Hempfield alumnus featured in national photography exhibition
According to Emmett
Orgass, there is a peculiar and intangible experience shared by every human being on the planet. Orgass, an avid photographer and a native of Landisville who now resides in Seattle, said he believes a mysterious veneer lies between each individual and strangers around them. Although the process of breaching this barrier may seem daunting, Orgass claims that it’s well worth the effort.
“It feels like you have to break the bubble of surface tension before you can connect with strangers,” Orgass said. “The process is stressful, but it’s joyful. We all experience it, but we don’t have the words to talk about it.”
Orgass explores the concept of
barriers between strangers in an ongoing series that is more experimental than his previous work. Through thoughtfully crafted photo shoots and avant-garde techniques, Orgass weaves the subjects of his work into images that are as surreal as the phenomenon that inspired them. “Shared Territory,” one of Orgass’ photos from the series, was selected among 47 other pieces to be featured in Photographic Center Northwest’s 26th annual juried exhibition, “Being Present.” The exhibition opened on June 27, and it was curated from more than 2,500 submissions from artists around the globe. Orgass won second place for his work, which will remain on display until the exhibition closes on Sunday, Aug. 11.
Orgass drew inspiration for
“Shared Territory” and the other photos in his series from his experience moving across the country and exploring an unfamiliar city. Orgass moved to Seattle in February 2022, and he said his recent work is informed by feelings of isolation and confusion that he experienced as he braved a new frontier.
After graduating from Hempfield High School in 2017, Orgass moved to Clinton, N.Y., to study at Hamilton University. Although Orgass is now a prolific photographer with an expansive portfolio, he only discovered his calling to the camera four years ago as he studied abroad in Chile. Orgass said his mother convinced him to bring his camera on the trip, and he discovered a love for photography that continued to grow after the trip was cut short
See Photographer pg 5

Hempfield School District’s boys’ and girls’ basketball booster clubs will host their 11th annual golf tournament fundraiser on Friday, Aug. 2, at Crossgates Golf Club, 1 Crossland Pass, Millersville. The rain-or-shine event will include dinner, various challenges and chances to win prizes, and proceeds will benefit both the boys’ and girls’ basketball program.
The cost of registration will include access to a golf cart, a goodie bag, tickets for prize drawings, refreshments and a dinner buffet provided by Trio Bar and Grill. Players may register as a single golfer or as a team of four players. Registration may be completed in advance by mailing in a physical form prior to Friday, July 26, and walk-in registration will be available on the day of the tournament as space allows. To print a preregistration form, visit https://tinyurl.com/
Compass Mark wants to be an ideological lightning rod and a guiding light in the community. The nonprofit approaches its mission through three guiding principles - “follow the science,” “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and “the sooner the better.”
The ultimate goal is to manage and curb addiction or control the behavioral part of it that can be controlled.
“Compass Mark can help you get to where you want to go in life; we can keep you on the right path,” said Teri Miller-Landon, Compass Mark’s director of programs.
“There’s so much science out there on what leads kids to addiction. We’re not preaching abstinence. We’re trying to delay use as much as possible. We’re teaching them

Mentors and members of Compass Mark’s Leaders of Future Generations program, which seeks to develop skills in students who exhibit leadership abilities, stand beneath a billboard they designed for DUI Council of Lancaster County’s alcohol awareness program.

We are excited to Welcome

Dr. Reed Mask

Community since 1977

Compass Mark
to make other choices and to connect with people in healthy ways.”
Headquartered at 1891 Santa Barbara Drive, Suite 104, Lancaster, Compass Mark attempts to reach children in kindergarten through grade 12 before alcohol, drugs and gambling do. It drives its message home through workshops, skill-building, student assistance programs and good old-fashioned communication and interaction.
Last school year, Compass Mark connected with 8,000 kids in 66 schools from 28 school districts in Lancaster, Lebanon and Chester counties.
“Before I came here, I didn’t know what prevention was,” said Tim Steffen, director of development and communications at Compass Mark. “We want to make clear how prevention works. We’re actually saving lives. For every dollar spent on pre -
vention, you’re saving $18 in the future. You’re saving taxpayers by nipping it in the bud.”
Some of the factors that put kids at risk for addiction include low commitment toward school, parental attitudes favorable toward antisocial behavior, low perceived risk of drug use and low neighborhood attachment.
“For kids 13 or younger who use any kind of substance, they have a 70% chance to develop an addiction in seven years,” said Miller-Landon. “We use data to know what’s going on in our community. It’s things we need to target as we design our programs. It’s much, much easier to prevent bad habits from starting than to try and change them. That’s much of the thinking. Sometimes substance abuse can lead to contact with the criminal justice system and a criminal record.”
Overseen by a board of directors, Compass Mark employs 20 full-time workers and about 20 part-time staff members, all trained to deliver the curriculum.
“A lot of people are skeptical about prevention,” said Miller-Landon. “But prevention works. It’s about talking to kids often and talking to kids early. When kids are younger, they’re sponges. They just soak it in. They’re at an age when they still think (adults) know what they’re talking about.”
Compass Mark was founded in 1966 as the National Council for Alcoholism, Lancaster County. Then the organization’s scope was broadened in the 1970s and ’80s to include a focus on preventing illegal drug use, and later gambling.
“We’ve evolved with the community,” said Steffen. For additional information on Compass Mark, go to www.compassmark.org.
Beef Summer Field Day planned
The Pennsylvania Cattlemen’s Association will host the annual Beef Summer Field Day on Saturday, Aug. 10, at Wen-Crest Farms, 549 Schaeffer Road, Lebanon, to help beef producers learn more about their industry. Arrival and registration will run from 8 to 8:30 a.m., and the last seminar will begin at 1 p.m.
The field day will begin with a presentation by Ron Gill, professor and extension livestock specialist from Texas A&M University. Gill, who will speak on “Stockmanship and Stewardship,” has won multiple awards in the beef industry education sector and specializes in lowstress livestock handling.
Next on the docket will be Derrell Peele from Oklahoma State University, who will give the presentation “Cattle Markets and Outlook.” An agricultural economics professor and extension specialist for livestock marketing, Peele works in all areas of livestock production economics and marketing for all beef cattle production sectors. Additionally, he works in the area of international cattle and beef trade and has particular

expertise in the Mexican cattle and beef industry.
Several beef-related organizations will give updates at lunch, including a Washington, D.C., update from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA).
After lunch, Dr. Mitch Blanding, director of beef technical services with Zoetis, will discuss “Managing Cattle Health in High Markets.” A native of Kansas, Blanding holds a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree and a Master of Science in ruminant nutrition/physiology.
Before joining Zoetis in 2003, he spent 10 years as a beef and equine practi -
tioner in central Missouri and eastern Kansas.
The Beef Summer Field Day is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Cattlemen’s Association with support from the PA Beef Producers Working Group and NCBA.
To make reservations, email pca@pacattlemen. org or call 717-825-9824.
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Enthusiasm for fossils, minerals to be displayed at extravaganza
Chris Haefner understands Mother Earth. He appreciates the precious gems hidden just beneath her surface. And he wants to pass on his acquired expertise to others.
It’s that spirit that led Chris and his wife, Catherine, to found the Lancaster County Fossil and Mineral Club (LCFMC) and in turn LCFMC’s annual Christmas in July Fossil and Mineral Extravaganza.
“(Fossils and minerals) represent our world and life on Earth from when it began to now,” said Chris. “People are fascinated with precious gems because they’re beautiful and valuable. Generally, people know about (fossils and minerals); our culture is everywhere. Some people like it because it’s grassroots. I think it’s more relevant now than it ever was.”
This year’s Christmas in July Fossil and Mineral Extravaganza will be conducted in three rooms at Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, July 27, and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 28. Attendees will be afforded an opportunity to peruse and purchase
up to 10,000 unique fossils, minerals, crystals and jewelry from 40 licensed dealers.
An admission fee will be charged, and the Paradise Lions Club will make refreshments available.
“It’s families with kids who are interested in paleontology and geology,” said Chris of the expected visitors that day. “It’s an enthusiastic crowd of people who come, and then you have the camaraderie. It’s a very lively atmosphere. People anticipate it every year. This is our forte; this is what we do. There’s a whole stream of history people don’t know because it’s not taught in schools.”
The fossil and mineral extravaganza will also feature a mine tour where kids bearing flashlights can find mineral samples. Youngsters may also appreciate interactive adventures in a geology learning center. The activities are designed for fun, but it should be noted that learning could occur.
Also on display at the show will be a rare fossil specimen of Hylonomus Iyelli, believed to be the world’s first reptile. In addition, the show will include a light-refracturing demonstration by a scientist and a presentation by a tinsmith.

Nearly 1,000 visitors are expected to attend the extravaganza over its two days. Proceeds from the event will go toward LCFMC’s operating expenses and activities.
After first being introduced at the Solanco Fairgrounds in Quarryville, LCFMC’s Christmas in July Fossil and Mineral Extravaganza moved to Farm and Home Center four years ago.
“(LCFMC is) a very noble thing to be involved in,” said Chris. “When you’re part of a club, new ideas will spring from it. We get to meet other clubs and other club’s people. If you like minerals and fossils, there’s nothing like it. It’s not like going to a museum and looking at what someone else found. You found it.”
Textbook translated into Chinese has local connections
A 654-page medical textbook used in China, “A Comprehensive Guide to Geriatric Rehabilitation, 3rd Edition,” has significant roots in Lancaster County. More than a dozen medical providers connected to the county wrote 25% of the book’s chapters. Combined, these practitioners have provided care to hundreds of thousands of southcentral Pennsylvania residents.
Dr. Tim Kauffman, a native of Lancaster County, was the lead editor of this internationally acclaimed book. After graduating from McCaskey High School, Gettysburg College, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Medical College of Virginia and serving in the Army, he started his physical therapy office in Lancaster in 1981.
Dr. Michael Moran, pro-
fessor emeritus from Misericordia University, Dallas, Pa., was a co-editor of the text. He lives in Lancaster.
Dr. Ron Scott, another co-editor, was the director of the physical therapy program at Lebanon Valley College.
Dr. John Barr, the fourth co-editor, is a professor emeritus from St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa. Both he and Scott sent students to Lancaster to train at Kauffman Physical Therapy.
Contributors from Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health include Dr. Christine Stabler, medical director of women’s health for Lancaster General Hospital, as well as Dr. M. Clive Perry, who works in radiology.
Dr. Beth Kauffman, who now treats patients

at HARTZ Physical Therapy, and Ben Kauffman, physical therapy assistant, wrote about aquatic (water) therapy. They studied in China years ago. Beth is a board-certified geriatric clinical specialist, and she and Tim teach a “Better Bones,

Chris and Catherine Haefner founded LCFMC in 2013, and the club initially involved 12 members. Today, LCFMC’s membership numbers 130 fossil and mineral aficionados.
LCFMC meets on the last Thursday of every month at Trinity Reformed United Church of Christ, 450 W. Main St., Mountville.
For additional information on LCFMC, search for “Lancaster County Fossil and Mineral Club” on Facebook.

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Check-in will begin at 11:30 a.m., during which time players will receive hole and cart assignments, as well as tickets for prize drawings. The tournament will kick off with a shotgun start at 1 p.m., and the event will wrap up after dinner and an awards ceremony at 5:30 p.m. During the ceremony, cash prizes will be given to players in first, second and third places. Contest winners will receive additional prizes for putting, closest to the pin, the longest drive and the straightest drive.
The funds raised by the golf tournament will support the booster clubs for Hempfield’s boys’ and girls’ basketball teams, which team up every year to coordinate the event. The proceeds from the tournament help both organizations cover the cost of league participation fees and travel expenses when competing outside the school district. The booster clubs also use the
funds to purchase equipment for student-athletes and to offer team-building activities such as guest speaker events and team meals.
“It’s our largest fundraiser of the year, and the community has been very supportive,” said Danny Walck, head coach of the boys’ basketball team. “I think it goes across the board in our school district; our community as a whole is very giving, and it stands behind our student-athletes in every sport.” Walck added that in addition to individuals who participate in the tournament and purchase sponsorships, the booster clubs have enjoyed the consistent support of local businesses such as Caruso’s and Silver Spring Restaurant, which donate gift cards and other items for prize drawings.
For more information, contact Walck at danny _walck@hempfieldsd.org or the girls’ booster club at hempfieldgirlsbball@gmail. com.
from pg 3
Preschool opens registration

Trinity Preschool, 2340 State St., East Petersburg, has opened registration for the 2024-25 school year. The school is open to students ages 2 to 5.
Class offerings include Tiny Tots for 2-year-old children, a two-day-perweek class for 3-year-old children, and three-day or four-day classes for 4and 5-year-old children. Enrichment Class and Lunch Bunch are optional
extensions to the day.
The preschool aims to offer a thriving community where children learn, grow, and explore through play experiences designed by caring professionals.
For more information, contact the director at preschool@trinityeastpete. org. Community members may also call the church at 717-569-1632 and leave a message.

Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. | PO Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 TOWNLIVELY.COM

Better Balance” class at the Grandview and St. Matthew Lutheran churches. The classes are open to the public.
Dr. Michelle Bolton teaches at the Lancaster County Career & Technology Center (CTC) and provides physical therapy instruction online to patients and students.
Rich Mower, physical therapist assistant, was a professor at Central Penn College and now gives individual instruction in strength training, fitness, and health in Lancaster.
with her parents.
Similarly, Dr. Kristin Von Nieda grew up locally, attending Ephrata High School and Millersville University. Von Nieda taught at Arcadia University, Glenside.
“A Comprehensive Guide to Geriatric Rehabilitation, 3rd Edition” represents the combined wisdom of 95 contributors from 12 countries. Dr. Hao Liu chose this book to be translated to
Chinese because he thought it is the best text about geriatric rehabilitation. Liu is the director of the physical therapy program at Louisiana State University in New Orleans. The release of the book was delayed because of the pandemic. The Chinese version was copyrighted in 2023, with copies released in America this year. The second edition was translated into Portuguese and is used around the world.

Mary Ann Wharton, who holds a Master of Science in physical therapy, retired from St. Francis University, Loretto, and now resides in Lancaster County. Additionally, she is involved in professional organizations in Pennsylvania and nationally.
Dr. Christi Stewart treated patients at Geriatric Associates, Lancaster General Hospital, but has relocated to Roanoke, Va., where she continues providing geriatric and palliative care.
Dr. Emily Germain-Lee, formerly at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore and now at UConn Health, Farmington, Conn., spent time in her formative years in Lancaster

due to the coronavirus pandemic. “We evacuated from Chile and I was back in Lancaster, but one thing I did was try to keep taking photos,” Orgass said. “It’s a good way to make the world seem a little less scary and to feel closer to the people around you.”
Orgass’ photography gradually evolved beyond pictures of his friends to collaborative projects with musicians, and the camera lens eventually became a vehicle he uses to explore the world around him.
Shortly after moving to Seattle, Orgass frequented local concert venues and dive bars where bands were playing, and he recalled being distracted by the lighting, movement and
Gillingham receives academic recognition
Jackson Gillingham of East Petersburg was among more than 6,500 students who received degrees from the University of Iowa in May. He was a student in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and received a Bachelor of Arts in political science.
Gillingham was also named to the dean’s list for the spring semester at the University of Iowa.
Degree-seeking undergraduate students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences were eligible for the dean’s list if they achieved a grade-point average (GPA) of 3.50 or greater on 12 semester hours or more of University of Iowa graded coursework during the semester and had no semester hours of incomplete or no grade reported.
Back-to-School Event planned
The 13th annual Backto-School Event will take place at the Stormers’ home stadium, 650 N. Prince St., Lancaster, on Sunday, Aug. 18. The event is sponsored by Rep. Mike Sturla and Rep. Ismail Smith-Wade-El.
community activities. Information will be available on state programs and services for children.
U.S.Coin & Currency Auction
Preview 8:00 A.M. • Auction 10:00 A.M.
Farm & Home Center, Lancaster, PA 1383 Arcadia Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601
energy of those environments. Over the course of five months, Orgass became more comfortable shooting in the music scene, and he began to cover shows as both a writer and a photographer for local music publication Ballard Vox.
To view more of Orgass’ work, visit www.35mmett. photo.

Registration will run from noon to 2:30 p.m., with festivities continuing until 4 p.m. and ending with free admission to the Stormers’ game at 5 p.m. Children will have the opportunity to receive a free haircut and enjoy music, food, games, and
This event is open to kindergarten through eighth-grade students who live in the School District of Lancaster, Manheim Township School District, Hempfield School District, and Penn Manor School District areas.
Preregistration is required by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 12, at www. pahouse.com/Sturla/Back ToSchool. For more information, call 717-295-3157.
Veterans invited to join in hike
The Lancaster Vet Center Hiking Group will host hikes from 2:30 to 4 p.m. on Fridays starting July 26. The activities will take place on the flat, easy
2.3-mile Lancaster Junction Recreation Trail, 99 Champ Blvd., Manheim.
For more information, call the Lancaster Vet Center at 717-283-0735.
(Manheim Pike exit off of RT. 30, or RT. 283 onto 72 South towards Lancaster ¼ mile turn left on Steel Way; this will take you right into the Farm & Home Center.)
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7,000 G&W trailer for cars (needs work); 3 point 6’ stone rake; 4 wheel pony cart; welder; parts washer, and much more. AUTOMOBILES: 1978 MG Midget w/65,507 miles (overall nice condition, runs & drives); 1992 Alfa Romeo V64S sedan w/158,855 miles; Franks #52 Bug Eye Sprite race car w/many special engine parts and holds the track record at Watkins Glenn in 1969; Austin Healey Sprite, blue with right hand drive and hard top (ran when parked in barn in 1978); FVT Austin Healey Sprite black, good floor and body (most parts available); FVT complete car (runs and most missing parts available); AN5L-FVT with good body from the ground up, rebuild black, most parts available; MK II Sprite race car, was in the PA Hill Climb competition and picture on AACA cover; 1992 Alfa Romera 164S (stored the past 20 years and needs a clutch and timing belt); 1968 Triumph Herald GA1699LDL (engine disassembled); 1974 MGB for restoration or parts, wire wheels, no bumpers, has complete drive train – G23N096287 PARTS & MISC: 240Z engine, transmission and differential, lots and lots of MG parts including engine parts, body parts and everything in between; welder, tire changer, aluminum and wooden extension ladders; horse show boxes; PVC chairs; concrete jockey statue; lots of hardware and misc. tools, and much, much more. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Come check out this unique auction. There is something here for everyone. Frank used to race MG cars and collected cars and parts for the last 40+ years. Every car part you can think of is probably here.
CONDITIONS BY: Frank Troxell FOR PHOTOS VISIT: www.shirksauctions.com or www.auctionzip.com



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PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a Generac Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 5-Year warranty with qualifying purchase* Call 1-855-948-6176 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move.
PROFESSIONAL LAWN SERVICE: Fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration & mosquito control. Call now for a free quote. Ask about our first application special! 1833-606-6777
REPLACE YOUR ROOF w/the best looking & longest lasting material steel from Erie Metal Roofs! 3 styles & multiple colors available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer up to 50% off install + Additional 10% off install (military, health & 1st responders.) 1-833-370-1234.
SAFE STEP. North America's #1 Walk-in tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Topof-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1,600 Off - limited time! Financing available. 1-855-417-1306.
WATER DAMAGE CLEANUP: A small amount of water can cause major damage to your home. Our trusted professionals dry out wet areas & repair to protect your family & your home value! Call 24/7: 1888-872-2809. Have zip code!
WESLEY FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019. Get free info package & learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. 1-833-308-1971.
COAL/WOOD/PELLET STOVES & Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/Sell/Trade. Call 717-577-6640
FOUND AN ITEM? Place a FREE 15 word ad in your local issue to locate the owner of your found item. 1-800-428-4211
This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.
Hanging, Finishing & Repairs KENT SAUDER, LLC Text/Call: 717-989-2069
Roof & siding repair, painting, kitchen & bath remodeling, decks, no job too odd or too small, references, insured. PA031727. Call Mike Spinello, 717-464-5466
Honest pricing w/25 yrs. exp.! Fully ins. Tree pruning/removal • Stump grinding. FREE ESTIMATES! Call: 717-598-9857
Attics • Basements • Junk Removal Great prices! 717-205-6067
Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301
Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102
BUSHES PROFESSIONALLY TRIMMED & pruned. Hedges, shrubbery, ornamental plants aesthetically maintained. No job too small. Spring clean-up, mulching, light landscaping. 717-405- 8733
CHIMNEY FALLING APART! WALLS NEED REPOINTED on Your HOUSE, BUILDING or BARN! WE CAN HELP YOU! WE CAN HELP Fix Your Bricks, LLC Fix Your Bricks, LLC Danny, Danny, 717-342-9039 717-342-9039 | Lic. & Ins.

ELIMINATE GUTTER CLEANING forever! LeafFilter, The most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. Plus 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-791-1626
EXPERIENCED HANDYMAN,PAINTER, Plumbing, Electrical, Carpentry, Decks. Insured. 717-324-3335 Text or Call Matt.
GARDENING, CLEAN UPS, MOWING, BUSH TRIMMING, MULCHING, ETC. Call Craig at 717-342-4217 www.craigslancasterlawncare.com
GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Additions, Siding, Replacement Windows & Doors. 15 Yrs Exp. Sylvan Miller - 717-468-2693
HANDYMAN: Painting. Power Washing. Land/Hardscaping. Spring Clean Ups, Gutters/Guards, Decks, Roofing. Mailboxes. 717-419-9855. PA047811
HARDWOOD FLOOR REFINISHING & INSTALLATION Since 1996. Affordable. Superb work. Licensed. woodfloor.simdif.com 717-468-1164
HAULING, JUNK REMOVAL. Bsmts, sheds, garages cleaned out. Tree brush. Odd jobs. We also move people. Free est. Visa/MC/ Disc/AmEx. 717-456-6051; 410-688-7569 CRASS HAULING
Removal of black stains off roof & exterior cleaning. 717-424-8504
JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 8/25/24). Call 1-844826-2535
Basements, garages, attics, appliances. Five Star Property Service, 717-278-1030
PAINTING By Triple P Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. FREE ESTIMATES, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089
PAINTING DONE RIGHT Interiors. Exteriors. Detailed clean custom painting services. Res/Com. Refs. PA126393. 717-286-5464
Residential & Small business. Affordable rates (Average $30 hr.) Other related services available. 717-604-3013
CLEANING: Residential & Commercial, 25 yrs. exp., Affordable Rates. Reliable Serv. 717-715-9347 lv. msg.
CLOCK REPAIR - TRAGER 717-786-7053
Affordable Prices • Free Estimates Call 717-283-7764 or www.bosscrete.net
DO GENERAL HAULING - Construction Clean up, Also Buildings, Basements, Yards, Odd Jobs. Call 717-392-7855
DRYWALL & PLASTER REPAIR, warr. work; Prompt, clean, neat, prof. Satisfaction guar. 717-951-5077, MasterPlaster.
Master Electrician. Panel/Service upgrades 100/200 amp. Repairs, lights, receptacles, fans, electrical heat, mini split heatpumps. Ins. Free est. PA030435, 717-371-1392
We use modern pruning techniques for the health & safety of your trees & shrubs. Certified arborist on staff. Also removals, storm damage, & yard cleanup. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)
SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.
STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391.
Free estimates. Insured. Call or text Mitzel’s Stump Grinding 717-858-9347
STUMP GRINDING SERVICES 717-989-7938, leave message.
Removal & Trimming. Firewood for sale. Delivery options available. 717-786-7080

VAN’S TREES VAN’S TREES: Shrub, Tree trimming. Mulching, Gardening. SP Senior Rates. Insured. 717-393-7729
WE FIX and SERVICE SMALL ENGINES. Complete services on Lawn mowers, etc. Pickup Available ► Call or text Dan 717-201-5741 ◄
WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844887-5145 (PA017137).
ALWAYS BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
BUYING CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@yahoo.com
CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
DONATE YOUR CAR, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today!
GET A BREAK on your taxes! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-320-2804 today!
TRAMPOLINE WANTED in good condition, can disassemble and haul away, 717-625-4802
WANTED! MOTORCYCLES & MINI BIKES! ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@yahoo.com

Bible History Exhibits to close
The Bible History Exhibits, 2827 Lincoln Highway East, Ronks, will close at the end of July. The exhibits may generally be viewed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays to Saturdays until July 27.

Visitors will be able to take home free items, such as rocks and fossils, sand, benches, cinder blocks, glass sheets, and a full-size replica of a first-century tomb. The curators are also selling all of the exhibits and display cases. Exhibit
topics include the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Shroud of Turin, Old and New Testament discoveries, old Bibles, and dinosaurs. The curators hope to sell all the exhibits to an organization that can continue to display them. Proceeds from the sale will go to the Institute for Biblical and Scientific Studies, a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that sponsored the Bible History Exhibits. For more information, call 215-205-2617.

ANGLICAN ALL SAINTS CHURCH: Meeting at Church of the Apostles, 1850 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603. 9:30 AM Sunday Service. Father James Johnson. For more info: 717-381-9573. allsaintsanglicanlancaster.org
BREAKOUT MINISTRIES: Senior Pastors Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: www.breakoutministries.org or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366

CHIQUES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Doug Paglia, Pastor. Worship Service at 9-10 am Youth & Children’s Sunday School: 9-10 am. Refreshments & Fellowship: 10-10:30 am. Adult Sunday School at 10:30-11:30 am. Nursery Provided, Handicapped Accessible. For more information, call: 717-653-5175.
CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES: “Inclusive Refuge – Compassionate Justice –Environmental Advocacy.” 1850 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, 17603. Rev. Kathryn Kuhn, Sr. Pastor. Sunday Worship: In-person at 10am (Combined Worship Service) followed by 11am Social Hour. Services also available by phone (888-440-0106) or online at www.apostlesucc.org
COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: Welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, & Reach Out with us! 331 Anderson Ferry Rd (off Rt. 441 on Rt. 772), Marietta, PA 17547, 717-426-1345, cbcpa.org. Service times are Sundays at 9:00 & 10:45am. The Livestream service is at 10:45am at cbcpa.org.

FAITH BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 151 Donnerville Rd., Lancaster (one block south of Columbia Avenue). Pastor: Keith M. Long. 8:45 am Sunday School (with nursery and classes for children, youth and adults); 10:15 a.m. SundayWorship Service (with nursery and children’s church). Wed.: 6:30 p.m. AWANA Clubs (K6); Wed.: 6:30 pm Youth Group 717-285-1900. www.faithbfc.com
HABECKER MENNONITE CHURCH: A growing intercultural church that loves God, its neighbors and the world. Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am. Located at 451 Habecker Church Rd., Lancaster, PA. Active youth group. All are Welcome! Website: habeckerchurch.com
ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH: A Reconciling in Christ (Open & Affirming Congregation). Located at 700 Pleasure Rd.Lancaster. Robin Fero, Pastor. In-person worship: Sat. 5 pm & Sun. 10 am. Online Worship at www.stmatthewelc.com For more info, call (717) 394-9607, or visit our web site.
TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 2340 State St., East Petersburg. Rev. Dr. Christopher Rankin, Pastor. Phone: (717) 569-1632. Summer Sunday Schedule:7:45 am Holy Communion; 9:30 am Worship with Holy Communion twice a month. Online service is available by visiting www.trinityeastpete.org “Catch the Vision, Share the Joy!”
WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 600 Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (near Hempfield High School). Wayside enjoys one combined Summer Sunday Worship Service @ 10am w/contemporary & traditional elements. Family Ministry at the same hour for nursery, children, and youth ages. Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. For more info, visit www.waysidepc.org or (717) 898-1551.
ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH/ LANDISVILLE: 85 East Brandt Blvd. 717-898-2911; adminzelc@comcast.net In-person worship at 9am. Live-stream link can be found at zionhempfield.net under the worship tab and on the Zion Lutheran Hempfield Facebook page. Adult Sunday School in-person at 10:15am. Pastor Timothy Seitz-Brown.
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533