
Apetting zoo, crafters and vendors, food trucks, first responder displays and live entertainment, as well as student performances and demonstrations, are just some of that activities that will be featured during the annual Octorara Agriculture, Business, Environmental Science & Technology (OABEST) Expo. The event, which is designed to showcase the best of Octorara, will take place on Saturday, May 18, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the school grounds at Octorara Junior-Senior High School, 228 Highland Road, Atglen. Members of the Octorara Area Career and Technical Education Programs (OACTEP) student advisory board are helping to organize the event along with Mark Peticca, Octorara’s director of career and technical education. Peticca noted that between
1,000 and 1,500 people attend the event over the course of the day.
“It’s open to the entire community,” he said. “We will have a Kids Zone, where they will have a lot of activities like an (inflatable) ax throwing station, and a community yard sale.
We will have more than 60 vendors coming this year, including (people) representing their companies, arts and crafts vendors and a lot of food vendors.”
Each area of study in the OACTEP will be represented at the event, including Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurship; Graphic Design and Illustration; Culinary; Home Security and Protective Service Academy; Diversified Occupations’ Woodworking Technology; and Child Care Education.
“We will have a lathe, and we will be making crosses and cutting boards,” noted Johan Torres, a student in the Woodworking Technology program. Photos of the cutting boards can be found
on the newly created OABEST Expo Instagram page.
“We will be doing something with a robot. We might be racing CO2 cars,” noted Gavin Boyer, a student in the Engineering and Drafting Technology program, explaining that CO2 cars are miniature race cars that are propelled by a carbon dioxide cartridge.
“We are running a milkshake truck alongside a petting zoo,” added Daniel Rowe, a student in the Animal and Plant Science Technology program.
Home Security and Protective Service Academy students will be organizing the displays by local first responders, and students in the Child Care Education program will present children’s crafts and pages for kids to color.
Also featured will be a dunk tank, where district administrators will volunteer to get dunked.
For the yard sale, residents of the Octorara Area School District
“People coming in all have a direct calling to help rescue people and help people in need,” said public relations director Troy Bouffard, when describing those who choose to be a part of Chazak Rescue, a nonprofit
international rescue and relief organization. “(We get) a mix of people who are ready for action and really enjoy trying new things and being challenged in body, soul and spirit.”
Chazak, pronounced “khawzawk,” is a Hebrew word that denotes strength and courage.
Members of the Octoraro Watershed Association (OWA) took the organization’s mission of educating the public about the Octorara Creek on the road by taking part in Oxford’s First Friday program.
During the event, OWA members displayed a live touch tank in which visitors could view a sampling of macroinvertebrates that were found in the creek. This year’s display included crayfish, crane fly larvae, hellgrammites,
caddisfly cases and dragonfly nymphs. In addition, attendees were able to make rubbings of raised paper images of other types of macroinvertebrates.
The samples were collected by OWA president Chotty Sprenkle several days before the event. “I took a small net and went into the Octorara Creek and some of the feeder streams, lifted up rocks and collected them,” she stated. “I like to get a good quantity (to display).” She added that the creatures were returned to the creek after the First Friday event.
See OWA pg 8
May 15. Kacie’s Cause Support Group
Parkesburg Baptist Church 103 West St., Parkesburg, 7 to 8 p.m. www.facebook.com/KaciesCauseParkesburg
May 15 and 22. Bible Study Group
Parkesburg Mennonite Church
44 E. Second Ave., Parkesburg, 10 a.m. Matthew’s parables of the kingdom will be explored. The topic on May 15 will be “The Parable of the Talents.” The topic on May 22 will be “The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats.” Coffee and pastries will be provided.
May 16. Narcotics Anonymous
101 E. First Ave., Parkesburg, 5 p.m.
May 18. Genealogy Workshop
Moores Memorial Library
9 W. Slokom Ave., Christiana, 10 a.m. Led by Darlene Colón, president of the Christiana Historical Society, attendees will learn how to research their own family history using historical documents. To register, stop by the library or email chrlib@christianalibrary.org.
May 19. Church Service, Free Meal
New Beginnings Church of the Cross
1 Penn Ave, Christiana. Sunday morning worship will take place at 10 a.m. and then attendees may enjoy a free smorgasbord-style meal. The church is located between Newport Avenue and Pine Street, two blocks from the light at Route 41 and Pine Creek Drive.
May 20. Prayer Group
Our Lady of Consolation Church
603 W. Second Ave., Parkesburg, 7 p.m. The community is welcome to join in praying the Rosary for world peace and unity in front of the Blessed Mother grotto on Chestnut Street next to the church. The group will gather each Monday during the month of May beginning at 6:50 p.m. For more information, contact the rectory at 610-857-3510.
May 24. Atglen Memorial Day Ceremony and Spring Cleanup
Participants are asked to meet at 9 a.m. at Atglen Borough Hall, 120 Main St., Atglen, to pick up litter around town and plant flowers. At 11 a.m., a Memorial Day ceremony will be held at the Veterans Memorial located at the junction of Main and East Main streets. The special keynote speaker will be Jill Hardy. The rain date is Sunday, May 26.
See Calendar pg 3
Wednesdays at 3 P.M.
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May 30 Christiana Historical Society Speaker Series
Moores Memorial Library
9 W. Slokom Ave., Christiana, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Darlene Colón, president of the Christiana Historical Society. and library director Trish Vandenbosch will discuss historic items kept at the library, including photos, documents and glass plate negatives of Christiana and the surrounding area. Attendees will be able to view the horn blown during the Christiana Resistance. www.christianahistoricalsociety.com
June 15. Lions Club
Parkesburg Baptist Church 103 West St., Parkesburg, 11 a.m. Parkesburg Lions Club is hosting a TINGO (combination of tea and bingo)The cost includes tea, refreshments and 10 games of bingo. For tickets, message the “Parkesburg Lions - New and Improved” Facebook page or contact Lion Karen Fronefield at 484-678-4231.
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from pg 1
are invited to set up a table in a 10-by-10-foot space and sell their gently used items. There is no fee to participate.
Peticca noted that this year’s OABEST Expo will have a new layout and a new outdoor stage. Previously, acts performed in the school cafeteria.
“We are moving some of the events and activities. We will have bagpipers, dancers and baton twirlers (performing) on the stage outside,” he explained.
He added that the layout of the event is also being revamped. “We have redone the map completely to create more flow so that people see more of the activities,” noted Peticca.
“We are putting all our food vendors in the back parking lot, so (attendees) will see all the vendors and student tables as they walk to get their food.”
For more information about the event, visit www .oabestexpo.com.
May 19 - Sunday -11:00 am & 6:00 pm
May 20-24 - Nightly - 7:00 pm
Preaching: Pastor David Bratcher
Evan. Samson Ryman
Evan. Mark Thren
Special Music: The Thren Family The Ryman Family
Phone: 610-383-7097
682 Gap Newport Pike Atglen, PA 19310
The goal of the Gap-based organization, which formed in 2021, is to “develop, train and mobilize specialized teams to bring leadership, humanitarian aid and hope to high-risk crisis areas.”
Since its formation, cadet teams have visited Greece, where they worked in a refugee camp, and Uganda, where they spent time interacting with children from a mission home, playing soccer with them and taking part in a birthday celebration.
“The trip to Africa was to establish an operating base,” Bouffard explained. “We were not rescuing people there; we were there to establish connections with locals so that we would be well-received in the future.”
The first operational deployment by Chazak Rescue guardians, which is what cadets are called when they have graduated from the program, was to Ukraine in December of 2023. While there, the team helped distribute aid, including food, water and firewood, to villagers near the front lines and helped a local church restore its partially destroyed building.
Bouffard noted that cadets go through a rigorous training process, which includes in-classroom training and scenario training in outdoor locations. Team members earn a variety of certifications, including Swiftwater and Flood Rescue Technician, Prehospital Trauma Life Support for First Responders, Con -
fined Space Rescue Operator and Advanced Search and Rescue (SAR) with SARTECH certification.
The first year of basic training includes seven weeks in a wilderness location with limited interaction with friends and family. “We train in-classroom and do scenario training at Camp Andrews, south of Lancaster city,” Bouffard pointed out. “There are 100 total people involved in Chazak, and they are scattered across the United Sates helping us out - third-party instructors and trainers - the best of the best in search and rescue.”
Part of the training takes place in the Sawtooth Mountain Range in Idaho. “We send (cadets) there in the middle of summer in their second year of training and they do highaltitude scenarios like rock climbing and cliff rescue, and they learn to live out
of their backpacks in survival mode,” said Bouffard, noting that these types of experiences prepare cadets for missions in hard-toreach places that can only be accessed by hiking through rugged terrain or via helicopter.
Bouffard noted that some people compare Chazak Rescue to joining the military, since some of the physical training is based on the same regimen utilized by the Marine Corps. “On the whole humanitarian aid spectrum, we are close (to the military), but we won’t resist with deadly force,” he said, noting that cadets and guardians are not armed. “Our goal is to rescue and give people medical aid.”
He added that because the Chazak teams are highly specialized, they can provide assistance immediately upon arrival to natural disasters or other emergencies without a need for training or extensive orientation. “When we do show up, we have a really good set of tools in our toolbox,” said Bouffard. “It allows us to know exactly what we need to do. It brings leaders to a humanitarian crisis rather than volunteers.”
For more information about Chazak or to apply for the program, visit www .chazakrescue.org. Those with questions may email info@chazakrescue.org.
The Parkesburg Lions Club will participate in the Octorara OABEST Expo on Saturday, May 18. The event is taking place on the school campus of Octorara Junior-Senior High School, 228 Highland Road, Atglen.
The club will present a KidSight Trailer, which is equipped to conduct children’s vision screenings. Families are encouraged to bring their children to the trailer for their free screenings between 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Those who visit the Parkesburg Lions Club table at the OABEST Expo will have an opportunity to win sports memorabilia.
In addition, the Parkesburg Lions Club will also present a giveaway of sports items. Visitors may purchase a chance to win a signed photograph of DeVonta Smith of the Philadelphia Eagles, an autographed mini-helmet signed by Nakobe Dean of the Philadelphia Eagles and an autographed hockey puck signed by Travis Sanheim of the Philadelphia Flyers. For more information, search for the “Parkesburg Lions Club - New and Improved” Facebook page or contact club president Robin McKenna at 484-247-4080.
Hanging Baskets
Planters • Herbs Bedding Plants
1598 Noble Rd., Kirkwood 17536 717-529-5507 ext. 2
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The Hephzibah Baptist Church, 2237 Strasburg Road, East Fallowfield, will host an outdoor concert on Saturday, May 18, at 6 p.m. as part of its May Meeting Anniversary Weekend,
celebrating the church’s 304th anniversary.
The music will be performed by the Lampeter-Strasburg Community Band, a 35-member band under the direction of Howard Boots. The onehour performance will include patriotic, religious and contemporary music.
Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs.
In the case of rain, the concert will be held in the church sanctuary. A freewill offering will be received. For more information, call 610-3830330 or email jeffhbch @verizon.net.
The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania has planned its Barons & Builders summer day camps. Children ages 9 and 10 may attend on Tuesday, July 9, to Friday, July 12, and those ages 11 and 12 may attend on Tuesday, July 23, to Friday, July 26. The camps will meet from 9 a.m. to noon each day.
Attendees may develop new skills, make friends, and have fun when they experience the museum’s historic railroad equipment on special, behindthe-scenes guided tours inside and outside the museum, including the restoration shop and train yard. They also will visit the neighboring Choo Choo Barn, take a ride on the Strasburg Rail Road, build a model train car with a Lionel boxcar kit, and meet special guests. Space is limited. To register, search for “Barons and Builders Summer Day Camp at the Railroad Museum of PA” at www.eventbrite .com. There is a fee, with a discount for current members of the Friends of the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania who use the code Members25 at checkout.
To learn more about the museum, call 717687-8628 or visit www.rr museumpa.org.
Sprenkle explained that a stream’s quality is determined by the creatures that can be found in the water. “Macroinvertebrates are large insects without backbones, and the presence or absence of certain species are water pollution indicators,” she explained. “Some of the macroinvertebrates will live in pollution-tolerant water. Others will live in water that is not tolerant to pollution. By identifying the different macroinvertebrates, you can tell if you have high, medium or low water quality.”
For example, she noted, a leech will live in low-quality water because leeches are pollution tolerant. “If you have caddisflies, mayflies or stoneflies, you have good water quality because they
are pollution intolerant,” Sprenkle added.
The mission of the OWA is to “restore and protect the natural resources of the scenic Octoraro Creek.”
In addition to community events, OWA members take part in cleanup activities and stream studies. The organization also holds an annual nature photography contest and awards an environmental scholarship to an Octorara Junior-Senior High School student.
For more details, including volunteer opportunities and membership information, visit www .theowa.net. More information is also available at www.facebook.com/ OctoraroWatershed Association. Those with questions may email octorarowa@gmail.com.
Chester County Government has received national gold level SolSmart recognition for encouraging the growth of clean, affordable solar energy at the local level. As a SolSmart gold designee, Chester County has adopted nationally recognized best practices to advance solar market growth. The county worked with SolSmart’s no-cost technical assistance team to increase local knowledge of solar energy so the entire community can benefit.
To achieve SolSmart gold designation, Chester County led numerous outreach programs and provided solar-related technical assistance to Chester County municipalities. Key activities included providing training on best practices for
permitting and inspecting solar energy systems, providing zoning ordinance guidance to municipalities for regulating accessory use and grid-scale solar, creating a Solar Power Guide - available at www .chescoplanning.org/ UandI/SolarPowerGuide/ Introduction.cfm - to help municipalities understand the land use considerations for grid-scale solar power, and creating a solar webpage for homeowners, businesses, and municipalities interested in going solar. This website may be accessed at www .chescoplanning.org/Envi ronmental/CleanEnergy/ SolarPower.cfm.
Chester County’s solar webpage also includes an interactive map showing solar installations across the county. Chester County’s
Department of Community Development also revised its Community Revitalization Program, a funding program open to the 15 boroughs and the City of Coatesville for infrastructure improvements, to include solar energy systems as an eligible use of grant funds, in support of the county’s Climate Action Plan.
The goal of the Chester County Climate Action Plan is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Chester County by 80% of 2005 levels by 2050.
Chester County’s Environmental and Energy Advisory Board played a key role in supporting the county’s SolSmart designation through hosting public programs related to solar power, including
See SolSmart pg 10
ENCOUNTER CHURCH: 300 Hideaway Drive, Quarryville, PA 17566
Sunday Service & Kid's Church held at 8:30 am and 10:45 am. Church e-mail: office@encounterchurchpa.org www.encounterchuchpa.org Church phone: 717-786-2756
FAITH BIBLE CHAPEL: “Ordinary People
Serving An Extraordinary God.” Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Children’s Service during Pastor’s Message). Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 6:30 p.m. We are located at 140 Bernard Ave., Cochranville. Pastor Scott Althouse 610-593-6333 fbchapel@zoominternet.net
GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH: Dedicated to the serious preaching & teaching of God’s Word. Traditional hymns & praise songs accompanied by guitar. Sunday Service 10:40am. 53 Hurley Rd, Parkesburg, PA 19365. 610-593-7123. www. gracecommunitychurch-parkesburg.com for messages, ministries and directions
HIGHLAND RD., PARKESBURG PA 19365 610-857-1670 www.highland-bc.org
Sunday Services: Sunday School for all ages 9:30 am, Morning Service 10:45 am (nursery is available), Prayer Service 4 pm Wednesday Youth programs 6:30-8:00 pm. Thursday Ladies Bible Study 10:00 am
IMPACT CHURCH: IMPACTING lives with the Hope of Jesus Christ. Sunday Gatherings at 9 am & 10:30 am. 101 East 1st Ave., Parkesburg. Pastor Mike Bailey. 610-857-3887. Visit us online at WWW.IMPACTPA.CHURCH
255 Little Britain Church Rd., Peach Bottom (between 222 and 272). Sunday School Classes all ages 9:15 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Youth Groups for Elementary, Jr. High and Sr. High, Choir, Bell Choir, Small Groups. Rev. Thomas Milligan, 717-548-2266. Web site: www.littlebritainchurch.org E-mail: lbpc1732@gmail.com Hearing assistance devices.
“Come find spiritual life in Christ for your family.” Cochranville: Rte. 926, halfway between Rte. 41 & Rte. 10. Rev. Daniel Henderson, Pastor. Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am. Fellowship & Refreshments from 10:15-10:35 am. Worship with classes for infantsPre-K at 10:45 am Kidsworship for K5th is held during the sermon time. Youth Group for 6th-12th grades twice a month at 6:30 pm 610-869-2402. www.manorpresbyterian.com
MAPLE GROVE MENNONITE CHURCH: 549 Swan Rd., Atglen. 610-593-6658, Lead Pastor: Mike Clemmer, Music Minister: Matt Chambers. Sunday School 9am, Sunday Worship 10am, Children’s Church, Nursery. Youth Group Wed., 7pm. Christian Preschool. Visit us online at: www.maplegrovemc.com
MIDDLE OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at www.middleoctorara.org
MT. VERNON CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Growing Deeper, Reaching Farther. 1 Lighthouse Dr, Kirkwood. Pastor Tony Murrin. Sunday School- all ages 9am, Worship 10:00am. Handicap Access. Phone: 717-529-4102. Visit us online at mtvernonchristianchurch.com
PARKESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH: 103 West St., (next to Parkesburg Library & Minich Park). 610-857-9135 or Email: info@parkesburgbaptist.org. Pastor: Rev. Mary C. Lewis. Sunday Worship 10:30 am - Nursery Care & Jr. Church provided.
PARKESBURG WORD OF FAITH CHURCH Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277 www.parkesburgwordoffaith.org
SANDY HILL COMMUNITY CHURCH : 420 S. Sandy Hill Rd., Coatesville 610-857-3959; www.sandyhill.net. Sunday service: 10:15am; Bible teaching, music; Children’s classes, staffed nursery; Adult classes, 9:15am, Youth Min., Sundays, 5:30-7:30pm. Small Groups. A Friendly, Christ-centered church. Preschool: Enrolling-2 1/2-5 years, 610-857-1922
Where everyone can find a place to belong! 116 Lancaster Pike, Oxford (Rt. 472 at the Rt. 1 bypass ramps). Sunday inperson Holy Communion Service at 10:00 AM, also live-streamed. When people warmly welcome you, you will know you have found a church home where you can come just as you are. The Episcopal Church is Catholic in the way we worship and Protestant in the way we think. You’ll find beautiful music, good preaching, and an inclusive community in which to worship God. YOU BELONG HERE! Check out St. Christopher’s website, YouTube, or Facebook for updates and links. Rev. Dr. Mary Ann Mertz rector@stchrisoxford.org 610-932-8134 www.stchrisoxford.org
CHURCH (EPC): 1121 Octorara Trail (on Rt. 10 a mile south of Rt. 30), Parkesburg. Christ-centered, Handicapped accessible. Sunday School all ages 9:30 am (Sept-May). Sunday Worship (Blended style) 10:30 am. Adult choir, Youth Group & a variety of adult groups. Dr. Jerry Iamurri, Supply Pastor. (610)857-5787 www.uopc-epc.org Find us on Facebook. Christian Preschool: (610)857-0236
a Solar Adopter’s Conference this past January that was attended by more than 100 businesses, nonprofits, and municipalities interested in pursuing solar power. The county’s sustainability director, Rachael Griffith, was also a key player in the solar efforts.
Local governments achieve SolSmart designation by meeting established criteria that are based on national best practices for building solar-friendly communities. The SolSmart team of experts offers free technical assistance and
resources to help communities put these practices into action. Those that meet the criteria are designated SolSmart platinum, gold, silver, or bronze. A full list of criteria met for this designation can be found at https://solsmart.org/ designee/chester-county.
Three Chester County municipalities have also obtained SolSmart designation: East Goshen Township, silver; Kennett Square Borough, bronze; and Tredyffrin Township, bronze.
SolSmart is led by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) and
the International City/ County Management Association (ICMA). It is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office. More than 500 cities, towns, counties, and regional organizations have achieved SolSmart designation since the program launched in 2016. Any city, town, county, or regional organization is eligible to join the program. To learn more, visit www .solsmart.org.
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