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Manheim Central

Remembering their sacrifice

While many Americans mark Memorial Day with a day off of work, a trip to the pool or a family cookout, the holiday means something deeper. It is a day to honor members of America’s military service who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

That’s the message members of the Manheim Veterans of Foreign Wars Cyrus R. Peters Memorial Post 5956 and its Auxiliary want to convey. The group will organize a parade and hold a memorial service to remember and honor our nation’s fallen on Monday, May 27.

The parade will begin at Manheim’s Veterans Memorial Park by the Manheim Central High School football stadium at 10 a.m. It will process down High Street to the Square, north on Main Street, and then east on Gramby Street back to the park.

After the parade, there will be a service at the new Manheim Veterans Memorial that will include a guest speaker, recitations and music by the Manheim Central High School band as well as a local piper band. The ceremony will conclude with the playing of taps.

Lt. Col. Matthew R. Emerson, commander of the 1st Battalion, 107th Field Artillery Regiment from the Pennsylvania National Guard’s 28th Infantry Division, will be the guest speaker. A

Pennsylvania native and a graduate of Shippensburg University, Emerson served on active duty before joining the Guard and has deployed on missions overseas.

To honor contributions from members of the community and to help keep history alive, a different fallen hero from Manheim is highlighted during every ceremony. This year, Pvt. 1st Class Irvin W. Barto Jr. will be honored. Irvin was killed in action on Feb. 9, 1945, while serving with a U.S. Army tank destroyer unit in Germany.

When selecting the veteran to recognize, VFW members do extensive research. William King, who is the parade marshal and a retired U.S. Army first sergeant, learned that Irvin was one of seven Barto brothers to serve during World War II and the only one who did not return home. He is buried at the Luxembourg American Cemetery in Hamm, Luxembourg.

King said that in the early years of the war, Irvin was employed at the local asbestos factory and probably could have avoided military service because he worked in an essential industry. “But Irvin followed in the footsteps of his five older brothers,” King stated. “I believe that he enlisted out of a sense of duty to his country.”

Although Memorial Day pays tribute to the men and women who died serving in the U.S. armed forces, Craig Fisher, commander of VFW Post 5956 and a

Mt. Hope Nazarene Retirement Community is turning 55, and you’re invited to the party. The nonprofit will host an old-fashioned outdoor picnic from 4:30 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 1. It will take place at 3026 Mt. Hope Home Road, Manheim, and will be held rain or shine.

“We are thrilled again to host an old-fashioned picnic and birthday celebration outside on our campus,” said Kris Wilson, director of advancement at Mt. Hope. “Mt. Hope invites everyone to attend this fun gathering. Everyone from our residents, team members to board members, local businesses and churches, family and friends and neighbors to Mt. Hope are excited to get together for a wonderful time of fellowship and delicious grilled picnic foods.”

The meal will include a choice of grilled cheeseburgers or hot dogs with all the fixings, Mt. Hope’s baked beans and coleslaw, potato chips, cookies and assorted drinks. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs, blankets and favorite yard games. Musical enter-

MC1 POSTMASTER: PLEASE DELIVER MAY 22, 2024 Postal Patron PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. Postage Paid Engle Printing Co MAY 22, 2024 VOL LXV • NO 17 SERVING THE LOCAL COMMUNITIES SINCE 1954 Mt. Hope will mark 55th birthday with picnic, one-day give See Mt. Hope pg 5 See Sacrifice pg 2
Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8-6 Closed Sunday 717-872-9311 R107127 AWESOME SELECTION! Stop in, Treat Your Senses! 400 Long Lane At Marticville Road (Rts. 741 & 324S) 717-872-9311 • ANNUALS • Vincas • Zinnias • Marigolds • Coleus • Caladiums • And 100s More!! • PERENNIALS • Bushes • Roses • And More! MANY Special Prices! Stop In And See!
Gus Person (left), who will lead the piper group providing some of the music at the Memorial Day event, and Craig Fisher, the VFW Post 5956 commander

from pg 1

retired U.S. Army sergeant, noted that it is a meaningful day for all veterans, and it offers a good opportunity for people to honor the service of all past and present military members. He has also extended a special invitation to members of the Barto family to participate in this remembrance of their relative.

In addition to promoting veterans and veteran causes, Manheim’s Cyrus R. Peters Memorial VFW Post 5956 and Auxiliary support Manheim Central sports and education, make donations to local charitable organizations and conduct service projects in the area. For more information, search for the post on Facebook.

Local resident seeks kidney donor

Doug Seaman, a local man with kidney disease, is seeking a kidney donor. Seaman is a 61-year-old resident of East Hanover Township in Dauphin County. Due to the number of people on the transplant list at this time, it may take five or more years to obtain a kidney for transplant, noted Seaman.

For more information about becoming a kidney donor, call UPMC Harrisburg at 717-231-8757 or Hershey Medical Center at 717-531-6092. Individuals may also search for Doug Seaman on Facebook.

Churches post scrapbooking event

Oregon Community United Methodist Church (UMC) and Faith UMC will hold a scrapbooking fundraiser on Saturday, Aug. 10, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The fundraiser will take place at Faith UMC, 1290 Fruitville Pike, Lititz.

For more information and to rent a space with a table, call the church at 717-560-0321. Information will also be posted at

2 - Merchandiser - Manheim Central Edition - May 22, 2024
• Choice Variety Of Cold Cuts • Fresh Produce • Fresh Deli-Made Sandwiches • Milk • Eggs • Chips • Fresh-Baked Apple Dumplings 717-653-0369 408 E. MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY Retail Hours.: Wed. 8-4, Thurs.-Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8am-4pm “Your Ham Headquarters” Prices & availability subject to change. WWW.HUMMERSMEATS.COM R106481 3 Lb. Boneless Sirloin Steaks 3 Lb. Center Cut Pork Chops 2 Lb. Boneless Ham Steaks 1 Lb. Sweet Italian Sausage Grillers 1 Lb. Hot Italian Sausage Grillers 1 Lb. Pepper & Onion Sausage Grillers 5 Lb. Box Lean Beef Patties 3 Lb. Kunzler Grill Franks 3 Lb. Boneless, Skinless Chicken Thighs $129 00 Please allow 24 hr. notice. All bundles wrapped & frozen. No substitutions please. Be ready for the Grill this Summer! MAY SPECIALS Hummer’s - American Owned & Operated GRILLER SAUSAGES $4.29 Lb. Hot Italian, Sweet Italian, Pepper & Onions, Apple Maple, Cheddar, Jalapeño & Cheese, Garlic Great For Steak Sandwiches SIRLOIN CHIPPED STEAK $6.49 Lb. White or Yellow AMERICAN CHEESE $3.89 Lb. Grill-Ready SPLIT CHICKEN HALVES $2.29 Lb. Our Own HAM SALAD $5.99 Lb. Thrill of the Grill HUMMER’S - YOUR GRILLING HEADQUARTERS JUMBO FRANKS 5 Per Lb. $16.99 5 Lb. Pk. GRILL FRANKS 8 Per Lb. $9.99 3 Lb. Pk. GRILL FRANKS 8 Per Lb. $3.49 1 Lb. Pk. BEEF GRILL FRANKS 8 Per Lb. $4.49 1 Lb. Pk. KUNZLER FRANKS Our Own Homemade SPECIALTY PATTIES LEAN BEEF PATTIES Jumbo Steak Burgers • Ham Loaf Patties Bacon Burgers • Jalapeño Patties Veal Patties • Lamb Patties • Turkey Burgers Sausage Patties • Beef & Cheddar Burgers Pepper Bacon Patties • Jumbo Brisket Burgers MOUNT JOY’S HOMETOWN MEATSHOP BANANAS 29¢ Lb. with purchase Fresh Boneless or Bone-In PORK BUTTS Smoked CHIPPED HAM Lean GROUND TURKEY $289 $599 $389 Lb. Lb. Lb. HONOR OUR VETERANS CHECK WEEKLY SPECIALS at @ thecountrystoremtjoy 3140 Mount Joy Rd. Between 283 & Mount Joy Phone: 717-653-2652 HOURS: Mon.-Tues.-Wed. 8:30am-5pm, Thurs. 8:30am-6pm, Fri. 8:30am-7pm Sat. 8:30am-1pm Phone Orders gladly accepted on Deli & Fresh Meat orders & Large Bulk Orders Not responsible for typographical errors. It’s Better From the Country SPECIALS FOR MAY 22-28 CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY SWEET CAJUN SNACK MIX $5.69 Lb M&M’s MILK CHOCOLATE $4.89 Lb STRAWBERRY GELATIN $3.49 Lb BABY CARROTS 1 Lb $1.19 Ea CELERY $1.69 Bunch GALA APPLES 3 Lb $2.69 Ea DELI BULK FOODS & PRODUCE FRESH MEAT DEPARTMENT R107137 DOMESTIC SWISS CHEESE $4.49 Lb FRANKS REGULAR $3.79 1 Lb CHEESE $3.99 1 Lb CHILI CHEESE $3.99 1 Lb HAM SLICES $4.89 Lb HONEY TURKEY BREAST $7.59 Lb PRE-COOKED BABY BACK RIBS $9.39 1 5 Lb (Original or Honey BBQ) SMOKED TAVERN HAM $4.49 Lb WHITE MINI-HORN CHEESE $3.79 Lb OUR OWN 80% LEAN FROZEN BEEF PATTIES 16/3 Oz $14.00 NY STRIP STEAKS Reg $11 49 Lb , SALE $10.59 Lb Fresh Meat Dept Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm, Open 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the Month - Closed Mon. While Supplies Last! (717) 517-4473 In Business Since 1995 R106118 LIFETIME WARRANTY ON ALL VINYL WINDOWS AND DOORS! #PA 032769 $479 INSTALLED! $2,495 INSTALLED! New white vinyl Energy Efficient Double Hung Windows (3 window min) optional ext. capping - addl. charge New white vinyl Energy Efficient Sliding Glass Doors Financing Available BUY 5, GET 1 FREE! 1050 W. Main St., Mount Joy 717.653.2140 3687 Rothsville Rd., Ephrata 717.738.7381 OMELETS, PANCAKES & FRENCH TOAST R107219 OPEN 6AM • 7 DAYS A WEEK Buy 1 Main Entree at Reg. Price, Get 2nd Main Entree of Equal or Lesser Value for Valid Mon.-Thurs. 6-11am. Not valid w/any other offer. With this coupon. Not valid on holidays. Please present coupon when ordering. BREAKFAST DINNER Valid Mon.-Thurs.11-8pm. Only. Not valid w/any other offer. With this coupon. Not valid on holidays. Please present coupon when ordering. I5% OFF 25% OFF Total Breakfast Bill Good Quality Material - But Sold As Secondary Specialising in Surplus & Discount Building Material, Appliances, Flooring & More CALL FOR TRUCKLOAD OPTIONS Surplus & Discounted Building Products 150 Slate Road Ephrata, PA 17522 717-445-5222 DISCOUNT & SURPLUS BUILDING MATERIALS Metal Roofing & Siding • Metal Trim • Fasteners Exterior Doors • Windows • Lumber Plywood & Osb Decking • Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring Paint Fiberglass Batt & Roll Insulation • Iso Board Insulation • Vinyl Siding Fiber Cement Siding • Kitchen Appliances & MUCH MORE METAL ROOFING, R107008 METAL ROOFING, SIDING & LINER Galvalume (Generally 29 Gauge) $1.65 LF $0.55 SQ FT Painted (Generally 29 Gauge, Some Thicker) $2.45 LF $0.82 SQ FT White (G30 or better - 29 Gauge or Thicker) $2.15 LF $0.72 SQ FT Stainless Steel (26 Gauge - 304 Alloy) $3.75 LF $1.25 SQ FT Galvalume (Generally 29 Gauge) $1.65 LF $0.55 SQ FT Painted (Generally 29 Gauge, Some Thicker) $2.45 LF $0.82 SQ FT White (G30 or better - 29 Gauge or Thicker) $2.15 LF $0.72 SQ FT Stainless Steel (26 Gauge - 304 Alloy) $3.75 LF $1.25 SQ FT Gauge) $1.65 LF $0.55 SQ FT Gauge, Some Thicker) $2.45 LF $0.82 SQ FT Gauge or Thicker) $2.15 LF $0.72 SQ FT 304 Alloy) $3.75 LF $1.25 SQ FT FOOD TO GO Every Fri. See Website: THE GATHERING PLACE 6 Pine St., Mount Joy, PA 717-653-5911 R087442
The grave of Irvin W. Barto Jr. at the American cemetery in Luxembourg

CEF to offer summer programs for kids

Children may attend vacation Bible school and 5-Day Clubs through CEF this summer.

Child Evangelism Fellowship of Lancaster County (CEF) is celebrating its 80th year of reaching children with the Good News of Jesus in the local community. Many people are familiar with the after-school Good News Club programs that are held in the public schools, but they may not be aware that CEF also offers summer programs.

Teens and young adults complete a rigorous training program called Christian Youth in Action (CYIA) to serve with the ministry. These young people, along with CEF staff members, devote their summers to sharing the Gospel with children. All workers and

See CEF pg 5 Merchandiser - Manheim Central Edition - May 22, 2024 - 3 2450 W. MAIN ST., EPHRATA, PA 17522 ROUTE 322 IN CLAY • (717) 733-7253 Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat. 8 to 5; Thurs. & Fri. 8 to 9 No Wholesale Orders. While Supplies Last. No Rain Checks. Look For These Sale Items & Many More Items & Many More To Choose From! To From! Stop By For The Week-Long Stop For The Week-Long Anniversar y Sale May 20-25 SALE $ 2.86 SALE $ 1.16 SALE 96¢ SALE $ 10.60 SALE $ 6.86 SALE $ 6.60 SALE $ 1.46 SALE $ 9.60 SALE $ 21.60 SALE $ 11.60 SALE $ 12.60 SALE $ 16.60 SALE $ 5.60 SALE $ 26.60 SALE $ 10.60 SALE $ 14.60 SALE $ 16.60 SALE $ 16.60 SALE $ 17.60 SALE $ 10.60 SALE $ 2.60 SALE $ 12.60 SALE $ 11.60 5 Styles Available 5 Titles Available 6 Titles Available SALE $ 12.60 21 Titles Available R106997 R105934 2015 Horseshoe Pike, Annville • 717-867-5041 Mon., Wed., Fri. 9-5; Tues. & Thurs. 9-7; Sat. 9-4; Closed Sunday & Rock-A-Bye Baby Furniture • Horning’s Furniture, Inc. Family Owned and Operated since 1962 Delivery Available for a fee June 1st thru 8 th 150 Wissler Road Lititz Rt. 322, 2 miles west of Ephrata, left onto Wissler Rd., 1/2 mile on right. 717-940-8465 Open Memorial Day 8-3pm Hours: Mon. to Fri. 8am-8pm Sat. 8am-5pm - Sun. Closed
Planters • Hanging Baskets • Annuals • Vegetable Plants
Herbs R106995 All ads appear online at no additional cost. Reach just your neighborhood or choose a wider geography or call 1-800-428-4211 Monday thru Friday 8:30 to 4:00 for more information. Place your ad a WEEK before your garage sale date PLANNING A GARAGE SALE?
• Perennials •
4 - Merchandiser - Manheim Central Edition - May 22, 2024 BASEBALL Thu.
at Hempfield
playoff) L 10-8 SOFTBALL Sat.
at Warwick (LL playoff) L 7-0 BOYS’ TRACK Sat.
17th at L-L League Championships GIRLS’ TRACK Sat.
at L-L League Championships VOLLEYBALL Thu. 5/9 vs Garden Spot W 3-0 Mon. 5/13 vs Hempfield (LL playoff) W 3-0 Wed. 5/15 vs Warwick (LL final) W 3-1 R107027
5/11 11th
Dylan Musser delivers a jump serve in the Baron’s 3-0 triumph over visiting Garden Spot Thursday, May 9. Manheim Central libero Colin Rohrer sends a pass to the front row in Thursday’s May 9 section clash against visiting Garden Spot. The Barons went on to win 3-0. Reagan Miller dishes up a server during Manheim Central’s 3-0 victory over visiting Garden Spot Thursday, May 9. Manheim Central’s Aaron Enterline cleared 6-4 in the high jump, as did Solanco’s Tucker Kyler, but grabbed the gold medal with fewer misses in the Lancaster-Lebanon League track and field championships held Friday and Saturday, May 10-11 at Hempfield High School. In section play Thursday, May 9, Baron junior Landon Mattice puts down a kill against visiting Garden Spot. Manheim Central’s Reagan Ibach trails Lancaster Mennonite’s Caleigh Vincent in an early lap of the 3200 at the Lancaster-Lebanon League track and field championships held at Hempfield High School May 10-11. photos by Mark Palczewski photo by Mona Steinhauer

tainment will be provided, and proceeds from the picnic will support the residents of Mt. Hope Nazarene Retirement Community.

John and Joyce Wagner, longtime Manheim community residents and former Mt. Hope board members, described Mt. Hope as “one of Lancaster County’s best-kept secrets,” said John, whose mother was a resident at the community for almost 27 years until she died at age 104. “Mt Hope (makes) it a priority to take care of those who need financial assistance as well as physical care, and that’s why their mission statement is ‘to minister to the least of these,’” John stated.

Mt. Hope is currently in the midst of a capital campaign to build new cottages


from pg 3

hosts of clubs must complete several required background checks to ensure the safety of all children.

This summer, CEF is partnering with four churches that will host vacation Bible school (VBS) with the theme “One Way.” VBS will be held on Mondays to Fridays. The program is open to children ages 5 to 12, and it will include Bible lessons, missionary stories, games, Christ-centered songs, crafts, and Bible verse memorization.

VBS programs will be held from July 8 to 12 from 9 a.m. to noon at Grace Baptist Church, 1899 Marietta Ave., Lancaster; from July 15 to 19 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Mountville Mennonite Church, 205 Froelich Ave., Mountville; from July 29 to Aug. 2 from 9 a.m. to noon at Proclamation Presbyterian Church, 598 Kraybill Road, Mount Joy; and from July 29 to Aug. 2 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Crossings Community Church, 8 S. Erisman Road, Manheim.

In addition to VBS, 5-Day Club programs will be available at locations throughout the county. These 90-minute clubs will be held on Mondays to Fridays and are open to children ages 5 to 12. They will include Bible lessons, creative learning activities, missionary stories, songs, Scripture memorization, and games.

The 5-Day Clubs will take place from July 15 to 19

on the campus and continue its mission of serving seniors and people with disabilities. Proceeds from the picnic as well as the second annual Love Mt. Hope Giving Day will benefit Mt. Hope. The one-day give will be held on Sunday, June 2.

“(This is) a chance to pay it forward and together, we can change lives,” Wilson explained, noting that donations will impact both current and future residents. “(We) encourage people to help us reach our one-day goal of $20,000.”

She encourages people to come to the picnic for a day of fellowship while also learning about Mt. Hope.

“It’s a nice time to enjoy the scenery and the peaceful outdoors with wildlife and beautifully landscaped grounds,” she said. “This is

also a welcome invitation for anyone who wants to see where we are located, hear about who we are, the work we do and hear about our exciting new cottage building plans, view architectural renderings of the proposed new cottages and simply relax in the rolling farmlands of Manheim. You’re invited to come join us for this fun picnic with

great food and fellowship.”

To reserve a meal or for more information about donating to support Mt. Hope, contact Wilson at advancement@ or 717-682-8026. There is a minimum suggested donation for each meal. Donations for the one-day give may be made at www.

See CEF pg 6

from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Landisville Camp Meeting, 201 Church St., Landisville; from July 15 to 19 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at River’s Edge Fellowship, 420 S. Christian St., Lancaster; from July 22

at 9 A.M.

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TOWNLIVELY.COM MAIL NEWS TO: Merchandiser Editor PO Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 Merchandiser - Manheim Central Edition - May 22, 2024 - 5 R107186 717-665-7809 ALL SPECIALS WHILE SUPPLIES LAST OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Mon.-Thur. 8:00AM-5:30PM Fri. 8:00AM- 6:30PM Sat. 8:00AM-4:00PM 347 Rife Run Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities. John F. Martin Cajun Crab Dip Lb. $4.99 John F. Martin Pork or Turkey Barbecue 16 Oz. $4.49 Herr's Potato Chips 8 Oz. 2/$5 Nabisco Triscuits, Wheat Thins, Sociables, Chicken in a Biscuit 7.5-8.5 Oz. 2/$7 Cheez-its 9-12.4 Oz. 2/$7 LaYogurt 6 Oz. 10/$7 Penn Dutch Noodles 12 Oz. 3/$6 Florida's Natural Orange Juice 52 Oz. 2/$7 Hood Ice Cream 48 Oz. $3.39 On-Cor Entrees - Salisbury Steak, Lasagna w/Meat, Chicken Parmesan 26-28 Oz. 2/$7 Local Homegrown Strawberries! Western Ambrosia Apples Lb. 99¢ Firm Green Peppers Lb. 99¢ Lemons 4/$1.25 Celery Hearts Ea. 99¢ Baby Bella Mushrooms 8 Oz. 2/$5 Florida Fresh Dug Red Potatoes 5 Lb. Bag $3.99 Swiss Premium Teas and Fruit Drinks Gallons 2/$5 John F. Martin Ring Bologna All Flavors 16 Oz.$4.49 Ea. John F. Martin Reg., Cheese or Jalapeno Onion Cheese Franks 16 Oz.$3.49 Ea. Walnut Creek Presliced White American Cheese $2.39 Lb. $2.99 Lb. 5 Lb. Block Walnut Creek Off The Bone Honey Ham $3.79 Lb. Fresh-Cut Boneless New York Strip Steaks 2 Pack$9.49 Lb. Red Ripe Strawberries 16 Oz. 2/$6 Sweet Crisp Seedless Green Grapes $2.79 Lb. Sweet Baby Carrots 2/$2.2916 Oz. HILLTOP ACRES FARM MARKET MAY 22-28 Sign up for emails Scan QR or call John F. Martin White Colby Longhorn Cheese Lb. $3.79 John F. Martin Provolone Cheese Lb. $3.69 John F. Martin Oven Roasted Chicken Breast Lb. $5.29 Kunzler Minced Bologna or Cooked Salami Lb. $4.39 Giordano Roast Beef Lb. $6.99 Golden Legacy Smoked Turkey Breast Lb. $5.39 Our Own Strawberry Tapioca Lb. $4.89 Our Own Ham Salad Lb. $5.19 Our Own Shredded Potato Salad Lb. $3.69 FRESH PRODUCE Open Memorial Day Till Noon Get BETTER Outcomes & Recover QUICKER! Move Better. Ranked HARTZ Physical Therapy 93 Doe Run Road, Manheim | 717.844.6500 | Appointments Available Within 24 - 48 HOURS! Physican Referral NOT Needed. Your Pre & Post Joint Replacement PT Experts R106124
presented, or planned by area organizations and institutions. Related photographs of good quality are encouraged also, but complete picture identification must be included. Undated articles of general interest are used as space permits. All articles must contain a contact name and telephone number.
Noon Thursday
Regional community news and events
Manheim Central
Mt. Hope from pg 1
People enjoy a previous picnic at Mt. Hope.

to 26 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. at Christ the King Church, 2249 Marietta Ave., Lancaster; from July 22 to 26 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Breakout Ministries, 2400 Anita Court, Leola; from July 29 to Aug. 2 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at St. Paul’s Evangelical Congregational Church, 2120 Main St., Lititz; and from Aug. 5 to 9 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Bethel Evangelical Congregational Church, 3716 Main St., Conestoga.

All VBS and 5-Day Club programs are free of charge, but registration is required at

CEF will offer additional 5-Day Club locations hosted by screened, private residents with background clearances. To learn more, call the CEF office at 717-569-5412.

For more information, visit the aforementioned website.

Church to host gospel singer

Jim Worthing will present gospel music on Sunday, May 26, at Bethel Baptist Church, 532 Lebanon Road, Manheim, at 10:30 a.m.

Worthing has sung professionally for his entire adult life. In a career spanning more than four decades, he has performed for millions of people in 48 states, Canada, the Bahamas, Germany, and Switzerland. Prior to his solo career, Worthing sang with two national award-winning groups, Re-Creation and the Cumberland Boys.

Jim Worthing

scan this code for more local news

6 - Merchandiser - Manheim Central Edition - May 22, 2024 Items May Be Past “Best Buy” Date. 322 GENERAL STORE CALL TO ORDER 717-449-4802 *Prices & Availability Subject to Change One Week from Publication or While Supplies Last. Payment Expected On Delivery. (CASE LOT SALES ONLY) DELIVERY ONLY! R107091 FREE DELIVERY $75 OR MORE $200 Order Receive FREE Snacks $300 Receives 2 FREE Snacks Whole Turkey Breast 7 lb avg 99¢ lb Smoked Sliced Pork Roll (fully cooked) 4/3 lb 99¢ lb Sliced Smoked Ham 4 5 lb $1.49 lb Smoked Cooked Hot Ham 20 lb 18¢ lb Peppered Cooked Ham 30 lb 29¢ lb Sliced Bacon 15 lb $2.49 lb Bacon Ends & Pieces 4/5 lb 99¢ lb Fresh Boned Hog Sausage Tube 2/5 lb 99¢ lb Hot Dogs 2/5 lb $1.49 lb Pork Sausage Patties (fully cooked) 12 lb $1.49 lb Italian Sausage Crumbles 3/4 lb $1.49 lb Pepperoni Ends & Pieces 20 lb $1.49 lb White Castle Cheeseburger Sliders 96/1 83 oz 25¢ ea Ground Beef 2/10 lb $2.99 lb Pepperoni Pizza Hot Pockets 48/4 5 oz 75¢ ea Battered Shrimp 10 lb $2.49 lb Salmon Chunks 10 lb 99¢ lb Fish Sticks 20 lb $2.49 lb Nice Fish Filets 12/12 oz $1.49 lb Raw Honey in Glass Jars 12/30 oz $4.50 ea Land O Lakes Clarified Butter Blend 2/8 lb $1.69 lb Land O Lakes Salted Butter 6 lb $3.49 lb OR $2.99 lb when you buy 36 pounds or more!! Longhorn Cheese 13 lb $2.99 lb Shredded Cheddar Cheese 4/5 lb $2.49 lb Mozzarella String Cheese 9/36 oz $1.79 lb Shredded Mozzarella Cheese 6/5 lb $1.99 lb Sliced Mozzarella Cheese 12/6 56 oz $1.99 lb Yogurt Cups $3.99 cs Yogurt Quarts 6/32 oz $5.99 cs Cinnamon Squares Cereal 12/10 oz 99¢ ea Waffle Crisp Cereal 10/11 5 oz 99¢ ea Hellmann’s Real Mayo 12/15 oz $1.79 ea Ground Coffee 22 lb 75¢ lb Creamy Peanut Butter 6/4 lb $1.49 lb Golden Vanilla Sandwich Cookies 12/14 3 oz 50¢ ea Roasted Pecan Halves 3/2 lb $2.99 lb Yellow Corn Tortilla Chips 24 lb 49¢ lb All Purpose Flour 8/5 lb 49¢ lb Unsweetened Applesauce Pouches 24/3 2 oz 25¢ ea Hot Dog Buns 24/2 4 oz $4.00 cs Unsalted Butter Quarters 18/1 lb $2.99 lb 2727 27 Engage in life R106747 Call 717-653-6300 today for a hearing evaluation and free consultation. Put Our Ads To Work For You! Call 717-492-2526 Merchandiser | Advertiser Pennysaver | Community Courier { { Thank you very much for the quick work! I already got my first call from the ad a couple days after first debuting in the Courier! Steve M. Frank, CPA
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“Our Version of a Room with a View”




Horseshoe Pike • Annville East Of Campbelltown (Rt. 322) (717) 867-1744


Clock museum extends exhibit

The National Watch & Clock Museum has extended its special exhibit “S-Town Exquisite Clocks” to run three more months due to continued public interest. Home to a large collection of clocks, watches, and horological artifacts, the National Watch & Clock Museum is exhibiting examples that showcase the talent of John B. McLemore, the focus of the acclaimed podcast “S-Town” from the makers of “Serial” and “This American Life.” The exhibit will be on display through Wednesday, July 31.

More than just the inspiration for the “S-Town” podcast - which attracted millions of listeners when it broadcast in 2017McLemore was a highly

accomplished clockmaker who restored fine clocks. He was particular about the way that he worked and carefully replicated historical methods to ensure the accuracy of his work.

His commitment to that accuracy may well have cost McLemore his life, as he used fire-gilding to apply gold to his clocks. The old method produces good results, but it relies on melting mercury with gold and produces extremely toxic mercury vapors.

The National Watch & Clock Museum houses approximately 13,000 timepieces. The museum is run by the nonprofit National Association of Watch & Clock Collectors Inc., whose nearly 10,000

See Clock pg 12

Public Auctions

MAC UPRIGHT AIR COMPRESSOR; Midtronics GR-1 Battery Charger; Midtronics CXC-7300 Battery Charger; Honda EM500S Gen.; WATERLOO MECHANIC’S TOOL CABINET; Craftsman Mechanic’s

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String Trimmer; Wheelbarrow; Many Garden Tools. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS – Cast-Iron Butcher Kettle w/Tripod; Other Kettles & Frying Pans; Copper Apple Butter Kettle; Brass Bucket; Stoneware Crocks & Jugs;


WEDS. MAY 29, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 1976 Sterling Place, Lancaster, PA 17601


Auction For: David R. Creamer Est.


8 - Merchandiser - Manheim Central Edition - May 22, 2024
more details
Downsizing? Have Questions? 717-664-5238 877-599-8894 HESSAUCTIONGROUP.COM R107145 AY000253L for
& photos of all of these great properties!
ONLINE ONLY AUCTIONS 768 Graystone Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 Online Only Auctions Every Week! Furniture, Antiques & Collectibles, Specialty Auctions and More! Be Sure to Visit for more!
MAY 23, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 310 Fairview Dr. Lititz, PA 17543 3 BEDROOM BRICK RANCH LITITZ HOME – 0.41 Acres – Warwick SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Washchysion Sisters NEW SALE DATE: WEDS. JUNE 12, 2024 6pm Real Estate 523 Pumping Station Rd. Kirkwood, PA 17536 10.3 ACRE SOLANCO/STRASBURG AREA RESTORED FARMHOUSE – Solanco SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. JUNE 1, 10AM-12PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Kathleen & Brian Cunfer
Real Estate 64
– Manheim Central SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Rubye Barto MON. JUNE 17, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 118 Columbia Ave. Mount Joy, PA 17552 4 BEDROOM MOUNT JOY HOME – 0.17 Acres – Donegal SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. JUNE 8, 1PM-3PM & TUES. JUNE 11, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Ruth Frey Est. TUES. JUNE 18, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 7 Meadowbrook Ln. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 CHARMING 4 BEDROOM ELIZABETHTOWN HOME – 0.75 Acres – Elizabethtown Area SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. JUNE 8, 10AM-12PM & MON. JUNE 10, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Virginia E. Hukill WEDS. JUNE 19, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 520 Hedgerow Ln. Lancaster, PA 17601 WELL-LOCATED 3 BEDROOM MANHEIM TWP. HOME – 0.31 Acres – Manheim Township SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. JUNE 8, 1-3PM & MON. JUNE 10, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Charles Shultz SAT. JUNE 22, 2024 – 9am Personal Property / 12pm Real Estate 128 Center Ave. Terre Hill, PA 17519 WELL-MAINTAINED 3 BEDROOM RANCH HOME –0.49 Acres – Easter Lancaster County SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. JUNE 8, 1PM-3PM & TUES. JUNE 11, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Doris Weidner Estate SAT. JUNE 22, 2024 – 10am Real Estate 225 N. Mount Joy St. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 3 BEDROOM ELIZABETHTOWN RANCH HOME – 0.22 Acres – Elizabethtown Area SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. JUNE 8, 10AM-12PM & MON. JUNE 10, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Kathleen Geib TUES. JUNE 25, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 1416 Picket Dr. Lancaster, PA 17601 WELL-LOCATED 3 BEDROOM MANHEIM TWP. HOME – 0.116 Acres – Hempfield SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. JUNE 15, 10AM-12PM & MON. JUNE 17, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Estate of Sara Buckwalter WEDS. JUNE 26, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 755 Centerville Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 WELL-LOCATED EAST HEMPFIELD MULTI-UNIT – 0.90 Acres – Hempfield SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. JUNE 15, 10AM-12PM, MON. JUNE 17, 5PM-6:30PM & FRI. JUNE 21, 5-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Craig Shaubach WEDS. JUNE 12, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 102 S. State St. Leola (Brownstown) PA 17540 LEOLA (BROWNSTOWN) MULTI-UNIT – 0.22 Acres – Conestoga Valley SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. JUN 1, 10AM-2PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Eli S. Glick THISWEEK! THISWEEK! 10 ACRES TOOLS – LINCOLN RANGER 250 GXT ELECTRIC WELDER/GENERATOR; LINCOLN INVERTEC V205-T AC/DC MIG WELDER; INGERSOLL-RAND MODEL SS3 UPRIGHT AIR COMPRESSOR;
Full Line
Auto Creepers; Shop Cart; FULL LINE
GATOR; John Deere 10 Dump Trailer/Cart; E-Z GO 33 GAS GOLF CART; (2) John Deere Lawn mowers; HiPressure Washer; (2) Stihl Chain saws; Stihl Hedge Trimmer; Leaf Blower;
Woodburning Stove; S.S. Collapsible Shelves; Wooden Primitive Wagon; Speedway Deluxe Wagon; Fire Pit w/4 Resin Chairs; 7 Pc. Wrought Iron Patio Set; Blackstone 30” Gas Grille; Assorted Lawn & Garden Statues & Ornaments. R106915 “Horst Auctioneers” PUBLIC SALE TOOLS, LAWN & GARDEN EQUIP, ANTIQUES, HH GOODS EAST HEMPFIELD TOWNSHIP THURSDAY, MAY 30 AT 3 P.M. Located at 2323 Spruce St., (Manheim 17545), East Hempfield Township, Lancaster Co., PA (Directions: Rt. 72 - Just north of East Petersburg, Turn Right onto Spruce St.) SALE FOR: KENNETH L. ENCK & KARIN L. ENCK R106951 8-4 Mon., Tues., Wed. 8-6, Thurs. & Fri. 8-8, Sat. 8-5 580 W. Lexington Road, Lititz, PA • 717-664-3002 Shrubs • Perennials R106482 Kreider’s Strawberries 690 Earhart Rd., Manheim, PA 17545 717-672-4231 Mon.-Fri. 6:30am-2pm • Sat. 7am-12noon Evening Hours: Mon. & Fri. 6-8pm U Pick R107006 NEW LOCATION! LARGER PATCH! Opening Memorial Day! 1865 Horseshoe Pike • Annville 11 2 Mi. East Of Campbelltown (Rt. 322) (717)
Pike • Annville 11⁄2 Mi. East
PA06447 NORTH FORGE HOME HEATING, INC. 1865 Horseshoe Pike • Annville 11 Mi. East Of Campbelltown (Rt. 322)
30, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 2528 Willow Street Pike, Willow Street, PA 17584 CHARMING 4 BEDROOM WILLOW STREET HOME ON LARGE LOT – 0.97 Acres – Lampeter-Strasburg SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT
For: Mark Drukenbrod Est. TUES. JUNE 4, 2024
N. Charlotte St. Manheim,
0.17 Acres
Chest; Craftsman Mechanic’s Workbench;
of Mechanic’s Hand
3 Wheel Shop Cart; Jackstands;
(Rt. 322) (717) 867-1744
(717) 867-1744
HOURS: Monday-Friday 10-5, Saturday 9-3 Huge View (1,554 Sq. In Glass) Incredibly Efficient Dual Fans Model 4237

Capital campaign workshop set

The Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO) will offer a workshop titled “Are You Ready for a Capital Campaign?” on Tuesday, June 4, from 10 to 11:30 a.m.

In this interactive session, consultant Trina Walker and former library director Roberta Greene will cover the building blocks to have in place before launching a capital campaign. Walker and Greene will share their campaign experience, a 10-step assessment tool to help measure an organization’s readiness to proceed, and advice on developing areas that are not quite

ready. This session is appropriate for board members, executive directors, and fund development staff members and volunteers. All attendees are asked to join by webcam and actively participate. This session will not be recorded. Anyone who is unable to attend may email Christina Spadaro at christina@pano .org to be added to a waitlist for future workshops. There is a fee, with a discount for PANO members. Special rates for groups of four to 10 individuals are available.

To register, visit CapitalCampaignWorkshop.


1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Doug Paglia, Pastor. Worship Service at 9-10 am Youth & Children’s Sunday School: 9-10 am. Refreshments & Fellowship: 10-10:30 am. Adult Sunday School at 10:30-11:30 am. Nursery Provided, Handicapped Accessible. For more information, call: 717-653-5175.

COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: Welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, & Reach Out with us! 331 Anderson Ferry Rd (off Rt. 441 on Rt. 772), Marietta, PA 17547, 717-426-1345, Service times are Sundays at 9:00 & 10:45am. The Livestream service is at 10:45am at

GRACE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH OF MANHEIM: 1483 N. Colebrook Rd., Manheim. SUNDAYS: Adult Bible Class at 9:30am and Worship Service at 10:30am. Wednesday Evening Prayer is held from 6:30pm-7:30pm For more details, please visit or call 717-665-7222.

HOSANNA! A FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIANS 29 Green Acre Rd., Lititz (717) 626-2560 Worship with us in person @ 9:30am, online or livestream @ Children & Youth Ministries

MARY MOTHER OF THE CHURCH (A Roman Catholic Parish): 625 Union School Rd., Mount Joy. Pastor: Rev. Ted Keating. Mass Times: Saturday Vigil 4:30pm, Sunday 8:30 & 11 am; Monday thru Friday 8:30 am. Confessions: Sat 3:30pm. 717-653-4903, visit us online at

NEWPORT CHURCH: 656 W. Newport Road, Elm,

We are a vibrant family- oriented contemporary church that meets for Sunday “celebration” service at 9:30 a.m. and throughout the week in home groups, including junior-high and senior-high groups. Children love our Kids Town ministry every Sunday morning! Our mission is to share God’s Love generously and lead people to new life in Jesus. For info. or directions, see our Website or call 717-664-2635. Lead Pastor: Merle Shenk.

RUHL’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: A growing church committed to Christ. Worship on Sunday morning at 8 am for a traditional feel. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 am., 10:30 am. Worship led by praise band. (Nursery available. Handicap accessible.) For more information, please call 717-665-3400 or visit Located at 4810 Elizabethtown Rd, Manheim.


ST. JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH: 505 Woodcrest Ave., Lititz Ph:717-626-5580 Confessions: Sat. 3:30 pm- 4:30 pm and anytime on request Daily Masses: Mon.-Sat. 9 am Saturday Vigil Mass: 5 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9 & 11 am for livestream Masses

ST. PAUL’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN: Located at 1258 Newport Road, Penryn. Phone: (717) 665-6093. Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. Rev. Angela Hammer.

TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH: 596 West Newport Rd., Lititz. Are you looking for a Church that preaches from the King James Bible? Helps your family grow spiritually? Enjoys the old-time hymns? Look no further! Sunday School 10am, Sunday Morning Worship 11am, and Sunday Evening Worship 6pm. Wednesday Evening Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 pm. Pastor Wiliam Hamm, Jr. (717) 575-0292.

TRINITY EC CHURCH 48 Market Sq., Manheim Sunday School 9:15am/Worship 10:25am Livestream 717-665-3633

TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 2340 State St., East Petersburg. Rev. Dr. Christopher Rankin, Pastor. Phone: (717) 569-1632. Sunday Schedule: 7:45 am Worship with Holy Communion; 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages; 10:00 am Koinonia (Fellowship Time); 10:30 am Worship (Holy Communion twice a month) Online service is available by visiting “Catch the Vision, Share the Joy!”

WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 600 Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (near Hempfield High School). Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. Wayside offers two services: 9:00 am Traditional with choir, 10:00 Fellowship, & 10:30 am Contemporary with band & Children’s Ministry. For more info, visit or (717) 898-1551.

WHITE OAK CHURCH : 1211 N. Penryn Rd, Manheim, PA. You are invited to our Sunday services: Sunday School for all ages at 8:45am; Worship at 9:45am; scheduled evening services at 7:15pm and Wednesday evening Bible Study at 7:15pm. (1st Wednesday of month).




CAREGIVERS NEEDED: CNA'S, HHA's & care assistants, make a difference in the life of a senior & put your caregiving experience to work. All shifts available. Visiting Angels at 717-393-3450.

DEPENDABLE DRIVER NEEDED to transport our employees to and from work in the Manheim/Lititz area. Contact Amos 717-625-3411.


#1: Across from 254 Blue Ln., Columbia. Rt. 441 S. from Rt. 30. Cross Rt. 462. Straight S. Front St. Left Blue Ln. Property on left. #2: 740 S. 12th St., Columbia. From Rt. 462 (Lincoln Hwy.) south on 12th St. Cross Manor St. Lot on right.

#1: 26 ACRES partially wooded w/8 acres cleared bal. woodland. 699’ frontage on Blue Ln. Southern exposure lot w/ public water & sewer available in great location at edge of town. Newly surveyed. Sub division potential. Zoned Commercial Recreational.

#2: Mostly wooded, level 1/3 acre (100x140) building lot. Public water & sewer available. Zoned Medium Density Residential. Single & semi houses are a permitted use. Boro authorities serious to sell. Both tracts sold at the Blue Lane auction site. Unique opportunity to purchase acreage tract w/huge potential & wooded bldg. lot. Convenient location w/easy access to Rt. 441 & Rt. 30. Inspection of tracts anytime. For brochure or land plotting visit www. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to

Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368).

Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr.

Aaron Z. Nolt

Curvin M. Horning

717-733-1006 Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956


EXP. FT/PT DRIVERS Straight truck drivers, Class C non-CDL. Retirees also welcome. FT/PT MECHANIC Punctual Services Inc. 717-252-0487

►HELP WANTED◄ TRUCK CAP INSTALLER Benefits provided, 717-653-5253.

IMMEDIATE HELP WANTED!!! We are in need of a permanent PT DELIVERY ROUTE VAN DRIVER w/a clean MVR. 2-3 days/wk., 7-10hrs./day. An excellent opportunity for retirees! $10.50/hr. to start. Greenfield Road, Lancaster. Call: 717-299-8888, ext. 312.


Currently seeking a self-motivated mechanically inclined individual at our Lancaster facility. Experience with welding/fabricating, electric and forklift/ heavy equipment repair is preferred. Must be dependable. This is a FULLTIME position with full benefits. Apply in Person from 7am-4pm at Kirby Agri Inc. | 717-299-2541

seeking skilled Masons and Restoration Technicians to join our team. We offer steady work, prevailing wage, travel per diem, full benefit package, and $1000 SIGN ON BONUS. Apply online at or email

Regional community news and events

BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for your Free Author’s Guide 1-866-482-1576 or visit: Merchandiser - Manheim Central Edition - May 22, 2024 - 9 CLASSIFIEDS Errors & Corrections: Check your ad the first time it appears to make sure that it is correct! Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. will be responsible only for the first incorrect insertion and to no greater extent than the cost of the space occupied by the error. The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors or the omission of copy. If you find an error, please call 1-800-428-4211 immediately for a correction. All ads must be prepaid. Minimum one week charge on all ads placed.
Business Opp Cards of Thanks Child Care Church Listing Elder Care Free Items Garage Sales Items Wanted Legal Notices Lost & Found Seasonal Services Rendered Special Notice Your Attention FOR SALE: Antiques Appliances Bicycles Boats Building Materials Clothing Collectibles Computers Electronics Furniture Household Goods Lawn & Garden Livestock Machinery Musical Instruments Pets Photographic Produce and Edibles Sporting Goods Tools Miscellaneous HELP WANTED: Employment Agencies General Management Mechanical Trades Medical Office/Secretarial Professional Sales REAL ESTATE: For Rent For Sale Manufactured Housing Wanted AUTOMOTIVE: Auto Parts & Supplies Autos Cycles Recreational Vehicles S.U.V.s Trucks CLASSIFICATIONS DEADLINES (for the following Wednesday issue - call for holiday deadlines) Wednesday Noon: Web ads (All papers) Wednesday Noon: Chester Co. Community Courier Thursday 10:00am: Pennysaver Thursday 1:00pm: Advertiser Thursday 3:00pm: Columbia/Wrightsville Merchandiser, Hershey/Middletown Community Courier
Merchandiser Call: 1.800.428.4211 or 717.653.9848 Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm Fax: 717.492.2566
Thursday 4:00pm:
qualified buyer.
PARTIALLY WOODED TRACT (Blue Ln.) #2: BUILDING LOT 100x140 (S. 12th St.) EDGE OF COLUMBIA BORO SATURDAY, JUNE 1 • 10 A.M. Borough of Columbia Mark E. Stivers, Manager 717-684-2467 ext. 7331 * Shaded Area Woodland * Columbia Boro * Columbia Schs. * Zoned CR * 26.4 Acres * Columbia Boro * Columbia Schs. * Zoned Medium Density R107192 Applications available at our website or 2900 Oregon Pike, Lititz, PA Kitchen Manager $18 - $24/hour based on exp. NOW HIRING General NAPA AUTO PARTS FT COUNTER SALES POSITIONS Full company benefits. Call Mike at 717-367-3085, Elizabethtown Mechanical Trades THE WITMER GROUP, a nationally recognized masonry contractor, is currently seeking a FT MECHANIC. This position is responsible for performing maintenance and repairs to all company equipment. This includes various types of equipment including hydro mobile, rough terrain forklifts, gas saws and small tools. $1,000 SIGN ON BONUS with full benefit package. Apply online at or email THE WITMER GROUP, located in Mount Joy PA, is currently
500 Running Pump Rd., Lancaster, PA
BEST PT JOB! Looking for a rewarding job? Hiring Part-time SCHOOL VAN DRIVERS 717-286-1650 Ext 1 for Lanc. then 2 HR
Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
Please Note:


Manufacturer of organic feed supplements and fertilizers, Bainbridge, PA

Attention to detail; good math skills; ability to lift 50 Lbs. repetitively. Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:00pm Please call 717.367.1566 ext. 221 or email resume to


DIAGNOSED WITH LUNG CANCER and 65+? You may qualify for a substantial cash award. NO obligation! We've recovered millions. Let us help!!! Call 24/7, 1-866-590-5563.

REPLACE YOUR ROOF with the best looking and longest lasting material - steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer - up to 50% off installation + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders.) Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1-855-338-4807.


ASSISTANCE FOR ELDERLY, caregivers provide hygiene assistance, meals, light housework in your home. Insured, Bonded, RN owned & operated. Call Visiting Angels, 717-393-3450.


Bldg. Materials




PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles

27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA Hours: M-W 8am-4pm, Th.-F by appt. 717-329-8167 •

Toys Vintage or Modern, New or Used, Hess Trucks, Barbies, Diecast, Hot Wheels & Matchbox, Action Figures, Models, Trains, Sports Cards/Memorabilia, Movie/Music Memorabilia, Video Games & much more!

Lawn & Garden

EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE Spring clean-ups. Edging, seeding, fertilization, mulching, shrub & tree pruning. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)

Lawn & Garden

FREE REMOVAL of Riding Mowers. Call/text Jim 717-940-9029

RAILROAD TIES FOR SALE #1. Delivery Available GAP REPAIR, 717-442-4781 ext. 2



HORSE BOARDING - 5 STALL avail., meadow & 60x135 outdoor arena for exercising, multi-level care available. Call for more info. & pricing: 717-725-8060


2 ACA YORKIE male puppies, have shots, dewormed & vet checked. DOB 2/1/24. $750 each. 5 ACA WELSH CORGI puppies. Blue Merle & tricolored. DOB 3/31/24. Have shots, vet checked & dewormed. AKC Standard Poodle Stud Service. Call 717-687-8252 ext. 0

ACA YORKIE PUPPIES. Males, shots/dewormed/vet check, home raised, $1,000. Ready 6/21. 717-872-1714

GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, AKC, vet checked, shots, dewormed, family raised, $525, 717-475-3998.


Home raised. 2F. Vet checked. Ready 5/16. M-Sun. appt. avail. 717-601-1558


$300. MINI GOLDENDOODLES, 4 mo. $350. UTD shots/Vet. 717-354-3042

JACK RUSSELL TERRIER PUPPIES, farm raised, playful, vet checked, shots, dewormed, $150. 717-529-2011 x0

MINI BERNADOODLE PUPPIES, tricolor, family raised, b.2/26. $650. Also 5 yr. old ACA CORGI, tricolor female, $350 obo. 717-687-8252 x1.

PUREBRED CATAHOULA LEOPARD pups! Beautiful merle colors, blue eyes.Shots, dewormed. Family raised with lots of love. Will make smart and loyal companions! Call or text 484-614-1472

TWO MALE BORDER Collie Puppies for sale $300. 717-891-1639

Sporting Goods


1 gun or collection - will travel Kinsey’s Outdoors, 717-653-5524


DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-877-553-1891 #6258

DIRECTV OVER INTERNET - Get your favorite live TV, sports and local channels. 99% signal reliability! CHOICE Package, $84.99/mo. for 12 mos. HBO Max and Premium Channels included for 3 mos. (w/CHOICE Package or higher.) No annual contract, no hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-866629-6086.

DON’T LET THE stairs limit your mobility! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall, or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-844-317-5246.

NEED IRS RELIEF $10K-$125K + Get Fresh Start or Forgiveness. Call 1-877-7051472. Mon. through Fri. 7am-5pm PST.

NEW WINDOWS FROM Window Nation. Special money saving offer - zero down, zero payments, zero interest for TWO years AND buy 2 windows and get 2 FREE! Offer is valid on select models. Labor not included. Other restrictions apply. Call Window Nation today! 1855-826-7398

10 - Merchandiser - Manheim Central Edition - May 22, 2024
R106503 R106868 R106867 LET DURHAM DRIVE YOUR CAREER FORWARD EARN WHILE YOU LEARN • No nights or weekends required. • Eliminate child care. • All local routes. • Other benefits available. Durham School Services is Hiring School Bus & Van Drivers Part-Time Work with Benefits! Call Today 717-361-0024 or Apply Within 2202 S. MARKET ST., ELIZABETHTOWN, PA “LISTEN for DURHAM on 102.1 WPDC” I my Job! Earn up to $26 per hour R107138 LANCASTER POST OFFICE IS CURRENTLY HIRING ALL QUALIFIED APPLICANTS! Openings Available at LANCASTER: • Career PTF City Carrier Positions w/Benefits and starting at $22.18 per hour • Rural Carrier Assistant $20.38 per hour + (85¢ per mile reimbursement for POV) • Assistant Rural Carrier $20.38 per hour (Scheduled to work Sundays and Holidays only. May volunteer Monday through Saturday) We Offer Our Team Members a Variety of Benefits: • Competitive Pay & Reimbursement • Health, Dental, Vision & Life Insurance • Paid Sick, Vacation & Federal Holiday Leave • Opportunity for Career Development & Training • Regular Salary Increases, Overtime, Night/Sunday Premium, Cost of Living Adjustments Miscellaneous PATIO TABLE w/4 chairs $75. Wooden SWING w/metal frame $75. Foldup CARGO CARRIER 2 in. receiver 20in.x 5ft. $75. Pull behind a boat 2 person TUBE $150. 717-821-5473. PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a GENERAC Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 5-year warranty with a qualifying purchase. Call 1855-465-7624 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move. PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE AT TOWNLIVELY.COM FREE ITEMS HAVE SOMETHING TO GIVE AWAY? Place a FREE Ad! Call 1-800-428-4211 15 word, private party ad for 1 week (some restrictions apply) SEARCH OUR CLASSIFIEDS online at
NOTICE: It is recommended that you begin your garage or yard sale ad with the town, then street address, dates & times. E-TOWN - MOVING SALE 2280 Turnpike Road. Fri 5/24 through Mon 5/27 8-4. Fantasia, Princess House, Longaberger & Wilton Armatel . Christmas HH goods, furniture, patio set & tools. So many items too numerous to mention. GREAT PRICES, JUST ASK! Rain or Shine. HUGE 25+ HOMES Cedar Hollow Development Sale 5/25 7am-? Off of Sunhill Rd. Items for everyone! Rain or Shine MOUNT JOY-605 MITCHELL AVE., Sat. 5/25 & Sun. 5/26, 7:30a-1p. Clothes, shoes, jewelry making items, plus more. YARD SALE MAY 25 7:00 AM-? Rain or shine Gretna Springs Community 5 miles S of Lebanon on Rt 72- and 1-mile N of Turnpike Ex 266. Neighborhood sale with large variety of items, plus food and baked items. Pets


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DIRECTV STREAM - Carries the most local MLB Games! Choice Package $89.99/ mo. for 12 mos. Stream on 20 devices at once. HBO Max included for 3 mos (w/Choice Package or higher.) No contract or hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-866-859-0405.

DON'T LET THE stairs limit your mobility! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-833-399-3595.

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MOBILEHELP, AMERICA'S PREMIER mobile medical alert system. Whether you're home or away. For safety & peace of mind. No long term contracts! Free brochure! 1-888-489-3936.

PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a Generac Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 5-Year warranty with qualifying purchase* Call 1-855-948-6176 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move.

PROFESSIONAL LAWN SERVICE: Fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration & mosquito control. Call now for a free quote. Ask about our first application special! 1-833-606-6777

REPLACE YOUR ROOF w/the best looking & longest lasting material steel from Erie Metal Roofs! 3 styles & multiple colors available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer up to 50% off install + Additional 10% off install (military, health & 1st responders.) 1-833-370-1234.

SAFE STEP. North America's #1 Walk-in tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1,600 off - limited time! Financing available. 1-855-417-1306.

WATER DAMAGE CLEANUP : A small amount of water can cause major damage to your home. Our trusted professionals dry out wet areas & repair to protect your family & your home value! Call 24/7: 1-888-872-2809. Have zip code!

WESLEY FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019. Get free info package & learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. 1-833-308-1971.



COAL/WOOD/PELLET STOVES & Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/Sell/Trade. Call 717-577-6640






717-604-1306 - FREE ESTIMATES, 24 yrs. exp. Patios, walks, walls & repairing. Ask for Jeff!


717-604-1306 - FREE ESTIMATES, 25 yrs. exp. • Senior Discount. Also patios, walls, drains, Ask for Jeff!


Honest pricing w/25 yrs. exp.! Fully ins. Tree pruning/removal • Stump grinding. FREE ESTIMATES! Call: 717-598-9857


Attics • Basements • Junk Removal Great prices! 717-205-6067


Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301


Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102

BRADY'S PAINTING WALLPAPERING specialists. Res/Com. Painting, wood finishing, wallpaper, pressure washing, custom deck, complete remodeling. Free est. Insured. Tim, 717-653-8586

BUSHES PROFESSIONALLY TRIMMED & pruned. Hedges, shrubbery, ornamental plants aesthetically maintained. No job too small. Spring clean-up, mulching, light landscaping. 717-405- 8733

CLOCK REPAIR - TRAGER 717-786-7053

DRYWALL & PLASTER REPAIR, warr. work; Prompt, clean, neat, prof. Satisfaction guar. 717-951-5077, MasterPlaster.



GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Additions, Siding, Replacement Windows & Doors. 15 Yrs Exp. Sylvan Miller - 717-468-2693



Home, yard waste, appliances; Whatever! Also Shed Removal. 717-669-7854

HAULING, JUNK REMOVAL. Bsmts, sheds, garages cleaned out. Tree brush. Odd jobs. We also move people. Free est. Visa/MC/ Disc/AmEx. 717-456-6051; 410-688-7569 CRASS HAULING


Removal of black stains off roof & exterior cleaning. 717-424-8504

JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! (Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer.) Offer ends 6/30/24. Call 1-844-826-2535


Basements, garages, attics, appliances. Five Star Property Service, 717-278-1030


Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. FREE ESTIMATES, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089


20 yrs. experience PA024610 Elmer Stoltzfus, 717-201-4104

SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.

STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391.


Free estimates. Insured. Call or text Mitzel’s Stump Grinding 717-858-9347


717-989-7938, leave message.


We use modern pruning techniques for the health & safety of your trees & shrubs. Certified arborist on staff. Also removals, storm damage, & yard cleanup. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)

WANT YOUR BARN/BUILDING PAINTED or need metal siding repaired or installed? Call Levi, 717-381-0990.

WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an

Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844887-5145 (PA017137).


ALWAYS BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

BUYING CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-577-8206

CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

PINBALL MACHINES & ARCADES WANTED. Any condition, working or not. Call Matt: 717-538-9485, thanks.

WANTED! MOTORCYCLES & MINI BIKES! ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206



All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis.

*NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only not who you wish to occupy it.

, Interior Trimming, Cabinet Installations, Install New Flooring, Install Replacement Windows. 717-405-9545 Leave Message Merchandiser - Manheim Central Edition - May 22, 2024 - 11 Call TODAY to tour our new renovations (Limited Availability) Juniper Village at Mount Joy Personal Care & Memory Support 607 Hearthstone Lane, MJ PA 17552 717-492-9692 Call TODAY to tour our new renovations (Limited Availability) Juniper Village at Mount Joy Personal Care & Memory Support 607 Hearthstone Lane, MJ PA 17552 717-492-9692 R107141 Contact us for a private tour! Deluxe Apartments Available Now! Call TODAY to tour our new renovations (Limited Availability) Juniper Village at Mount Joy Personal Care & Memory Support 607 Hearthstone Lane, MJ PA 17552 717-492-9692 R106065 Eastwood Village Homes LLC Open House Model Homes with Garages Available to Inspect! 453 Eastwood Lane, Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 397-3138 DIRECTIONS: Take Route 30 East to Greenfield Road. Turn right onto Greenfield Road. Continue past the entrance of Villages at Greenfield. Turn right onto Ben Franklin Blvd. Go over bridge and follow signs to model homes. New Homes For Sale - First Floor Living Villages at Greenfield Manufactured Housing Lot Rent Community Friday, May 24th • 1pm-4pm Provided as a community service by this civic minded publication in conjunction with the Association of Community Publishers and Community Papers of Michigan To learn more about Paws With A Cause and to find out how you help, just download this app and watch the story come to life! GET ZAPPAR ZAP THE CODE TO DONATE R102383 AUTOMOTIVE AUTOS FOR SALE 2000 TOYOTA CAMRY LE, Inspected, 183K, 717-664-2605 WANTED: CARS/TRUCKS In Excellent Condition Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561 TRUCKS 1993 UMC AEROMATE ICE CREAM/SHAVED ICE, turnkey business. hand painted-eye catching, runs great, 717-330-5989. AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES $0-$1,000 Always paying cash for junk cars. Prompt, Honest Service. 717-246-2888 PA0002 $100-$5,000 PAID FOR UNWANTED OR JUNK AUTOS Free same day removal. All paperwork taken care of legally. PA licensed & insured. Call anytime 717-989-6980 $300-$1,000 CASH PAID ON ALL VEHICLES Serving York/Lancaster. 717-515-2607 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE! Cash paid for unwanted cars, trucks. Any condition. Call Brian 717-542-1055 CYCLES CASH PAID: ATVs, ATCs, Golf Carts, Motorcycles, 2/3/4 Wheelers, Any Year, Running Or Not. Call/Txt 610-656-3158 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 2016 EVERGREEN I-GO, $4,500. 24 ft trailer w/slide out. Good cond., awning needs fix, Call: 717-664-2765. SERVICES RENDERED
amazing value.
For Rent STORAGE UNIT: 8x26 w/pull up door, lights, $200/mo. 717-892-7411
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READ YOUR AD THE FIRST WEEK IT APPEARS This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. SERVICES RENDERED A&L
item. 1-800-428-4211

North Museum extends dinosaur exhibit

A variety of items add 3D effects to the exhibit.

The North Museum of Nature and Science has extended the exhibition “Dinosaurs Among Us” and will keep it on display through Friday, May 31. The North Museum is the only U.S. museum selected by the American Museum of Natural History to be a premiere presenter of the exhibition, which opened in June 2023. “Dinosaurs Among Us” examines the similarities between dinosaurs and modern birds. The exhibition is presented in both English and Spanish and

uses fossil imagery and life-size illustrations, with strategically placed images and text for both children and adults on panels as large as 8 by 19 feet. Items from the North Museum’s collections of eggs, nests, taxidermy birds and fossils add 3D facets to the exhibit. “Dinosaurs Among Us” represents months of collaboration with local professionals and museum volunteers.

For more information, visit www.northmuseum. org/exhibits.

Clock from pg 8

members come from the U.S. and other countries around the world.

The museum is located at 514 Poplar St., Columbia, and is open to the public on Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, visit or call 717-684-8261.

12 - Merchandiser - Manheim Central Edition - May 22, 2024 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-4 Sat. 9-2 14 W. Main St., Mount Joy, PA Phone 717-653-1761 R107165 4 FOR YOUR CAR and TRUCK NEEDS HERE State Inspection • Emissions Testing • Wheel Alignment • Oil Changes • Brakes, Exhaust, Front End Work • Installation of Shocks, Struts, Belts, Hoses • Trip Check • AND MORE IN OUR SERVICE CENTER OR DO-IT-YOURSELF Check with us for the parts you need. NOW INSPECTING TO REPLACE 5/24 • 6/24 • 7/24 TIRES - Filters - Wipers - Brakes - Cleaners Pumps - Exhaust - Waxes - Lights - Batteries Our 50th Anniversary is coming soon! R095947 Two Miles East of Cedar Crest High School 717.272.0441 HOURS: Mon., Thurs., & Fri. 9-8, Tues., Wed. & Sat. 9-4 LAY-A-WAY • Financing Available *Upon Credit Approval 606 E. EVERGREEN RD. LEBANON, PA 17042 R106841 Lift Chairs “Large Selection” Ready for Delivery Floor Model Bedroom Suits and Some Individual Pieces BEDROOM BLOWOUT CLOSED Monday, Memorial Day! Open Tuesday-Saturday 11am-7pm & Sunday 10am-2pm | 717.664.6314 Come check out our new menu! Burgers, sandwiches, brick oven pizzas, salads, signature entrées, and more! Now serving local wine and beer! R106030 Blooming Acres Fresh Picked STRAWBERRIES 1185 Lititz Road Manheim, PA 17545 717-621-8385 No Sunday Sales CashOnly For Large Orders Please Call Ahead. R107193 Cut Flowers MidStarting June CREMATION MADE SIMPLE We can help your family honor and remember your loved ones with the highest quality service in our private crematory. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Cremation Society 3125 Walnut St. Harrisburg, PA 17109 (717) 671-1289 Peter J. Stegman, Supervisor R106403 DIRECT CREMATION $1795 All ads appear online at no additional cost. Reach just your neighborhood or choose a wider geography or call 1-800-428-4211 Monday thru Friday 8:30 to 4:00 for more information. Place your ad a WEEK before your garage sale date PLANNING A GARAGE SALE?

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