A special type of care
BY JEFF FALKDeath is personal and mysterious. It’s a part of life, the final stage of life.
As a registered nurse case manager at Hospice & Community Care of Lancaster, Gordon Smoker has watched many patients experience the end of life.
“Hospice is a great service, and it’s important to the community.”
“I feel like we all have our ideas of what death is. Religion and spirituality can provide a framework, but until we’re at the door, we’re not exactly sure what it’s like,” Smoker said. “We truly don’t know what’s going on. It’s a very spiritual time.”
In his position, Smoker cares for patients diagnosed as terminal, with six months or less to live, and their caregivers, very often in their homes. There’s a technical side, a medical side, to his profession, but also a mental and emotional side.
“There’s a balance you have to find,” said Smoker, a resident of Manheim Township. “You don’t want to be too cold and detached, but you have to be empathetic to what the patient and the families are going through. You have to limit how attached you get. There have been times when I’ve become emotional. Sometimes there’s nothing to say. You have to be able to recognize when people are making those end-oflife changes. You have to be able to talk through things.”
Hospice & Community Care employs nearly 400 individuals,

more than 200 of whom practice some level of nursing. At any given time, Smoker works with 12 to 25 patients and their families in the Lititz area, the Denver area, north of Ephrata, into Myerstown and Berks County.
“Hospice is a great service, and it’s important to the community,” said Smoker. “Hospice care is something many people may be able to benefit from. It doesn’t
have to be a scary thing. It’s like the rest of life. We approach death the way we approach life. It’s the next challenge.”
One of 25 hospice providers in Lancaster County, Hospice & Community Care supplied care for 4,800 patients and their families in 2023.
“We’re here to make our patients’ remaining time the best we can,” said Smoker. “That’s
BY JEFF FALKHow are Rotary Club members and bicycles alike? They both may be underappreciated vehicles for goodness and kindness.
Rotary Club of Lancaster Sunrise’s upcoming Ride for the Community promotes the relationship that exists between
the local cycling community and altruism. It also serves as an opportunity for individuals to explore what Rotary Clubs do.
“You don’t have to be a particularly avid, trained athlete to come out and do it,” said Steve Bell, one of Ride for the Community’s directors. “We’re trying to expand our impact on

Not all kids know what they want to be when they grow up. But involvement in activities like Boy Scouts can help them to decide.
Nick Harper, a 10th-grader at Manheim Township High School, has been involved with Cub Scouts, Webelos and Boy Scouts through Pack and Troop 84 at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 10 Delp Road, Lancaster, over the last nine years.
“I’ve been into computer science for a while,” said Nick. “I’ve been looking at colleges. I’ve been looking for internships and events that have to do with computer science. I’d say the kind of job I’m looking for is programmer or anything computer science related.”
Not just a Boy Scout, Nick is an Eagle Scout. After completing all of the necessary requirements for the rank, Nick officially became an Eagle Scout at a Court of Honor ceremony at

the end of March.
“When I first joined, I didn’t know I wanted to become an Eagle Scout,” said Nick. “Over the last two years, I’ve really been pushing to get the Eagle rank. When I got it, there was definitely a big sense of accomplishment. It’s all snowballed into that rank.”
One of the final steps in Nick’s process was completing his Eagle Scout project. In October of 2023, Nick helped improve the staging area of The Common Wheel, a nonprofit in Lancaster that teaches kids how to repair bicy -
cles, by cleaning it, refurbishing shelves and organizing it.
“It took a long time to figure out. The most challenging part was the planning,” said Nick. “I think the best part about being in Boy Scouts is all the friends I’ve made. There’s a bunch of people I’ve met that I wouldn’t have otherwise.”

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“He’s learned that you have to plan for what you want to achieve,” said Nick’s dad, Greg Harper, of the Boy Scout experience. “You have to think about more than what you’re doing today. It takes a lot of conceptual planning. I think he’s really accomplished a lot, which has helped with his schoolwork and career, once he gets there.”
On his way to the Boy Scouts of America’s highest rank, Nick earned 37 merit badges, 16 more than the required number to become an Eagle Scout. Among his favorite badges were drafting, electronics, robotics, engineering, archery, shotgun shooting, rifle shooting and cooking.
“I’ve learned how to be a better leader through Boy Scouts,” said
Church plans concert and program
Church of the Apostles United Church of Christ, 1850 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, will host a concert by the Malta Band on Sunday, May 19, at 3 p.m. in the sanctuary. Admission is free, and a freewill offering will be received in lieu of tickets. Established more than 100 years ago, the Malta Band is one of the oldest concert bands in the area. The church will also host a Mocktails and Meaning event on Thursday, May 16, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. A representative from the Lancaster County Housing & Redevelopment Authorities will speak about homeless youths. Mocktails will be available, and there will be time for discussion. For more information, visit www.apostlesucc.org/ mocktailsmeaning.

Nick. “There are definitely a lot of outdoor skills that I learned, and I learned how to communicate. I’ve had to learn how to talk to Scout leaders and learn how to communicate with people I’ve never met before.”
When Nick originally became a Cub Scout in first grade, he was simply carrying on a Harper family tradition.
“My dad and grandfather were in Boy Scouts, and I knew they liked it,” said Nick. “I think my dad just wanted me to try it, so I’d have something to do. When you’re going through it, it may seem like a lot of hard work. But when you look back, it was all necessary. I learned a lot of things not necessary for Boy Scouts, like life skills.”

Choir Festival to benefit ambulance association
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church will host a Choir Festival on Sunday, May 19, at 4 p.m. for the benefit of the Manheim Township Ambulance Association (MTAA). The concert is open to the public.
A freewill offering will be received for the MTAA. According to Shawn Watrous, director of operations for MTAA, the company was dispatched to about 7,000 calls last year, making it one of the busiest EMS units in Lancaster County.
A chorus of more than 70 singers will come together to support the cause under the direction of Tom Berdos, music director at St. Peter’s. The chorus will be accompanied by Deborah Berdos, St. Peter’s organist. The program will

include a selection of sacred music from many traditions, including gospel, hymns, contemporary and classical.
Special guest performers will include tenor Christyn Seay, artistic director of the Capital Area Music Association; Gary Troxell,
principal clarinetist of the Hershey Symphony; and Jason C. Tramm, conductor of the MidAtantic Philharmonic Orchestra. In addition, one anthem will feature a community children’s chorus.
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church is located at 10 Delp Road,
Lancaster. The choir festival is part of St. Peter’s Musical Arts Series. For more information, visit www.stpeterslutheran.org or call 717-569-9211. Those with questions about the Choir Festival may contact Tom at tom.berdos@ stpeterslutheran.org.
CASA welcomes new advocates
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Lancaster and Lebanon Counties celebrated the swearing in of nine new court-appointed special advocates on May 1. CASA staff members, board members, and community supporters gathered in the Imperial Blue Room of the Holiday Inn Lancaster to watch as the Honorable Leonard G. Brown III swore in the new class of volunteers. The Honorable
Shawn P. McLaughlin was also in attendance. The event was the culmination of more than 30 hours of training completed by each volunteer in order to assist children in Lancaster County’s foster care system.
The new volunteer advocates are Kristin Antrim, CASA Lebanon program specialist, Brownstown; Kathryn (Katie) Boatwright, Manheim Township; Rose Connelly,

Lititz; John Featherlin, Manheim Township; Kelly Frye, Lititz; Amy Harcourt, Lancaster; Brianna (Bri) Hornberger, Manor Township; Irene Marianos, Manheim Township; and Laura Rusch, Lancaster.
A CASA volunteer is a trained citizen who is appointed by a judge to represent the best interests of a child in court. The children for whom volunteers advocate have been abused and neglected and placed in the foster care system. CASA volunteers work to help ensure a safe and permanent home for the child as quickly as possible. The volunteer speaks with the child and others involved in the child’s life such as biological parents, foster parents, social workers, teachers, doctors, and therapists.
The new volunteers represent the 45th class of Lancaster County volunteer advocates sworn in. They join the 135 active volunteers currently advocating for 163 children in
LBC plans hymn sing
Lancaster Bible College (LBC), 901 Eden Road, Lancaster, will hold its eighth annual hymn sing at 4 p.m. on Sunday, May 19. It will take place in Good Shepherd Chapel.
The event, which will help to celebrate the college’s 90th anniversary, will feature well-known hymns of the faith. Participants
will include song leader and faculty member Bruce Gerlach, organist Frank Dodd, and pianist Paul Thorlakson, chair of LBC’s Music, Worship, & Performing Arts Department, along with vocalists and a brass ensemble. Admission is free, but tickets may be reserved at www.lbc .edu/events.
Lancaster and Lebanon counties. CASA hopes to one day provide a volunteer to every child in need.
CASA will hold information sessions about becoming a volunteer advocate on Wednesday, May 22, and Monday, June 3. The sessions will run from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. For more information and to register, visit www .casalancleb.org or call 717-286-1430.

On the same team
BY ADRIAN ESCHENWALDIf you are a fan of any sport, you are likely familiar with the referees who oversee the games. These black-andwhite-clad envoys of every sport’s rulebook make sure that players and coaches alike abide by the official guidelines - even if they aren’t happy about it. But referees don’t just exist to wear iconic uniforms and make tough calls; they keep competing athletes safe, and they are often former players who love the game as much as the fans sitting in the bleachers.
Steve and Wendy Hess of Strasburg are veteran referees. The husband and wife share a deep love for their respective sports; Steve frequently officiates wrestling matches, and Wendy referees field hockey games throughout the Lancaster-Lebanon area. The couple met while attending Lycoming College, where Steve competed as a wrestler and Wendy played field hockey. Steve is a Penn Manor High School alumnus, and Wendy moved to Lancaster County with him in 1997. Wendy developed a love for officiating field hockey after her father became a referee in her home state of New Jersey, and Steve acquired experience as the head coach of Penn Manor High School’s wrestling team for 14 years. Steve also coached wrestling as a volunteer at Lampeter-Strasburg High School for six years before he became an official in 2018.
“As a former wrestling coach, I thought I knew all the rules. But there are always some little details that you aren’t aware of,” Steve said. “I didn’t realize how some rules were applied when I was a coach. I became an

official and I thought, ‘OK, that makes sense now.’”
“You have a very different perspective when you’re officiating versus playing or coaching,” Wendy added. “Most people out there don’t know the book of rules, regardless of the level of play.”
As referees, Steve and Wendy are no strangers to disgruntled fans and parents of players. As school sports have continued to become more competitive, the couple has had to navigate increasingly intense athletic contests and fierce contendors.
“Things have changed tremendously as far as competitiveness; everyone is trying to get into collegiate sports,” Wendy said. “You can have unpleasant experiences as a referee, and you have to learn to deal with that.” Since wrestling and field hockey seasons occur at different times of the year, Steve and Wendy often attend each other’s games to offer support from the sidelines. “I sit in the stands with a field hockey rulebook and say them out loud sometimes so people know (Wendy) made the right call,” added Steve.
“I love field hockey, and I want to support the kids and the coaches. At the end of the day, we all want the same thing, and we’re all on the same team,” Wendy said. “Refereeing has been good to us. I’ve made lasting friendships with people from all over the country. It’s intimidating to get started, but it changed my life.”
the community by encouraging participation. I think Rotary, in many ways, is the impetus to participate. We’re trying to introduce community service through bike riding. We think Rotary is an underutilized means to participate in the community and do good in the community.”
A recreational ride and not a race, the 20th edition of the annual Ride for the Community will take place on Saturday, June 15, at Manheim Township Community Park, located at the corner of Petersburg Road and Rotary Road, Lancaster. The ride will begin at 9 a.m., and participants can register the day of the event or prior to it by going to www .active.com/lititz-pa/cycling/ races/rotary-ride-for-the-com munity-2024.
“You’re enjoying it with other people with the support we provide,” said Bell. “It’s a supported group activity. Bicycling is cool. It’s individuals, but you’re enjoying our ride with a hundred other people. Just like Rotary, we’re individuals in the community, but we’re not doing it by ourselves. I think a lot of people should just try something different as a family.”
Rotary Club of Lancaster Sunrise’s Ride for the Community offers cyclists various course lengths - a 10-mile ride, a 21-mile ride and a 43-mile ride, as well as combinations of those distances.
From Manheim Township Community Park, the courses take riders north and east through Lancaster County’s scenic landscape before returning to the park.
The fully marked courses include built-in water and rest stops. Snacks and lunch will also be provided.
“The way the courses are set up, you’re in scenic farmland, prime
countryside,” said Bell. “You’re in very scenic areas where you can enjoy the nature of Lancaster County, and you’re not in a car. You experience it in a way that you can’t in a car.”
“In these modern times, more and more events are held inside,” continued Bell. “We’re outside increasing heart rates. There are definite health benefits to riding. It’s a healthy break from technology.”
Bell is expecting more than 100 cyclists of varying experience levels for the Ride for the Community. All proceeds from the sponsored event will benefit Rotary Club of Lancaster Sunrise’s community and global projects.
“It’s one of the most enjoyable days of the year for our club,” said Bell of the ride. “Rotary really offers people an avenue to serve the community and to network. It’s really about professional development and community service.”
“We do attract cycling enthusiasts from across the region,” Bell noted. “I’d like to see more casual riders come out.”
Affiliated with Rotary International, Lancaster Sunrise was chartered in 1997 and features 45 members. The club, whose motto is “Service Above Self,” meets every Thursday at 7:15 a.m. at Bent Creek Country Club, 620 Bent Creek Drive, Lititz.
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Band to mark 20th anniversary with concert
Lancaster British Brass Band will present its 20th anniversary concert on Saturday, May 18, at 7 p.m. in the Gardner Theatre at Lancaster Country Day School, 725 Hamilton Road, Lancaster. Proceeds will benefit Music for Everyone’s brass instrument repair fund. This concert will feature a guest appearance by former conductor Stephen Allen for the piece “Resurgam.” It will also feature soloist Doug Albert on soprano cornet for “Flowerdale” and soloist Kristen Albert on tenor horn for “Georgia on My Mind.” Other selections will include “When Thunder Calls,” “Mid All the Traffic,” “Blue Rondo a la Turk,” “Toccata in D Minor,” “Belle of the Ball,” “Hymn for Diana,” and “Shine as the Light.”
Advance tickets are required by visiting www.lancasterbbb
.org. Tickets are available by donation, and 100% of gifts are tax-deductible.
Lancaster British Brass Band hopes to raise $5,000 to help make brass instruments more accessible and affordable for the next generation of musicians. Music for Everyone’s brass instrument repair fund supports elementary, middle, and high school students in Lancaster, York, and the surrounding areas.
Lancaster British Brass Band, conducted by Tina DiMeglio, consists of 31 players from Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey. Originally conceived as a professional-quality ensemble, it includes professional solo and ensemble players and music teachers from public and private schools and institutions of higher learning.


Local author publishes gift giving book
Networlding Publishing has announced the release of a new book that helps readers examine how gift giving has evolved and ideas on how to improve gift giving effectiveness. In “The Gifted Gift Giver,” author Diane Serbin Hopkins of Manheim Township takes a deep dive into the many facets of finding, adorning and presenting gifts of all types.
In addition to historical perspectives, the psychology of giving, gift ideas and stories of impactful gifts are featured. Readers can assess their personal style by taking the Gifted Gift Giver Quiz. The book may also be useful for retailers who strive to attract more gift revenue by exploring the mindsets and “heartsets” of gift shoppers to enhance the creativity and relevancy of offerings and to differentiate in the market.

Hopkins is a certifed experience economy expert and works with businesses to design exceptional customer experiences. She is a former vice president of innovation at Lancaster General Health, and she is the author of the business books “Unleashing the Chief Moment Officers” and “It’s Hard To Be Easy.”
For more information, visit www.giftinggirls.com.

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nurse from pg 1
what I enjoy about the job. A lot of people are going to have different stories. You deal with acceptance, and you deal with denial. Sometimes, it can almost be a positive experience.”
Smoker has been a registered nurse for 10 years, the last four of which have been spent in the world of hospice. Included in his duties as a registered nurse case manager, Smoker collaborates with other nurses to coordinate patient care, devises plans for ongoing care, responds to patients’ pain and emotional and spiritual needs and oversees the efforts of licensed practical nurses, hospice aides and family caregivers.
“There are definitely cases when you have to take some time,” said Smoker. “I’m usually pretty good at leaving work at work. I started out working in an intensive care unit, and that took a greater toll on me. I think it’s more difficult to try to prevent death than finding ways to manage it.”
For additional information about Hospice & Community Care, go to www.hospiceandcommunity care.org.
Church sets annual basement sale
Bethany Presbyterian Church, 25 N. West End Ave., Lancaster, will host its annual spring basement sale on Saturday, May 18, from 8 a.m. to noon. The two rooms on the church’s ground floor will feature household goods, tools, jewelry, books, puzzles, décor, and furniture, including end tables, TV stands, and a hutch. The church women will offer hamburger barbecue, chili, coffee, and baked goods to eat on-site or for takeout.
During the event, the church-sponsored Boy Scout Troop 4 will sell hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, desserts, and drinks, with eat-in and takeout options available. Proceeds will support the Scouts’ summer camping trip.
Attendees should enter the sale area through the front stairs or via the accessible ramp at the back of the building.
For more information, contact chairperson Pat Rineer at 717-898-8885.

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SAINT JOHN NEUMANN CATHOLIC CHURCH: 601 East Delp Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601 (Off the Oregon Pike - 3 miles North of Rt. 30 Exit at Oregon Pike). Phone (717) 569-8531; Website: www.sjnlancaster.org Saturday 2:30 p.m. Reconciliation. Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday 4 p.m. Mass (Inperson & Livestream); Sunday, 7:30 a.m. (In-person), 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.(Inperson & Livestream) Rev. Daniel F.X. Powell.
ST. JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH: 505 Woodcrest Ave., Lititz
Ph:717-626-5580 Confessions: Sat. 3:30 pm- 4:30 pm and anytime on request Daily Masses: Mon.-Sat. 9 am Saturday Vigil Mass: 5 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9 & 11 am www.stjameslititz.org for livestream Masses ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH: A Reconciling in Christ (Open & Affirming Congregation). Located at 700 Pleasure Rd.Lancaster. Robin Fero, Pastor. In-person worship: Sat. 5 pm & Sun. 10 am. Online Worship at www.stmatthewelc.com For more info, call (717) 394-9607, or visit our web site.
TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH: 596 West Newport Rd., Lititz. Are you looking for a Church that preaches from the King James Bible? Helps your family grow spiritually? Enjoys the old-time hymns? Look no further! Sunday School 10am, Sunday Morning Worship 11am, and Sunday Evening Worship 6pm. Wednesday Evening Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 pm. Pastor Wiliam Hamm, Jr. (717) 575-0292. Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st