New Holland Farmers Fair
91st Annual Street Fair & Farm Show
October 4-7, 2023
91st Annual Street Fair & Farm Show
October 4-7, 2023
★ Monday - October 2, 2023
Animal Arrival At The Tent - 5-8:30 p.m.
★ Tuesday - October 3, 2023
Fair Setup (Midway Not Open)
Bring Exhibits from 2-8 p.m. Swine Show - 5:30 p.m.
★ Wednesday - October 4, 2023
Exhibits Open 1-7 p.m.
Bake Sale - noon (after judging) - NH Farmers Fair Bldg.
Farmers Fair Opening Parade - 7 p.m.
Non-Perishable Food Drive by Crossnet Youth
(in parade) For NH Food Bank
Midway opens at 11 a.m. • Rides open at 4 p.m.
★ Thursday - October 5, 2023
Goat Show - 1:30 p.m.
Sheep Show - 4 p.m.
Market Lambs - Following Sheep
Midway opens at 11 a.m. • Rides open at 4 p.m.
Bingo - CrossNet Ministries (Franklin St.) - 5-9 p.m.
Pedal Power (Ages 3 & 4, 5 & 6) - 5:30 p.m.
Entertainment (Town Center Green) - 7-10 p.m.
Tug of War - Franklin St. - 8 p.m.
★ Friday - October 6, 2023
FFA Tractor Driving Contest - 10 a.m.
Kids’ Day - 1-3 p.m.
Bingo - CrossNet Ministries (Franklin St.) - 5 p.m.
Pedal Power (Ages 7 & 8, 9 & 10) - 5:30 p.m.
Livestock Sale - starts at 6:30 p.m. (at the tent)
Rides open at 11 a.m. • Midway opens at 11 a.m.
Line Dancing - 6:30-8 p.m. Franklin St.
Entertainment (Towne Centre Green) - 7-10 p.m.
★ Saturday - October 7, 2023
Horseshoe Pitching Contest - 8 a.m. (New Holland Community Park)
Rides open at 11 a.m. • Midway opens at 11 a.m.
Baby Parade - 1 p.m.
Pet Parade - 1 p.m.
immediately following the Baby Parade
Long John Contest - 2:45 p.m. Franklin Street
Bingo - CrossNet Ministries (Franklin St.) - 5-8 p.m.
Entertainment (Town Center Green) - 7-10 p.m.
Pick Up Exhibits - 8-10 p.m.
Tug of War - Franklin St. - 8 p.m.
Exhibit Hours: Wednesday 1-7 p.m.
Closed during Parade
Thursday & Friday - 11 a.m.-10 p.m.
Saturday - 11 a.m.-8 p.m
Exhibits close 8 p.m. Saturday to make it easier for exhibitors to pick up their entries.
1. Plan to enter exhibits in two or more classifications.
2. Urge your friends to do the same.
3. Visit all the displays.
4. Make constructive suggestions for the improvement of the Features of the Farmers Fair.
5. Volunteer to help.
New Holland Farmers Fair Web Address:
If you would like to volunteer to help with the New Holland Fair, please fill out and return this form to: New Holland Farmers Fair, P.O. Box 65, New Holland, PA 17557 Phone (717) 354-5880 and leave a message or visit
I would like to volunteer in Exhibit Areas ___ I would like to volunteer as Clerical
I would like to volunteer with Setup/Tear-Down
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture will once again conduct a statewide poster contest at the agricultural fairs. Participating fairs will hold their own contest and submit one poster from each age group to the state level for additional judging and cash prizes. Entries must be received by or postmarked on November 1, 2023.
1. Only one poster may be submitted per exhibitor, per age group. There will be three state competitions: ages 8-11, 12-14, and 15-18. Exhibitors must be in one of these age groups as of June 1 of the current fair season to qualify.
2. The poster size must be either 14 x 22 inches or 14 1/2 x 22 inches. Other sizes will not be accepted for judging at the state level. This year's theme is "Rooted in Progress." Contestants are asked to submit their artwork that reflects the deep roots of agriculture in Pennsylvania's history and the significant innovations farmers and their families have made and continue to make, to grow and adapt as markets, consumers, and resources change.
3. Exhibitors using other themes will be disqualified at the state level.
4. The fair secretary or contest coordinator is responsible for submitting the poster and completing the entry form for each poster with each age group to the Fair Office. Please be sure to provide all the information requested on the entry form; incomplete forms will be returned. The poster and entry form can be given to the Fair Administrator at the PSACF fall zone meetings or mailed to the Fair Fun Office: Tracy Barone, Fair Fund Administrator
PA Department of Agriculture
2301 North Cameron Street, Room 310 Harrisburg, PA 17110
The poster contest entry form can be obtained online on Department's website.
5. Posters must be packaged flat. Posters rolled or folded will be ineligible for judging. Please, do not mail the posters to the PA Farm Show Complex.
6. Posters must be received by, or post marked on November 1, 2023. Posters will be evaluated on use of the theme, visual appearance and creativity in relation to the exhibitor's age.
7. Premium checks for:
1st Place $100 2nd Place $75 3rd Place $50
These checks will be presented by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to the top three individuals. Winners will be notified in advance and invited to attend an awards presentation. Participants are required to provide their social security numbers for award disbursements from the PA Department of Agriculture.
All posters will become the property of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture for possible future promotional activities for the Pennsylvania Farm Show and Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs. Any duplication of posters from previous years will be disqualified. Posters will not be returned via mail. Contestants may arrange to have their entries returned following the PA Farm Show through their individual fairs; however, the posters must be picked up in person at the PSACF Convention or Spring Zone Meetings.
"As New Holland residents, we are blessed to serve such a compassionate and caring community."
-Renee, Tim, and Jennie New Holland residents and Bank of Bird-in-Hand Team Members
The New Holland Farmers Fair is made possible by the generous support of the sponsors, merchants, dealers and manufacturers who have purchased advertising space in the Premium Book each year. These organizations and individuals have supported the New Holland Farmers Fair in this way with the hope that they, the farmers, and the residents in the local vicinity may be able to continue the strong relationships forged over the past 99 years. Please show your appreciation through patronizing these advertisers as often as possible throughout the coming year!
Prize checks can be picked up on Saturday evening from 8-10 p.m. at CrossNet Ministries on Franklin Street.
Our Quilt Wall Hanging made by 2022 participants will be raffled on Saturday, October 7, 2023. Tickets are $1.00 and will be sold at the fair.
The BOY SCOUTS and CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE will be selling New Holland Fair advance ride tickets and advance coupons (good for a one day wrist band) to benefit their organization starting Friday, August 18.
5 Tickets for $10.00 - One ticket is good for one child or adult ride Wednesday thru Saturday.
1 Coupon for $25.00 - to be turned in at the ticket office for a wrist band which will let you ride one day, all day, Wednesday through Saturday.
If you would like to buy tickets, please contact the following:
Boy Scout Troop 48 . . . . Charles Ulrich (717) 371-5284
Charitable Organizations Dawn Reynolds (717) 371-1073
Church of the Nazarene (717) 355-7800
Tickets will also be sold starting Sept. 6, 2023 at the following locations:
Stauffer’s Drugstore (717) 355-9300
Yoder's Country Market
Tickets will be available in the Fair Office, Tues., Oct. 3, 2023 Ride tickets will be available ONLY on Oct. 3, 2023 at the Farm Show Building.
In honor of Eugene Horning 717-355-2454 •
CrossNet Ministries Flowers Group Exhibits Bingo
Tents for: Sheep & Swine (10), Goat (10), Hay (12), Corn (12), Tobacco (12)
Exhibit Numbers, Models, Recycle, Crafts Art -
Help us make a quilt to raise money for the New Holland Farmers Day Association. The quilt square MUST be 12” by 12”. Theme is Toys in Baby Colors - Pastels. Feel free to use any of the methods listed below. The squares will be judged on Wednesday, October 4, 2023. When the fair is over the squares will be made into a quilt and be on display at the 2024 fair. Proceeds from the quilt will go to help cover the costs of the Farm Show.
Your quilt square can be brought to the New Holland Farmers Fair Bldg. on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, from 2 to 8 p.m. If you have any questions call Connie Eckert, (717) 354-6846.
Prizes: 1st - $4.00 2nd - $3.50 3rd - $3.00
A. Applique B. Pieced C. Embroidery
1. Machine 1. Traditional 1. Hand 2. Hand 2. Paper 2. Machine Quilt Theme for 2024 will be Christmas In Red & Greens
A Special Thanks to Fair Ayers of Leola for piecing our Wall Hanging and Reuzit Shop for quilting. We greatly appreciate you donating your time & energy to make this a successful event for our community. Thank-you!!
Thursday 5-9 p.m. - Friday 5-9 p.m.
Saturday 5-8 p.m.
We will have a full schedule of entertainment
Thursday, Friday and Saturday with headliners 7-10 p.m. on a stage set up
Thursday - Clockwork Band
Friday - Adam & The Armadillos
Saturday - Nomads
PO Box 65, New Holland, PA 17557
PRESIDENT Paulene Redding
SECRETARY Carey Habalar
Constance B. Eckert-Esh 207 W. Conestoga St., New Holland, PA 17557
Concession Space - Phone (717) 354-5880
Voice Mail - Fair Office - Phone (717) 354-5880 (All Year)
Barbara Beears: Premium Book
Constance B. Eckert-Esh: Treasurer
William Fisher: Swine Show
Carey Habalar: Secretary
William Hughes: Swine Show
Larry Huber
Rob Lewis
Randy Hess
Paula Sauder
Dean Myers: Sheep & Goat Show Kendell Moats
Kristie Overly: Premiums Fair Queen
Paulene Redding: Parade - President
Dave Whitaker: Concessions
Sara Gdowik: Concessions
Honorary Directors: Elmira Good & Warren Peachy
Octavia Nacu - GSHS Intern
Ryleigh Libell - Student Visitor
1. Must be at least 8 years of age - if under 18, must have a legal guardian present.
2. All participants must read and sign a “release of liability” form. Anyone under 18 must have a legal guardian sign with them.
3. All participants agree to being photographed and/or video taped for advertising and winner announcements.
4. Applications will be available at 1:45 at the contest location.
5. First 12 entries only will be accepted for each age group - entries will be accepted at 2:15 p.m. at the contest location only, however this application does not guarantee entrance. First contest will start at 2:45 p.m.
6. Each age group will have the following amount of Long Johns to be completely consumed, including icing. The first person to achieve this and have an empty mouth will be the winner, by raising their hand. In case of a tie, the winner will be determined by flipping a coin. Each contestant will also receive 1 bottle of spring water, not to be put in any other container.
No other beverages permitted.
• Ages 8-12- Eat 3 Long Johns
7. Any upchucking, will be disqualified.
8. All decisions by the judges are final.
• Ages 13-17- Eat 6 Long Johns
• Ages 18 and up- Eat 9 Long Johns
9. Winners will receive the following cash prizes
• $20.00 (age 8-12)
• $30.00 (age 13-17)
• $40.00 (age 18 and up)
1. All exhibitors agree to be bound by the Rules and Regulations of the New Holland Fair Association.
2. All persons making entries of exhibits should acquaint themselves with the Premium List and Regulations. Follow closely the classes listed. Premiums will not be awarded which are not classified. Exhibits not on the premium list will not be accepted.
3. These exhibits are open to anyone in Lancaster County or surrounding counties.
4. Every exhibitor must get an entry number before entering an exhibit in any department. (See how to secure an exhibitor’s number on next page.)
5. It shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor to make known the proper name of the article or breed of livestock being entered. Any item entered improperly will be disqualified to receive a prize; the judges will mark the correct name on the entry tag for the benefit of the owner so that the same mistake in entering will not be made the second time.
6. Chairpersons of the department reserve the right of refusing to accept any entry. Furthermore, the chairpersons reserve the right to bar from competition animals and products of decidedly inferior quality and those not possessing sufficient merit to warrant recognition. Chairpersons may also limit the number of entries per exhibitor.
7. No discriminating marking shall be placed on any article to be exhibited.
8. Reasonable care will be taken to protect all exhibits on display from injury and damage, but the Fair is not in any way to be held responsible for accidents, loss or damage by water, fire, theft or otherwise, whatever may be the cause or extent of the damage or loss.
9. All entries must be grown, produced or made since the last fair by the exhibitor, with the exception of wine categories, please refer to the wine rules. Articles that have been previously judged are not eligible to compete.
10. Premiums, as listed, will be given for meritorious exhibits. In cases where there is no competition, judges may give an award as they deem the exhibit is worthy to receive. This same rule applies where there are less entries in the class than the number of premiums offered.
11. An exhibitor shall not receive more than one premium on any particular class except in some livestock classes.
12. The Fair management may, at any time, order the removal of any exhibit or part of an exhibit in bad condition or sick. Likewise, any article deemed unfit to show may be excluded.
13. During the judging, buildings, except livestock arenas, are to be closed to everyone except Fair officials, judges, Pennsylvania Fair Fund officials and necessary attendants. No exhibitor or his agent shall communicate with the judge during the determining of awards except to answer questions proposed by the judge. Any exhibitor interfering with the judge while making awards shall forfeit any premium to which he would otherwise be entitled.
14. No exhibit may be removed at any time before the close of the Fair, with the exception of Market Livestock, which will be permitted to be removed no earlier than Friday evening following the sale.
15. All exhibitors are responsible for the removal of their articles on Saturday, October 7, 2023, between the hours of 8 and 10 p.m., except for the exhibits on W. Fulton Street in the tents (hay, grains, etc.*) *These exhibits must be picked up Friday evening between 7 & 10 p.m. All exhibits not removed by 10 p.m. Saturday will become the property of the Fair unless other arrangements have previously been made. The Fair Association will positively not be responsible for the return of items displayed.
16. All Livestock entered for premiums must have been the property of the exhibitor for sixty (60) days or longer. (Livestock entered under a name other than the owner’s shall be disqualified for premiums).
17. Market animals must be weighed on the same set of scales under a qualified weighmaster at the discretion of the Fair.
18. Should any animal awarded a prize be disqualified, the animal gaining the lower prizes shall move into the next higher position, if in the opinion of the judges, the animals are worthy of such prizes.
19. Each exhibitor must furnish their own straw, feed and trough and also must see that the animals are properly cared for.
20. If, in the opinion of the Director, an exhibitor conducts him/herself in a manner unbecoming a 4-H or FFA member, or violates any of the rules governing the show, all premiums won will be forfeited and other penalties imposed as they deem appropriate.
21. When on exhibition in the ring, each animal must be under halter and each exhibitor must be present and have charge of his/her animal.
22. The Fair will have stand-by attendants available during the youth judging or showing to help if there is trouble with the animals.
23. The Fair Management reserves the right to amend or add to these Rules and Regulations as deemed necessary.
Animals known to be infected with or exposed to any contagious, infectious, or external parasitic disease and animals restricted by quarantine may not be assembled for show purposes. All animals (sheep, goats and swine) admitted to the fair must be accompanied by an official CVI health certificate, indicating compliance with applicable state and federal regulations. A statement by an accredited veterinarian that these animals were examined and found to be free of clinical signs of contagious disease shall also accompany these animals. All show animals shall be held in isolation for thirty (30) days after return to the herd or origin. All animal health rules will be followed according to State Rules at the time of the show.
Exhibitor’s numbers will be issued at the New Holland Farmers Fair Building on Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023, from 2-8 p.m. ONLY!
Arrival – Monday, Oct. 2, 2023 - 5-8 p.m.
Market Lambs & Breeding Sheep Show – Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023 - immediately following goats Market Lambs - Immediately Following Breeding Sheep
*Animals going back to the farm will be released immediately upon conclusion of the sale, Friday, October 6, 2023. Clean up is immediately after the sale.
Combined Showmanship and Fitting - All exhibitors are asked to participate in their proper division; ribbons will be awarded. Trophies will be presented to the top individual in each division.
Division 1 - Senior Showman (five or more years experience).
Division 2 - Junior Showman (second to fourth year showman).
Division 3 - Novice Showman (first year showman). PREMIUMS
Market Sale Class -
Sale lambs will be divided into classes based upon weight. Prize money will be awarded to the top 6 exhibitors in each weight class. Lambs must weigh at least 80 pounds to show. Trophies will be presented to the Grand and Reserve Champion Market Sale Lambs.
A. Lightweight Market Lambs
B. Middleweight Market Lambs
D. Heavyweight Market Lambs
E. Pair of Market Lambs (Any Breed, Any Weight,
C. Light Heavyweight Market Lambs from Classes A, B or C).
Non-Sale Class:
These lambs will be exhibited, eligible to receive ribbons and premiums, but will not be sold at the sale. Lambs must be identified at weighin time as Non-Sale lambs. (Depending on the number of animals, this class may be divided by weight into more than one class). Non-sale lambs will be eligible for premiums but are NOT eligible for the championship drive.
Breeding Sheep Classes - (Use Class Number on Entry Form) Classes (Shown by Breed)
1 - Ram Lamb (Under 1 Year of Age)
2 - Yearling Rams (1 Year of Age but Less than 2 Years)
3 - Ewe Lamb (Under 1 Year of Age)
4 - Yearling Ewes (1 Year of Age but less than 2 Years)
5 - Aged Ewes (Older than 2 Years of Age)
6 - Pair of Breeding Sheep (Made up of Two Sheep from Classes 1-5)
7 - Flock- 4 Sheep: 1 Ram and 3 Females (1 Ewe Lamb, 1 Yearling Ewe, 1 Aged Ewe)
8 - Breeder’s Young Flock (3 Lambs)
Breeding sheep may not be shown in market class or vice versa. Breeding sheep must be registered and have appropriate registration tag in their ear. Registration papers must be available at check-in time. (Current health papers must be provided for all entries.) No more than 10 animals may be exhibited per exhibitor.
Trophies will be presented to the Grand and Reserve Champion Breeding Sheep.
Breeds: (Use Breed Letter A, B, C etc., on entry form)
A. Cheviots
F. Jacobs
B. Columbia G. Lincoln
C. Corriedale H. Polypay
D. Dorset
E. Hampshire
I. Romney
J. Shropshire
K. Southdown
L. Suffolk
M. Others (by breed)
The following premiums will be paid for entries in the Market Sale Class, Non-Sale Class, and Breeding Classes:
1. Lambs must weigh between 80-160 pounds to sell through the sale. Lambs weighing less than 80 pounds or over 160 pounds may be sold at the end.
2. No member may sell more than (3) lambs through the sale. (Depending on the number of exhibitors, there may be a limit of 2 per exhibitor.)
3. All lambs must be washed and properly fitted to be eligible to sell.
4. Exhibitors are limited to FFA or 4-H Clubs.
5. It is the responsibility of the owner to have a holder/showperson for each of their lambs if they have more than one entry.
6. After judging, sale lambs will be identified by the sale committee and returned to their pens for exhibit.
7. Lambs will be sold on Friday, October 6, 2023, with auction starting at 6:30 p.m. (Hogs, Goats, Lambs)
*1/2 the sale price will go to the R.D. Herr Scholarship Fund to provide a college scholarship to a senior member of the Grassland FFA who has either shown livestock as an FFA project or will be majoring in animal science or agricultural education.
8. Anyone wishing to sell is expected to contact prospective buyers, and to write a thank you letter to the buyer of their lamb(s).
9. Release time is immediately upon conclusion of the sale Friday, October 6, 2023.
10. Exhibitors are expected to help clean up on Friday night immediately after the sale at the tent.
11. Lambs will be weighed in upon their arrival.
12. An entry fee of $5.00 per head will be charged and must be submitted with an entry form before September 5.
13. Exhibitors may not show more than 2 animals in any class.
14. Entry forms should be sent to the chairperson of the sheep show at the following address:
Dean Myers - Chairperson (717) 278-5824
884 W. Main Street, New Holland, PA 17557
Name _________________________________________________ Yrs. of Show Experience
Please list the number of animals you expect to show in the following classes:
Classes (Identify Breed & Classes Entered )
Mail this Entry Form by September 18, 2023, with the appropriate fees (Checks payable to New Holland Farmer's Day Association) to the Co. Chairperson of the show.
ARRIVAL: Monday, October 2, 2023 - 5-8 P.M.
SHOW: Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 1:30 P.M.
LIVESTOCK SALE: Friday, October 6, 2023, starts at 6:30 P.M. (at the tent)
Animals going back to farm will be released immediately following breeding sheep.
1. All entries must be received by September 18, 2023, and mailed to chairperson at the following address: Dean Myers, 884 W. Main Street New Holland, PA 17557.
2. Exhibitors are limited to 4-H and FFA members.
3. American Market Goat Association official show rules shall govern this show. All Goat Show entries must have an official health certificate at time of entry. All goats, except wethers, must bear a USDA/APHIS eartag except those having registration tattoos and a premise ID number.
4. Drugs administered to livestock prior to or during the fair for the purpose of controlling disposition or showmanship performance are prohibited.
5. Bedding will be provided by the Farmers’ Day Association. The feed, feed boxes, and water buckets must be furnished by the exhibitor who must see that animals are fed and cared for during the ENTIRE fair. The New Holland Farmers’ Day Association will provide a night watchman to stay with the ani mals.
6. Arrival time of Goats is Monday, October 2, 2023, 5-8 p.m.
7. All breeds will compete in each class with no more than 2 animals per class for each exhibitor.
8. Weight classes are to be set by the chairperson.
9. Sale animals are limited to 2 animals per exhibitor and will be sold through the Auction Sale on Friday, October 6, 2023, with auction starting at 6:30 P.M. (Hogs, Goats, Lambs) at the tent. All exhibitors are responsible for cleaning up their pens.
10. There will be non-sale classes determined by the chair by weight.
11. Non-sale goats will be eligible for premiums but are NOT eligible for the championship drive.
Combined Showmanship and Fitting - All exhibitors are asked to participate in their proper division; ribbons will be awarded. Trophies will be presented to the top individual in each division.
Division 1 - Senior Showman (five or more years experience).
Division 3 - Novice Showman (first year showman).
Division 2 - Junior Showman (second to fourth year showman).
*FFA is...dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
Joyce E. Gehman
Independent Sales Representative 717-768-8773
Shop my AVON store 24/7 online at:
ARRIVAL: Monday, October 2, 2023 - 5-8 P.M.
SHOW: Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 1:30 P.M. PREMIUMS
1. All entries must be mailed to the chairman by September 18, 2023.
2. Breeding goats cannot be shown in market show classes or vice-versa.
3. Entries are limited to 5 breeding goats per exhibitor, with a maximum of 2 goats in any one class. Entries are limited to Lancaster County 4-H and FFA members only. The committee reserves the right to limit the number of breeding goats per exhibitor depending on the number of entries.
4. Buck entries are limited to bucks under 1 year of age
5. Does over 2 years old who haven't kidded will not be permitted to show.
6. Breeding goat entries are limited to Boer goats only. Breeding goats must be registered as fullblood, purebred, or percentage Boer goats with the international BGA, ABGA, or the USBGA. Animals without registration papers will not be permitted to show. Fullbloods, purebreds and percentage goats will show in the same show.
7. An original restistration certificate must be available the night of check-in for all breeding animals. Animals must have the appropriate registration identification tags and/or tattoos. Animals must be registered in the name of the exhibitor and owned by the exhibitor at least 45 days before the show. Any exhibitor who tries to falsify registration information will be disqualified.
8. Ages will be determined by the birth date on the registration certificate and calculated to October 2, 2023.
9. Classes will be set by the chairpersons.
10. You should use only grooming products that are approved for the use on meat producing animals when fitting any animal for show.
11. Drugs administered before the show for the purpose of controlling disposition, enhancing animal quality or showmanship performance are prohibited.
12. Health regulations:
A. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection: All goats must be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection signed by an accredited veterinarian issued after May 1. B. Identification: All goats must be identified by one of the following: an official USDA scrapie eartag, a USDA-approved scrapie tattoo (in addition to individual ID), a USDAapproved custom scrapie eartag, an ISO-compliant 15-digit eartag (including RFID), or a breed registration tatoo (if the tattoo is legible and the registration certificate accompanies the animal). The animal's ID must be included on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.
13. Bedding will be provided by the New Holland Farmers Day Association. Feed, feed boxes, and water buckets must be furnished by the exhibitor. It is the exhibitor's responsibility to ensure that their animals are fed and cared for during the ENTIRE week of the fair.
Special thanks to Tractor Supply for supplying the bedding at the animal tents.
Name Yrs. of Show Experience
Address Email Exhibitor’s Phone No.
Total Entries______________ x $5.00 =__________________
Mail this Entry Form by September 18, 2023, with the appropriate fees (Checks payable to New Holland Farmer's Day Association) to the Co. Chairperson of the show.
Arrival – Monday, October 2, 2023 – 5-8 P.M.
Show – Tuesday, October 3, 2023 – 5:30 P.M.
Livestock Sale – Friday, October 6, 2023
– starts at 6:30 P.M. at the tent
1st - $12.00; 2nd - $10.00; 3rd - $9.00; 4th - $7.00; 5th - $6.00; 6th - $4.00
Lightweight Middleweight Light-Heavyweight Heavyweight
Amateur Showman
1st - $10.00; 2nd - $8.00; 3rd - $6.00; 4th - $5.00; 5th - $3.00
Jr. Showman 1st - $10.00; 2nd - $8.00; 3rd - $6.00; 4th - $5.00; 5th - $3.00
Sr. Showman
- $10.00; 2nd - $8.00; 3rd - $6.00; 4th - $5.00; 5th - $3.00 4-H or FFA members may enter an animal in the fitting and showing contest provided it has been carried as a project and is owned by the exhibitor.
HEALTH RULES – Youth Swine
1. No swine showing clinical signs of contagious or infectious disease will be admitted to any show.
2. All show swine must be individually identified with an 840 RFID tag.
3. An official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (AAI-13), signed by an accredited veterinarian must accompany all swine. It must state that the animal(s) show no signs of contagious or infectious diseases. A current health certificate must accompany the animal.
4. Must be within 14 days of the show.
Mail all entries to: Dean Myers
884 W. Main Street, New Holland, PA 17557 Phone: (717) 278-5824
1. Swine Show is limited to any FFA or 4-H member with animals entered in the name of the owner with such ownership existing sixty (60) days prior to the show date.
2. Entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until the capacity of the swine area is obtained, limited to 3 entries per exhibitor. Exhibitors may show only 2 animals per weight class.
3. The Chairpersons of this department will be observing exhibitors on their daily care and feeding of their animals. Exhibitors not properly caring for their exhibits will forfeit their premiums.
4. Weight classes of 220-290 lbs. will be acceptable for competition.
5. Weight classes will be posted after all swine are weighed in by the weigh master. Classes will be determined in the best interest of the exhibitors.
6. A $5.00 per head entry fee must be submitted with your entry form.
7. All entries must be postmarked by September 18, 2023.
Garden Spot High School Ag Dept., 669 E. Main Street, New Holland, PA 17557
Friday, October 6, 2023, 10 A.M. at New Holland Sales Stables Parking Lot
1. PA FFA Rules will be followed.
2. Competition is open to Grassland FFA Chapter members who are currently in-school students.
3. Entries are limited to eight (8) contestants.
4. First, Second and Third Places will receive trophies. All places will receive appropriate ribbons.
Objective: To demonstrate skillful practices and emphasize the safe operation and handling of a farm tractor. Participants must be a current in-school member of the Grassland FFA Chapter.
Contest will be divided into three parts: A written examination of 50 questions covering general maintenance and safety practices of a farm tractor; a troubleshooting examination on a tractor; and a tractor driving and equipment handling course.
Contestants will be scored on a fault point system. The contestant with the lowest score wins.
The tractor operation events will include:
A. Proper checking, starting, and stopping the tractor.
B. Drive manure spreader through obstacle course and back the spreader into a stall.
C. Back a 4-wheel wagon into a stall.
Entries received Tuesday, October 3, 2023, from 2 to 8 p.m. at NH Farmers Fair Bldg., Franklin St. & Roberts Ave.
Entries must be removed Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m. Each article must be made by a 4-H member and should be a part of the specific project(s) in which the member is enrolled within the current year. Project books are required with all entries.
Sew Much More
$4.00 $3.00 $2.00
00101 Travel, bed, sewing caddy, or pocket on beach towel
00102 Pillow or quillo
00103 Pajama tote, laundry, or gym bag
Sew Much Fun
00201 Skirt with elastic or drawstring waistband
00202 Pants or shorts with elastic or drawstring waistband
00301 T-Shirt & slacks, shorts, skirt or culottes
00302 Beach coverup
00303 Jogging suit or playsuit
00304 Sweatshirt or jacket
00305 Dress
00306 Other simple knit outfit
00307 Outfit using both knit and woven construction
00401 Simple top, vest or poncho and a skirt with a waistband or facing
00402 Simple top, vest or poncho and slacks or shorts with a waistband or facing
00403 Simple top, vest or poncho and a jumper or jumpsuit with a facing
00404 Simple dress with a facing, no waistband or set-in sleeves
00501 2 or more piece non-tailored outfit
00502 Dress or 2 piece dress
00601 Tailored jacket or sport coat
00602 Tailored coat
00603 Tailored ensemble
Formal Wear
00701 Special occasion garment
4-H Projects - Create Your Own Project
00801 Gimp (Boondoggle - plastic lacing woven into key chains, etc.)
00802 Scrapbooking
00803 Duct Tape Creations (items made using duct tape, such as wallets, roses, etc.)
00804 Wheat Weaving
00805 Year 1
00806 Year 2
00807 Year 3 and up
4-H Projects - Counted Cross-Stitch
00901 Year 1
00902 Year 2
00903 Year 3 and up
4-H Projects - Calligraphy
01001 Year 1
01002 Year 2 01003 Year 3 01004 Year 4 and up
Pet Care
01101 Pet Level 1: Pet Pals - Year 1
• Completed project book
• Poster about the natural characteristics (habitat, life, etc.) of member's animal, life history, or basic pet care. Poster must be 14" x 22" horizontal or vertical.
01102 Pet Level 2: Scurrying Around - Year 2
• Completed project book
• Kit or pet first aid or grooming supplies and equipment. Include at least 6 items and a list of the items and how they are used. Use replicas or empty boxes instead of real medicine.
Other 4-H Projects - Any Year
01201 Crafts 01202 Other
4-H Projects - Food Exhibits
01301 “Make It With Mixes” - Year 1
• Complete 4-H project book
• 3 plain (such as cookies or muffins) OR 1 large item (such as a cake) made with a commercial mix and the mix box (flatten the box for ease of exhibiting).
01302 “Make It With Mixes” - Year 2
• Completed 4-H project book
• 3 small items (such as cookies or muffins) OR 1 large item (such as a cake) that is a variation of the mix OR made with commercial mix without gluten, fat or another ingredient. (Indicate the variation OR the type of mix on a index card with the baked goods.)
Cake Decorating
01303 Year 1
• Completed 4-H project book
• Sheet or layer cake using at least 2 colors. Cake shall contain a spray of flowers, leaves, top border and base border.
01304 Year 2
• Completed 4-H project book
• Layer cake with top and base border using at least 3 techniques taught in the book 01305 Year 3
• Completed 4-H project book
• Cake using a minimum of 3 new techniques learned this year. (See project book for ideas.)
Strawberry Project 01401 Year 1
• Completed project book and an 8"x10" 6-8 piece strawberry puzzle depicting strawberries in some way. Exhibit puzzle pieces in a baggie 01402 Year 2
• Completed project book and a 28"x22" poster about your first two years in the project 01403 Year 3
• Completed project book placed in front of a three-ring binder with past year's books behind it and an exhibit as explained in the County 4-H book
Entries received Tuesday, October 3, 2023, from 2 to 8 p.m. at the New Holland Farmers Fair Building, Franklin St. & Roberts Ave. Custard or custard filled pastry will NOT be judged. Entries must be removed Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m. The items that did not receive a ribbon will be discarded Saturday evening. Open to boys and girls 8 to 16 years of age.
Chairpersons: Betty Hillard - (717) 431-6994 & Tamara Warner - (717) 286-5553
PREMIUMS $4.00 $3.00 $2.00
Baked Bread (4x8” loaf) & Rolls
00101 Bread - white, one loafs
00102 Bread - whole wheat, one loaf
00103 Cinnamon Rolls - 8 rolls
00104 Rolls - white, 8 rolls
- whole wheat, 8
Chairperson: Twila Smoker - (484) 319-5631
Entries received Tuesday, October 3, 2023, from 2 to 8 p.m. at New Holland
Farmers Fair Bldg., Franklin St. & Roberts Ave. Entries must be removed
Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m.
Articles must have been made within the current year.
Open to boys and girls under 9 years of age.
Entries received Tuesday, October 3, 2023, from 2 to 8 p.m. at New Holland Farmers Fair Bldg., Franklin St. & Roberts Ave. Entries must be removed
Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m.
Articles must have been made within the current year.
Open to boys and girls 10 to 16 years of age.
PREMIUMS $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Chairpersons: Margo Korbel & Paul Kramer
BEST OF SHOW ............... $5.00 & ROSETTE
Entries received Tuesday, October 3, 2023, from 4 to 8 p.m. at 4-H Tent, at New Holland Sales Stables
Entries must be removed Friday between 7:00 & 9:00 p.m.
One quart glass jars with lids are to be used to show grain in classes 3 through 12.
PREMIUMS $8.00 $6.00 $5.00
Class: Corn - 6 ears
00101 Hybrid - field corn
00102 Indian corn
00103 Popcorn - strawberry
00104 Popcorn - any other
00105 Miniature Ornamental Corn
PREMIUMS ........................................ $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Sunflowers - 1 stalk or head 00200
Oats - Displayed in One Quart Glass Jar with Lid 00300
Wheat - Displayed in One Quart Glass Jar with Lid 00400
Winter Barley - Displayed in One Quart Glass Jar with Lid 00500
Rye 00600
Soybeans - Displayed in One Quart Glass Jar with Lid 00700
Sunflower Seeds - Displayed in One Quart Glass Jar with Lid 00800
Long Hay only (an Exhibit shall consist of a bale section at least 8 inches thick.
PREMIUMS $12.00 $10.00 $8.00
Alfalfa or Alfalfa Grass Mixed - first cutting - Not over 50% of grasses. 00100
Alfalfa or Alfalfa Grass mixed - later cutting - Not over 50% of grasses. 00200
Other Legumes or Legume Grass mixtures - Not over 50% of grasses. 00300
Grass - first cutting - mixtures of Timothy and/or other grasses and 00400 containing not more than 10% Legumes.
Grass - second cutting - mixtures of Timothy and/or other grasses 00500 and containing not more than 10% Legumes. Mixed Hay - Any mixture not classified previously, containing 50+% singly or combined 00600
Summer Annual Grasses - Sudan Grass, Sorghum-Sudan, Hybrids, etc. 00700
An Exhibit shall consist of sealed gallon bag.
PREMIUMS .......... $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Haylage 00800
Corn Silage 00900
Shelled Corn 01000
Small Grain Silage 01100
An Exhibit shall consist of one Lath.
PREMIUMS ........ $10.00 $7.50 $5.00
Class: 00100 Maryland Type 00200 Pennsylvania Type 00300 Burley Tobacco
Continued on page 24
You have a vision. Your story is unique. And after running a farm from sunrise to sunset every day, there’s not much time left to get other things done.
So when you have an opportunity to grow your business, you need a partner who believes in your vision, sees your determination and drive, and helps make it happen. Our team at Univest can help you realize the full potential of your family farm. Whether it’s borrowing to purchase, upgrade or expand farm facilities, or credit lines to optimize flexibility and cash flow, it’s time to explore your possibilities with Univest.
Chairpersons: Vickie & Jim Gamber - (717) 354-0531
Entries received Tuesday, October 3, 2023, from 2 to 8 p.m. at New Holland Farmers Fair Bldg., Franklin Street & Roberts Avenue. Entries must be removed Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m. All vegetables must be clean, uniform in size, and must contain number of specimens called for in list.
- 1 Potted Plant in Soil
Chairperson: Jonathan Campbell
Entries received Tuesday, October 3, 2023, from 2 to 8 p.m. at New Holland Farmers Fair Bldg., Franklin Street & Roberts Avenue. Entries must be removed Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m. Fruits should be uniform in size, shape and color and free from disease.
BEST OF SHOW FRUITS ............................... $5.00 & ROSETTE
PREMIUMS $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 Class:
Pears - Best Plate of 5
Pears- Bartlett
Pears- Red Barlett
Pears- Kieffer
Pears- Asian
Pears- Any Other
- Any Variety, 5 Specimens
Crabapple - Edible - 5 specimens
Figs - 5 specimens
Grapes - 2 Bunches
Other White Varieties
Other Red Varieties Persimmons - 1 Qt.
Plums - Any Variety, 5 Specimens
Paw-Paws - 5 Specimens
Berries - 1 Pint
Black Berries
Elder Berries
Red Raspberries
- Edible 1 Pint
Any Other Fruit
must have been grown within the past year.
Butternuts; Kernels
00115 English Walnuts; Kernels
00116 Hazelnuts; Kernels
00117 Heartnuts; Kernels
00118 Hicans; Kernels 00119 Peanuts; Kernels 00120 Pecans; Kernels
00121 Amer. or Chinese Chest; Kernels
00122 Shellbrk/Hick/Shgbrk; Kernels
00123 Any Other-Same Variety; Kernels
Chairpersons: Betty Hillard - (717) 431-6994 & Tamara Warner - (717) 286-5553
Entries received Tuesday, October 3, 2023, from 2 to 8 p.m. at New Holland Farmers Fair Building, Franklin Street & Roberts Avenue. All baked goods should be on paper plates and covered with clear wrap. Pies in aluminum pie tins as plates and dishes cannot be returned. All pies entered will be judged on crust quality as well as the pie itself. Custard or custard-filled pastry will NOT be judged. Entries must be removed Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m.The items that did not receive a ribbon will be discarded Saturday evening
The goal of the PA Preferred® Baking Contest is to encourage young people across the Commonwealth to participate in Pennsylvania's agricultural fairs by showcasing Pennsylvania grown and produced products in their contest entries.
1. Open to any individual amateur baker (age 8 through 18 at the time of the fair's contest) who is a Pennsylvania resident. One entry per person.
2. Entrants may NOT have won 1st place in this PA Preferred® Junior Baking Contest at any other fair in 2023.
3. Entry must be six (6) individual sized portions of the baked entry item.
4. Entire entry must be made from scratch. No pre-packaged ingredients may be used (ex: pre-made mixes, cookie dough, pie crust, frosting, etc.) All ingredients and decorations must be edible.
5. At least two (2) PA Preferred® or locally purchased ingredients must be used in the recipe. Some examples of qualifying ingredients include grains (such as oats or flour), butter, milk, eggs, fruit and/or vegetables.
6. A PA Preferred® logo is not required because not all PA Preferred® products carry the label. The name of the ingredient and the source is sufficient. For a list of acceptable products visit Contact RA-AGPAPreferred@ for any assistance with qualifying ingredients.
6. Entry must be submitted for judging on a food safe disposable setting. (All pans, plates and dishes are considered to be disposable and will not be returned.)
8. Recipe(s) must be submitted with the entry, printed on one side of 8½" x 11” paper. Recipe must list all ingredients, quantities, and the preparation instructions. The name of each PA Preferred® ingredient or locally purchased ingredient must be clearly listed clearly along with the source that made/grew the product (ex: PA Preferred Milk - Galliker's brand) or Apples - Smith Farm Orchard). Entrant’s name, age, address and phone number must be printed on the back side of all the pages. (All recipes and cookies-brownies-bars will become the property of the Fair or PA Farm Show and will not be returned.)
9. Refrigeration is not available at the fair or PA Farm Show. Entries that require refrigeration after baking must indicate so in the recipe. Those entries will not be sold, auctioned or otherwise distributed for consumption after judging for food safety reasons.
10. Judging Criteria:
Flavor (aroma, taste, good balance of flavorings)
Texture (appropriate for the type of cookie, brownie or bar)
Bar Cookies - A batter or other ingredients are poured or pressed into a rectangular pan (sometimes in multiple layers), then baked and cut into individual-sized squares. Brownies and lemon bars are examples of bar cookies. Tip: Cut when completely cool and use a plastic knife.
Iced Cookies - A drop or rolled cookie iced for decoration or to add flavor. Sugar cookies or fancy Christmas cookies are examples of this type of cookie.
Drop Cookies - A relatively soft dough is dropped by the spoonful onto the baking sheet. During baking, the mounds of dough spread and flatten. Chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal cookies and macaroons are examples of drop cookies. Tip: Chill soft doughs before dropping onto a cool cookie sheet.
Pressed Cookies - Made from a soft dough that is extruded from a cookie press (cookie gun) or pastry tube into various decorative shapes. Spritz cookies are an example. Tip: Hold cookie press so that it rests on the cookie sheet. Raise press straight up from the cookie sheet after enough dough has been released to form a cookie.
Sliced or Ice Box Cookies - Made from a stiff dough that is refrigerated in logs until it becomes hard. It is then sliced into rounds and baked. Examples include pinwheels and shortbread. Tip: Use a thin, sharp knife to slice dough.
Rolled cookies - Made from a stiffer dough that is chilled and then rolled out and cut into shapes with a cookie cutter, knife or pastry wheel. Gingerbread men are an example, or any other cookie made with a cookie cutter. Tip: Take your time so that cookies are uniform in shape and size, this helps them bake evenly.
Filled Cookies - Rolled, dropped or pressed cookies that are assembled with a sweet filling: frosting, jam, marshmallow crème and peanut butter crème.
30 points
25 points
20 points (even grain, evenly baked; free from air pockets)
Inside Characteristics
Outside Characteristics
15 points (uniform size, shape, appearance; overall appeal)
10 points
100 points
FAIR PREMIUMS: 1st - $20 2nd - $15 3rd - $10
First Place Winner is eligible for the 2024 PA Farm Show competition.
Premiums for the 2024 PA FARM SHOW competition:
1st = $500; 2nd = $250; 3rd = $100
4th = Rosette Ribbon; 5th = Rosette Ribbon
Sponsor: PA Preferred®
Zerbe Retirement Community, a familyowned and operated 87 bed skilled nursing facility, personal care and independent living community We have been ser ving the geriatric community for 60 years. Our core value is to honor God by offering unconditional love to the older generations we ser ve and to each person who visits or works in our community
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- Brenda BurkholderTO BE USED BY FAIRS AT THEIR 2023 EVENT
The certified first place winner from each fair will then have the opportunity to enter an apple pie in the BLUE RIBBON APPLE PIE CONTEST at the 2024 PENNSYLVANIA STATE FARM SHOW.
1. Open to any individual amateur baker who is a Pennsylvania resident. One entry per person.
2. Entrants may NOT have won 1st place in this Blue Ribbon Apple Pie contest at any other fair in 2023.
3. Entire entry must be made from scratch. No pre-packaged ingredients may be used (ex: pre-made mixes, cookie dough, pie crust, frosting, etc.) All ingredients and decorations must be edible.
4. Recipe must include at least 60% apples in the filling. It does not need to be a "traditional" two-crusted apple pie and it can have a variety of fillings.
5. The entire pie must be submitted for judging in a food safe disposable pie pan. (All pans, plates and dishes are considered to be disposable and will not be returned)
6. The recipe for the pie and pie crust must be submitted with the entry. It should be submitted on one side of 8½" by 11" paper. The recipe must list all the ingredients, quantities and the preparation instructions. Entrant's name, address and phone number must be printed on the back side of all the pages. (All recipes and pies will become the property of the Fair or PA Farm Show and will not be returned.)
6. Refrigeration is not available at the Fair or PA Farm Show. Entries that require refrigeration after baking must indicate so in the recipe. Those entries will not be sold, auctioned or otherwise distributed for consumption after judging for food safety reasons.
7. Judging will be based on the following criteria:
Filling: consistency, doneness, moistness & flavor
Crust: color, flavor, texture, doneness
Overall Appearance
1. Open to any individual amateur baker who is a Pennsylvania resident. One entry per person.
2. Entrants may NOT have won 1st place in this Homemade Chocolate Cake contest at any other fair in 2023.
3. Entire entry must be made from scratch. No Pre-packaged ingredients may be used. (ex: pre-made mixes, cookie dough, pie crust, frosting, etc.) All ingredients and decorations must be edible.
4. Cake recipe must feature chocolate or cocoa as a main ingredient.
5. Entry must be a layered chocolate cake.
6. Entry must be frosted and frosting must also be made from "scratch" (no pre-packaged frosting).
7. The entire cake entry must be submitted for judging on cardboard or other food safe disposable setting. (All pans, plates and dishes are considered to be disposable and will not be returned.)
8. Recipes must be submitted with the entry, printed on one side of 8½" x 11" paper. Recipe must list all ingredients, quantities, and the preparation instructions. Entrant's name, address and phone number must be printed on the back side of all the pages. (All recipes and cakes will become the property of the Fair or PA Farm Show and will not be returned.)
30 points
25 points
20 points
15 points
10 points
TOTAL 100 points
NOTE: Creativity is essential to a varied competition. Do not limit your contest to a "traditional" two-crusted apple pie. We are looking for a variety of fillings in the pies; the pie must include at least 60% apples in the filling.
The recipe for the pie and pie crust will also need to be submitted when entering at the Pennsylvania Farm Show. Each fair must submit the Contest Summary Report verifying the winning apple pie baker. This person will then be eligible to enter the state competition at the 2024 Farm Show and will receive the Official Certification Form from the PA Fairs Special Baking Contest Committee..
NOTE: If an individual has already won 1st place at another fair in 2023 for this Blue Ribbon Apple Pie contest, that individual is now considered qualified through that Fair to compete at the 2024 PA Farm Show and is no longer eligible to enter this contest at any upcoming fairs.
PRIZES: 1st - $20 2nd - $15 3rd - $10
Premiums for the 2024 PA FARM SHOW competition will be as follows:
First place: $500 Fourth place: Rosette Ribbon
Second place: $250 Fifth place: Rosette Ribbon
Third place: $100
Sponsor: PA State Association of County Fairs
1. Open to any individual amateur baker who is a Pennsylvania resident. One entry per person.
2. Entrants may NOT have won 1st place in this Angel Food Cake contest at any other fair in 2023.
3. Entire entry must be made from scratch. No pre-packaged ingredients may be used (ex: pre-made mixes, cookie dough, pie crust, frosting, etc. ) All ingredients and decorations must be edible.
4. Pennsylvania produced & packed eggs are requested to be used, if possible. Please look for the PEQAP or PA packaging dates on the carton.
5. The entire cake entry must be submitted for judging on cardboard or other food safe disposable setting . (All pans, plates and dishes are considered to be disposable and will not be returned.)
6. Recipe(s) listing the ingredients and the preparation instructions must be submitted with the entry (printed on one-side of 8½" x 11” size paper) Entrant’s name, address and phone number must be printed on the back of all the pages. (All recipes and cakes will become the property of the Fair or PA Farm Show and will not be returned.)
7. Refrigeration is NOT available at the Fair of PA Farm Show. Entries that require refrigeration after baking must indicate so in the recipe. Those entries will not be sold, auctioned, or otherwise distributed for consumption after judging for food safety reasons.
8. Judging will be based on the following criteria:
Flavor (smell, taste, flavoring)
Inside Characteristics (texture & lightness)
Overall Appearance (surface, size, color)
Topping, Icing or Decoration
30 points
25 points
20 points
15 points
10 points
PRIZES: 1st - $25 2nd - $15 3rd - $10
First Place Winner is eligible for the 2024 PA Farm Show competition.
Prizes for the PA State Farm Show Angel Food Cake Winners
1st - $500 2nd - $250 3rd - $100
Fourth Place - Rosette Ribbon Fifth Place - Rosette Ribbon
Sponsors: Pennsylvania's Egg Farmers & PA State Association of County Fairs
8. Refrigeration is not available at the fair or PA Farm Show. Entries that require refrigeration after baking must indicate so in the recipe. Those entries will not be sold, auctioned or otherwise distributed for consumption after judging for food safety reasons.
7. Judging criteria:
Flavor (aroma, taste, good balance of flavorings) 30 points
Texture (moist and tender crumb; not soggy or dry) 25 points
Inside Characteristics 20 points (even grain, evenly baked, free from air pockets)
Outside Characteristics 15 points (consistent shape/size/surface; overall appeal)
Frosting (taste, texture, even color)
10 points
TOTAL 100 points
PRIZES: 1st - $20 2nd - $15 3rd - $10
Premiums for the 2024 PA FARM SHOW competition will be as follows:
First place: $500
Second place: $250
Third place: $100
Fourth place: Rosette Ribbon
Fifth place: Rosette Ribbon
PA State Association of County Fairs
Chairpersons: Sylvia Cramer - (717) 354-0420 & Joan Weaver - (717) 354-7919
1. Canned items are judged on quality, general appearance and container with proper head space between lid & product. All produce must be processed since the last fair by the exhibitor. Only one item per entry number.
2. Use standard mason-type, clear quart/pint/cup jars for preserving and exhibiting fruits, vegetables and meats; exception is for Class 10 Vinegars.
3. Use two-piece current year self-sealing lids (flat discs and metal screw bands) for sealing all jars of food.
4. Metal screw bands may be loosely applied while transporting jars to and from fairs to prevent damage; however, screw bands must be removed from jars before exhibiting entries.
5. All foods not in standard jars or not sealed with self-sealing lids will be disqualified by the judge.
6. Labels are not required.
7. Information on proper canning procedures can be found at NATIONAL CENTER FOR HOME FOOD PRESERVATION:
BALL BLUE BOOK’S HOME CANNERS’ HELP LINE: 1-800-240-3340, also at
Entries received Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023 from 2 to 8 p.m. in New Holland Farm Show, Franklin Street & Roberts Avenue. Entries must be removed Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m.
Continued on page 34
700 East Main Street, New Holland 717.354.3130 • 717.354.8095 • Grooming: 717.355.0168
Barry A. Harris, VMD • Grace Amicone, DVM • Diane Tomaskovich, DVM
Christopher M. Sicuranza, VMD
• Brian G’Sullivan, DVM
• Monica Daniel, DVM
Danielle K. Lanz, DVM
565 Airport Road | New Holland, PA 17557 717-354-5394 |
Chairperson: Jessica Weaver
Entries received Tuesday, October 3, 2023 from 2 to 8 p.m. at New Holland Farmers Fair Building, Franklin Street & Roberts Avenue. Entries must be removed Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m.
1. Canned foods to be judged on taste, quality, general appearance and container. Keep bands on jars.
2. Use standard mason-type, clear glass jelly jars for preserving and exhibiting jams, jellies, butters and honey spreads with 1/4” headspace between product and lid. (Information is from National Center for Home Food Preservation,
3. 1/4" head space
4. Labeled with date and type
5. All must have water bath.
6. Use two-piece self-sealing lids (flat discs AND metal screw bands) for sealing all jars of food; keep bands on jars. No rusty rings.
7. All foods not in standard jars or not sealed with self-sealing lids will be disqualified by the judge.
8. No Freezer Jelly will be accepted.
PREMIUMS $4.00 $3.00 $2.00
Butter 00101 Any Kind
Jams 00201 Any Kind
Jellies 00301 Any Kind
Continued on page 36
All: Must be processed in water bath canner for 10 minutes. Color is characteristic of the fruit. Clear not discolored from over cooking. Aroma and flavor are characteristic of the fruit without excessive sweetness or over cooked flavor.
Special Information: The condition of the container is of special importance. It must be a standard canning (mason) jar made for canning. Packers such as mayonnaise, peanut butter or other products intended for one way service are not acceptable for fair entry competition. Ring Bands must be clean, free from rust and loose on the jar. Lids must be sealed and the use of paraffin is not acceptable. Most of all, if you are not willing to read the rules in your premium book and follow these simple suggestions, please don’t blame the judge for your poor placement.
Fruit Butter - A smooth creamy spread that is created by slow cooking fruit and sugar until it reaches the right consistency. The pulp is then run through a sieve, making it quite smooth; these types of spreads are not always translucent and often opaque. Best used as a spread of a filling.
Honey Spreads - Fruit products which use honey in the preparation as a substitution for par of the sugar.
Jam - A thick sweet mixture of fruit, pectin and sugar that is boiled gently but quickly until fruit is soft yet thick enough to spread easily and can form a blob. Jams have pieces of crushed or chopped fruit. Jams also are good for fillings.
Preserves - Like jams except they have chunks of fruit surrounded by jelly.
Jelly - Clear, sweet spread made from fruit juice, pectin and sugar, which holds its shape when unmolded.
Marmalades - A citrus spread made from the peel and pulp of the fruit. Marmalades are cooked for a long time and have no pectin are used for spreads and glazed.
Conserves - A very thick and chunky textured spread made with cooked dried fruits and nuts. Works well as a spread and as a condiment for meats and cheeses.
Chairperson: Kate Merchlinski - (717) 466-4443
Exhibits will be received Tuesday, October 3, 2023 from 2 to 8 p.m. at CrossNet Ministries on Franklin Street. Entries must be removed Saturday evening, October 7, 2023 between 8 and 10 p.m.
Basis for Judging
Plants that have been previously judged are not eligible to compete.
HORTICULTURE EXHIBITS: Uniformity of Color, Size for the Variety and Condition of the Foliage and Flower.
FLORAL DESIGN EXHIBITS: Conformance to Class, Artistic Design, Color, Harmony and Expression.
Suggestions for Exhibitors
1. Specimen flowers should have straight, sturdy stems and the flowers should be at their prime. A bud showing color counts as a bloom. Plant material should be as nearly perfect as possible. Endeavor to use plenty of foilage from the flowers.
2. All debris, spray residue, insects, spent flowers, old fruit and berries and injured foliage should be removed. Diseased or infested entries will not be permitted. Foilage below the water level must be removed.
3. Extra large and bushy potted plants cannot be received; they should be no larger than 36 inches in diameter and 18 inches in height.
4. CONTAINERS: Pots for potted plants are not to exceed 10 inches. Containers should harmonize with the plant, be clean, free of cracks and chips. Horticulture specimens are to be entered in clear glass containers (not colored glass). Leaves should not be below the water level.
4. Floral arrangements should not show the mechanics (oasis, structural materials). Exception: Ikebana arrangements.
5 No exhibitor may enter more than one specimen for competition in any class, otherwise they will be disqualified.
6. Clear bubble wrap may be used at the neck of the vase to stabilize the specimen.
BEST OF SHOW Horticulture (Adult) ............................. $5.00 & ROSETTE
BEST OF SHOW Arrangement (Adult) $5.00 & ROSETTE
BEST OF SHOW (Youth) ................................................. $5.00 & ROSETTE
PREMIUMS .............. $4.00 $3.00 $2.00
Begonia 01201 Single; Any Color 01202 Double; Any Color 01203 Angle Wing; Any Color
Geranium 01301 Common Bedding 01302 Ivy 01303 Scented 01304 Variegated
Any Other Flowering Houseplant 01401
PREMIUMS $4.00 $3.00 $2.00
Begonia, Begoniaceae, Foliage type 02101 Rex; Fancy 02102 Tuberous
Cacti 02201
Collection Cacti/Succulents - Pot Not To Exceed 02301 10" In Diameter
Succulent Plant 02401 Jade/Crassula
02402 Kalanchoe
02403 Euphorbia 02404 Any Other
Coleus - Common 02501
Ferns 02601 Asparagus 02602 Boston 02603 Footed 02604 Any Other
Potted Ivy
02701 Small Leaf - Up To 1 1/2 "
02702 Medium Leaf - 1 1/2" To 3"
02703 Large Leaf - Over 3"
02704 Variegated
Dish Garden - 3+ Foliage Plants, 3 or More Specimens
02801 Not Exceeding 10" Container
Terrarium - Not Exceeding 18" Tall
Foliage Plants - Any other variety 03001
Foliage Plants - Variegated 03002
PREMIUMS .............. $4.00 $3.00 $2.00
Ageratum - 5 Stems 03101 Foam - Small 03102 Foam - Tall
Amaranth (Caudatus) - Love Lies Bleeding 03104 Any Color
Calendulas - 5 Blooms
English Marigold
Celosia/Amaranthaceae 03301 Crested, 1 Stem 03302 Plume, 3 Stem 03303 Any Other, 3 Stems
Cleome/Cappa/Spider -1 Flower Stem 03401 White
3 Stems of The Same Variety
3 Different Varieties Cut Stems
Cosmos/Compos - 5 Blooms
Bipannatus Any Variety
Any Color Dahlias/Comp Small - 1 Bloom up to 3"
Salvia Farinacea - Single 3 Flower Stems
04181 Blue Victoria 04182 White Victoria 04183 Any Other, Same Variety & Color
Salvia - 1 flower stem
04191 Mex Sage 04192 Elegans/Pineapple Sage
04193 Other
Strawflowers/Helicrysum - 5 Blooms - may be 04201 mixed colors
04211 Small w/3 flower stems - Flower up to 1" Diam
04212 Medium w/2 flower stems - Flower 1" to 3" Diam.
04213 Large w/2 flower stems - Flower 3"+ Diam.
Snapdragons/Antirrhinum - 2 stems
04221 Single 04222 Double
Sunflower - 1 Flower Stem
Other Variety of Flower 04241
PREMIUMS .............. $4.00 $3.00 $2.00
Aster/Perennial - 1 Branch Not Exceeding 10" 04101 Pink 04102 Purple 04103 White
Anemone/Jap/Elegans - 1 Flower Stem 04201 Pink 04202 White 04203 Any Color
Chrysanthemums - 1 Flower Stem
04301 Daisy; Sgl. Open Ctr 04302 Spoon; Quill/Spidr
04303 Pompom/Button
04304 Cushion/Decorative 04305 Lgst Sgl Any Color
Montauk Daisy - 1 Flower Stem
Cone Flower - 1 Flower Stem
04501 White 04502 Pink
04503 Any Other Color
Dianthus - 3 Flower Stems
04601 Hardy Pinks
Gaillardia - 5 Blooms
04701 Blanket Flower
Hosta - 1 Leaf
04801 Small; Up to 3" Across 04802 Medium; 3-6" Across 04803 Large; >6" Across
Hydrangea - 1 Stem
04901 Blue
04902 White/Green
04903 Pink
04904 Oak Leaf
04905 Any Other
Roses; Hybrid Tea - Single Flower Stem with Leaves 05001 Bi-Color
05002 Orange
05003 Red
05004 White 05005 Yellow
05006 Pink
05007 Lavender
04186 Any Other
Salvia Guarantica - 3 Flower Stems
04161 Black/Blue
04162 Other Colors
Salvia (Common) - 3 Flower Stems 04171 Red
Other Colors
05008 Peace
05009 Any Other
Rose, Shrub - 1 Branch of Shrub such as Mediland, Knock Out, Carefree Wonder etc. 05111 Mediland, Knock Out
Continued on page 40
Roses Miniature - 1 Flower Stem with Leaves 05121 Red 05122 Pink 05123 Any Other
Roses, Floribunda - 1 Flower Stem with Leaves 05131
Roses, English - 1 Flower Stem with Leaves; such as David Austin etc. 05141 David Austin, etc
Rudbeckia - Black-eyed Susan - 1 Flower Stem 05151 Black-Eyed Susan
Russian Sage - Perovskia - 3 Stems 05161
Succulent - 1 Stem 05171 Autumn Joy 05172 Any Other
Any Other Perennial - 1 Stem 05181
PREMIUMS .............. $4.00 $3.00 $2.00
Virburnum - 1 Branch Not to Exceed 18" in Length 05101
Decorative Crabapple Malus - 1 Branch Not to 05201 Exceed 18" in Length
Holly, ilex - 1 Branch Not to Exceed 18" in Length 05301
Winterberry, Ilex Verticillata - 1 Branch Not to 05401 Exceed 18" in Length
Pyracantha - 1 Branch Not to Exceed 18" in Length 05501
Beautyberry/Callicarpa - Purple - 1 Branch Not to 05601 Exceed 18" in Length
Beautyberry/Callicarpa - White - 1 Branch Not to 05602 Exceed 18" in Length
Any Other Berried Branch - 1 Branch Not to 05701 Exceed 18" in Length
One stalk of foliage and one flower head not to exceed 30" in height
PREMIUMS $4.00 $3.00 $2.00
Miscanthus - Maiden Grass etc 06101
Oat Grass - Sea Oats/Quaking etc 06201
Pennisetum - Fountain Grass 06301
Sedge - Papyrus, Cyperaceae, etc 06401
Any Other Variety 06501
PREMIUMS .............. $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Topiary - Fresh flowers/foliage
Arrangement in topiary form not to exceed 18" using fresh flower and foliage.
Victorian Herbal Arrangement
Herbs only, accessories permitted 07111
Crysanthemum Arrgt. - Fresh 07121
Miniature - <3"W and 3"H 07131
Small - <5" W and 5" H
New Year's Arrangement
Purchased flowers, foliage and accessories permitted - arranged by exhibitor
Clear Glass Vase (non-oasis)
Best of Garden Argmt - <24"H/W
Dried Materials
Arrangement using dried materials (no artificially dyed or purchased materials.)
Pedestal Container - <24" High Arrangement in pedestal container not to exceed 24" in height 07301
Kitchen - Utensils/Flwrs/Folge
Arrangement using kitchen utensils, flowers & foliage not exceed 24" in height
Contemporary - Fresh Flwrs/Folg
Contemporary; Fresh Flwrs/Folg 07501
Arrangement of One Flower
One flower only; foliage and/or accessories permitted.
Thanksgiving Arrangement - Fresh Accessories permitted.
Christmas Arrangement - Fresh Accessories permitted.
All White
All white arrangement; fresh flowers and foliage, accessories permitted.
Foliage Only Arrangement
Arrangement of foliage - no flowers, pods or seeds, foliage cut not planted
There is no size limit but must be able to be carried to the display table. Fall flowers, pumpkins, gourds, straw, cornstalks and foliage to Halloween decorations or artificial plants permitted.
PREMIUMS $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Flower Pot 07950
Window Box 07951
PREMIUMS .............. $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 Class
Cosmos - 3 Flower Stems 08101
Petunias - 3 Flower Stems 08201
Sunflowers - 1 Flower Stem 08301
Zinnias - Small (2" and under) - 2 stems 08401
Zinnias - Large (over 2") - 1 Stem 08402
PREMIUMS .............. $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 Class
Arrangement in Toy (categories arranged by age grouping Fresh flowers and foliage. Toy to occupy area no larger than 12"x12"
One branch, minimum length 20" with maximum length 30" tip to cut end. Each branch must include several nodes and an apical tip. This will be exhibited on a lattice without water, which will be provided. The exhibitor must correctly identify the entry.
PREMIUMS $4.00 $3.00 $2.00
Fir (Abies)
Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga Menziesii) 05802
Juniper (Juniperus) 05803
Spruce (Picea) 05804
Any Other Conifer 05805
Arrangement of Flowers for Teacher's Desk
Arrangement of typifying a Sport or Hobby Fresh flowers and foliage, accessories permitted
Flowers 09501 Marigold - 3 Flower Stems
09502 Salvia - 3 Flower Stems
09503 Any Others - 3 Flower Stems
No size limit but must be able to be carried to the display table. Must include at least 3 live plants. No artificial plants permitted.
Continued on page 42
Chairperson: Twila Smoker - (484) 319-5631
Entries received Tuesday, October 3, 2023 from 2 to 8 p.m. at New Holland Farmers Fair Bldg., Franklin St. & Roberts Ave. Entries must be removed Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m.
Articles that have been judged previously - not eligible to compete. Each exhibit to be judged on workmanship, worth of article, appropriateness of material and design.
02508 Latch Hook
02509 Needlepnt
02510 Patchwork
02511 Candlewick
02512 Other
PREMIUMS $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
02601 Crewel; Framed
02602 Counted Cross Stitch; Design >10", 18 ct and below; Framed
02603 Counted Cross Stitch; Design >10", 22 ct and above; Framed
02604 Counted Cross Stitch; Design <10", 18 ct and below; Framed
02605 Counted Cross Stitch; Design <10", 22 ct and above; Framed
02606 Counted Cross Stitch on Linen; Design >10"; Framed
02607 Counted Cross Stitch on Linen; Design <10"; Framed
02608 Cross Stitch; Stamped
02609 Sampler
02610 Embroidered
02611 Needlepoint
02612 Other
Wall Hangings
Will be considered a wall hanging regardless of size if there is a hanger on back for a rod or hanger.
02701 Bargello
02702 Candlewick
02703 Latch Hook
02704 Bell Pull
02705 Quilt Pieced 02706 Quilt Panel 02707 Other
Chairpersons: Judy Trost - (717) 768-0903 and Vicki Goehring
Entries received Tuesday, October 3, 2023 from 2 to 8 p.m. New Holland Farmers Fair Bldg., Franklin St. & Roberts Ave.
Entries must be removed Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m. Must show exhibitor number
1. Paintings must have been done by exhibitors within the past year. (Non-professionals only).
4. Max Size - 30” width including frame.
5. Adults limited to 15 total entries
6. Only one entry accepted in each numbered category.
7. Final decision on all exhibits up to chairpersons.
8. No nudity will be accepted.
9. Basic judging criteria: Originality, ability to handle the medium and composition.
10. Not responsible for items not picked up by 10 p.m. Saturday night.
Chairperson: Randy Hess - (717) 875-4189. Entries received Tuesday, October 3, 2023 from 2 to 8 p.m. at the New Holland Farmers Fair Bldg. Entries must be removed Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m.
1. Photographs must have been taken by exhibitors within the past year. (non-professionals only)
2. All exhibits must be matted or framed.
3. All photographs must be a minimum of 8" x 10". Entries, including matting and framing, must not exceed 20" x 25". NO GLASS.
4. Senior Division (Adult) entries limited to 7 entries per adult.
5. Junior Division (through 12th grade) entries are unlimited.
6. Only one entry accepted per person in a category.
7. Photography will be judged according to the criteria of the category.
8. No nudity will be accepted.
9. Do not digitally enhance or alter your photographs with the exception of Classes 00116 and 00216 (altered). Minimal color balance, sharpening, and tonal corrections are acceptable to achieve realism.
10.Not responsible for items left after 10 p.m. Saturday night.
SENIOR BEST OF SHOW $5.00 & ROSETTE JUNIOR BEST OF SHOW . . . . . . . . . $5.00 & ROSETTE PREMIUMS $6.00 $5.00 $4.00
such as
computer using Photoshop, etc.)
Effects (in Camera such as extended exposure etc.)
(on computer using Photoshop, etc.)
Wildlife (Not in captivity)
Effects (in Camera such as extended exposure etc.)
(on computer using Photoshop, etc.)
00201 People; Candid
00202 Portraits; Posed
00203 New Holland Fair
00204 Architecture
00205 Things
00206 Animal Wildlife (Not in captivity)
00207 Animals; Pets
00208 Animals; Other
00209 Nature
00210 Flowers
00211 Still Life
00212 Landscape
00213 Seascape
00214 Special Effects (in Camera such as extended exposure etc.)
00215 Abstract
00216 Altered (on computer using Photoshop, etc.)
00217 Transportation
Chairperson: Paula Sauder
Entries will be received Tuesday, October 3, 2023 from 2 to 8 p.m. at the New Holland Farmers Fair Bldg., Franklin Street & Roberts Avenue. Entries must be removed on Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m.
Articles having no competition will not receive a premium unless worthy.
List the category or class where you want your crafts entered.
Open to amateurs only.
Exhibits not on the premium list will absolutely not be accepted.
JUNIOR DIVISION - Open only to persons up to and including 16 years of age.
SENIOR DIVISION- Open to persons 17 years of age or over.
& ROSETTE JUNIOR BEST OF SHOW ................. $5.00 & ROSETTE PREMIUMS ..............
05012 Craft Items 05013 Other
13-16 year olds
05021 Natural Objects
05022 Craft Items
05023 Other
Chairperson: Mervin Ash - (717) 475-1588
NO Senior Division for Lego or K’nex
All entries must be made since last fair by exhibitor. Articles previously judged are not eligible to compete. Only one entry in same class per exhibitor. Exhibits received at the New Holland Farmers Fair Bldg., Tuesday, October 3, 2023 from 2 to 8 p.m.
SENIOR BEST OF SHOW ................. $5.00 & ROSETTE JUNIOR BEST OF SHOW ................. $5.00 & ROSETTE
Received: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 from 2 to 8 p.m. Where: New Holland Farmers Fair Bldg., Franklin Street & Roberts Avenue.
1. Wine must be amateur wine, home produced.
2. Only one entry per category.
3. Wines will be evaluated by professional judge.
4. Wine may be drawn from any year’s fruits. All bottles must be labeled with the year.
5. All entries will be judged for most attractive packaging:
A. Label B. Container
(Awarded for best overall wine) $5.00 & ROSETTE
Entries received Tuesday, October 3, 2023 from 2 to 8 p.m. at the New Holland Farmers Fair Bldg., corner of Roberts Avenue and Franklin Street. Entries must be removed Saturday evening between 8 and 10 p.m.
1. Extracted honey to be judged on:
A. Body
B. Flavor
C. Clarity
D. Cleanliness
E. General appearance for market
2. Beeswax to be judged on:
A. Cleanliness
B. Color and aroma
C. Uniformity of appearance
D. Freedom from crack and shrinkage
PREMIUMS $4.00 $3.00 $2.00
Honey - Dark Comb; 1 Sections
or Clear Honey in 1 Jar
Beeswax - Not less than ½ lb.
Beeswax - Molded; 3 items
Beeswax - Plain Candle; 3 items
- Scented Candle; 3 items
Continued on page 50
Received: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 • 3:30 to 8 p.m.
• Where: CrossNet Ministries on Franklin Street • Removal: Saturday, October 7, 2023 between 7 and
PREMIUMS $75.00 $65.00
Entries will be judged Wednesday morning, September 28, 2022. Local organizations (civic groups, 4-H, FFA, Scouts, church groups, Jr. Firemen, etc.) are showing educational material, safety tips, or information about/benefits of their organization. Display should be approximate size of 4’ x 6’ x 10’. Please call by September 27 to register the exhibit.
Thursday, October 5, 2023 5:30 p.m. - Children Ages 3 & 4 and
and 9 &
Competition limited to first 20 children to register in each class. Prizes to be awarded after completion of each competition. Competition to be held at Franklin Street reviewing stand.
Name ______________________________________________________________________________________Age
Please mail registration form to: Wes Kopp, 116 N. Shirk Road, New Holland, PA 17557 No later than October 4, 2023. Any questions, please call: (717) 917-3500.
Chairperson: Pauline Redding - (717) 355-2529
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023 • 8 p.m. - All teams registered will participate in preliminary and elimination contests. Winners will compete for Championship on Saturday, October 7, 2023 at 8 p.m. for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place prizes.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2023 • 8 p.m.
All contests will be held regardless of conditions.
PRIZES: Tug-of-War
1st Place - $2,000 & Trophy & $500 Yoder's Buffet Gift Card
2nd Place - $1,000 & Trophy
3rd Place - $750 & Trophy
4th Place - $500 & Trophy
All non-winning participating teams will receive $50 for entering.
Last Year's Winners:
1st Place - $1,500 + $500 Yoder's Card -
Weaverland Valley Fire Company - Captain: Anthony Reiff
2nd Place - $750 - Intercourse Fire Company - Captain: Dan Esh
3rd Place - $500 - Weaver Mulch - Captain: Brian Olinger
4th Place - $250 - Weiler Walls - Captain: Nate Martin
Sponsored by:
Saturday, October 7, 2023 – 9 A.M.
NO RAIN DATE This event is open to the public • Both male and female participants are welcome.
LOCATION: New Holland Community Park, one block south of Main Street at South Kinzer Avenue and East Jackson Street.
TIME: Sign-in – 8 to 8:30 a.m.; Drawing for Partner 8:35 a.m.; Pitching Time - 9 a.m.
PRIZES: First Place - Trophies (2), plus cash prize of $35.00. Second Place - Trophies (2), plus cash prize of $25.00. Third Place - Trophies (2), plus cash prize of $20.00. One trophy per team member - one cash prize per team member.
COMPETITION: Teams of two will compete in a Round Robin format. Team members will be decided by luck of the draw.
RULES: All participants must agree to and follow all rules and regulations set by the Farm Show Committee.
NOTE: Bring your own horseshoes - walk-in doubles competition. No pre-entry required. Sign-in deadline is 8:30 a.m.
For Additional Information Call: Chairperson Ralph Nelson (610) 489-4030
Sponsored by Earl Lodge #413 I00FNew Holland • Odd Fellows
Paulene Redding
5888 Knobby Hill Rd. Narvon, PA 17555 (717) 355-2529
(DEADLINE September 1, 2023)
Name of Organization _____________________________________________________________________________
Phone# ________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of person in charge & complete mailing address:
Specify prize category you are entering your float or marching group. Commercial Non-Commercial
Religious Youth Float Youth Marchers
Not Covered by Above
You are invited to participate in our annual parade in conjunction with our Farmers Fair by entering a float or marching group.
No entry fee. Deadline for registering is September 1. NO RAIN DATE FOR PARADE. RESTRICTIONS
The parade is a continuous moving event with no pausing at any of the judging areas en route through the parade route.
No animals are allowed to pull any floats or vehicles without written permission of parade chairperson. No Hot Rods, Minibikes or Hot Cycles.
ATTENTION ALL: To clarify any questions or concerns, we would like to explain the reasons for the number of trucks in our parade.
The trucks are sponsors and each one pays to participate. Last year the cost to put music in the parade was $30,000. Every band is paid expenses to be part of the parade.
Thanks to our generous and cooperative sponsors, we are able to put on an outstanding parade. The trucks help us to achieve our tradition of The Spectacle Of Bands Parade.
To register a float or marching group in the parade use the application below or call (717) 355-2529.
Third Prize - $50.00
Youth Group - Marchers
First Prize - $100.00
Second Prize - $75.00
Third Prize - $50.00
Best Appearing Baton Twirling Unit
First Prize - $100.00
Second Prize - $75.00
Third Prize - $50.00
PARADE CHAIRPERSON: Paulene Redding(717) 355-2529 Call/Text
A Band Competition will be held during the course of the parade. Any school band will be eligible for prizes. Judging will be done by West Chester University. The parade will form at the New Holland Park, proceed west on Jackson St. to Custer Ave., north on Custer Ave. to Broad St., east on Broad St. to Railroad Ave., south on Railroad Ave. to Main St., east on Main St. to Kinzer Ave., south on Kinzer to the park and disperse.
Reserved seats will be available across from the judges stand at GSFR Fire Company and can be obtained by contacting Jan at (717) 413-3493
Handouts at curbside to spectators is permitted. Throwing is not permitted. No commercial trucks allowed to participate unless they are a flatbed type used for float purposes. Band sponsors are allowed one commercial vehicle to follow or proceed the unit their firm is sponsoring. Trophies given for: Best Music, Best Marching, Best Band Front in Classes A, B & C, Overall Winner, Best Twirler, Best Drum Major, and Best Musical Unit. Continued
Octorara Senior Band
Freedom Flooring
Gerald G. Martin
LH Construction
Garden Spot High School Band
CNH Industrial North America
Conestoga Post 662 American Legion
JB Zimmerman
Country View Fencing
King Concrete Pumping
Mad Beatz
Franklin Street Garage
M H Eby Inc.
Country Lane Woodworking
Pequea Valley High School Marching Band
New Holland Radio Shack
Tyson Foods New Holland Complex
Bank of Bird-in-Hand
Smoker Door Sales
Central York MS Colonial Fife
& Drum
Lichty Bro. Inc.
PA Auction Center
Scenic Ridge Construction Company
Downingtown High School Band
Diligence Automotive
Diversified Roofing
Eagle Wings Business Network
Allied Milk Producers' Cooperative
New Holland Band
Sindall Transport Inc.
Eby's Oil Inc.
Ephrata National Bank
Fire Line Equipment
Penn Manor Marching Unit
King Concrete Pumping LLC
H R Ewell Inc.
Lancaster Prefinishing
Prestige Painting
JM Lapp Plumbing and Heating
Trinidad/Tobago Baltimore Steel Orchestra
Brubaker Inc.
Steffy's Garage, Inc.
Groff High Eckenroth Funeral Home
Miller & Sons Salt and Water Conditioning
Musselman Lumber Company
New Holland Auto Group
Orrstown Bank
Kracker Beez
Sam Smucker & Sons
Savencia Cheese USA
Sentry Ag, Inc.
Terre Hill Concrete Products
Town & Country Electric & Plumbing, LLC
Upward Broadband
Warfel Construction Company
Eagles Pep Band
Bressler's Inc.
Martin CFS
Martin Tree Service
Earl R. Martin Inc.
Rajah Temple String Band
Earth, Turf, and Wood Inc.
Garden Spot Village
HR Ewell Inc.
The Kiltie Band Of York
JM Lapp
Lancaster Prefinishing LLC
Prestige Painting Hoober Inc.
Shipley Energy
The Witmer Company
Turner Buick GMC
Getz Steam Calliope
Yoders Country Market
A. Lane Living
Ceol Neamh Pipes & Drums
A&M Electric Choice Home Remodeling
Orlan Truss Hauling LLC
Homestead Nutrition
Idding's Electric
Keystone Gun-krete, LLC
Dixieland Express
Martins Flooring
Power Pro Equipment
Quality Buildings
Fralinger String Band ProCare Medical
The Ice Shack-Martin & Ruth Auctioneer
The Houston Café
Tommy's Express Car Wash Mansion On Main
Topline Heating And Air
Food Sponsors Achenbach's Pastries, Inc
Pellman Foods, Inc.
General Sponsors The Barber Room
10-8 Emergency Vehicle Services
Keystone Quality Motors LLC
Fulton Bank
Fisher Paints
Shady Lane Wagons
Golf Cart Use For Fair Week
Stoltzfoos Golf Carts
Judges for Bands Quality Floors
Parade Marshal Carriage
New Holland Sales and Stables
Philly Phanatic Power Pro Equipment
Pooper Scooper Ag-Industrial Inc.
Radio Use For Fair Week
Triangle Communications
The Cup of Honor is presented each year at the judges stand to the overall winner of the previous year’s parade. This year’s “Honor Band” is from Downingtown High School. They will stop at the judges stand, receive the Cup of Honor and give a performance for the spectators.
1. Judging consists of: 25% Overall Appearance; 25% Workmanship; 25% Theme Adaptation and 25% Creativity.
2. Any child six and under may compete.
3. One entry blank is required for a pair or group of children in the same category.
4. A contestant is requested to select the category of his/her own choice. All entries must be registered prior to the parade and MUST be submitted to the Chairperson by Thursday of Fair Week. A category may not be changed after the deadline time. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.
5. Live animals and motorized vehicles are prohibited. The committee reserves the right to reject any entry not meeting approval. Categories D, E – vehicle should be visible or easily identified by judges.
6. Only ONE person may accompany the entrant. Two, if someone is needed to pull the entry. All contestants in the walking division MUST walk or be carried. If a child is being pulled or pushed by another child or adult, they cannot enter a walking division.
7. An entry with a platform built on wheels MUST register in the mini-float or float category.
8. Mini-float 4’ x 4’ or smaller - if over 4’ x 4’ must enter a float category. Due to Midway restrictions floats must also follow new height and width restrictions. The height of any given category must not be more than 10’ from the ground and no more the 8’ wide.
9. The mechanized category includes entries that move by motor or any kind of manual movement and MUST be entered in the Mechanized Float category.
10. In the event of inclement weather, judging ONLY will take place at Liberty Fire Company, 339 E. Main St. between 12 and 1 p.m. You will be notified by phone before 9:30 the day of the Baby Parade.
11. Parade registration will begin at 11:30 in the driveway of St. Stephen’s United Church of Christ. Anyone reporting after 12 noon WILL NOT be eligible for judging.
12. Entries will be judged between 12 and 12:45 p.m., following which the parade will begin. The judges will also judge during the parade route.
13. Winners will be announced prior to the beginning of the parade and posted at the Fair Office. The Sunday News and various local newspapers will also list the winners. Checks will be mailed to the winners by the Farm Show Association.
ROUTE OF PARADE: East Main St. to Roberts Ave.; South on Roberts Ave. to Franklin St.; East on Franklin St.
Name Phone No.
Parent/Guardian Name Entry Class
SATURDAY, OCT. 7, 2023 • 1:00 P.M. (immediately following the Baby Parade)
Chairperson: Kelci Robbins -w (717) 431-7398 • 354 Farm View Drive, East Earl, PA 17519
PRIZES! Ribbons and Treats for all Entrants • Best of Show – $25 First Prize – $10 Second Prize – $6 Third Prize – $4
1. Most Creative Float - Covers all pets on wheels.
a.) One pet. b.) Multiple pets.
2. Most Unusual Pet - “WOW … What is that?”
3. Owner - Pet Look Alike - Au natural, NO COSTUME.
4. Owner - Pet Team Theme - Owners and pets must be costumed.
5. Most Beautiful Cat - “What a stunner!”
6. Most Handsome Dog
7. Best Dressed Pet - Walking
8. That Pet Has Talent - Check out what this pet can do!
Bring Your Pet and Join the Parade! Each pet can enter only 1 category
PARADE ROUTE: Parade forms at St. Stephens Church parking lot, E. Main St., goes west on Main Street, south on Roberts, east on Franklin.
Check for registration information.
All registrants must be at St. Stephen’s Church no later than 12 noon Saturday for judging. There is no rain date for the parade. Registration is suggested but walk-ins are welcome.
Sponsored by
New Holland Veterinary Hospital 700 East Main Street • New Holland, Pennsylvania 17557
I, the undersigned, hereby verify the following:
1. I am a licensed practitioner of veterinary medicine.
2. I have established an ongoing "veterinarian-client-patient relationship" with respect to certain animals owned by
3. These animals are described and identified as follows - all animals except for llamas, poultry, and rabbits - you may attach a copy of the "Certificate of Veterinary Inspection" (CVI) to meet this animal relationship requirement. Llamas, poultry, and rabbits do not need a CVI but need to be identified on this form. Use additional sheets as necessary.
4. I understand this ongoing "veterinarian-client-patient relationship" to be a relationship in which I, as a veterinarian, have assumed the responsibility of making veterinary medical judgments regarding the health of the animals described in the preceding paragraph and the need for veterinary medical treatment of those animals, and in which the animal owner or caretaker has agreed to follow my instructions in relation to zoonotic diseases. I verify the foregoing to be accurate. I make the foregoing statement subject to the penalties of 18 Pa.C.S.A. 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to authorities). In witness of this, I have signed and dated this verification below.
Signature of Veterinarian________________________________________________________________________
Printed Name of Veterinarian_____________________________________________________________________
Address of Veterinarian_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I, the undersigned, hereby verify the following:
1. I am the owner/caretaker (circle either or both, as applicable) of the animal(s) identified as follows by ear tag, tattoo, leg band, etc. - all animals except for llamas, poultry, and rabbits - you may attach a copy of the "Certificate of Veterinary Inspection" (CVI) to meet this animal relationship requirement. Llamas, poultry, and rabbits do not need a CVI but need to be identified on this form. Use additional sheets as necessary.
2. I have established an ongoing "veterinarian-client-patient relationship" for the animal(s) described in the preceding paragraph with ___________________________________________________(print name), a licensed practitioner of veterinary medicine having the following business address:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. I understand this ongoing "veterinarian-client-patient relationship" to be a relationship in which the veterinarian named in the preceding paragraph has assumed the responsibility for making veterinary medical judgments regarding the health of the animal(s) described above and the need for veterinary medical treatment of said animal(s), and in which I, as owner and/or caretaker of the animal(s), have agreed to follow the instructions of the veterinarian in relation to zoonotic diseases. I verify the foregoing to be accurate. I make the foregoing statement subject to the penalties of 18 Pa.C.S.A. 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to authorities). In witness of this, I have signed and dated this verification below.
Signature of Owner/Caretaker__________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________________
Printed Name of Owner/Caretaker_______
Address of Owner/Caretaker____________
Phone: (home) (cell)
Date of Birth: Age: School Grade
School Activities:
Extracurricular Activities:
Community/Church Activities:
Career Plans/Future Plans:
What are you exhibiting this year in the New Holland Fair?
Parent(s) Name:
Parent/Guardian's Signature:
By checking the box, you agree that you have read and understand all of the RULES and Duties of the New Holland Fair Queen
The New Holland Fair Queen is expected to promote the agriculture aspect of our community, and to represent our fair at the local and state level.
CROWNING DATE: Monday, October 2, 2023
TIME: 7:00 P.M. at the New Holland Fair Building Fair Queen Coordinator Paulene Redding (717) 355-2529
RULES For Fair Queen Contest. Both State and Local Rules Apply.
(State) Contest held at Hershey, PA during PSACF Convention January 17-20, 2024
1. Be a female who is a U.S citizen and a resident of Pennsylvania.
2. Be at least age 16, but no older than 20 years of age, as of June 1 of the year entering the local contest.
3. Be certified as the winner by the local fair where she was crowned.
4. Have not been a former local Fair Queen winner, not a former PA Fair Queen contestant.
5. Not hold any other State title for any other commodity group or pageant during her reign.
6. Have her parent(s) or guardian(s) consent to enter the competition.
7. Be single, have never been married, have not been pregnant nor given birth to a child.
8. Act in accordance with the PA Fair Queen "Behavior Policy".
9. Meet all time commitments, Queen obligations and "Dress Code" as set forth by the PA Fair Queen program.
10. All candidates MUST be a resident of ELANCO, Conestoga Valley & Pequea Valley School Districts.
11. All contestants MUST have a chaperone for the evening of the ceremonies.
12. All contestants MUST be received BY Monday, September 18, 2023. Mail entry form to New Holland Farmers Fair Queen Contest PO Box 65, New Holland, PA 17557
13. All contestants MUST submit a 5"x7" quality (not professional) photo with their entry form.
14. All contestants MUST submit an essay "What The New Holland Fair Means To My Community."
15. All contestants MUST attend In-Person Interview on Monday, September 25, 2023.
16. All contestants MUST ride in the Spectacle of Bands Parade on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 7:00 P.M.
17. All contestants MUST exhibit something in the New Holland Farm Show (in any department).
18. Misconduct of contestant will not be tolerated. Consequence will be immediate dismissal from contest and contestant will be banned from participating in future queen contests.
1. The New Holland Fair Queen MUST agree to promote the New Holland Fair for one year and attend events as requested.
2. The queen and her parents are asked to attend the Volunteer Appreciation Banquet in November.
3. The queen is expected to present one Ag session at a local school of her choice.
4. The queen will receive an all-expence paid trip to the State PA Fair Queen Contest in 2024.
5. The queen is expected to present herself in a pleasant, professional manner at all times. Judging will consist of:
1. Personal interview
2. Knowledge and experiences with the New Holland Fair.
3. Memorized presentation of a 3-5 minute speech on "Why you should come to the New Holland Fair".
4. Written essay on "What the New Holland Fair Means to My Community".
5. Poise, appearance, neatness, and the ability to communicate.
• Ser ving the Community Since 1977
• All Insurance Claims & Self-Pay Accepted
• Using Environmentally Friendly PPG Paints Since 2010
• Ser vicing All Makes & Models Allow