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Outdoor enthusiasts invited to join BVSA
The Brandywine Valley Ski Association (BVSA) is a nonprofit Chester County-based organization that organizes social activities for those who enjoy the outdoors. Activities include picnics, kayaking, bike rides, outdoor concerts, pool parties, Friday happy hours and ski trips.
“We have many members that are not skiers but enjoy the club for its activities and the opportunity to meet new friends,” said Harold Lamb, a member of the BVSA activities committee.
BVSA will hold a prospective new member informational meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 6, at 7 p.m. at the Thorndale Inn, 430 Bondsville Road, Downingtown. “At the meeting, we will have an overview of the purpose of the club, which is really to provide fun, social opportunities for people who enjoy the outdoors,” said Lamb.
For the upcoming ski season, the club, which is affiliated with the Eastern Pennsylvania Ski Council (EPSC), is organizing trips to Switzer-
Event planned for board members
Chester County Community Foundation’s Board of Directors Institute will host “Back to School for Board Members” on Saturday, Oct. 7, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Chester County Intermediate Unit, 455 Boot Road, Downingtown. The event will provide information for people who serve on the board of a nonprofit organization.
Workshop topics will include “Ambassadors and Advocates on Board,” “Board Responsibilities and Recruitment,” “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Across the Whole Organization,”
“Fundraising Plans: Putting It All Together,” “High Impact Boards: Excellence and Outcomes,” “IRS 990, Audits, Internal Controls and GuideStar,” “Legal Obligations of Nonprofit Boards,” “Major Gift Conversations,” “Planned Gifts to Secure Your Nonprofit’s Future” and “Strategic Planning.” land and Aspen Snowmass and Breckenridge, Col. A weeklong bike and barge trip along the Rhine River in the Netherlands is scheduled for the end of September.
Space is limited. To register, visit http://chescocf .org/events/board-institute -2023/.
“(At the meeting), we will have flyers of trips we are offering this year,” said Lamb.
“The bike and barge trip is already sold out, but the other trips have open slots.” The meeting will also include a display of photos of past outings and trips.
BVSA members are asked to pay an annual fee, with separate prices for couples, families and individuals. In addition to a monthly newsletter that lists club activities, members receive reciprocal membership to the EPSC and the National Ski Council.
The club is open to adults of all ages. “(Most members) are from throughout Chester
County,” Lamb said, noting that other members hail from neighboring Lancaster, Montgomery and Delaware counties.
The club, which was established in 1975, currently has 300 registered members. BVSA meets on the first Wednesday of each month from September through May at the Thorndale Inn. Guests are welcome.
“We would like to see new members. We are looking to grow,” Lamb said. “The more people we have, the more trips and activities we can offer.”
For more information about the club, visit www.bvsa.wildapricot.org.