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Golf Event To Aid Hershey High Alumnus
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Hershey High School’s Class of 1979 will hold a fundraiser golf tournament on Saturday, Sept. 25, at Deer Valley Golf Course, 101 Stoudt Road, Hummelstown. Funds raised will help to offset the health care costs faced by a 1981 alumnus who is battling multiple serious health issues.
The tournament is the brainchild of several classmates who golfed together when in town for their 40th high school class reunion. They were inspired to reconnect and play together again before the next reunion, and they also expanded the event, called Another Shot at Deer Valley, to include other players and sponsors in an effort to raise money to help their friend with his medical expenses.
Bruce Cary, committee chairman, noted the goal is to raise $12,000, and the group is well on its way with multiple registrants and sponsors. A registration fee to be a golfer includes 18 holes, use of a cart, lunch, a goodie bag, and chances at prizes for a hole in one, longest drive, and closest-to-the-pin.
Non-golfers are welcome to join alumni for lunch by Lisa’s Café. The cost for lunch will go toward additional alumni facing health concerns and medical costs.
Space is still available for individual golfers or teams, and participants do not need to be Hershey alumni. To register before Friday, Sept. 10, visit www.anothershot79.com.
Golfers at a previous fundraiser tournament included (from left) John Ricci, Bruce Cary, Pat Longnecker, Megan Cook, and Ken Cook.
History Rocks At Haldeman Mansion Program
Lancaster County has a rich geologic history, and Jeri Jones loves to highlight it. He will offer a geologic tour of the Haldeman Mansion property on Saturday, Aug. 21, beginning at 10 a.m. The tour will be held on the grounds of the mansion, 230 Locust Grove Road, Bainbridge.
Jones, who operates Jones Geological Services in Spring Grove, said the program will feature stations set up around the mansion. “I will be talking about several different topics,” he stated. “I’ll talk about the building stone that’s on the mansion, which includes limestone that was quarried on the property.” He will include interactive demonstrations to help attendees identify different types of rock used to build the 18th-century home.
The mansion makes a perfect site for the program, said Jones, who has given multiple talks at the location. “The Haldeman Mansion itself is really neat in terms of geology. It’s located between the oldest rocks and the youngest rocks in Lancaster County,” he said.
Jones will also discuss local geology around the mansion and will highlight the geologic history of the Susquehanna River, which the mansion overlooks. “The river has a fascinating history,” Jones remarked.
His tour will also include information about Samuel Haldeman, who was born in the home in 1812. Haldeman played a significant role in local geology, including discovering skolithos, a type of fossil, in the Chickies Rock area. “He had a vast knowledge of a lot of subjects,” Jones noted, including history and languages. “He’s someone you wish you could have met in person.”
Jones will conclude his tour with an overall view of the geology of Lancaster County as a whole. Although the topic of his tour has a scientific focus, Jones emphasized that the program will appeal to a wide audience. “I’ll be delivering the information in a sense that you don’t have to have any knowledge of geology to enjoy the program,” he explained. “I’ll speak in layman’s terms. It’s a good program for anyone with an interest in history, anyone who enjoys the outdoors or anyone who enjoys science.”
Jones said the program will also be infused with his trademark sense of humor. “I’m famous, or maybe I should say infamous, for my jokes,” he stated. “I want to make it a fun program for everyone.”
For more information or to register for the program, call Elaine Jackson at 717-426-3794 or email her at elainekjackson1936@comcast.net.
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