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Schedule a free fitness assessment with our training staff to determine your starting point for setting attainable fitness goals. This is an important first step toward success! To schedule, contact SimonAbabou@lititzrec.com or call 717-626-5096 ext. 239.

Individual Personal Training -

Work one-on-one with our certified personal training staff to get started safely in a fitness routine, effectively change your work-out, or conquer a challenge together. Schedule sessions to fit your lifestyle. 717-626-5096, ext 239

Book multiple sessions and save!

Group Personal Training -

Gather a group of up to 3 people to train together, motivate, and challenge one another! simonababou@lititzrec.com to schedule.

*single session, 3 sessions, 5, 8, or up to 12 sessions can be booked

Pre & Post Rehab Training

Certified trainers will help you develop a safe and reasonable recovery plan to bounce back after injury or surgery. Coordination with Physical Therapists for proper progression for your return to strength. Contact SimonAbabou@lititzrec.com or call 717-626-5096, ext. 239 for more info or to schedule an appt.

Personal Nutrition Counseling

Work with a registered Dietician to create a plan for healthy eating and follow up with weekly progress sessions.

1 hr: $60 member $70 nonmember

30 min: $40 member $50 nonmember

Seeking Family Nutrition Counseling?

Work with our dietician to build a plan for your household for healthy transitions.

1 hr member: $75 per family 1 hr nonmember: $85 per family

Specialty Fitness Programs

Fall Session I: Sept 4 - Oct 29

Fall Session II: Oct 30 - Dec 24

Kickboxing Club

Tues 7-8pm OR Thurs • 6-7pm

Boxing for weight loss & management and stress relief. Stimulate every muscle group as you punch and kick your way through a customized work-out. Train for cardiovascular endurance, coordination, balance, speed and agility.

$55 member $80 nonmember *Bring your own gloves!

Tues AND Thurs (2x per week) $85 member $110 nonmembers

Rock Steady Boxing (for Parkinson’s Recovery)

Level 1-2: Mon & Wed • 11am -Noon

Level 3-4: Mon & Wed • 12:30-1:30pm

All levels: Fri • 11am -Noon

Fuel your fight with Parkinson’s, get a great workout, improve quality of life, build power, strength, flexibility and speed. Contact Erica, fitness@lititzrec.com for a free consult or call 717-626-5096 ext. 225

Monthly fee: $68 member $80 nonmember

PWR! Moves for Parkinson’s

Tues & Thurs 4-5pm

Functional fitness challenges to combat progressive loss of flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination. Motivational targeted group fitness with certified instructor.

Member $100 monthly

Nonmember $110 monthly

Adaptive Fit & Fun

Thurs 5:30-6:30pm

Join friends to explore fitness fun designed with special needs in mind! Instructed by certified Special Ed teacher. Targeted to persons 16+ or older desiring a special needs environment.

$55 member $85 nonmember

Revo-2-lution Running Treadmill Training

Tues • 7-7:45pm

Improve endurance, speed, and aerobic power with a scientificallydesigned running workout on our treadmills. Led by certified trainer and diehard runner Travis Hess. $50 member $75 nonmember

Running & Triathlon Club

Mon • 6-7pm

A supportive training club for seasoned competitors and new athletes seeking to improve speed, endurance, form in a safe manner. Build your confidence with our experienced coaches, trainers and competitors

Monthly Fee: $40 members $80 nonmembers

Strength & Stroll

Tues/Thurs • 9:30am

Indoor stroller walking and customized workouts for caregivers with tots in tow! Pack your stroller and come inside.

FREE for members $90 nonmembers


Tues • 6-7pm Using exercise drumsticks, a drumming workout mixing cardio and strength training.

Power Yoga

Sun • 10-10:45am

53 poses designed to increase strength, flexibility, mental clarity, and endurance. Find mind and body connections and expect to sweat through a full-body workout!

Gentle Yoga

Wed • 9:45-10:45am Center yourself in a combo class with standing postures for strengthening and lengthening muscles and floor work for restorative postures.

Vinyasa Yoga

Mon • 6-7pm Power Yoga focusing on physical movement, meditation, and self inquiry. Adapted for any fitness level.


Level 1 Thurs • 7-8pm

Level 2 Wed • 6:45-7:45pm

Sept 12-Oct 30 or Oct 31-Dec 18

Hustle, swing, cha-cha, and rumba your way through summer! Learn fun, basic, social dance steps and confidently navigate dance floors at receptions, cruises, or other social gatherings.

$90/couple member $105/couple nonmember

Ready to Help You Home!

1770 Oregon Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 717.569.8701 o ce • 443.471.6319 cell ashley@k ingswayrealty.com k ingswayrealty.com

Ashley Glinka REALTOR®

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