available during 2nd and 3rd Sunday morning services and Wednesday evening service. Lead Pastor: Stephen Ritchey. For more information on our services and programs, visit

Attend Church this Sunday

Organists slate hymn sing

The Lancaster Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (AGO) will hold its first event of the 202425 season. The organists will provide the music for a hymn sing on Sunday, Sept. 29, at 7 p.m. at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, 3131 Columbia Ave., Lancaster.

Some of the hymns will be selected by the organ -

ists and will include special introductions, reharmonizations, and arrangements, and some hymns will be chosen by the audience. The organ is a three-manual Opus 478 Brunner pipe organ that was installed in 2008.

For more information, go to

LancasterHistory joins Museum for All

MT ZION UMC: 753 Mt. Zion Rd., Narvon, PA. Pastor: Ian Solodky, Worship Leader: Joe Liptock, Praise Band “3:16”. Adult Bible Study 9 am, Worship Service 10:15 am, Child Care Provided. We teach the traditional Gospel of Jesus Christ. All are welcome! Enjoy the views of our beautiful rural setting. Instagram: Mt.Zion_narvon

OUR LADY OF LOURDES Catholic Church: 150 Water Street, New Holland, PA 17557 Father Steven Fauser, Pastor. Visit us online at Sunday 8am & 10:30am. Saturday 5pm. Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9am.

PARKESBURG WORD OF FAITH CHURCH Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277

PILGRIM BIBLE CHURCH: 5367 Paes Rd., New Holland. Located 1/4 mi from Welsh Mountain Rec. Center on Paes Rd., 717-354-9444. Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship Service 10:30 am. Nursery. Pastor: Norman Griess.

ST. JOHN CENTER LUTHERAN CHURCH: 599 Reading Rd., East Earl, PA 17519 717-445-5505. Sunday Worship at 11 am Visit us online:

ST. STEPHEN REFORMED CHURCH (Presbyterian Church In America): “A Beacon on the Hill.” The Word of God is central to our worship. Sunday worship at 8:15 and 10:30am with Kingdom’s kids and nursery provided for the 10:30 service. Sunday school for all ages at 9:30am. Choir sings the last Sunday of each month. Youth group on Sundays at 6:00 pm for grades 6th-12th. Lead Pastor: Rev. Dr. Andrew DiNardo. 249 East Main Street, New Holland. 717-354-7871.

THE COMMUNITY CHURCH AT GARDEN SPOT VILLAGE: 433 S. Kinzer Ave., New Holland. Pastor Chet Yoder. Join us Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am for our Live Stream Worship at

WEAVERLAND ANABAPTIST FAITH COMMUNITY: 210 Weaverland Valley Rd., East Earl, 717445-6348. Restoring lives by encountering Christ. Lead Pastor Brian Martin. Sunday worship services: 8 & 10:30am, w/Sunday Schl for all ages at 9:30am. Vibrant Young Adult, Youth & Children’s Ministries. Aglow/60 Plus & Men’s & Women’s Care Ministries.

Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)

For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

LancasterHistory has joined Museums for All, a national program that encourages everyone to visit museums regularly and build lifelong museum habits. Museums for All is an initiative of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), a federal agency based in Washington, D.C., and administered by the Association of Children’s Museums (ACM). Specifically, the program ensures low-cost access to museums for families and individuals receiving food assistance benefits across the country.

Effective Sept. 3, LancasterHistory now accepts valid Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Electronic Benefit Transfer (SNAP EBT) cards or Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) cards in exchange for reduced admission for adults age 18 and up and free admission for children age 17 and under.

LancasterHistory joins more than 1,300 other institutions across the United States, including eight museums in Lancaster County, that are already part of Museums

for All. The other local museums are the Ephrata Cloister; Hands-On House, Children’s Museum of Lancaster; the Lancaster Medical Heritage Museum; Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum; the National Watch and Clock Museum; the North Museum of Nature and Science; the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania; and the Winters Heritage House Museum and the Seibert Genealogy Research Library.

Lancaster is considered a Hub City in the Museums for All program, indicating that three or more local organizations are active participants in the initiative.

To receive the Museums for All rate at LancasterHistory, visitors must present their EBT or WIC card and a valid form of ID upon check-in. The reduced rate is available during normal operating hours for up to four individuals per EBT or WIC card, one of whom must be age 18 or older. For more details, visit or call 717-392-4633.

Music festival planned in Lancaster

The Lancaster Roots & Blues music festival will take place from Friday to Sunday, Sept. 27 to 29, with performances by more than 70 artists at venues in Lancaster city. General admission and VIP passes are available at www.lan

People may also purchase event posters and T-shirts featuring the artwork of local artist Tim Ellis, along with posters from past festivals.

Volunteers are needed. They will receive a free general admission ticket for each shift they participate in, along with a T-shirt and a parking pass. To sign up, visit https://tinyurl .com/RootsAndBlues24 Volunteer.

Sponsorships are available; for more information, call 223-271-9089 or email richellebrubaker@

Holy Spirit Lutheran Church’s Brunner pipe organ will be featured at the upcoming hymn sing.

New Holland Fair

in the Farmers Association building. Five high school marching bands will take part in this year’s Spectacle of Bands competition. New to this year’s parade will be the West Philadelphia High School marching band.

The popular Mad Beatz drumline will return for the third year. This year, the Octorara Junior-Senior High School honor band will lead the way, and the rear will be brought up by the Fralinger String Band, a group of Mummers.

Parade attendees are encouraged to bring a nonperishable food item to donate to a drive organized by CrossNet youths during the parade. Collected food items will be donated to the CrossNet Food and Nutrition Center.

Nightly entertainment was introduced during the 2022 fair. This year, performances will be held on Towne Centre Green from 7 to 10 p.m. each evening from Thursday, Oct. 3, through Oct. 5. Easily Amused will perform on Thursday; 3 Below will perform on Friday, Oct. 4; and Rydin’ Shottgun will play on Saturday.

Animal exhibits, including sheep, goats, and swine, will be located on Fulton Street. This year, a petting zoo has been added on Franklin Street across from the farm show building and near the merry-go-round. “We are planning to put signage out to direct people to the animal exhibits

on Fulton Street,” said Redding.

The New Holland Fair queen competition is open to young women ages 16 to 20 who live in ELANCO, Pequea Valley, or Conestoga Valley school districts. This year’s competition will be held on Monday, Sept. 30. Redding said that a video promoting the competition and featuring former winners Kendell Moats and Ryleigh Libell may be viewed at the “New Holland Fair” Facebook page. The fair queen competition will be sponsored by New Holland Auto Group this year.

The tug-of-war competition, which returned in 2023, will take place at its original location at the corner of Franklin Street and Railroad Avenue.

Redding encouraged area residents to get involved in the yearly event. All farm show volunteers are invited to attend the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs convention in Hershey from Wednesday, Jan. 22, through Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025.

Those who wish to purchase ride tickets early may obtain them from Boy Scout Troop 48, Yoder’s Country Market, Stauffer’s Drug Store, New Holland Church of the Nazarene, and the farm show building beginning on Oct. 1. Children who wish to enter the coloring contest may pick up pages at the ELANCO Library or find them online at www.newho

Italian heritage group sets spaghetti dinner

The Lancaster Italian Cultural Society (LICS) will hold its 17th annual fundraising spaghetti dinner on Sunday, Oct. 13, from noon to 4 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1575 New Danville Pike, Lancaster.

The menu includes salad, dinner rolls, spaghetti, meatballs, dessert, water, soft drinks, and coffee. A cash bar will be available. The event will also include a basket giveaway drawing and a bake sale.

Funds raised will help support the LICS scholarship and artistic programs.

Separate fees have been set for adults and for children ages 6 to 12. Children under 6 may eat for free. Takeouts will be available.

For more information and to purchase tickets by Tuesday, Oct. 1, send a text message to chairperson Judy Krenzel at 717714-1125. No tickets will be sold at the door.

The Lancaster Italian Cultural Society was

founded in 1998 as an all-volunteer nonprofit organization that embraces Italian history and culture. The five goals of the LICS are to promote and share an appreciation and awareness of the Italian culture and heritage, to develop an awareness of the contributions of Italians and Italian Americans to the development of the United States of America and the world, to sponsor artistic and cultural activities of Italian origin in the community, to promote a greater understanding of the social mores and the values of the Italian heritage in the community, and to develop a greater sense of pride in Italian Americans for their Italian heritage with a special emphasis upon educating Italian American youths, including sponsoring scholarships, awards, and special recognition for community service.

For more information, visit


Randal V. Kline, Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt, Curvin M. Horning 717-606-2226 Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956



ESTATE: A clean 5-bedroom Ranch style house w/ 1-car garage on .92-acre lot. House was built in 1989, has 1,232 sq. ft. on the main level plus a finished basement. Main level includes a 20’x 12’ eat-in kitchen w/ view from sink window & rear wooden deck; 20’x 11’ living room w/ front double-hung window; 3-bedrooms w/ closets; full bathroom; laundry; oversized 1-car garage; concrete wheelchair ramp in front. Daylight basement has second full kitchen; recreation room; (2) additional BR; second full bathroom; walk-out rear door; utility room. Updated windows; on-site well & septic; propane heat; A/C; Octorara S.D.; taxes $5,948. Call/Text Auctioneer 717-587-8906.

BRIEF TERMS: $30,000 down payment, balance in 60-days or before. This auction is held under the terms provided by Attorney Smoker & Gard 717656-6717.

PERSONAL PROPERTY: BigDog Diablo zero-turn mower, model R754, w/ 54” cut, 230 hours; Whirlpool side-by-side stainless steel fridge (27 c.f.); 2021 5’x 8’ utility trailer w/ lay-down ramp; Whirlpool front load washer & dryer; ss microwave; 21 c.f. GE chest freezer; table w/ 10 boards & 6 chairs; tan La-ZBoy lift chair; blue Lazy-Boy recliner; oak rolltop desk; pine hutch; bookshelves; antique benches; drysink; shelf clock; picnic table & 4 benches; oak dresser; oak bowside china closet; family blanket chest; hickory rocker; queen size bedroom suite & mattress set; Electrolux sweeper; cottage style dresser; double bed & mattress set; folding chairs; antiques & collectibles; 2-hole corn sheller; Jackson wheel barrow; poly lawn trailer; Parker lawn sweeper; Bostitch 6 gal. air compressor; Stihl weed trimmer; Stihl battery blower; corn hole boards; cast iron frying pans; china dinner sets; mechanic tools; barbecue chicken rack; charcoal grill; nice hand tools; puppy heated pads; heated water buckets; general household items; plus more items unlisted. Please visit our new website

BR#2 w/closet; full bath; daylight lower level w/full bath/laundry combo; 28’x16’ family room; 28’x14’ utility rm, ground level access to patio area; oil HW heat; central AC; aux. wood stove; on-site well & septic; annual taxes: $6,600. Outbuildings: a frame 20’x24’ garage/shop has an Onan aux. LP generator; a 12’x18’ utility barn; 8’x12’ shed; nice macadam drive & parking area.

For info call/txt auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333.

TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance in 60-days. Attorney: Tom Fanning (717) 354-7700.

Note: Well kept one-owner (1989) custom-built rancher w/small barn on a wooded 4.1-acre lot; private setting surrounded by farms & woodland. Home is in excellent move-in condition. Sellers are downsizing and motivated to sell. For Photos & Detailed Listing Visit

Vehicle: 2014 Hyundai Santa Fe SUV AWD gray, V-6, power loaded, 106k mi. (VIN #5XY2T3LB3G148948).

Shop Tools, Lawn & Garden: 4-Simplicity 4212 & 4208 garden tractors; Simplicity 8hp snow blower; EZ Split 3.5hp log splitter; Speedaire Compressor; Stihl 028 chain saw; ProTech 8” drill press; Milwaukee HD hammer drill, sawzall & drill; S-K, Craftsman & Snap-On wrench & socket sets; speed wrenches; 2-tap & die sets; 3-laser level sets; leaf cart; wheelbarrow; ladders; 1.5-T floor jack; many rolls of electrical wiring; bolt bin; 5-cases of oil; scrap copper tubing, wiring & flashing; lots of hand & power tools; lots of tool boxes; Craftsman stacking tool boxes; Mountville #2 cast iron trough; new tarps; 3-greenhouse wagons; lawn & patio furniture; picnic table; plus much more!

Personal Property: 5-pc queen BR


Club to host fall car, truck and bike show

barn w/3-14’ overhead

NOTE: Outstanding showplace 6.45-ac. farm just south of New Holland, lots of possibilities! Move in ready home & spacious shop/pole barn. Excellent property for animals, produce or hobby farming! Seller has retired and is motivated to sell!

BROKER PARTICIPATION INVITED * CONTACT AUCTIONEER (717) 371-3333 For Photos & Listing Visit TRUCKS, CAR, TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT: 2007 Red Chevy 5500 rollback truck w/19’ bed, 8,566 miles! (VIN #1GBE5C1G87F400713); 1990 Brown 3500 rollback truck w/17’ bed (VIN #1GBJC34K5LE251634); 2005 blue Buick Park Ave sedan, leather, power loaded, 80k miles (VIN #1G4CW54K154100365); ALL VEHICLES ONE-OWNER; John Deere 4400 4x4 HST Tractor w/ROPS & 300x bucket, 2,062-hrs (NICE); Kubota L4610 4x4 Cab Tractor w/LA852 bucket, dual remotes, 1,798-hrs; Farmall 200 Tractor w/fast-hitch sickle-bar mower & scraper blade; John Deere 318 lawn tractor w/54’ deck & bagger, dual remotes; John Deere Gator TX 2x4 2-seater, electric winch, dump bed, 1,232-hrs; Lincoln welder & accessories; PTO generator; 2-300 gallon fuel tanks w/pumps; large bolt bin; tractor weights; toplinks; drawbars; 2-wheelbarrows; 3-torpedo heaters; batter chargers; log chains & binders; floor & bottle jacks; sledges & digging irons; ladders; power & hand tools; baler twine & nylon ropes; socket & wrench sets; hydraulic cylinders; warehouse cart & tool boxes; plus much more.

GUNS & SILVER COINS: Marlin model 25MG .22-cal. bolt-action rifle w/clip; Stevens model 87A .22-cal. bolt-action rifle; Remington Wingmaster model 870 .12-ga. pump shotgun; 4-Morgan silver dollars: 1-1900; 2-1902; 1-1904.

ANTIQUES & PERSONAL PROPERTY: 517 Power Trac AMF & A502 Power Trac AMF chain-drive pedal tractors; 3-wheel metal scooter; Buddy-L & Tonka trucks; Ertl die-cast toy tractors; CASE thresher & steam engine toys; advertising banks; Winross & Hess trucks; 7-cast iron cat troughs; 3-cast iron water troughs (Weaver & Martin, Leacock Foundries); flatware& knife sets; Pink Depression glass; Sunbeam mixer & blender; floral sofa; 8-kitchen chairs; dry sink; small rolltop desk; 2-8’ benches; pumpkin wagon; express wagon; card table & chairs; old blanket chest; carved Oak double bed; Oak wash stand; crazy patch comforter & quilts; lots of kitchen & cookware items; old hobby horse; Martin Bird house on adjustable pole (nice); old metal trains & trucks; wooden nail kegs; hay cradle; toboggan & sleds; quoits; galvanized water cans & buckets; plus much more.

Terms: Cash, PA check or Credit Card w/3% fee; Food by Martindale FC aux. Sale held in tent, bring a chair.

Members of the Draggin’ Wagons Car Club will present their annual fall car, truck and bike show on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Honeybrook Gardens, 3940 Horseshoe Pike (Route 322), Honey Brook. Owners of all makes and models of classic, antique and custom vehicles, including street rods, muscle cars, antique cars, motorcycles and trucks, are invited to participate.

At the upcoming event, trophy winners will be selected in nontraditional classes such as Chopped and Dropped, Cool Convertible, Cool Commercial, Cool Custom, Great Graphics, Street Sleeper, Hottest Hot Rod, Cool Coupe, Memory Lane, Wild Card and Class Act. Candy Diehm will present the Draggin’ Wagons Club President’s Choice award.


AUCTION 3-BDRM 1,771 SQ. FT. HOME w/ATTTACHED 2-CAR GAR. * .56-AC. LOT * (NEW 2019) 24’x40’ 2-STALL HORSE BARN/GARAGE * 10’x16’ SHED THURS., OCT. 10, 2024 @ 6:00 P.M.

Those who choose to display their vehicles at the

upcoming show will be asked to make a registration donation. Registration will take place on the day of the show. There will be no admission fee for spectators, but the club asks that all guests bring nonperishable food items for the Honey Brook Food Pantry (HBFP).

Event organizers are hoping to attract at least 100 cars. “The last couple of shows have been in the high 80s. We are getting close to 100 (vehicles),” said club member Ray Marvin, adding, “When the participants are leaving, they will get a bag of chips and a drink. It’s our way of saying thanks.”

Food and ice cream will be offered for sale throughout the day, and a DJ will play oldies music. There will also be a gift basket auction. “We have 16 to 18 baskets,” said Marvin, noting that baskets generally include a car wash bucket, a flower arrangement and a basket filled with chocolate.

Membership forms and

packets of information about the club will be available at the car show for prospective members.

According to a history of the club provided by Frank Hess, treasurer, the club was originally called the Draggin’ Wagons Hot Rod Club. It was formed in 1957 by a group of young men and women from Honey Brook and surrounding towns. Walter “Packy” Deck was the president, and members included Dottie Deck, Jim Fagan, Bob Filmore, Bev Kemper, Lyn Kemper, Mabel Delp Reese, Allen Sampson and Paul Weaver.

The original Draggin’ Wagons Hot Rod Club held its own public dances at the Honey Brook Fire Company hall with live bands such as Jammie Brown, Speedy Boyer and the Rocketones, Butch Mohl and the Galaxies and others.

In 2008, the Draggin’ Wagons Car Club was reorganized and renamed




& (new 2024) public sewer; zoned R-1; horse tie rail; spacious lawn & garden area; annual taxes: $3,536. Outbuildings: a (new 2019) 24’x40’ horse barn w/2-stalls, 2-garage bays & shop area; a 16’x10’ utility shed w/dog run. OPEN HOUSE: SAT., SEPT. 28 from 1-3 P.M. for info call/text auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333. Note: Home is in move-in ready condition; large level lot w/new professional landscaping; nice rural setting borders beautiful farmland situated in the heart of eastern Lancaster Co. Close to all conveniences w/easy access to Rt. 23/322 & 897. For Photos & Detailed Listing Visit

has tasteful décor & valuable updates throughout; move-in ready condition. Close to all conveniences; easy access to Rt. 23! Valuable 24’x24’ 2-bay detached garage; private vinyl fenced backyard w/garden area! BROKER PARTICIPATION

4,000 Sq. Ft. Pole Barn/Shop 4-Bdrm. Cape Cod w/Garage 2007 Chevy Rollback - 8,566 Mi.
A 1950s Chevrolet truck (left photo) and a 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air (right photo) were among the cars on display at a previous car, truck and bike show. See

“Horst Auction Center” PUBLIC



WED., OCT. 2, 2024 AT 1:00 P.M.

Preview Times: Tues., Oct. 1 from 2-5 P.M. and Wed., Oct. 2 from 8 A.M. *The following is just a very general list of items to be sold. Photos representing the entire auction will be posted on our website on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522

FURNITURE – Antique, Vintage, Reproduction & Modern Incl. Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room, Family Room, Kitchen, Office & Patio (Sets & Individual Pcs.); CHERRY SLANT FRONT DESK; APPLIANCES; KITCHENWARE; CLOCKS & LAMPS; SILVER; COPPER & BRASS; CAST IRON; AGATE; TINWARE; PEWTER; WOODENWARE; BASKETS; CHINA; GLASSWARE; POTTERY; LINENS & TEXTILES; BOOKS & PAPER; ESTATE & COSTUME JEWELRY; ARTWORK; CHRISTMAS & SEASONAL DECORATIONS; TOYS; TOOLS; LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT; BOX LOTS & MANY OTHER ITEMS TO BE SOLD! Accepted Payments - Cash or PA Check, Visa, MasterCard & Debit Card with 3% Fee. No out-of-state checks without prior approval.






• 5 PM LOCATION: 799 Chestnut Tree Rd., Elverson, PA 19520, Honey Brook Twp., Chester County

REAL ESTATE: This gorgeous 10.041 acres of land has 6 level tillable acres with the balance wooded and approx. 945 feet of road frontage and is within walking distance of Struble Lake. Taxes $158, enrolled in clean and green. Zoned Ag. OPEN HOUSE: Land can be viewed at any time. For more information call 610-286-5183, or visit our website for photos and an aerial video. TERMS: 10% down day of sale; balance on or before 45 days. Terms by: Brian C. Dimick.

Merle Eberly • Alvin Horning C. Ivan Stoltzfus CAI Horning Farm Agency, Inc. AY002091

spring wagon w/ LED lights, hyd. brakes, and 2 seats (good cond.); Marlin model 25 .22 rifle w/clip & scope & micro groove barrel; Powermatic “66” table saw w/elec. motor; Craftsman 12” bandsaw w/air motor; bench grinder w/air motor; Dayton 24” floor fan w/air motor; Kennedy 8 drawer tool chest; Ridgid pipe wrenches; IR 1/2” impact; Rockford air drill; Pony pipe clamps; Snap-On 1/2” breaker bar (23” long); 24” bolt cutter; SK 1/2” socket set; hyd. bottle jack; Stewart 12v. animal clippers; misc. hand tools: wrenches, hammers, etc.; digging iron; sledge hammer; wrench sets; scooter; Scotts lawn spreader; wheel barrow; Silent Reel 18” reel mower; Honda EG5000x portable generator; Patriot chipper-shredder w/ 5HP eng.; Craftsman 2450 PSI washer; Werner 8’ fiberglass step ladder; (2) TELL commercial door closers (New).

ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES: Rare U.S. Slicing Machine Co./ Van Berkel mdl. No. 1 hand crank meat slicer w/sharpener (S/N 5121); ci.i furnace kettle; sleigh bells; Stanley drill brace; Irwin auger bit set; runner sleds; Wheeling galv. tub; galv. wash tub; Coleman mdl. 200A Gold Bond lantern; c.i. waffle iron; Royal typewriter; Stoneware crocks; Shellys Candy Toys and other tins; agateware mixing bowls; sad irons; tin lunch box; Purina Dairy Chow and other burlap bags; green jars; coal buckets; wooden fruit boxes; PEZ candy dispensers; Seth Thomas mantle clock w/ porcelain face; Planters Peanut jars collection (w/dates); Mr. Peanut c.i. coin bank; Troutmans, Elizabethville PA half pint milk bottle; John Weidman Winruss truck; Quality Fencing wooden car (1998-20th anniv.); Quality Fencing turkey call (2004); Quality Fencing wooden clock; 12”x18” JD 2 cylinder tin sign; Big Ben alarm clock; S&H green stamps; spice tins; Coca-Cola bottle truck (Buddy L); Early Fisher-Price toys.

FURNITURE & HH GOODS: Sideboard; antique bed frame w/high head board; (12) Ebersol Fiddleback




MIXER DRIVER MIXER DRIVER PT DUMP TRU PT TRU CK DRIVER CK FT w/benefits. Competitive Pay. Call for info at 717-330-9834

CAREGIVERS NEEDED: CNA'S, HHA's & care assistants, make a difference in the life of a senior & put your caregiving experience to work. All shifts available. Visiting Angels at 717-393-3450.

chairs (acorn pattern); Servel LP Fridge; wooden benches; Library table; Hickory rocker; slant top desk; knee hole desk; hutch; book case; wooden high chair; crib; play pen; 2 clothes trees; singer sewing machine w/treadle cabinet; (5) Corningware coffee pots; s.s. tea kettle; asst. glassware; canning jars; Kero/oil lamps; White Mtn. 6 qt. ice cream freezer; ice chests; Tupperware; asst. kitchenwares; steamer/juicer; carpet runners; rubber stampers & card making supplies; and much more.

MAGAZINES - BOOKS: Pathway magazines; Plain Interest; Newspapers (Nickel Mines, 9/11, and others of interest); Scrapbooks w/news clippings; 1904 German Family Bible w/Daniel L. Fisher Fraktur page by Daniel C. Hoke1920; 1923 Unpartheyisches song book w/Joel F. King 1930 book plate; 1927 Lust-Gärtlein w/Elizabeth King 1929 book plate; Maxwell Bible Story Set (10 Books); Fisher books (‘57, ‘72, ‘88); 1957 Sears catalog; Laura Ingalls books; The Life of Uncle Benny; Horse Power; Legendary Farm Tractors; Home at Pleasant Valley Road; Rosanna of the Amish; Bobbsey Twins; Dr. Frau; Childcraft books; Little Golden Books; and more.

AUCTION INFO: Join us for Annie’s downsizing auction. We will begin at 9:00 w/tools, followed by antiques & HH Goods. Meat slicer and spring wagon sell at 10:00. Auction Co. and sellers are not responsible for accidents. Payment Terms: cash, approved check, OR credit card with 3% fee. Auction held in tent. Food stand.


DRIVER/WORKER with experience in landscaping & light tree work. Valid PA DL. Competitive wages. WINDYHILL PROPERTY CARE, 610-857-2169 x1.

HIRING FT DRIVER for local delivery company serving the Amish community. Must have valid license & clean driving record. Some heavy lifting required. $15/hr to start. 717-598-6409

LOOKING FOR A DEPENDABLE PT DRIVER to pickup workers in the Narvon Area. Plus some PT driving over the day. 717-715-3558.

SEEKING RETAIL ASSOCIATE for THE QUILT SHOP at Miller's. Full/Part-time. Flexible Hours. Great perks & benefits. Apply at TESINCPA.COM. 2811 Lincoln Hwy E, Ronks.

Mechanical Trades



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BUYING TOYS & COLLECTIBLES PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA Hours: M-W 8am-4pm, Th.-F by appt. 717-329-8167 • Toys Vintage or Modern, New or Used, Hess Trucks, Barbies, Diecast, Hot Wheels & Matchbox, Action Figures, Models, Trains, Sports Cards/Memorabilia, Movie/Music Memorabilia, Video Games & much more!

Lawn & Garden


REPLACE YOUR ROOF with the best looking and longest lasting material - steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer - up to 50% off installation + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders.) Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1-855-338-4807.


FREE: WILL LEND nice RIDING HORSES & lg. PONIES until June 2025. Call Andy or Bill at 717-394-7865, 412-582-0080.

Machiner y

SHOE REPAIR/MAKING MACHINERY. Auto-Soler Nosecone 12. Champion mod. 55 Outsole Stitcher. Landis mod. 88A Chainstitch McKay Stitcher. Champion Finishmaster mod. FM605-4. Buyer responsible for P/U in Terre Hill. 717-445-0247.


2nd Gen MINI-GOLDENDOODLE PUPS, 1 white M $350. 4 red F w/white markings, $300. Farm raised, 717-284-3990

AKC MINI POODLES, red & white. Vet checked, shots, dewormed, very cute, playful, raised with family, 3F, 4M, $450. 717-654-1075.



UPD shots, dewormed, very nice $395. 717-468-8300.

ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPPIES, shots, dewormed, liver & white, B.8/20. $250. 717-546-9445, Airville


UTD shots/dewormed/vet checked, both parents are big frame dogs raised on farm. 1F, 2M, nice colors. $500. 717-327-5386.

KITTENS FOR SALE, cute, playful, friendly, shots, dewormed, raised with love. Call for info. 484-577-1511.


2M, 1F, various colors, shots, dewormed, vet checked, ready now! 717-285-7445.

Sporting Goods


1 gun or collection - will travel Kinsey’s Outdoors, 717-653-5524


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DINING ROOM TABLE w/leaf and chairs, Denver, PA. 914-221-9346.



NOTICE: It is recommended that you begin your garage or yard sale ad with the town, then street address, dates & times.

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READ YOUR AD THE FIRST WEEK IT APPEARS This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.


A DRYWALL COMPANY Hanging, Finishing & Repairs KENT SAUDER, LLC, 717-989-2069

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by a group of the original members and many new car enthusiasts.

The car club holds two annual shows - one in the spring and another in the fall. This year marks the third time the club is holding the fall event at Honeybrook Gardens, which was formerly the Honey Brook Elementary School. Past car shows were held at Kemper Equipment in Honey Brook.

The club has more than 60 members. Club meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Honey Brook Lions Club, with the exception of December, when the club holds its annual holiday dinner. At the March meeting, the club members nominate and vote on the nonprofit organizations that they will support in the coming year.

During the Christmas holiday season, the club “adopts” several families in the area; the family names are provided by Steeple to People Ministries. The club purchases toys, clothing and gift cards and provides a holiday dinner to each of the families.

“We help around 15 children (representing) three to five families. We get stuff for the kids and the parents and all the fixings of a turkey dinner. All of that is delivered,” Marvin said, adding that the club also makes donations to the HBFP. Marvin, who owns several classic cars, including a 1954 Ford convertible and a 1931 Ford street rod, describes the club as social and charitable. For example, the group regularly takes part in outings such as dinners at local eateries. “(The club) was founded by car enthusiasts, but there is a real focus on the social side,” said Marvin. “We have members that don’t even have (classic) cars. It’s not a requirement. It’s people hanging out and having fun, and we give several thousand dollars a year to charities (in Chester, Berks and Lancaster counties).”

In the event of rain, the car show will be held on Monday, Sept. 30, beginning at 5 p.m. Cancellation information will be posted on the club’s Facebook page on the morning of Sept. 28.

For more information about the club and the car show, visit www.facebook .com/DragginWagons CarClub. Those with questions may email draggin

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