First National Night Out slated in Millersville
On the first Tuesday of every August, towns across the United States participate in National Night Out (NNO). The nationwide tradition was created more than three decades ago to bridge the gaps between law enforcement agencies, neighborhood watches, crime prevention groups, civic associations and volunteers in cities throughout the country.
After several decades, National Night Out has spread to every state, and it now involves millions of participants. Each town has developed its own way of observing the tradition, which often incorporates various festivities and community gatherings.
But the goal of the event remains unchanged: to strengthen the bond between communities and the police that serve them.
For the first time this year, Millersville will host its own National Night Out from 6 to
8 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 6.
The event will take place in the parking lots of Charles F. Snyder Funeral Home and the Millersville Borough Municipal Building on North George Street in Millersville. Millersville’s
National Night Out will include family-friendly activities such as live entertainment, games and prizes and demonstrations from emergency service organizations. Frozen desserts will be available to purchase from an ice cream truck, and Charles F. Snyder Funeral Home will provide complimentary refreshments including hot dogs and beverages for attendees.
First responders from local organizations such as the Millersville Borough and Millersville University police departments, Blue Rock Fire Rescue and Lancaster EMS will be present to offer children a close-up look at their vehicles and equipment.
Representatives from other organizations such as the Conestoga

Compass Mark wants to be an ideological lightning rod and a guiding light in the community. The nonprofit approaches its mission through three guiding principles - “follow the science,” “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and “the sooner the better.”
The ultimate goal is to manage
and curb addiction or control the behavioral part of it that can be controlled.
“Compass Mark can help you get to where you want to go in life; we can keep you on the right path,” said Teri Miller-Landon, Compass Mark’s director of programs. “There’s so much science out there on what leads kids to addiction. We’re not preaching abstinence. We’re trying to
Joyfully Made Fellowship will hold a car wash fundraiser from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, July 27. The event will also include a barbecue and bake sale, and it will take place at Mt. Hope United Methodist Church, 75 Mt. Hope Road, Quarryville. All proceeds will benefit Joyfully Made Fellowship, which offers a catalog of programs and activities for individuals with developmental or physical disabilities and

Compass Mark
River Girl Scouts, Homefields, Acorn Acres Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Penn Manor School District and Loft Community Partnership will operate booths at the event to offer information and various activities.
“We really wanted a way

stop by and get to know our officers and what our station looks like, so there’s that comfort level there when they need something,” said Melissa Ostrowski, a member of the Millersville Borough Civil Service Commission and one of the event’s organizers. “We want to build that connection so when a police officer drives down the street, people look up and give a wave and a smile.”
In addition to marking the first time Millersville will have its own National Night Out, this year signifies the 90th anniversary of the Millersville Borough Police Department. To commemorate the anniversary, chief of police Jeff Margevich has assembled a display in the lobby of the borough office that details the police force’s history and former members. Attendees will have an opportunity to view the display during National Night Out, and the police station will be open for tours throughout the evening.
For more information, visit https://millersville
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delay use as much as possible. We’re teaching them to make other choices and to connect with people in healthy ways.”
Headquartered at 1891 Santa Barbara Drive, Suite 104, Lancaster, Compass Mark attempts to reach children in kindergarten through grade 12 before alcohol, drugs and gambling do. It drives its message home through workshops, skill-building, student assistance programs and good old-fashioned communication and interaction.
Last school year, Compass Mark connected with 8,000 kids in 66 schools from 28 school districts in Lancaster, Lebanon and Chester counties.
“Before I came here, I didn’t know what prevention was,” said Tim Steffen, director of development and communications at Compass Mark. “We want to make clear how prevention works. We’re actually saving lives. For every dollar spent on prevention, you’re saving $18 in the future. You’re saving taxpayers by nipping it in the bud.”
Some of the factors that put kids at risk for addiction include low commitment toward school, parental attitudes favorable toward antisocial behavior, low perceived risk of drug use and low neighborhood attachment.
“For kids 13 or younger who use any kind of substance, they have a 70% chance to develop an addiction in seven years,” said Miller-Landon. “We use data to know what’s going on in our community. It’s things we need to target as we design our programs. It’s much, much easier to prevent bad habits from starting than to try and change them. That’s much of the thinking. Sometimes substance abuse can lead to contact with the criminal justice system and a criminal record.”
Overseen by a board of directors, Compass Mark employs 20 full-time workers and about 20 part-time staff members, all trained to deliver the curriculum.
“A lot of people are skeptical about prevention,” said Miller-Landon. “But prevention works. It’s about talking to kids often and talking to kids early. When kids are younger,

Mentors and members of Compass Mark’s Leaders of Future Generations program, which seeks to develop skills in students who exhibit leadership abilities, stand beneath a billboard they designed for DUI Council of Lancaster County’s alcohol awareness program.
they’re sponges. They just soak it in. They’re at an age when they still think (adults) know what they’re talking about.”
Compass Mark was founded in 1966 as the National Council for Alcoholism, Lancaster County. Then the organization’s
scope was broadened in the 1970s and ’80s to include a focus on preventing illegal drug use, and later gambling.
“We’ve evolved with the community,” said Steffen. For additional information on Compass Mark, go to

their caregivers.
Although Joyfully Made Fellowship regularly organizes fundraising events throughout the year, this is the first time the group will hold an event that incorporates a car wash, a barbecue and a bake sale. The event is being coordinated by Celeste Esposito and her husband, Eric, whose daughter Bella has attended Joyfully Made Fellowship programs for the last nine years. Eric, who has culinary experience preparing food for weddings and other events in the past, will prepare the food for the barbecue portion of the fundraiser. Additional food will be available to purchase during the event, including items such as hot dogs, beverages and cookies. Several parents and caregivers of Joyfully Made Fellowship members will sell coffee and a variety of homemade baked goods, including brownies and pastries.
Celeste said she decided to help organize the new fundraiser to assist Joyfully Made Fellowship’s founder, Tami Shaub. In addition to managing the ministry’s programs and activities, Shaub organizes events such as the annual talent show. After seeing the value of Shaub’s programs firsthand as the parents of a longtime participant, Celeste and Eric said they wished to express their gratitude to Shaub while helping her sustain the group. “(Shaub) goes above and beyond for this ministry. She’s a wonderful lady, and the students personally love her,” added Celeste. “It’s truly a wonderful thing for our students to be able to go somewhere they feel
Woman’s Club present awards

comfortable. Everybody in the group is really caring and understanding.”
Another goal of the new fundraiser is to help Joyfully Made Fellowship cover its operating costs and utility expenses for the facility that it hosts its activities in.
The group previously met at Wesley Church in Quarryville, and it transitioned to its current location on Mt. Hope Road last year.
“We hope people in the community come check (the fundraiser) out, even if they just stop by to say hi to everyone,” Celeste said. “They’re all a bunch of really caring individuals who love getting together, singing and sharing a meal.”
For more information, search for “A Team - Joyfully Made Fellowship” on Facebook.
The Millersville Woman’s Club recently presented its 2024 scholarship and academic achievement awards for seniors at Penn Manor High School (PMHS) and the Lancaster County Career & Technology Center (LCCTC). The winners were announced at the school’s senior awards night.
PMHS scholarship awards of $1,000 each were presented to the following students: Kari Anderson, Betty Gurtizen Health Careers Scholarship; Molly Bushong, Jean Roth Academic Scholarship; Fatima Mussa, Evelyn Wild Academic Scholarship; and Jarliah Ferko, Millersville Woman’s Club Scholarship.
PMHS achievement awards of $200 each went to Vienne Kreider, art; Clara Howell, awards for both social studies and English; Autumn Kirkley, awards for both math and music; and Molly Bushong, science.
LCCTC achievement awards of $200 each were presented to Brianna (Isaac) Arnold from the Brownstown campus, Aixa Preston from the Mount Joy campus, and Samantha Fawcett and Presley Stormfeltz from the Willow Street campus.
Ethan Benne was named Student of the Year and received $100 and a medal.
Izeldeen Salem was the
See Women’s Club pg 4

improvement homesummer

Women’s Club
from pg 3
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) student.
The primary goals of the club are to provide scholarships and awards to Penn Manor and LCCTC
students and to fund community programs.
To learn more about the Millersville Woman’s Club, call 407-416-3231 or 717-917-6677.

Back-to-School Event planned
The 13th annual Backto-School Event will take place at the Stormers’ home stadium, 650 N. Prince St., Lancaster, on Sunday, Aug. 18. The event is sponsored by Rep. Mike Sturla and Rep. Ismail Smith-Wade-El.
Registration will run from noon to 2:30 p.m., with festivities continuing until 4 p.m. and ending with free admission to the Stormers’ game at 5 p.m. Children will have the opportunity to receive a free haircut and enjoy music, food, games, and community
activities. Information will be available on state programs and services for children.
This event is open to kindergarten through eighth-grade students who live in the School District of Lancaster, Manheim Township School District, Hempfield School District, and Penn Manor School District areas.
Preregistration is required by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 12, at Sturla/BackToSchool. For more information, call 717-295-3157.
Overdorf earns bachelor degree
Make It With Wool Contest announced
The 2024 Pennsylvania Make It With Wool Contest will take place on Saturday, Sept. 28, in the PA Preferred Banquet Hall at the Farm Show Complex, 2300 N. Cameron St., Harrisburg.
Youths and adults who sew, knit, or crochet garments with wool or other animal fibers may participate. The categories will be preteens, for those ages 8 to 12; juniors, ages 13 to 16; seniors, ages 17 to 24; adults, age 25 and older; and made for others, for which the model and contestant may be any age. Ages are as of Jan. 1.
Expert judges will handle the garments and meet with the contestants. Judging will be based on the following criteria: appropriate to contestant’s lifestyle, fit and overall appearance, coordination of fabric or yarn with garment style and design, contestant’s presentation, construction quality, creativity in design and use of wool, and conveys/promotes the beauty, comfort, and versatility of wool. All fabrics or yarns used in the body of the garment must be 60% or more animal fiber. Interfacings, linings, and trims do not need to be wool.
The Pennsylvania Sheep and Wool Growers Association and other donors will provide the funding for prizes for the winners in
each category. The winners in the junior and senior categories will be eligible to compete at the National Make It With Wool Contest in Scottsdale, Ariz., in January 2025. The adult winner will submit his or her ensemble, along with a video of the contestant wearing the outfit, for judging at the national level, and one winner will be selected to attend the national contest.
The goals of the contest are to promote the beauty and versatility of wool fabrics and yarns; to encourage personal creativity in sewing, knitting, crocheting, spinning, and weaving with wool fabrics and yarns; to recognize creative skills; to help participants develop life skills, including being responsible for oneself, being a good sport, and accepting judges’ decisions; and learning about and appreciating diversity.
There is a registration fee, plus a testing fee per fabric or yarn used. Registrations are due no later than Tuesday, Sept. 3. All who register will receive a piece of wool yardage. To request the registration form and other information, contact Linda Siegel, state director, at 717-274-1197 or linda@
To learn more about the contest, visit www.makeit

Abbie Overdorf of Millersville graduated magna cum laude from Kutztown University on May 11. Degrees were conferred during a commencement ceremony at the O’Pake Fieldhouse.
Overdorf earned a Bachelor of Science in cinema, television and media production.

Siblings receive academic recognition
Daniel Foltz and Caroline Foltz, children of Don and Christy Foltz of Millersville, were recently honored at their universities.
Daniel graduated summa cum laude from the Villanova School of Business with a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting and economics and a minor in finance. During his four years at Villanova, Daniel maintained dean’s list status each semester and was inducted into the business honor society Beta Gamma Sigma. He is pursuing Certified Public Accountant credentials and will join Deloitte this September in audit and compliance in McLean, Va.
Daniel is a 2020 graduate of Penn Manor High School.
Caroline has been named to both the dean’s list and athletics director’s honor
Twin Gathering held
The eighth annual Twin Gathering took place on June 22 at Byerland Mennonite Church in the fellowship hall. Nineteen and one-half sets of twins attended the event, which was organized by the 91-year-old Mueller twins, Verna and Viola of Willow Street.
Jennifer Yellets, Verna and Viola’s great-niece, was the master of ceremonies.
The event included a covered dish meal featuring ham barbecue made by the Frey twins. Several attendees shared their twin stories, recited Scripture, sang, or read poems.
The Muellers were the oldest twins present, and the youngest set was Matthew and Owen Stoner, 9. The next oldest was Mary and Martha Landis. Darcy and Marcy Blair had traveled the farthest to attend, coming from Butler and Rochester, Ind., respectively.
Additionally attendees were Hannan and Janae Barton, Chris and Elmer Brenneman, Rachel and Rebecca Bross, Becky and See Gathering pg 8
roll at Virginia Tech for the spring semester. She has maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout her time at Virginia Tech. In addition, she recently received the Giovanni-Steger Poetry Prize for her work “Sailor Eyes.” The competition celebrates excellence in poetry.
Caroline, a member of the Virginia Tech swimming and diving team, is pursuing Bachelor of Arts degrees in both English and creative writing through the Virginia Tech College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. She also is a member of the Virginia

School in 2022 as her class’s salutatorian.

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SMALL ENGINES. Complete services on Lawn mowers, etc. Pickup Available ► Call or text Dan 717-201-5741 ◄
WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844887-5145 (PA017137).
ALWAYS BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
BUYING CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-577-8206
CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
DONATE YOUR CAR, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today!
GET A BREAK on your taxes! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-320-2804 today!
TRAMPOLINE WANTED in good condition, can disassemble and haul away, 717-625-4802
WANTED! MOTORCYCLES & MINI BIKES! ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206

Community Blood Drive

333 W. 4th
Everyone will receive:
• Penn Cinema Movie Pass
• New Blood Donor T-Shirt

• Papa John’s buy one Large Pizza get one FREE certificate
3 ways to schedule your donation appointment:

• go to
• call 1-800-771-0059
• scan the QR Code

Twins ages 9 to 91 assembled on June 22 for a meal and program.
Michelle Frey, Marvin and Marian Harnish, Donna and Doris Hershey, Marian and Martha Huber,
475 Clearfield Rd., Holtwood, PA 17532
July 29th-August 11th
Evangelistic Service, Youth & Children Services at 7:30pm Nightly
Day Programs

~ Saturday, August 3rd ~
1:00pm - Jesse Rothacker and Forgotten Friends
2-4:00pm - Kid’s Carnival around the Tabernacle w/Mimzy’s Entertainment
~ Sunday, August 4th ~
3:00pm - “Then Sings My Soul”, a concert of hymns in the tabernacle
~ Saturday, August 10th ~
1:00pm - Phredd concert in the tabernacle
2:00pm - Children’s march around and Camp birthday party in the back of the tabernacle
~ Sunday, August 11th ~
3:00pm - Service to feature RCM’s favorite hymns plus testimonials of God’s grace during the 2024 session (Followed by the traditional closing ceremony with the march around)
Evangelists: Rev. Nick Spurgeon & Rev. Tim Valentino
Preaching Nightly at 7:30pm
Bible Teacher: Rev. Adam Swift & Rev. Randy Gehman
Teaching Daily At 10:00am
For more info. call (717) 284-2746
Elsie Hunt, Ellen and Sue Kochenberger, Richard and Robert Mellinger, Mary Ellen and Ruth Nissley, Donna and Dianne Perrius, Melvin and Mervin Rohrer, Kathryn and Margaret Shelly, Greta and Gretchen Thomas, and Lloyd and Leonard Zimmerman.
For more information, call Verna and Viola at 717-464-2356.
Counseling available to homeless youths
The Bridge Project in PA will offer online mental health counseling to children and youths in Pennsylvania who are experiencing homelessness. Move Forward Counseling is a partner in this project, which provides counseling at no cost to the student, family, or local education agency. No health insurance is necessary. The Bridge Project in PA is part of Pennsylvania’s American Rescue Plan Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY) Program and is available for a limited time.
To learn more, visit www the-bridge-project-in-pa.
Veterans invited to join in hike
The Lancaster Vet Center Hiking Group will host hikes from 2:30 to 4 p.m. on Fridays starting July 26. The activities will take place on the flat, easy 2.3mile Lancaster Junction Recreation Trail, 99 Champ Blvd., Manheim.
For more information, call the Lancaster Vet Center at 717-283-0735.

ANGLICAN ALL SAINTS CHURCH: Meeting at Church of the Apostles, 1850 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603. 9:30 AM Sunday Service. Father James Johnson. For more info: 717-381-9573.
ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH: 600 E. Penn Grant Rd., (Mailing: P.O. Box 635, Willow Street, 17584) 717-464-5683
Pastor: The Rev. Maureen L. Seifried Worship w/Holy Communion: Saturday Eve. 6 pm & Sunday 9:30 am. Livestreaming Visit:
BETHEL CHURCH: 3716 Main Street, Conestoga. Sunday worship at 10:15 AM. Pastoral Team: Kevin Kumher and Jake Farnham. For more information, call 717872-6755.
BREAKOUT MINISTRIES: Senior Pastors Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366
FAITH BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 151 Donnerville Rd., Lancaster (one block south of Columbia Avenue). Pastor: Keith M. Long. 8:45 am Sunday School (with nursery and classes for children, youth and adults); 10:15 a.m. SundayWorship Service (with nursery and children’s church). Wed.: 6:30 p.m. AWANA Clubs (K6); Wed.: 6:30 pm Youth Group 717-285-1900.
GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH OF MILLERSVILLE 121 Walnut Hill Rd., Millersville. Sunday Worship at 8:30 am & 10:30 am. Phone: 717-872-4581
GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH OF WILLOW STREET: 212 Peach Bottom Rd., Willow Street. Pastor- Mike Sigman. Weekend Worship: 6pm Saturday, Contemporary; Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. Traditional; 9:15am & 11am Contemporary. Sunday Schl from infant-5th grade, meets simultaneously with 9:15 am & 11am Worship Services. GCC Young Adults - Tues. 7 pm. Youth Ministry- Wed. 6:30 pm . Numerous Small Groups. 717-464-5333
HABECKER MENNONITE CHURCH: A growing intercultural church that loves God, its neighbors and the world. Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am. Located at 451 Habecker Church Rd., Lancaster, PA. Active youth group. All are Welcome! Website:
MARTICVILLE UMC: Located at 641 Marticville Rd. (Rt. 324) between New Danville & Pequea. Pastor: Kevin Kresge. 9:30am worship service. Casual dress. Nursery, handicap accessible. Visit us online: E-mail: MILLERSVILLE COMMUNITY UM CHURCH We are learning to live, love & lead like Jesus. Join us Sundays at 9:00 AM for Traditional Worship at Grace Campus, 163 W Frederick