Spreading Joy Through Kindness Rocks
BY FRANCINE FULTONChester County resident Lisa Gisone, the founder of Kindness Rocks Chester and Montgomery County (KRCMC), has found a way

Chester County resident Lisa Gisone, the founder of Kindness Rocks Chester and Montgomery County (KRCMC), has found a way
While most people are familiar with quilts, which consists of fabric squares that are stitched together to create bedspreads or wall hangings, pieces of material can also be made into fabric yo-yos, which are pieces of fabric that are gathered around the edges and pulled together to create circular rosettes. The rosettes can be joined together to create items such as blankets, pillows, bracelets or wall art. A program about quilts and fabric
yo-yos was presented on Feb. 12 by the Friends of Hopewell Furnace in the visitor’s center at Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site in Elverson. Guest speakers were members of the Hopewell Quilters, a group of quilting enthusiasts who demonstrate quilting at the site on Fridays from May through October.
Becky Hughes led the program by explaining that a quilt includes three main parts - a top, backing and batting in between. Quilters make stitches that hold all three layers together. Most quilts are composed
of uniform fabric squares or patches.
“You can also have a quilt that is not a specific pattern, which is called a crazy quilt,” she noted.
Hughes referenced a quilt that is hanging on display in the visitor’s center that was created in 2021 to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Hopewell Furnace. The quilt, which won a first-place prize at the Kimberton Fair, features photos of Hopewell’s historic buildings on fabric.
“There are many different types of quilts (like) the one we created for the anniversary of the park, which park volunteers signed,” she said, noting that the Hopewell Quilters make one quilt together each year. “The first quilt we made as a group was all hand done; none of that was machine pieced. We had visitors sign their names on it. It was designed to be put on the bed in the tenant house.”
While members of the group are quilting in the park, visitors are invited to make their own stitches
See Quilting pg 4
to share happiness with others by randomly hiding painted rocks throughout the area for people to discover. Those who find a rock may keep it or re-hide it, but the recipients are asked to post a photo of the found rock on the group’s Facebook page.
The effort began in 2017 after Gisone heard about a similar project from her cousin, who lives in California. “I started a Facebook group to encourage Chester County residents to impact their community by doing random acts of kindness, such as painting and dropping rocks to cheer up the recipient,” Gisone explained. “Amazing things (started) happening. In a little over a month, we hit 1,000 members. Now we are at 6,500 members. People find them and want to join because they feel such joy from it.”
See Kindness Rocks pg 3
Twin Valley Food Pantry (TVFP), which is located at Conestoga Mennonite Church, 2779 Main St. (Route 23), Morgantown, is in need of volunteers to work at the upcoming food distribution, to be held on Tuesday, Feb. 28. In addition, volunteers are needed to stock the pantry prior to the distribution.
Adult volunteers, as well as high school students, can also help stock the pantry on Wednesday, Feb. 22, beginning at 7 p.m. following the delivery of
food by Helping Harvest and the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. Volunteers will also sort and unload food items from local donations and food drives. Stocking volunteers will work for approximately two hours.
On distribution day, volunteers will meet at the church at 3 p.m. About 30 volunteers are needed for the evening for setup, distribution and cleanup. The work is usually completed at approximately 7 p.m. Volunteers may work the whole evening or volunteer as much time as they can.
See TVFP pg 2
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Sarah Kolb, TVFP administrative assistant, explained that the distribution of food to clients begins at 5 p.m. “We have returned to our ‘client choice’ model, where individuals can come into the building and shop for groceries,” said Kolb, noting that a drive-up distribution was utilized during the pandemic.
According to the monthly food pantry newsletter distributed by Kolb, who is also the office administrator at Conestoga Mennonite Church, TVFP served 100 families in January, representing 458 people.
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Gisone noted that Montgomery County was added to the group’s name to include rocks found in that area.
Those who paint and hide rocks are asked to include a message, either by creating a label or by writing on the back of the rock with a marker. The message states: “You found it! Keep it or hide it, but first post it to Kindness Rocks Chester and Montgomery County.”
Since the group’s formation, rocks have been placed and found throughout Chester and Montgomery counties at locations such as Kerr Park in Downingtown, the Parkesburg POINT youth center, St. Peter’s Village in Pottstown, the Brandywine Trail and convenience stores and other local businesses.
“Sometimes I will leave (rocks) outside a craft store or supermarket. I leave them at parks when I go for walks and outside libraries. Wherever I go, I carry them in my purse and leave one,” said Gisone, adding, “The first rock I ever found was at a Starbucks in Exton.”
In addition, rocks that originated locally have made their way to other states and even other countries. “People take them on vacation,” said Gisone, noting that painted rocks have been placed in Florida; Rehoboth Beach, Del.; and even Egypt.
Kindness Rock gardens have also been established at local libraries and businesses. “People have rock gardens in their front yards. There was a chiropractor in Parkesburg that had one outside their business, and we had a Scout build a rock garden at Twin Valley High School, as part of her Eagle Scout Project,” Gisone noted.
Some rocks feature an image of a sports team or a favorite pet or loved one that someone has lost. “We have a woman who lost a baby, and she paints butterflies on rocks and leaves them everywhere. It can help people who have been hurt; it is an outlet for them and a way for them to (honor) the person’s memory,” Gisone said. “People have discovered that painting rocks is therapeutic and creates peace and joy in their lives.”
Gisone noted that the Facebook group continues to grow. “Every day there are random people posting,” she said. “(We are) a group of people who really believe and love the group and what it stands for. What we are doing matters.”
To learn more and to view or post photos of found rocks, join the “Kindness Rocks Chester and Montgomery County (KRCMC)” Facebook group.
on a practice piece of cloth. “Sometimes when we are quilting, visitors will come in and talk to us about their experiences with quilts. It is always fun to learn more,” said Beth Shugar, a member of the Hopewell Quilters. “I find (learning about) what their grandmother used as a quilting frame to be fascinating. Some of them had quilt frames that were on pulleys so they could be pulled up to the ceiling (when not in use). Some of them had a room that was dedicated to quilting. The ladies would come in and chat and have their own quilting time.”
Hughes concluded the program by having audience members make their own fabric yo-yos. “We will give you a needle and thread and a circle of fabric. You fold the fabric (around the perimeter) a quarter of an inch and then stitch around the edges. When you pull it, it will form the yo-yo,” Hughes said, adding that creating the yo-yos is a perfect way to use leftover scraps of material.
the TVFP - please consider joining us (in February).”
The pantry is also seeking financial contributions, as well as donations of food and other items. Items can be dropped off at the Conestoga Mennonite Church office on Tuesdays through Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Those who cannot drop off food donations at the designated times
The Friends of Hopewell Furnace meet on the second Sunday of the month at 2 p.m., with the exception of May, September and October. To learn more, visit www.facebook.com/ FriendsofHopewellfurnace.
More information about the quilting group is available by searching for “Hopewell Quilters” on Facebook.
emailing sarah.kolb.tvfp@gmail.com.
Items that are needed by the pantry include sugar, cereal, canned goods and instant mashed potatoes, as well as paper products, laundry detergent and dishwashing soap.
TVFP was formed in 1994 as an outreach ministry of the church. In March of 2021, the TVFP became registered as its own nonprofit organization governed by a community-based board of directors. The pantry primarily serves families in the Twin Valley School District. Since some of food supplies to the pantry come from state programs, clients must meet certain income guidelines.
For more information about the pantry, including volunteer opportunities, email Kolb or pantry director Howard Moss at hamoss@ptd.net. More information is available at www.facebook.com/twinvalleyfood pantry.org and www.twinvalleyfood pantry.com.
Feb. 23. Chatty Crafters
Honey Brook Community Library
687 Compass Road, Honey Brook. The group meets every Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. The community is invited to join the group to crochet, knit, crossstitch, color, craft and chat. Any kind of craftmaking is welcome.
Feb. 24. Senator Katie Muth’s Office Hours
Honey Brook Community Library. A representative from Muth’s office will be at the library from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. to address questions or concerns from the community.
Feb. 24. Sewing with Ms. Nancy
Honey Brook Community Library, 6 to 8 p.m. Ms. Nancy is on hand every Friday to help people with basic sewing skills or they may chose a pattern or project from the library’s many sewing books. To register or for more information call 610-273-3303 or email nconner@ccls.org.
Feb. 24. Community Dinner
St. Peter United Church of Christ
1920 Ridge Road, Pottstown, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Dinner is free, but a freewill offering will be received. For more information, call 610-469-9690.
Feb. 24. Harry Potter Book Night
Boone Area Library
129 N. Mill St., Birdsboro, 6 to 8 p.m. There will be crafts and activities centered around the theme, “Triwizard Tournament.” This is a family event so all ages are welcome. Costumes are encouraged. www.facebook.com/boonearealibrary
Feb. 25. Stitches Craft Group Village Library
207 N. Walnut St., Morgantown, 9 a.m. to noon. Anyone who wants to learn how to knit or crochet is welcome. Supplies are included. To learn more, visit www.facebook.com/VillageLibraryofMorgantown/events and choose “Stitches Craft Group.”
March 3. Raise A Reader
Honey Brook Community Library, 10 a.m. Program is for children up to age 36 months. Rhymes, fingerplays, music and books are featured. The program is limited to 10 children plus their caregivers. For more information or to register, call 610-273-3303 or email jspade@ccls.org.
March 5. All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast Buffet Geigertown Fire Company
3433 Hay Creek Road, Robeson Township, 7 to 11 a.m. www.geigertownfireco.com or www.facebook.com/geigertown firecompany
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REAL ESTATE: Desirable 2 acre country property w/5 Bdrm. house, horse barn and 40’ x 50’ shop. 2½ sty. house w/2,700 sq. ft., 5 bdrms., 1½ baths. Main Floor: Eat-in kitchen, family rm., office, living rm. w/stone hearth & coal stove, half bath/laundry. 2 stairways. 2nd Floor: Mstr. bedroom, 4 other bdrms., storage rm., full bath. Full Attic, Full basement w/ outside Bilco door. 2 full length porches. Oil/HW radiator heat/Coal Stove aux. 100 amp elec. Barn: 30’ x 40’ horse barn w/14’ x 30’ garage w/10’ x 7’ O.H. door, 2 spacious box stalls and 2nd flr. storage. Shop: 40’ x 50’ x 16’ insulated shop w/(2) 14’ x 16’ O.H. doors, 17’ x 40’ mezzanine, office and restroom. Separate elec. w/meter (200 amp) and separate well and septic. All on 2 acres w/spacious rear lawn w/pavilion. Garden Area. 2 wells. 2 septics. Zoned AG. Elanco Schools. E. Earl Twp. Taxes approx. $4,045. Auctioneer’s Note: This is an exceptional opportunity to purchase a 2 acre property w/a shop. Country location. Borders woodland. Convenient location just off Rt. 625 w/easy access to 897, 23, 222 & turnpike. The Zimmerman’s are relocating to New York and plan to sell.
Terms: 10% down, settlement on or before May 15, 2023. Kling, Deibler & Glick, Attys. 717-354-7700.
Personal Inspection by appointment or OPEN HOUSE: Saturdays, February 25 & March 4, 1-3 P.M. Contact auctioneer at (717) 354-9524 w/any questions.
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Basement: 2nd Kitchen with large open meeting area, lots of daylight, and a coal burning stove.
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Amenities: Fenced horse and chicken area/pasture. In ground septic and onsite well. 1,000 gal. propane tank, Iveco Diesel (28 hp.) with Quincy 5hp air compressor, 2-500 gal. air tanks, 8’x12’ chicken pens, basement coal stove. • Chester County, Honey Brook Township, Twin Valley School District • Tax parcel # 22-10-0045, 1.2 Acres, Taxes $5,183 (2022)
• Terms: Security Payment on Auction Day - $30,000, Settlement on or before May 17, 2023. Taxes prorated to date of settlement. Buyer pays 2% PA State transfer tax.
Open House Dates: Thursday, March 2, 4-6 PM and Saturday, March 4, 12-3 PM.
Auctioneer Notes: This Honey Brook property is a gem, located in the beautiful Beaver Dam Valley, is a rare find in a quiet neighborhood. It comes with an amazing view to the west. Beautiful setting with easy access to major shopping and social centers.
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STUMP GRINDING & SMALLTREE REMOVAL 717-989-7938, leave message.
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Brush Clearing - Stump Grinding. Sunny Slope Tree Service. Family Owned & Operated Since 1996 Fully Insured PA103313 717-768-0114 www.sunnyslopetreeservice.com
WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844887-5145 (PA017137).
Stump Grinding • Brush Mowing/Clearing • Sm. Tree Pruning/Removal • Landscaping/Hardscaping • Old Fence/Shed Removal • Stone Pads • Light Grading/ Excavating. 610-857-2169
1-100 ALL ANTIQUE & OLD TOOLS WANTED: Collector Paying Cash$$$ for Woodworking, Machinist, Measuring & Blacksmith Tools. Wooden & Metal Planes. Tool Chests & Boxes. Tools made by Stanley, Etc. Call 610-363-2802
ABUYER SEEKS Old Books, Postcards, Photos, COSTUME JEWELRY, Pottery, Antiques, Complete Estates.Call Cara at 610-918-2528 or 484-356-3123
Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
“LOCAL” Collector Buying Gibson, Fender, Martin & Other Brands
All Types, Makes & Years Considered
Top Cash Paid! - 610-363-2802
ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CASH$$ 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@yahoo.com
All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis.
*NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.
T/W/S, no smoking/no pets. Available Feb. 1st. $1,100.00 1st month, and security, must have a credit score of 600 or above, and pass background check. Call 484-645-5438
OC,MD, 14th St., 1, 2 & 3 BR Apts. Nightly/Weekly. Cell: 717-318-4775 portnstarboardapts.com
53 OLD CARS AND PARTS, $1,000$5,000 or less, too sick for hobby, Central PA. Call: 570-538-3464.
ALIVE OR DEAD Junk Cars $300 & up, Full size Pickup trucks $400 & up; Construction Equipt WANTED. Must have titles. Covering Berks, Chester & Lancaster Co. 484-364-9382
DONATE YOUR CAR, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today!
Always paying cash for junk cars. Prompt, Honest Service. 717-877-5957 PA0002
Cash paid for unwanted cars, trucks. Any condition. Call Tim 717-318-0372
BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime.
CASH PAID: ATVs, ATCs, Golf Carts, Motorcycles, 2/3/4 Wheelers, Any Yr, Running Or Not. Call/Txt 610-656-3158
The Chester County Community Foundation will host Sweet Charity 2023, a fundraiser featuring food, fun, and philanthropy, on Tuesday, March 28. The event will take place from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Chester County Food Bank, 650 Pennsylvania Drive, Exton. At Sweet Charity, Chester County restaurants, bakeries, and caterers will participate in a dessert competition. The event will also include appetizers, beverages, a Sweetest Comfy Footwear Contest, food bank warehouse tours, and trivia.
For details and to purchase tickets, visit https://chescocf.org/events /sweet-charity-2023.
BANGOR EPISCOPAL-FOUNDED 1722. 4 mi. W of Morgantown on Rt. 23 in Churchtown. Sunday Holy Eucharist at 10am. All are welcome. Handicap accessible. Parking lot adjacent to the church off Water Street. For additional info., www.bangorepiscopal.org
BRICK LANE COMMUNITY CHURCH:52 S. Brick Lane in Elverson, welcomes visitors to worship with us Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. Wheelchair accessible. Childcare through age 2 and children’s worship during the sermon for PreK-Grade 3 available. Learn more at www.brick52.org or call the church office 610-286-6790. For those unable to attend in-person, see our livestream on www.youtube.com/bricklanecommunitychurch
CALVARYCHAPELOFHONEY BROOK: 80 Village Square, Honey Brook. Teach the Word of God book-by-book, chapterby-chapter & verse-by verse. Sunday: Worship & Bible Study with nursery & children’s church at 9 am. Tuesday : Worship, Bible Study & children’s church at 7:00 pm. Wednesday : Women’s Bible Study at 10 am. Monthly Saturday: Men’s Prayer Breakfast offsite at 7 am. www.cchoneybrook.org.
FAIRVIEW EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH- 800 Fairview Road, Glenmoore, PA (intersection of Fairview & Little Conestoga Rds.) Rev. Tim Latham. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15am; Worship Service at 10:30am. Nursery provided. Christian Education, Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies, Music Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Small groups... and much more! As growing disciples, we continue to Worship, Connect, Know and Serve God. For more info, find us online at www.FairviewEPC.org or call the office at 610-942-2640
Progressive, Inclusive, Democratic, Catholic! Sunday Mass: 10am 2109 Art School Road, Chester Springs, PA 19425 610-969-5932 www.healingshepherd.com
LIVING GOD LUTHERAN CHURCH: 3200 Horseshoe Pike, Honey Brook, 3 miles east of Honey Brook. Handicap accessible. Worship services are each Sunday at 9:30 am and Sunday School at 9:30 am. Masks are not required during in-house worship, but are recommended for those who have not been vaccinated.
THE APOSTLE OF MORGANTOWNFOUNDED 1765: 6251 Morgantown Rd., Just north of the intersection of Rt. 23 & Rt. 10 in Morgantown. Sunday Holy Eucharist at 8:00 am & 10:00 am. All are welcome. Handicap accessible. Learn more about us online at: https://saintthomasepiscopal.org
Please Note: Updates can be made to your churchs listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533