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Funding will benefit Girls on the Run

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• We strongly suggest you schedule an appointment to donate. Appointments help us improve your donation experience.

• Walk-ins are welcome; however, donors with appointments will be taken first & this may result in a significant waiting time.

• Current CDC recommendations make masking for our donors & staff optional. CPBB will provide masks to anyone who wishes to wear one.

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For appointments & information call: 1-800-771-0059

With aims to combat health disparities and advance fitness and friendships among adolescent girls, Rite Aid Healthy Futures has renewed its partnership with Girls on the Run (GOTR) through a $1 million grant supporting the organization’s continued inclusion, diversity, equity and access (IDEA) work. The announcement comes as local GOTR councils prepare for their end-of-season 5Ks.

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GOTR’s experience-based curriculum integrates running to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident. The organization currently operates 171 local councils across the United States and Canada, serving nearly 200,000 girls annually.

The recent funding marks the third year of partnership between GOTR and Rite Aid Healthy Futures, the public charity affiliated with Rite Aid. The grant supports the two organizations’ shared commitment to strengthening and empowering local communities.

The $1 million grant will benefit the GOTR headquarters as well as the 50 local councils in Healthy Futures’ f ootprint, with funding f ocused on the continued development of GOTR’s IDEA program. In particular, GOTR is focused on reaching girls from underserved communities, promoting a culture of inclusion across the organization, building a culturally competent curriculum and increasing local resources in key communities.

Local councils will use the funds to diversify their coaching staff, increase program access for girls of color and further enhance programming that acknowledges the needs and realities of their communities. Funds will also


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