Taking a look at the life of a state senator
BY ADRIAN ESCHENWALDIf you walk into any school in Pennsylvania, you’ll likely find at least one class in which students are learning about the government, including the state government. Nearly every student in the United States has an opportunity to learn about his or her respective state capitol and the legislation process that occurs within it. Various state politicians, such as Sen. Scott Martin, offer students a real-life look at what happens behind the scenes via interactive educational programs at the Capitol.
On April 4, groups of high-schoolers from across Pennsylvania State Senate District 13 traveled to Harrisburg for Martin’s Senator for a Day program. The program invites juniors and seniors to learn about state senators’ legislative duties from the senators themselves, and it takes place in the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Upon students’ arrival, Martin gave a presentation to
introduce the program and to provide an overview of the senatorial process. After the presentation, visitors entered the room
This year, seven Penn Manor High School (PMHS) students were among those who traveled to the Capitol for the program.
“When the kids go in and actually participate in something very close to the real process, they get a real look at what government does on a
daily basis and how it impacts their families and communities.”
where representatives hold their legislative meetings. The students were then divided into various committees and given bills to review before holding a mock session, during which members of the Senate acted as lobbyists and worked with the kids.
Upperclassmen Grant Rost, Ethan Addy, Akriti Neupane, Gilian Moss, Viviana Arnold, Molly Bushong and Emily Mummert participated in Senator for a Day with PMHS teachers Matt Rayha and Jeremy Kirchner. During the mock legislative session, the students discussed their respective committee’s topics and wrote amendments as they sought to pass a bill. Each committee assigned one of its members the task of presenting a bill on the Senate floor.
“When we give lessons on government in the classroom, we get to explain to kids what their representatives are doing,” said Rayha, who teaches social studies at PMHS. “But when the kids go in and actually participate in something very close to the real process, they get a real look at what government does on a daily basis and how it impacts their families
See Senator for a Day pg 2
New isn’t necessarily improved; bigger isn’t necessarily better. But when the topic is mental health services, more is almost always desirable.
Samaritan Center is expanding its counseling services. It’s a move intended to provide more hope for a healthier, happier and better-adjusted community.
“We know that counseling works, that it improves lives,” said Steve Schedler, executive director of Samaritan Center.
“For many, it’s a game-changer. What people come in with is very diverse, but there are some common threads. Counseling can give people a different way of thinking and navigating emotions and how they handle relationships. There are also these positive examples of people growing.”
At the beginning of April, Samaritan Center opened a new counseling space at 33 N. Market St., Lancaster, to augment the mission started at its main location at 1803 Oregon Pike, Lancaster. In
The cemetery at Conestoga United Methodist Church, located at 71 Sand Hill Road, is one of many graveyards that dot the landscape of Lancaster County. After decades - and often centuries - most of these burial grounds bear little information on those laid to rest within them. Among these sites was Conestoga United Methodist Church’s cemetery until recently, thanks to local Girl Scout Miranda Martin.
In April, Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania (GSHPA) recognized Martin for a service
project she completed at the cemetery last summer. Martin’s project entailed the installation of a flagpole and a memorial plaque at the cemetery to honor more than 100 veterans buried there, earning her the esteemed Girl Scout Gold Award. Working with church leadership and a local flag shop, Martin dedicated more than 80 hours of work to coordinate the project and to overcome challenges such as landscaping issues. A flag-raising ceremony was held upon the project’s completion in September 2023 before Martin moved to Philadelphia to attend Drexel University.

Large Selection Of

MU police chief to receive award
Domestic Violence Services (DVS), a program of the Community Action Partnership (CAP), has announced the 2024 recipient of the DVS Catalyst for Change Award, Millersville University Police Chief Peter Anders.
Anders is a member of the Lancaster County STOPSART Coordinating Team, which works to enhance the partnership between county law enforcement, prosecution, and victims’ services. Currently, Anders is the president of the Lancaster County Chiefs of Police Association. Anders has been police chief for Millers-

ville University since 2010.
The Catalyst for Change Award, established in 2019, recognizes individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to the mission of DVS, beyond the requirements of professional work, to be a catalyst to end domestic violence in Lancaster County through direct service, advocacy, or social change efforts.
Anders will be recognized at the inaugural DVS Spring Luncheon on Thursday, May 23, at the Cork Factory Hotel, 480 New Holland Ave., Lancaster. The event will run from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and will feature keynote speaker Beverly Gooden, an award-winning writer and activist, and the creator of the viral social media movement #WhyIStayed. Her debut memoir, “Surviving: Why We Stay & How We Leave Abusive Relationships,” was published in June 2022.
The luncheon event is intended to bring community members together to shine a light on intimate partner violence as a community health issue as well as to educate participants on how awareness and advocacy can create true change for the more than 1,800 survivors DVS serves annually through its emergency shelter, transitional housing, 24/7 hotline and text line, counseling, legal advocacy and representation, and children’s programming. Tickets are available at https://caplanc.org/event/ dvs-spring-luncheon/.

scan this code for more local news townlively.com and communities.”
This is the second consecutive year PMHS has participated in Senator for a Day. When selecting participants for the field trip, Rayha and Kirchner typically choose students who have taken Advanced Placement government courses and have an interest in pursuing a career in politics. Before the mock session, students may choose which topic and committee they are most interested in learning about. “The last two years have been really successful, and we’ve gotten a lot
of positive feedback,” said Rayha. “We hope to keep doing it every year.”
For more information about Senator for a Day, visit https://sena torscottmartinpa.com/ senator-for-a-day.

ASPIE artists featured at open house
ASPIE held an open house in December 2023, and at the event, nearly $3,000 in donations was received for artwork from 10 ASPIE artists whose mediums ranged from wood craft to jewelry to paintings to photographic canvases.
ASPIE is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating supplemental income for adult artisans with disabilities. The organization helps the artisans generate income through donations for their original artwork through www. aspiesartists.com and its Lancaster gallery.
At the December open house, ASPIE board member Phil Whitebloom of Maryland was fascinated by artworks by Steven Georges and Kate Manners, both of whom have cerebral palsy.
Georges learned how to weld years ago and made adaptive equipment like grab bars and custom furniture to aid him at his home in Mount Joy. He now also sculpts metal art from recycled steel. His pieces are primarily inspired by animal and plant life but also include wine bottle racks, classic car part

lamps, furniture, replicas of heavy machinery such as tractors and bulldozers, spacecraft replicas, and garden ornaments.
Manners primarily creates acrylic pour paintings on canvas. Her longtime interest in art stemmed from family members such as her grandmother, who was an artist and art teacher, and was encouraged by her elementary school art teacher and the robust art program in her school district. When her day program was shut down during the pandemic, she started exploring crafting and painting with the help of her parents, with whom she lives in Lancaster. By 2021, she discovered the pour painting technique, which now dominates her work.
Whitebloom enjoyed both Georges’ and Manners’ artworks displayed at the open house so much that he decided to commission artwork for himself. He asked Georges to create a junk-metal sculpture of a telescope and gave the artist pictures of his own solar telescope for reference. He commissioned Manners to create a pour painting of the sun based on any creative mix of pigments and design.

The requests reflected Whitebloom’s interest in astronomy, specifically solar astronomy. After receiving the finished artworks, he displayed them at the annual Winter Star Party in Big Pine Key, Fla. ASPIE will host open houses on Saturdays, May 18 and 25, and Sundays,
May 19 and 26, at its gallery, 1905 Barton Drive, Lancaster. Artworks by a dozen people will be available to view and to purchase by donation. The gallery may also be visited at other times by appointment; to learn more, call ASPIE president Jerry Buckwalter at 207-412-8090.

Samaritan Center
addition to increasing the nonprofit’s coverage area, the downtown office will allow Samaritan Center to reach more people and provide more mental health services.
“We’re very aware of the gap between demand and the availability of counseling,” said Schedler. “We’re involved in that conversation. The good news is that we’ve seen a turn in people’s willingness to get help since COVID. Who doesn’t need to talk to somebody? Now we’re seeing the response to that. We saw a record demand over the last four years. Progress is being made, but it will take years to level back out.”
Housed on the fourth floor of a historic building near Lancaster Central Market, Samaritan Center North Market features five new counseling offices. Samaritan Center, which is operated by 41 employees, 25 of whom are full-time or part-time therapists, has added five new counselors.

“It’s everyone in the community, from all walks of life,” said Schedler of Samaritan Center’s counseling clientele. “We’ve seen all ages reach out. It could be older adults; some of our counselors work with children and teens, families, couples, individuals. There really are no groups of folks not reaching out. We have in-person and virtual capabilities, so we can work with anyone in Pennsylvania. But the bulk of our clients seen in-house are Lancaster County residents.”
In 2023, Samaritan Center provided more than 14,000 counseling sessions. With the addition of North Market, Samaritan Center now has the capability to provide an additional 6,000 sessions.
“Samaritan Center does many things in the community, and counseling is just one of them,” said Schedler. “We just reached a point where we were out of space. We wanted

to come up with a way to serve more people, and we’re excited about being in the city for the first time. Our goal is to provide improved mental health to everyone. Samaritan Center’s mission is to be as accessible as possible to meet people’s needs for counseling services, and now we’re more accessible than ever.”
Samaritan Center was established in 1987 by a group from Highland Presbyterian Church, 500 E. Roseville Road, Lancaster, interested in providing accredited, faith-based counseling.
CASA welcomes new advocates
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Lancaster and Lebanon Counties celebrated the swearing in of nine new
court-appointed special advocates on May 1. CASA staff members, board members, and community supporters gathered in the Imperial Blue Room of the Holiday Inn Lancaster to watch as the Honorable Leonard G. Brown III swore in the new class of volunteers. The Honorable Shawn P. McLaughlin was also in attendance. The event was the culmination of more than 30 hours of training completed by each volunteer in order to assist children in Lancaster County’s foster care system.

The new volunteer advocates are Kristin Antrim, CASA Lebanon program specialist, Brownstown; Kathryn (Katie) Boatwright, Manheim Township; Rose Connelly, Lititz; John Featherlin, Manheim Township; Kelly Frye, Lititz; Amy Harcourt, Lancaster; Brianna (Bri) Hornberger, Manor Township; Irene Marianos, Manheim Township; and Laura Rusch, Lancaster.
A CASA volunteer is a trained citizen who is appointed by a judge to represent the best inter -
Over the last 37 years, the services Samaritan Center provides have changed to meet the evolving needs of the community.
“It was really a leap of faith to jump out and start a new counseling center,” said Schedler. “Over time, Samaritan Center has established itself by providing high-quality counseling services. Mostly through word of mouth, many lives have been changed. We’ve had a legacy of growing thoughtfully.”
For additional information on Samaritan Center, go to www.samaritanlan caster.org.

ests of a child in court. The children for whom volunteers advocate have been abused and neglected and placed in the foster care system. CASA volunteers work to help ensure a safe and permanent home for the child as quickly as possible. The volunteer speaks with the child and others involved in the child’s life such as biological parents, foster parents, social workers, teachers, doctors, and therapists.
The new volunteers represent the 45th class of Lancaster County vol
unteer advocates sworn in. They join the 135 active volunteers currently advocating for 163 children in Lancaster and Lebanon counties. CASA hopes to one day provide a volunteer to every child in need.
CASA will hold information sessions about becoming a volunteer advocate on Wednesday, May 22, and Monday, June 3. The sessions will run from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. For more information and to register, visit www.casalancleb.org or call 717-286-1430.
Church sets annual basement sale
Bethany Presbyterian Church, 25 N. West End Ave., Lancaster, will host its annual spring basement sale on Saturday, May 18, from 8 a.m. to noon. The two rooms on the church’s ground floor will feature household goods, tools, jewelry, books, puzzles, d√©cor, and furniture, including end tables, TV stands, and a hutch. The church women will offer hamburger barbecue, chili, coffee, and baked goods to eat on-site or for takeout.
During the event, the church-sponsored Boy Scout Troop 4 will sell hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, desserts, and drinks, with eat-in and takeout options available. Proceeds will support the Scouts’ summer camping trip.
Attendees should enter the sale area through the front stairs or via the accessible ramp at the back of the building.
For more information, contact chairperson Pat Rineer at 717-898-8885.

LBC plans hymn sing
Lancaster Bible College (LBC), 901 Eden Road, Lancaster, will hold its eighth annual hymn sing at 4 p.m. on Sunday, May 19. It will take place in Good Shepherd Chapel.
The event, which will help to celebrate the college’s 90th anniversary, will feature well-known hymns of the faith. Par -
ticipants will include song leader and faculty member Bruce Gerlach, organist Frank Dodd, and pianist Paul Thorlakson, chair of LBC’s Music, Worship, & Performing Arts Department, along with vocalists and a brass ensemble.
Admission is free, but tickets may be reserved at www.lbc.edu/events.
Women’s club sets meeting
The Lancaster Christian Women’s Club will hold an “In Perfect Harmony” luncheon meeting at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 5, at Casa di Fiori at The Inn at Leola Village, 38 Deborah Drive, Leola. Doors will open at 11 a.m.
The Red Rose Chorus from Lancaster will present barbershop quartet selections. Author
Sharee Darien will share a life story message titled
“A Daddy’s Girl.” All women are invited to attend. There is a cost per person. Reservations and payments are required by Wednesday, May 22. Those registering are asked to note the names of their guests and others they wish to sit with. Cancellations also must be made by May 22. For more details and reservations, call 717-799-0088.

Comet shortstop Ethan Transue tries to get a handle on the throw to second base as Warwick’s Jack

safely slides into the bag. Penn Manor defeated the Warriors 7-4 in



Martin first conceived the idea for her project after she had a conversation with members of Conestoga United Methodist Church, where her troop holds its regular meetings. Martin was still searching for a project that would serve the community and enable her to earn the Gold Award, and she began meeting with the church’s pastor and groundskeeper to explore their suggestions.
“The graves had little posts where a local Boy Scout troop would place flags on Veterans Day, but otherwise there was nothing to signify them,” Martin said, noting that she understands the value of recognizing veterans. “A bunch of my relatives
have served in the military, and even my friend is now serving in the Marines, so it’s really important to me.”
After sorting out the requisite clearances, the church’s board members approved the project, and Martin purchased a flagpole for the graveyard. Initially, Martin also planned to install seating for people visiting the cemetery, but the original location’s steep incline forced her to adjust the plan. “It was a huge complication in the middle of the project, and we had to move the entire thing to a new location,” said Martin. “It ended up working out beautifully, but we couldn’t install
everything in the first plan.” Martin added that the new location was unsuited for a bench due to obstacles that would have required a larger excavation project. The new space is now home to a commemorative plaque that acknowledges the veterans from various wars who are buried in the cemetery.
Martin has been a member of GSHPA for over a decade, and she credits the Girl Scouts with giving her valuable volunteer experiences and a sense of connection to her community. “When I do visit, it’s really rewarding to see the flag and the impact I was able to make in my community through Girl Scouts,” she said.

FRIDAY, MAY 17 AT 2:00 P.M.
Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 Preview: Fri., May 17 8AM-8PM; Sat., May 18 7AM throughout the auction.
Antique & Contemporary Folk Art; Pottery; Early China; Primitives; Artwork; Fraktur; Ephemera; Textiles; Toys; Tools; Period, Antique Country, Paint Decorated & Reproduction Furniture.
Catalog listing along with photos are available on our website, www.horstauction.com. Live Online Bidding Available. Accepted Payments: Cash or PA Check. Visa, MasterCard, Discover & Debit Card with 3% Fee. No out-of-state checks without prior approval.

Antiques & Auction News
SATURDAY, MAY 18 • 9:00 A.M.
Nice Ranch Home Offering Three Bedrooms, Kitchen, Dining Area, Living Room, Two Full & Half Bath, Laundry, Rear Sun Room, Full Unfinished Basement & Attached Two-Car Garage. Central Air/ Heat Pump. Detached 24’ x 40’ Garage.
1990 Harley Heritage Softail w/ 16,306 Miles; Restored Antique Harley Racing Bike w/ 1914 Frame & 1922 JD Engine; 2019 Ryker 900 w/ 2533 Miles; Furniture; Household; Tools; Antiques & More! SEPARATE .47 ACRE BUILDING LOT ADJOINING ON WEST SIDE TO BE OFFERED AFTER HOME SALE
1% Broker Participation Offered
See Website For Real Estate Info, Listing & Pictures Sale For: Larry (Tim) Mylin Estate CALL FOR PRIVATE SHOWING
THURSDAY, MAY 23 • 6:00 PM
136 Fairview Ave., Lancaster, PA INVESTOR ALERT OR OWN & RENT
Located At Corner of Fairview Ave & St Joseph Streets In City
Two- Story Brick Home In Good Condition Offering Three Bedrooms, Full Bath, Kitchen, Dining Room, Large Living Room & Full Unfinished Basement. Large Side-Yard With This Property w/ New Building Opportunity.
Additional Unit Is Detached Brick Two Floor Apartment W/ Main Floor Kitchen, Living Room, Bedroom, Bath & Laundry. Second Level Bedrooms & Large Room. One-Car Garage. Great Investment Or Home/ Investment. 1% Broker Participation Offered Sale For: Stephen M Heisey Estate CALL FOR SHOWING APPOINTMENT
SATURDAY, JUNE 1 • 11:00 A.M. 903 Winter Hill Rd., Strasburg, PA PRIME REAL ESTATE - 7.3 ACRE FARMETTE
Very Nice Property Offering Renovated Farmhouse, Two Car Garage; 50’x58’ Barn/ Shop. Home Main Level Offers Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room & Bonus Room. Upper Level Hosts Two Bedrooms & Full Bath. Oil Heat. Detached Two-Car Garage. Large Barn/ Shop. Acreage Includes 3+ Acres Tillable, Pasture w/ Stream. See Website For More Info & Pictures 1% Broker Participation Offered Sale For: Donald & Patricia Hess CALL FOR PRIVATE SHOWING
SATURDAY, JUNE 29 • 9:00 A.M.
Nice Older Home On 1.4 Acre Corner Lot
Renovated 1700’s Home w/ Addition Offers Main Floor Kitchen/ Dining Area, Living Room w/ Propane FP, Laundry, Den, Full Bath & Enclosed Back Porch. Upper Floor Hosts Four Bedrooms, Den & Full Bath. Unfinished Basement. Central Air/ Oil Heat. Detached Oversized Two-Car Garage w/ Above Storage. Sheds. Large Open Rear Yard. SEE WEBSITE FOR PP LISTING, PICS & MORE INFORMATION SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Sale For: Mattie Kellett
Students spruce up rail trail
Members of the National Honor Society (NHS) at Penn Manor High School conducted a spring Day of Caring at the Enola Low Grade Rail Trail in Conestoga and Martic townships on April 6 and 13. This was the second consecutive year the student organization has worked at the trail.
Teams of students spread wood chips at park benches, a picnic table, and sign locations along a 3-mile section of the trail. Graffiti was painted over, and numerous benches were stained or painted. Additionally, weeds, trash, and invasive plant


life were removed.
The NHS advisers at Penn Manor High School are teachers Catherine Tejada and Michele Boland.
Book sale planned at church
Bethany Evangelical Congregational Church of Creswell, 1165 Letort Road, Conestoga, will hold a book sale on Saturday,
May 18, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the fellowship hall. The sale will feature books, puzzles, hymnals, and CDs. Payment by cash or check
Public Auctions
See HessAuctionGroup.com for more

will be accepted, and proceeds will go toward building projects. The facility is handicapped-accessible. Parking is available in the back parking lot. For more information, call the church at 717-872-6775.

Program to focus on the business world
A Row House Forum program titled “It’s Nothing Personal. It’s Just Business. Really?” will take place on Friday, May 17, at 7 p.m. at the Square Halo Gallery, 37 N. Market St., Lancaster.
Dan Burkholder, president and chief culture officer at Heller Capital, will share his convictions about the power of business to serve people. He will discuss foundational topics of purpose, morality, and ethics, as well as his own experience with the American Dream as the son of an immigrant and grandson of multigenerational coal miners.
Burkholder earned his
Bachelor of Science in economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Abby, a native of Lancaster County, and their two children live in Manheim Township. Burkholder serves on the board of the Row House Inc.
The presentation and refreshments are included in the fee. There is a discount for preregistration at www.therowhouse.org.
The Row House has had the goal of “engaging current culture with ancient faith” in the city of Lancaster since 2010. It was founded and is curated by Tom Becker.

ANGLICAN ALL SAINTS CHURCH: Meeting at Church of the Apostles, 1850 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603. 9:30 AM Sunday Service. Father James Johnson. For more info: 717-381-9573. allsaintsanglicanlancaster.org
ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH: 600 E. Penn Grant Rd., (Mailing: P.O. Box 635, Willow Street, 17584) 717-464-5683
Pastor: The Rev. Maureen L. Seifried Worship w/Holy Communion: Saturday Eve. 6 pm & Sunday 9:30 am. Livestreaming Visit: www.ascensionws.org
BETHEL CHURCH: 3716 Main Street, Conestoga. Sunday worship at 10:15 AM. Pastoral Team: Kevin Kumher and Jake Farnham. For more information, call 717872-6755.
BREAKOUT MINISTRIES: Senior Pastors Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: www.breakoutministries.org or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366
FAITH BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 151 Donnerville Rd., Lancaster (one block south of Columbia Avenue). Pastor: Keith M. Long. 8:45 am Sunday School (with nursery and classes for children, youth and adults); 10:15 a.m. SundayWorship Service (with nursery and children’s church). Wed.: 6:30 p.m. AWANA Clubs (K6); Wed.: 6:30 pm Youth Group 717-285-1900. www.faithbfc.com
GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH OF MILLERSVILLE 121 Walnut Hill Rd., Millersville. Sunday Worship at 8:15 am & 10:45 am. Sunday School for all ages at 9:45 am. Phone: 717-872-4581 www.findgracehere.org
North Museum extends dinosaur exhibit

The North Museum of Nature and Science has extended the exhibition “Dinosaurs Among Us” and will keep it on display through Friday, May 31.
The North Museum is the only U.S. museum selected by the American Museum of Natural History to be a premiere presenter of the exhibition, which opened in June 2023.
“Dinosaurs Among Us” examines the similarities between dinosaurs and modern birds. The exhibition is presented in both English and Spanish
and uses fossil imagery and life-size illustrations, with strategically placed images and text for both children and adults on panels as large as 8 by 19 feet. Items from the North Museum’s collections of eggs, nests, taxidermy birds and fossils add 3D facets to the exhibit. “Dinosaurs Among Us” represents months of collaboration with local professionals and museum volunteers.
For more information, visit www.northmuseum .org/exhibits.

GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH OF WILLOW STREET: 212 Peach Bottom Rd., Willow Street. Pastor- Mike Sigman. Weekend Worship: 6pm Saturday, Contemporary; Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. Traditional; 9:15am & 11am Contemporary. Sunday Schl from infant-5th grade, meets simultaneously with 9:15 am & 11am Worship Services. GCC Young Adults - Tues. 7 pm. Youth Ministry- Wed. 6:30 pm . Numerous Small Groups. 717-464-5333 www.gccws.net info@gccws.net
HABECKER MENNONITE CHURCH: A growing intercultural church that loves God, its neighbors and the world. Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am. Located at 451 Habecker Church Rd., Lancaster, PA. Active youth group. All are Welcome! Website: habeckerchurch.com
MARTICVILLE UMC: Located at 641 Marticville Rd. (Rt. 324) between New Danville & Pequea. Pastor: Kevin Kresge. 9:30am worship service. Casual dress. Nursery, handicap accessible. Visit us online: MarticvilleUMC.org E-mail: info@marticvilleumc.org
We are learning to live, love & lead like Jesus. Join us Sundays at 9:00 AM for Traditional Worship at Grace Campus, 163 W Frederick St or at 10:30 AM for Contemporary Worship at Hope Campus, 242 Bender Rd. On-line worship is offered at our website: MCchurch.net
SAFE HARBOR UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 3687 River Road Conestoga (near Safe Harbor Park). New pastor Rev. Dominic Tuttle. Sunday worship at 9 am SafeHarborUMC.org Phone: (717) 8726910. Our mission is to share with others the Loving Gospel of Jesus Christ, to serve and grow in Him.
Robert Fulton Hwy., Peach Bottom. Senior Pastors Mark & Pam Couch Join us on Sundays @ 10:15 AM For more info, call 717-955-0183.
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
Nursing students take part in simulation
Saint Joseph’s University in Lancaster, formerly Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences, held an abuse training simulation on April 2.
Featuring actors who portrayed medical patients, the scenario required students to conduct a home health assessment of an older couple. During the assessment, the students witnessed an abusive scenario in which the couple’s granddaughter, also their financial power of
attorney, took advantage of them financially. Students were tasked with taking care of the elderly couple’s physical health as well as recognizing the abuse and switching gears to address it sympathetically.
The simulation was intended to teach students empathy and advocacy and to demonstrate that being a health care professional entails wearing many different hats and implies taking care of the whole individual.

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Sporting Goods
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717-989-7938, leave message.
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end! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous year-end tax credit. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-3202804 today! I BUY GOLD & SILVER
PINBALL MACHINES & ARCADES WANTED. Any condition, working or not. Call Matt: 717-538-9485, thanks.
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WANTED! MOTORCYCLES & MINI BIKES! ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@yahoo.com
All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis.

*NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.

VAN’S TREES VAN’S TREES: Shrub, Tree trimming. Mulching, Gardening. SP Senior Rates. Insured. 717-393-7729
WE FIX AND service small engines, complete services on Lawn mowers etc. Pickup available. Call or text Dan 717-201-5741
For Rent

Clean, Repair, Gutter Guards. Property Maint. by Steve. 717-892-7411
HANDYMAN: Painting. Power Washing. Land/Hardscaping. Spring Clean Ups, Gutters/Guards, Decks, Roofing. Mailboxes. 717-419-9855. PA047811
HAULING, JUNK REMOVAL. Bsmts, sheds, garages cleaned out. Tree brush. Odd jobs. We also move people. Free est. Visa/MC/ Disc/AmEx. 717-456-6051; 410-688-7569 CRASS HAULING
Removal of black stains off roof & exterior cleaning. 717-424-8504
JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, Custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! (Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer.) Offer ends 6/30/24. Call 1-844-826-2535
WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844887-5145 (PA017137). WROUGHT IRON RAILS, Gates, Fences, Stairs, Restore, Sec. Bars, Ext. Painting & Repair.

Community Blood Drive
Rotary Club honors Clark, Keller
Everyone will receive:
• 2 Lancaster Stormers ticket vouchers, good for any 2024 regular season home game
• Papa John’s buy one Large Pizza get one FREE certificate • Certificate for a FREE Appetizer from Texas Roadhouse • Penn Cinema Movie Pass Good’s Store 333 W.

3 ways to schedule your donation appointment:

• go to 717GiveBlood.org
• call 1-800-771-0059
• scan the QR Code

Olivia Clark and Tyler Keller, both seniors at Penn Manor High School, have been selected as Lancaster South Rotary Club’s Students of the Month for March. They were presented to the club by Doug Eby, principal of Penn Manor High School. Students of the Month are selected on the basis of academic excellence as well as school and community service.

For students entering grades 4-12 for the 2024-2025 school year that are interested in learning more about playing ice hockey, please come to our informational meeting. Join the Viola Cup Champions Monday, May 20 6:30 PM Central Manor Church 387 Penn St., Washington Boro
students in Penn Manor, Solanco, Lancaster Country Day, Lancaster Catholic, and School District of Lancaster. Students in grades 5-8 will play on the middle school team, grades 9-12 will play on the high school team and 4th grade students are welcome to
with the middle school team.
Meet members of our coaching staff and board members to learn about playing ice hockey for the upcoming season. If you are unable to attend, please visit: pennmanorcometshockey.sportngin.com or contact our President, Kelly Charles at 717-606-6457 or email: pmicehockeyclub@gmail.com

Olivia is the daughter of Tonya Martinez of Lancaster. She was a member of the field hockey team, and this past fall, she received the Coach’s Award and served as a team captain. She was also a member of Civitas, DEI: Embracing Melanin, Arts for All, Unified track, and the 2023 homecoming court. In the community, she volunteers at Long’s Park, where she is on a cleanup crew and has helped with the chicken barbecue. Following graduation, Olivia plans to attend West Chester University to study early childhood education. She hopes to become a firstor second-grade teacher in an urban setting.
Tyler is the son of Tom and Christen Keller of Lancaster. He is a member of National Honor Society, the varsity wrestling team, and the Penn Manor Youth Barbell Club, and he is also a Comet Boy. He was class president
his freshman and sophomore years and is a past member of the German American Partnership Program, the football and track teams, and the 2023 homecoming court. He has broken numerous power lifting and track and field records for Penn Manor. He was also named a Section 1 All-Star for wrestling this year. In the community, Tyler attends LCBC Church and volunteers with the Loft and Christmas workshops. Following graduation, he plans to attend college to study business with a minor in German. He would then like to join his family’s business, G.R. Mitchell.