
Page 12

Rock Hollow Woods, a nonprofit environmental learning center that offers programming for people of all ages, will present a golf scramble on Monday, Sept. 12, at Manor Golf Club, 153 Bran Road, Reading.Participants in the first-time event will enjoy competing in a round of golf that includes use of a cart, lunch and dinner and chances to win prizes. Registration will begin at 11 a.m., followed by a shotgun scramble at noon. The event is open to golfers age 21 and over.

Mark Zerr, HCVHA executive director, noted that 10,000 people visit the festival over the three-day period each year. “(In addition to local visitors), we have people come from the tri-state region - Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey - especially some of our exhibitors,” he stated, noting that nearly 800 people participate in putting on the event. “That includes volunteer interpreters, exhibitors and crafters.”Inaddition to early American craft demonstrations and sale of crafts at the Creekside Crafts Market, open fire cooking, bake oven demonstrations and butter and sauerkraut making will take place throughout the weekend. Samples of the early American foods will be available to purchase.


BY FRANCINE FULTON After a break during the summer months, the cancer support group at Conestoga Mennonite Church will resume meeting on Thursday, Sept. 15. Meetings, which are held at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month, offer support, encouragement and education to those who are currently dealing with cancer or those who have dealt with cancer in the past.


P lans are being finalized for the 2022 edition of the Hay Creek Festival, which will run from Friday through Sunday, Sept. 9 to 11, on the grounds of the historic Joanna Furnace Ironworks, 1250 Furnace Road, Morgantown. The festival will run each day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Highlights of the 46th annual event, presented by the Hay Creek Valley Historical Association (HCVHA), will include traditional early American crafts; a contemporary craft market; living history presentations and interpretations; vintage Industrial Revol ution era working equipment; threshing demonstrations; a working sawmill; children’s hands-on activities; Civil War and World War II encampments; a display of antique vehicles, steam engines and tractors; traditional folk music presentations; and homemade foods.

MCC PostalPatron PRSRT PaidSTDECRWSSU.S.PostageEnglePrintingCo :RETSAMTSOPPLEASEDELIVERAUG.31,2022 Morgantown/Honey Brook

Golf Outing pg 3 See Hay Creek Festival pg 7

Stepping Cancer


Back In Time At Historic Joanna Furnace Golf Outing To Benefit Rock Hollow WoodsPatients, Survivors Invited To

Support Group INSIDE THIS ISSUE Museum Unveils Plans For New Building . . . . . . .2 Archaeology Display To HistoricHighlightArtifacts . . . . . . . .3 Community Calendar . . . .8 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . .9 House Of Worship . . . . . .12 scan this code for more local news AUGUST 31, VOL XXX • NO 30 Visitors will be able to sample early American foods (left photo), view vintage tractors (center photo) and watch craft demonstrations (right photo). Summer campers at Rock Hollow Woods enjoyed exploring nature with their homemade binoculars. PA00591 Fivepointville • Lancaster • Wyomissing12ZERO INTEREST IF PAID IN FULL WITHIN MONTHS* BUY TODAY GET SELECT IN-STOCK PRODUCTS INSTALLED WITHIN 2 WEEKS!!* FOR A LOOK THAT SIZZLES, COME SAVE ON SELECT IN-STOCK FLOORING* FLOORING SALE LABOR DAY September 1-10 R087062

See Cancer Support pg 5

See Program pg 4

2- COMMUNITYCOURIER - Morgantown/Honey Brook Edition - August 31, 2022 A.B. LOGGING 610-593-8610 • Select Cut Timbering (To Improve Future Timber Stands) BUYINIG STANDING TIMBERTIMBER R087490 VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.townlively.comAT R087418 Published By Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS The Community Courier reserves the right to reject any advertisement. The Community Courier assumes no financial responsibility for any typographical errors in advertisements but will reprint that portion of an ad in which error occurs. Advertisers submitting artwork and images for use in advertisements assume all liability in regards to trademark and copyright infringements. We encourage civic and fraternal groups, schools, churches, scouts, and other local organizations to submit news releases of general interest to the majority of our readership. Primary consideration is given to dated articles of an informative nature–activities and events of local interest sponsored, presented, or planned by area organizations and institutions. Related photographs of good quality are encouraged also, but complete picture identification must be included. Undated articles of general interest are used as space permits. All articles must contain a contact name and telephone number. Submit Camera Ready Ads at: Submit Classified Ads at: Display Advertising Deadline 3 P.M. Wednesday Display Ad Customer Fax717-492-2530Service717-492-2580 News Deadline Noon Tuesday News Department 1-800-800-1833 Extension 6018 Classified Advertising Deadlines By phone 2 P.M. Wednesday Online Noon Wednesday (Except Early Holiday Deadlines) Circulation / CustomerDistributionService Mailed1-800-800-1833Extension6014outsideourcirculationareafor$36.00ayear. Send news requests to: Community Courier Editor Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. P.O. Box 500 Mount Joy, PA 17552 or submit by email to MORGANTOWN - HONEY BROOK R086818 625 Robert Fulton Highway Quarryville, PA 17566 RSVP: Jennifer, 888-786-7331 or You’re Invited to ourYou’re to our Fall Open House Last Four Fridays in September Sept. 9, 16, 23 & 30 • 1-3 p.m. • See our spacious apartments • Learn about new cottages • Sample tasty food • Tour our Wellness Center & Bistro Café Find Your Next Job In The

United Way of Chester County will hold its annual Live United in Music event on Thursday, Sept. 29, at Penn Oaks Golf Club, 150 Penn Oaks Drive, West Chester. The event will feature national recording artist Alexandra Kay. Country Western attire is encouraged.Ticketsperperson include a reception, hors d’oeuvres, dinner, and the performance. Proceeds will benefit the United Way of Chester County’s Community Impact & Innovation Fund.

Museum Unveils Plans For New

The National Association of Counties (NACo) has recognized the efforts of the Chester County Juvenile Probation Office, County Clerk of Courts Office, the District Attorney’s Office, and the president judge with an Achievement Award in the category of Criminal Justice and Public Safety for the county’s Fresh Start Juvenile Record Expungement program. The purpose of the NACo award is to honor innovative, effective county government programs that strengthen services for residents. The Fresh Start program was introduced in August 2019 following recommendations by Chester County’s Juvenile Probation Office. It offers juveniles who have successfully completed a diversion program the option to have their record expunged when they turn 18. Since its start, more than 150 people each year have had their records expunged so that, in the words of the program nomination, “a one-time misdemeanor does not turn into a longer ‘sentence’ that prevents future opportunities.” Similar to the county’s statewide Clean Slate program that seals but does not expunge records, this

“Live United In Music” Announced

Van de Krol, Chester County clerk of courts; Renee Merion, deputy district attorney in charge of the Juvenile Unit; and Don Corry, Chester County chief juvenile probation officer.

Chester RecordGatheredNationalProgramCountyReceivesAwardattheintroductionoftheFreshStartJuvenileExpungementprogramwere(fromleft)Yolanda

Limited corporate sponsorships are available. To purchase tickets and learn more about call.liveunitedinmusic.comopportunities,sponsorshipvisitwwwor610-429-9400.


Ladies Fellowship will host a “Fall Blessings” event on Thursday, Sept. 8, at 6:15 p.m. at Christian Fellowship Church, 758 Spruce Road, New Holland. The guest speaker will be Lisa Landis Blowers from WJTL. The event will also include dinner and music. Women are invited to attend. The cost is by donation at the door. Reservations are requested by Tuesday, Sept. 6. For details and reservations, call 717-354-8428.


Berks Military History Museum recently held an open house at its Holocaust Gallery. During the event, museum founder Mark M. Gillen, who also serves as a state representative, and architect Lee Olson shared renderings of the planned Berks Holocaust Museum, which will be built next to and will connect with the existing museum.Planners expect that ground will be broken for the new building later this year.

“When they arrive, they will get a lunch ticket that can be used at the golf course,” explained Michelle Zeitz, executive director. Dinner, which will be provided by Mission BBQ, will include meat sandwiches, two side dishes and cornbread. “People can order extras if they want to to take home to their families. Zeitz said. “We also have chocolate chip cookies donated from SeveralDoubleTree.”contestswill be featured during the afternoon, including closest-to-the-pin and longest drive. There will also be an award for first place and a consolation prize for the last-place finisher. Proceeds from the firsttime event will benefit “The Road That Leads the Way” capital campaign, which is raising funds to create a new driveway, which will allow better access to the center. “(We need) space (for visitors) to safety travel in and out of our organization,” said Zeitz. “We need to build a bigger, saferThedriveway.”ideaofthe golf outing is not only to raise money for the center, but also to make people aware of all the nature programs available at Rock Hollow Woods, which is located at 615 Rock Hollow Road, Birdsboro. “At registration, we will have posters and brochures of what we offer and the plan from our capital campaign,” stated Zeitz. “Fundraising is easier when people know your organization and its mission.” Rock Hollow Woods recently completed its season of summer camps for children and will soon begin its fall programming, which will run from September through May. Nature PreK will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Toddler Time on the Trail for children under age 5 and their guardians will run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and Homeschool Happenings will be offered on Wednesdays for students in kindergarten through grade eight. “All are taught by certified educators, which is what we pride ourselves on,” said Zeitz. “Throughout the year, we have a lot of adult and seasonal programs for families. Our adult programs range from yoga and painting to nature photography and mindful walks. There are family programs like our Owl Prowl. We have Fall Fest activities that involve storytelling and pumpkin decorating, and at Christmastime we have programs for families and children that involve holidayForcrafts.”more information about the golf tournament and to register by Thursday, Sept. 1, visit and choose Programs and then Adult Programs. A link to register is also available at mentionedprograms,

Golf Outing frompg 1 R0870933298 Compass Rd., Honey Brook 717.475.9483 • find us on Open Every Friday 11am-6pm & Saturday 9am-5pm Baby Back Ribs • Chicken Pulled Pork • Sides • Ice Cream 3dk Full line of Baked Goods plus much more! Farm Fresh Fall Vegetables & Seasonal Fruit Available ROADSIDEROUTE10MARKET Mon.-Thurs. 7am-6pm; Fri. 7am-7pm; Sat. 7am-5pm 941 Compass Road, Honey Brook, PA 19344 R087473m-7pm;Sat 7am5m-5pm 73 See Store for Monthly Specials Mums Are In Now! Pumpkins Here By Sept. September 3–4, 2022 Hours: 10-5 Sat. 10-4 Sun. Rain or shine FREE admission & 705RootsparkingMarketGraystone Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 200 Juried Artists Labor Day Weekend 2010-2020 10 YEARS 200Voted 10 years in a row! th R086524 R087668(717) 355-0542 King Road GreenhouseRoad Greenhouse 230 King Road, Honey Brook, PA 19344 Off Rt. 10, 2 mi. south of Honey Brook, turn on King Rd. Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Pumpkins, DecorativeSucculents,SucculentPumpkins&Mums,FallDécor Perennials still available

COMMUNITYCOURIER - Morgantown/Honey Brook Edition - August 31, 2022 -


The mansion privy was also excavated where various artifacts were discovered. “They were digging in the privy and went down through four feet of topsoil. Then they got to a clay level, and they found a layer of bricks. They pulled out over 200 bricks,” Zerr shared. “Once they got through the brick layer, they pulled out china, glassware andItemsbottles.”uncovered by the students will be on display during the festival on Saturday, Sept. 10. “Kutztown University students are coming to the festival on Saturday to talk about their dig and bring their artifacts to show to the public,” Zerr noted. “They cleaned them, cataloged them, and part of their plan is to actually put an exhibit together for us when they are ready.”

The Hay Creek Festival will run from Friday through Sunday, Sept. 9 to 11, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the grounds of the Historic Joanna Furnace, 1250 Furnace Road, Morgantown. For more information, visit

Archaeology Display To Highlight Historic ArtifactsUncoveredartifacts

“When we acquired the site, we didn’t have the mansion. We knew where it stood and had photos of the exterior of the mansion but had no idea what it actually looked like inside,” noted Zerr. During the archaeological dig, students used groundpenetrating radar to look for anomalies in the ground, after which they uncovered the northern basement wall of the ironmaster’s home. “They worked four weeks straight from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day,” Zerr reported. “Once they got down to the cellar, they went below the cement floor, and they found a wine glass and a penny from 1820. You have to assume that (the penny) was dropped (during that time period).”

included bottles, glassware and dishes.

Through the efforts of Kutztown University archaeology students, visitors will be able to see a new attraction at this year’s Hay Creek Festival at Historic Joanna Furnaceartifacts that were unearthed at the site of the former Ironmaster’s Mansion. This past summer, Hay Creek Valley Historical Association (HCVHA) partnered with the Kutztown University students for a four-week field school program during which the students completed the excavation project. According to Mark Zerr, HCVHA executive director, the Ironmaster’s Mansion was torn down in 1960 by Bethlehem Steel, which previously owned the property. Part of the mansion’s stone foundation is still evident.

The PA Forward Student Loan Program leverages the combined resources of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to provide loans at competitive rates with borrower benefits. PHEAA serves as the lender and loan servicer for the program, with tax-exempt allocation provided by the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED).

The PA Forward Student Loan Program is a suite of loans for undergraduate and graduate students and parent borrowers. It is offered in addition to a PA Forward Refinance Loan that enables participating borrowers to combine all their federal and private loans into one monthlyThroughpayment.theprogram, JBT clients can borrow up to the total cost of attendance with competitive interest rates and a variety of upfront and repayment benefits.

4- COMMUNITYCOURIER - Morgantown/Honey Brook Edition - August 31, 2022 Paints & Spray Equipment - FREE Delivery Quality Products Low Prices 717-786-8781717-733-4388717-768-3239KinzersEphrataQuarryville R086877 R087250 Jay’s Handyman Service Free Estimates Cell: 484-467-4069 or 610-563-1476 A Father-Son Operated Business No Job Too Small! Clean Up • Clean Out • Roof Seal Coating Power Washing & Soft Washing Gutter Repair • Gutter Cleaning Painting & Drywall • Screen & Door Repair • Shed Repair Light Electrical & Light Plumbing Vinyl Flooring • Work on Mobile Homes Light Hauling (2,800 lb. limit) & More! Fully Insured PA 113649 R086780 610-857-1676SPECIALISTSFENCINGRetail&WholesaleAllTypesofFencingRt.10,Parkesburg (2½ miles north of Rt. 30) H E R T Z L E R L AW N C A R E L L ERTZLERC AWN ARELLC Mowing, Fertilizing, Mulching, Fall Cleanup, Leaf Removal – Hertzler Lawns are Healthy Lawns –Jake Kauffman, Owner | 610.273.2696 Jesse King, Manager | 484.796.1636 1670 Beaver Dam Road Honey Brook, PA 19344 484.796.1636 R087083 R086978 Aerating • Over Seeding Hardscaping • Pruning Tree Removal & Stump Grinding Mulching • Yard Clean Ups 610.857.2169610.857.2169 Parkesburg, PA PA PA123810PA123810 & Rentals, LLC& LLC Lawn R087479 expungement service for non-adjudicated juveniles does not require any action by the juvenile to initiate the process. The types of records that are expunged for first-time offenders who successfully completed a diversion program include misdemeanors such as criminal mischief, criminal trespass, or disorderly conduct.TheNACo Achievement Awards are given in 18 different categories that reflect the vast, comprehensive services counties provide. The categories include children and youth, criminal justice and public safety, county administration, information technology, health and civic engagement.

Program frompg 2

The PA Forward Student Loan Program is designed specifically for students or parents/guardians of students who are enrolled or who plan to be enrolled in a degree, certificate or diploma granting program. For parent loans, the student must be enrolled at least half-time. Students enrolled for less than half-time also have borrowing options. These loans are meant for Pennsylvania residents attending an approved school in or out of Pennsylvania; students from an approved state, including Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia attending an approved Pennsylvania school; U.S. citizens or eligible noncitizens of the U.S.; and borrowers and/or co-signers who meet the minimum credit requirements.ThePAForward Student Loan Program includes four student loan products: a PA Forward Undergraduate Loan for students seeking an undergraduate degree, certificate or diploma; a PA Forward Graduate Loan for students seeking an advanced degree such as master’s, doctoral, law or health profession; a PA Forward Parent Loan for parents or guardians of dependent undergraduate students seeking an undergraduate degree, certificate or diploma; and a PA Forward Refinance Loan for borrowers in repayment seeking a more streamlined way to manage their debt by combining all their federal and private student loans into a single monthly payment under new terms andTheconditions.program offers competitive fixed interest rates and borrower benefits for undergraduate and graduate loan borrowers, including a .50% interest rate reduction for achieving successful graduation. Additional benefits for all borrowers include no application or origination fees, a .25% interest rate reduction for enrolling in Direct Debit, flexible repayment options and biweekly payment options that can pay off a loan sooner, saving borrowers even more money in interest.

JBT Partners With PHEAA On Student Loans

PHEAA’s earnings from the PA Forward Student Loan Program are used to support the agency’s public service mission for Pennsylvania students and families. For more information, visit or contact Jennifer Crain at 717450-1222.

Jonestown Bank & Trust Co. (JBT) has announced that it has partnered with the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) to help their customers finance their higher education through the borrower-friendly PA Forward Student Loan Program.

Mennonite Church is located at 2779 Main St. (Route 23), Morgantown. For more information, contact Cheryl at 610-7620002 or

The meetings, which generally last until 8:30 p.m., end in Cherylprayer. started the support group in the midst of the pandemic in July of 2020. Her husband, the Rev. David Heineman, who is a boardcertified hospice chaplain, offers support and expertise for the Conestogagroup.

Every third month, the group enjoys dinner at the church and an informal session. “There is no guest speaker, and we share a meal,” Cheryl explained. “It’s sort of like a covered dish (potluck) or sometimes we order (food).”

COMMUNITYCOURIER - Morgantown/Honey Brook Edition - August 31, 2022 - We S t o c k B u l k F l o u r, S u g a r, & O a t m e a lWe Stock Bulk Flour, Sugar, & Oatmeal 3 2 2 G E N E R A L S T O R E322 GENERAL STORE CA L L T O O R D E R 7 1 7 4 4 9 4 8 0 2CALL TO ORDER 717-449-4802 *Prices & Availability Subject to Change One Week from Publication or While Supplies Last. Payment Expected On Delivery. (CASE LOT SALES ONLY) DELIVERY ONLY! Shredded Mozzarella Cheese .......................32 lb. $2.99 lb. Shredded Pizza Blend ..................................4/5 lb. $2.49 lb. Shredded Cheddar .......................................4/5 lb. $2.99 lb. Colby Jack Cheese Cubes ........................... 20 lb. $2.49 lb. Sliced Swiss ....................................................9 lb. $3.19 lb. Philadelphia Strawberry Cream Cheese ..3 lb. tub $2.99 lb. Kraft Cream Cheese ..........................6/3 lb. blocks $1.99 lb. Unsalted Butter Half Sticks ......................12/8 oz. $2.99 lb. Whole Milk Yogurt.....................................8/32 oz. $4.99 cs. Strawberry Yogurt Cups ..................12/6 oz. cups $2.99 cs. Jumbo Lump Crab Meat ...............................1 lb. $14.99 lb. Peeled 26/30 Ct. Large Shrimp.....................10 lb. $4.99 lb. Whiting Fish Filets ....................................15/2 lb. $1.99 lb. Fish Sticks ...................................................10 lb. $2.79 lb. Unsalted Butter .............................................18 lb. $3.29 lb. Kraft Miracle Whip ....................................4/1 gal. $7.99 gal. Velveeta Cheese .........................................12/2 lb. $3.29 lb. Martin’s Chips .........................................9/9.5 oz. $2.99 ea. Claussen Pickle Spears ....................5 gal. bucket $7.99 cs. Lard ...............................................................50 lb. $1.99 lb. Organic Peanut Butter Ball Cereal ........12/10 oz. $1.99 ea. Disinfecting Wipes ...................................6/75 ct. $2.99 ea. Ritz, Saltines, Grahams & More Chicken Leg Quarters ............................30 lb. avg. $1.39 lb. Stuffed Barber Chicken Cordon Bleu .......7/2.5 lb. $3.99 lb. Tyson Irregular Game Hens ..............................30 lb. 79¢ lb. Oscar Mayer Sliced White Turkey ................ 12 lb. $1.49 lb. Seasoned Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast ..6/5 lb. $2.99 lb. Boneless Skinless Chicken Tenderloin ......2/5 lb. $3.99 lb. Boneless Skinless Chicken Thigh Cubes ..60/10 oz. $2.99 lb. Cold Cut Combo ......................................... 22.5 lb. $1.69 lb. Black Forest Sliced Ham ...............................18 lb. $1.69 lb. Bone-In Pork Chops ......................................10 lb. $2.79 lb. Ground Pork Sausage ...............................12/1 lb. $1.99 lb. Boneless Pork Loin .......................................45 lb. $1.89 lb. Ham Steaks in Packs .................................5.25 lb. $1.39 lb. Little Breakfast Sausage Links (Cooked) ...20 lb. $1.49 lb. Oscar Mayer Sliced Ham ...........................3.75 lb. $1.49 lb. Applegate Organic Uncured Bacon ...........12/8 oz. $3.49 lb. Hard Salami Ends ............................................20 lb. 79¢ lb. Philly Beef Sandwich Slices ........................10 lb. $2.99 lb. 85/15 Ground Beef ....................................2/10 lb. $2.99 lb. Stuffed Cheeseburger Bites ..............................8 lb. 99¢ lb. Nice Beef Franks ...........................................12 lb. $1.99 lb. Sliced Cheddar Cheese ....................................6 lb. $3.49 lb. Sliced Yellow American Cheese .....................6 lb. $1.99 lb. Sliced White American Cheese ....................20 lb. $2.59 lb. Provolone Cheese ....................................11 lb. roll $3.19 lb. R087697 FREE DELIVERY $150 OR MORE $200 Order Receive FREE Giant Candy Bar $300 Receives 2 FREE Candy Bars PepperoniSliced 25 lb. $2.99 lb. TurkeySkinlessBreast 25 lb. avg. $1.49 lb. Not Responsible For Typographical Errors Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8am-8pm; Wed. & Sat. 8am-5pm 63RD YEAR! 1959-2022 Café Phone # (717) Café Hours: Summer sandal sale % Sale Dates: deals!hot savings!super Regular Available for a short time. Family Owned & Operated Café in Lancaster County Since 1959 Off R087666

Cancer Support frompg 1

“We accept anyone no matter what form of cancer diagnosis they received,” said Cheryl Heineman, a threetime cancer survivor who leads the group. Each meeting features an educational program or a guest speaker. “We start out with a welcome, and if we have a guest speaker, I introduce them and they present for 30 to 40 minutes depending on the topic,” Cheryl explained. “If we don’t have a speaker, I have a curriculum that I follow. It’s educational, but it is not medical advice. It might be something like what organizations (have to offer) or how (people) are feeling about different things. One of the topics is dealing with cancer during the holidays. That can be a realAfterchallenge.”abreak, the group comes back together for refreshments and a time of sharing. “We share what is going on in our lives. It’s often medical,” said Cheryl. She explained that for people who have had a cancer diagnosis, they have to return for medical tests to make sure the cancer has not returned or spread. Waiting for the test results can be very stressful. “We call these feelings ‘scanxiety.’ We talk about how we process through that,” Heineman said. The group members also talk about life events. “We often talk about the good things that have happened in our lives - grandchildren, graduations or births,” Cheryl shared. “We share our lives with one another.” Cheryl noted that she also gives the group members “homework” to work on during the next month. “(I tell people to) take time for themselves. Sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves,” she said. “Other times (I suggest that) they tell their caregiver how much they mean to them or buy them an (inexpensive) gift.”

Although its name reflects one of the activities that it offers, the Brandywine Valley Ski Association (BVSA), a notfor-profit organization, invites its members to meet year-round to enjoy a variety of outdoor sports, including biking, hiking, kayaking and golfing.

photos of past events and trips.Upcoming outings planned by the club include full moon kayaking at Marsh Creek State Park on Saturday, Sept. 10, and a horseback ride on Sunday, Oct. 23, at a location to be determined. Ski outings planned for 2023 include trips to Banff, Alberta, Canada; Niseko, Japan; Greek Peak Mountain Resort in New York; and Killington, Vt. BVSA members are asked to pay an annual fee, with separate prices for couples, families and individuals. In addition to a monthly newsletter that lists club activities, members receive reciprocal membership to the EPSC and the National Ski Council. The club, which was established in 1975, currently has 300 registered members. “There is a core group of 100 members primarily from throughout Chester County, but we do draw from throughout the region, including Montgomery County and some people in Delaware County and Lancaster County,” NoonanBVSAsaid.meets on the first Wednesday of each month from September through May at the Thorndale Inn. Guests are“Somewelcome.people come early and have dinner and there is a business meeting at 7 p.m., which is required by our charter,” Noonan explained. “We have a treasurer’s report and a report from an EPSC representative, and we go over upcoming activities. Sometimes there are fun events or a speaker, who will talk about biking or exercises for skiing, or (there will be) bingo. At Christmastime, there is a gift exchange.”Members are invited to propose other outings and trip destinations. “We have people with broad interests,” said Noonan. “That has led to the things that we do when we branched out from skiing.”

The ability to ski is not a requirement to join the group.BVSA will hold an open house for new and prospective members on Wednesday, Sept. 7, at 6:30 p.m. at the Thorndale Inn, 430 Bondsville Road, bersmembershipsincludeNoonanDelawarethroughoutcil,ernchapter(EPSC).Pennsylvaniaationlearnevents.”willactivitiesNoonan,thingswillandwilltion“ThereDowningtown.willbeapresenta-fromthepresident,whogiveahistoryoftheclub,theactivitieschairmangiveusanideaofthethatwedo,”saidTimamemberofthecommittee.“TherealsobeaslideshowofpastNewmemberswillalsoabouttheclub’saffili-withtheEasternSkiCouncil“BVSAisjustoneofthebroaderEast-PennsylvaniaSkiCoun-whichincludes39clubsPennsylvania,andMaryland,”said.Theopenhousewillalsodrawingsforfreefornewmem-onlyandadisplayof


For additional information about BVSA, contact Noonan at 484-680-8435 or

6- COMMUNITYCOURIER - Morgantown/Honey Brook Edition - August 31, 2022 R087478 R086566 Charles Family Farm ¼’s & ½’s BEEF For Your Freezer Aged, Black Angus, Healthy, No Antibiotics or Growth Hormones Call: 717-371-6238 InspectedUSDA R086945 150 Slate Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: 717-445-5222 •Fax: 717-445-4841 M-F 7AM-5PM, SAT 7AM-11:30AM Refrigerators $85-$1500 Side-By-Side Refrigerator 22.3 CF FFRSS2623 $979 Freezers $250-$1120 • Dehumidifiers $179-$229 Dryers - Washers - Dishwashers - Cook Tops - Ranges Ovens - Microwaves - Dehumidifiers - Air Conditioners Lumber - Metal Roofing - Plywood - Door Track - Composite Decking We Specialize in Surplus & Discounted Items 8,000 BTU $219-$499 10,000 BTU $319 12,000 BTU $279-$389 15,000 BTU $499 18,000 BTU $539 25,000 BTU $639 Prime - Scratch & Dent Appliances Frigidaire - Electrolux - Samsung - Danby - Speed Queen Air Conditioners: More Than Just Skiing Members of the Brandywine Valley Ski Association enjoy kayaking. The Brandywine Valley Ski Association has several skiing trips planned for 2023.


Hay Creek’s Tri-County Heritage Library will have a special exhibit featuring vintage and antique quilts from the community.

LCC exists to prepare business leaders to guide nonprofit organizations as board members. Participants explore complex social and community issues, develop leadership professional and connect with local nonprofit organizations, positioning them to lead and network in the communiGraduates seek to gain business, leadership, entrepreneurial skills; a broadened understanding of the local socioeconomic landscape; and new perspectives in management, planning, and strategicThethinking.LCCprogram is administered and facilitated by United Way of Chester County with guidance from its partners, West Chester University, and Chester County Chamber of Business & Industry. To learn more, visit 610-429-9400.shipchestercounty.orgwww.leaderorcall


Leadership Program Seeks Applicants

Children are invited to pick up their “chores list” at the festival gate, which will feature all the hands-on activities at the event. Those who complete all of the tasks will be rewarded with a free wagonFestivalride.foods will include chicken potpie, hamburgers, hot dogs, turkey and roast beef sandwiches, sausage sandwiches, Mabel’s open fire cooked soups, breads, handdipped ice cream, funnel cakes, french fries, fresh baked goods, homemade corn pie and stuffed bell peppers. Freshly pressed apple cider will be made daily in the Joanna Furnace cider mill. Parking will be free on the festival grounds on Sept. 9, and free continuously running shuttle buses will be provided from an off-site parking area from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 10, and on Sept. 11. For more information about the festival, visit

potential, build

In the mechanical technology area, visitors will see an assortment of early gas and steam engines, models, antique cars and tractors sawmill and threshing demonstrations. At the Civil War encampment, re-enactors will offer a mini skirmish each day at the festival. Buildings in the ironmaking complex will be open for tours, and a 22-minute introductory video on the history of Joanna Furnace will take place each hour in the blowing engine house.


There will be children’s activities throughout the weekend, including candle and papermaking, early American games and Civil War marching and drilling.

Leadership Chester County (LCC), a professional development program, is currently accepting applications for its 2022-23 class. The deadline to apply is Friday, Sept. 30. The course will meet in full weekday sessions every three to four weeks from October to May. Limited spots are available for this program.

COMMUNITYCOURIER - Morgantown/Honey Brook Edition - August 31, 2022 - Fresh! 81% Lean Ground Beef $3.88 Lb. Fresh Cut! Bone-in Pork Chops Value Pack ....... $2.49 Lb. Fresh Cut! Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts $3.99 Lb. Fresh! 81% Lean Burger Patties $4.99 Lb. Fresh Cut! Bone-In Country Style Pork Spare Ribs Value Pack ..................................... $2.49 Lb. Maxwell CoffeesHouse 24-30 Oz. $8.99 Oreida French Fries ......................28-32 Oz. $3.59 Crav’n Assorted Ice Cream Bars $2.99 Super Pretzels 6 Pk. or Ched Cheese Stix $2.99 Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese ............................8 Oz. 2/$5 Cracker Barrel ..........................8 Oz. $2.79 Daisy Sour Cream ...................16 Oz. $2.29 Eby’s Monster Cookies .....................10 Pk. $4.69 California Cauliflower $2.99 Premium Tomatoes $1.99 Lb. Eby’s Chicken Ritz Casserole $4.99 Lb. Eby’s Beef Noodle Soup $4.59 Lb. Eby’s Redskin Potato Salad $4.09 Lb. Eby’s Greek Pasta Salad $5.09 Lb. Eby’s Grasshopper Dessert $4.09 Lb. Eby’s Mixed Berry Cream Cheese Dessert $4.09 Lb. LightDannonn YogurtsFit 69¢ Turkey Hill Ice Cream 46-48 Oz. 2/$6 CV Cooper Sharp American Cheese $4.99 Lb. Kunzler Mac & Cheese or Olive Loaves $4.99 Lb. JF Martin Regular Franks .1 Lb. $3.59 JF Martin Cheese Franks .1 Lb. $3.79 JF Martin Beef Franks .....1 Lb. $4.29 JF Martin Jalapeño Cheddar Franks 1 Lb. $3.79 Small $3.99 3.99 Large $5.99 5.99 Eby’s Combo Sub CaesarChickenSalad $5.79 5.79 Eby’s Cream Chipped Beef $6.09 Lb. R086635 ProduceGroceryDept.FrozenDept.DairyDept.BakeryDept.Dept.SUB of the weekofSALADtheweekMeatDept.DeliDept.FromJane’sKitchen CookiesSnickerdoodleEby’s 10 Pk. $4.69 Red or SeedlessWhiteGrapes $1.99 Lb. Fresh Cut! New York Strip Steaks Value Pack $8.99 Lb. SweetStoltzfusBologna $6.29 Lb. (717) 445-4212 Eby’sEby’seneralstore, inc.general store, inc. 1009 Martindale Road (610) 273-3113 3801 Horseshoe Pike of Honey Brook PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 30TH-SEPT. 3RD, WWW.EBYSGENERALSTORE.COM2022 Eby’s Online Shopping! Curbside Pickup! Download the Rosie App Martindale Eby’sEby’s **Advertised items and prices subject to market availability**Eby’s Stores will be CLOSED ALL DAY on Monday, Sept. 5th for the Labor Day Holiday Hellmanns Mayo ......................30 Oz. $5.49 Heinz Ketchup .........................38 Oz. $3.99 Vlasic Assorted Pickles ......16-24 Oz. $2.29 Betty Crocker Cake Supermoist Cake Mixes 3/$4 Mr. Clean All Purpose Cleaners 2/$7 R087395 1620 Cambridge Rd., Honey Brook, PA 19344 (610) 273-2990 Monday-Thursday 8-5; Friday 8-8; Saturday 8-2; Sunday Closed with Class Rings • Bracelets & Chains • Earrings (1/2 pairs OK!) • Chains, Etc. House Calls Available for Larger Estates & Antiques OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE LICENSED - LOCALLY OWNED 363 E. LINCOLN HWY. (Bus. Rt. 30) EXTON, PA 19341 484-872-8216 • Mon.-Fri. 10-5, closed Saturday & Sunday, call for appointment. We Pay Cash on the SPOT! We’ll Beat Any Legitimate Offer WE PURCHASE GOLD & SILVER FLATWARESTERLINGJEWELRY,SILVER,&HOLLOWWARE PREMIUM PAID FOR ESTATE JEWELRY - Larger Diamonds - Rolex Watches - Patek Phillipe Watches - Gold Pocket Watches - David Yurman Jewelry - Tiffany Jewelry - Cartier Jewelry - Original Art & Bronzes Senior Citizens Additional5%Paid Cannot be combined with other offers or used on coins or bullion. Exp. 9/9/22 With this ad. 62 years or older. R087374 Buy,WeSell&Trade Do You NeedDo You Back-To-SchoolBack-To-SchoolCash?Cash? Great Time To Sell!Time To Sell! GOLD PRICES PRICES at 10 Year High!!at 10 Year UniqueGifts BrokenorNot Read the digital edition of this paper and our 16 paperscommunityotherat Hay Creek Festival frompg 1

Sept. 1. Chatty Crafters Honey Brook Community Library 687 Compass Road, Honey Brook, 6 to 8 pm. The social group meets every Thursday for knitting, crocheting, needlepoint and other crafts. Attendees should bring their own supplies. For more information, call 610-273-3303 or email

Sept. 2. Sewing with Ms. Nancy Honey Brook Community Library, 6 to 8 p.m. Ms. Nancy will be on hand every Friday to help people with basic sewing skills or they may choose a pattern or project from the library’s many sewing books. To register or for more information call 610-273-3303 or email

Sept. 6. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) The Torch Community Center in the Clocktower Plaza 2846 Main St., Morgantown, 8:45 to 10 a.m. Visitors may attend their first meeting for free.

Sept. 7. Story Time With Miss Jennifer Honey Brook Community Libr.ary Children can enjoy stories, songs and crafts on Wednesdays and Thursdays, Sept. 7. through Dec. 1, at 10 a.m. Best suited for preschoolers ages 2 to 5, but all ages are welcome. For more information, contact the library at 610-273-3303 or email

Sept. 10. Indoor/Outdoor Flea Market St. Peter United Church of Christ 1920 Ridge Road, Pottstown, 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will be served. There is a nominal fee for space. Call 610-469-9890 for details.

Sept. 3. Berks Strollers Hike Covered Bridge Park 2465 Wehr Mill Road, Allentown. The group will meet at 9:30 a.m. behind McDonald’s on Fifth Street Highway in Reading (next to Walmart) and carpool to the trail. Hike leader: Kay, 610-796-7602

Sept. 10. Classic Car Show And Bazaar Classic Auto Mall 6180 Morgantown Road, Morgantown, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. All proceeds will benefit Ukrainian refugees. Featured will be live music; a display of cars, trucks and motorcycles; and food trucks. For additional details, contact Johnny Pappas at Sept. 17. Honey Brook Harmony Day Presented by the Honey Brook, Community Partnership, the event will include a Family Fun Fest at the Honey Brook Fire Company, 679 Firehouse Lane, from 8 a.m. unit 3 p.m.; a book sale at the Honey Brook Community Library, 876 Compass Road, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and communitywide yard sales. www.hbpartnership.orgTheCommunityCalendar is a weekly feature of the Community Courier. Submit your meeting or event for consideration in writing at least two weeks prior to the event. Email

Sept. 1. Free Meal Honey Brook Presbyterian Church 4331 Horseshoe Pike (Route 322), Honey Brook, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Presented by the Shepherd’s Kitchen Meal Ministry. The menu will include barbecue sandwiches, baked beans and macaroni and www.honeybrookpres.orgcheese.

8- COMMUNITYCOURIER - Morgantown/Honey Brook Edition - August 31, 2022 R086019 BRANDYWINE VALLEY ACTIVE AGING At BVAA we are changing the community’s view on aging. That also goes for how we do a “Beef and Beer.” Now considered one of Chester County’s premiere events, Moo & Brew and grapes too... is definitely not the usual fundraising dinner. Trust us, you don’t want to miss this. WHEN: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2022 WHERE: CHESTER COUNTY G.O CARLSON AIRPORT (PRIVATE HANGAR) TIME: 5P-10P TICKET PURCHASE: WWW.EVENTBRITE.COM/E/314853825267 COST: G.A $45, VIP $75 Call us for more info: 610-383-6900 R087218 R087762 2769 Main Street, Morgantown, PA 19543own P Morgantownn ReUzitt THRIFT SHOPPE 610 286,g,7233 Morgantown ReUzit 610 286 7233 Sept 1st, 2nd & 3rd *E G Ste S nn Morgantown ReUzit Morgantown ReUzit Septt 1st,, 2ndd && 3r d *Excludes: Gold & Sterling Silver Jewelry & Silent Auction Morgantown ReUzit Sept 1st, 2nd & 3rd *Excludes: Gold & Sterling Silver Jewelry & Silent Auction ALLBLUE Tags 50%% Off Morgantown ReUzit Sept 1st, 2nd & 3rd *Excludes: Gold & Sterling Silver Jewelry & Silent Auction 50% Off Morgantown ReUzit Sept1st,2nd&3rd *Excludes:Gold&SterlingSilverJewelry&SilentAuction 50%Off MorgantownReUzit Plan Your Big Day With The Help The•••••theweddingplanneronline.comOfInformativeArticlesHelpfultipsandideasPlanningtoolsandmoreSubmityourengagementandweddingannouncementsFREE!ReadthedigitalversionofWeddingPlanner2022 Wedding P lanner The Community Calendar

Sept. 10. Creamery Hustle 5K/10K Race Penn State Berks Campus 1801 Broadcasting Road, Reading, 9 a.m. All registrants will receive two free scoops of Penn State Berks Creamery Ice Cream. Presented by OneRunTogether, which donates 100% of its profits to local cancer patients in need. For registration information, visit or call 484-844-1249.

Sept. 10. Community Luncheon Nantmeal Methodist Church 359 Nantmeal Road, Glenmoore, noon to 2 p.m. This month’s menu will be potluck. The meal is free, but donations will be accepted.

Level Corner Lot Mixed Use Zoning.

OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, September 3 & 10 from 1:00 PM –3:00 PM (or by apt. call 610-286-5183).


COMMUNITYCOURIER - Morgantown/Honey Brook Edition - August 31, 2022-


PUBLIC AUCTION PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE PARCEL 1: 3 BR HOME w/GARAGE ON 1 ACRE PARCEL 2: 12 ACRES VACANT LAND AMITYVILLE AREA SEPT. 24 11:00 A.M. LOCATION: 888 Old Airport Road, Douglassville, PA 19518. Auction held on Parcel 1. REAL ESTATE: Excellent opportunity to buy one or two parcels of real estate in Amity Twp. Parcels are contiguous, but will be offered separately. Parcel 1: 1 acre property containing a 3 BR brick dwelling w/1,550 SF above ground. House consists of a living room w/wood burning FP; large eat-in kitchen, DW, builtin desk & hutch; dining room; enclosed porch; full bath w/linen storage; and 3 BRs on the main level. The home has a rear 15x24 deck, full bsmt w/W&D hook ups, 19x29 garage, oil hot water heat, C/A, on site well and public sewer. Taxes: $5,058. Parcel 2: 12 acres of vacant land, mostly tillable with a few wooded acres and frontage on Old Airport Road. Taxes: $1,812. Both parcels are zoned RC, Rural Conservation. NOTE: Don’t miss this opportunity to buy 1 or 2 contiguous parcels of real estate in Amity Twp within walking distance of Daniel Boone Area Intermediate Center.


PUBLIC AUCTION 3140 Manor Rd., Coatesville, PA 19320 WED., SEPT. 21 • 5:30 P.M. 4 BR Cape Cod Style Home on .8 AC Level Lot Nice 1 owner/built home w/3 BRs on first Level and 1 BR on 2nd floor, the 2nd floor also has space waiting to be finished. Besides BRs the first floor also has Kitchen with pine cabinets. Dining Room, Lg. Living Room & Full Bath as well as a closed porch/sunroom area. Hardwood floors throughout. House has gas forced air heat (10 yrs. old) also central A/C, most windows have been replaced. Roof was redone 10 yrs. ago. On site well & septic. The home is on a nice .8 Acre lot with farmland views front & back. This Home has so many possibilities! Don’t Miss Out!! Open Houses: Sats., Aug. 27th 11am-2pm & Sept. 3rd 3pm-5pm Terms: 10% down sale day, balance on or before 45 days. Ruth Coblentz KlingAtty: & Deibler Beautiful .57AC Located in Honey Brook Township on the edge of town this quaint 2 BR Cape Cod on large open lot offers convenient shopping close by and a large yard to enjoy. The first floor has nice kitchen/dining space and large living room, upstairs you will find two bedrooms and full bath. There is a full basement w/outside entrance. Windows, doors & roof have been replaced within last 8 years. With the mixed use zoning there are many possibilities here. Don’t miss out! Real Estate at 11:00am. Open Houses: Sat., September 3rd & 17th from 11am-2pm. Terms: 10% down sale day, balance on or before 60 days. More details on Full listing to follow. 610-286-5183 Merle Eberly • Alvin Horning C. Ivan Stoltzfus CAI Horning Farm Agency, Inc. AY002091


PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY SATURDAY, SEPT. 24 • 9 A.M. 3816 Horseshoe Pike, Honey Brook, PA 19344 Vinyl Sided Cape Cod On


CLASSIFIEDS Call: 1.800.428.4211 or 717.653.9848 Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm Fax: 717.492.2566 Errors & Corrections: Check your ad the first time it appears to make sure that it is correct! Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. will be responsible only for the first incorrect insertion and to no greater extent than the cost of the space occupied by the error. The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors or the omission of copy. If you find an error, please call 1-800-428-4211 immediately for a correction. All ads must be prepaid. Minimum one week charge on all ads placed. PLACEepcclassifieds.comANAD Business Opp Cards of Thanks Child FORYourSpecialServicesSeasonalLostLegalItemsGarageFreeElderChurchCareListingCareItemsSalesWantedNotices&FoundRenderedNoticeAttentionSALE: BoatsBicyclesAppliancesAntiques Building Materials MiscellaneousToolsSportingProducePhotographicPetsMusicalMachineryLivestockLawnHouseholdFurnitureElectronicsComputersCollectiblesClothingGoods&GardenInstrumentsandEdiblesGoods HELP WANTED: Employment Agencies General SalesProfessionalOffice/SecretarialMedicalMechanicalManagementTrades REAL ESTATE: For Rent For ManufacturedSale Housing Wanted AUTOMOTIVE: Auto Parts & Supplies RecreationalCyclesAutos Vehicles TrucksS.U.V.s CLASSIFICATIONS DEADLINES (for the following Wednesday issue - call for holiday deadlines) Wednesday Noon: Web ads (All papers) Wednesday Noon: Chester Co. Community Courier Thursday 10:00am: Pennysaver Thursday 1:00pm: Advertiser Thursday 3:00pm: Columbia/Wrightsville Merchandiser, Hershey/Middletown Community Courier Thursday 4:00pm: Merchandiser YOUR ATTENTION Hospice & Community Care’s LABOR DAY AUCTION Solanco Fairgrounds, Sat., Sept. 3 & Mon., Sept. 5; 7:30am-5pm Thousands of items to be auctioned, including: Quilts, tools, plants, furniture, artwork, jewelry, sports memorabilia, vacations, gift cards, used vehicles. Amish-made food both days. Visit www.LaborDayAuction.orgor717-295-3900 NO INCOME TAX, create none taxable business, secured bank account, 35 yrs. experience. Call ghostbuster12444@gmail.com717-968-6177 REPLACE YOUR ROOF with the best looking and longest lasting material - steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer$500 Discount + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders). Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1-855-338-4807 SELL YOUR ANTIQUE OR CLASSIC CAR. Advertise with us. You choose where you want to advertise. Call Engle Printing & Publishing Co. Inc., Classifieds, 1-800-428-4211 for more details. WESLEY FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 888965-0363. ELDER CARE LOOKING FOR ASSISTED living, memory care, or independent living? A Place for Mom simplifies the process of finding senior living at no cost to your family. Call 1-833-910-1576 today! FOR SALE Collectibles LOOKING TO PURCHASE Sports/Trading Card Collections - Baseball, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Pokémon $$$ CASH PAID 717-889-9331 $$$ Mechanical Trades FULLPLUMBING & HEATING TECHNICIAN NEEDED Exp. Preferred. Must Have Valid PA DL. S&S PLUMBING, 109 Meeting House Rd., Gap 717-768-3769 MECHANICAL PRESS BRAKE OPERATOR Call: 610-384-6112. PLUMBING AND WASTEWATER Technician needed for growing business. Requires mechanical experience and the ability to learn. Pay is based on your experienceand ability ($27-$32hr). Health and dental paid 100%, uniforms, 401k match, van take home. Call Brent at Tri-County Water Services to apply: 610-857-1740. Medical FULL-TIME LPN Incl. partial weekends and some weekdays providing care to people with disabilities. Must have clean criminal background & clean driving record. EOE. Call Dawn, 610-935-0904 for a pre-interview Professional PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE POSITION, East Lampeter Township, 2250 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, PA 17602 is seeking an individual to fill a position in the Public Works Department. This individual must be able to perform manual tasks related to maintenance repairs and upgrading of Township facilities including, but not restricted to: parks, roads, sewer and building maintenance. Applicant must be willing to obtain a CDL license. The starting wage will be $22.35 per hour. The Township also offers a complete benefit package. Resumes


General DRIVER NEEDED for worker run, morning/eves, Mon.-Fri. Narvon to Honey Brook, 717-768-0871 ask for Leon. REWARDING CAREER HHA/DIRECT CARE WORKER, Client Care IDD/MH Chester County locations. Fulltime, Part-time. $17/hr. Flexible hrs. Must have car. Call Dawn 610-935-0904. M5 is an Equal Opportunity Care Provider Mechanical Trades FT AUTOMOTIVE TECH 2years experience Must have PAdrivers license, state and emissions license. Contact KEESEYS SERVICE CENTER 610-857-2411 HELP WANTED General NO CDL REQUIRED!! Regional drivers needed to deliver brand new commercial vehicles. Must be at least 23 years of age, have a clean driving record, pass a DOT physical and drug screen. •Benefits:BEYOUR OWN BOSS! Run your own business as a Self-Employed Contractor • Daily pay • No Forced Dispatch: YOU decide which trips to take based on what's available • Referral and Safety Bonuses • Home Every Night!! Apply online at or call a recruiter at 574-642-2023

Sale JeannetteFor: Martz Donald Martz POA KlingAtty: & Deibler

TERMS: 10% down day of sale; balance on or before 45 days. Terms by: Amity Township. Brian F. Boland, Attorney. will be accepted at the East Lampeter Township Office. Envelopes should be clearly marked “Public Works Position.” YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE AT We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for your Free Author’s Guide 1-866-482-1576 or visit: Sale Held For:

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for pickup after Oct. 15th. Sporting Goods GUNS INSTANTPAYMENTWANTED 1 gun or collection - Will travel Kinsey’s717-653-5524Outdoors, Miscellaneous ALOE CARE HEALTH, the medical alert system. The most advanced medical alert product on the market. Voice-activated! No Wi-Fi needed! Special offer - call and mention offer code CARE20 to get$20 off Mobile Companion. Call today1-877-728-4065. DENTAL INSURANCE fromPhysicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOTjust a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! DIRECTV STREAM - The Best of Live & OnDemand On All Your Favorite Screens. CHOICE Package, $84.99/mo. for 12 months. Stream on 20 devices at once in your home. HBOMax FREE for 1 yr. (w/ CHOICE Package or higher). Call for more details today! (Some restrictions apply.) Call IVS 1-866-629-6086. DISH TV $64.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo expires 1/23/23. 1-855270-5098. Collectibles BUYING TOYS & www.DNRCollectibles.comCOLLECTIBLES PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA Hours: 10:00am-4:00pm, Mon.-Thurs. 717-329-8167 • Toys Vintage or Modern, New or Used, Hess Trucks, Barbies, Diecast, Hot Wheels & Matchbox, Action Figures, Models, Trains, Sports Cards/Memorabilia, Movie/Music Memorabilia, Video Games & much more! Computers COMPUTER REPAIR Online Support, New & Used Computers. CSA Tech Solutions, 717-354-4272 Electronics I BUY PINBALL & ARCADE GAMES! Any condition. Call Jim 610-476-4547 Lawn & Garden 5% OFF ALL IN-STOCK SHEDS Thru August. Chicken coops • Dog kennels • Rabbit hutches • Outdoor furniture Main Line Outdoor Living, 1803 Horseshoe Pk., Honey Brook • 717-858-2425 FREE REMOVAL of Riding Mowers. Call/text Jim 717-940-9029 Livestock FREE:WILLLEND Nice Riding Horses and Large Ponies until June 2023. Call Andy or Bill at 717-394-7865, 412-582-0080 LAYING HENS Order now for Sept. 23 pickup. Also chicken crates, nesting boxes, feeders & waters. Call Hillside Pullets 717-548-1356 Pets AKITA/ESKIMO PUPPIES, very playful, up to date shots/dewormed, $650. Call: 717-847-6773 lv. msg. BOSTON TERRIER COCKER SPANIEL MIX PUPS,vet checked, shots, dewormed, ready now! $200. 717-445-7703. F1BB MINI GOLDENDOODLE PUPS, very cute, nice colors, vet checked, shots, dewormed. Call for info 610-593-5956. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, vet checked, shots, dewormed, very cute, ready now! $595 obo. 443-808-6934

10- COMMUNITYCOURIER - Morgantown/Honey Brook Edition - August 31, 2022 F087622 Berry is an equa l opportunity emplo yeris an equal employer. Our Morgantown, PA location is hiringOur PA location is Shift Supervisors for both da y and night shiftShift for both day and night shift. Enjo y working in a climate controll ed facility.Enjoy in a climate controlled We offer competitive pa y, greatWe offer pay, benefits packa ge, referra l bonus,benefits package, referral bonus, on the job training,on the and educationa l reimbursementeducational reimbursement. 1075 Hemlock Rd , Morgantown, PA 195431075 Hemlock Rd., PA 19543 To l earn more, visitTo learn more, visit berrygloba Now Hiring! Local growing business in the Ephrata area seeking a highly motivated, detail-oriented person to join our Manufacturing Team. Manager in the day-to-day manufacturing operations of inventory management, maintaining production schedules and interfacing with the production team. vacation & holidays, health insurance, companypaid disability insurance and 401(k) match. for an application and job description or call (717) 721-5117. R087648 R087669 Vacancies for the Aides:School2022-2023Year $14.45/hr. Full-Time Custodian: $17.32 + Full Benefits Part-Time Substitute Custodians: $14.85/hr. Part-Time Food Service Employees: $13.35/hr. Substitute Food Service Employees: $13.10/hr. Stop by the District Administration Office to apply or send a resumé and letter of interest to Rita Haddock, HR Director at: or mail to: 4851 N. Twin Valley Rd. Elverson, PA 19520 Deadline for applying: September 9, 2022 EOE R087688 HELP WANTED • DRIVER/LABORER for Construction Crew Must be 18 years of age w/valid driver’s license. Honey Brook, PA 717-629-1268 Out-of-Town Work Occasionally. Competitive Wages. NATIONAL AT&T INTERNET. Starting at $40/month w/12-mo agrmt. 1 TB of data/mo. Ask how to bundle & SAVE! Geo & svc restrictions apply. 1-855-364-3948 ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE info kit. Call 1-877-929-9587. BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONEDAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 855-761-1725 BECOME A PUBLISHED author. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920. Consultation, production, promotion & distribution. Call for free author’s guide 1-877-729-4998 or visit DENTAL INSURANCE -Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insurance, not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit! DISCOUNT AIR TRAVEL. Call Flight Services for best pricing on domestic & international flights inside & from the U.S. Serving United, Delta, American & Southwest & many more. Free quote! Have travel dates ready! 1-844-951-2014 DISH TV $64.99 For 190 channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free installation, Smart HD DVR included, Free voice remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo Expires 1/21/23. 1-866-479-1516 DONATE YOUR CAR to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. FastFREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398. ELIMINATE GUTTER CLEANING Forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 15% Off Enitre Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833-610-1936. HUGHESNET FINALLY, SUPER-FAST Internet no matter where you live. 25 Mbps just $59.99/mo.! Unlimited Data is Here. Stream Video. Bundle TV & Internet. Free Installation. Call 1-866-499-0141. !!OLD GUITARS WANTED!! GIBSON, FENDER, MARTIN, Etc. 1930’s to 1980’s. TOP DOLLAR PAID. CALL TOLL FREE 1-866-433-8277. PAYING TOP CASH for men’s sportwatches! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner and Speedmaster. Call 833-603-3236. PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator. $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt. Request a free quote. Call before the next power outage: 1-855-948-6176. PUTONYOUR TV Ears & hear TV with unmatched clarity. TVEars Originaloriginally $129.95 - now with this special offer only $59.95 w/code MCB59! 1-888-805-0840.

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SHELTIE PUPS, ready 8/29, Jack Russell Terrier mix pups, ready 9/5, vet checked, shots/dewormed, $500, 717-442-5083

CONCORD GRAPE JUICE Fresh pressed, unpasteurized, from N.Y. 5g. buckets & 55g. barrels. Great for canning or wine making. Cedar Acres, Melvin Fisher, 835 Cedar Knoll Rd., Coatesville, PA 19320. To Order Call: 610-698-5789. Order by Sept. 30th

COMMUNITYCOURIER - Morgantown/Honey Brook Edition - August 31, 2022- Provided as a community service by this civic minded publication and the Association of Community Publishers R081004 R087689 WANTEDHELP CONSTRUCTIONFOREMAN Experiencedneeded,Foreman with experience in Bank Barn workersAlsoPoleRe-RoofiRestorationsngBuildingsHorseBarnsRidingArenaslookingforafewtohelponthecrewWouldbewillingtotrain,transportationprovided.Competitivewages&benefits.PA046609 Honey Brook, PA Call Amos: 717-629-1268 R087745 R087696 Great family business! Great company benefits! Love seniors? FT/PTDININGKITCHEN/HELP 5:30am-2:00 pm Starts $13/hr. MEDTECH/RA’S Any Shift EOE Great benefits: PTO, 401(k), Medical, Dental, Vision, Aflac, Life Ins., Attendance Award - Earn Extra PTO Come in and fill out an application at: 2499 Zerbe Road Narvon, PA 17555 or go online zerberetirementcommunity.comat: $500 Signing$500 Signing Bonus!Bonus! Tired of sitting around? Country Tyme Sheds is looking for a part-time driver to assist with deliveries and odd jobs. Clean driving record a must! In addition to working for a great company, enjoy Hunting and Fishing with us in Maryland! 484-364-1495AskforDanHoneyBrook,PA R087348 R087743 R086932 181 Twin County Rd • Morgantown, PA 19543 D&L AUTO • 610.901.3993 x1 • Alignments • Inspection/Emissions • General Repairs • Tires • Diagnostics • AC Service ROAD TRIP READY?READY? We’re rolling out our best deals on top-rated tires AUTOSAUTOMOTIVEFORSALE ALIVE OR DEAD Junk Cars $300 & up, Full size Pickup trucks $400 & up; Construction Equipt WANTED. Must have titles. Covering Berks, Chester & Lancaster Co. 484-364-9382 AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES $0-$1,000 Always paying cash for junk cars. Prompt, Honest Service. 717-847-6083 PA0002 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE! Cash paid for unwanted cars, trucks. Any condition. Call Tim 717-318-0372 CYCLES BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime. CASH PAID for ATVs, ATCs, Motorcycles, 2, 3 or 4 Wheelers, Any Year, Running Or Not. Call/Text 610-656-3158 ITEMS WANTED CORVETTES WANTED Any Year Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561 I BUY LIONEL, American Flyer, Marx Trains, Matchbox, Slot Cars, Hot Wheels, Tonka, Smith Miller, Model Toys, Lead Figures. Call 610-804-6783 REAL ESTATE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis. *NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it. For Sale READY TO BUY, SELL, OR RENT YOUR VACATION HOME OR HUNTING CAMP? Advertise it here and in neighboring publications. We can help you. Contact Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. Classifieds at 1-800-428-4211. JOHN'SRENDEREDSERVICESHAULING/REMOVAL.Appl., Lg. Screen TVs, Pianos, Furniture, One Piece/ Truckload. 7 days, Last Min, 610-296-0560 LONG DISTANCE MOVING: Call today for a FREE QUOTE from America’s Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Call now to speak to one of our Quality Relocation Specialists: 1-877-541-6320. PAINTING By Triple P Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. Free estimates, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089 PAINTING DONE RIGHT Interiors. Exteriors. Detailed clean custom painting services. Res/Com. Refs. PA126393. 717-286-5464 Many other related services. PAINTING: PRICELESS PAINTING Interior/Exterior. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. 717-330-1836, Ask for Bob ROOFING ~ Amish Quality 10yr. workmanship warranty. Lic. & Ins. EDGE VIEW ROOFING, 717-940-0501 STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391. THE BATHROOM ofyour dreams for as little as $149/month! BCIBath & Shower. Many options are available. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Limited Time Offer - FREE virtual inhome consultation now and SAVE 15%! Call Today! 1-877-540-2780 TREE TRIMMING & REMOVAL Brush Clearing - Stump Grinding. Sunny Slope Tree Service. Family Owned & Operated Since 1996 Fully Insured PA103313 717-768-0114 WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844887-5145 (PA017137). PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE AT WANTED:ITEMSTOWNLIVELY.COMWANTED1-100ALLANTIQUE&OLDTOOLS Collector Paying Cash$$$ for Woodworking, Machinist, Measuring & Blacksmith Tools. Wooden & Metal Planes. Tool Chests & Boxes. Tools made by Stanley, Etc. Call 610-363-2802 ABUYER SEEKS Old Books, Postcards, Photos, COSTUME JEWELRY, Pottery, Antiques, Complete Estates.Call Cara at 610-918-2528 or 484-356-3123 ALWAYS BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561 AMERICAN & FOREIGN CLASSIC CARS and MOTORCYCLES WANTED. $$ PAYING CASH $$ Corvettes, Mustangs, Jaguars, Austin Healeys, Broncos, Blazers, Ram Chargers, AMX, & KRMiller1965@yahoo.comTriumphs.717-577-8206 BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime. BUYING UNWANTED HEATING OIL 50¢/gallon - will pick up. Also removal oil tanks, call for pricing, 717-587-7315 GUITARS & INSTRUMENTS WANTED “LOCAL” Collector Buying Gibson, Fender, Martin & Other Brands All Types, Makes & Years Considered Top Cash Paid! - 610-363-2802 PROTECTNATIONALYOURHOME from pests safely and affordably. Pest, rodent, termite and mosquito control. Call for a quote or inspection today. 844-394-9278. PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE AT SEASONALTOWNLIVELY.COM COAL/WOOD/PELLET STOVES & Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/Sell/Trade. Call 717-577-6640 LOST & FOUND FOUND AN ITEM? Place a FREE 15 word ad in your local issue to locate the owner of your found item. 1-800-428-4211 READ YOUR AD THE FIRST WEEK IT APPEARS This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. RENDEREDSERVICES A LOCAL HANDYMAN Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical Lic.& Insured. PA020006. 610-547-7789 A&LTRIMMING , Interior Trimming, Cabinet Installations, Install New Flooring, Install Replacement Windows. 717-405-9545 Leave Message AMISHMOVINGCOMPANY Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301 ANDY’S DRYWALL Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102 B&L CARSON DISPOSAL Houses • basements • garages • yards Junk removal, 717-696-9453 No job too big or too small! BOOTROADTREESERVICE Expert tree removal, stump grinding & Trimming. Fully Insured 610-656-5880 INTERNET & WIFI Starts at $49. Call us Today to Get Started. Find High Speed Internet with Fiber Optic Technology. No Credit Check, No SSN Required. Call us Today! 866-396-0515 IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING? Do you want to have your roof inspected? WE FIX ALL ROOFS: Shingles, rubber, cedar shake, metal. WE DO FULL REPLACEMENTS ALSO Affordable and good workmanship. INTEGRITYROOFING REPAIR, LLC Fully insured. PA158434 “Quality roof repairs you can trust.” Give us a call! 717-490-2665

FAIRVIEW EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH- 800 Fairview Road, Glenmoore, PA (intersection of Fairview & Little Conestoga Rds.) Rev. Tim Latham. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15am; Worship Service at 10:30am. Nursery provided. Christian Education, Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies, Music Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Small groups... and much more! As growing disciples, we continue to Worship, Connect, Know and Serve God. For more info, find us online at or call the office at 610-942-2640

HEALING SHEPHERD, ECC Progressive, Inclusive, Democratic, Catholic! Sunday Mass: 10am 2109 Art School Road, Chester Springs, PA 19425 610-969-5932

For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

LIVING GOD LUTHERAN CHURCH: 3200 Horseshoe Pike, Honey Brook, 3 miles east of Honey Brook. Handicap accessible. Worship services are each Sunday at 9:30 am and Sunday School at 9:30 am. Masks are not required during in-house worship, but are recommended for those who have not been vaccinated. Please Note:Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)

12- COMMUNITYCOURIER - Morgantown/Honey Brook Edition - August 31, 2022 R086434

BRICK LANE COMMUNITY CHURCH:52 S. Brick Lane in Elverson, welcomes visitors to worship with us Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. Wheelchair accessible. Childcare through age 2 available. Learn more about us at or call the church office 610-286-6790. For those unable to attend in-person, see our livestream on BROOK: 80 Village Square, Honey Brook. Teach the Word of God book-by-book, chapterby-chapter & verse-by verse. Sunday: Worship & Bible Study with nursery & children’s church at 9 am. Tuesday : Worship, Bible Study & children’s church at 7:00 pm. Wednesday : Women’s Bible Study at 10 am. Month ly Saturday: Men’s Prayer Breakfast offsite at 7 am.

BANGOR EPISCOPAL-FOUNDED 1722. 4 mi. W of Morgantown on Rt. 23 in Churchtown. Sunday Holy Eucharist at 10am. All are welcome. Handicap accessible. Parking lot adjacent to the church off Water Street. For additional info.,

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