Eagle Scout holds veterans appreciation dinner
BY FRANCINE FULTONOne of the requirements of earning an Eagle Scout Award is the completion of a community service project that showcases the Scout’s planning, organizing and leadership skills.
Because Karis Toothman of Birdsboro, a member of Troop 543G in Plowville, is the daughter of a Marine Corps veteran who was wounded in combat, for her project she chose to hold an appreciation
dinner to honor local veterans.
Karis, the daughter of Drew and Misty Toothman, hosted the dinner in November 2023 at Hopewell Church in Elverson. “The church posted it on its website calendar, and I also shared it on Facebook with friends and family,”
Karis explained. “My family knows a lot of veterans, so there were also personal invites.” She noted that about 30 to 40 people attended the dinner, which included the veterans and their families.
During the event, guests enjoyed
homemade lasagna. “I bought the food and made the food myself. We started the process at my house the night before by making the lasagna,” she explained. “Then we cooked them the day of (the dinner) at the church.” The dinner also included salad, rolls with butter and homemade brownies for dessert.
Also assisting with the dinner were Karis’ parents; members of Troop 543G; Karis’ brothers, Carsen and Canaan; and other members of Troop 543B, which
See Eagle Scout pg 2

Poole Forge to present Water Week event
BY FRANCINE FULTONAs part of Lancaster Water Week, Historic Poole Forge will host “Experience the Upper Conestoga: Connecting With Our River,” a free family-friendly program, on Wednesday, June 12, from 5 to 8 p.m. The event, being presented by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), will feature a program about raptors, fly fishing
information and water safety demonstrations along with free food and giveaways.
This is the second time that Poole Forge has hosted a Water Week event, which is presented annually by the Lancaster Conservancy. “The first was pre-COVID in 2019. We did a freshwater snorkeling demonstration,” said Dawn Ekdahl, Poole Forge executive director. “People were able to
See Poole Forge pg 2

Local students win Litter Hawk Youth Awards
BY FRANCINE FULTONSeveral local students were first-place winners of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s Litter Hawk Youth Award program. A team of sixth-graders from Twin Valley Middle School (TVMS) - Dion Cooper, Serenity Foster, RJ Green and Royce Lane - created an anti-litter video, while fifth-grader Eleanor Mountz, who attends the Red School Learning Lab in Morgantown, won in the best essay category.
The program, funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, provides a way for students in kindergarten through grade six to express their concerns about litter by submitting artwork, an essay or a video. The theme was “Open Your Eyes to Litter - Show Us What You See.” Almost a thousand students participated in this year’s program.
In the award-winning video, the TVMS students show images of litter, a person throwing litter from a car window, plastic soda
See Youth awards pg 4

Shoes & Boots For The Whole Family
Poole Forge
look at the fish, plants and water life in the creek.”
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This year, there will be exhibitors located around the pavilion, which will offer hands-on activities for visitors. “The Pennsylvania Rural Water Association will have their augmented reality sandbox. You pile sand, and it colors it based on elevation and you can see how water would flow,” Ekdahl said. “There will also be guided tours through the pollinator garden.”
At 6:30 p.m. on June 12, there will be a presentation in the main pavilion on the plan to restore the health of the Upper Conestoga River. It will be offered by Brian Gish, CBF Pennsylvania senior watershed planner.
Other activities will include a demonstration of electro-fishing by representatives from Millersville University. “Electro-fishing is when you add a mild electric shock in the water, and it stuns the fish momentarily and they float up and you identify the species of fish you have in the creek. It doesn’t hurt
■ Picnic
■ Information Stations
■ Bird and Bat Houses

the fish,” Ekdahl said, explaining that the variety of fish that can be found in a waterway is an indicator of its water quality.
Another indicator of good water quality is the presence of macroinvertebrates. “Stream or creek bugs are little organisms that live in the creek. The better the diversity and the presence of macroinvertebrates is a good indicator or how healthy the water is,” Ekdahl noted.
Other demonstrations will be provided by Stroud Water Research Center, which will present information about macroinvertebrates and local restoration efforts. CBF will have a rainfall simulator, and there will be a boating safety demonstration by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, among other exhibitors.
Raven Ridge Wildlife Center will present a program about raptor rehabilitation with live raptors. “They will talk about the importance of ‘getting the lead out’ - lead contamination
pg 1 See Pool Forge pg 3
is Troop 543G’s brother troop. Karis’ friends who are not part of Scouting also helped out.
Karis said she was pleased with the turnout. “I thought it was good number. It was in some ways nice not to have (a lot) of people. It was nice to get a chance to interact with the veterans,” she stated. “The Scouts that were there got to sit down and talk with the veterans, and there was a sense of community and fellowship at the event.”
“There were a couple of older veterans, including one Vietnam veteran,” she added. “It was open to all eras, so I didn’t collect information on when they served, but (I did record) what branch they were in. I believe there was at least one (veteran) from every branch.”
Attendees were also invited to share their experiences and insights gained during their military service. “We had a time where they could share their stories essentially,” said Karis. “I had three signed up to (share), and after they spoke, we opened it up and we had two or three more (veterans) who shared.”
Each veteran was presented with a handmade thank you note made by the Scouts, and they were asked to stand up and be recognized.
Karis also arranged a display of information about local veterans’ groups. “We had different cards and pamphlets from organizations. There were also a few resources for the families of veterans - spouses and children,” she said. “It helped that my dad is a veteran, so he could give me advice.”

Drew retired from the military in 2014 and has founded a nonprofit, Fundamentals of Bible (FOB) Truth, which provides assistance to veterans and active-duty military members along with first responders. He

Karis Toothman prepares homemade lasagna for the dinner and brownies for dessert.
is also involved in the Twin Valley Mountain Biking Club. “The goal of FOB Truth is to provide support and community to veterans and others,” Karis said. More information about the group is available at www .facebook.com/FOBTruth.
Karis recently celebrated her Eagle Court of Honor ceremony at Hopewell Church along with friends, family members, veterans and Scouts from Troops 543G, 543B and 529 and Venturing Crew 22. At the event, led by Scoutmaster Virginia Thorpe, Karis presented a slideshow about her achievements in Scouting, noting that she joined Troop 543G in April 2021. She explained that the addition of segregated girls’ troops to Scouts BSA has allowed girls to earn the rank Eagle Scout, which is the highest rank attainable in Scouts BSA. Eagle Scouts are required to earn at least 21 merit badges, 14 of which are mandatory for the award. “I am the third girl in our troop to get Eagle Scout,” she noted.
Karis, 18, a 2023 Twin Valley High School graduate, is majoring in criminal justice at Liberty University in Virginia. Although she has “aged out” of Scouting, she plans to continue as an adult leader of the troop for the remainer of the year.

Morgantown/Honey Brook
from pg 2

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and how it’s causing damage to our bald eagles and osprey,” said Ekdahl. “They will also be bringing Phoenix, a peregrine falcon, their newest ambassador. It will be a wonderful opportunity for the public to see a raptor that is rarely seen up close.”
Ekdahl noted that Historic Poole Forge has spearheaded numerous environmental projects to improve the quality of the stream that runs through the historic site. “We started a group or initiative last year called the Upper Conestoga Steering Committee,” noted Ekdahl. “We had our first in-person meeting at Poole Forge last summer and we did a little event similar to Water Week.”
Lancaster Water Week is now in its eighth year and features 60 events. To learn more about Lancaster Water Week and for a schedule of events, visit www.lancasterconservancy .org/water-week.

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Gladiolus Farm
• Hanging Baskets • Annual & Perennial Bedding Plants

“Lancaster Water Week is a celebration of the 1,400 miles of streams and rivers in Lancaster County, our sources of drinking water, irrigation for agriculture, fishing, swimming and paddling for recreation,” added Ekdahl. “Create habitat, protect the water and explore the outdoorsthese are the themes we embrace at Poole Forge with our continued efforts to improve the water quality in the Conestoga Creek and protect the banks and area adjacent in the park, planting riparian buffers, pollinator gardens, wildflower meadows and (adding) a nature trail so that the community can get out and appreciate the beauty of nature and wildlife.”
In 2024, Poole Forge won the Community Revitalization Award from the Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County for its work in creek preservation and creating a nature habitat in a preserved historic district, improving the life of the neighborhood and community.
To learn more about current and future projects at Poole Forge, contact Ekdahl at hpf1940@gmail.com or 484-797-5302.
Historic Poole Forge is located at 1940 Main St. (Route 23), Narvon, 3 miles east of the Shady Maple complex. For more information, visit www.historicpooleforge.org or www.facebook.com/pooleforge.

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Youth awards from

and water bottles found in the waterway and one of a duck that had the misfortune of having a plastic six-pack ring stuck around his neck.
“Litter does not belong naturally in our environment. Litter is harmful because some litter is not biodegradable, which makes the litter harmful to our species,” the video states. “For example, when litter gets into the waterways, certain microplastics are harmful to people, animals and the environment. Every living creature is part of the ecosystem. When litter occurs, it compromises the food web.”
The video encourages people to pick up trash around their neighborhoods. “Everyone should be responsible for keeping our planet clean. … Throw out your trash into the right trash and recycle bins. Pick trash up from the road and on the ground,” the video advises. “Talk to your friends and family about why litter is harmful. Let everyone know
that that littering is against the law.”
In Eleanor’s essay, she tells the story of Emma, who witnesses a man toss trash from his car window. “Looking at him, Emma felt a surge of anger,” the essay states. “The man must open his eyes to the dangers of litter.”
The story continues as Emma purchases environmentally friendly trash bags and decides to pick up trash around her neighborhood. “A week later she hopped onto her bicycle and (pedals) around looking at the improvement,” the essay states. “The neighborhood looked amazing! Without litter around, the beautiful views were so much more beautiful. She knew it was just a start, but even one person caring today would make more people care tomorrow.”
Community Calendar
June 13. Summer Reading Program Kickoff
Boone Area Library
121 N. Mill St., Birdsboro, 5 to 7 p.m. Attendees will be able to learn about this year’s reading incentive program for patrons of all ages. Children will be able to meet Bluey and Bingo. www.facebook.com/boonearealibrary
June 14. Strawberry Festival
Honey Brook Presbyterian Church
4331 Horseshoe Pike, Honey Brook, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Hot dogs and barbecue sandwiches will be available along with strawberries, cake and ice cream by donation only. There will also be games and activities for children sponsored by Little Mates.
June 15. Flea Market
St. Peter United Church of Christ
1920 Ridge Road, Pottstown, 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will also be available. Call 610-469-9690 for details.
June 15. All Twin Valley Reunion
Presented by the Twin Valley Community Education Foundation
Reading Liederkranz
143 Spook Lane, Reading, 4 to 10 p.m. There will be an admission fee. Beverages and food will be available for purchase. To register visit www.twinvalleyalumni.org and select “Events.”
June 15. Community Day
Tel Hai Camp

Winning students, their families and legislators with winning students in their district were invited to attend a ceremony on May 2 honoring the Litter Hawk Youth Award winners and participants. More than 50 people were in attendance to support and celebrate the winners and their efforts. Among those who offered remarks at the ceremony were Shannon Reiter, president, Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful; Phoebe Coles, chair, Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful; and Ramez Ziadeh, acting executive deputy secretary for programs, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
First- and second-place winners in each grade level received ribbons, certificates and a Litter Hawk decal. Winning entries were displayed in the East Wing Rotunda of the Pennsylvania State Capitol Building in Harrisburg in May.
To view all of the winning entries and for more information about the program, visit www.keeppabeau tiful.org/grants-awards/awards/ litter-hawk. Winners are also featured at www.facebook.com/ keeppabeautiful.

31 Lasso Drive, Honey Brook, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Activities will include fishing, boating, archery, mini golf, wagon rides and face painting. Free food will be provided. www.telhaicamp.org
June 18. Tuesdays with Ms. Therese
Honey Brook Community Library
687 Compass Road, Honey Brook, 6 p.m. Open to families, attendees will create items using Lego blocks, Magna-Tiles and more. Registration is required by calling 610-273-3303 or emailing jspade@ccls.org.
June 26. Stories in the Shade
Honey Brook Community Library, 10 to 11 a.m. Patrons of all ages are invited to join Miss Jennifer in the library’s backyard for stories and a
See Calendar pg 5

Calendar from pg 4
craft. Attendees should bring chairs or blankets for seating. Those with questions may call 610-273-3303 or email jspade@ccls.org.
June 29. Chicken Barbecue
St. Peter United Church of Christ 1920 Ridge Road (Route 23), Knauertown, 3:30 to 6 p.m. The takeout meals will include half of a chicken, a baked potato, a vegetable, applesauce, a roll and dessert. For tickets, call 610-469-9690.
The Community Calendar is a weekly feature of the Community Courier. Submit your meeting or event for consideration in writing at least two weeks prior to the event. Email submissions to ffulton@engleonline.com.
County provides funds for generator at DVCCC
Chester County Commissioners
Josh Maxwell, Marian Moskowitz, and Eric Roe recently met with leaders, staff members, and volunteers of the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County (DVCCC) to commemorate the installation of a new generator at the DVCCC’s headquarters. The generator, important to ensuring that the secure, confidential services of
the DVCCC are always available, was funded by a $265,000 grant through the Chester County Department of Community Development.
The funding provided by Chester County for the DVCCC generator came from a Community Development Block Grant authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.


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CHURCHTOWN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 2170 Main Street, Narvon (Churchtown). Phone: 717-445-5585, umcchurchtown@gmail.com. Pastor Dave Kling, dklingclm@gmail.com 5 mi East of New Holland on PA 23. Sunday worship at 9 am. Handicapped Access.
FAIRVIEW EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH- 800 Fairview Road, Glenmoore, PA (intersection of Fairview & Little Conestoga Rds.) Rev. Tim Latham. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15am; Worship Service at 10:30am Nursery provided. Christian Education, Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies, Music Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Small groups... and much more! As growing disciples, we continue to Worship, Connect, Know and Serve God. For more info, find us online at www.FairviewEPC.org or call the office at 610-942-2640

LIVING GOD LUTHERAN CHURCH: 3200 Horseshoe Pike, 3 miles east of Honey Brook. Handicap accessible. Please join us for worship each Sunday at 9:30 am and Children’s Sunday School at 9:30 am. Nursery care is provided.