Lancaster County Cruisers to host annual show
BY ADRIAN ESCHENWALDLancaster County Cruisers (LCC) will hold the group’s 24th annual car show at the Willow Street Fire Company, 2901 Willow Street Pike, on Saturday, July 6. The rain-or-shine event will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., and it will double as a celebration of the Willow Street Fire Company’s 100th anniversary and the first collaboration between the two organizations.
The show will feature sleek rides and snazzy automobiles of any make, model and year. LCC members and motorheads from all parts of Lancaster County are invited to participate in the event after making a suggested donation, and no preregistration will be required. Dash plaques will be offered to the first 200 attendees
to register a vehicle.
Refreshments will be available to purchase from several food trucks, and live music will be provided by DJ Jeff Primaldi. The car show will also feature various door prizes that will include items donated by local businesses.
Members of the Willow Street Fire Company will hold additional prize drawings throughout the day. Guests are encouraged to bring a nonperishable food item to the event to benefit Willow Street Church’s food pantry. Every year, LCC donates a portion of funds raised by the car show to Solanco Neighborhood Ministries in Quarryville to help sustain its many community services programs and food bank.
The 2024 LCC car show will feature a special appearance from a famous (and furry) fire

Sure, it’s hearty. Sure, it’s delicious. Sure, it’s a great way to start a day.
But for the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), it’s a vehicle, a means to an end, a propellor to take flight.
EAA Chapter 540, which is hangared at Smoketown Airport, is hosting another one of its popular breakfasts. Not only are the breakfasts fundraisers, but they’re also the association’s
only money makers, which make them vitally important to the organization’s cause.
“We want people to come join us for breakfast,” said Doug McGinnis, president of EAA Chapter 540. “The breakfast is primarily a fundraiser, but it could also be seen as a way to get the community aware of our activities. We want people to be aware of who we are. A lot of people are interested in aviation but aren’t aware of our chapter. We also engage our
BY ANN MEAD ASHStart with the New Holland Band playing traditional July Fourth tunes. Sprinkle with the melodic voices of Perfect Harmony. Blend in aerial displays provided by Schaefer Fireworks, and you will have a recipe for the first Celebrate America! event


Rotary Club honors Students of the Month
Bennett Wehibe, a senior at Lampeter-Strasburg High School (LSHS), and Cael Ulmer, a senior at Penn Manor High School (PMHS), have been selected as Lancaster South Rotary Club’s Students of the Month for May. Bennett and Cael were presented to the club by Ben Feeney and Doug Eby, LSHS and PMHS principals, respectively. Students of the Month are selected on the basis of academic excellence as well as school and community service.
Bennett is the son of Steve Wehibe and Cathy Edmonds of Lancaster. He is vice president of the STEM Club and a member of the National Honor Society, the Chief Science Officer Program, High School Heroes, MiniTHON, Student Council, the concert band, and Link Crew. He was listed on the distinguished honor roll and was named a Burrowes Scholar for Math, an AP Scholar with Honor, a Pioneer Superlative winner, and a Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Ambassador. During high school, he has participated in basketball and soccer.
In the community, Bennett is a part of the MLS Academy through PA Classics, participating in year-round competition. He is also a coach for The Outreach Program for Soccer (TOPSoccer), a soccer referee, and a floor volunteer at the Lancaster Science Factory. He plays the guitar in his church’s praise band.
Bennett plans to attend Cornell University to study engineering, with a concentration on mechatronics or robotics, and play soccer.
Cael is the son of Kevin and Gail Ulmer of Millersville. He has earned a Student of the Month award all four years at PMHS. In addition, he is a member of National Honor Society, Comet Nation, the varsity ice hockey team, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He has demonstrated his school spirit as a Comet Boy at events during the school year.

BIA announces Parade of Homes
The Building Industry Association of Lancaster County (BIA) has announced the annual virtual and in-person Parade of Homes. The event opened on June 15 and will continue on Wednesday, June 19, through Sunday, June 23. Tour hours are weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m. and weekends from noon to 6 p.m.
Sponsored by Fulton Bank and UGI Utilities and presented by BIA, the Lancaster/Lebanon Parade of Homes is a free public event that opens new homes for in-person and virtual tours.
This year’s parade features 22 single-family homes, duplexes and remodeling projects from 13 different builders, ranging in price from $499,999 to over $1 million. Participants may visit 19 of the 22 homes in person and/or all the homes virtually utilizing 3D technology, providing a room-by-room view of each home’s innovative designs and details.
Detailed information on all of the home entries is available at
The ParadeSmart app is an additional feature that provides home details, directions and customizable routes. After downloading the app from their app store, users should select the BIA Parade of Homes.
The Parade of Homes Guidebooks with the same information is available at the BIA office, 204 Butler Ave., Lancaster, and copies of the book were mailed to more than 100,000 Lancaster and Lebanon County households.
The 2024 Parade of Homes showcases more than $17 million in new home construction and remodeling in Lancaster and Lebanon counties, incorporating the latest in design, decorating and
trends, including smart home technology. This year’s featured trends include a first-floor owner’s suite, flexible living space, neighborhood amenities, smart features and a 55 and up community. Each trend is assigned an icon with the home’s listing in the guidebook and website to help people find the features they are looking for.
Other elements in select homes include hidden storage solutions and flex rooms; a secondary, prep kitchen with a sink, dishwasher,
See Parade pg 8
Car show from
safety advocate. Members of LCC will operate a booth to offer information on the club, which is open to members of the public who are interested in joining, whether they own a vehicle or not. The club will offer interested attendees more information on its regular meeting times and location.
“We like to look at cars people have fixed up and are proud of,” said LCC president Don Teeter. “We’re not into taking points away if there’s a speck of mud on the rim or a tire that doesn’t match; it gives the little guy a chance.”
This year, the car show will be held in memory of former LCC vice president and event organizer Jack Parke, who died in March 2024. In addi-
tion to the traditional trophies given to vehicle owners every year, Parke’s partner, Carol Farmer, will select the recipient of the first Jack Parke Memorial Trophy. For more information about LCC, search “Lancaster County Cruisers” on Facebook.

Street, 17584) 717-464-5683 Pastor: The Rev. Maureen L. Seifried Worship w/Holy Communion: Saturday Eve. 6 pm & Sunday 9:30 am. Livestreaming Visit:
BETHEL CHURCH: 3716 Main Street, Conestoga. Sunday worship at 10:15 AM. Pastoral Team: Kevin Kumher and Jake Farnham. For more information, call 717872-6755.
BREAKOUT MINISTRIES: Senior Pastors Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF STRASBURG : 101 South Decatur Street, Strasburg. Services: Traditional 8:30am., Contemporary 11am., Sunday School 10am. Nursery Care available., 717-687-6030
GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH OF MILLERSVILLE 121 Walnut Hill Rd., Millersville. Sunday Worship at 8:30 am & 10:30 am. Phone: 717-872-4581
LOW STREET: 212 Peach Bottom Rd., Willow Street. Pastor- Mike Sigman. Weekend Worship: 6pm Saturday, Contemporary; Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. Traditional; 9:15am & 11am Contemporary. Sunday Schl from infant-5th grade, meets simultaneously with 9:15 am & 11am Worship Services. GCC Young Adults - Tues. 7 pm. Youth Ministry- Wed. 6:30 pm . Numerous Small Groups. 717-464-5333
Grave Concern sets meeting
Grave Concern will hold a quarterly meeting with a program on Wednesday, June 19, at 7 p.m. The meeting will take place at Mennonite Life, 2215 Millstream Road, Lancaster.
Researcher and genealogist James C. Landis will discuss the cemeteries
of Marietta and western Lancaster County in a presentation titled “Marietta RIP - Resting in Pieces.”
The meeting is free and open to the public. Grave Concern is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the history, preservation, and restoration of historical burial places.
Fulton Bank donates to YMCA of the Roses
Fulton Bank, a subsidiary of Fulton Financial Corporation, recently presented a $10,000 donation to the YMCA of the Roses. The donation was made as part of the Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program.

The donation aligns with Fulton Bank’s Fulton
Forward initiative, which focuses on building vibrant communities with programs, products and services

LAMPETER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1101 Village Rd. Lampeter. Join us to worship our Lord during our in-person worship on Sundays at 8am (traditional service) & 10:30am (contemporary service). The 10am service is also livestreamed on our Facebook page. Sunday School for all ages at 9:10 am Ph: 717-464-4161 John Smith, Pastor E-mail: Visit us online:
CHURCH: 1241 May Post Office Rd., Quarryville, (5 mi. South of Strasburg, 3 mi. North of 372). Rev. Margaret Rohnacher, Pastor. Sunday worship service 9:30 am. Limited handicap accessibility. 717-786-7565
Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277
PROVIDENCE CHURCH: 269 Cinder Road, New Providence. 717-786-5580. Family Worship Services at 9:00 & 10:45 AM led by Pastor Dwight Lefever. Handicapped Access. Visit us online at for more information and church updates. Livestreamed services during both worship hours.
REFTON BIC CHURCH: 110 Church St., Refton, Scott MacFeat, Jr. Lead, Pastor. Sunday Worship 10-11:15 am. We offer LIVESTREAM services via YouTube, search “Refton Church”. Student Ministry: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm. Clothing Room: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm. Rental Space available. Visit for more info. 717-806-5812.
Robert Fulton Hwy., Peach Bottom. Senior Pastors Mark & Pam Couch Join us on Sundays @ 10:15 AM For more info, call 717-955-0183.
WILLOW STREET UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 2723 Willow Street Pk., Willow Street. Pastor: Rev. Dr. Zachary C. Wooten. For more information: 717464-3462 or
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only.
(Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)
For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

youth to become part of our program.”
EAA Chapter 540’s Amish-style French toast all-you-can-eat breakfast will be served on Saturday, June 22, from 8 to 11 a.m. at Smoketown Airport, 311 Airport Drive, Smoketown. Including the scrumptious headliner, the breakfast will also feature pancakes, eggs, sausage, potatoes, orange juice and coffee.
“We don’t have a huge budget,” said McGinnis. “We probably need $3,000 or $4,000 a year to stay afloat. All the funds are used for chapter operations, things like hangar rental, buying parts for the restoration project, our scholarship work. We’d like to get into additional projects.”
Typically, 150 to 200 people show up for the breakfasts, a total which could realize about $1,800 for EAA Chapter 540.
“Our mission is for likeminded people to learn about aviation, how to build airplanes and aviation safety,” said McGinnis, who’s been a licensed pilot for two years. “It’s to bring aviation enthusiasts together and to enjoy aviation activities. You don’t have to be a pilot to join, but we do have pilots in the organization.”
Based in Oshkosh, Wis.,
EAA is a national organization whose mission is to promote aviation, airplanes and everything flight related. The Smoketown chapter consists of 50 members.
“We come from all walks of life, doctors, blue-collar workers, retired people, young people,” said McGinnis. “The common thread is a passion for aviation. It’s a pretty broad cross-section brought together by our interest and a desire to learn. We want to learn from what other people have done. We want to be a community.”
In addition to its fundraising efforts and scholarship work, EAA sponsors a Young Eagles program designed to get youths interested in aviation. It is also currently working on the complete restoration of a 1947 Aeronca Chief fourseater plane.
“Building an airplane is a massive undertaking,” said McGinnis. “It was donated by a member, and we disassembled it to the bare bones. We’re now putting it back together. We’ve been working on it for about a year and a half, and we probably have another year to complete it.”
The Smoketown chapter of EAA has been in existence for about 10

years now.
“When a plane is taking off down the runway, we all go look at it,” said McGinnis of the EAA membership. “There’s something about an airplane taking flight and leaving the ground. What you see when you’re
flying is just amazing. You’re separated from the ground.”
For additional information about the Smoketown chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association, go to https://chapters.eaa .org/eaa540.
Women’s club sets meeting

The Lancaster Christian Women’s Club will hold a “Women and Wellness” luncheon meeting at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 10, at Casa di Fiori at The Inn at Leola Village, 38 Deborah Drive, Leola. Doors will open at 11 a.m.
The program will feature therapist, author, and health enthusiast
Jana Leigh Sheaffer, plus vendors displaying wellness products. Lynette
Wigglesworth will share the life story message “Finding Peace and Purpose in a Perplexing World.”
All women are invited to attend. There is a cost per person. Reservations and payments are required by Wednesday, June 26. Those registering are asked to note the names of their guests and others they wish to sit with. For more details and reservations, call 717-799-0088.

Paradise Station
with a variety of food trucks on-site, including those selling coffee, pretzels, and ice cream. Wine and beer will be available for purchase from the Barn Bistro, and yard games will be arranged on the grounds of the venue for attendees to enjoy.
The music of the concert is designed to be a celebration of God and the blessings of American independence. The New Holland Band performance will begin at 7:30 p.m. Fred Hughes, who recently became the director of the New Holland Band, said that the twohour concert will feature Perfect Harmony singing with the group. Perfect Harmony is a vocal trio featuring Kat Prickett, Sarah Poague, and Ric Zimmerman. “I have taken (Perfect Harmony’s) big patriotic numbers and scored the band to accompany them,” Hughes said. “(Members of Perfect Harmony) will also sing solo
from pg 1
spots on (Great) American Songbook tunes, and the band will do some special numbers featuring sections of the band.”
Hughes noted that some Broadway tunes will be mixed into the presentation, leading up to the “1812 Overture,” which will accompany the beginning of the fireworks at dusk. After the fireworks come in at the appropriate time during the “1812 Overture,” the band will present a variety of wellknown numbers such as “The Stars and Stripes Forever,” “You’re a Grand Old Flag,” and “God Bless America,” along with a few marches.
The rain date for the event will be Saturday, July 6.
Sponsorship opportunities for the event are available. A freewill offering will be received to help defray costs. Readers who would like more information may call 717-687-5000, ext. 118.

Michael and Mindy Rottmund of Lancaster have announced the engagement of their daughter, Michelle Rottmund of Gilbertsville, to Colin Hunsicker of Gilbertsville.
The bride-elect graduated from Lampeter-Strasburg High School in 2006 and Arizona State University in 2023. She served in the Navy from 2006 to 2014 and is employed by Air Methods in Media.
The groom-to-be is the son of Dennis Hunsicker of Royersford and the late Christina Miller. He graduated from Boyertown Area High School in 2008 and Ursinus College in 2012,

and he received a Master of Business Administration from The Citadel in 2022. He is employed by JeffSTAT at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Lansdale.
A summer 2025 wedding is planned.
Fulton Bank
focused on four key areas: affordable housing and home ownership, job training and workforce development, financial education and economic empowerment, and diver-

from pg 4
sity, equity and inclusion. Organizations seeking funding from Fulton Bank can visit for more information, including gift criteria.

North Museum joins Museums for All program
Through a partnership with Museums for All, families or persons who hold an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or Pennsylvania EBT ACCESS card will now receive free admission to the North

Museum of Nature and Science.
See Museums pg 8

Museums for All is a national program that encourages families of all backgrounds to visit museums and build lifelong learning experiences by offering low- or no-cost admission to museums and cultural centers for people who receive food assistance benefits. More
than 1,000 U.S. institutions participate in the program, which is an initiative of the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Association of Children’s Museums.
EBT, SNAP, and ACCESS cardholders must present their cards in order for them and their family
members to receive free admission to the museum’s exhibits, permanent collections, and live animal room. The museum’s planetarium shows are available for a reduced admission price. Now in its 72nd year, the North Museum impacts thousands of local students and their families

annually through its education initiatives in the museum, in the community, and at home. Programs include field trips, early childhood education programs, summer camps, STEM Sisters, the Science and Engineering Fair for middle and high school students, and many other educational programs designed to create access to free and reduced-cost STEM learning opportunities and strengthen the foundation of youths in the Lancaster community and beyond.
microwave and beverage fridge; primary baths with freestanding soaker tubs and tile showers; a twostory family room with double chandeliers and a wall of windows; stone and shiplap fireplaces; coffered and tray ceilings; quartz countertops with oversized islands; wood beam-cased openings at the foyer; matte black appliances; interior and exterior statement lighting; and hardwood staircases with open stringers and high-contrast metal stair railings.
The homes were judged by a panel of building and industry experts, with
Paradise/Gordonville Area
Tuesday, July 9 at 5:30 P.M. 17 Cherry Hill Road, Paradise, PA 17562

lot surrounded by farmland, this property has public sewer and an onsite well. With annual taxes of $4,010.00, this home offers both comfort and convenience.
AUCTIONEER NOTE: Property is being sold to settle an estate. Come prepared to buy!
OPEN HOUSE DATES: Saturday, June 22 at 1-3pm & Monday, July 1 at 5-7pm or call seller for an appointment Contact Ronnie Pfahler 717-406-4727
TERMS: $25,000 down day of sale Settlement within 60 days.

awards presented at the annual Parade of Homes Gala on June 14. Homes were classified into divisions by price and judged with other homes in the same price division using a numerical scoring system, with awards for Best of Show, Kitchen, Bath, Interior Design, Exterior and Decorated. The top-scoring single-family and duplex homes each receive the Fulton Bank Award. Winners will be announced on the aforementioned Parade of Homes website.
The Building Industry Association of Lancaster County is a nonprofit organization of home builders and firms that service the building industry. The association represents nearly 300 members who do business in Lancaster County. When building or remodeling, residents may call 717-569-2674 or visit www.LancasterBuilders .org for a free listing of contractors in the area.
scan this code for more local news


TUESDAY, JUNE 25 • 6:00 P.M.

DIRECTIONS: On Rt. 30, just West of the
Barracks, where Rt. 30 & Rt. 462 split.
LISTING: A valuable tract of 2.19-acres surrounded by high-density development. Includes a 2.5-story Victorian style brick house w/ 3-bedrooms and an old chicken layer-house. House provided nice income; has on-site well & septic; no furnace (elec. heaters); slate roof; nice covered porch. 2-car detached garage w/ storage addition. Old 2-level chicken house has good base, but the roof is collapsing. This property has townhouses on two and a half sides, desirable CV School District; recent survey; 138’ road frontage on Rt. 30 and a super rare opportunity for potential development (single family, semi-detached, townhouses). Please visit our website (Lancaster Area)

Vehicle, Boat, Tractors, Lawn & Garden: ‘02 Mazda 313K mi; Case 444 garden tractor; Ingersol blade; Husqvarna YTH1542XP hydro lawn tractor; 14’ alum boat & trailer; Evinrude & other boat motors; Echo several other chain saws; VC woodchipper w/18HP V-Twin engine; (2) 8HP wood chippers; TroyBilt 2200 psi, Campbell Hausfeld & Karcher pressure washers; Troy-Bilt 30”, Craftsman 24” & (4) Toro snow blower; Troy-Bilt & Mantis tillers; several lawn mowers; 10+ string trimmers; Homelite, Stihl & Ryobi leaf blowers; 10+ lawn spreaders; misc lawn rollers; car ramps; alum. & wooden step & ext. ladders; (40+) 5-gal buckets; Char-Broil, Sonome & Perfect Flame gas grills; trash cans; wheelbarrows; vehicle hitches. Tools & Misc: Lg anvil (nice); Dayton 100 amp stick welder; Pittsburgh hand bender; hand sheet metal brake; Shop Smith multi-unit; Craftsman 12” planer; Craftsman 6” jointer; floor model & bench top drill presses; Craftsman 12” bandsaw; radial arm & table saws; tire machine & balancer; 8 HP Briggs generator; Shop-Vac, Craftsman & Rigid vacs; trailer mover; alum & poly truck toolboxes; many sizes elec. motors; several small engines; scroll saws; folding & other saw horses; sewer snake; 100 amp battery charger; wood & metal cut off saws; lots of power tools like compressors, jig & circular saws, belt & palm sanders, drills, grinders, routers; floor, bottle & Handyman jacks; pipe & bar clamps; stands & rollers; several large bench vises; 2 church pews; few boxes flooring; rope & tackle.
Auctioneers Notes: Held in conjunction with the annual 2-day Fairmount barn/garage sale. Selling the larger items from clean/buy outs. All items must go. Be on time, not a large auction. Possible lots more items being added from barn sale. All information deemed to be accurate but not guaranteed.


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WESLEY FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019. Get free info package & learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. 1-833-308-1971.
COAL/WOOD/PELLET STOVES & Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/Sell/Trade. Call 717-577-6640
FOUND AN ITEM? Place a FREE 15 word ad in your local issue to locate the owner of your found item. 1-800-428-4211
A DRYWALL COMPANY Hanging, Finishing & Repairs KENT SAUDER, LLC Text/Call: 717-989-2069
A PLUS SERVICE SPINELLO HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roof & siding repair, painting, kitchen & bath remodeling, decks, no job too odd or too small, references, insured. PA031727. Call Mike Spinello, 717-464-5466
A&L TRIMMING, Interior Trimming, Cabinet Installations, Install New Flooring, Install Replacement Windows. 717-405-9545 Leave Message

DRYWALL & PLASTER REPAIR, warr. work; Prompt, clean, neat, prof. Satisfaction guar. 717-951-5077, MasterPlaster.
LeafFilter, The most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. Plus 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-7911626
GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Additions, Siding, Replacement Windows & Doors. 15 Yrs Exp. Sylvan Miller - 717-468-2693

Grandfather, Wall, & Mantel Clocks Cleaned, Oiled, Repaired. We Make House Calls! Free Pick-up & Delivery 717-454-7925
Residential Specialist. Int. & Ext. Also PLASTERING, Wallpaper Removal, & Custom Staining, 717-871-0110.
PAINTING By Triple P Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. FREE ESTIMATES, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089
PAINTING DONE RIGHT Interiors. Exteriors. Detailed clean custom painting services. Res/Com. Refs. PA126393. 717-286-5464
ROSE CLEANING SERVICES RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Hard working, honest, small business. Weekly, biweekly, monthly. 717-875-1974
SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.
WROUGHT IRON RAILS, Gates, Fences, Stairs, Restore, Sec. Bars, Ext. Painting & Repair. FB Buch Custom Welding & Const. 717-664-4388
ALWAYS BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
BUYING CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-577-8206
BUYING UNWANTED HEATING OIL 40¢/ga. - will pick up. 717-587-7315.
CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
CLEAN 2BR HOMES FOR RENT; Rothsville, Strasburg, Paradise. No pets. Call for details 717-768-8427.

Clean, Repair, Gutter Guards. Property Maint. by Steve. 717-892-7411
HANDYMAN: Painting. Power Washing. Land/Hardscaping. Spring Clean Ups, Gutters/Guards, Decks, Roofing. Mailboxes. 717-419-9855. PA047811
Removal of black stains off roof & exterior cleaning. 717-424-8504
INTERIOR HOME REMODELING Floor Plan Changes • Framing • Drywall Trimming • Painting • Flooring Give us a call Trubuild Construction | 717-869-3204
JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! (Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer.) Offer ends 6/30/24. Call 1-844-826-2535
Basements, garages, attics, appliances. Five Star Property Service, 717-278-1030
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a Super Host! Available to host/run your Airbnb, 717-875-1974
CONRAD’S TREE & LANDSCAPE Commercial • Residential NOW OFFERING FERTILIZATION Free Estimates. Call: 717-872-4907
STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391.
717-989-7938, leave message.
TREE REMOVAL, TRIMMING & STUMP GRINDING. Commercial/Residential. Free Estimates. Call Conrad’s Tree & Landscape Maintenance. 717-872-4907

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EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE We use modern pruning techniques for the health & safety of your trees & shrubs. Certified arborist on staff. Also removals, storm damage, & yard cleanup. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)
DONATE YOUR CAR, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST,FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today!
GET A BREAK on your taxes! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-320-2804 today!
PINBALL MACHINES & ARCADES WANTED. Any condition, working or not. Call Matt: 717-538-9485, thanks.
WANTED! MOTORCYCLES & MINI BIKES! ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206

VAN’S TREES VAN’S TREES: Shrub, Tree trimming. Mulching, Gardening. SP Senior Rates. Insured. 717-393-7729
WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844887-5145 (PA017137).
ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.

ALL HOUSE WASH - 10% OFF • Deck Staining or Painting • UNDER PRESSURE POWER WASHING of LANCASTER | 717-715-5136
ANDY’S DRYWALL Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102
CLOCK REPAIR - TRAGER 717-786-7053
CONCRETE FLOOR COATINGS in DURALAST, EPOXY, METALLICS. We also offer Vinyl plank floor install. TRUFLOORS | 717-687-1300
DAN THE HANDYMAN | PA022116 Basements • Baths & More • Carpentry Plumbing • Electric. Start to Finish REASONABLE RATES, 717-682-8006

Giant announces Healing the Planet grant program

The Giant Company in partnership with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful recently announced the return of its Healing the Planet grant program. This year, $100,000 will be awarded to tax-exempt organizations for tree plantings across Giant’s operating areas in Pennsylvania. Eligible projects must be shovel ready and include tree planting and direct costs relating to tree planting.

The 2024 Healing the Planet grant program will accept applications through Monday, July 1, at www Eligible expenses include trees native to Pennsylvania, equipment, tree signage, tools, and supplies. Preference will be given to applications that aim to plant the highest number of trees. Awardees will be announced in August.

This is the fourth year that the Giant Company has partnered with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful to offer Healing the Planet grants. In the past three years, more than $1.1 million has been awarded to 110 recipients for projects that connected people and families to green spaces, improved or helped to protect local waterways and water resources, and supported projects that addressed food waste prevention, reduction, and recovery.
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful has supported community improvement initiatives and encouraged community leadership, responsibility, and respect for the environment since 1990. Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, a state affiliate of Keep America Beautiful Inc., has more than 30 years of experience in organizing volunteer-driven community improvement events. Visit the aforementioned website for more information on programs or to find local events. Other ways that Giant works to heal the planet include zero-waste initiatives, offsetting emissions, reducing food waste, and producing green energy and plastic reduction efforts. To learn more, visit www our-purpose.