Parkesburg resident to celebrate 101st birthday
BY FRANCINE FULTONWhen asked her secret to longevity, Doris Durnin, who will turn 101 on Friday, June 14, said simply, “Clean living and trusting the Lord for everything.”
Durnin, who resides in Parkesburg with her daughter, Debra Neal, was born in the Carlisle area and had one sister and three brothers, one of whom predicted that Durnin would live to be at least 100.
She worked as a practical nurse, an aide in a nursing home and, for a brief time, an aide at the Coatesville Veterans Affairs Medical Center. As an employee of Bayada Home Health Care, she also provided in-home nursing care.
Later in life, Durnin was a beautician. She worked in a salon and then opened a salon in her home. “Being a nurse was my favorite; I liked taking care of people,” said Durnin.
She was married for 33 years to James Durnin, who passed away in 1978. “My father’s job took us to Maryland for four years, and we ended up here in Parkesburg,” said Neal.
Durnin was a member of Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church and later Freedom Life Church.
Her hobbies through the years include knitting and cooking; her favorite meal to prepare was pot roast. She is a fan of jigsaw puzzles and visiting New Jersey beaches.
Now, she enjoys watching
Jimmy Swaggart on television, completing adult coloring books and spending time with her grandson, Wes Neal, who often brings her flowers and gifts. She said her favorite memory of her grandson was taking him out to lunch and working with him to complete jigsaw puzzles.
One of Durnin’s caretakers is Anna Sterling. “(Durnin) was a friend of my parents,” Sterling said. “She and her husband, Jim, (and my parents) all went to church together at Upper Octorara, and that’s how I met her. She is very independent. There are three of us (caregivers), and we all have fun with Doris.”

Neal said that the family is planning a small party to celebrate Durnin’s 101st birthday.

4-H to offer summer camps for youths
BY FRANCINE FULTONThis summer, Chester County 4-H - Penn State Extension will offer fun and educational activities for youths through its day camp program. Topics will include computer coding, exploring nature, rocketry and candy making. 4-H will also offer a babysitting training class.
A highlight of each of the classes is that all involve hands-on activities. “The candy making is generally the most popular camp, but the STEM camps are also getting popular,” said Toni Stuetz, 4-H Extension educator. “(The camps) are all hands-on. Coding is less active, but they are definitely all learning by doing.”
Python Day Camp will be held on Monday, June 17; Tuesday, June 18; and Thursday, June 20, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day at the Chester County 4-H - Penn State Extension office, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 370,
See 4-H summer camps pg 5

Heritage Daysfun for kids and more!
New laser show to conclude event
BY ANN MEAD ASH“We have so many kids’ activities, between the tractor pull and the tractor rides, and the Intercourse Library is doing kids’ activities on Friday evening,” said Mike Sensenig, one of the organizers of the annual Heritage Days in Intercourse.
Sensenig noted that the bounce house will be on-site again this year, but in a different location.
“The cornhole tournament was so successful, we needed more room, so we moved the bounce house,” he explained.
This year’s Heritage Days celebration will be held in the Intercourse Community Park, 3730 Old Philadelphia Pike, Gordonville, on Friday, June 14, and Saturday, June 15. On June 14, activities will begin at 5 p.m., and on June 15, the Intercourse Fire Company pancake and sausage breakfast for purchase will kick off the day at 6:30 a.m.
See Heritage Days pg 3

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Memorial Day observed in Atglen
BY FRANCINE FULTON“For our family, every day is Memorial Day,” said keynote speaker Jill Hardy during the Memorial Day ceremony held in Atglen on May 25. Jill is the mother of Brandon Hardy, who was killed in Iraq in 2006 while serving in the United States Marines Corps. “We have learned to live without him, and life goes on, but it will never be the same.”
In a poignant tribute to her son, Hardy told the story of Brandon’s life and his desire since the age of 10 to serve in the military.
Brandon graduated from Octorara Junior-Senior High School in 1999 and then left for Air Force basic training in San Antonio, Texas. He spent two years in Germany, followed by an assignment in Spokane, Wash. Brandon was deployed three times during his five years in the Air Force, including to Saudi Arabia, Oman and the United Arab Emirates.

to start over at the bottom as a recruit,” Hardy recalled. “He loved being in the military and served with pride and honor, and he was passionate about the freedom of this country.”

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“Brandon decided that he was not doing enough for his country in the Air Force and decided to become a United States Marine, and in so doing he gave up rank and pay of a staff sergeant

Brandon graduated as a United States Marine in 2004. “Brandon came home for a 10-day leave after boot camp, and he was sitting at the dining room table one day with his training manual,” said Hardy, who brought the manual to the ceremony. “(Reading from the manual, he stated), ‘I’m an American fighting in the Armed Forces to guard my country and our way of life. I’m prepared to give my life in its defense right now.’ I didn’t know that in 10 short months he would do just that.”
Hardy noted that the vehicle in which Brandon was a passenger struck an improvised explosive device (IED). “His last breath was taken in that Humvee in the early morning of April 28, and his very next breath was taken in heaven - the place I know his boots now patrol,” she said, adding, “As you celebrate Memorial Day this weekend, please take a moment to remember and pay tribute to those who have provided
our freedom through the sacrifice of their very own lives.”
The Memorial Day ceremony in Atglen also featured an address by Mayor Darren Hodorovich. “We honor those who chose service to country to protect the freedoms we enjoy and the way of life we cherish and our continued pursuit of happiness,” he stated.
Hodorovich also reported that prior to the ceremony, volunteers planted flowers throughout the borough and took part in a trash cleanup. In addition, more than 1,300 flags were placed on 435 parcels throughout the borough. Among the volunteers were members of Atglen’s Boy Scout Troop 20 and Cub Scout Pack 20, the Octorara football team and the youth group of Penningtonville Presbyterian Church. “Your dedication is

an inspiration to all of us,” he told the youths.
To dedicate the military banners that were recently placed throughout the borough, Hodorovich and Bill Tennant read the names of all of those listed on the banners.
Pastor Eric Dorville from Penningtonville Presbyterian Church offered the opening blessing, and Father Sean O’Neill from Our Lady of Consolation Church in Parkesburg provided the closing blessing. Music was provided by bagpipers from the Chester County Emerald Society Pipe Band. Dwight Weaver played taps.
For more information about the event and the cleanup and to view additional photos, search for “Mayor of Atglen Borough, Darren Hodorovich” on Facebook.

“There will be a pickleball tournament this year on the new pickleball courts,” said Sensenig, who noted that lessons and demonstrations were part of last year’s event. Double-elimination tournament play will begin at 4 p.m. on June 14 and 8 a.m. on June 15. Teams of two people may register by Saturday, June 8, by emailing lhaley@hcometz.com.
There is a per-team cost to register.
A volleyball tournament will also be held. Sensenig said the tournament generally attracts more than 60 teams. Teams may register at www.lancastertournaments .com/upcomingevents.

The cornhole tournament, organized by The Factory Ministries, will begin at 10 a.m. on June 15. More information may be found at www.thefactory ministries.com.
On June 14 at 7:30 p.m., Myron Stoltzfus will hold the Intercourse trivia competition. “There are 20 trivia questions about the town, and it’s a $100 first prize,” noted Sensenig.
Five generations of family gather

Five generations of a local family recently gathered, including (seated) great-great-grandmother Joan Merklee with Alivia Lopez, (back, from left) mother Jesse Himelright, grandmother Hope Himelright and great-grandmother Terrie Black. The family members all reside in the vicinity of Cochranville, Parkesburg and Coatesville.
Fun for kids will continue on Saturday, with the candy drop at noon and a lineup of entertainment, including a show by Forgotten Friend Reptile Sanctuary, juggler Lucien Ivey, and Ryan & Friends. “Ryan & Friends is pretty popular,” stated Sensenig.
Live musical entertainment will feature the Ironwood Drive Band on June 14 and ’60s music by Terry G on June 15. The Churchmen will be in concert at the park on June 15 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Following the concert, a laser show will complete the event. “That’s the big change this year,” said Sensenig, who noted that the show is best viewed from within the park. “It’s a new idea. We are excited (about it),” Sensenig added, pointing out that the show is timed to music.
Readers who would like to learn more may visit www.intercourseheritage
days.com. Those with specific questions may call 717-768-8585.


YGBW to mark anniversary

To celebrate the YMCA’s 180th anniversary, the YMCA of Greater Brandywine (YGBW) is giving away prizes to members and prospective members. Members who visit a YGBW branch through Friday, June 14, may win a prize such as a free month of membership
or a 30-minute personal training session. Prospective members who visit between Monday, June 17, and Friday, June 28, can take advantage of in-branch offers such as no join fee and more.
To add to the celebration, a donor has offered to match donations to YGBW up to $30,000. All funds will be used to grant need-based scholarships for swim lessons, child care, summer camp, and more.
YGBW is committed to serving all in the community and does not turn away those who cannot afford its services. Instead, the Y offers need-based scholarships, which are made possible by donors. To contribute, visit https://ymcagbw .org/donatenow.
On June 6, 1844, George Williams and 11 other young men gathered in London for a meeting that led to the founding of the YMCA. Today, YMCAs around the globe serve communities through swim lessons, child care, youth development, and other programs.
In addition, the YMCA is associated with holidays, sports, and institutions that touch people’s lives to this day. For example, celebrations such as Father’s Day, organizations like the Peace Corps, and sports such as basketball, racquetball, and volleyball have their roots at the Y. YMCA leader John R. Mott was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946 for the Y’s role in raising global awareness and support and for the organization’s humanitarian efforts. Additionally, the Y had an early role in public libraries, night school for adult education, and English as a Second Language (ESL) courses.

ENCOUNTER CHURCH: 300 Hideaway Drive, Quarryville, PA 17566 Sunday Service & Kid's Church held at 8:30 am and 10:45 am. Church e-mail: office@encounterchurchpa.org www.encounterchuchpa.org Church phone: 717-786-2756
FAITH BIBLE CHAPEL: “Ordinary People Serving An Extraordinary God.” Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Children’s Service during Pastor’s Message). Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 6:30 p.m. We are located at 140 Bernard Ave., Cochranville. Pastor Scott Althouse 610-593-6333 fbchapel@zoominternet.net
MIDDLE OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at www.middleoctorara.org
MT. VERNON CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Growing Deeper, Reaching Farther. 1 Lighthouse Dr, Kirkwood. Pastor Tony Murrin. Sunday School- all ages 9am, Worship 10:00am. Handicap Access. Phone: 717-529-4102. Visit us online at mtvernonchristianchurch.com
GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH: Dedicated to the serious preaching & teaching of God’s Word. Traditional hymns & praise songs accompanied by guitar. Sunday Service 10:40am. 53 Hurley Rd, Parkesburg, PA 19365. 610-593-7123. www. gracecommunitychurch-parkesburg.com for messages, ministries and directions
HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH: 1 EAST HIGHLAND RD., PARKESBURG PA 19365 610-857-1670 www.highland-bc.org
Sunday Services: Sunday School for all ages 9:30 am, Morning Service 10:45 am (nursery is available), Prayer Service 4 pm Wednesday Youth programs 6:30-8:00 pm. Thursday Ladies Bible Study 10:00 am
IMPACT CHURCH: IMPACTING lives with the Hope of Jesus Christ. Sunday Gatherings at 9 am & 10:30 am. 101 East 1st Ave., Parkesburg. Pastor Mike Bailey. 610-857-3887. Visit us online at WWW.IMPACTPA.CHURCH
255 Little Britain Church Rd., Peach Bottom (between 222 and 272). Sunday School Classes all ages 9:15 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Youth Groups for Elementary, Jr. High and Sr. High, Choir, Bell Choir, Small Groups. Rev. Thomas Milligan, 717-548-2266. Web site: www.littlebritainchurch.org E-mail: lbpc1732@gmail.com Hearing assistance devices.
“Come find spiritual life in Christ for your family.” Cochranville: Rte. 926, halfway between Rte. 41 & Rte. 10. Rev. Daniel Henderson, Pastor. Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am. Fellowship & Refreshments from 10:15-10:35 am. Worship with classes for infantsPre-K at 10:45 am Kidsworship for K5th is held during the sermon time. Youth Group for 6th-12th grades twice a month at 6:30 pm 610-869-2402. www.manorpresbyterian.com
MAPLE GROVE MENNONITE CHURCH: 549 Swan Rd., Atglen. 610-593-6658, Lead Pastor: Mike Clemmer, Music Minister: Matt Chambers. Sunday School 9am, Sunday Worship 10am, Children’s Church, Nursery. Youth Group Wed., 7pm. Christian Preschool. Visit us online at: www.maplegrovemc.com
PARKESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH: 103 West St., (next to Parkesburg Library & Minich Park). 610-857-9135 or Email: info@parkesburgbaptist.org. Pastor: Rev. Mary C. Lewis. Sunday Worship 10:30 am - Nursery Care & Jr. Church provided.
PARKESBURG WORD OF FAITH CHURCH Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277 www.parkesburgwordoffaith.org
SANDY HILL COMMUNITY CHURCH : 420 S. Sandy Hill Rd., Coatesville 610-857-3959; www.sandyhill.net. Sunday service: 10:15am; Bible teaching, music; Children’s classes, staffed nursery; Adult classes, 9:15am, Youth Min., Sundays, 5:30-7:30pm. Small Groups. A Friendly, Christ-centered church. Preschool: Enrolling-2 1/2-5 years, 610-857-1922
ST. CHRISTOPHER’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Where everyone can find a place to belong! 116 Lancaster Pike, Oxford (Rt. 472 at the Rt. 1 bypass ramps). Sunday inperson Holy Communion Service at 10:00 AM, also live-streamed. When people warmly welcome you, you will know you have found a church home where you can come just as you are. The Episcopal Church is Catholic in the way we worship and Protestant in the way we think. You’ll find beautiful music, good preaching, and an inclusive community in which to worship God. YOU BELONG HERE! Check out St. Christopher’s website, YouTube, or Facebook for updates and links. Rev. Dr. Mary Ann Mertz rector@stchrisoxford.org 610-932-8134 www.stchrisoxford.org
UPPER OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (EPC): 1121 Octorara Trail (on Rt. 10 a mile south of Rt. 30), Parkesburg. Christ-centered, Handicapped accessible. Sunday School all ages 9:30 am (Sept-May). Sunday Worship (Blended style) 10:30 am. Adult choir, Youth Group & a variety of adult groups. Dr. Jerry Iamurri, Supply Pastor. (610)857-5787 www.uopc-epc.org Find us on Facebook. Christian Preschool: (610)857-0236
West Chester. During the camp, open to youngsters age 8 and older, attendees will learn about Python coding and complete a project using the computer coding language.
Nature Rocks Day Camp will be offered for youths ages 8 to 15 on Monday, July 8, through Friday, July 12, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day at Hibernia County Park, 1 Park Road, Coatesville. During the week, youths will learn about the world of nature through activities such as hiking, fishing and arts and crafts. Participants will also learn about Pennsylvania aquatic pond and creek life, common birds and raptors found in the state and how to identify native plants and trees, as well as insects and arachnids.
The registration fee covers all materials for the camp activities and a daily snack. Participants are asked to bring a packed lunch, a water bottle and a fishing pole or net.
Out of This World 4-H Rocketry Camp will take place for youths age 8 and over on Monday, July 8, through Friday, July 12, from 2:30 to 4:45 p.m. at the Lighthouse Youth Center, 245 Commerce St., Oxford.
Attendees will learn the fundamentals of rocketry such as lift, drag and other factors that affect rocket design. They will also be able to explore various models of rockets
as well as build their own rockets using supplies found in their home and using rocket-making kits.
Youths ages 8 to 18 are invited to a Candy Making Day Camp that will be held on Friday, July 19, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Chester County 4-H - Penn State Extension office.
Participants will learn various techniques on how to make candy and other sweet treats and will be able to take home samples of their work. Participants should bring a bagged lunch and are encouraged to bring an apron. All other supplies will be provided. Youngsters with food allergies should notify 4-H in advance of the class.
In addition, Chester County 4-H will offer a babysitting day camp to help prepare youths age 11 and over for the responsibilities of babysitting. The camp will be held on Friday, June 28, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Chester County 4-H - Penn State Extension office. Each participant will learn about the specific needs of infants, toddlers and preschoolers; safety and basic first aid; and other topics related to caring for someone else’s child or for themselves when they are home alone. Each participant will receive a babysitting certificate upon completing the program.
Registration is required
for all of the classes and programs. Class size is limited, and registration is on a first-come, firstserved basis. Youths who are not 4-H members will be asked to pay a onetime fee to join 4-H prior to registering for classes. “Penn State does require membership, so they can join once and are eligible to participate in all of the classes, camps and clubs at the member price,” Stuetz explained.
Youths who are not currently 4-H members are asked to sign up for the program at https://4h .zsuite.org to pay the 4-H membership fee. Then, they can select Chester County Day Camps 2024 and will be able to register in a class or camp.
Current 4-H members can register by logging into ZSuite and choosing the camp they are interested in and paying the required fees.
Those with questions or people who need help registering may contact the Chester County 4-H - Penn State Extension office at ChesterExt@psu .edu or 610-696-3500.




Community Calendar
June 12. Kacie’s Cause Support Group
Parkesburg Baptist Church
103 West St., Parkesburg, 7 to 8 p.m. www.facebook.com/KaciesCauseParkesburg
June 12. Park Ranger Series
Parkesburg Free Library
105 West St., Parkesburg, 1 p.m. Ranger Keith Mullin will present “Wild Tracks.” Children will learn about wild critters, the signs they leave and how these clues can be used to identify them. Attendees will also make a cast of an animal track to take home. To register, stop in at the circulation desk, call 610-857-5165 or send a Facebook message.
June 13. Narcotics Anonymous
101 E. First Ave., Parkesburg, 5 p.m.
June 13 through June 15. Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Pequea EC Church
5482 Old Philadelphia Pike, Gap. Open to children age 5 through sixth grade, VBS will be held on June 13 and 14 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and on June 15 from 10 a.m. to noon. The theme will be “Scuba: Diving Into Friendship With God.” Featured will be food, Bible lessons, music and games.
June 14. Outdoor Movie Night
Pequea E.C. Church, 8:30 p.m. The featured film will be “Finding Nemo.” Attendees should bring lawn chairs or blankets for seating. Free popcorn, snacks and refreshments will be provided. In the event of rain, the movie will be shown indoors.

June 15. Summer Reading Kickoff
Atglen Public Library
121 Main St., Atglen, noon to 3 p.m. Children will be able to pick up a passport, then visit a series of stations representing a different type of adventure story in order to earn passport stamps. Summer Reading Program packets will also be available. No registration is required. Call the library at 610-593-6848 for more details. www.facebook.com/AtglenPublicLibrary
June 15. Lions Club Fundraiser
Parkesburg Baptist Church
103 West St., Parkesburg, 11 a.m. Parkesburg Lions Club is hosting a tingo (combination of tea and bingo). The cost includes tea, refreshments and 10 games of bingo. For tickets, message the “Parkesburg Lions - New and Improved” Facebook page or contact Lion Karen Fronefield at 484-678-4231.
June 16. Church Service, Free Meal
New Beginnings Church of the Cross
1 Penn Ave, Christiana. Sunday morning worship will take place at 10 a.m. and then attendees may enjoy a free smorgasbord-style meal. The church is located between Newport Avenue and Pine Street, two blocks from the light at Route 41 and Pine Creek Drive. www.facebook.com/NewBeginningsCross
June 19. Strasburg Area Senior Citizens Spring Picnic Strasburg Fire Hall
203 W. Franklin St., Strasburg, 1 p.m. Guests are welcome. There is a fee per member or guest. There is also a registration fee at the door to cover the fire hall rental. For more information, call Jill at 717-239-1530.
The Community Calendar is a weekly feature of the Community Courier. Submit your meting or event for consideration in writing at least two weeks prior to the event. Email submissions to ffulton@engleonline.com. For more information, call 800-800-1833, ext. 6018.
Board appoints warden of Chester County Prison
At a recent public meeting, the Chester County Prison Board of Inspectors
unanimously approved the appointment of Howard Holland as warden of Chester County Prison.

Holland has 27 years of experience in law enforcement and security, including serving as acting warden of Chester County Prison for the past eight months. His time in this role included activities related to safety and security, employee training, and recruitment of new employees.
Holland noted that his aims as warden include continuing to strengthen community connections. Initiatives will include sharing updates with the residents of Pocopson Township, who live within close proximity to Chester County Prison.
Prior to his appointment as acting warden in August 2023, Holland was a special adviser to the Chester County Prison Board. In that role, he helped to identify operational concerns, developed recommendations in

conjunction with correctional consultants, evaluated the effectiveness of staff training, and ensured that any recommended changes would comply with all local, state, and federal regulations and statutes.
Holland served with the Downingtown Borough Police Department from 1997 to 2023 and was appointed chief of police for the last seven of those years. During that time, he

improvement homesummer
Native plant kit sale posted
To help nurture more watershed-friendly properties, Penn State Extension will offer the Master Watershed Steward Watershed-Friendly Native Plant Kit Sale through Tuesday, June 18.
also worked as a special county detective.
The kits are designed to help individuals incorporate more native plants into their property. The pickup locations include sites in Berks, Chester, Cumberland, Delaware, Lancaster, Montgomery, and York counties.

The kits contain plant plugs carefully selected from species grown by Kind Earth Grower using locally collected, open-source pollinated seeds and 50% peat-free growing media. Plant plugs are smaller
He is a graduate of the Delaware County Police Academy and the FBI National Academy, and he holds a Bachelor of Science in Public Safety Administration from Neumann University.
The Chester County Prison Board of Inspectors consists of Commissioners Josh Maxwell, Marian Moskowitz and Eric Roe; President Judge John Hall; District Attorney Christopher de Barrena-Sarobe; Sheriff Kevin Dykes; and controller Margaret Reif.

Shoes & Boots For The Whole Family
Golf event raises funds to address food insecurity
United Way of Chester County recently held its third annual Chester County Stronger Golf Classic fundraiser, which brought in $105,000 for programs and services that help to reduce food insecurity. The sold-out event brought together golf enthusiasts and community members to support the cause.

The event featured various hole contests, on-course refreshment stations, lunch, a cocktail hour, hors d’oeuvres, dinner, and awards. Brumbaugh Wealth Management was the presenting sponsor.

The winners include Walter Mahowsky, Sean Scull, Justin Scull, and Matt Brooks from Abel Brothers Towing, first place; Bill Straub, Jake Straub, Matt Bulley, and Rich Bulley from All4, second place; Christina

Wagoner, Brett Rubinstein, Tom Digati, and Matthew MacDonough from United Way of Chester County, third place; Jesse Easton, closest to the hole; Justin Scull, men’s longest drive; Cristina Barsony, women’s
longest drive; and Mark Gentilotti, closest to the hole million dollar contest. Next year’s event will be held on April 28, 2025, at Penn Oaks Golf Club. To learn more, visit www .LiveUnitedInGolf.org or call 610-429-9400.
Sierra Club announces grant recipients
As part of its activities celebrating Earth Day, April 22, the Sierra Club - Lancaster Group, announced the names of 11 more Lancaster County 501(c) (3) organizations that have been awarded its Green Project Grants. In submitted proposals, each of the organizations expressed a need for support of a venture intended to promote sustainability, expand environmental awareness, and improve green infrastructure. With this latest round of awards, each up to $500, a total of 95 Lancaster County organizations have received Green Project Grants from the Sierra Club - Lancaster Group over the past nine years.
Those awarded 2024 grants, along with their projects, include Columbia Public Library, acquiring Nature Explorer Bags and the items that go in them, to be used by both children and adults while on outdoor educational excursions; Conservation Foundation
of Lancaster County, purchasing hands-on materials for a three-day professional development workshop for public and private teachers on how to incorporate environmental studies into their classes; and Historic Poole Forge, revitalizing several embankment areas to improve water drainage and stabilize steeper sections that had been covered with non-native honeysuckles and grass.
Also, Homefields Care Farm, Millersville, purchasing native Saskatoon berry plants that will be grown at its farm and at the Perfect Gift Community Garden in Columbia; Immerse International, Millersville, installing more native plants in its campus garden that encourages curiosity, exploration and appreciation of nature; and Lancaster County Therapeutic Riding Inc., a.k.a. Greystone Manor Therapeutic Riding Center, purchasing Fly Predators, a pesticide-free alternative
that uses non-stinging, non-invasive wasps to kill fly larvae and adult flies that can spread disease to horses and clients.
Also, Let’s Go 1-2-3, in partnership with Northeast Neighbors United and Lancaster Cemetery, supporting its fall community event at the Lancaster Cemetery in northeast Lancaster city that will bolster efforts to clean up, replant, and maintain the cemetery’s gardens and trees; Let’s Go 1-2-3, in partnership with the Southeast Community Green Team, purchasing native plants and signage for use during its Southeast Nature Fest on June 1 at Lancaster’s Hazel Jackson Middle School; and Spanish American Civic Association (SACA),designing and purchasing environmental education signs that use a monarch butterfly theme and will be placed in a narrow grass strip of land between the sidewalk and Tec Centro, SACA’s
Commissioners adopt Heritage Tourism Plan
Chester County Commissioners Josh Maxwell, Marian Moskowitz, and Eric Roe recently adopted a new Heritage Tourism Plan that encourages all communities in the county to share stories that highlight their identity and history in order to support local and regional preservation, conservation, tourism, and quality of life. Methods of sharing may include exhibits, public art, and storytelling.
The resolution to adopt the Heritage Tourism Plan, signed by all three commissioners, notes the importance of the tourism industry to the local economy and the appreciation that residents and visitors have for the county’s natural assets, history, and culture.
In his presentation at the commissioners’ meeting, Chester County heritage preservation coordinator David Blackburn noted that the purpose of the plan is to increase heritage tourism in the county as an
Sierra Club
force development facility.
Also, St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lititz, developing new programming and purchasing supplies for maintenance and further development of its 3-acre Sacred Grounds project; and Thomas Wharton Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization, moving ahead with its North Mary Edible Garden and Tree Initiatives that will improve underutilized spaces on its campus.
The grant proposals, submitted to the Sierra Club - Lancaster Group over the past several months, were evaluated on criteria such as environmental objective, unique aspect of the project, quality of submission, and how the Lancaster Group might be involved.
The grants were in the past financed primarily with funds generated by the group’s Polar Bear 5K Trail Run/Hike and more recently were funded with money donated to the Group by its participation in the ExtraGive. Charita -
Water safety tips posted
economic factor, encourage preservation of and investment in heritage sites and resources, and raise public awareness of the significance of historic communities and landscapes.
The Heritage Tourism Plan identifies Chester County’s historic framework through six primary themes: the natural landscape, the cultural landscape, evolving values, the Philadelphia campaign, iron and steel, and creative expression.
To prepare the plan, the Chester County Planning Commission partnered with consultants from Heritage Strategies, SWELL, ConsultEcon, and Heritage Consulting Inc., and coordinated with the America250PA Chester County Commission, while also getting input from many different partners and the general public. For more information and to view the plan, visit www.chescoplanning .org/Historic/Heritage Tourism.cfm.
from pg 8
ble, educational, or business organizations in Lancaster County that demonstrate a commitment to the Sierra Club’s mission of “exploring, enjoying, and protecting the planet” are eligible to apply for a grant.
For complete details about the Green Project Grant Program, visit http://lancastersierraclub .org/grant-program/, call 717-475-0586, or email jimsmeenan@gmail.com.

Swimming is one of the many activities children look forward to during the summer. Before they jump into the pool, children and their family members should review safety guidelines.
According to data from the National Drowning Prevention Alliance, drowning is the single leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4. The YMCA of Greater Brandywine (YGBW) has offered tips to keep children safe in and around water.
Unlike the way it is sometimes portrayed in the media, drowning is typically silent and quick, and there is not time to ask for help. For this reason, children should ask for permission before going in or near the water.
When children are swimming, they should be actively supervised at all times. Children should be taught to only swim in locations where a lifeguard is on duty or where a responsible adult agrees to watch the children without distractions.
Parents and guardians should supervise their children whenever they are in or near water. Whether it is
bath time or kids are taking a dip in a pool, adults should make sure the children are within arm’s reach at all times.
Adults and children should not engage in breath-holding activities. Holding one’s breath for a prolonged amount of time while swimming can be dangerous.
Inexperienced swimmers and non-swimmers should always wear a Coast Guard-approved life jacket while in or around the water.
If a loved one is struggling in deep water, the natural reaction may be to jump in the water to try and save them. However, even the best swimmers can be overpowered by a panicked person, pulling the rescuer under water. Instead, rescuers should use the “reach, throw, don’t go” method. They should use a long object to reach for their loved one and pull them to safety. By using this technique, an adult or child can help a loved one without compromising his or her own safety.
To learn more about water safety at the Y, visit https://ymcagbw.org/ safety-around-water.

Gap Self Storage, LLC Wednesday, June 19, 2024 80 Route 41 Beginning at 10 a.m. Gap, PA 17527 717-442-3030
Gap Self Storage, LLC, in order to satisfy its statutory lien pursuant to 73 P.S. 1901 et seq., will sell at PUBLIC SALE all the personal property stored in its facility, placed by:
Unit #124 stored by: Allen D. King
Unit #149 stored by: Calvin Norman
Unit #171 stored by: Joseph Stringer
Unit #483 stored by: Joseph Stringer
Unit #205 stored by: Kimberly A. Harper
Unit #541 stored by: Mark T. Hoover
Unit #413 stored by: Robin Evans
Unit #318 stored by: Ronald E. Rupert
Unit #113 stored by: Tara Pratt
Gap Self Storage, LLC Wednesday, June 19, 2024 845 Houston Run Drive At conclusion of 10 a.m. Gap, PA 17527 auction listed above 717-442-3030
Gap Self Storage, LLC, in order to satisfy its statutory lien pursuant to 73 P.S. 1901 et seq., will sell at PUBLIC SALE all the personal property stored in its facility, placed by:
Unit #176H stored by: Crystal Bryant
Unit #088H stored by: Frank Nieves

•3 Storage Buildings Totaling 37,218sq. ft.
• Remodeled Truck Shop/Office
•39 Acres • 21-Stall Horse Barn & Pastures •4 Bedroom, 3.5 Bath Brick Farmhouse
& Sat. June 15,10am-12pm

Unit #073H stored by: Jennifer Hatton
Unit #223H stored by: Jennifer Hatton
Unit #266H stored by: Shauna Hauck
Unit #A07 stored by: Steven E. Vanleer
Unit #250H stored by: Steven E. Vanleer
Unit #063H stored by: Steven J. Frazier

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than those typically found in nurseries, allowing for easier transportation and planting within existing vegetation. The plugs have healthy root systems that should establish this fall so plants can flourish next growing season.
The kit options are the Sunny Soggy Bottoms Kit and Shady Soggy Bottoms Kit for wetter-soil areas as well as the Wildlife Magnet Kit, which contains generalist plants that provide food and habitats for numerous pollinators and wildlife. All three kit options are available in two sizes. Bountiful Kits include five species with five individual plants of each species, for a total of 25 plants. Container Kits include five species with one plant of each species, for a total of five plants.
Individuals may choose their kit and select the pickup location most convenient to them. Proceeds will support the Master Watershed Steward program in providing volunteer-driven education and restoration work in the customer’s region.
More information about the plant kit sale is available at https://extension.psu.edu/ mws-native-plant-kit-sale.

Penn State Extension also offers the opportunity to earn the Master Watershed Steward watershed-friendly certification in collaboration with Nurture Nature Center. Native plants are woven throughout the certification criteria.