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Pequea Valley

Sadsbury Friends Meeting to host Peace Tea

Reaching out and giving back

When Amanda Hall, director of marketing with Bank of Bird-in-Hand, contacts a nonprofit organization for the bank’s employee giving program, she likes to ask about specific needs. “That has been really helpful,” she noted, adding that one food pantry she contacted told her that having manual can openers to give away is really helpful. “If you’re living in your car or a hotel, it’s good to have a can opener,” Hall pointed out. “Not every can has a pop top.”

Sadsbury Friends Meeting, a Quaker house of worship that is observing its 300th anniversary this year, is planning a Peace Tea fundraiser on Saturday, May 11, from 2 to 4 p.m. The event, which will offer attendees an assortment of teas and traditional high tea fare, will take place in the downstairs community room at the Meeting, 1089 Simmontown Road, Gap, located one half-mile east of Route 41.

Proceeds from ticket sales will benefit the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO), a non-governmental organization that represents the Quakers, also known as the Religious Society of Friends, at the United Nations.

With offices in Geneva and New York City, QUNO aims to represent Friends’ concerns for

international justice and peace.

“Because we are raising money to donate to QUNO, an organization that works for world peace, we named the (event) Peace Tea,” explained Meeting member Connie Webster, noting that information about QUNO will be displayed at the event.

Meetinghouse members will provide traditional tea cups and saucers and individual teapots. Both tea bags and loose tea made using an infuser will be provided. “We will have sandwiches and scones and there will be other sweets like cookies. We have different people making shortbread cookies and scones,” noted Webster. “We will have different varieties of hot tea, like regular black tea and herbal teas.”

Gluten-free and vegetarian options will be offered, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches will be available for children.


Citizen scientists sought

“This is open to everyone,” said Linda Saad, representative of the ELANCO Source Water Collaborative. Saad is seeking volunteers to collect and test water samples from streams throughout northeastern Lancaster County, where she noted no creeks are currently being monitored. “We have no volunteers,” explained Saad. “We may have some recommendations for streams we’d like to have monitored. We’d like to get some data on the upper Conestoga, but (volunteers) can pick a stream in this area.”

Saad pointed out that the purpose of the Water Quality Volunteer Coalition (WQVC) will be to obtain information. “More than 50% of the 140 miles of streams in this county are compromised,” said Saad, who noted that watching for evidence of the effectiveness of restoration projects, such as planting trees around streams, is a goal. “We will see changes in temperature and water quality … (and) changes in sedimentation and runoff,” she noted.

The long-term water testing project is a partnership between the Lancaster County Conservation

Sadsbury Friends pg 11
See Water pg 8 See Giving back pg 10
Bank of Bird-in-Hand employees who are giving back to the community include (from left) Mark Carnevale, Lydia Cochran, Malachi Glick, Tracy Graybeal, and Terry Showalter.
King’s Pet LLC 3867 Old Phila. Pike, Gordonville, PA 17529 Store Hours: Mon.-Wed.: 8-4:30, Fri: 8-7 Sat.: 8-12. Closed Thurs. & Sun. R105375 Call King’s Pet LLC (717) 614-9484 • • Follow us on FREE TO ROAM. SAFE AT HOME. Create a secure environment for your pet to run, explore and play with our electronic fencing systems. They’re safe and effective for dogs of all sizes. National Small Business Week April 28-May 4
Members of the Sadsbury Friends Meeting are looking forward to hosting a Peace Tea.

Cultural education

A small group of Garden Spot Village residents and staff members has worked for a number of years to introduce the local community to the varied cultures represented in the area.

Group member Karyn Nancarvis said the members now refer to themselves as Tapestry, but the collective has also gone by the names Racial Literacy and Cultural Awareness. “We meet once a month … to find ways to educate our community and foster awareness of other cultures,” Nancarvis noted.

occurs. Advertisers submitting artwork and images for use in advertisements assume all liability in regards to trademark and copyright infringements.


This May, Tapestry has scheduled three events that will delve into the history of the Hispanic population in Lancaster County and specifically in New Holland. The first, which will be held in the Garden Spot Village chapel, 433 S. Kinzer Ave., New Holland, at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8, will be called Latino Experience in New Holland, and it will feature a number of speakers. The event is free and open to the public. Two bus trips

See Education pg 4

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2 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024 R106308 Specials Monday, April 29th thru Wednesday, May 8th While Supplies Last 1300 Georgetown Rd. Quarryville, PA 17566 Mon.-Tues.-Wed. 7:00am-6:00pm Thurs. & Fri. 7:00am-8:30pm Sat. 7:00am-4:30pm, Closed Sun. 610-593-6577
GIFT CARDS NOW AVAILABLE ATM NOW AVAILABLE IN OUR STORE! Not sure how to go about ordering for your Fundraiser - Check in for our Fundraiser Supplies Sub & Sandwich – BBQ Chicken Check Out Our Flour & Sugar in Bulk! We carry it in 25 lb./50 lb. bags Now offering Light Brown Sugar in 25 lb. for ONLY $26.99! Stock up Now for your Baking May Bulk Foods Strawberry Gelatin 24 Oz. $5.49 Thermflo Lb. $2.49 Graham Cracker Crumbs Lb. $2.99 Chia Seeds Lb. $3.69 Frozen Foods Best Yet Cookies 'n Cream Ice Cream 1 Gal. $5.49 Chips Ahoy! Ice Cream 1.5 Qt. 2/$5 Best Yet Strawberry Waffles 12.3 Oz. $3.49 Banquet Beef Pot Pie 7 Oz. 2/$2 Jack's Canadian Style Bacon Pizza 14.9 Oz. $2.49 Jimmy Dean Pork Sausage Patties 18.3 Oz. $3.49 Golden Delicious, Gala, Fuji, Jonagold Apples, Pineapples Oranges - Lemons Grapefruits Refrigerated Salted Butter Quarters Lb. $3.99 Free Range Eggs Doz. $2.50 John F. Martin, Sliced White American Cheese 5 Lb. $11.99 100% Orange Juice Gallons $3.99 Deli Department John F. Martin Turkey Ham Lb. $3.69 John F. Martin Tavern Ham Lb. $3.69 Provolone Whole Block, Lb. $2.99 Celsius Drinks 12 Ct. $11.50 OR 2-12 Ct. $22.75 Wise Variety Grab Snack Pack 37.5 Oz. $9.99 Blue Falls Spring Bottled Water (Reg. $5.99) 24 Ct. $4.49 Country Time Lemonade Pouches 10-6 Oz. $3.99 OR 4/10-6 Oz. $13.99 WC Meltz Cheesy (Reg. $6.99) 2 Lb. $5.99 Grocery Aisle 3rd Anniversary Sale Coming Up! Check back soon for more details. Meet our Good's MULCH Family Bagged • Bulk Pick Up • Delivery Reasonable Delivery Rates 1415 Lime Valley Rd., Lancaster, PA 17602 1 coupon per customer. Expires 6/29/24 Your Purchase of 5 Scoops or More $5OFF Also Available: Fill Dirt, Leaf Compost, Wood Chips R105118 OUR23RDYEAR! We will load your truck or trailer. Premium Bark Mulch $30.50 /scoop Dyed Mulch (Black or Brown) $30.50 /scoop Bark Blend Mulch $27.25 /scoop Mixed - Bark & Mushroom $23.50 /scoop Shredded Mushroom Mulch $17.50 /scoop Certified Playground Mulch $26.00 /scoop Screened Topsoil $25.50 /scoop Optional MULCH GUARD $3.75 /scoop Engle Printing & Publishing Co. Inc. is the publisher of the Merchandiser, Pennysaver, Advertiser, Community Courier, Lancaster County Magazine, Where & When Pennsylvania, Dining in Lancaster County, Antiques & Auction News, Lancaster Family, and Susquehanna River Towns From Seeking Shelter To Shaping Lives – read Ashley’s and other impact stories at It’s not just a golf outing – it’s a chance to help people like Ashley who are experiencing homelessness and poverty. 7:30am & 1:30pm • Crossgates Golf Club, Millersville • 4-Player Scramble Format Questions about golfing or sponsoring? Please contact: Jocelyn Engle | | 717-278-1349 Sponsored by Presented by Barry and Donna Fabius Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. Friday | JUNE 7 | 2024 presented by benefiting 17th Annual R105907 We encourage civic and fraternal groups, schools, churches, Scouting groups, and other local organizations to submit news releases of general interest to the majority of our readership. Primary consideration is given to dated articles of an informative nature–activities and events of local interest sponsored, presented, or planned by area organizations and institutions. Related photographs of good quality are encouraged also, but complete picture identification must be included. Undated articles of general interest are used as space permits. All articles must contain a contact name and telephone number. DISPLAY AD CUSTOMER SERVICE: Phone: 717-492-2530 • Fax: 717-492-2580 SUBMIT CAMERA-READY ADS TO: SUBMIT CLASSIFIED
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Promise Players post fundraiser dinner theater

The Promise Players will present a dinner theater production, “The Case of the Duplicate Date Nut Loaf,” on Friday, May 17, at 6 p.m. and on Saturday, May 18, at noon and 6 p.m. All performances will be held at Lampeter Church of the Brethren, 1900 Lampeter Road, Lancaster.

In the show, Inspector Casey Solved is called to a local church’s bake sale and bazaar. As usual, Lillian “Lil” O’Laydee has baked her famous date nut loaf using her family’s secret recipe. However, someone else has also baked a date nut loaf and put it on the bake sale table beside Lil’s. The inspector will investigate whether Lil’s recipe was stolen, and the audience will vote on which character they

believe is the culprit.

The event is a fundraiser for The Promise Players’ tech fund, and tickets must be reserved at http://

The Promise Players has raised more than $275,000 for local charities over the past 28 years. Now some of the organization’s sound and tech equipment must be replaced. The Promise Players prefers to send all money raised from its shows to the named beneficiary, so it hopes that the dinner theater will raise $30,000 for the new equipment.

The Promise Players’ mission is to provide Christ-centered entertainment for the public and financial gifts to nonprofit organizations in the community. Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024 - 3 LIMITED-TIME OFFER 48 MONTHS SPECIAL FINANCING* SAVE ON A WHOLE HOME WATER SYSTEM Authorized Independent Kinetico Dealer FREE IN-HOME WATER TEST* 800-819-3598 MARTINWATER.COM *Free water test includes hardness, iron, pH, tds, chlorine & sulfur. Financing requires credit approval and is not valid toward prior sales. Offers are mutually exclusive & cannot be combined with other promotions or applied to prior sales. 10-20% Discount only applies to the installation cost. Offers Expire 06/10/24 BETTER WATER FOR YOUR FAMILY PROTECT YOUR WATER AGAINST Bacteria Iron Stains Odor Calcium Scale LIMITED-TIME OFFER KINETICO INSTALLATION COSTS* 10-20% OFF R106223 Not Responsible For Typographical Errors Family Owned & Operated in Lancaster County Since 1959 1011 Dry Tavern Rd., Denver, PA 17517 (Fivepointville) • 717-445-6791 • 1-800-856-4031 • Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8am-8pm; Wed. & Sat. 8am-5pm; Closed Sunday 65th YEAR! 1959-2024 Follow us on Twitter Sale Dates: April 29-May 4, 2024 In Stock Only! Café Phone # (717) 471-7131 Haystack Salad with a 20 oz. self-serve drink Café Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8am-8pm; Wed. & Sat. 8am-5pm Celebrate National Nurses Week 20% OFF Scrubs Assorted Styles & Colors Scrubs Assorted Styles & Colors Shoes Weaver’s Store 7th Annual PLANT SWAP May 11, 2024 • 10:00 a.m. (Plant Check-In Starts at 9:00 a.m.) Where: Weaver’s Store Parking Lot 1011 Dry Tavern Rd., Denver, PA 17517 For more details or questions, please call 717-445-6791. $969+tax Café R106391

will also be held. The first will be held on Tuesday, May 21, and the second will depart on Friday, May 24. There is a cost to take part in the bus trips.

The May 8 event will feature Don Horning, board member with the New Holland Area Historical Society, discussing how Victor Weaver offered stable employment to Hispanic migrant workers. He will bring copies of the book “The Story of Victor F. Weaver” by Allan W. Shirk to the event. Miriam Gonzales Lauver will speak on the beginnings of the Spanish Mennonite Church in New Holland, and Ramona Rivera Santiago and Paul Hess, pastor of Rawlinsville Mennonite Church, will discuss the migrant worker experience in that area. Jesus Cruz will discuss

the Hispanic experience in the city of Lancaster from historical and current perspectives.

The May 21 bus trip will begin by visiting the site of the former New Holland Spanish Mennonite Church in a basement room at 209 E. Main St. Horning and Lauver are both expected to be present to discuss the origins of the church, which Lauver attended as a child, in that space. “The emotion of the people who went down the steps who had started their lives there as small children was palpable,” shared Horning. “I want to try to tell people of that.” From there, the bus will travel to the Bridgeport area, where the Ortega family from Mexico owned the land where the Lancaster Mennonite Church was built. The next stop will be Rawlinsville, where Hess will discuss the history of the early migrant workers. A trip to the Tomato Station in Holtwood will complete the tour.

The May 24 trip will also stop at the site of the former Spanish Mennonite Church before heading to the Spanish American Civic Association in Lancaster.

Cruz will distribute brochures about the center to tour takers. “The organization provides all kinds of different programs,” he said of the 51-year-old organization. “They are still there providing really valuable services in Spanish to the communityespecially to people coming in from Latino countries.”

Cruz mentioned that the organization provides training and help to gain an

See Education pg 9

4 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024 Greens COW CHOW ICE CREAM 48 Oz $1.89 Root Beer Float ICE CREAM BARS 6 Ct $1.99 ICED CINNAMON ROLLS 6 Oz 2/$1 TURKEY POT PIE 7 Oz 89¢ Fineline BROCCOLI FLORETS 32 Oz $3.29 Simplot FRIES Lb 89¢ Breaded BUTTERFLY SHRIMP 48 Oz $25.50 RICOTTA CHEESE 32 Oz $2.69 Walnut Creek - Variety SHREDDED CHEESE 2 Lb $6.49 BLACK FOREST SLICED HAM 1 Lb $1.99 Land O Lakes SOLID BUTTER 1 Lb $3.49 STRING CHEESE 24 Oz $2.99 Oscar Mayer BACON 16 Oz $3.49 Walnut Creek PRETZEL STICKS OR TWISTS 16 Oz 99¢ Nature Valley Trail Mix FRUIT & NUT BARS 7 4 Oz $1.39 Pepperidge Farms Lemon Blueberry SWIRL BREAD 2/$5 Herrs CHEESE CURLS & POPCORN 2/$5 Moms Best BLUEBERRY WHEATFULS 15 5 Oz $1.29 Crayola GUMMI PEACH RINGS 32 Oz $4.99 Nabisco HONEY GRAHAMS 19 2 Oz $2.49 Best Yet SALAD DRESSINGS 16 Oz $2.39 Pam COOKING SPRAY 12 Oz $2.99 Bakers Angel Flake SWEETENED COCONUT 14 Oz $1.99 Betty Crocker BUTTERMILK PANCAKE MIX 37 Oz $1.99 Best Yet EVAPORATED MILK 12 Oz $1.59 Campell’s CREAM OF CHICKEN SOUP 50 Oz $2.99 Heinz ORGANIC KETCHUP 32 Oz $2.79 Depends FOR WOMEN XXL 68 Ct $32.50 HOURS: Mon.-Wed. 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Thurs. & Fri. 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sat. 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. Closed R106397 FRUITS & PRODUCE • GROCERIES • BULK FOODS • MEAT & CHEESE 1614 Division Hwy., Ephrata, PA Located in Hinkletown • 717.738.9086 PRODUCE DELI DELI FROZEN GROCERY PRODUCE Fully Cooked BEEF BURGERS Phillips LACEY SWISS CHEESE Kraft MAC & CHEESE Red/Yellow/Orange PEPPERS $589 $279 89¢ $189 Hormel COOKED HAM Lb $2.99 Hatfield TAVERN HAM Lb $4.09 CALIFORNIA NAVELS 8 Lbs $5.99 CAROLINA STRAWBERRIES Qt $4.99 (while supplies last) LOCAL POTATOES 10 Lbs $2.49 JUMBO CALIFORNIA LEMONS 3/$1 CELERY 99¢ Café Hours: Mon.-Wed. 7:30 a.m.5:00 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m., Sat. 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Lb. 7.25 Oz. Lb. Lb. Café Special – Loaded Fries $6.99 Provided as a community service by this civic minded publication in conjunction with the Association of Community Publishers and Community Papers of Michigan To learn more about Paws With A Cause and to find out how you help, just download this app and watch the story come to life! GET ZAPPAR ZAP THE CODE TO DONATE R102383 R105446 Mulch • Soil • Stone PREMIUM BARK Double-shredded aged hardwood bark. No wood added. BEAUTY BARK Black or Brown color enhancement of Premium Bark. Keeps its color very well! 3186 Strasburg Rd., Coatesville, PA 19320 (610) 383-6818 We deliver any quantity between 2-60 cubic yards DYED MULCH Red, Black, or Brown. Double-shredded bark & wood blend. SAFE COVER Certified by IPEMA™ as a playground mulch. To view product specification & certification requirements, please visit BARK BLEND Double-shredded aged blend of bark and wood. Dark brown color. NATURES BLEND Double-shredded, aged blend of hardwoods. Dark brown color. Delivering Quality Mulch Products Since 1987! 40 40FEST DANNY GOKEY CROWDER COCHREN & CO. RHETT WALKER LEANNA CRAWFORD BEHOLD THE BELOVED CHERRY CREST ADVENTURE FARM, RONKS SATURDAY, MAY 18 R106075 R105903 STRASBURG MASONRY SUPPLY 118 Miller Street, Strasburg, PA 17579 (717) 687-6538 PLAN YOUR LANDSCAPING AND HOME IMPROVEMENTS FOR SPRING Pick Up or Delivery Available NEW SPRING HOURS: WEEKDAYS 7 AM-4:30 PM; SATURDAYS 7 AM-NOON Premium Bark MULCH Dyed Red, Black or Brown MULCH Mushroom MULCH Decorative Stone River Jack • River Gravel • Red Stone TOP SOIL FRESH MULCH HAS ARRIVED!
Education from pg 2

40 years of Christ and community at WJTL 40 Fest

For four decades, WJTL has been a home for Christian programming, and the radio station wants to honor its legacy and longevity by giving back to the community. WJTL 40 Fest will be held on Saturday, May 18, at Cherry Crest Adventure Farm, 150 Cherry Hill Road, Ronks. The event will begin at noon and will wrap up with a headlining performance by Crowder, beginning at 8:15 p.m.

“We wanted a day to celebrate our 40th anniversary and decided a festival lineup at an outside venue would create the type of event perfect for a celebration,” said Phillip Miller, event and facilities director. “I had been talking with Cherry Crest Adventure Farm since 2022 about using their facility for an outside concert, and we

thought our 40th anniversary would be the perfect time to bring a great lineup of music to the property.”

The lineup for the festival includes Behold the Beloved, which will perform at 3 p.m.; Leanna Crawford, who will entertain at 4 p.m.; Rhett Walker, who will hit the stage at 5 p.m.; Cochren & Co, which will perform at 6 p.m.; Danny Gokey, who will play at 7 p.m.; and Crowder, who will close out the evening.

“40 Fest will be a day of family fun and great music focused on celebrating 40 years of living out our slogan, ‘Christ. Community. Music.’ Cherry Crest Adventure Farm will have their spring attractions open,” Miller shared. “We’re planning an event that everyone can enjoy, whether you’ve listened to WJTL since 1984 or 2024. 40 Fest will provide a fun day for all.”

WJTL’s story began in 1984, when the station was housed in a renovated chicken house across from Lancaster Bible College, recalled president Fred McNaughton.

“During this time, WJTL expanded its reach, going 24 hours and beginning to broadcast in stereo,

while also engaging with the community through various events, including a popular weekly roller skate to contemporary Christian music,” he said.

By the mid-1990s, WJTL had moved to a new location on Oregon Pike.

“WJTL also began inviting local organizations to the morning show to share their stories and promote their events,” McNaughton said.

In 2011, the station relocated to its current home at The Junction Center in Manheim. “The move to The Junction Center not only allowed WJTL to continue its community-focused approach, but it also provided a space to invite and host listeners and other community groups in new and engaging ways,” he said.

Through the years and all the changes, one thing is unchanged, he noted.

“WJTL’s core mission has remained steadfast: to play great Christian music that inspires and challenges its listeners, to serve its community with all its heart and to honor the Lord Jesus Christ in all it does,” he said.

As for the next 40 years, listeners can expect to continue to hear the live voices of friends in the community, said Stacey Gagne, vice president of operations.

“We want everyone who listens to be encouraged,

to find hope, and we believe all of those things are found in Jesus,” she stated. “In the next 40 years, we will continue to find new ways to connect with you and provide you with the great content that you expect from WJTL.”

Tickets for 40 Fest are available at www wjtl-40-fest.

NATURE’S COMPOST Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024 - 5 Visit and #BePrepared to respond to overdose. Opioids contribute to 9 out of 10 preventable overdose deaths in Lancaster County. R106052 Items May Be Past “Best Buy” Date. 322 GENERAL STORE CALL TO ORDER 717-449-4802 *Prices & Availability Subject to Change One Week from Publication or While Supplies Last. Payment Expected On Delivery. (CASE LOT SALES ONLY) DELIVERY ONLY! R106167 FREE DELIVERY $75 OR MORE $200 Order Receive FREE Snacks $300 Receives 2 FREE Snacks Chicken Nuggets 6/16 oz $1.49 lb Whole Turkeys 7 lb avg 99¢ lb Smoked Sliced Pork Roll (fully cooked) 4/3 lb 99¢ lb Sliced Smoked Ham 4 5 lb $1.49 lb Smoked Cooked Hot Ham 20 lb 18¢ lb Peppered Cooked Ham 30 lb 29¢ lb Sliced Bacon 15 lb $2.49 lb Bacon Ends & Pieces 4/5 lb 99¢ lb Hatfield Scrapple (fully cooked) 24/16 oz $1.49 lb Hot Dogs 2/5 lb $1.49 lb Pork Sausage Patties (fully cooked) 12 lb $1.49 lb Italian Sausage Crumbles 3/4 lb $1.49 lb Pepperoni Ends & Pieces 20 lb $1.49 lb White Castle Cheeseburger Sliders 96/1 83 oz 25¢ ea Ground Beef 2/10 lb $2.99 lb Pepperoni Pizza Hot Pockets 48/4 5 oz 75¢ ea Battered Shrimp 10 lb $2.49 lb Salmon Chunks 10 lb 99¢ lb Fish Sticks 20 lb $2.49 lb Nice Fish Filets 12/12 oz $1.49 lb Land O Lakes Salted Butter 6 lb $3.49 lb Longhorn Cheese 13 lb $2.99 lb Sliced Mozzarella Cheese 12/8 oz $1.99 lb Cinnamon Squares Cereal 12/10 oz 99¢ ea Waffle Crisp Cereal 10/11 5 oz 99¢ ea Hellmann’s Real Mayo 12/15 oz $1.79 ea Himalayan Fine Ground Salt 25 lb $1.25 lb Ground Coffee 22 lb 75¢ lb Creamy Peanut Butter 6/4 lb $1.49 lb Golden Vanilla Sandwich Cookies 12/14 3 oz 50¢ ea Roasted Pecan Halves 3/2 lb $2.99 lb Distilled Water 6/1 gal 99¢ ea Yellow Corn Chips 24 lb 99¢ lb Crisco Butter Shortening 12/3 lb $1.49 lb All Purpose Flour 8/5 lb 49¢ lb R104163
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Crowder will headline WJTL 40 Fest.

In a 16-6 Friday, April 19 loss to Lancaster Catholic, the Braves’ Carissa Mulder made a diving stop at second base.

Braves’ third baseman Chavelle Fisher makes the throw to first base during Pequea Valley’s 16-6 loss at Lancaster Catholic Friday, April 19.

Pequea Valley’s Bailey Scott suffered a 6-1, 6-1 No. 3 singles loss to Cocalico’s Aaron Wilczek in the Braves’ 3-1 playoff loss to the Eagles Friday, April 19.




Thu. 4/18 vs Annville Cleona W 4-3

Fri. 4/19 vs Lancaster Catholic L 5-1

Mon. 4/22 at Lancaster Mennonite W 12-0

Wed. 4/24 vs Northern Lebanon W 5-4

Thu. 4/19 at Lancaster Catholic L 16-6

Mon. 4/22 vs Lancaster Mennonite W 24-5

Wed. 4/24 at Northern Lebanon L 15-0

Thu. 4/19 at Cocalico L 3-1

Tue. 4/23 at McCaskey L 4-1

Pequea Valley’s Kayleigh Schaefer reaches for a high pitch during the Braves 16-6 loss to Lancaster Catholic Friday, April 19 at Stauffer Park in Lancaster.

6 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024
R106345 Pequea Valley’s Isolde Graham beats the throw to Lancaster Catholic catcher Lea Krow but the Braves fell short in the team triumph, falling 16-6 on Friday, April 19 at Stauffer Park in Lancaster. PV’a Audrey Beiler pitched in relief during Friday’s 16-6 loss at Lancaster Catholic April 19 in Lancaster. photos by Mona Steinhauer file photo

The first official observance of Memorial Day’s predecessor, Decoration Day, took place on May 30, 1868. That year, 183 cemeteries in 27 states celebrated Decoration Day, and observance grew in the years that followed. By 1890, all the northern states had made it an official state holiday. The southern states began celebrating Decoration Day after World War I, when it changed from honoring Civil War dead to honoring the American dead of all wars.

Memorial Day, as we know it, came about in 1967, when Decoration Day was renamed Memorial Day. In 1968, it was permanently moved from May 30 to the last Monday in May to create a threeday weekend. It became an official federal holiday in 1971.

Despite the increasing celebration of the holiday as the beginning of the summer season, there are some informal, as well as

formal, rituals still on the books. Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries and memorials and holding family gatherings. More formal rituals include hanging the American flag at half-staff until noon on Memorial Day, then raising it to the top of the staff. And since 2000, when the U.S. Congress passed legislation, all Americans are encouraged to pause for a National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m. local time.

Thousands of parades are held during Memorial Day in large and small cities throughout the United States. Most parades feature marching bands, servicemen, veterans and military vehicles from various wars. One such parade took place on June 6, 1971, in Gap when Route 41 was closed for services taking place at the Gap Town Clock.

In early 2019, the historical society was contacted by Jos Punie, a historian in Belgium, who said, “7 September 2019 would mark 75 years ago that our village Kortessem (Belgium) was liberated from German occupation

by American troops. Cpl. Clarence Hershey Wenger was one of two American soldiers killed in the fighting.”

Punie said the town was publishing a book about their village during World War II. He was requesting a photo and short biography of Wenger, who hailed from Salisbuty Township, so “he becomes more than just a name for our fellow villagers and will always be honored and remembered.” The society sent the following information, and the book was published later that year: Prior to enlisting in the U.S. Army Infantry on Dec. 7, 1942, at just 18 years of age, Clarence was a farmhand, living with his parents and siblings in Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Cpl. Wenger, at the time a Technician 5th Grade with the 82nd Armored Reconnaissance Division, was killed in action on Sept. 7, 1944, at Kortessem, Arrondissement Tongeren, Limburg, Belgium. His final resting place is Hershey Mennonite Cemetery. He was

20 years old.”

Let us pause this Memorial Day to honor and remember all of those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that freedom may continue to ring throughout our nation, as well making it possible for freedom to ring in many other areas of the world. Our military heroes will not be forgotten, both here and in many foreign countries where their sacrifices have touched the lives of others forever. Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024 - 7
Mon.-Thurs. 7-5, Fri. 7-7, Sat. 7-4, Closed Sun. Whole Block Muenster Cheese Approx. 6 Lbs. $199 Lbs. S’mores Season is Here! Hershey’s Chocolate Bars 9.3 Oz. 2/$5 Post Honey Graham Oh’s Cereal 10.5 Oz. 89¢ Original Oreo Cookies 18.12 Oz. Family Size $299 Sliced American Cheese $1079 5 Lbs. R106355 Special Prices Good Thursday, May 2nd thru Wednesday, May 15th or while supplies last 1403 W. Kings Hwy., Gap, PA 17527 (Blinking light at Rt. 10 & 340) 717-442-5768 Now Serving: Hand-Dipped Ice Cream Hand-Dipped Ice Cream Special for every Tuesday in May Bring a friend and get Buy 1, Get 1 FREE Ice Cream *Does not include Milkshakes. New For 2024 Milkshakes! Weed Eaters, Chain Saws, Etc. Rototillers Trimmers & Mowers Zero Turn with Attitude! Residential & Commercial Mowers 2917 Old Philadelphia Pike Bird-in-Hand, PA 17505 717-768-3729 R105990 START SPRING WITH... THE RIGHT TOOLS Mon-Thurs, Sat 9am-5pm Fri 9am-8pm 1054 S. State Street, Ephrata 717-733-4934 SECONDHAND FOR SPRING R106390 Mon-Thurs, Sat 9am-5pm • Fri 9am-8pm 1054 S. State Street, Ephrata 717-733-4934 • R105055 THE BEST TILLER ON EARTH No Belts • No Chains • No Equal WES STAUFFER EQUIPMENT LLC 23 Pleasant Valley Rd. East of Ephrata 717-738-4215 • 7 To 13 H.P. • Lifetime Trans Warranty • Optional Attachments: Furrower, Rotary Plow, Mowers, Broom, Shredder, Snow Thrower and More. BCS Dealer for 38 Years SPRING SALE! Save $400-$500 OFF Select Models (Offer Ends 5/31/24) Monday-Thursday 8-5; Friday 8-8; Saturday 8-2; Sunday Closed 1620 Cambridge Rd., Honey Brook, PA (610) 273-2990 SHOE REPAIR ALSO AVAILABLE We’ll fix your boots & shoes, purses & leather goods with quality materials! Shoes & Boots For The Whole Family Shop low prices on all of the latest styles for men, women & kids. R106442 R105761 32 S. Belmont Rd. Paradise, PA 17562 (1⁄2 mile South of Rt. 30) Ph. # 717-687-8756 LLC Gift Certificates Available House Plants Air Plants Bedding Plants Perennials Succulents Gardening Supplies Mini Garden Supplies Macrames Closed Thurs., May 9 & Mon., May 20 With Love To Our Mother... With Love To Our Mother... Lots of beautiful hanging baskets, Ferns and planters! Memorial Day Route 41 near the Gap Town Clock was closed on June 6, 1971, for a Memorial Day parade.

Giving Trail to combat hunger

The second annual Giving Trail will take place on Saturday, May 4, in the 300 block of North Queen Street in Lancaster. This event is dedicated to collecting food and funds and raising awareness for local hunger-relief nonprofits.

From noon to 4 p.m., participants will embark on a journey through the

heart of Lancaster city visiting businesses such as Central Market Flowers, DROM, Lancaster Gift Box, the Bloom Room, and Decades, each showcasing the work of local hunger-relief organizations. Among the participating nonprofits are Meals on Wheels of Lancaster, Power Packs Project, Lancaster County Food Hub, the Wittel Farm Growing Project, and Water Street Mission.

Attendees will have the opportunity to donate a nonperishable food item or make a monetary contribution at each stop. Additionally, participants will receive a Giving Trail Passport at their first stop, and they may collect stamps at each location visited. Those who complete the trail will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a prize donated by local businesses.

Power Packs Project will received all food donations collected during the event.

For more information, visit https://lancastergift

Water from pg 1

temperature and look for nitrates and oxygen. Regular biological testing will include searching for macroinvertebrates, insect larvae, and small aquatic life in the stream. “(Finding life) is an exceptional indicator of water quality,” noted Saad. Other volunteer work will include assessing whether the stream bank is stable and whether there are vegetation issues, such as the presence of invasive plants.

District, an organization working to enhance awareness of the relationship between human activities and the environment, and ELANCO Source Water Collaborative. “The WQVC is a group of local volunteers who care about their local streams and want to see how they’re doing,” said Amanda Goldsmith, watershed specialist with the Conservation District, who added that a number of county partners, volunteers, government agencies, and citizens are all working together to clean up local streams. “Through water quality monitoring, volunteers are able to help tell the story of local stream improvement,” Goldsmith explained.

“We will pair up with the Conservation District to train volunteers to begin monitoring various sites,” explained Saad, who added that water testing began about 20 years ago with the Senior Environment Corps working with the Office of Aging, but later, it became a more generalized program where any citizen could volunteer. “People need not be seniors. This is open to everyone,” said Saad.

Monthly requirements for volunteers will include chemical, biological, and physical testing. Volunteers will check water

“Once the training is complete, experienced mentors will accompany (volunteers) until they feel comfortable doing it themselves,” noted Saad, who pointed out that the Conservation District has a satellite site at Garden Spot Village (GSV), where volunteers will be able to pick up supplies for testing the water. Samples may be brought to GSV for testing and to enter results into a computer database. “The database is maintained by the county, and it’s available to any citizen group that wants to take a look at water quality in various areas of the county,” said Saad. “The program isn’t meant to create any kind of a regulatory atmosphere, (rather) it is done for awareness and so that professionals can keep an eye on the level of water quality issues in the county.”

According to Goldsmith, the WQVC sampling will provide volunteers with an opportunity to become an integral part of data collection. “Monitoring also identifies areas that aren’t improving and where restoration efforts are needed most,” she said.

Readers who are interested in volunteering in the program may email or call the Terre Hill Borough at 717-445-4581.

8 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024
R105924 Annual Customer Appreciation OPEN HOUSE: for New Shop by White Horse Construction 3360 Strasburg Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365 484-787-9363 Mon.-Sat. 8:30 to 5, Fri. 8:30 to 6 Helicopter Rides will be happening from 10-12 pm contingent on weather. R106398 CENTERVILLE BULK FOODS 291 Centerville Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529 • 717-768-3684 (Fax 717-768-3685) Monday, April 29 thru Saturday, May 11 While Supplies Last WE NOW HAVE FRESH SUBS TO GO! We will also put together subs for your next benefit auction. Kunzler Hot Dogs 1 Lb $2.39 Kreider Farms Orange Juice Gal $7.99 Best Yet Crispy Rice Cereal 12 Oz $2.29 Keebler Asst. Cracker Packs 8/6 Pks 2/$6 Keebler Club Crackers 13 7 Oz $3.49 Nabisco Ritz Crackers 64 65 Oz $7.99 Nabisco Oreo Cookies 18 12 Oz $2.99 Heinz Organic Tomato Ketchup 2/44 Oz $7.29 Free Coffee Every Tuesday! Turkey Hill Ice Cream 1 5 Qt $2.75 Customer Appreciation Sale May 15 10% Off Store Wide Chicken BBQ & Ribs Every Saturday (717) 517-4473 In Business Since 1995 R106118 LIFETIME WARRANTY ON ALL VINYL WINDOWS AND DOORS! #PA 032769 $479 INSTALLED! $2,495 INSTALLED! New white vinyl Energy Efficient Double Hung Windows (3 window min) optional ext. capping - addl. charge New white vinyl Energy Efficient Sliding Glass Doors Financing Available BUY 5, GET 1 FREE! R105873 ANDERSON CHIROPRACTIC CENTER Dr. G.E. Anderson 307 Airport Road, Smoketown, PA 17576 Located Just Off Route 340; Behind The Turkey Hill 717-293-9744 I will be in the office May 3-11, 2024 R104891 717-656-6826 A Division of Sunny Slope Tree Service SPRING HOURS (APR/MAY/JUNE): M-F 6-6, Sat. 7-2 Under New Ownership! New Location! Call for delivery options PICK-UP AT: 157 North Westview Drive Gordonville, PA 17529 Mulch • Topsoil Woodchips All Products Available by the Bag!
ELANCO Source Water Collaborative members Bob Rissler (left) and Linda Saad with Fuzz in front of the Conestoga River

understanding of the local community. Tour takers will then tour an area within a 1-mile radius of the center.

Readers who are interested in taking one of the bus tours may call 717-355-6000 by Thursday, May 16, to purchase tickets. More information may be found at www events.

Music scholarship winners announced

The Lancaster Music Teachers Association (LMTA) and the Wolf Museum of Music and Art have announced the 2024 winners of the second annual Dr. William A. and Frances Harkness Wolf Music Scholarships. The awards are $1,500 music camp scholarships for winners in the junior division for those in grades seven through nine and the senior division for those in grades 10 to 12, along with $8,000 scholarships for each collegiate winner. The total amount to be presented for 2024 is $31,500.

The awards program will follow a recital by the winners on Sunday, May 5, at 2 p.m. at the Lancaster Church of the Brethren,1601 Sunset Ave., Lancaster. The recital is free and open to the public.

May 18, 2024

At 7 AM-12 Noon (Set-up Around 6)

The junior winner is Ariel Hu, a Manheim Township Middle School student taught by Justin Badgerow.

The senior winners are Alliyah Beachy, a homeschooled junior taught by Cheryl Braun; William Lee, a Manheim Township High School student taught by Rosemary Blessing; Rya McKain, a Warwick High School student taught by Laura Nguyen; and Andrew Xie, a Hempfield High School student taught by Braun.

The collegiate winners are Jaden Espenshade, a homeschooled senior taught by Braun; Stephanie Kim, a Cumberland Valley High School senior taught


by professor Eun-Ae BaikKim; and Nora Lowther, a Manheim Township High School senior taught by Carolyn North.

More information on the LMTA and the Wolf Scholarships is available at www .lancastermusicteachers .org and www.wolfinstitute Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024 - 9
Paradise Fire Co. 1st Annual Saturday, May 4th, 2024 4:00pm-8:00pm Paradise Community Park 6 Londonvale Rd., Paradise, PA EVENTS INCLUDE: CAR SHOW - FOOD & DRINKS FIRE TRUCK SHOW & TELL - KIDS 12 & UNDER CANDY DROP More Info: Call Barry 717-380-7911 • Registration: $15 Pre-registration available R105703 CHICKEN BAR-B-QUE SATURDAY, MAY 4TH • 10 A.M.–? Takeout Drive-Thru Chicken or Dinners Proceeds Benefit INTERCOURSE FIRE COMPANY 10 North Hollander Rd. Intercourse, PA 717-768-3402 R105412 MULCH SALE Double-Ground Wood Chips Available While Supplies Last! Thursday evening 6-7 P.M. Saturday 8-10 A.M. until May 20th or until sold out. Sold by Donation All other times by appointment Delivery Available Proceeds Benefit WHITE HORSE FIRE CO. Pick up at: Salisbury Township Municipal Building 5581 Old Philadelphia Pike, Gap 717-201-8114 Please bring your lawnchairs. Check out our Facebook page for updates. In the event of inclement weather, event will be indoors. Enjoy free popcorn, snacks, and refreshments. — ALL ARE WELCOME — Pequea EC Church 5482 Old Philadelphia Pike, Gap, PA 17527 OUTDOORMOVIENIGHTMAYFRIDAY,10TH 8:00 PM FREE R106376 ATPEQUEAE.C.CHURCH “BIG HERO 6” R106430 R106310 ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT BOWMANSVILLE FIRE COMPANY Bowmansville Memorial Park 155 Church St., Narvon, PA 17555 Food Will Be Served By The Fire Company Members Throughout The Event. 20’x20’ Spaces $20.00 per space Spaces Are Limited, Reserve By May 15th Table For Rent $5.00 per table (Fee is on top of the $20 if you rent a space) Contact Zach High 610-488-2882
be out of
Interested In Reserving
Sale Or Would
More Information, Please
AT 610-488-2882
the park by 12:30 p.m.
You Are
A Spot
The Yard
Education from pg 4
Preparing to share the Latino Experience in New Holland are (from left) Jesus Cruz, SaraJane Munshower, Don Horning, Paul Kelley, Karyn Nancarvis, and Chet Yoder.

improvement homespring

Plant sale preview, Herb and Garden Faire planned

Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum, located on Landis Valley Road off Oregon Pike (Route 272), Lancaster, has planned events leading up to and occurring during Mother’s Day weekend.

The Landis Valley’s Heirloom Seed Project (HSP) will host its inaugural Plant Sale Preview Party on Thursday, May 9, from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Attendees may buy HSP plants, honor mothers and HSP volunteers, enjoy wine and cheese, and have chances to win HSP door prizes. People must be 21 years of age or older to obtain wine. The dress code is garden creative casual, and muck boots are encouraged. There is a discount for Landis Valley Associates members.

Sponsorships are available, and a portion of the fee will go to HSP. To purchase tickets by Tuesday, May 7, at 5 p.m., visit www and click on Events.

Landis Valley will host its 36th Herb and Garden Faire from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, May 10, and Saturday, May 11. The event will occur rain or shine, and attendees are advised to dress for the weather.

The event will feature plants from HSP, along with items from vendors spread out over the historic village area of the site. Vendors will sell heirloom plants, native plants, and other hard-to-find varieties. Food and drinks will be available on-site.

Tickets will be available for purchase in advance at the aforementioned website as well as at the front gate on the day of the event. There is a discount for seniors age 65 and up and children ages 6 to 11. Admission is free to children age 5 and under. For the full vendor list, visit the previously mentioned website.

National Day of Prayer service posted

St. John’s Episcopal Church, Compass, 1520 W. King’s Highway, Gap, will hold an ecumenical National Day of Prayer service on Thursday, May 2, at 7 p.m. This event is open to all people, and the facility is handicapped-accessible. For more information, call 717-442-4302 or email stjohnscompass@gmail. com.

Giving back from pg 1

Bank of Bird-in-Hand recently reached its 10 year anniversary, and Hall said the employee giving program - originally called the Jeans Day program - has been going on for several years. “Each month, they would select a nonprofit and make a suggested donation, and (employees who donated) could wear jeans that day,” said Hall. As dress codes evolved, the program changed and sometimes donation drives were mixed in with the giving program, which benefited a different local organization each month.

For 2024, Hall decided to change things up a little. Rather than choose one organization and collect a lot of different items, Hall decided to focus on a few designated items and spread them out to a number of organizations. In February, the employees collected bottles of laundry detergent, detergent pods, and other laundry supplies.

Employees in the five Lancaster County branches - located in Bird-in-Hand, Intercourse, Paradise, Ephrata, and Manheim - as well as outside the county, took part. “It was successful,” said Hall, who noted that more than 300 containers were collected and distributed to 10 organizations. “People don’t think of donating (detergent) to a food pantry,” she noted. “All the organizations were so appreciative.” Local nonprofits that received the donations included The Factory Market, Good Samaritan Services in Ephrata, Solanco Neighborhood Ministries, CrossNet Ministries, REAL Life Community Services in Denver, and the Manheim Central Food Pantry.

During the month of April, Hall connected the drive with Earth Day, focusing on repurposing items such as blankets, sheets, and towels for pet rescues including Pet Pantry of Lancaster County, Forgotten Friend Reptile Sanctuary, Raven Ridge Wildlife Center, Centerville Pet Rescue, and Eliannie Animal Rescue. Hall’s marketing assistant, Tory Aldinger, said that paper towel rolls and bleach were also requested.

In addition to donations, employees volunteer their time. In keeping with the Earth Day theme, volunteers picked up litter along a section of highway in Bird-in-Hand on April 25 as part of the Adopt-A-Highway program. “With The Factory Ministries, (bank) staff members help out with big bingo events held in September and December,” noted Hall. “It’s a lot of fun. The staff enjoys helping, and it’s a great way to connect with the people in our community.”

Looking ahead, Hall has been talking to local nonprofits about summer projects. “In June, when kids are out of school, they need snack foods and peanut butter and jelly,” she said. “I want to make sure (the nonprofits) are getting things they can use to meet the needs of the community.”

scan this code for more local news

10 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024
Your local metal roofing and siding supply store! Power seamers available for mechanical seam R105260 1½" SnapLock Panel 3' Light Gauge Panel Board & Batten Metal Siding 1¾" Snap Lock Panel 2" Mechanical Seam 1" Mechanical Seam 1½" ⅞" ¾" ¾" 1¾" 2" 1" • Panels rolled out on site • Pre-notched panels for faster install • 26 and 24 gauge coil available • Textured, smooth, and matte finishes Call today for free samples shipped to you! 6085 Division Highway • Narvon, PA 17555 717-875-9521 Don’t forget we also have all of the accessories! Clips, screws, pop rivets, butyl tape, backer rod, pipe collars, touch-up paint, hi-temp ice and water shield, tiger paw, Beartown snowguards Beautify your Surroundings with Black Mulch Salisbury Rentals 281 White Horse Rd., Gap 17527 (in the White Horse area) 717-826-8342 R106337 R105198 Latshaw’s Junk Removal Dumpster Rental Service Household & Property Clean-outs 15, 20, 30 yard dumpsters @ Affordable Prices 1293 Reservoir Road Honey Brook, PA 19344 Family Owned, Operated & Insured 610-273-7490 R106019 Jay’s Handyman Service Free Estimates Cell: 484-467-4069 or 610-563-1476 A Father-Son Operated Business No Job Too Small! Clean Up • Clean Out • Roof Seal Coating Power Washing & Soft Washing Gutter Repair • Gutter Cleaning Painting & Drywall • Screen & Door Repair • Shed Repair Light Electrical & Light Plumbing Vinyl Flooring • Work on Mobile Homes Light Hauling (2,800 lb. limit) & More! Fully Insured PA 113649 Paints & Spray Equipment - FREE Delivery Quality Products Low Prices EPHRATA 717-733-4388 KINZERS 717-768-3239 QUARRYVILLE 717-786-8781 Paints & Spray Equipment - FREE Delivery Quality Products Low Prices EPHRATA 717-733-4388 KINZERS 717-768-3239 QUARRYVILLE 717-786-8781 R106366
Bank of Bird-in-Hand employees gathered to clean up a section of highway as part of the Adopt-A-Highway program.

Sadsbury Friends

Webster noted that this is the first tea that the Meeting has been held in several years because of the pandemic.

“We recommend reservations in advance,” she said. “People can call ahead to reserve a spot, and payment will be accepted at the door. We are taking reservations for every 15 minutes from 2 to 4 p.m. People have to pick a time at 15-minute


To reserve a ticket, call 484-985-0454. There will be separate prices for adults and for children age 12 and under.

Walk-ins will be welcome as space permits.

In addition, dark blue coffee mugs featuring an image of the meetinghouse will be for sale as part of the anniversary celebration.

According to www.sads




Daniel F. Stoltzfus, 717-442-9493

John Riehl, 717-278-2510

Amos Stoltzfus Jr., 717-475-9397

JD Fisher, 484-614-8992

Auction Day: 717-606-3020, the meetinghouse is one of the oldest houses of worship in Lancaster County. Sadsbury Friends Meeting was founded in 1724, and the original meetinghouse was built in 1725. In 1747,

a larger meetinghouse, the present stone building, was constructed. Friends members took part in anti-slavery activities using their homes as stations of the Underground Railroad. They were also active in the

Christiana Resistance of 1851 and during the time of the Civil War.

Currently, silent gatherings of worship are held on Sundays at 10:15 a.m. with a child-friendly area, and an adult forum is held at 11 a.m.

For more information about the tea and the meetinghouse, visit the aforementioned website or search for “Sadsbury Friends Meeting” on Facebook.

Sty, 5 BR, 2.5 BA Victorian style home approx. 3,413 sq ft. of living space on approx 4.56 Acres built in 1900’s. Layout: First floor - mudroom, porch, eat in kitchen, dining room, living room, office half bath and expansive foyer with beautiful wooden staircase to 2nd floor. Second floor: 4 bedrooms, hallway bath. Third floor: large finished space with exterior stairs. Basement: Full basement - partially finished.

Property features: Detached oversized 2 car garage/barn combo - approx. 1050 sq ft., garden and picnic area, 2 ponds with walking bridge. Quiet and secluded back yard area. Utilities: Public water, and on site septic, 200 amp electric. Mix of Split unit, propane and FWA oil heat. Taxes: Approx $8,659.00 annual.

Auctioneers Note: Large home with lots of options and opportunities. Detached garage/barn combo. Beautiful backyard area with ponds and pergola picnic area. Industrial/Commercial Zoning on 372 corridor. Photos and additional information available at our website.

Terms: Property sold As-Is. 10% deposit day of sale. Buyer pays 2% State

Transfer Tax. Settlement on or before Dec 6, 2023

Showing: Open House Date: Wed., May 1 4-6 PM - Property also shown by appointment. Please call auctioneer at (717) 575-4263 to schedule private showing.

5238 Old Philadelphia Pike, Kinzers. Rt. 340 E. of Intercourse toward White Horse. Property on right.

2 unit investment property (known as 5236 & 5238 Old Phila. Pk., Kinzers). Each unit has eat-in kitchen w/appliances, living rm., laundry, elec. BB heat, 2 bdrms., 1 bath, covered soffit, fascia, 18x29 barn/shed, macadam drive & parking area all on 4/10 acre lot. Separate utilities. Owners currently live in 1st floor unit. Modest rent. Potential gross income: $26,400. Zoned Ag. After 25 years, owners relocating & serious to sell. Solid 2 unit investment property w/potential. Convenient location. Easy to own, economical & low taxes. Personal inspection by appointment or Open House May 4, 11 & 18 from 1 to 4 PM For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368).

Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr.

Z. Nolt

M. Horning



MAY 24, 2024 AT 5 P.M.


671 Overlys Grove Rd.: 2½ sty. w/3662 SF plus efficiency apartment. Main unit has eat-in kitchen, family & living rms., 4 bdrms., 1½ baths, partial finish bsmt., LP gas HW BB heat, central AC, upgraded/new replacement windows, siding, roof, insulation, kitchen & bath. Attached efficiency 1st floor apt. w/ kitchen, living rm., 1 bdrm., bath, gas HW heat & wall AC unit.

673 Overlys Grove Rd.: Shop/gar. 76x55 (new 2006) w/3676 SF shop area, 18x10 office, lavatory/utility rm., (3) 12x10 doors, gas heat, water, elec., attached 2 sty. w/2 separate 2 bdrm. apt. units, each w/kitchen, living rm., bath, gas air heat & central AC. (Rent $980 each).

675 Overlys Grove Rd.: Garage/shop bldg. 62x44 (new 2010), includes: separate garage 35x24 w/(3) 10x10 doors, 3 bay divided garage 44x38 w/ (3) 11x14 doors & shop.

677 Overlys Grove Rd.: 2 sty. horse barn 40x34 w/6 stalls, full 2nd floor, water & elec.

Level 3 ACRE lot w/lawn, garden, pond, stream, pasture area, macadam drive & parking, well & public sewer w/5 EDUs. Zoned RMD. After 20 years, owners serious to sell. Unique country property. Spacious main dwl., 3 apartments, separate large garage & shop bldgs. Ideal as residence or investment. Current gross yearly income $86,880. All bldgs. low maintenance, separate elec. & heat. Profitable set-up in desirable location. Minutes to New Holland, East Earl & White Horse. Personal inspection by appointment or Open House May 11, 18 & 25 from 1 to

Level: Family rm.

FP flue & glass door to patio; multi-purpose room w/kitchen countertops, cabinets & pantry; laundry rm.; utility rooms; and 1 BR efficiency/in-law quarters w/kitchen, appliances, liv. rm., lg. walk-in closet & full bath. Geo-thermal system w/central air, central vacuum & sprinkler system throughout. Property contains Detached 28x36 2-sty. garage w/upper level living quarters; Stone pool house w/full bath; 27,000 gal. heated Inground pool & playset; and a 20x60 4-stall horse barn. The land is partially wooded w/approx. 10 acre tillable, 2+acres fenced pasture, paved circle driveway w/lots of parking areas, lawn & prof. landscaping, on site well and septic. Enrolled in Clean & Green. Taxes: $5,942. Zoned: Ag. Subdivision potential.

NOTE: This gorgeous property is a rare gem with its beautiful setting and many possibilities. The home has formerly been the Dragonfly Bed & Breakfast offering guests the luxury of gorgeous views, numerous decks & porches to lounge on, pool & gazebo to enjoy and almost 30 acres of countryside for horseback riding, hunting and so much more! Easy access to 625, 222 & PA Turnpike and within minutes of restaurants, grocery stores & shopping.

OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, May 4, 11 & 18 (1-3 pm) or by apt. call 610-286-5183. TERMS: 10% down day of sale; settlement within 45 days of sale. Terms by: Paul D. & Michelle Bias. Kling, Deibler & Glick Attnys. Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024 - 11
Roy E. Good,
Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin
Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499,
5064, 3956 R105920
Randal V. Kline
671 Overlys Grove Rd., New Holland. Rt. 23 to New Holland. Right S. Kinzer Ave. Cross over Eastern School Road. Straight Overlys Grove Road. Property on left.
4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID
PUBLIC AUCTION 2½ STY. 4 BDRM. HOUSE w/APT. - 3 CAR GAR. SHOP/GAR. 76x55 - (2) 2 BDRM. APT. RENTALS GAR./SHOP 62x44 - 2 STY. 6 STALL HORSE BARN 40x34 3 ACRES w/STREAM & POND S. NEW HOLLAND - EAST EARL AREA FRIDAY, MAY 31 • 4 P.M. Steven R. & Lavina Stoltzfus 717-344-1956 (717) 442-9221 (610) 384-8433 Announcements at Auction Take Precedence Over Ads AY-002084 R106292 VALUABLE CHESTER CO. REAL ESTATE Well-Built One Story Home with Attached 2 Car Garage on a 1.02 +/- Acre Lot. Needs Interior Upgrades. 1993 Ford Conversion Van 54K Miles +/2012 Dodge Ram P/U 1500 HD 3,900 Miles +/2005 Rockwell Travel Trailer (Needs Work) Lawn Tractor, Like New Snow Blower, Power & Hand Tools, Furniture, & Household Goods 5528 Strasburg Road, Atglen, PA 19310 W. Sadusbury Twp — Octorara Schools May 29, 2024 ∙ 4:00pm - Real Estate at 6:00pm Well built one story 3 BR, 1 bath home with attached 2 car garage on a level 1.02 acre+/- lot. Living room brick fireplace, full basement with outside entrance, partial fenced backyard, oil heat, onsite well/septic. Needs updated throughout and seriously for sale-don’t miss it! Open for Inspection: 5/2/24 • 4-6 pm & 5/5/24 • 1-3 pm TERMS: Real Estate -10% Down at auction. Bal. by 7/10/24. Buyer pays all realty transfer tax. FOR: Robert J. Taran, Sr., Estate 610-286-5183 Merle Eberly • Alvin Horning C. Ivan Stoltzfus CAI Horning Farm Agency, Inc. AY002091 AUCTIONEERS • REALTORS • APPRAISERS R104982 LOCATION: 215 Boulder Hill Road, Mohnton, PA 19540. REAL ESTATE: Stone & vinyl 2 story home w/6+ BR’s & 6 full baths. One-owner country home on a beautiful setting w/scenic views; contains approx. 5,522 SF. featuring HW floors, bay windows, skylights, stained oak trim & custom quality throughout. Main Floor: 2-sty. foyer w/open staircase; sunken LR w/stone wood burning FP; deck & gazebo; eat-in kitchen w/appliances;
dining rm; master BR
walk-in closet
enclosed porch; master bath; BR w/private deck & full bath.
Level: Loft; 4 BRs and 3 full baths.
717-733-1006 Lic. #499,
LOT - MACADAM PARKING INTERCOURSE/GORDONVILLE/WHITE HORSE AREA THURSDAY, MAY 23 • 5 P.M. David J. Sr. & Beth D. Maxwell 484-225-0307 announcements sale day take precedence over public ads. Sam Goodley 3rd - Attorney PETERSHEIM & LONGENECKER AUCTIONEERS David and Orpha Rose Longenecker AU005150 / AU003806 (717) 575-4263 R106190
L. King Property located at: 4579 Lower Valley Rd., Atglen, PA 19310 - Chester Co. Directions: From Gap take Rt 41 S approx 4 M to L onto Lower Valley Road approx
to property on L.
DESCRIPTION: Real Estate: 3
conducted for: David R. & Kathy
Lic. #AY002397 Announcements Day Of Sale Take Precedence Over Any Printed Material. TERMS OF SALE: Cash or PA check w/ID. 5% Fee Will Be Charged For All Credit Card Transactions. NO BUYER’S PREMIUM. No Out-Of-State Checks. Mattie L. King Estate Exc. David Beiler ORDER OF SALE: Starting @ 8:00 AM Sharp with Antiques & H.H. Goods in Block 1, 2nd Block Starting @ 9:00 AM w/Books Followed by Quilts & Wall Hangers, Starting on Row Items @ Noon w/3rd Auctioneer. Grandfathers Clock Sells @ Noon, All Times Approx. Hope to See You @ The Auction. Directions: 340 to Beechdale Rd. Auction on Right. Selling @ 2 Rings All Day Old Country Auction 1800’S GRANDFATHER CLOCK H MEAT SLICER H OLD FURNITURE H MILK BOTTLES H EARLY TINS H LARGE STAMP COLLECTION H WOODEN HAND TOOLS H TOBACCO LATH H 1800’S GERMAN BOOKS 100’S OF QUILTS H WALL HANGERS H BUGGY WHEELS MILK CANS H LARGE AMOUNT OF KITCHEN WARE H.H. GOODS H BARN FULL OF ANTIQUES & PRIMITIVES FOOD ON-SITE 100’s of Pictures on ID # 25310
from pg 1





MONDAY, MAY 20 • 5 P.M.

860 S. Custer Ave., New Holland. From New Holland take S. Custer Ave. OR from White Horse take Rt. 897 N. Left Peters Rd. Right S. Custer Ave.

Country farm house w/2832 SF, large eat-in kitchen w/upgraded cabinets & pantry, laundry, living rm., family rm., mud rm., 5 bdrms., 1st floor bdrm., master bdrm. w/nursery, 2 full baths, utility rm., canning rm. & radiant HW gas heat. Updated w/new insulated/tilt windows, insulation, drywall, paint, flooring, addition, radiant HW gas heat sys., remodeled bsmt., low maintenance exterior, 2 car gar. 30x30, horse barn 16x30 w/water & elec., level rural 6/10 acre lot w/lawn & garden.

After 9 years owners relocating to farm in New York & serious to sell. Movein condition house w/numerous upgrades. Economical & low maintenance in ideal country location. Minutes to Intercourse & White Horse. Personal inspection by appointment or Open House May 4, 11 & 18 from 1 to 4 PM For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368).

Randal V. Kline

Roy E. Good, Jr.

Aaron Z. Nolt

Curvin M. Horning


Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956

John E. & Emma H. Stoltzfus 717-945-3936








• 5 P.M.

5150 Dogwood Dr., New Holland, PA 17557. From New Holland take Peters Rd. Left Red Well Rd. Right Diem Rd. Left Paes Rd. Left Dogwood Dr. to property on left. (Salisbury Twp., Lanc. Co.)

Custom 1½ story house w/3080 SF finished area, eat-in kitchen w/custom cabinets & appliances, dining area, living room w/bow window & stone wood fireplace, family room w/sliding door to rear deck, foyer, 3 bedrooms, 2½ baths, 1st floor laundry, playroom, office/sewing room (could be extra bedroom), attic, full basement, floor heat, mudroom & storage room (could be extra bedroom), propane high efficient boiler, radiant floor heat, stained trim & doors thru out, low maintenance exterior w/insulated windows, 2 car garage w/new door ‘21 & storage shed 12x20 w/overhead door, 8/10 ACRE partially wooded lot w/patio area (new ‘17), macadam driveway (new ‘20), plenty of lawn area, 1,000-gallon propane tank, low traffic road in quiet residential community.

Ideally located custom house w/spacious rooms w/plenty of expansion to a 5-bedroom house. A must see to appreciate. Convenient location, minutes to White Horse, New Holland & East Earl. Easy access to Rts. 897 & 340. Personal inspection by appointment or open house April 20, 27 & May 4 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood. com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call

Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)

Randal V. Kline, Roy E. Good, Jr.

Aaron Z. Nolt, Curvin M. Horning


Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956



Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 8:30 A.M. – Open to View at 6:00 A.M. Executive Coach, Inc., 525 Beaver Valley Pk, Lancaster, PA 17602 Watch for Signs

COLLECTIBLES – Sears & Roebuck JC Higgins 553.16 12 Gauge Shot Gun, Knife (from Puerto Rico 1958), Lionel #2026 Locomotive, Lionel #243 Locomotive, Lionel #646600 Tender, #1033 & #1015 Transformers, Old Bible (1872), Real Fur Muff, Nipper Stuffed Dog 1950’s, 50’s Stuffed Animals, Crocks, Complete Stroller/Carriage/Highchair Set, Fifties & Sixties Train sets, Sled (Lightning Glider), Lot of Avon Bottles, Electric Globe, Old Pictures, Croquet Set, Wooden Checkerboard, Original Cell Phone, Old Radio, Moravian Star (plastic), Broadcast Radio, Vintage Texaco Fire Engine, Aunt Jemima Jars, Sugar Creek Gang Books, Pennants, Candy Containers (Dog/Rabbit/Cat/Bus), Steward Toy Manufactor Plastic Dog & Pig, Woodberry Pewters, Old Square Toys, Old Potholder Kits, Texaco North Dakota Oil Tanker (Battery Operated), 1877 Geography Book (Elementary Course), Queen Elizabeth 2 Boat, Antique Folding Table, Antique Chester Drawer, Matchbox 1969 Case, Fisher Price Toys, Prints of Old Coaches (Bus), Hubley Car, Large Varity of Small Bus Models, Small Hershey Vending Machine, Paper Doll Box w/Dolls, Old Flyswatters, Old Decorative Fans, Antique Steam Roller (Toy), Old Eyeglasses, Pictures, Old Valentines, 1940 Picture by Grace Areyesaved, Calendar Towels, Torpedo Pencils, Flameless Cook Stove, Small Antique Chests, Small Chalkboard. TOYS – Hess, Winross & ERTL Trucks, Old Texaco Toys & Trucks, Old Toys, Erector Set, Plastic Brick Set, Puzzles, Old Toys, Marble Roller with Marbles, Kids Wheelbarrow, Jacks, Kaleidoscope, Pickup Sticks, Tinker toys, Tonka Car Carrier, Strucko Dump Truck – Hydraulic, Tennis Rackets, Bad Mitten Rackets, Boyd’s Bears, Beanie Babies, Match Box cars. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS – Fans, Mugs, Plastic Freezer Boxes, Misc. Jars, Varity of all Size Jars, 1 qt. Clear Canning Jars, 1 qt. Green Ball Jars, 2 qt Green Ball Jars, Tall Electric Fan, Glass Candle holders, Misc. Glasses (Pepsi/Smurf/ Cabbage Patch/ McDonalds), Coffee Cups, 4x4 Multi-Room Humidifier, Shaper Image Side Viewer, Cookie Cutters, Blue Royal Vacuum Sweeper with Power Nozzle. TOOLS – 2 Step Ladders, Tobacco Spear, Craftsman Drill Bits Set, Shampooer, Hedge Trimmers, Craftsman Edger, 36” Craftsman Aerator, Misc Shop Items, Small Wooden Sawhorses, Large C-Clap, DeWalt Cordless Drill (18 Volt), Retractable Shop Cord and more. FURNITURE – Twin Bedroom Suite, Child’s Work Bench, Old Green Cabinet, Small Chests, Old Cedar Chests, Large Chest of Drawers, High End Patio Table with Umbrella & 4 chairs, Chairs, Desk Chair, Blanket Chests, Dresser. MISCELLANEOUS – Men/Women’s Ice Skates, Bushel Baskets, Miniature Chests & Crates, Tins, Trinket Chests, Assortment of Caps, Assortment of Bags, Baskets, Suitcases, Briefcases, Cassette, 8 Track Tapes, CD’s, Cassette Recorder/Player, Fly Catchers, Pins, Pin Art Pieces, Misc. Large Pencils, VHS Tapes, Christmas Decorations, Decorated Bird Houses, Misc. Bottles, Big Seashells.

Auctioneer’s Note: This is only a partial list. There are a lot of good items that are not listed.

Auction to be held in garage bay, please bring your own chairs.

Auction for: Elvin & Mary McMichael

Food By: New Danville District Youth Formally Max The Auctioneer “Max” James L. Fishel

Auctioneer – AU004013 - 717-336-3298 435 E. Mt. Airy Rd., Stevens, PA 17578 Visit us at Cash or PA check – No out-of-state checks accepted. “Auction Day Takes Prescience Over Any Prior Written”

Mahion R. & Marlene Sue King







9 A.M. – REAL ESTATE 1 P.M. 61 N. Hollander Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529. Rt. 340 E. thru Intercourse. Left N. Hollander Rd. to property on right. (Leacock Twp., Lanc. Co.)

Custom 1 sty. Holland stone rancher w/2970 SF finished area w/eat-in kitchen w/ Rutt custom oak raised panel cabinets, pantry, appliances & dining area, living rm. w/bow window, family rm. w/stone fireplace & slide door to rear covered stamped concrete patio 19x11, 1st floor laundry, 3 bdrms., 1½ baths, attic w/pull down steps, bsmt. w/finished family rm. w/stone fireplace, kitchenette & outside entrance, oil hot air heat, central AC, low maintenance exterior w/insulated/tilt windows, covered front porch, attached 2 car garage, detached 1 car gar. utility bldg. 30x12 & backup generator system level .78 ACRE country lot w/macadam driveway, lawn area, professional landscaping. Zoned Ag. After 40 years, owners relocated to retirement quarters & motivated to sell! Ideally located in beautiful farm country. Extremely well-maintained property w/clean, "move in” condition dwl. Minutes to White Horse, New Holland & Bird In Hand. Easy access to Rts. 340, 772 & 30. Personal inspection by appointment or open house April 27, May 4 & 11 from 1 to 4 P.M. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)

Randal V. Kline, Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt, Curvin M. Horning 717-445-4309

Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956

12 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024 Public Auctions See for more details & photos of all of these great properties! Downsizing? Have Questions? 717-664-5238 877-599-8894 HESSAUCTIONGROUP.COM R106473 AY000253L ONLINE ONLY AUCTIONS 768 Graystone Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 Online Only Auctions Every Week! Furniture, Antiques & Collectibles, Specialty Auctions and More! Be Sure to Visit for more! THURS. MAY 2, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 65 Hellers Church Rd. Leola, PA 17540 3 BEDROOM LEOLA HOME W/ COUNTRYSIDE VIEWS – 0.5 Acres – Conestoga Valley SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: George Cooper TUES. MAY 7, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate/ Personal Property Online Only 60 S. Hazel St. Manheim, PA 17545 3 BEDROOM MOVE-IN READY MANHEIM HOME – 0.19 Acres – Manheim Central SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Gary Axe Est. WED. MAY 8, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 319 Hopkins Mill Rd. & Truce Rd. Lot 1 New Providence, PA 17560 COUNTRY HOME w/ SUNPORCH & SEPARATE LARGE OPEN LOT – P1: 0.53 Acres / P2: 0.61 Acres – Solanco SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Rebecca M. Hambleton Est. WED. MAY 15, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 971 Hampden Rd. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 NEWLY REMODELED 4 BEDROOM ELIZABETHTOWN HOME – 0.3 Acres – Elizabethtown Area SD OPEN HOUSES: MAY 4, 10AM-12PM & MON. MAY 6, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: E-Hampden LLC THURS. MAY 16, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 9 Casey Dr. Willow Street, PA 17584 3 BEDROOM WILLOW STREET RANCH HOME – 0.22 Acres – Lampeter-Strasburg SD OPEN HOUSES: MAY 4, 10AM-12PM & MON. MAY 6, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: George Aukamp Est. TUES. MAY 21, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 1801 Larchmont Ln. Lancaster, PA 17601 CHARMING 3 BEDROOM MANHEIM TOWNSHIP HOME – 0.31 Acres – Manheim Township SD OPEN HOUSES: MAY 11, 10AM-12PM & MON. MAY 13, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Walt Korzon THURS. MAY 23, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 310 Fairview Dr. Lititz, PA 17543 3 BEDROOM BRICK RANCH LITITZ HOME – 0.41 Acres – Warwick SD OPEN HOUSES: MAY 11, 10AM-12PM & MON. MAY 13, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Washchysion Sisters WEDS. MAY 29, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 1976 Sterling Place, Lancaster, PA 17601 MANHEIM TWP. 3 BEDROOM BRICK RANCH HOME –0.52 Acres – Manheim Township SD OPEN HOUSES: MAY 18, 10AM-12PM & MON. MAY 20, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: David R. Creamer Est. THURS. MAY 30, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 2528 Willow Street Pike, Willow Street, PA 17584 CHARMING 4 BEDROOM WILLOW STREET HOME ON LARGE LOT – 0.97 Acres – Lampeter-Strasburg SD OPEN HOUSES: MAY 18, 10AM-12PM & MON. MAY 20, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Mark Drukenbrod Est. TUES. JUNE 4, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 64 N. Charlotte St. Manheim, PA 17545 AFFORDABLE 3 BEDROOM MANHEIM HOME – 0.17 Acres – Manheim Central SD OPEN HOUSES: MAY 18, 10AM-12PM & MON. MAY 20, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Rubye Barto THISWEEK! THISWEEK! THISWEEK! THURS. MAY 16, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 490 Milton Grove Rd. S. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 3 BEDROOM RANCH HOME W/ FARMLAND VIEWS –0.58 Acres – Elizabethtown Area SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. MAY 4, 10AM-12PM & MON. MAY 6, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Ron & Judy Peters MUST SEE TO BELIEVE R106338
Anna Mae Newswanger 717-572-3233 R104597
Paul K. &

Artists may apply for mural project

The City of Lancaster Office of Public Art, in collaboration with the Bench Mark Program, SoWe, the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, and South Central PaARTners at Millersville University, has issued a request for qualifications for a mural project at the

Bench Mark Program building, 102 S. Prince St. The selected artist will have the opportunity to engage in a 20-day residency sponsored by South Central PaARTners. This residency will include mural development, painting, and

See Mural pg 16

Area: Gap/Kinzers Area


TUESDAY, MAY 7TH • 5:30 P.M.

Location: 911 Smyrna Rd., Kinzers, PA 17535

Main Property Description: 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath (Unfinished Upstairs) Fenced in Backyard on 1 Acre Lot.

REAL ESTATE: This property is a cozy two-bedroom, two-bathroom home set on a generous one-acre lot. It’s conveniently located near major highways, Rt. 30 and Rt. 41, providing easy access to urban amenities. The house has an unfinished upstairs and a full unfinished basement, offering plenty of space for customization or storage. With its peaceful suburban setting and potential for expansion, it’s a promising opportunity for comfortable living with room to grow. Pequea Valley School District, Salisbury Twp., Taxes $4,224, zoned rural residential. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Seller has decided to sell this property that has been used as a rental, come prepared to buy! Online bidding is available, please visit or call auctioneer for more information!

Terms: $35,000 down day of sale. Settlement within 60 days.

Open House Date: Saturday, May 4th, 1-3 P.M. or call for an appointment.

- Narvon Area -

Sellers: Elam Stoltzfus

Attorney: Dave Mersky


Christian Stoltzfus

Leon Stoltzfus

Levi Fisher


1 Sty., 4 Bdrm. Home w/Finished Basement

30’x36’ Horse Barn/Garage

1 ACRE +/-

TUESDAY, MAY 14 • 6:00 P.M.

Location: 6036 Fisher Dr., Narvon, PA 17555 (Salisbury Twp./Lanc. Co.)

Directions: From Rt. 340 in White Horse, turn North onto Cambridge Rd. and follow to Buchland Rd. Turn left and follow to property on right (Corner of Buchland & Fisher).

1 Acre +/- property w/4 Bdrm. ranch home and horse barn/garage.

1 sty. rancher w/approx. 2000 sq. ft., 4 bdrms. & 2½ baths. Main Level: Kitchen/dining rm., living rm. w/wood burn stove, Master bdrm. w/cathedral ceiling and skylight, master bath, 2 other bdrms., full bath, laundry/mudrm., covered front porch & rear deck. Lower Level: Finished basement w/lg. family rm. w/brick hearth & wood burning fireplace & kitchen, Bdrm., half bath, storage rm. and utility rm. LP radiant heat and wood stove aux. House is fully wired/currently disconnected. Outbuildings: 30’x36’ Garage/Barn w/2 lg. box stalls, garage area & 2nd flr. storage. Also included is a 4 panel Solar system w/300 amp batt. pack. and a 500 gal. air system w/Kohler LP eng. & Saylor Beall compressor and 120 gal. & 500 gal. LP tanks. All on a 1 acre +/- level lot w/fenced pasture, macadam drive, onsite well & septic. Zoned AG. Salisbury Twp. Pequea Valley Schools. 2023 Taxes: Approx. $2,900.

Auctioneer Note: Attractive property. Move in condition. Minutes to New Holland, East Earl, Honeybrook, Narvon, White Horse, etc. Easy access to Rts. 322, 897, 340, etc. Sellers are moving and serious to sell.

Terms: 10% down, settlement on or before July 13, 2024. Glick, Goodley, Deibler & Fanning, Attys. 717-354-7700.

Personal Inspection by appointment OR OPEN HOUSE: Sat., May 4, 1-3 PM

Contact seller at 717-725-5112 or 717-874-7675 to schedule a private showing.



CAREGIVERS NEEDED: CNA'S, HHA's & care assistants, make a difference in the life of a senior & put your caregiving experience to work. All shifts available. Visiting Angels at 717-393-3450.

HIRING PT/FT DRIVERS for local delivery company serving the Amish community. Must have valid license & clean driving record. Some heavy lifting req uired. $15-20/hour based on experience. (717)740-3727


Local company looking for reliable, dependable people to become part of a 2 person crew. Will train. Must have a clean drivers license, CDL a plus. Work involves cleaning, televising & repairing of sanitary/storm pipe lines. 100% paid Blue Cross, paid vacations, holidays, uniforms supplied. Call 610-593-2263, M-F 8-4 or email if interested

MARKET DRIVER NEEDED Thu - Sat start at 4:30 AM get back at 7 PM. Also looking for a dishwasher for the same hours. Call Sam 484-354-6610


Delivery drivers needed. Apply in person at 204 W. State St. in Quarryville

PEQUEA VALLEY SD FOOD SERVICE: EXP. KITCHEN MANAGER for intermediate school, 7/hr. shift. Option to collect unemployment over summer. Contact: CONNIE at STS, 717-875-5287


DRIVER Must have a good driving records. Call RAY, 717-320-6261.



Creative food; energetic team; nice working conditions. Competitive wages. To apply call: 610-273-0207 ext. 3 or email Greenside Grill - Honeybrook Golf Club

Mechanical Trades



BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for your Free Author’s Guide 1-866-482-1576 or visit:

DIAGNOSED WITH LUNG CANCER and 65+? You may qualify for a substantial cash award. NO obligation! We've recovered millions. Let us help!!! Call 24/7, 1-866-590-5563.

REPLACE YOUR ROOF with the best looking and longest lasting material - steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer - up to 50% off installation + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders.) Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1-855-338-4807. Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024 - 13 CLASSIFIEDS Errors & Corrections: Check your ad the first time it appears to make sure that it is correct! Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. will be responsible only for the first incorrect insertion and to no greater extent than the cost of the space occupied by the error. The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors or the omission of copy. If you find an error, please call 1-800-428-4211 immediately for a correction. All ads must be prepaid. Minimum one week charge on all ads placed. PLACE AN AD Business Opp Cards of Thanks Child Care Church Listing Elder Care Free Items Garage Sales Items Wanted Legal Notices Lost & Found Seasonal Services Rendered Special Notice Your Attention FOR SALE: Antiques Appliances Bicycles Boats Building Materials Clothing Collectibles Computers Electronics Furniture Household Goods Lawn & Garden Livestock Machinery Musical Instruments Pets Photographic Produce and Edibles Sporting Goods Tools Miscellaneous HELP WANTED: Employment Agencies General Management Mechanical Trades Medical Office/Secretarial Professional Sales REAL ESTATE: For Rent For Sale Manufactured Housing Wanted AUTOMOTIVE: Auto Parts & Supplies Autos Cycles Recreational Vehicles S.U.V.s Trucks CLASSIFICATIONS DEADLINES (for the following Wednesday issue - call for holiday deadlines) Wednesday Noon: Web ads (All papers) Wednesday Noon: Chester Co. Community Courier Thursday 10:00am: Pennysaver Thursday 1:00pm: Advertiser Thursday 3:00pm: Columbia/Wrightsville Merchandiser, Hershey/Middletown Community Courier Thursday 4:00pm: Merchandiser Call: 1.800.428.4211 or 717.653.9848 Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm Fax: 717.492.2566 NOW HIRING & TRAINING NEW DRIVERS Make $$$ for what most parents do for free No weekends, holidays or snow days, your schedule matches your child’s TEST DRIVE A BUS! R105604 HOURS: 10:00am-2:00pm Brightbill Transportation, Inc. WE’RE HIRING • Complete Application on Site • Build your future - 401K • Free Training available Contact Info: Dana Riehl 717-354-7184 PAID TRAINING Pequea Valley High School Campus 4033 E. Newport Rd., Kinzers May 4 - June 8 - July 13 Aug. 10 - Sept. 21 - Oct. 5 Eastern Lancaster Co. SD Campus 669 E. Main St., New Holland May 11 - June 15 - July 20 Aug. 24 - Sept. 28 - Oct. 12 FAIRMOUNT HOMES INVITES YOU TO JOIN OUR CARING TEAM! “Dedicated to Faith, Family & Community” “All applicants must support the mission & values of Fairmount” 333 Wheat Ridge Dr., Ephrata, PA 17522 Ph. 717.354.1800 Fax 717.354.1844 Applications can be submitted on our website: R106389 v Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) - FT and PT, evenings and nights - Paid CNA training program! v Weekend Licensed Practical Nurse (CNA) - 2 - 12 hour shifts, day shift v Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) - 24 hours/week, evening shift - 12 hours/week, day shift (Tx Nurse) NOWHIRING Part-Time & Full-Time Benefits - 401(k) - Flexible Hours R105123 Call 717-806-0991 or e-mail to apply CDL Driver, Diesel Mechanic & Loaders START IMMEDIATELY
R106334 Auctioneers: Tim Weaver Dave Stoltzfus, Steve Schuler, Matthew Martin Tim Weaver Auct. Srvc. Phone: 717-354-9524 Lic.#AY2109 See more at, ID#25403 Auction for: Leon E. & Elsie B. Stoltzfus 717-725-5112 717-874-7675
experience Must
have PA drivers license, state and emissions license.
CENTER 610-857-2411



Hours: M-W 8am-4pm, Th.-F by appt. 717-329-8167 • Toys Vintage or Modern, New or Used, Hess Trucks, Barbies, Diecast, Hot Wheels & Matchbox, Action Figures, Models, Trains, Sports Cards/Memorabilia, Movie/Music Memorabilia, Video Games & much more!

Lawn & Garden

EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE Spring clean-ups. Edging, seeding, fertilization, mulching, shrub & tree pruning. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)

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7 MINI BERNADOODLE PUPPIES, b.2/26, 2 ACA BLUE MERLE CORGI Puppies b.2/8. UTD on shots, Vet checked, Family raised. Also 5 yr. old CORGI female ACA reg. $350. 717-687-8252 x1. ACA PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI PUPS, tricolored, shots/dewormed/vet checked, family raised, $325 obo. 223-289-0906.

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1 gun or collection - will travel Kinsey’s Outdoors, 717-653-5524

ORVIS CLEARWATER 7.9 ft. fly rod, w/Battenkill 5/6 reel & line $250. ZEBCO RHINO 6.6 ft. MH rod w/Ambassadeur 560 C5 mag. reel & line $125. Call 717-928-4950 lv. msg. Cash Only!


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14 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024 R106396 LANCASTER POST OFFICE IS CURRENTLY HIRING ALL QUALIFIED APPLICANTS!
We Offer Our Team Members a Variety of Benefits: • Competitive Pay & Reimbursement • Health, Dental, Vision & Life Insurance • Paid Sick, Vacation & Federal Holiday Leave • Opportunity for Career Development & Training • Regular Salary Increases, Overtime, Night/Sunday Premium, Cost of Living Adjustments
APPLY ONLINE AT TESINCPA.COM NOW HIRING! RETAIL ASSOCIATE Competitive pay, excellent benefits, great perks, growth opportunities & more. Full or Part-Time At The Quilt Shop at Miller’s. R106400 R106495 Now Hiring! Manufacturing Administrator CALL MERV KING(717) 875-4521 RESPONSIBILITIES Buying & planning to support manufacturing, purchasing of raw materials, components, and supplies, and plan work order releases to Production and ensure schedules are met. ABOUT BEUTA At Beuta, we've redefined landscape edging. Our faux stone blocks, handcrafted with precision through rotational molding, boast a realism that surpasses all others. SEARCH OUR CLASSIFIEDS online at GARAGE SALES NOTICE: It is recommended that you begin your garage or yard sale ad with the town, then street address, dates & times. BASEMENT SALE - NARVON, 328 Hammertown Rd. 5/3 & 5/4, 8-8. Downsizing, lots of dishes, some furn. & shop tools. BROWNSTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD YARD SALE WESTGATE DEV & GROFF DR THURS 5/2 4-8PM, FRI 5/3 6AM-8PM, SAT 5/4 6AM-2PM CUL-DE-SAC MULTI-FAMILY GAP - 5483
and Support our Veterans. FastFREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398. ELIMINATE GUTTER CLEANING Forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% Off Enitre Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833-610-1936. GET DISH SATELLITE TV + Internet! Free Install, Free HD-DVR Upgrade, 80,000 On-Demand Movies, Plus Limited Time Up To $600 In Gift Cards. Call Today! 1866-479-1516. Pets RED LAB PUPPIES Vet checked. $375. 484-645-2354 TOY POMERANIAN PUPPY female, vet checked, shots, dewormed, cream color, lic. 33051. 717-529-8667. Produce & Edibles ORGANIC PASTURED PORK AND ALL GRASS-FED BEEF. SUPPORT LOCAL LANCASTER CO. SMALL FARMS. CALL 717-847-3963 TO ORDER. Sporting
ONLINE AT TOWNLIVELY.COM FREE ITEMS HAVE SOMETHING TO GIVE AWAY? Place a FREE Ad! Call 1-800-428-4211 15 word, private party ad for 1 week (some restrictions apply)
REPOSSESSED VEHICLE? YOU may be entitled to substantial money and improved credit. REPO ALERT! FREE LEGAL ADVICE 1-800-601-0808 ELDER
ASSISTANCE FOR ELDERLY, caregivers provide hygiene assistance, meals, light housework in your home. Insured, Bonded, RN owned & operated. Call Visiting Angels, 717-393-3450. FOR SALE Bldg. Materials ASPHALT MILLINGS AND CRUSHED CONCRETE FOR SALE. Call PAVWORX® at 610-929-9971
TOYS & COLLECTIBLES PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA


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WESLEY FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019. Get free info package & learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. 1-833-308-1971.




& Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/Sell/Trade. Call 717-577-6640




Expert tree removal, stump grinding & Trimming. Fully Insured 610-656-5880

BUSHES PROFESSIONALLY TRIMMED & pruned. Hedges, shrubbery, ornamental plants aesthetically maintained. No job too small. Spring clean-up, mulching, light landscaping. 717-405- 8733



Hanging, Finishing & Repairs KENT SAUDER, LLC

Text/Call: 717-989-2069


Plumbing • Electrical • Carpentry Licensed & Insured, 610-547-7789


New • Repairs • Replacement 30+ yrs. exp. Call: 717-224-8603


Int/Ext • Drywall repairs • Custom colors Call Damien 717-940-5912 PA032157 Let us brush & roll your project away!





Shed repairs • Landscaping • Mowing Patios • Powerwashing. 717-715-5230

DRYWALL & PLASTER REPAIR, warr. work; Prompt, clean, neat, prof. Satisfaction guar. 717-951-5077, MasterPlaster.


CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019

Gast, 717-575-4561 GET YOUR DEDUCTION ahead of the yearend! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous year-end tax credit. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-3202804 today!


Any condition, working or not. Call Matt: 717-538-9485, thanks.

VEHICLE REPOSSESSED? YOU may be entitled to substantial money and improved credit. REPO ALERT! FREE LEGAL ADVICE 1-800-601-0808


Clean, Repair, Gutter Guards. Property Maint. by Steve. 717-892-7411

HAULING, JUNK REMOVAL. Bsmts, sheds, garages cleaned out. Tree brush. Odd jobs. We also move people. Free est. Visa/MC/ Disc/AmEx. 717-456-6051; 410-688-7569 CRASS HAULING


Removal of black stains off roof & exterior cleaning. 717-424-8504

ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206





Attics • Basements • Junk Removal Great prices! 717-205-6067


Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301


Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102


Basements, garages, attics, appliances. Five Star Property Service, 717-278-1030

PAINTING By Triple P Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. FREE ESTIMATES, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089

SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.

All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis.

*NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only not who you wish to occupy it.

For Rent



STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391.



40 yrs. exp. | 484-782-8217

Tree Trimming & Removal

Land/Brush Clearing • Stump Grinding Since 1996 • 717-768-0114



We use modern pruning techniques for the health & safety of your trees & shrubs. Certified arborist on staff. Also removals, storm damage, & yard cleanup. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)

WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844887-5145 (PA017137).



OC, MD, 14th St., 1, 2 & 3 BR Apts. Nightly/Weekly. Cell: 717-318-4775 Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024 - 15 R106433 R105858 Eastwood Village Homes LLC Open House Model Homes with Garages Available to Inspect! 453 Eastwood Lane, Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 397-3138 DIRECTIONS: Take Route 30 East to Greenfield Road. Turn right onto Greenfield Road. Continue past the entrance of Villages at Greenfield. Turn right onto Ben Franklin Blvd. Go over bridge and follow signs to model homes. New Homes For Sale - First Floor Living Villages at Greenfield Manufactured Housing Lot Rent Community Saturday, May 4th • 10am-2pm Sunday, May 5th • 1pm-3pm PRODUCTION MANAGER Beechdale Woodworks specializes in custom doors, windows, and cupolas • Millwork Experience Required • Understands Shop Drawings • Detail-oriented • Basic Computer Skills • Excellent Time Management • Strong Communicator • Motivated & Driven For Success We offer a competitive salary, paid time off, holiday pay, Simple IRA with company match, health insurance & quarterly bonuses. For More Details, Contact John at 717.587.2377 552A Beechdale Road • Bird In Hand, PA 17505 HELP WANTED R106449 R106226
Rohrer’s has a full-time opportunity for a fabrication welder and general maintenance person. Perform welding, fabrication, and a variety of maintenance tasks. Experience or training in TIG, MIG & stick welding. Experienced fabricator able to design, layout, and create a range of custom products and parts. Cut, bend, shape, and assemble specialty parts & components to fit requirements. Able to weld in all positions, work outside in all kinds of weather, at heights, and with loud, large equipment and capable of lifting up to 75lbs. We offer competitive pay and benefits including health, dental, vision, disability, life insurance, Paid Time Off (PTO), 401(k) with match, and long-term care. Company sponsored continuing education & training as well as tuition reimbursement is available. Candidates should complete an application or submit a resume to the attention of Human Resources by email, fax, mail, on our website, or in person. Please include your salary requirements. Visit our website at Rohrer’s Incorporated Fax: 717-626-9425 70 Lititz Rd., PO Box 365 Email: Lititz, PA 17543 Attn: Human Resources R089781 5004 Horseshoe Pike Honey Brook, PA 19344 610-273-3724 Mon.-Fri. 6am-6pm, Sat. 7am-3pm • Chain Saws • Trimmers • Blowers • Pressure Washers/Sprayers • Hedge Trimmers • Lawn Mowers • Snow Blowers Small Engine Service & Repair AUTOMOTIVE AUTOS FOR SALE WANTED: CARS/TRUCKS In Excellent Condition Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561 AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES $0-$1,000 Always paying cash for junk cars. Prompt, Honest Service. 717-246-2888 PA0002 $100-$5,000 PAID FOR UNWANTED OR JUNK AUTOS Free same day removal. All paperwork taken care of legally. PA licensed & insured. Call anytime 717-989-6980 $300-$1,000 CASH PAID ON ALL VEHICLES Serving York/Lancaster. 717-515-2607 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE! Cash paid for unwanted cars, trucks. Any condition. Call Brian 717-542-1055
CASH PAID: ATVs, ATCs, Golf Carts, Motorcycles, 2/3/4 Wheelers, Any Year, Running Or Not. Call/Txt 610-656-3158
Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561 BUYING CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-577-8206 BUYING UNWANTED HEATING OIL 40¢/ga. - will pick up. 717-587-7315.
FOUND AN ITEM? Place a FREE 15 word ad in your local issue to locate the owner of your found item.
READ YOUR AD THE FIRST WEEK IT APPEARS This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.

interactive sessions with students from the Bench Mark Program.

Artists interested in this opportunity are invited to submit their qualifications by Monday, May 6. Finalists will be selected and notified by Friday, May 17. The selected artist will be notified by Friday, May 31.

For further details on submission requirements and project specifications, visit bench-mark-mural-rfq.

CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland 717-354-8428. “Building Community with Christ, to Impact a World without Christ” Pastor: Dr. Doug Bozung. Please go to for information concerning worship services, adult ministries, youth & children’s ministries.

LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH (AG): Located at 105 Earland Dr., New Holland, invites you to join us for a time of contemporary worship and biblical preaching at our 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 services on Sunday morning and 7:00 service on Wednesday evening. Childcare for birth through 5th grade available during 2nd and 3rd Sunday morning services and Wednesday evening service. Lead Pastor: Stephen Ritchey. For more information on our services and programs, visit

MIDDLE OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at

MT. EDEN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH: 1241 May Post Office Rd., Quarryville, (5 mi. South of Strasburg, 3 mi. North of 372). Rev. Margaret Rohnacher, Pastor. Sunday worship service 9:30 am. Limited handicap accessibility. 717-786-7565

OUR LADY OF LOURDES Catholic Church: 150 Water Street, New Holland, PA 17557 Father Steven Fauser, Pastor. Visit us online at Sunday 8am & 10:30am. Saturday 5pm. Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9am.

PARKESBURG WORD OF FAITH CHURCH Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277

SALEM EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCH, HELLERS (founded 1725), 2555 Horseshoe Rd. Lancaster. 717656-9249. Sunday Worship held 9:25 am Holy Communion 1st Sun. of month. Adult Sunday School at 10:45 am. Handicap Accessible. Pastor: Bruce Tully. E-mail:; Website:

ST. STEPHEN REFORMED CHURCH (Presbyterian Church In America): “A Beacon on the Hill.” The Word of God is central to our worship. Sunday worship at 8:15 and 10:30am with Kingdom’s kids and nursery provided for the

16 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 1, 2024 R106121
10:30 service. Sunday school for all ages at 9:30am. Choir sings the last Sunday of each month. Youth group on Sundays at 6:00 pm for grades 6th-12th. Lead Pastor: Rev. Dr. Andrew DiNardo. 249 East Main Street, New Holland. 717-354-7871.
Mural from pg 13 Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

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